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Joan Crawford Collection

During her decades long career, she remained the epitome of Hollywood glamour and prestige.This collection contains the radio appearances of the"First Queen of the Movies."

Joan Crawford

23 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 15 hours, 4 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
16 Audio CDs

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"The Ten Years"

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Joan Crawford
(1905 – 1977)

Joan CrawfordThe name Joan Crawford conjures up a multitude of images from flapper to movie siren to comeback queen.  During her decades long career, she remained the epitome of Hollywood glamour and prestige. 

Joan Crawford was born Lucille Fay LeSueur in San Antonio, Texas; he family later relocated to Kansas City, Missouri.  Her father left the family and after her stepfather also left, she was quite poor and had to help her family financially.  As a girl she stepped on a large piece of glass and the doctors told her that she would only walk with a limp in pain for the rest of her life.  Undeterred, within six months she taught herself not only to walk without a limp but to dance.  After a brief year at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri she followed her dreams to become a dancer and toured in a chorus girl troupe.

She was spotted by a producer whom she persuaded to send her screen test to Hollywood.  She was given a MGM contract in 1924 and her first film was Pretty Ladies in 1925.  After a contest in a fan magazine to rename Lucille LeSueur (which sounded like "sewer"), the second runner up chose Joan Crawford and producers loved it.  Joan Crawford herself hated the name, but her star was rising.

Joan CrawfordTo gain better roles in films, Joan Crawford actively publicized herself by attending dances and parties in Hollywood.  When talkies were introduced, Crawford worked tirelessly on her voice and pronunciation by reading newspapers and books aloud.  Her work ethic helped her survive Hollywood's move from the silent film era as many of her contemporaries were long forgotten.

Joan Crawford

In the 1930s, Joan Crawford began starring in high budget films like Posessed with Clark Gable, Grand Hotel, Dancing Lady, Chained, and Forsaking All Others.  During this time, she made radio appearances on Lux Radio Theater and Screen Guild Theater.  In 1937, Life magazine proclaimed her "First Queen of the Movies." However, in on year later in 1938, the Independent Film Journal dubbed her "box office poison."  MGM terminated her contact in 1943 but her career was far from over. 

Joan Crawford signed on to Warner Bros. and starred in Mildred's Place in 1945 which she won an Academy Award.  , she was nominated for a second Best Actress Oscar in 1947 for her role in Possessed and continued working under Warner Bros. until 1952.  She moved to RKO in and earned her third nomination for Best Actress in Sudden Fear.

After making Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? with rival Bette Davis, her career made yet another comeback.  She made more appearances on television and film until she retired from public appearances in 1974.  She died on May 10, 1977 in her New York apartment.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    23 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 4 min
    23 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 15 hours, 4 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 23 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 4 minutes
    2. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30 Years 2.mp3
    3. Com 23 Love On Run 1936 Joan Crawfordclark Gable.mp3
    4. Com 25 Gorgeous Hussy 1936 Joan Crawfordrobert Taylor.mp3
    5. Good News 380519 029 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    6. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    7. Good News 381117 047 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    8. Good News 390302 062 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    9. Hsp 510115 039 Statement In Full.mp3
    10. Louella Parsons 481109 Joan Crawford.mp3
    11. Lux 360727 091 Chained.mp3
    12. Lux 370510 132 Mary Of Scotland.mp3
    13. Lux 380207 162 Anna Christi.mp3
    14. Lux 380606 179 Doll House.mp3
    15. Screen Dir Phouse 500526 Flamingo Road.mp3
    16. Screen Dir Phouse 510405 Damned Dont Cry.mp3
    17. Screen Guild Theater 390108 001 Variety 1.mp3
    18. Screen Guild Theater 391015 026 None Shall Part Us.mp3
    19. Silver Theater 390507 232 Train Ride.mp3
    20. Stars Over Hollywood 511006i Knew This Woman.mp3
    21. Stars Over Hollywood 520301 When Police Come.mp3
    22. Suspense 490602 343 Ten Years.mp3
    23. Suspense 510322 421 Three Lethal Words.mp3
    24. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    23 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 4 min
    23 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    414 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 4 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 23 shows – 414 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 4 minutes
    2. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30 Years 2.mp3
    3. Com 23 Love On Run 1936 Joan Crawfordclark Gable.mp3
    4. Com 25 Gorgeous Hussy 1936 Joan Crawfordrobert Taylor.mp3
    5. Good News 380519 029 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    6. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    7. Good News 381117 047 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    8. Good News 390302 062 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    9. Hsp 510115 039 Statement In Full.mp3
    10. Louella Parsons 481109 Joan Crawford.mp3
    11. Lux 360727 091 Chained.mp3
    12. Lux 370510 132 Mary Of Scotland.mp3
    13. Lux 380207 162 Anna Christi.mp3
    14. Lux 380606 179 Doll House.mp3
    15. Screen Dir Phouse 500526 Flamingo Road.mp3
    16. Screen Dir Phouse 510405 Damned Dont Cry.mp3
    17. Screen Guild Theater 390108 001 Variety 1.mp3
    18. Screen Guild Theater 391015 026 None Shall Part Us.mp3
    19. Silver Theater 390507 232 Train Ride.mp3
    20. Stars Over Hollywood 511006i Knew This Woman.mp3
    21. Stars Over Hollywood 520301 When Police Come.mp3
    22. Suspense 490602 343 Ten Years.mp3
    23. Suspense 510322 421 Three Lethal Words.mp3
    24. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    23 recordings on 16 Audio CDs. Total playtime 15 hours, 4 min
    23 recordings on 16 Audio CDs
    total playtime 15 hours, 4 min

    Joan Crawford Disc A001

    1. Com 23 Love On Run 1936 Joan Crawfordclark Gable
    2. Com 25 Gorgeous Hussy 1936 Joan Crawfordrobert Taylor
    3. WWM 0064 Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A002

    1. Lux 360727 091 Chained

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A003

    1. Lux 370510 132 Mary Of Scotland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A004

    1. Lux 380207 162 Anna Christi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A005

    1. Good News 380519 029 W Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A006

    1. Lux 380606 179 Doll House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A007

    1. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A008

    1. Good News 381117 047 W Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A009

    1. Screen Guild Theater 390108 001 Variety 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A010

    1. Good News 390302 062 W Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A011

    1. Silver Theater 390507 232 Train Ride
    2. Screen Guild Theater 391015 026 None Shall Part Us

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A012

    1. Louella Parsons 481109 Joan Crawford
    2. Suspense 490602 343 Ten Years
    3. Screen Dir Phouse 500526 Flamingo Road

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A013

    1. Hsp 510115 039 Statement In Full
    2. Suspense 510322 421 Three Lethal Words

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A014

    1. Screen Dir Phouse 510405 Damned Dont Cry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A015

    1. Stars Over Hollywood 511006i Knew This Woman
    2. Stars Over Hollywood 520301 When Police Come

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joan Crawford Disc A016

    1. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30 Years 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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