Hear one of the most famous radio crooners of the 1940s smile his way through every song in this popular musical variety program, The Jack Smith Show.
6 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 1 hours, 29 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
2 Audio CDs
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Jack Smith
(1896 – 1950)
Jack's show occasionally hosted famous guest stars. Dinah Shore, Margaret Whiting, and Ginny Simms were among those invited to sing along with Smilin' Jack. The fifteen minute show was a popular radio staple of the decade; the singer himself remarked, "[The Jack Smith Show] was on for eight years, five nights a week -- eventually you heard it."
Smilin' Jack Smith was one of the most famous crooners on 1940s radio; catch his infectious enthusiasm in this radio classic. These rare recordings are not to be confused with the juvenile adventure serial, Smilin' Jack Martin.
For more smiling and singing, see also: Singin' Sam, Strollin' Tom, and Two Ton Baker.
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Jack Smith Show Disc A001
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Jack Smith Show Disc A002
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