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In The Crimelight

Captain Wilkie relates stories of counterfeiting investigations, con-men, scammers, racketeers, and foiling an assassination attempt against President Taft in 1909.

In The Crimelight

61 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 11 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
13 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from August 10, 1935:

"Conterfeit Gang"

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Before the FBI was created in 1908, the main Federal law enforcement agencies were United States Marshals and the US Secret Service. The Marshals Service was established during the Presidency of George Washington as the enforcement arm of the Federal Court System. Although there were certainly some colorful, even flamboyant Marshals during the history of the Service, the main function of the Marshal's office was primarily paperwork related, serving writs, subpoenas, summonses, and warrants. In many areas of the frontier, the Marshals and their locally appointed Deputies may have been the only law enforcement available, but there simply was not enough manpower to investigate and combat major criminal enterprises.

US Marshall Badge

After the Civil War ended, as much as one-third of the United States Currency in circulation was counterfeit. On July 5, 1865, William P. Wood was sworn in as the first head of the Treasury Department's Secret Service Division with the mission of investigating and prosecuting counterfeiters. Since the Marshalls were so understaffed, the USSS was tasked with investigations ranging from murder to bank robbery to illegal gambling. Many of these investigatory duties went to the Federal Bureau of Investigation after it was formed.

The modern Secret Service is best known for its role in protecting the President of the United States. This mission was created after the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. Ironically, the legislation creating the Service was on President Lincoln's desk the night he was shot by John Wilkes Booth.

As a law enforcement agency and the nation's primary domestic intelligence and counterintelligence arm, Secret Service agents engaged in many daring and dangerous exploits. Hoping to cash in on his exploits, former Special Agent Dan Wilkie penned the 309-page tome American Secret Service Agent which was published by the Frederick A. Stokes company in 1934. In response to the book's popularity, the C.P. MacGregor Syndication Service hired Wilkie to record a series called In the Crimelight.

In the series, Captain Wilkie relates stories of counterfeiting investigations, conmen, scammers, racketeers, and foiling an assassination attempt against President Taft in 1909.

One of the series most unusual features began in the first episode when Wilkie told listeners, "tell me your biggest problem, whatever it is, and I'll try to help you! Send a letter to me at Laguna Beach, California." He continued to make the offer throughout the program's run, and several episodes are dedicated to listener letters.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    Interesting narrative that reminds me of Mr. Robert at the end when he ask listeners to write to him. - Giovanni Iuliani

    Giovanni Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    61 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 59 min
    61 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 11 hours, 59 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 61 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 59 minutes
    2. In Crimelight 350508 001 George Carpenter Death Fraud.mp3
    3. In Crimelight 350605 005 Mary Collins Fatal Woman.mp3
    4. In Crimelight 350612 006 Murderess and Self Control.mp3
    5. In Crimelight 350619 007 Scared Straight.mp3
    6. In Crimelight 350626 008 The Sinking Of The Mitsui Maru.mp3
    7. In Crimelight 350703 009 The Price Of Crime.mp3
    8. In Crimelight 350710 010 A Story Of Blood And Beer.mp3
    9. In Crimelight 350717 011 Spcl Agent Hobbes Counterfeit Gang.mp3
    10. In Crimelight 350724 012 Gamblers.mp3
    11. In Crimelight 350731 013 Circumstantial Evidence.mp3
    12. In Crimelight 350807 014 Charles Urschel Kidnapping.mp3
    13. In Crimelight 350814 015 Bank Sneaks.mp3
    14. In Crimelight 350821 016 Birth and Death At Sea.mp3
    15. In Crimelight 350828 017 Lone Wolf Italian Crooks.mp3
    16. In Crimelight 350904 018 A Gambling Fool.mp3
    17. In Crimelight 350911 019 The Clue Of The Cap.mp3
    18. In Crimelight 350918 020 Tale Of The Historical Woman Forger.mp3
    19. In Crimelight 350925 021 Pirates On The Sea Of Saving.mp3
    20. In Crimelight 351002 022 The Black Hand.mp3
    21. In Crimelight 351009 023 Crime In India.mp3
    22. In Crimelight 351016 024 Rackets Are Coming.mp3
    23. In Crimelight 351023 025 Mechanical Aids To Crime.mp3
    24. In Crimelight 351030 026 Lowdown On Higherups Cracked.mp3
    25. In Crimelight 351106 027 What Makes A Great Detective.mp3
    26. In Crimelight 351113 028 Crime Laboratories.mp3
    27. In Crimelight 351120 029 Analysing Anonymous Letters.mp3
    28. In Crimelight 351127 030 Plot To Bankrupt Country.mp3
    29. In Crimelight 351204 031 Suicide By Hanging.mp3
    30. In Crimelight 351211 032 Punch Card Identification.mp3
    31. In Crimelight 351218 033 Paroled Prisoner-Part One.mp3
    32. In Crimelight 351225 034 Paroled Prisoner-Part Two.mp3
    33. In Crimelight 360101 035 Paroled Prisoner-Part Three.mp3
    34. In Crimelight 360108 036 Paroled Prisoner-Conclusion.mp3
    35. In Crimelight 360115 037 The Microscope and Hair.mp3
    36. In Crimelight 360122 038 Use of Diplomacy-Part One.mp3
    37. In Crimelight 360129 039 Use of Diplomacy-Part Two.mp3
    38. In Crimelight 360205 040 Flaming Red Chinese Letter.mp3
    39. In Crimelight 360212 041 Assassination Of William Mckinley.mp3
    40. In Crimelight 360219 042 Tales Of Women Smugglers.mp3
    41. In Crimelight 360226 043 Kidnapping Of Charlie Ross.mp3
    42. In Crimelight 360304 044 Navel Air Station Spies.mp3
    43. In Crimelight 360311 045 Mom Mendelbaum Greatest Fence.mp3
    44. In Crimelight 360318 046 Walter Sheridan.mp3
    45. In Crimelight 360325 047 William CGilman Forger.mp3
    46. In Crimelight 360401 048 Personal Injury Fakers.mp3
    47. In Crimelight 360408 049 French Line During WWII.mp3
    48. In Crimelight 360415 050 Secret Service Smuggling Coolies.mp3
    49. In Crimelight 360506 053 Letters From Listeners.mp3
    50. In Crimelight 360513 054 About Death Of Pres Harding.mp3
    51. In Crimelight 360520 055 Listeners Letters.mp3
    52. In Crimelight 360527 056 Musing About Justice Reform.mp3
    53. In Crimelight 360603 057 Letters From Listeners.mp3
    54. In Crimelight 360610 058 More Listeners Letters.mp3
    55. In Crimelight 360701 061 From Federal Judge.mp3
    56. In Crimelight 360708 062 Virginia Brooks Unsolved Murder.mp3
    57. In Crimelight 360715 063 Heat And Crime Correlation.mp3
    58. In Crimelight 360722 064 About Belle Starr.mp3
    59. In Crimelight 360729 065 Letter About Fingerprinting.mp3
    60. In Crimelight 360805 066 Record James H. Farnsworth.mp3
    61. In Crimelight 370210 093 Murder Of Old Joe Walker.mp3
    62. In Crimelight 370217 094 Ambush In Mineshaft.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    61 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 59 min
    61 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    329 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 59 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 61 shows – 329 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 59 minutes
    2. In Crimelight 350508 001 George Carpenter Death Fraud.mp3
    3. In Crimelight 350605 005 Mary Collins Fatal Woman.mp3
    4. In Crimelight 350612 006 Murderess and Self Control.mp3
    5. In Crimelight 350619 007 Scared Straight.mp3
    6. In Crimelight 350626 008 The Sinking Of The Mitsui Maru.mp3
    7. In Crimelight 350703 009 The Price Of Crime.mp3
    8. In Crimelight 350710 010 A Story Of Blood And Beer.mp3
    9. In Crimelight 350717 011 Spcl Agent Hobbes Counterfeit Gang.mp3
    10. In Crimelight 350724 012 Gamblers.mp3
    11. In Crimelight 350731 013 Circumstantial Evidence.mp3
    12. In Crimelight 350807 014 Charles Urschel Kidnapping.mp3
    13. In Crimelight 350814 015 Bank Sneaks.mp3
    14. In Crimelight 350821 016 Birth and Death At Sea.mp3
    15. In Crimelight 350828 017 Lone Wolf Italian Crooks.mp3
    16. In Crimelight 350904 018 A Gambling Fool.mp3
    17. In Crimelight 350911 019 The Clue Of The Cap.mp3
    18. In Crimelight 350918 020 Tale Of The Historical Woman Forger.mp3
    19. In Crimelight 350925 021 Pirates On The Sea Of Saving.mp3
    20. In Crimelight 351002 022 The Black Hand.mp3
    21. In Crimelight 351009 023 Crime In India.mp3
    22. In Crimelight 351016 024 Rackets Are Coming.mp3
    23. In Crimelight 351023 025 Mechanical Aids To Crime.mp3
    24. In Crimelight 351030 026 Lowdown On Higherups Cracked.mp3
    25. In Crimelight 351106 027 What Makes A Great Detective.mp3
    26. In Crimelight 351113 028 Crime Laboratories.mp3
    27. In Crimelight 351120 029 Analysing Anonymous Letters.mp3
    28. In Crimelight 351127 030 Plot To Bankrupt Country.mp3
    29. In Crimelight 351204 031 Suicide By Hanging.mp3
    30. In Crimelight 351211 032 Punch Card Identification.mp3
    31. In Crimelight 351218 033 Paroled Prisoner-Part One.mp3
    32. In Crimelight 351225 034 Paroled Prisoner-Part Two.mp3
    33. In Crimelight 360101 035 Paroled Prisoner-Part Three.mp3
    34. In Crimelight 360108 036 Paroled Prisoner-Conclusion.mp3
    35. In Crimelight 360115 037 The Microscope and Hair.mp3
    36. In Crimelight 360122 038 Use of Diplomacy-Part One.mp3
    37. In Crimelight 360129 039 Use of Diplomacy-Part Two.mp3
    38. In Crimelight 360205 040 Flaming Red Chinese Letter.mp3
    39. In Crimelight 360212 041 Assassination Of William Mckinley.mp3
    40. In Crimelight 360219 042 Tales Of Women Smugglers.mp3
    41. In Crimelight 360226 043 Kidnapping Of Charlie Ross.mp3
    42. In Crimelight 360304 044 Navel Air Station Spies.mp3
    43. In Crimelight 360311 045 Mom Mendelbaum Greatest Fence.mp3
    44. In Crimelight 360318 046 Walter Sheridan.mp3
    45. In Crimelight 360325 047 William CGilman Forger.mp3
    46. In Crimelight 360401 048 Personal Injury Fakers.mp3
    47. In Crimelight 360408 049 French Line During WWII.mp3
    48. In Crimelight 360415 050 Secret Service Smuggling Coolies.mp3
    49. In Crimelight 360506 053 Letters From Listeners.mp3
    50. In Crimelight 360513 054 About Death Of Pres Harding.mp3
    51. In Crimelight 360520 055 Listeners Letters.mp3
    52. In Crimelight 360527 056 Musing About Justice Reform.mp3
    53. In Crimelight 360603 057 Letters From Listeners.mp3
    54. In Crimelight 360610 058 More Listeners Letters.mp3
    55. In Crimelight 360701 061 From Federal Judge.mp3
    56. In Crimelight 360708 062 Virginia Brooks Unsolved Murder.mp3
    57. In Crimelight 360715 063 Heat And Crime Correlation.mp3
    58. In Crimelight 360722 064 About Belle Starr.mp3
    59. In Crimelight 360729 065 Letter About Fingerprinting.mp3
    60. In Crimelight 360805 066 Record James H. Farnsworth.mp3
    61. In Crimelight 370210 093 Murder Of Old Joe Walker.mp3
    62. In Crimelight 370217 094 Ambush In Mineshaft.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    61 recordings on 13 Audio CDs. Total playtime 11 hours, 59 min
    61 recordings on 13 Audio CDs
    total playtime 11 hours, 59 min

    In The Crimelight Disc A001

    1. In Crimelight 350508 001 George Carpenter Death Fraud
    2. In Crimelight 350605 005 Mary Collins Fatal Woman
    3. In Crimelight 350612 006 Murderess and Self Control
    4. In Crimelight 350619 007 Scared Straight
    5. In Crimelight 350626 008 The Sinking Of The Mitsui Maru

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A002

    1. In Crimelight 350703 009 The Price Of Crime
    2. In Crimelight 350710 010 A Story Of Blood And Beer
    3. In Crimelight 350717 011 Spcl Agent Hobbes Counterfeit Gang
    4. In Crimelight 350724 012 Gamblers
    5. In Crimelight 350731 013 Circumstantial Evidence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A003

    1. In Crimelight 350807 014 Charles Urschel Kidnapping
    2. In Crimelight 350814 015 Bank Sneaks
    3. In Crimelight 350821 016 Birth and Death At Sea
    4. In Crimelight 350828 017 Lone Wolf Italian Crooks
    5. In Crimelight 350904 018 A Gambling Fool

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A004

    1. In Crimelight 350911 019 The Clue Of The Cap
    2. In Crimelight 350918 020 Tale Of The Historical Woman Forger
    3. In Crimelight 350925 021 Pirates On The Sea Of Saving
    4. In Crimelight 351002 022 The Black Hand
    5. In Crimelight 351009 023 Crime In India

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A005

    1. In Crimelight 351016 024 Rackets Are Coming
    2. In Crimelight 351023 025 Mechanical Aids To Crime
    3. In Crimelight 351030 026 Lowdown On Higherups Cracked
    4. In Crimelight 351106 027 What Makes A Great Detective
    5. In Crimelight 351113 028 Crime Laboratories

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    In The Crimelight Disc A006

    1. In Crimelight 351120 029 Analysing Anonymous Letters
    2. In Crimelight 351127 030 Plot To Bankrupt Country
    3. In Crimelight 351204 031 Suicide By Hanging
    4. In Crimelight 351211 032 Punch Card Identification
    5. In Crimelight 351218 033 Paroled Prisoner-Part One

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A007

    1. In Crimelight 351225 034 Paroled Prisoner-Part Two
    2. In Crimelight 360101 035 Paroled Prisoner-Part Three
    3. In Crimelight 360108 036 Paroled Prisoner-Conclusion
    4. In Crimelight 360115 037 The Microscope and Hair
    5. In Crimelight 360122 038 Use of Diplomacy-Part One

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A008

    1. In Crimelight 360129 039 Use of Diplomacy-Part Two
    2. In Crimelight 360205 040 Flaming Red Chinese Letter
    3. In Crimelight 360212 041 Assassination Of William Mckinley
    4. In Crimelight 360219 042 Tales Of Women Smugglers
    5. In Crimelight 360226 043 Kidnapping Of Charlie Ross

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A009

    1. In Crimelight 360304 044 Navel Air Station Spies
    2. In Crimelight 360311 045 Mom Mendelbaum Greatest Fence
    3. In Crimelight 360318 046 Walter Sheridan
    4. In Crimelight 360325 047 William CGilman Forger
    5. In Crimelight 360401 048 Personal Injury Fakers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A010

    1. In Crimelight 360408 049 French Line During WWII
    2. In Crimelight 360415 050 Secret Service Smuggling Coolies
    3. In Crimelight 360506 053 Letters From Listeners
    4. In Crimelight 360513 054 About Death Of Pres Harding
    5. In Crimelight 360520 055 Listeners Letters

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A011

    1. In Crimelight 360527 056 Musing About Justice Reform
    2. In Crimelight 360603 057 Letters From Listeners
    3. In Crimelight 360610 058 More Listeners Letters
    4. In Crimelight 360701 061 From Federal Judge
    5. In Crimelight 360708 062 Virginia Brooks Unsolved Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A012

    1. In Crimelight 360715 063 Heat And Crime Correlation
    2. In Crimelight 360722 064 About Belle Starr
    3. In Crimelight 360729 065 Letter About Fingerprinting
    4. In Crimelight 360805 066 Record James H. Farnsworth
    5. In Crimelight 370210 093 Murder Of Old Joe Walker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    In The Crimelight Disc A013

    1. In Crimelight 370217 094 Ambush In Mineshaft

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