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HV Kaltenborn Edits the News

History repeats itself when H. V. Kaltenborn provides vivid commentary and pointed insight into world affairs and politics in the 1940s and 1950s.

HV Kaltenborn Edits the News

39 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 8 hours, 15 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
9 Audio CDs

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"Sinking of the Bismark"

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HV Kaltenborn
(1878 – 1965)

HV Kaltenborn

H.V. Kaltenborn given the 1944 Alfred L Du Pont Award for his aggressive independent and meritious gathering of the news...H. V. Kaltenborn was one of the first broadcasters to analyze the news and provide insight into current events, regardless of the popularity of the analysis. Kaltenborn was a very respected journalist and, in a huge coup, NBC snatched him away from CBS to give him his own show sponsored by the Pure Oil Company. The show premiered on April 6, 1940 and lasted into the 1950s.

Kaltenborn was known for his rich descriptions, excellent vocabulary, and his precise diction. However, he was not afraid to acknowledge when he made a mistake. During the 1948 elections, Kaltenborn called the election for Thomas Dewey after a large vote fluctuation in Dewey's favor. Later during election night, there was another large swing in Harry Truman's favor prompting Kaltenborn to retract and call the election for Truman.

During Kaltenborn's newscast, he described how Truman impersonated him (Kaltenborn) describing how Truman was losing the election. He was not afraid to laugh at himself saying, "Beware of that man in power who has no sense of humor."

Certainly a character, Kaltenborn ran away from home to fight in the Spanish-American War after which he spent time traveling around Europe. Eventually, he came back home taking a job with the Brooklyn Daily Eagle then leaving the paper at 24 to enroll in college at Harvard University. After graduation, he returned to the paper and started providing commentary on the radio beginning in 1928 at CBS.

HV KaltenbornKaltenborn was an unending well of information about international politics and foreign affairs making him uniquely suited to provide commentary on the state of the world in the 1930s. He covered the Spanish Civil War and the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938. Some analysts credit Kaltenborn's vivid descriptions and personal credibility with helping move The United States away from its isolationist tendencies.

For additional news commentary, see also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    The man who was most famously roasted on election night by President Harry S Truman for making incorrect predictions concerning the outcome. Truman brought the house down with a spot-on impersonation of Kaltenborn declaring Dewey the winner and Kaltenborn later very graciously accepted the teasing and commented: "Beware that man in place of power who has no sense of humor."


    He appeared in "The Day the Earth Stood Still," adding gravitas to the film!


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    39 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 8 hours, 15 min
    39 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 8 hours, 15 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 39 shows – total playtime 8 hours, 15 minutes
    2. HVKalten 390827 Neville Henderson Reply Germany Tmrw.mp3
    3. HVKalten 390921 Romania Installs Military Government.mp3
    4. HVKalten 390925 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Recesses.mp3
    5. HVKalten 390927 Warsaw Surrenders.mp3
    6. HVKalten 390929 Fdr Repeats Determination Stay Out Of War.mp3
    7. HVKalten 391002 Cardinal Mundelein Dies.mp3
    8. HVKalten 391003 Axis Peace Proposals From Pakersburg, W. Va.mp3
    9. HVKalten 391004 Hitler To Address Reichstag On Friday.mp3
    10. HVKalten 391006 Peace Slight Following Hitler Address.mp3
    11. HVKalten 391009 Senate To Vote On Tobey Motion.mp3
    12. HVKalten 391010 Analysis Of Yet Another Hitler Speech.mp3
    13. HVKalten 391011 Berlin Announces Conf. With Russia Upcut.mp3
    14. HVKalten 391013 Britain Reports 3 German Subs Destroyed.mp3
    15. HVKalten 391016 German Air Raid On Scotland.mp3
    16. HVKalten 391017 Auto Workers On Strike From Detroit, Mich.mp3
    17. HVKalten 391018 Kirkwall, Scotland Has Multiple Air Alerts.mp3
    18. HVKalten 391020 Slurs Against Ny World Fair.mp3
    19. HVKalten 391023 Potential For New Deal Between Us And Japan.mp3
    20. HVKalten 391024 Germans Seize City Of Flint.mp3
    21. HVKalten 391025 City Of Flint Mystery Deepens.mp3
    22. HVKalten 391027 Critical Of Neutrality Bill Debate Process.mp3
    23. HVKalten 391030 City Of Flint Whereabouts Still Unknown.mp3
    24. HVKalten 391031 German Subs Hit British Convoy Hard.mp3
    25. HVKalten 400126 Fdr Reporters.mp3
    26. HVKalten 400409 Report That German Liner Bremen Sunk.mp3
    27. HVKalten 401219 Fdr To Appoint New Defence Council.mp3
    28. HVKalten 410102 New Congress Starts Tomorrow.mp3
    29. HVKalten 410224 Convoy Issue Dominant Tonight.mp3
    30. HVKalten 410424 Convoys To England.mp3
    31. HVKalten 410506 President Conferred Defence Advisers Today.mp3
    32. HVKalten 410527 Comments On Sinking Of Battleship Bismark.mp3
    33. HVKalten 411207 Comments Just After Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    34. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1100 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    35. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1945 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    36. HVKalten 440607 Nbc 1545 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    37. HVKalten 450507 Comments On End Of War In Europe.mp3
    38. HVKalten 450814 Bkgnd on Japanese surrender.mp3
    39. HVKalten 450814 Special Comments On Japanese Surrender.mp3
    40. HVKalten 470623 Taft Hartley Act.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    39 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 8 hours, 15 min
    39 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    224 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 15 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 39 shows – 224 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 15 minutes
    2. HVKalten 390827 Neville Henderson Reply Germany Tmrw.mp3
    3. HVKalten 390921 Romania Installs Military Government.mp3
    4. HVKalten 390925 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Recesses.mp3
    5. HVKalten 390927 Warsaw Surrenders.mp3
    6. HVKalten 390929 Fdr Repeats Determination Stay Out Of War.mp3
    7. HVKalten 391002 Cardinal Mundelein Dies.mp3
    8. HVKalten 391003 Axis Peace Proposals From Pakersburg, W. Va.mp3
    9. HVKalten 391004 Hitler To Address Reichstag On Friday.mp3
    10. HVKalten 391006 Peace Slight Following Hitler Address.mp3
    11. HVKalten 391009 Senate To Vote On Tobey Motion.mp3
    12. HVKalten 391010 Analysis Of Yet Another Hitler Speech.mp3
    13. HVKalten 391011 Berlin Announces Conf. With Russia Upcut.mp3
    14. HVKalten 391013 Britain Reports 3 German Subs Destroyed.mp3
    15. HVKalten 391016 German Air Raid On Scotland.mp3
    16. HVKalten 391017 Auto Workers On Strike From Detroit, Mich.mp3
    17. HVKalten 391018 Kirkwall, Scotland Has Multiple Air Alerts.mp3
    18. HVKalten 391020 Slurs Against Ny World Fair.mp3
    19. HVKalten 391023 Potential For New Deal Between Us And Japan.mp3
    20. HVKalten 391024 Germans Seize City Of Flint.mp3
    21. HVKalten 391025 City Of Flint Mystery Deepens.mp3
    22. HVKalten 391027 Critical Of Neutrality Bill Debate Process.mp3
    23. HVKalten 391030 City Of Flint Whereabouts Still Unknown.mp3
    24. HVKalten 391031 German Subs Hit British Convoy Hard.mp3
    25. HVKalten 400126 Fdr Reporters.mp3
    26. HVKalten 400409 Report That German Liner Bremen Sunk.mp3
    27. HVKalten 401219 Fdr To Appoint New Defence Council.mp3
    28. HVKalten 410102 New Congress Starts Tomorrow.mp3
    29. HVKalten 410224 Convoy Issue Dominant Tonight.mp3
    30. HVKalten 410424 Convoys To England.mp3
    31. HVKalten 410506 President Conferred Defence Advisers Today.mp3
    32. HVKalten 410527 Comments On Sinking Of Battleship Bismark.mp3
    33. HVKalten 411207 Comments Just After Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    34. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1100 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    35. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1945 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    36. HVKalten 440607 Nbc 1545 Hvkaltenborn.mp3
    37. HVKalten 450507 Comments On End Of War In Europe.mp3
    38. HVKalten 450814 Bkgnd on Japanese surrender.mp3
    39. HVKalten 450814 Special Comments On Japanese Surrender.mp3
    40. HVKalten 470623 Taft Hartley Act.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    39 recordings on 9 Audio CDs. Total playtime 8 hours, 15 min
    39 recordings on 9 Audio CDs
    total playtime 8 hours, 15 min

    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A001

    1. HVKalten 390827 Neville Henderson Reply Germany Tmrw
    2. HVKalten 390921 Romania Installs Military Government
    3. HVKalten 390925 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Recesses
    4. HVKalten 390927 Warsaw Surrenders
    5. HVKalten 390929 Fdr Repeats Determination Stay Out Of War

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A002

    1. HVKalten 391002 Cardinal Mundelein Dies
    2. HVKalten 391003 Axis Peace Proposals From Pakersburg, W. Va
    3. HVKalten 391004 Hitler To Address Reichstag On Friday
    4. HVKalten 391006 Peace Slight Following Hitler Address
    5. HVKalten 391009 Senate To Vote On Tobey Motion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A003

    1. HVKalten 391010 Analysis Of Yet Another Hitler Speech
    2. HVKalten 391011 Berlin Announces Conf. With Russia Upcut
    3. HVKalten 391013 Britain Reports 3 German Subs Destroyed
    4. HVKalten 391016 German Air Raid On Scotland
    5. HVKalten 391017 Auto Workers On Strike From Detroit, Mich

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A004

    1. HVKalten 391018 Kirkwall, Scotland Has Multiple Air Alerts
    2. HVKalten 391020 Slurs Against Ny World Fair
    3. HVKalten 391023 Potential For New Deal Between Us And Japan
    4. HVKalten 391024 Germans Seize City Of Flint
    5. HVKalten 391025 City Of Flint Mystery Deepens

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A005

    1. HVKalten 391027 Critical Of Neutrality Bill Debate Process
    2. HVKalten 391030 City Of Flint Whereabouts Still Unknown
    3. HVKalten 391031 German Subs Hit British Convoy Hard
    4. HVKalten 400126 Fdr Reporters
    5. HVKalten 400409 Report That German Liner Bremen Sunk

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A006

    1. HVKalten 401219 Fdr To Appoint New Defence Council
    2. HVKalten 410102 New Congress Starts Tomorrow
    3. HVKalten 410224 Convoy Issue Dominant Tonight
    4. HVKalten 410424 Convoys To England

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A007

    1. HVKalten 410506 President Conferred Defence Advisers Today
    2. HVKalten 410527 Comments On Sinking Of Battleship Bismark
    3. HVKalten 411207 Comments Just After Attack On Pearl Harbor
    4. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1100 Hvkaltenborn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A008

    1. HVKalten 440606 Nbc 1945 Hvkaltenborn
    2. HVKalten 440607 Nbc 1545 Hvkaltenborn
    3. HVKalten 450507 Comments On End Of War In Europe
    4. HVKalten 450814 Bkgnd on Japanese surrender
    5. HVKalten 450814 Special Comments On Japanese Surrender

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    HV Kaltenborn Edits the News Disc A009

    1. HVKalten 470623 Taft Hartley Act

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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