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Hummert Radio Factory: Ann and Frank Hummert Collection

The Hummerts were a considerable power in entertainment broadcasting during the Golden Age of Radio. Their wide range of productions included soaps, musical, game shows, detective dramas, and serials.

Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert)

1061 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 225 hours, 48 min)
available in the following formats:

9 MP3 CDs
217 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The Hummerts were not only a considerable power in entertainment broadcasting during the Golden Age of Radio, they were among the medium most reclusive and strange couples; a reputation for strangeness they not only enjoyed, but seemed to encourage.

An Advertising and Journalistic Background

Frank and Anne HummertEdward Frank Hummert Jr. was born in St Louis, MO, on June 2, 1884, to a French mother and English Mercantilist father. Frank Sr.'s business concerns took the family all around the US and Europe before finally settling permanently in St Louis. Frank Jr. was primed to follow in his father's footsteps with an international education, usually in high-caliber Jesuit institutions. However the excitement of the fourth estate seemed more exciting, and at the age of 20 he landed a job with the St Louis Post-Dispatch. Later he would have reporting positions with New World, the news journal of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the International News Syndicate of The New York Times. However work in the newspapers failed to hold his interest. He would make and lose a fortune in real estate and at one point went to work with his father in the import/export field. During the Great War he was called upon to generate slogans for the War Bond effort, "which helped win the war far more than any bullets he might have fired." His slogan "Bonds or Bondage" appeared throughout the US and Great Britain. Before settling fully in the advertising world, he held a job rewriting theatrical scripts for $125 each. This would give him great experience in scenario plotting and dialogue development when his professional pursuits reached their apex.

This compilation contains the many productions in existence created by the Hummerts including rare episodes of American Melody Hour, Barry Cameron, Evelyn Winters, John's Other Wife, Judy and Jane and Pretty Kitty Kelly.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9

His full time launch into advertising would be somewhat accidental. He came to the aid of a friend whose enterprise was failing, and managed to turn the downslide around through the sheer force of promotional ingenuity. Thinking he could do this for others, he began accepting copywriting assignments at night. By 1920 he would be hired by the prestigious New York firm of Lord & Thomas. Through the cash-flushed times prior to the Great Depression he proved again and again his ability to come up with just the right phrase or slogan that would get the public buying. For Proctor and Gamble's Camay Soap he coined the slogan "For Skin You Love to Touch." This contact with the soap makers would prove prophetic for Frank Hummert. In 1927 he was offered a vice presidency of the Chicago firm that would become Blackett-Sample-Hummert, Inc. Although not a full partner, adding his name to the firm helped to built the image of the firm, where Hummert's main role was that of Idea Man. Hummert would lead the firm into broadcasting, but he didn't do it alone. It was around this time that a bright young woman, nearly twenty years his junior, was brought to his attention as a potential assistant.

Anne Schumacher Ashenhurst was the daughter of a Baltimore policeman who believed that it would be a waste of money to educate a girl. Therefore Anne financed her own college tuition as a College Correspondent for The Baltimore Sun. After graduation she moved to Paris for a job with The International Herald Tribune. In Paris she married reporter John Ashenhurst. The couple settled in Chicago, home of the Ashenhurst's, and were divorced in 1928. A son, John, was born in 1927. Anne was unable to find journalistic work, so was attracted to the assistantship of Frank Hummert. She became extremely valuable to the firm, and soon was promoted to a vice presidency with compensation equal to Hummert's. The couple "resisted" each other's charms for seven years before they were married in 1935.

Early Radio Serial Work

Frank began to follow a serial published in a local newspaper, and hit upon the idea of bringing the concept to radio for his clients. He hired the writer of the newspaper serial to develop The Stolen Husband for local Chicago broadcast. The program was notable in that all of the parts were played by a single actor, changing his voice and moving to different positions around the microphone to portray the different characters.

The Hummert's first major radio success is acknowledged to be Bill the Barber, later retitled Just Plain Bill. The show is also credited as the Hummert's first successful Soap Opera, even though it started in an evening time slot. Bill Davidson had a barbershop in the town of Hartville, where he lived with his daughter. When he wasn't cutting hair, Bill would help solve his neighbor's problems. Eventually he would woo and marry a woman well above his own station. Interclass marriage would become a favored theme of the Hummerts.

The Hummert Radio Factory Perfected

The process of developing and continuing a radio drama was relatively simple, once it was put into place. The "Radio Factory" was often compared to Henry Ford's assembly line, not only for its output, but also the impersonal way it often operated. The couple would outline the plot of a show, developing the characters and the plot twists in an outline form. The concepts would then be turned over to another writer, a "Dialoguer", to be finished as a completed script. With most of the "creative work" already done for the stories, the Hummerts (working through their own company, Air Features, Inc.) were able to pay their writers below the market scale, many of them took on their Hummert projects as a sideline while involved in other projects, adding "caviar money" to their "meat and potatoes work." Penny pinching was seen throughout Air Features. The couple had very little to do with their actors and actresses. Often they would be auditioned by Anne, but the actual hiring would be done by lawyers or agents of Air Features. A contract would be placed on the table in a take-it-or-leave-it fashion, leaving little room for negotiation, and often at cut rates in comparison to other programs. However, working for Air Features, while at lower pay scales, was considered steady and stable work.

Long Term Commercial Success In Spite of Critical Distain

Anne HummertThe Hummerts were often attacked for their programs, which were ridiculed as sensationalist and low class, given their plot lines often depending on devices such as amnesia, deceit and jealousy, unfaithful spouses, unsavory business practices, and murder. Anne defended her shows, saying they upheld moral values, upheld family life, spotlighted successful stories of people from unsuccessful backgrounds, and that the bad behavior was never rewarded in the end. The loyal following and long life of their most successful programs, Ma Perkins (1935-55), The Romance of Helen Trent (1933-60), Mary Noble, Backstage Wife (1935-59), Lorenzo Jones (1937-55), Our Gal Sunday (1937-59), Stella Dallas(1937-55) and Young Widder Brown (1938-56) suggest that their formulas worked, and that audience loyalty was a greater force than critical distain.

Although they are best remembered for their great number of Soap Opera successes, the couple also applied their formula to a number of Mystery/Crime dramas, including Stevens and Son of Scotland Yard (1932), Detective Reeder (1939), Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons (1943-55), Mystery Theatre (1948-51), Mr. Chameleon (1950-53), Inspector Thorne (1951), and Hearthstone of the Death Squad (1951-52). Juvenile Adventure Serials, airing in the late afternoon just before the dinner hour, were also successful under the Hummert formula. See Little Orphan Annie (1931-42), Penrod and Sam (1931-36), and Chandu the Magician (1935-36). Musicals were a very big part of the Hummert line up: Hollywood Nights (1931-32), Manhattan Merry Go Round (1932-49), Melodiana (1933-36), Waltz Time (1933 - 1955) Album of Familiar Canadian Music (1933-35), and many others.

Hummert Factory Quick Reference Radiography

Date Radio Show Title Genre Notes Sponsor / Network
31 Beatrice Mabie Advice Beauty secrets and tips NBC Blue
31-32 Waves of Melody Musical Tenor Tom Brown and Vic Arden's Orchestra NBC Blue
31-32 Hollywood Nights   Frank Luther, singer NBC Blue
31-32, 33,36 Penrod and Sam Juvenile
based on Novel  
31-33, 36 Paris Night Life Musical

Hummert show with French theme

NBC Blue
31-35 Little Orphan Annie Juvenile

Annie and Daddy Warbucks take on Nazi subs and other dangers Ovaltine
31-51 American Album of Familiar Music Musical "A program of supremely lovely songs and melodies that capture all hearts." 31-50 NBC,
32 Stevens and Son of Scotland Yard Mystery    
32-33 The Girl Who Lives Next Door Soap Opera   NBC
32-35 Bill the Barber / Just Plain Bill Soap Opera Simple barber solves local and international problems Anacin
32-35 Judy and Jane Soap Opera Friends seek to right wrongs and fight criminals in the small town of Honeycrest Folger's Coffee
32-49 Manhattan Merry Go Round Musical Popular Music  
33 Jack Dempsey's Gymnasium Drama Based on the fighter, 3 nites a week CBS
33-35 Marie the Little French Princess Soap Opera   CBS
33-35 Album of Familiar Canadian Music


Music associated with our Northern Neighbor

33-36 Melodiana Musical   Phillips
33-37 Broadway Varieties / originally Broadway Melodies Musical Jerry Freeman's Orchestra backs vocalists CBS
33-60 Ma Perkins Soap Opera Show centered around Ma and her 3 adult children & her smalltown business Sta-Puff Laundry Rinse, Kellogg's All Bran
33-60 Romance of Helen Trent, The Soap Opera "Can a woman over 35 find romance?" Various
34-35 Hammerstein Music Hall Musical Ted Hammerstein half hour musical variety 34-35 CBS,
35 NBC
34-36 Lazy Dan, the Minstrel Man Musical Comic tenor Irving Kaufman takes all the roles  
34-36 Lavender and Old Lace Musical "Songs of Other Days"  
34-38 Life of Mary Sothern, The Soap Opera Mary works to keep her family and husband grounded  
34-44 Easy Aces Soap Opera Written by Goodman Ace for the Hummerts  
35 Blanche Sweet


Silent and talkie star interviews, comments, and offers beauty tips

35-36 Don Donnie's Orchestra Musical Lesser known band of the era


35-37 Five Star Jones Soap Opera Star reporter for the Register has trouble at home CBS then NBC Blue
35-37 Rich Man's Darling Soap Opera "There's no such thing as a practice run for a marriage"  
35-39 Mrs Wiggs of Cabbage Patch

Soap Opera

Based on novel that was based on real slum in Louisville KY

CBS for American Home Products
35-59 Mary Noble Backstage Wife Soap Opera

"Mary Noble, a little Iowa Girl who married one of America's most handsome actors"

35-36 MBS
36-38 NBC Blue
38-55 NBC,

36 Old Doctor Jim Soap Opera    
36-37 Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung Musical Frank Munn stars along with Met Opera star Natalie Bodanya NBC Blue
36-37 Broadway Merry-Go-Round Musical Spin off of Manhattan Merry Go Round NBC Blue
36-42 John's Other Wife Soap Opera

Playwright falls in love with the beautiful daughter of his Army Colonel after the war.

36-45 Second Husband Soap Opera    
36-50 David Harum Soap Opera Harum solved mysteries, unraveled personal problems, uncovered nefarious scams and rescued damsels in distress.  
37-40 Pretty Kitty Kelly Soap Opera

Kitty Kelly arrives in America suffering from amnesia and is implicated in several murders

37-55 Stella Dallas Soap Opera Considered the mother of all SoapOperas, Stella is falsely accused of stealing a mummy Sterling Drug
37-55 Lorenzo Jones Soap Opera Dreamer/Inventor and his long suffering/loyal Wife  
38 Way Down East Soap Opera Based on Lottie Blair Parker's Play and 1935 movie  
38-39 Alias Jimmy Valentine Soap Opera

Reformed safe-cracker goes straight and aids the forces of Law and Order

NBC Blue
38-56 Young Widder Brown Soap Opera Small town full of lies and deceit has all of the ingredients of a Hummert Soap Sterling Drugs, Gillette
39 Evening Melodies Musical    
39 California Theater of the Air Musical


39-40 Doc Barkley's Daughters Soap Opera Widowed druggist clashes with hi trio of daughters  
39-42 Orphans of Divorce Soap Opera Began with evening slot but transferred to daytime NBC Blue
40 Along the Boulevard Musical    
40-46 Amanda of Honeymoon Hill Soap Opera Amanda Dyke marries into wealthy southern family 40-42 NBC Blue
42-46 CBS
41 Russ Lamb Sports Sports Caster Comments  
41-42 For America We Sing Musical Produced for Defense Bond Drive by Treasury Dept NBC
41-42 America the Free Musical    
41-48 American Melody Hour Musical "The songs of the day so you can know them all, sing them all yourself." 41-42 NBC Blue
42-48 CBS
41-54 Front Page Farrell Soap Opera Newspaperman husband and loving wife, wartime themes American Home Products
42-46 Chaplain Jim, USA Soap Opera

Tales of enlisted clergyman in WWII, sponsored by War Dept.

42-45 NBC Blue, ABC, 45-46 MBS
43 Aunt Jemima Musical variety show featuring Aunt Jemima pancakes, played originally by white actresses in "Blackface" CBS 31-33
43-50 Lora Lawton Soap Opera Maid becomes millionaire's wife  
43-55 Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons Detective Long running detective show featuring elderly sleuth and his bumbling assistant  
44-45 Valiant Lady Soap Opera Broadway Starlet gives up fame to take care of stricken father. One of the few Hummert programs to make the transition to TV.  
44-47 Scramby Amby Game Show Very popular based on anagrams Sweetheart Soap 44-45 NBC Blue,
46-47 MBS
45-46 Barry Cameron Soap Opera

Originally titled "The Soldier Who Came Home." Focused on the difficulties of return veteran and his young bride.

45-52 The Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters Soap Opera Broadway Playwright finds himself the guardian and eventually sweetheart of his former colonel's daughter.  
45-52 Real Stories From Real Life Soap Opera

Told using flashback techniques

47 Betty and Bob Soap Opera Secretary falls in love with boss General Mills, Syndicated
47-48 Rose of My Dreams Soap Opera Sibling rivalry between Sweet Sister Rose and Deceitful Sister Sarah.  
47-55 Katie's Daughter Soap Opera Struggling Actress seeking success and love Sweetheart Soap NBC
48-51 Mystery Theatre Mystery

Mystery, Long a staple of Mystery buffs, the Hummert's took over production in 1948, and injected much more melodrama into the stories.

50 Nona From Nowhere Soap Opera Nona Dutell, adopted as a child, seeks her natural parents while pursuing a career as a Hollywood Actress. BAB-O Cleanser
50-53 Mr. Chameleon Detective Master of Disguises tracks down murderers  
51 Inspector Thorne Detective Inspector Thorne of the New York Homicide Squad is a bumbling, error-prone, and inattentive detective, many reviewers find him a preview of Peter Falk's "Columbo".  
51-52 Hearthstone of the Death Squad Detective

"The implacable man hunter of the Metropolitan Police" was always sure to send the bad guy to the chair.


See also: Houseboat Hanna.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    This is a great collection! Besides the old favorites, like Ma Perkins and Mary Noble, there are some rare gems. Highly recommended to any serious fans of old time radio soaps.

    Tony Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    1061 recordings on 9 MP3 CDs for just $45.00. Total playtime 225 hours, 48 min
    1061 recordings on 9 MP3 CDs for just $45.00
    total playtime 225 hours, 48 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 84 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 49 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Amanda Of Honeymoon Hill Grandmas Fight Ovr Grandchild.mp3
    3. Aaofm 169 If I Love Again.mp3
    4. Aaofm 170 Way You Look Tonight.mp3
    5. Aaofm 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C.mp3
    6. Aaofm 450602 Strange Music By Frank Lund.mp3
    7. Aaofm 451014.mp3
    8. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight.mp3
    9. American Melody Hour 471224 Hosanna In Highest.mp3
    10. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider.mp3
    11. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row.mp3
    12. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am.mp3
    13. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza.mp3
    14. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie.mp3
    15. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining.mp3
    16. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row.mp3
    17. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    18. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    19. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    20. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield.mp3
    21. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie.mp3
    22. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No.mp3
    23. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    24. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S.mp3
    25. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut).mp3
    26. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side.mp3
    27. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water.mp3
    28. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please.mp3
    29. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row.mp3
    30. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    31. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    32. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    33. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No.mp3
    34. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    35. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo.mp3
    36. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    37. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee.mp3
    38. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    39. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    40. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia.mp3
    41. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    42. Betty-Bob 470616 001 Returned To Their Home Town.mp3
    43. Betty-Bob 470617 002 Neighbor Shoots A Deputy Sheriff.mp3
    44. Betty-Bob 470618 003 Chet Atkins Meets Claire Evans.mp3
    45. Betty-Bob 470619 004 Rusacks Daughter Escapes From House.mp3
    46. Betty-Bob 470620 005 A Romance For Claire.mp3
    47. Betty-Bob 470623 006 Betty Tells Chet About Claires Problems.mp3
    48. Betty-Bob 470624 007 Expolice Chief Henderson Visits Drakes.mp3
    49. Betty-Bob 470625 008 Corruption In City Government.mp3
    50. Betty-Bob 470626 009 Anxious Control Of His Newspaper Again.mp3
    51. Betty-Bob 470627 010 Chet Comes To Visit Claira.mp3
    52. Betty-Bob 470630 011 Returning To Monroe Fight Corruption.mp3
    53. Betty-Bob 470701 012 Betty Has Found A House For Them To Buy.mp3
    54. Betty-Bob 470702 013 Drakes Go Out With Jamersons.mp3
    55. Betty-Bob 470703 014 Henderson Has News About City Council.mp3
    56. Betty-Bob 470704 015 Margaret Jamerson Hit Girl With Car.mp3
    57. Betty-Bob 470707 016 Betty Visits Ellsworth Jamerson.mp3
    58. Betty-Bob 470812 037 Mrs Warner Pays Betty Back.mp3
    59. Betty-Bob 470813 038 Ellsworth Jameson Suspects Chet.mp3
    60. Betty-Bob 471124 111 Bob To Convince Evelyn To Leave Town.mp3
    61. Betty-Bob 471125 112 Bob Takes Evelyn To Dinner.mp3
    62. Betty-Bob 471126 113 Sam Has Proposed To Evelyn.mp3
    63. Betty-Bob 471127 114 Betty Talks With Evelyn About Sam.mp3
    64. Betty-Bob 471128 115 Evelyn Decides Not To Marry Sam.mp3
    65. Betty-Bob 471201 116 Evelyn Heads For Martins Office.mp3
    66. Betty-Bob 471202 117 Evelyns Conversations With Hap.mp3
    67. Betty-Bob 471203 118 Discuss Events Surrounding Sam.mp3
    68. Betty-Bob 471204 119 Evely Purposely Encounters Bob.mp3
    69. Betty-Bob 471205 120 Betty Doesnt Trust Evelyns Story.mp3
    70. Betty-Bob 471208 121 Martin And Hap Discuss Drakes.mp3
    71. Betty-Bob 471209 122 Newspapers Financial Problems Incrs.mp3
    72. Betty-Bob 471210 123 Evelyn Visits Bob At His Office.mp3
    73. Betty-Bob 471211 124 Sam Impressed Bobs Determination.mp3
    74. Betty-Bob 471212 125 Betty And Her Mother Discuss Bobs Plans.mp3
    75. Betty-Bob 471215 126 Betty-Bob Discuss Newspaper Plans.mp3
    76. Betty-Bob 471216 127 Drakes Have Taken Claire To Hopsital.mp3
    77. Betty-Bob 471217 128 Clair Has Given Birth To A Boy.mp3
    78. Betty-Bob 471218 129 Someone Broken Newspapers Files.mp3
    79. Betty-Bob 471219 130 Drakes Suspect Martin Anderson Guilty.mp3
    80. Betty-Bob Xxxxxx 381 Betty Making Progress.mp3
    81. David Harum 450000 Girl Leads A Double Life.mp3
    82. David Harum 450000 Haunted Hotel.mp3
    83. David Harum 450119 Railway Station.mp3
    84. David Harum 450810 Miss Grey A Prisoner.mp3
    85. Whatever Became Of David Harum.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 222 shows – total playtime 41 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Easy Aces e000 Jane Goes To A Psychiatrist (6 Mi Excerpt).mp3
    3. Easy Aces e001 Jane Writes A Letter.mp3
    4. Easy Aces e002 Jane Buys Johnny 2 Suits.mp3
    5. Easy Aces e003 Johnny Argues With Ace About Getting A Job.mp3
    6. Easy Aces e004 Johnny Gets A Job At Everett's Store.mp3
    7. Easy Aces e005 Johnny Starts His New Job.mp3
    8. Easy Aces e006 What Is Johnny Doing At Night.mp3
    9. Easy Aces e007 Catching Fur Thieves.mp3
    10. Easy Aces e008 Jane Tips Off The Theives.mp3
    11. Easy Aces e009 Neff Wants Jane To Sell Land To Everett.mp3
    12. Easy Aces e010 Neff Talks To Jane About Deal.mp3
    13. Easy Aces e011 Phone Calls.mp3
    14. Easy Aces e012 Jane Sees Everett About Neff's Land.mp3
    15. Easy Aces e013 Jane And Neff Talk About Deal.mp3
    16. Easy Aces e014 Everett Talks To Ace About Deal.mp3
    17. Easy Aces e015 Ace Finds Out About Jane And Neff.mp3
    18. Easy Aces e016 Neff Sues Over Land Deal.mp3
    19. Easy Aces e017 Ace's Lawyer Out Of Town.mp3
    20. Easy Aces e018 Neff's New Lawyer Needs Suit.mp3
    21. Easy Aces e019 Getting Ready For Trial.mp3
    22. Easy Aces e020 Jane Gives Neff's Lawyer Ace's Suit.mp3
    23. Easy Aces e021 Jane Gives Away A Vest.mp3
    24. Easy Aces e022 Studying For The Trial.mp3
    25. Easy Aces e023 Jane Testifies In Court.mp3
    26. Easy Aces e024 Jane's Testimony - Aftermath.mp3
    27. Easy Aces e025 Neff Settles The Suit With Jane.mp3
    28. Easy Aces e026 Ace Finds Out About Neff's Settlement.mp3
    29. Easy Aces e027 Ace Finds Out About His Suit.mp3
    30. Easy Aces e028 Ace Sets Up A Bridge Game.mp3
    31. Easy Aces e029 Jane Takes Bridge Lessons.mp3
    32. Easy Aces e030 Cheating At Bridge.mp3
    33. Easy Aces e031 Runaway Boy.mp3
    34. Easy Aces e032 Ace Finds Out About Runaway.mp3
    35. Easy Aces e033 Jane Wants To Adopt A Baby.mp3
    36. Easy Aces e038 Cokie Knocks Out Ace And Johnny.mp3
    37. Easy Aces e039 Cokie Might Be A Prizefighter.mp3
    38. Easy Aces e040 Neil Gets Cokie A Fight.mp3
    39. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight.mp3
    40. Easy Aces e043 Cokie Is Set Up For A Knock-Out.mp3
    41. Easy Aces e044 Jane Takes A $1,000 Bribe.mp3
    42. Easy Aces e045 Cokie's Second Fight.mp3
    43. Easy Aces e046 Ace Is Working Nights.mp3
    44. Easy Aces e047 Jane Is Worried About What Ace Is Doing.mp3
    45. Easy Aces e048 Jane Follows Ace In A Taxi.mp3
    46. Easy Aces e049 Jane Confides In Johnny.mp3
    47. Easy Aces e050 Jane Tries To Make Ace Jealous.mp3
    48. Easy Aces e051 The Old Boyfriend.mp3
    49. Easy Aces e052 The Portrait Is Finished.mp3
    50. Easy Aces e053 The Other Woman.mp3
    51. Easy Aces e054 New Neighbor Movie Director.mp3
    52. Easy Aces e055 Jane Thinks Of A Screen Name.mp3
    53. Easy Aces e056 Jane Wants Neal To Get The Script.mp3
    54. Easy Aces e057 Neal Thinks Lorentz Want Jane In Movie.mp3
    55. Easy Aces e058 Lorentz Tries To Get Marge For Movie.mp3
    56. Easy Aces e059 Jane's Screentest.mp3
    57. Easy Aces e060 Neal Gets Jealous Over Lorentz.mp3
    58. Easy Aces e061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking.mp3
    59. Easy Aces e062 Lorentz Tries To Woo Marge.mp3
    60. Easy Aces e063 Jane And Marge Make Up.mp3
    61. Easy Aces e064 Betty Pulls A Gun On Neal Lorentz.mp3
    62. Easy Aces e065 Betty Tries To Kill Marge.mp3
    63. Easy Aces e066 Jane Tells The Newspapers Everything.mp3
    64. Easy Aces e067 Neal Has An Idea To Save The Day.mp3
    65. Easy Aces e068 The Police Question Jane.mp3
    66. Easy Aces e069 Lorenz Says Goodbye To Marge.mp3
    67. Easy Aces e070 Jane Wants Marge To Marry Neal.mp3
    68. Easy Aces e071 Aces Try To Fix Up Neff Mrs Williams.mp3
    69. Easy Aces e078 Neff Signs A Deal With Ace.mp3
    70. Easy Aces e079 Jane Is Put On A Budget.mp3
    71. Easy Aces e080 Jane Takes Charge Of The Household Expenses.mp3
    72. Easy Aces e081 Jane Tries To Learn How To Run The Household.mp3
    73. Easy Aces e082 Jane Explains Her Budget To Ace.mp3
    74. Easy Aces e083 Laura Is Giving Money Food To Boyfriend.mp3
    75. Easy Aces e084 The Aces Meet Laura's Boyfriend, Harry.mp3
    76. Easy Aces e085 Jane Tries To Get Rid Of Harry.mp3
    77. Easy Aces e086 Jane Decides To Get A Loan.mp3
    78. Easy Aces e087 Jane And Ace Both Borrow Money.mp3
    79. Easy Aces e088 Jane And Ace Get Each Other's Signature.mp3
    80. Easy Aces e089 Jane Tries To Get A 3rd Person To Sign Loan.mp3
    81. Easy Aces e090 Jane Asks Neff To Sign Her Loan.mp3
    82. Easy Aces e091 Neff Learns About Ace's Finances.mp3
    83. Easy Aces e092 The Aces Convince Neff They Don't Need Money.mp3
    84. Easy Aces e093 Ace Talks Jane Into Opening Checking Acct.mp3
    85. Easy Aces e094 Jane Opens A Checking Account.mp3
    86. Easy Aces e095 Jane Has Problems With Checking Account.mp3
    87. Easy Aces e096 All Of Jane's Checks Bounce.mp3
    88. Easy Aces e097 Jane Hides A Movie Star.mp3
    89. Easy Aces e103 Joyce Leaves For Hollywood.mp3
    90. Easy Aces e104 Jane Tries To Write For Newspaper.mp3
    91. Easy Aces e107 Bridge With The Marshes.mp3
    92. Easy Aces e108 Laurette Nannette Missing Bracelet.mp3
    93. Easy Aces e109 Jane Invites The Marshes For Dinner.mp3
    94. Easy Aces e110 Detective Traps Jane Into A Confession.mp3
    95. Easy Aces e111 Jane Is A Suspect - Ace Buys A Bracelet.mp3
    96. Easy Aces e112 Jane And Laura Try To Find The Bracelet.mp3
    97. Easy Aces e113 Jane Agrees To Have The House Searched.mp3
    98. Easy Aces e114 Colliins Finds The Bracelet In Marge's Room.mp3
    99. Easy Aces e115 The Marshes Apologize.mp3
    100. Easy Aces e116 Ace's Big Deal - Jane Leads A Protest.mp3
    101. Easy Aces e117 Ace Asks Jane's Permission For Deal.mp3
    102. Easy Aces e118 Jane Is Put In Charge Of Publicity.mp3
    103. Easy Aces e119 Jane Gets Neal's Help With Publicity.mp3
    104. Easy Aces e120 The City Decides Against Ace's Deal.mp3
    105. Easy Aces e121 Ace Loses His Real Estate Business.mp3
    106. Easy Aces e122 Jane Finds A $150 Error In Checkbook.mp3
    107. Easy Aces e123 Ace Tells Jane About Losing His Money.mp3
    108. Easy Aces e124 Jane's Niece Betty Arrives.mp3
    109. Easy Aces e125 Jane Looks For An Apartment.mp3
    110. Easy Aces e126 Jane Tries To Fire Laura.mp3
    111. Easy Aces e127 The Aces Move Into Apartment.mp3
    112. Easy Aces e128 Neal Gets Ace A Newspaper Job.mp3
    113. Easy Aces e129 Neal Gets A Blind Date For Betty.mp3
    114. Easy Aces e130 Betty Has A Crush On Neal.mp3
    115. Easy Aces e131 Marge Neal Fight.mp3
    116. Easy Aces e132 Everyone Is Fighting.mp3
    117. Easy Aces e133 Cokie Falls For Betty.mp3
    118. Easy Aces e134 Marsh Offers Ace A Deal.mp3
    119. Easy Aces e135 Ace Tells Jane About Trip.mp3
    120. Easy Aces e136 Aces Get Ready For Their Trip.mp3
    121. Easy Aces e137 Betty Cokie Find A Note.mp3
    122. Easy Aces e138 Neal Joins The Investigation.mp3
    123. Easy Aces e139 Neal Suspects Marsh.mp3
    124. Easy Aces e140 City Files Are Missing.mp3
    125. Easy Aces e148 Trouble Moving Into The House.mp3
    126. Easy Aces e149 The Aces Return By Train.mp3
    127. Easy Aces e150 Surprise Party Cheers Up Jane.mp3
    128. Easy Aces e151 Ace Explains How He Got His Money.mp3
    129. Easy Aces e152 Cokie Betty Want To Get Married.mp3
    130. Easy Aces e153 Betty Argues With The Aces.mp3
    131. Easy Aces e154 Betty Plan An Elopement.mp3
    132. Easy Aces e155 Cokie Not Getting Married.mp3
    133. Easy Aces e156 Cokie Not Getting Married.mp3
    134. Easy Aces e157 Cokie's Change Of Heart.mp3
    135. Easy Aces e158 Ace Places An Ad.mp3
    136. Easy Aces e159 Ace Gets Jane's Answer To His Ad.mp3
    137. Easy Aces e161 The Aces Discuss Opening A Beauty Shop.mp3
    138. Easy Aces e162 Jane Checks Out The Beauty Shop.mp3
    139. Easy Aces e163 Ace Decides Not To Buy The Beauty Shop.mp3
    140. Easy Aces e164 Jane Listens To A Quiz Show.mp3
    141. Easy Aces e165 Jane Prepares For The Quiz Show.mp3
    142. Easy Aces e166 Jane Appears On The Quiz Show.mp3
    143. Easy Aces e167 Ace Wants To Become Partners With Neff.mp3
    144. Easy Aces e168 Jane Gets Betty To Work For Ace.mp3
    145. Easy Aces e169 Jane Meddles In Ace's Real Estate Deal.mp3
    146. Easy Aces e170 Neff Tries To Calm Mr Thompson.mp3
    147. Easy Aces e171 Jane Prepares To Play The Farmer's Wife.mp3
    148. Easy Aces e172 Jane Plays Her Part Too Well.mp3
    149. Easy Aces e173 Jane Worries About Ace Working Late.mp3
    150. Easy Aces e174 Ace Is Trying To Sell The Farm To Pre.mp3
    151. Easy Aces e175 Jane Suspects Ace Is Seeing A Woman.mp3
    152. Easy Aces e176 Marge Gets Ace's Story.mp3
    153. Easy Aces e177 Jane Thinks Ace Wants To Get Rid Of Her.mp3
    154. Easy Aces e178 Jane Left Ace Is Using Her Maiden Name.mp3
    155. Easy Aces e179 Ace Sells The Farm.mp3
    156. Easy Aces e180 Jane Is Upset Over Leaving Ace.mp3
    157. Easy Aces e181 Mrs Adams Talks To Jane.mp3
    158. Easy Aces e182 Jane Has Trouble With Laura.mp3
    159. Easy Aces e183 Laura Tries To Bluff A Raise From Aces.mp3
    160. Easy Aces e184 Laura Gets Her Raise.mp3
    161. Easy Aces e185 Laura Gets Her Pay Raise.mp3
    162. Easy Aces e186 Jane Gets A Letter From Her Sister.mp3
    163. Easy Aces e187 Who Is Betty Seeing.mp3
    164. Easy Aces e188.mp3
    165. Easy Aces e189 Jane Writes A Letter To Her Sister.mp3
    166. Easy Aces e190 Finding Out About Betty's Boyfriend.mp3
    167. Easy Aces e191 Jane Thinks Nephew Should Date Betty.mp3
    168. Easy Aces e192 Jane Throws A Dinner For Bettycarl.mp3
    169. Easy Aces e193 Betty Tells Off Everyone.mp3
    170. Easy Aces e194 Jane Tries To Get Carlbetty Togeth.mp3
    171. Easy Aces e195 Betty Tells Off Everyone.mp3
    172. Easy Aces e196 Trying To Get Carl Betty Together.mp3
    173. Easy Aces e197 Carl Betty End Up Fighting.mp3
    174. Easy Aces e198 Carl Betty Make Up.mp3
    175. Easy Aces e199 Jane Talks To Neff About Bettycarl.mp3
    176. Easy Aces e200 Neff Threatens To Break Partnership.mp3
    177. Easy Aces e201 Carl Finds A Clause In The Contract.mp3
    178. Easy Aces e202 Betty Refuses A Bribe From Neff.mp3
    179. Easy Aces e203 Jane Takes A Check From Neff.mp3
    180. Easy Aces e204 Jane Gets Another Chance.mp3
    181. Easy Aces e205 Jane Tricks Neff Betty Carl Marry.mp3
    182. Easy Aces e206 Jane Plans A Party For Cokie.mp3
    183. Easy Aces e207 Jane Visits Cokie's Orphanage.mp3
    184. Easy Aces e208 Jane Tries To Crash The Party.mp3
    185. Easy Aces e209 Jane Brings Home A Letter.mp3
    186. Easy Aces e210 Jane Tries To Get Evidence.mp3
    187. Easy Aces e211 Aces Meet Mrs Duffy.mp3
    188. Easy Aces e212 Jane Wants To Manage A Singer.mp3
    189. Easy Aces e213 Johnny Ready For An Audition.mp3
    190. Easy Aces e214 Johnny Auditions.mp3
    191. Easy Aces e215 A Stage Name For Johnny.mp3
    192. Easy Aces e216 Johnny Is Cut From Radio.mp3
    193. Easy Aces e217 Johnny Gets His Start On Radio.mp3
    194. Easy Aces e218 Carl Betty Break Up.mp3
    195. Easy Aces e219 Betty Talks To Jane About Fight.mp3
    196. Easy Aces e220 The Aces Discuss Betty Carl.mp3
    197. Easy Aces e221 Betty Wants To Make Up With Carl.mp3
    198. Easy Aces e222 Betty Carl Almost Make Up.mp3
    199. Easy Aces e223 The Aces Plan A Fight.mp3
    200. Easy Aces e224 The Aces Pretend To Have An Argument.mp3
    201. Easy Aces e225 Carl And Betty Are Happy.mp3
    202. Easy Aces e226 Jane Wants A Mink Coat.mp3
    203. Easy Aces e227 Jane Sells Tickets To A Charity Play.mp3
    204. Easy Aces e228 Ace Gets Neff To Buy Tickets.mp3
    205. Easy Aces e229 Jane Is Given The Part Of A Maid.mp3
    206. Easy Aces e230 Jane Explains Part To Marge Ace.mp3
    207. Easy Aces e248 Ace Invites Neff For Bridge.mp3
    208. Easy Aces e252 Ace Learns About Jane's Card Playing.mp3
    209. Easy Aces e253 Jane Gives Another Lesson.mp3
    210. Easy Aces e254 Jane Talks About Bridge Playing Job.mp3
    211. Easy Aces e255 Jane's Bridge Method Becoms Popular.mp3
    212. Easy Aces e256 Jane Discusses Her New Contract.mp3
    213. Easy Aces e257 Newspaper Wants To Interview Jane.mp3
    214. Easy Aces e258 Everyone Is Mad At Jane.mp3
    215. Easy Aces e259 Jackson Runs A Bridge Scam.mp3
    216. Easy Aces e260 Jane Talks With Ace About A Business.mp3
    217. Easy Aces e269 Marge Quits Her Job.mp3
    218. Easy Aces e270 Jane Is Upset Over The Stenographer.mp3
    219. Easy Aces e271 Jane Cracks The Whip.mp3
    220. Easy Aces e272 Jane Meets The New Neighbor.mp3
    221. Easy Aces e273 Jane Takes Marriage Lessons.mp3
    222. Easy Aces e275 Jane Learns How To Help Ace.mp3
    223. Evelyn Winters 450228 Jenny Wants To Act.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 41 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Front Page Farrell 430000.mp3
    3. Front Page Farrell 490615 Man Who Knew All Angles.mp3
    4. Front Page Farrell 490620 Fatal Smile.mp3
    5. Front Page Farrell 490816 High Explosive.mp3
    6. Front Page Farrell 490831 Mysterious Killer.mp3
    7. Front Page Farrell Addicted To Morphine.mp3
    8. Front Page Farrell Go To War.mp3
    9. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 510830 Unheeded Warning.mp3
    10. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 511213 Marriage Annulment.mp3
    11. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 520110 Terrifying Letter Murder.mp3
    12. Helen Trent 1939 Episode.mp3
    13. Helen Trent 1950s Episode.mp3
    14. Helen Trent 1st Program.mp3
    15. Helen Trent Betsy and Lawrence.mp3
    16. Helen Trent Bret Blackmails Helen.mp3
    17. Helen Trent Helen Accused.mp3
    18. Helen Trent Helen in Silver City.mp3
    19. Helen Trent Helen To Lose Gil.mp3
    20. Helen Trent Helen Walks Into ATrap.mp3
    21. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [1].mp3
    22. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [2].mp3
    23. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [3].mp3
    24. Inspector Thorne 510720 001 Fabulous Divorce Payoff.mp3
    25. Inspector Thorne 510727 002 Vacant Lot.mp3
    26. Inspector Thorne 510803 003 a Golden Girl.mp3
    27. Inspector Thorne 510810 004 Defrosted Refrigerator.mp3
    28. Inspector Thorne 510817 005 High Style.mp3
    29. Inspector Thorne 510824 006 Mastermind.mp3
    30. Inspector Thorne 510831 007 Dark Cigarette.mp3
    31. Inspector Thorne 510906 008 Nickles And Dimes.mp3
    32. Inspector Thorne 510913 009 Two Fiancees.mp3
    33. Inspector Thorne 510920 010 Empty Ashtray.mp3
    34. Inspector Thorne 510927 011 Society Writer.mp3
    35. Johns Other Wife 390000 Johns Relapse.mp3
    36. Judy And Jane 420000 Audition Marijuana Plot.mp3
    37. Just Plain Bill 40 Cablegram From Cary.mp3
    38. Just Plain Bill 450810 VJ Day.mp3
    39. Just Plain Bill 460000.mp3
    40. Just Plain Bill Everlyn'sLastWilTestiment.mp3
    41. Just Plain Bill Rich Husband.mp3
    42. Just Plain Bill WhyDoNeighborsHideFromSheriff.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 218 shows – total playtime 40 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 002.mp3
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 003.mp3
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 004.mp3
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 005.mp3
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 006.mp3
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 007.mp3
    8. Life Of Mary Sothern 008.mp3
    9. Life Of Mary Sothern 014.mp3
    10. Life Of Mary Sothern 015.mp3
    11. Life Of Mary Sothern 016.mp3
    12. Life Of Mary Sothern 017.mp3
    13. Life Of Mary Sothern 018.mp3
    14. Life Of Mary Sothern 019.mp3
    15. Life Of Mary Sothern 020.mp3
    16. Life Of Mary Sothern 021.mp3
    17. Life Of Mary Sothern 022.mp3
    18. Life Of Mary Sothern 023.mp3
    19. Life Of Mary Sothern 024.mp3
    20. Life Of Mary Sothern 025.mp3
    21. Life Of Mary Sothern 026.mp3
    22. Life Of Mary Sothern 027.mp3
    23. Life Of Mary Sothern 028.mp3
    24. Life Of Mary Sothern 029.mp3
    25. Life Of Mary Sothern 030.mp3
    26. Life Of Mary Sothern 031.mp3
    27. Life Of Mary Sothern 032.mp3
    28. Life Of Mary Sothern 035.mp3
    29. Life Of Mary Sothern 036.mp3
    30. Life Of Mary Sothern 037.mp3
    31. Life Of Mary Sothern 038.mp3
    32. Life Of Mary Sothern 039.mp3
    33. Life Of Mary Sothern 040.mp3
    34. Life Of Mary Sothern 041.mp3
    35. Life Of Mary Sothern 042.mp3
    36. Life Of Mary Sothern 043.mp3
    37. Life Of Mary Sothern 044.mp3
    38. Life Of Mary Sothern 045.mp3
    39. Life Of Mary Sothern 046.mp3
    40. Life Of Mary Sothern 047.mp3
    41. Life Of Mary Sothern 048.mp3
    42. Life Of Mary Sothern 049.mp3
    43. Life Of Mary Sothern 050.mp3
    44. Life Of Mary Sothern 051.mp3
    45. Life Of Mary Sothern 052.mp3
    46. Life Of Mary Sothern 053.mp3
    47. Life Of Mary Sothern 054.mp3
    48. Life Of Mary Sothern 055.mp3
    49. Life Of Mary Sothern 056.mp3
    50. Life Of Mary Sothern 057.mp3
    51. Life Of Mary Sothern 058.mp3
    52. Life Of Mary Sothern 059.mp3
    53. Life Of Mary Sothern 060.mp3
    54. Life Of Mary Sothern 061+ (edited digest).mp3
    55. Life Of Mary Sothern 096.mp3
    56. Life Of Mary Sothern 099.mp3
    57. Life Of Mary Sothern 100.mp3
    58. Life Of Mary Sothern 102.mp3
    59. Life Of Mary Sothern 105.mp3
    60. Life Of Mary Sothern 106.mp3
    61. Life Of Mary Sothern 107.mp3
    62. Life Of Mary Sothern 108.mp3
    63. Life Of Mary Sothern 109.mp3
    64. Life Of Mary Sothern 110.mp3
    65. Life Of Mary Sothern 111.mp3
    66. Life Of Mary Sothern 112.mp3
    67. Life Of Mary Sothern 113.mp3
    68. Life Of Mary Sothern 114.mp3
    69. Life Of Mary Sothern 115.mp3
    70. Life Of Mary Sothern 116.mp3
    71. Life Of Mary Sothern 117.mp3
    72. Life Of Mary Sothern 118.mp3
    73. Life Of Mary Sothern 119.mp3
    74. Life Of Mary Sothern 120.mp3
    75. Life Of Mary Sothern 122.mp3
    76. Life Of Mary Sothern 123.mp3
    77. Life Of Mary Sothern 124.mp3
    78. Life Of Mary Sothern 125.mp3
    79. Life Of Mary Sothern 126.mp3
    80. Life Of Mary Sothern 127.mp3
    81. Life Of Mary Sothern 128.mp3
    82. Life Of Mary Sothern 129.mp3
    83. Life Of Mary Sothern 130.mp3
    84. Life Of Mary Sothern 132.mp3
    85. Life Of Mary Sothern 133.mp3
    86. Life Of Mary Sothern 135.mp3
    87. Life Of Mary Sothern 136.mp3
    88. Life Of Mary Sothern 137.mp3
    89. Life Of Mary Sothern 138.mp3
    90. Life Of Mary Sothern 139.mp3
    91. Life Of Mary Sothern 140.mp3
    92. Life Of Mary Sothern 141.mp3
    93. Life Of Mary Sothern 142.mp3
    94. Life Of Mary Sothern 143.mp3
    95. Life Of Mary Sothern 144.mp3
    96. Life Of Mary Sothern 145.mp3
    97. Life Of Mary Sothern 146.mp3
    98. Life Of Mary Sothern 160.mp3
    99. Life Of Mary Sothern 161.mp3
    100. Life Of Mary Sothern 162.mp3
    101. Life Of Mary Sothern 163.mp3
    102. Life Of Mary Sothern 164.mp3
    103. Life Of Mary Sothern 165.mp3
    104. Life Of Mary Sothern 172.mp3
    105. Life Of Mary Sothern 173.mp3
    106. Life Of Mary Sothern 174.mp3
    107. Life Of Mary Sothern 175.mp3
    108. Life Of Mary Sothern 176.mp3
    109. Life Of Mary Sothern 177.mp3
    110. Life Of Mary Sothern 182.mp3
    111. Life Of Mary Sothern 183.mp3
    112. Life Of Mary Sothern 185.mp3
    113. Life Of Mary Sothern 186.mp3
    114. Life Of Mary Sothern 188.mp3
    115. Life Of Mary Sothern 189.mp3
    116. Life Of Mary Sothern 190.mp3
    117. Life Of Mary Sothern 191.mp3
    118. Life Of Mary Sothern 192.mp3
    119. Life Of Mary Sothern 193.mp3
    120. Life Of Mary Sothern 195.mp3
    121. Life Of Mary Sothern 196.mp3
    122. Life Of Mary Sothern 198.mp3
    123. Life Of Mary Sothern 199.mp3
    124. Life Of Mary Sothern 200.mp3
    125. Life Of Mary Sothern 204.mp3
    126. Life Of Mary Sothern 205.mp3
    127. Life Of Mary Sothern 206.mp3
    128. Life Of Mary Sothern 207.mp3
    129. Life Of Mary Sothern 208.mp3
    130. Life Of Mary Sothern 209.mp3
    131. Life Of Mary Sothern 210.mp3
    132. Life Of Mary Sothern 211.mp3
    133. Life Of Mary Sothern 212.mp3
    134. Life Of Mary Sothern 213.mp3
    135. Life Of Mary Sothern 214.mp3
    136. Life Of Mary Sothern 216.mp3
    137. Life Of Mary Sothern 217.mp3
    138. Life Of Mary Sothern 218.mp3
    139. Life Of Mary Sothern 219.mp3
    140. Life Of Mary Sothern 220.mp3
    141. Life Of Mary Sothern 221.mp3
    142. Life Of Mary Sothern 223.mp3
    143. Life Of Mary Sothern 224.mp3
    144. Life Of Mary Sothern 225.mp3
    145. Life Of Mary Sothern 226.mp3
    146. Life Of Mary Sothern 228.mp3
    147. Life Of Mary Sothern 229.mp3
    148. Life Of Mary Sothern 230.mp3
    149. Life Of Mary Sothern 231.mp3
    150. Life Of Mary Sothern 232.mp3
    151. Life Of Mary Sothern 233.mp3
    152. Life Of Mary Sothern 234.mp3
    153. Life Of Mary Sothern 235.mp3
    154. Life Of Mary Sothern 236.mp3
    155. Life Of Mary Sothern 237.mp3
    156. Life Of Mary Sothern 238.mp3
    157. Life Of Mary Sothern 239.mp3
    158. Life Of Mary Sothern 240.mp3
    159. Life Of Mary Sothern 241.mp3
    160. Life Of Mary Sothern 242.mp3
    161. Life Of Mary Sothern 243.mp3
    162. Life Of Mary Sothern 244.mp3
    163. Life Of Mary Sothern 246.mp3
    164. Life Of Mary Sothern 247.mp3
    165. Life Of Mary Sothern 248.mp3
    166. Life Of Mary Sothern 249.mp3
    167. Life Of Mary Sothern 250.mp3
    168. Life Of Mary Sothern 251.mp3
    169. Life Of Mary Sothern 252.mp3
    170. Life Of Mary Sothern 253.mp3
    171. Life Of Mary Sothern 254.mp3
    172. Life Of Mary Sothern 255.mp3
    173. Life Of Mary Sothern 256.mp3
    174. Life Of Mary Sothern 257.mp3
    175. Life Of Mary Sothern 258.mp3
    176. Life Of Mary Sothern 259.mp3
    177. Life Of Mary Sothern 260.mp3
    178. Life Of Mary Sothern 261.mp3
    179. Life Of Mary Sothern 262.mp3
    180. Life Of Mary Sothern 263.mp3
    181. Life Of Mary Sothern 264.mp3
    182. Life Of Mary Sothern 265.mp3
    183. Life Of Mary Sothern 266.mp3
    184. Life Of Mary Sothern 267.mp3
    185. Life Of Mary Sothern 268.mp3
    186. Life Of Mary Sothern 269.mp3
    187. Life Of Mary Sothern 270.mp3
    188. Life Of Mary Sothern 271.mp3
    189. Life Of Mary Sothern 272.mp3
    190. Life Of Mary Sothern 273.mp3
    191. Life Of Mary Sothern 280.mp3
    192. Life Of Mary Sothern 281.mp3
    193. Life Of Mary Sothern 282.mp3
    194. Life Of Mary Sothern 283.mp3
    195. Life Of Mary Sothern 284.mp3
    196. Life Of Mary Sothern 285.mp3
    197. Life Of Mary Sothern 286.mp3
    198. Life Of Mary Sothern 287.mp3
    199. Life Of Mary Sothern 288.mp3
    200. Life Of Mary Sothern 293.mp3
    201. Life Of Mary Sothern 294.mp3
    202. Life Of Mary Sothern 296.mp3
    203. Life Of Mary Sothern 298.mp3
    204. Life Of Mary Sothern 299.mp3
    205. Life Of Mary Sothern 301.mp3
    206. Life Of Mary Sothern 302.mp3
    207. Life Of Mary Sothern 303.mp3
    208. Life Of Mary Sothern 304.mp3
    209. Life Of Mary Sothern 305.mp3
    210. Life Of Mary Sothern 308.mp3
    211. Life Of Mary Sothern 309.mp3
    212. Life Of Mary Sothern 310.mp3
    213. Life Of Mary Sothern 311.mp3
    214. Life Of Mary Sothern 312.mp3
    215. Life Of Mary Sothern 313.mp3
    216. Life Of Mary Sothern 314.mp3
    217. Life Of Mary Sothern 315.mp3
    218. Life Of Mary Sothern 316.mp3
    219. Life Of Mary Sothern 317.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 76 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Annie 340000 Tin Box.mp3
    3. Annie 351018 0917 Annie's Party.mp3
    4. Annie 351021 0918 Jake Sick.mp3
    5. Annie 351022 0919 To Work.mp3
    6. Annie 351023 0920 Annie Joe's Plan.mp3
    7. Annie 360000 1018 Mr. Flint Selling Stock In the Toll Bridge.mp3
    8. Annie 360000 1019 Mr. Flint Tries to Sell Stock to Jake Levy.mp3
    9. Annie 360000 1020 Watching Bridge Being Built.mp3
    10. Annie 360000 1021 Second Grade Logs Used to Build Bridge.mp3
    11. Annie 360000 1026 Tony Is Arrested For Robbery.mp3
    12. Annie 360000 1027 Light In the Mysterious Deserted House.mp3
    13. Annie 360000 1038 Bill Corwin Has Disappeared.mp3
    14. Annie 360000 1039 Looking For Bill Corwin.mp3
    15. Annie 360000 1066 Bridge Is Destroyed.mp3
    16. Annie 360000 1067 Telegram For Mr. Silo.mp3
    17. Annie 360000 1068 Mr. Silo Prepares For Trip.mp3
    18. Annie 360000 1069 Annie and Joe Are Going to Mississippi.mp3
    19. Annie 360000 Auction Jed's Showboat.mp3
    20. Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniversary.mp3
    21. Annie 360617 1165 Who Shot Tom Baines' Dog.mp3
    22. Annie 380000 1534 Building A Radio Transmitter.mp3
    23. Annie 380000 1535 Daddy Warbucks Searches For Annie.mp3
    24. Annie 380000 1536 Queen of the Island.mp3
    25. Annie 380000 1537 Diamonds.mp3
    26. Annie 380000 1538 Testing the Diamonds.mp3
    27. Annie 380000 1539 Daddy Warbucks Hears Radio Signals.mp3
    28. Annie 380000 1554 Temple in the Jungle.mp3
    29. Annie 400920 follows mysterious lady.mp3
    30. Annie 401000 Pearl Diver.mp3
    31. Annie 401120 Annie Follows Mystery Lady.mp3
    32. Lora Lawton 470717.mp3
    33. Lora Lawton 470719.mp3
    34. Lora Lawton 470903.mp3
    35. Lora Lawton 471013.mp3
    36. Lora Lawton 471026.mp3
    37. Lora Lawton 471027.mp3
    38. Lora Lawton 471201.mp3
    39. Lora Lawton 471204.mp3
    40. Lora Lawton 471209.mp3
    41. Lora Lawton 471210.mp3
    42. Lora Lawton 471223.mp3
    43. Lora Lawton 480430.mp3
    44. Lora Lawton 480502.mp3
    45. Lora Lawton 480504.mp3
    46. Lora Lawton 480505.mp3
    47. Lora Lawton 480511.mp3
    48. Lora Lawton 480512.mp3
    49. Lora Lawton 480513.mp3
    50. Lora Lawton 480525.mp3
    51. Lora Lawton 480527.mp3
    52. Lora Lawton 480531.mp3
    53. Lora Lawton 480623.mp3
    54. Lora Lawton 480713.mp3
    55. Lorenzo Jones 4115 Lorenzo Jones Collapsible Ladder.mp3
    56. Lorenzo Jones 4116 Lorenzo Works For Contractor He Hired.mp3
    57. Lorenzo Jones 440607 Lorenzo Reads High School Yearbook.mp3
    58. Lorenzo Jones 441026 Buster And Bell At Lunch.mp3
    59. Lorenzo Jones 450810 Lorenzo Accused Of Robbery.mp3
    60. Lorenzo Jones 480607 Claire Foster Is Secret Agent.mp3
    61. Lorenzo Jones 480810 Sulphur Water.mp3
    62. Lorenzo Jones 480921 Lorenzo Plans Model Town.mp3
    63. Lorenzo Jones 490222 Lorenzo Angry With Belle.mp3
    64. Lorenzo Jones 501030 Lorenzo Thinks He Is Going To Inherit.mp3
    65. Lorenzo Jones 520305 Edgar Graling Fnd Lorenzo Plans Control.mp3
    66. Lorenzo Jones 541223 Handwriting Expert Fragment.mp3
    67. Lorenzo Jones 5501 Lorenzo Loses Money.mp3
    68. Lorenzo Jones 550112 Poison In Drink.mp3
    69. Lorenzo Jones 550113 Lorenzo Still Has Amnesia.mp3
    70. Lorenzo Jones 550114 Belle Carries Knife.mp3
    71. Lorenzo Jones 550624 Roger Craxtons Murder.mp3
    72. Lorenzo Jones Aptitude Test.mp3
    73. Lorenzo Jones Bell Takes Piano Lessons.mp3
    74. Lorenzo Jones Belle Gets Arrested.mp3
    75. Lorenzo Jones Claire Foster.mp3
    76. Lorenzo Jones Invention Turned Down.mp3
    77. Lorenzo Jones Lorenzo Makes Speech At Womens Club.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 244 shows – total playtime 45 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ma Perkins 006.mp3
    3. Ma Perkins 008.mp3
    4. Ma Perkins 012.mp3
    5. Ma Perkins 016 brdc510219 Analizes Faye's Telegram.mp3
    6. Ma Perkins 018 brdc501015 Ma Ed Discuss Sylv.mp3
    7. Ma Perkins 022 e4469.mp3
    8. Ma Perkins 026.mp3
    9. Ma Perkins 030 Sonia Fades Out.mp3
    10. Ma Perkins 032 Sonia Is Shot.mp3
    11. Ma Perkins 034 Willie And Evy Lie To Ma.mp3
    12. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie.mp3
    13. Ma Perkins 040 e4435.mp3
    14. Ma Perkins 042 e4436.mp3
    15. Ma Perkins 044 e4437.mp3
    16. Ma Perkins 046 e4438.mp3
    17. Ma Perkins 048 e4439.mp3
    18. Ma Perkins 050 e4440.mp3
    19. Ma Perkins 052 e4441.mp3
    20. Ma Perkins 054 e4442.mp3
    21. Ma Perkins 056 e4443.mp3
    22. Ma Perkins 058 e4444.mp3
    23. Ma Perkins 060 e4445.mp3
    24. Ma Perkins 064 e4447.mp3
    25. Ma Perkins 066 e4448.mp3
    26. Ma Perkins 068 e4449.mp3
    27. Ma Perkins 070 e4450.mp3
    28. Ma Perkins 072 e4451.mp3
    29. Ma Perkins 074 e4452.mp3
    30. Ma Perkins 078 e4454.mp3
    31. Ma Perkins 080 e4455.mp3
    32. Ma Perkins 082 e4456.mp3
    33. Ma Perkins 084 e4463.mp3
    34. Ma Perkins 086 e4464.mp3
    35. Ma Perkins 088 e4467.mp3
    36. Ma Perkins 090 e4468.mp3
    37. Ma Perkins 094 e4470.mp3
    38. Ma Perkins 096 e4471.mp3
    39. Ma Perkins 098 e4472.mp3
    40. Ma Perkins 100 e4475.mp3
    41. Ma Perkins 102 e4476.mp3
    42. Ma Perkins 104 e4487.mp3
    43. Ma Perkins 105 e4488.mp3
    44. Ma Perkins 108 e4495.mp3
    45. Ma Perkins 110 e4496.mp3
    46. Ma Perkins 112 e4497.mp3
    47. Ma Perkins 114 e4498.mp3
    48. Ma Perkins 116 e4513.mp3
    49. Ma Perkins 118 e4514 Ma Willie Shuffle get info Bonita.mp3
    50. Ma Perkins 120 e4527.mp3
    51. Ma Perkins 122 e4528.mp3
    52. Ma Perkins 124 e4531.mp3
    53. Ma Perkins 126 e4532.mp3
    54. Ma Perkins 128 e4537 Mr has arrived in Rushville.mp3
    55. Ma Perkins 130 e4538.mp3
    56. Ma Perkins 423.mp3
    57. Ma Perkins 4433.mp3
    58. Ma Perkins 4437.mp3
    59. Ma Perkins 4446.mp3
    60. Ma Perkins 4453.mp3
    61. Ma Perkins 999 last show Thanksgiving.mp3
    62. Backstage Wife 470703.mp3
    63. Backstage Wife 470808.mp3
    64. Backstage Wife 470813.mp3
    65. Backstage Wife 470903.mp3
    66. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3913.mp3
    67. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3914.mp3
    68. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3915.mp3
    69. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3916.mp3
    70. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3917.mp3
    71. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3918.mp3
    72. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3919.mp3
    73. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3920.mp3
    74. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3921.mp3
    75. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3922.mp3
    76. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3923.mp3
    77. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3924.mp3
    78. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3925.mp3
    79. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3926.mp3
    80. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3927.mp3
    81. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3928.mp3
    82. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3929.mp3
    83. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3930.mp3
    84. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3931.mp3
    85. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3932.mp3
    86. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3933.Mp3
    87. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3934.Mp3
    88. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3935.Mp3
    89. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3936.Mp3
    90. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3937.Mp3
    91. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3938.Mp3
    92. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3939.Mp3
    93. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3940.Mp3
    94. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3941.Mp3
    95. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3942.Mp3
    96. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3943.Mp3
    97. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3944.Mp3
    98. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3945.Mp3
    99. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3946.Mp3
    100. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3947.Mp3
    101. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3948.Mp3
    102. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3949.Mp3
    103. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3950.Mp3
    104. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3951.Mp3
    105. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3952.Mp3
    106. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3953.Mp3
    107. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3954.Mp3
    108. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3955.Mp3
    109. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3956.Mp3
    110. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3957.Mp3
    111. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3958.Mp3
    112. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3959.Mp3
    113. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3960.Mp3
    114. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3961.Mp3
    115. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3962.Mp3
    116. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3963.Mp3
    117. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3964.Mp3
    118. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3965.Mp3
    119. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3966.Mp3
    120. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3967.Mp3
    121. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3968.Mp3
    122. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3969.Mp3
    123. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3970.Mp3
    124. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3971.Mp3
    125. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3972.Mp3
    126. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3973.Mp3
    127. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3974.Mp3
    128. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3975.Mp3
    129. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3976.Mp3
    130. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3977.Mp3
    131. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3978.Mp3
    132. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3979.Mp3
    133. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3980.Mp3
    134. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3981.Mp3
    135. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3982.Mp3
    136. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3983.Mp3
    137. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3984.Mp3
    138. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3985.Mp3
    139. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3986.Mp3
    140. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3987.Mp3
    141. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3988.Mp3
    142. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3989.Mp3
    143. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3990.Mp3
    144. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3991.Mp3
    145. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3992.Mp3
    146. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3993.Mp3
    147. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3994.Mp3
    148. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3995.Mp3
    149. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3996.Mp3
    150. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3997.Mp3
    151. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3998.Mp3
    152. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3999.Mp3
    153. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4000.Mp3
    154. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4001.Mp3
    155. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4002.Mp3
    156. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4003.Mp3
    157. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4004.Mp3
    158. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4005.Mp3
    159. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4006.Mp3
    160. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4007.Mp3
    161. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4008.Mp3
    162. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4009.Mp3
    163. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4010.Mp3
    164. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4011.Mp3
    165. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4012.Mp3
    166. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4013.Mp3
    167. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4014.Mp3
    168. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4015.Mp3
    169. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4016.Mp3
    170. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4017.Mp3
    171. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4018.Mp3
    172. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4019.Mp3
    173. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4020.Mp3
    174. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4057.Mp3
    175. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4058.Mp3
    176. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4059.Mp3
    177. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4060.Mp3
    178. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4061.Mp3
    179. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4062.Mp3
    180. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4065.Mp3
    181. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4066.Mp3
    182. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4067.Mp3
    183. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4068.Mp3
    184. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4069.Mp3
    185. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4070.Mp3
    186. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4071.Mp3
    187. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4072.Mp3
    188. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4074.Mp3
    189. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4075.Mp3
    190. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4076.Mp3
    191. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4077.Mp3
    192. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4079.Mp3
    193. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4080.Mp3
    194. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4081.Mp3
    195. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4082.Mp3
    196. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4083.Mp3
    197. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4084.Mp3
    198. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4085.Mp3
    199. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4086.Mp3
    200. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4087.Mp3
    201. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4088.Mp3
    202. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4089.Mp3
    203. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4090.Mp3
    204. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4091.Mp3
    205. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4092.Mp3
    206. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4093.Mp3
    207. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4094.Mp3
    208. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4095.Mp3
    209. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4096.Mp3
    210. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4097.Mp3
    211. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4098.Mp3
    212. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4099.Mp3
    213. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4100.Mp3
    214. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4101.Mp3
    215. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4102.Mp3
    216. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4103.Mp3
    217. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4104.Mp3
    218. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4105.Mp3
    219. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4106.Mp3
    220. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4107.Mp3
    221. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4108.Mp3
    222. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4109.Mp3
    223. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4110.Mp3
    224. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4111.Mp3
    225. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4112.Mp3
    226. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4113.Mp3
    227. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4114.Mp3
    228. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4115.Mp3
    229. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4116.Mp3
    230. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4117.Mp3
    231. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4118.Mp3
    232. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4119.Mp3
    233. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4120.Mp3
    234. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4121.Mp3
    235. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4122.Mp3
    236. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4123.Mp3
    237. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4124.Mp3
    238. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4125.Mp3
    239. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4126.Mp3
    240. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4127.Mp3
    241. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4128.Mp3
    242. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4129.Mp3
    243. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4130.Mp3
    244. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4131.Mp3
    245. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4132.Mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 39 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. MMGR 411207 Pearl Harbor.mp3
    3. MMGR 430000 - only 2 min.mp3
    4. MMGR 430314 As Time Goes By Dr Lyons Tooth Powder.mp3
    5. MMGR 441029 Cancan Victor Arden His Orchestra.mp3
    6. MMGR 450701 Sentimental Journey By Barry Roberts.mp3
    7. MMGR 450812 Cab Song By Barry Roberts.mp3
    8. MMGR 480808 Thomas L Thomas.mp3
    9. MMGR AFRS 21.mp3
    10. MMGR AFRS 47.mp3
    11. Mr Chameleon 491221 Perfect Maid Murder Case.mp3
    12. Mr Chameleon 530424 Murder and the Million Dollar Smile.mp3
    13. Mr Keen 400605 The Woman Who Wasnt Needed.mp3
    14. Mr Keen 440106 The Moonless Night.mp3
    15. Mr Keen 440113 The Missing Witness.mp3
    16. Mr Keen 440120 The Girl Who Sang Too Well.mp3
    17. Mr Keen 440203 The Girl Who Flirted.mp3
    18. Mr Keen 440210 The Boy Who Used Big Words.mp3
    19. Mr Keen 440217 Mr Trevors Secret.mp3
    20. Mr Keen 440224 Murder In Air.mp3
    21. Mr Keen 440316 The Strange Display.mp3
    22. Mr Keen 440413 The Leaping Dog.mp3
    23. Mr Keen 440615 The Woman In Blue.mp3
    24. Mr Keen 441116 The Frightened Child.mp3
    25. Mr Keen 441214 Nightmare Murder.mp3
    26. Mr Keen 450315 The Absent Minded Professor.mp3
    27. Mr Keen 451129 106 Strange Case of Charley Lorimer.mp3
    28. Mr Keen 460523 The Glamorous Widow.mp3
    29. Mr Keen 481028 Identical Twins Murder Partial.mp3
    30. Mr Keen 490609 Murder And Star Of Death.mp3
    31. Mr Keen 490915 Murder And Bloodstained Necklace.mp3
    32. Mr Keen 490922 Yellow Talon Murder.mp3
    33. Mr Keen 490929 Murder With A Thousand Witnesses.mp3
    34. Mr Keen 491006 The Man Who Invented Death.mp3
    35. Mr Keen 491013 Silver Dagger Murder.mp3
    36. Mr Keen 491027 The Ruthless Murderers.mp3
    37. Mr Keen 491103 Forgotten Cave Murder.mp3
    38. Mr Keen 491110 Engaged Girl Murder.mp3
    39. Mr Keen 500105 The Rushville Murder.mp3
    40. Mr Keen 500119 Bride And Groom Murder Afrs.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 30 shows – total playtime 13 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. Mr Keen 500126 Telephone Book Murder.mp3
    3. Mr Keen 500209 Murder And Jewel Thief.mp3
    4. Mr Keen 500216 The Two Faced Murderer.mp3
    5. Mr Keen 500223 319 Tealeaf Murder Case.mp3
    6. Mr Keen 500309 The Melody Of Murder.mp3
    7. Mr Keen 500316 Innocent Flirtation Murder.mp3
    8. Mr Keen 500406 The Murdered Detective.mp3
    9. Mr Keen 500413 Eccentric Millionaire Murder.mp3
    10. Mr Keen 500420 Country Club Murder.mp3
    11. Mr Keen 500427 The Woman Who Married A Murderer.mp3
    12. Mr Keen 500504 King Cobra Murder.mp3
    13. Mr Keen 500511 Murder And Missing Car.mp3
    14. Mr Keen 500518 xxx Case of the Missing Countess.mp3
    15. Mr Keen 500525 Broken Window Murder.mp3
    16. Mr Keen 500601 Quicksand Murder.mp3
    17. Mr Keen 500615 Skull And Crossbones Murder.mp3
    18. Mr Keen 510720 Murder And Strange Woman.mp3
    19. Mr Keen 510727 Photograph Album Murder.mp3
    20. Mr Keen 510803 The Strange Murder Of Carrie Ellis.mp3
    21. Mr Keen 510810 Abandoned Well Murder.mp3
    22. Mr Keen 510817 Poisoned Sandwich Murder.mp3
    23. Mr Keen 511206 Murder At A Mile A Minute.mp3
    24. Mr Keen 520313 Silver Candlestick Murder.mp3
    25. Mr Keen 520403 Rented Cottage Murder.mp3
    26. Mr Keen 520410 Mothers Plea Murder.mp3
    27. Mr Keen 540621 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 1.mp3
    28. Mr Keen 540623 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 2.mp3
    29. Mr Keen 540624 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 3.mp3
    30. Mr Keen 540625 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 4.mp3
    31. Mr Keen 550222 Murder And Revengeful Ghost.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 107 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Nona 500207 Vernon Tries Convince Nona Of His Love.mp3
    3. Nona 500209 Thelma Powell Blames Nona For All The Delays.mp3
    4. Nona 500210 Thelma Powell Delay Vernon To Nona.mp3
    5. Nona 500223 Basil Newton Heard Pat Brady Admit Monac Murder.mp3
    6. Nona500228 Nona And Vernon Visit Pat Brady In Jail.mp3
    7. Pretty Kitty Kelly 390303.mp3
    8. Stella Dallas 1955.mp3
    9. Stella Dallas Jeff Goes To D.C..mp3
    10. Stella Dallas Mr.WymanCelia.mp3
    11. Stella Dallas Stella Misses Rasheed.mp3
    12. Stella Dallas Steven Dallas Returns.mp3
    13. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[1].mp3
    14. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[2].mp3
    15. StellaDallas 01 serial.mp3
    16. StellaDallas 02 serial.mp3
    17. StellaDallas 04 serial.mp3
    18. Valiant Lady 390501 Out Of Gas On Lover's Lane.mp3
    19. Valiant Lady 390502 Day After Crash.mp3
    20. Valiant Lady 390503 Newspaper Scandal.mp3
    21. Valiant Lady 390504 Farewell Letter To Joan.mp3
    22. Valiant Lady 390515 Doug Visits Irene.mp3
    23. Valiant Lady 390516 Reconciliation.mp3
    24. Valiant Lady 390517 Doug's Secret Discovered.mp3
    25. Valiant Lady 390518 Joan And Paul Invited To Dinner.mp3
    26. Valiant Lady.mp3
    27. Young Widder Brown 0201.mp3
    28. Young Widder Brown 3037.mp3
    29. Young Widder Brown 3038.mp3
    30. Young Widder Brown 3039.mp3
    31. Young Widder Brown 3040.mp3
    32. Young Widder Brown 3041.mp3
    33. Young Widder Brown 3042.mp3
    34. Young Widder Brown 3043.mp3
    35. Young Widder Brown 3044.mp3
    36. Young Widder Brown 3045.mp3
    37. Young Widder Brown 3046.mp3
    38. Young Widder Brown 3047.mp3
    39. Young Widder Brown 3048.mp3
    40. Young Widder Brown 3049.mp3
    41. Young Widder Brown 3050.mp3
    42. Young Widder Brown 3051.mp3
    43. Young Widder Brown 3052.mp3
    44. Young Widder Brown 3053.mp3
    45. Young Widder Brown 3054.mp3
    46. Young Widder Brown 3055.mp3
    47. Young Widder Brown 3056.mp3
    48. Young Widder Brown 3057.mp3
    49. Young Widder Brown 3058.mp3
    50. Young Widder Brown 3059.mp3
    51. Young Widder Brown 3060.mp3
    52. Young Widder Brown 3061.mp3
    53. Young Widder Brown 3062.mp3
    54. Young Widder Brown 3063.mp3
    55. Young Widder Brown 3064.mp3
    56. Young Widder Brown 3065.mp3
    57. Young Widder Brown 3066.mp3
    58. Young Widder Brown 3067.mp3
    59. Young Widder Brown 3068.mp3
    60. Young Widder Brown 3069.mp3
    61. Young Widder Brown 3070.mp3
    62. Young Widder Brown 3071.mp3
    63. Young Widder Brown 3072.mp3
    64. Young Widder Brown 3073.mp3
    65. Young Widder Brown 3074.mp3
    66. Young Widder Brown 3075.mp3
    67. Young Widder Brown 3076.mp3
    68. Young Widder Brown 3077.mp3
    69. Young Widder Brown 3078.mp3
    70. Young Widder Brown 3079.mp3
    71. Young Widder Brown 3080.mp3
    72. Young Widder Brown 3081.mp3
    73. Young Widder Brown 3082.mp3
    74. Young Widder Brown 3083.mp3
    75. Young Widder Brown 3084.mp3
    76. Young Widder Brown 3085.mp3
    77. Young Widder Brown 3086.mp3
    78. Young Widder Brown 3087.mp3
    79. Young Widder Brown 3088.mp3
    80. Young Widder Brown 3089.mp3
    81. Young Widder Brown 3090.mp3
    82. Young Widder Brown 3091.mp3
    83. Young Widder Brown 3092.mp3
    84. Young Widder Brown 3093.mp3
    85. Young Widder Brown 3094.mp3
    86. Young Widder Brown 3095.mp3
    87. Young Widder Brown 3096.mp3
    88. Young Widder Brown 3097.mp3
    89. Young Widder Brown 3098.mp3
    90. Young Widder Brown 3099.mp3
    91. Young Widder Brown 3100.mp3
    92. Young Widder Brown 3101.mp3
    93. Young Widder Brown 3102.mp3
    94. Young Widder Brown 3103.mp3
    95. Young Widder Brown 3104.mp3
    96. Young Widder Brown 3105.mp3
    97. Young Widder Brown 3106.mp3
    98. Young Widder Brown 3107.mp3
    99. Young Widder Brown 3108.mp3
    100. Young Widder Brown Ellen Talks to Sister.mp3
    101. Young Widder Brown Pt1 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    102. Young Widder Brown Pt2 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    103. Young Widder Brown Pt3 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    104. Young Widder Brown Pt4 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    105. Young Widder Brown Pt5 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    106. Young Widder Brown Pt6 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    107. Young Widder Brown Pt7 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    108. Young Widder Brown Pt8 Fiance on Trial.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    1061 recordings on 9 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $45.00. Total playtime 225 hours, 48 min
    1061 recordings on 9 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $45.00
    4370 MB – total playtime 225 hours, 48 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 84 shows – 462 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 49 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Amanda Of Honeymoon Hill Grandmas Fight Ovr Grandchild.mp3
    3. Aaofm 169 If I Love Again.mp3
    4. Aaofm 170 Way You Look Tonight.mp3
    5. Aaofm 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C.mp3
    6. Aaofm 450602 Strange Music By Frank Lund.mp3
    7. Aaofm 451014.mp3
    8. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight.mp3
    9. American Melody Hour 471224 Hosanna In Highest.mp3
    10. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider.mp3
    11. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row.mp3
    12. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am.mp3
    13. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza.mp3
    14. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie.mp3
    15. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining.mp3
    16. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row.mp3
    17. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    18. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    19. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    20. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield.mp3
    21. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie.mp3
    22. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No.mp3
    23. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    24. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S.mp3
    25. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut).mp3
    26. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side.mp3
    27. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water.mp3
    28. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please.mp3
    29. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row.mp3
    30. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    31. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    32. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    33. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No.mp3
    34. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    35. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo.mp3
    36. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    37. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee.mp3
    38. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    39. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    40. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia.mp3
    41. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    42. Betty-Bob 470616 001 Returned To Their Home Town.mp3
    43. Betty-Bob 470617 002 Neighbor Shoots A Deputy Sheriff.mp3
    44. Betty-Bob 470618 003 Chet Atkins Meets Claire Evans.mp3
    45. Betty-Bob 470619 004 Rusacks Daughter Escapes From House.mp3
    46. Betty-Bob 470620 005 A Romance For Claire.mp3
    47. Betty-Bob 470623 006 Betty Tells Chet About Claires Problems.mp3
    48. Betty-Bob 470624 007 Expolice Chief Henderson Visits Drakes.mp3
    49. Betty-Bob 470625 008 Corruption In City Government.mp3
    50. Betty-Bob 470626 009 Anxious Control Of His Newspaper Again.mp3
    51. Betty-Bob 470627 010 Chet Comes To Visit Claira.mp3
    52. Betty-Bob 470630 011 Returning To Monroe Fight Corruption.mp3
    53. Betty-Bob 470701 012 Betty Has Found A House For Them To Buy.mp3
    54. Betty-Bob 470702 013 Drakes Go Out With Jamersons.mp3
    55. Betty-Bob 470703 014 Henderson Has News About City Council.mp3
    56. Betty-Bob 470704 015 Margaret Jamerson Hit Girl With Car.mp3
    57. Betty-Bob 470707 016 Betty Visits Ellsworth Jamerson.mp3
    58. Betty-Bob 470812 037 Mrs Warner Pays Betty Back.mp3
    59. Betty-Bob 470813 038 Ellsworth Jameson Suspects Chet.mp3
    60. Betty-Bob 471124 111 Bob To Convince Evelyn To Leave Town.mp3
    61. Betty-Bob 471125 112 Bob Takes Evelyn To Dinner.mp3
    62. Betty-Bob 471126 113 Sam Has Proposed To Evelyn.mp3
    63. Betty-Bob 471127 114 Betty Talks With Evelyn About Sam.mp3
    64. Betty-Bob 471128 115 Evelyn Decides Not To Marry Sam.mp3
    65. Betty-Bob 471201 116 Evelyn Heads For Martins Office.mp3
    66. Betty-Bob 471202 117 Evelyns Conversations With Hap.mp3
    67. Betty-Bob 471203 118 Discuss Events Surrounding Sam.mp3
    68. Betty-Bob 471204 119 Evely Purposely Encounters Bob.mp3
    69. Betty-Bob 471205 120 Betty Doesnt Trust Evelyns Story.mp3
    70. Betty-Bob 471208 121 Martin And Hap Discuss Drakes.mp3
    71. Betty-Bob 471209 122 Newspapers Financial Problems Incrs.mp3
    72. Betty-Bob 471210 123 Evelyn Visits Bob At His Office.mp3
    73. Betty-Bob 471211 124 Sam Impressed Bobs Determination.mp3
    74. Betty-Bob 471212 125 Betty And Her Mother Discuss Bobs Plans.mp3
    75. Betty-Bob 471215 126 Betty-Bob Discuss Newspaper Plans.mp3
    76. Betty-Bob 471216 127 Drakes Have Taken Claire To Hopsital.mp3
    77. Betty-Bob 471217 128 Clair Has Given Birth To A Boy.mp3
    78. Betty-Bob 471218 129 Someone Broken Newspapers Files.mp3
    79. Betty-Bob 471219 130 Drakes Suspect Martin Anderson Guilty.mp3
    80. Betty-Bob Xxxxxx 381 Betty Making Progress.mp3
    81. David Harum 450000 Girl Leads A Double Life.mp3
    82. David Harum 450000 Haunted Hotel.mp3
    83. David Harum 450119 Railway Station.mp3
    84. David Harum 450810 Miss Grey A Prisoner.mp3
    85. Whatever Became Of David Harum.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 222 shows – 582 MB – total playtime 41 hours, 44 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Easy Aces e000 Jane Goes To A Psychiatrist (6 Mi Excerpt).mp3
    3. Easy Aces e001 Jane Writes A Letter.mp3
    4. Easy Aces e002 Jane Buys Johnny 2 Suits.mp3
    5. Easy Aces e003 Johnny Argues With Ace About Getting A Job.mp3
    6. Easy Aces e004 Johnny Gets A Job At Everett's Store.mp3
    7. Easy Aces e005 Johnny Starts His New Job.mp3
    8. Easy Aces e006 What Is Johnny Doing At Night.mp3
    9. Easy Aces e007 Catching Fur Thieves.mp3
    10. Easy Aces e008 Jane Tips Off The Theives.mp3
    11. Easy Aces e009 Neff Wants Jane To Sell Land To Everett.mp3
    12. Easy Aces e010 Neff Talks To Jane About Deal.mp3
    13. Easy Aces e011 Phone Calls.mp3
    14. Easy Aces e012 Jane Sees Everett About Neff's Land.mp3
    15. Easy Aces e013 Jane And Neff Talk About Deal.mp3
    16. Easy Aces e014 Everett Talks To Ace About Deal.mp3
    17. Easy Aces e015 Ace Finds Out About Jane And Neff.mp3
    18. Easy Aces e016 Neff Sues Over Land Deal.mp3
    19. Easy Aces e017 Ace's Lawyer Out Of Town.mp3
    20. Easy Aces e018 Neff's New Lawyer Needs Suit.mp3
    21. Easy Aces e019 Getting Ready For Trial.mp3
    22. Easy Aces e020 Jane Gives Neff's Lawyer Ace's Suit.mp3
    23. Easy Aces e021 Jane Gives Away A Vest.mp3
    24. Easy Aces e022 Studying For The Trial.mp3
    25. Easy Aces e023 Jane Testifies In Court.mp3
    26. Easy Aces e024 Jane's Testimony - Aftermath.mp3
    27. Easy Aces e025 Neff Settles The Suit With Jane.mp3
    28. Easy Aces e026 Ace Finds Out About Neff's Settlement.mp3
    29. Easy Aces e027 Ace Finds Out About His Suit.mp3
    30. Easy Aces e028 Ace Sets Up A Bridge Game.mp3
    31. Easy Aces e029 Jane Takes Bridge Lessons.mp3
    32. Easy Aces e030 Cheating At Bridge.mp3
    33. Easy Aces e031 Runaway Boy.mp3
    34. Easy Aces e032 Ace Finds Out About Runaway.mp3
    35. Easy Aces e033 Jane Wants To Adopt A Baby.mp3
    36. Easy Aces e038 Cokie Knocks Out Ace And Johnny.mp3
    37. Easy Aces e039 Cokie Might Be A Prizefighter.mp3
    38. Easy Aces e040 Neil Gets Cokie A Fight.mp3
    39. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight.mp3
    40. Easy Aces e043 Cokie Is Set Up For A Knock-Out.mp3
    41. Easy Aces e044 Jane Takes A $1,000 Bribe.mp3
    42. Easy Aces e045 Cokie's Second Fight.mp3
    43. Easy Aces e046 Ace Is Working Nights.mp3
    44. Easy Aces e047 Jane Is Worried About What Ace Is Doing.mp3
    45. Easy Aces e048 Jane Follows Ace In A Taxi.mp3
    46. Easy Aces e049 Jane Confides In Johnny.mp3
    47. Easy Aces e050 Jane Tries To Make Ace Jealous.mp3
    48. Easy Aces e051 The Old Boyfriend.mp3
    49. Easy Aces e052 The Portrait Is Finished.mp3
    50. Easy Aces e053 The Other Woman.mp3
    51. Easy Aces e054 New Neighbor Movie Director.mp3
    52. Easy Aces e055 Jane Thinks Of A Screen Name.mp3
    53. Easy Aces e056 Jane Wants Neal To Get The Script.mp3
    54. Easy Aces e057 Neal Thinks Lorentz Want Jane In Movie.mp3
    55. Easy Aces e058 Lorentz Tries To Get Marge For Movie.mp3
    56. Easy Aces e059 Jane's Screentest.mp3
    57. Easy Aces e060 Neal Gets Jealous Over Lorentz.mp3
    58. Easy Aces e061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking.mp3
    59. Easy Aces e062 Lorentz Tries To Woo Marge.mp3
    60. Easy Aces e063 Jane And Marge Make Up.mp3
    61. Easy Aces e064 Betty Pulls A Gun On Neal Lorentz.mp3
    62. Easy Aces e065 Betty Tries To Kill Marge.mp3
    63. Easy Aces e066 Jane Tells The Newspapers Everything.mp3
    64. Easy Aces e067 Neal Has An Idea To Save The Day.mp3
    65. Easy Aces e068 The Police Question Jane.mp3
    66. Easy Aces e069 Lorenz Says Goodbye To Marge.mp3
    67. Easy Aces e070 Jane Wants Marge To Marry Neal.mp3
    68. Easy Aces e071 Aces Try To Fix Up Neff Mrs Williams.mp3
    69. Easy Aces e078 Neff Signs A Deal With Ace.mp3
    70. Easy Aces e079 Jane Is Put On A Budget.mp3
    71. Easy Aces e080 Jane Takes Charge Of The Household Expenses.mp3
    72. Easy Aces e081 Jane Tries To Learn How To Run The Household.mp3
    73. Easy Aces e082 Jane Explains Her Budget To Ace.mp3
    74. Easy Aces e083 Laura Is Giving Money Food To Boyfriend.mp3
    75. Easy Aces e084 The Aces Meet Laura's Boyfriend, Harry.mp3
    76. Easy Aces e085 Jane Tries To Get Rid Of Harry.mp3
    77. Easy Aces e086 Jane Decides To Get A Loan.mp3
    78. Easy Aces e087 Jane And Ace Both Borrow Money.mp3
    79. Easy Aces e088 Jane And Ace Get Each Other's Signature.mp3
    80. Easy Aces e089 Jane Tries To Get A 3rd Person To Sign Loan.mp3
    81. Easy Aces e090 Jane Asks Neff To Sign Her Loan.mp3
    82. Easy Aces e091 Neff Learns About Ace's Finances.mp3
    83. Easy Aces e092 The Aces Convince Neff They Don't Need Money.mp3
    84. Easy Aces e093 Ace Talks Jane Into Opening Checking Acct.mp3
    85. Easy Aces e094 Jane Opens A Checking Account.mp3
    86. Easy Aces e095 Jane Has Problems With Checking Account.mp3
    87. Easy Aces e096 All Of Jane's Checks Bounce.mp3
    88. Easy Aces e097 Jane Hides A Movie Star.mp3
    89. Easy Aces e103 Joyce Leaves For Hollywood.mp3
    90. Easy Aces e104 Jane Tries To Write For Newspaper.mp3
    91. Easy Aces e107 Bridge With The Marshes.mp3
    92. Easy Aces e108 Laurette Nannette Missing Bracelet.mp3
    93. Easy Aces e109 Jane Invites The Marshes For Dinner.mp3
    94. Easy Aces e110 Detective Traps Jane Into A Confession.mp3
    95. Easy Aces e111 Jane Is A Suspect - Ace Buys A Bracelet.mp3
    96. Easy Aces e112 Jane And Laura Try To Find The Bracelet.mp3
    97. Easy Aces e113 Jane Agrees To Have The House Searched.mp3
    98. Easy Aces e114 Colliins Finds The Bracelet In Marge's Room.mp3
    99. Easy Aces e115 The Marshes Apologize.mp3
    100. Easy Aces e116 Ace's Big Deal - Jane Leads A Protest.mp3
    101. Easy Aces e117 Ace Asks Jane's Permission For Deal.mp3
    102. Easy Aces e118 Jane Is Put In Charge Of Publicity.mp3
    103. Easy Aces e119 Jane Gets Neal's Help With Publicity.mp3
    104. Easy Aces e120 The City Decides Against Ace's Deal.mp3
    105. Easy Aces e121 Ace Loses His Real Estate Business.mp3
    106. Easy Aces e122 Jane Finds A $150 Error In Checkbook.mp3
    107. Easy Aces e123 Ace Tells Jane About Losing His Money.mp3
    108. Easy Aces e124 Jane's Niece Betty Arrives.mp3
    109. Easy Aces e125 Jane Looks For An Apartment.mp3
    110. Easy Aces e126 Jane Tries To Fire Laura.mp3
    111. Easy Aces e127 The Aces Move Into Apartment.mp3
    112. Easy Aces e128 Neal Gets Ace A Newspaper Job.mp3
    113. Easy Aces e129 Neal Gets A Blind Date For Betty.mp3
    114. Easy Aces e130 Betty Has A Crush On Neal.mp3
    115. Easy Aces e131 Marge Neal Fight.mp3
    116. Easy Aces e132 Everyone Is Fighting.mp3
    117. Easy Aces e133 Cokie Falls For Betty.mp3
    118. Easy Aces e134 Marsh Offers Ace A Deal.mp3
    119. Easy Aces e135 Ace Tells Jane About Trip.mp3
    120. Easy Aces e136 Aces Get Ready For Their Trip.mp3
    121. Easy Aces e137 Betty Cokie Find A Note.mp3
    122. Easy Aces e138 Neal Joins The Investigation.mp3
    123. Easy Aces e139 Neal Suspects Marsh.mp3
    124. Easy Aces e140 City Files Are Missing.mp3
    125. Easy Aces e148 Trouble Moving Into The House.mp3
    126. Easy Aces e149 The Aces Return By Train.mp3
    127. Easy Aces e150 Surprise Party Cheers Up Jane.mp3
    128. Easy Aces e151 Ace Explains How He Got His Money.mp3
    129. Easy Aces e152 Cokie Betty Want To Get Married.mp3
    130. Easy Aces e153 Betty Argues With The Aces.mp3
    131. Easy Aces e154 Betty Plan An Elopement.mp3
    132. Easy Aces e155 Cokie Not Getting Married.mp3
    133. Easy Aces e156 Cokie Not Getting Married.mp3
    134. Easy Aces e157 Cokie's Change Of Heart.mp3
    135. Easy Aces e158 Ace Places An Ad.mp3
    136. Easy Aces e159 Ace Gets Jane's Answer To His Ad.mp3
    137. Easy Aces e161 The Aces Discuss Opening A Beauty Shop.mp3
    138. Easy Aces e162 Jane Checks Out The Beauty Shop.mp3
    139. Easy Aces e163 Ace Decides Not To Buy The Beauty Shop.mp3
    140. Easy Aces e164 Jane Listens To A Quiz Show.mp3
    141. Easy Aces e165 Jane Prepares For The Quiz Show.mp3
    142. Easy Aces e166 Jane Appears On The Quiz Show.mp3
    143. Easy Aces e167 Ace Wants To Become Partners With Neff.mp3
    144. Easy Aces e168 Jane Gets Betty To Work For Ace.mp3
    145. Easy Aces e169 Jane Meddles In Ace's Real Estate Deal.mp3
    146. Easy Aces e170 Neff Tries To Calm Mr Thompson.mp3
    147. Easy Aces e171 Jane Prepares To Play The Farmer's Wife.mp3
    148. Easy Aces e172 Jane Plays Her Part Too Well.mp3
    149. Easy Aces e173 Jane Worries About Ace Working Late.mp3
    150. Easy Aces e174 Ace Is Trying To Sell The Farm To Pre.mp3
    151. Easy Aces e175 Jane Suspects Ace Is Seeing A Woman.mp3
    152. Easy Aces e176 Marge Gets Ace's Story.mp3
    153. Easy Aces e177 Jane Thinks Ace Wants To Get Rid Of Her.mp3
    154. Easy Aces e178 Jane Left Ace Is Using Her Maiden Name.mp3
    155. Easy Aces e179 Ace Sells The Farm.mp3
    156. Easy Aces e180 Jane Is Upset Over Leaving Ace.mp3
    157. Easy Aces e181 Mrs Adams Talks To Jane.mp3
    158. Easy Aces e182 Jane Has Trouble With Laura.mp3
    159. Easy Aces e183 Laura Tries To Bluff A Raise From Aces.mp3
    160. Easy Aces e184 Laura Gets Her Raise.mp3
    161. Easy Aces e185 Laura Gets Her Pay Raise.mp3
    162. Easy Aces e186 Jane Gets A Letter From Her Sister.mp3
    163. Easy Aces e187 Who Is Betty Seeing.mp3
    164. Easy Aces e188.mp3
    165. Easy Aces e189 Jane Writes A Letter To Her Sister.mp3
    166. Easy Aces e190 Finding Out About Betty's Boyfriend.mp3
    167. Easy Aces e191 Jane Thinks Nephew Should Date Betty.mp3
    168. Easy Aces e192 Jane Throws A Dinner For Bettycarl.mp3
    169. Easy Aces e193 Betty Tells Off Everyone.mp3
    170. Easy Aces e194 Jane Tries To Get Carlbetty Togeth.mp3
    171. Easy Aces e195 Betty Tells Off Everyone.mp3
    172. Easy Aces e196 Trying To Get Carl Betty Together.mp3
    173. Easy Aces e197 Carl Betty End Up Fighting.mp3
    174. Easy Aces e198 Carl Betty Make Up.mp3
    175. Easy Aces e199 Jane Talks To Neff About Bettycarl.mp3
    176. Easy Aces e200 Neff Threatens To Break Partnership.mp3
    177. Easy Aces e201 Carl Finds A Clause In The Contract.mp3
    178. Easy Aces e202 Betty Refuses A Bribe From Neff.mp3
    179. Easy Aces e203 Jane Takes A Check From Neff.mp3
    180. Easy Aces e204 Jane Gets Another Chance.mp3
    181. Easy Aces e205 Jane Tricks Neff Betty Carl Marry.mp3
    182. Easy Aces e206 Jane Plans A Party For Cokie.mp3
    183. Easy Aces e207 Jane Visits Cokie's Orphanage.mp3
    184. Easy Aces e208 Jane Tries To Crash The Party.mp3
    185. Easy Aces e209 Jane Brings Home A Letter.mp3
    186. Easy Aces e210 Jane Tries To Get Evidence.mp3
    187. Easy Aces e211 Aces Meet Mrs Duffy.mp3
    188. Easy Aces e212 Jane Wants To Manage A Singer.mp3
    189. Easy Aces e213 Johnny Ready For An Audition.mp3
    190. Easy Aces e214 Johnny Auditions.mp3
    191. Easy Aces e215 A Stage Name For Johnny.mp3
    192. Easy Aces e216 Johnny Is Cut From Radio.mp3
    193. Easy Aces e217 Johnny Gets His Start On Radio.mp3
    194. Easy Aces e218 Carl Betty Break Up.mp3
    195. Easy Aces e219 Betty Talks To Jane About Fight.mp3
    196. Easy Aces e220 The Aces Discuss Betty Carl.mp3
    197. Easy Aces e221 Betty Wants To Make Up With Carl.mp3
    198. Easy Aces e222 Betty Carl Almost Make Up.mp3
    199. Easy Aces e223 The Aces Plan A Fight.mp3
    200. Easy Aces e224 The Aces Pretend To Have An Argument.mp3
    201. Easy Aces e225 Carl And Betty Are Happy.mp3
    202. Easy Aces e226 Jane Wants A Mink Coat.mp3
    203. Easy Aces e227 Jane Sells Tickets To A Charity Play.mp3
    204. Easy Aces e228 Ace Gets Neff To Buy Tickets.mp3
    205. Easy Aces e229 Jane Is Given The Part Of A Maid.mp3
    206. Easy Aces e230 Jane Explains Part To Marge Ace.mp3
    207. Easy Aces e248 Ace Invites Neff For Bridge.mp3
    208. Easy Aces e252 Ace Learns About Jane's Card Playing.mp3
    209. Easy Aces e253 Jane Gives Another Lesson.mp3
    210. Easy Aces e254 Jane Talks About Bridge Playing Job.mp3
    211. Easy Aces e255 Jane's Bridge Method Becoms Popular.mp3
    212. Easy Aces e256 Jane Discusses Her New Contract.mp3
    213. Easy Aces e257 Newspaper Wants To Interview Jane.mp3
    214. Easy Aces e258 Everyone Is Mad At Jane.mp3
    215. Easy Aces e259 Jackson Runs A Bridge Scam.mp3
    216. Easy Aces e260 Jane Talks With Ace About A Business.mp3
    217. Easy Aces e269 Marge Quits Her Job.mp3
    218. Easy Aces e270 Jane Is Upset Over The Stenographer.mp3
    219. Easy Aces e271 Jane Cracks The Whip.mp3
    220. Easy Aces e272 Jane Meets The New Neighbor.mp3
    221. Easy Aces e273 Jane Takes Marriage Lessons.mp3
    222. Easy Aces e275 Jane Learns How To Help Ace.mp3
    223. Evelyn Winters 450228 Jenny Wants To Act.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 41 shows – 296 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 40 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Front Page Farrell 430000.mp3
    3. Front Page Farrell 490615 Man Who Knew All Angles.mp3
    4. Front Page Farrell 490620 Fatal Smile.mp3
    5. Front Page Farrell 490816 High Explosive.mp3
    6. Front Page Farrell 490831 Mysterious Killer.mp3
    7. Front Page Farrell Addicted To Morphine.mp3
    8. Front Page Farrell Go To War.mp3
    9. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 510830 Unheeded Warning.mp3
    10. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 511213 Marriage Annulment.mp3
    11. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 520110 Terrifying Letter Murder.mp3
    12. Helen Trent 1939 Episode.mp3
    13. Helen Trent 1950s Episode.mp3
    14. Helen Trent 1st Program.mp3
    15. Helen Trent Betsy and Lawrence.mp3
    16. Helen Trent Bret Blackmails Helen.mp3
    17. Helen Trent Helen Accused.mp3
    18. Helen Trent Helen in Silver City.mp3
    19. Helen Trent Helen To Lose Gil.mp3
    20. Helen Trent Helen Walks Into ATrap.mp3
    21. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [1].mp3
    22. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [2].mp3
    23. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [3].mp3
    24. Inspector Thorne 510720 001 Fabulous Divorce Payoff.mp3
    25. Inspector Thorne 510727 002 Vacant Lot.mp3
    26. Inspector Thorne 510803 003 a Golden Girl.mp3
    27. Inspector Thorne 510810 004 Defrosted Refrigerator.mp3
    28. Inspector Thorne 510817 005 High Style.mp3
    29. Inspector Thorne 510824 006 Mastermind.mp3
    30. Inspector Thorne 510831 007 Dark Cigarette.mp3
    31. Inspector Thorne 510906 008 Nickles And Dimes.mp3
    32. Inspector Thorne 510913 009 Two Fiancees.mp3
    33. Inspector Thorne 510920 010 Empty Ashtray.mp3
    34. Inspector Thorne 510927 011 Society Writer.mp3
    35. Johns Other Wife 390000 Johns Relapse.mp3
    36. Judy And Jane 420000 Audition Marijuana Plot.mp3
    37. Just Plain Bill 40 Cablegram From Cary.mp3
    38. Just Plain Bill 450810 VJ Day.mp3
    39. Just Plain Bill 460000.mp3
    40. Just Plain Bill Everlyn'sLastWilTestiment.mp3
    41. Just Plain Bill Rich Husband.mp3
    42. Just Plain Bill WhyDoNeighborsHideFromSheriff.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 218 shows – 560 MB – total playtime 40 hours, 47 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 002.mp3
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 003.mp3
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 004.mp3
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 005.mp3
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 006.mp3
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 007.mp3
    8. Life Of Mary Sothern 008.mp3
    9. Life Of Mary Sothern 014.mp3
    10. Life Of Mary Sothern 015.mp3
    11. Life Of Mary Sothern 016.mp3
    12. Life Of Mary Sothern 017.mp3
    13. Life Of Mary Sothern 018.mp3
    14. Life Of Mary Sothern 019.mp3
    15. Life Of Mary Sothern 020.mp3
    16. Life Of Mary Sothern 021.mp3
    17. Life Of Mary Sothern 022.mp3
    18. Life Of Mary Sothern 023.mp3
    19. Life Of Mary Sothern 024.mp3
    20. Life Of Mary Sothern 025.mp3
    21. Life Of Mary Sothern 026.mp3
    22. Life Of Mary Sothern 027.mp3
    23. Life Of Mary Sothern 028.mp3
    24. Life Of Mary Sothern 029.mp3
    25. Life Of Mary Sothern 030.mp3
    26. Life Of Mary Sothern 031.mp3
    27. Life Of Mary Sothern 032.mp3
    28. Life Of Mary Sothern 035.mp3
    29. Life Of Mary Sothern 036.mp3
    30. Life Of Mary Sothern 037.mp3
    31. Life Of Mary Sothern 038.mp3
    32. Life Of Mary Sothern 039.mp3
    33. Life Of Mary Sothern 040.mp3
    34. Life Of Mary Sothern 041.mp3
    35. Life Of Mary Sothern 042.mp3
    36. Life Of Mary Sothern 043.mp3
    37. Life Of Mary Sothern 044.mp3
    38. Life Of Mary Sothern 045.mp3
    39. Life Of Mary Sothern 046.mp3
    40. Life Of Mary Sothern 047.mp3
    41. Life Of Mary Sothern 048.mp3
    42. Life Of Mary Sothern 049.mp3
    43. Life Of Mary Sothern 050.mp3
    44. Life Of Mary Sothern 051.mp3
    45. Life Of Mary Sothern 052.mp3
    46. Life Of Mary Sothern 053.mp3
    47. Life Of Mary Sothern 054.mp3
    48. Life Of Mary Sothern 055.mp3
    49. Life Of Mary Sothern 056.mp3
    50. Life Of Mary Sothern 057.mp3
    51. Life Of Mary Sothern 058.mp3
    52. Life Of Mary Sothern 059.mp3
    53. Life Of Mary Sothern 060.mp3
    54. Life Of Mary Sothern 061+ (edited digest).mp3
    55. Life Of Mary Sothern 096.mp3
    56. Life Of Mary Sothern 099.mp3
    57. Life Of Mary Sothern 100.mp3
    58. Life Of Mary Sothern 102.mp3
    59. Life Of Mary Sothern 105.mp3
    60. Life Of Mary Sothern 106.mp3
    61. Life Of Mary Sothern 107.mp3
    62. Life Of Mary Sothern 108.mp3
    63. Life Of Mary Sothern 109.mp3
    64. Life Of Mary Sothern 110.mp3
    65. Life Of Mary Sothern 111.mp3
    66. Life Of Mary Sothern 112.mp3
    67. Life Of Mary Sothern 113.mp3
    68. Life Of Mary Sothern 114.mp3
    69. Life Of Mary Sothern 115.mp3
    70. Life Of Mary Sothern 116.mp3
    71. Life Of Mary Sothern 117.mp3
    72. Life Of Mary Sothern 118.mp3
    73. Life Of Mary Sothern 119.mp3
    74. Life Of Mary Sothern 120.mp3
    75. Life Of Mary Sothern 122.mp3
    76. Life Of Mary Sothern 123.mp3
    77. Life Of Mary Sothern 124.mp3
    78. Life Of Mary Sothern 125.mp3
    79. Life Of Mary Sothern 126.mp3
    80. Life Of Mary Sothern 127.mp3
    81. Life Of Mary Sothern 128.mp3
    82. Life Of Mary Sothern 129.mp3
    83. Life Of Mary Sothern 130.mp3
    84. Life Of Mary Sothern 132.mp3
    85. Life Of Mary Sothern 133.mp3
    86. Life Of Mary Sothern 135.mp3
    87. Life Of Mary Sothern 136.mp3
    88. Life Of Mary Sothern 137.mp3
    89. Life Of Mary Sothern 138.mp3
    90. Life Of Mary Sothern 139.mp3
    91. Life Of Mary Sothern 140.mp3
    92. Life Of Mary Sothern 141.mp3
    93. Life Of Mary Sothern 142.mp3
    94. Life Of Mary Sothern 143.mp3
    95. Life Of Mary Sothern 144.mp3
    96. Life Of Mary Sothern 145.mp3
    97. Life Of Mary Sothern 146.mp3
    98. Life Of Mary Sothern 160.mp3
    99. Life Of Mary Sothern 161.mp3
    100. Life Of Mary Sothern 162.mp3
    101. Life Of Mary Sothern 163.mp3
    102. Life Of Mary Sothern 164.mp3
    103. Life Of Mary Sothern 165.mp3
    104. Life Of Mary Sothern 172.mp3
    105. Life Of Mary Sothern 173.mp3
    106. Life Of Mary Sothern 174.mp3
    107. Life Of Mary Sothern 175.mp3
    108. Life Of Mary Sothern 176.mp3
    109. Life Of Mary Sothern 177.mp3
    110. Life Of Mary Sothern 182.mp3
    111. Life Of Mary Sothern 183.mp3
    112. Life Of Mary Sothern 185.mp3
    113. Life Of Mary Sothern 186.mp3
    114. Life Of Mary Sothern 188.mp3
    115. Life Of Mary Sothern 189.mp3
    116. Life Of Mary Sothern 190.mp3
    117. Life Of Mary Sothern 191.mp3
    118. Life Of Mary Sothern 192.mp3
    119. Life Of Mary Sothern 193.mp3
    120. Life Of Mary Sothern 195.mp3
    121. Life Of Mary Sothern 196.mp3
    122. Life Of Mary Sothern 198.mp3
    123. Life Of Mary Sothern 199.mp3
    124. Life Of Mary Sothern 200.mp3
    125. Life Of Mary Sothern 204.mp3
    126. Life Of Mary Sothern 205.mp3
    127. Life Of Mary Sothern 206.mp3
    128. Life Of Mary Sothern 207.mp3
    129. Life Of Mary Sothern 208.mp3
    130. Life Of Mary Sothern 209.mp3
    131. Life Of Mary Sothern 210.mp3
    132. Life Of Mary Sothern 211.mp3
    133. Life Of Mary Sothern 212.mp3
    134. Life Of Mary Sothern 213.mp3
    135. Life Of Mary Sothern 214.mp3
    136. Life Of Mary Sothern 216.mp3
    137. Life Of Mary Sothern 217.mp3
    138. Life Of Mary Sothern 218.mp3
    139. Life Of Mary Sothern 219.mp3
    140. Life Of Mary Sothern 220.mp3
    141. Life Of Mary Sothern 221.mp3
    142. Life Of Mary Sothern 223.mp3
    143. Life Of Mary Sothern 224.mp3
    144. Life Of Mary Sothern 225.mp3
    145. Life Of Mary Sothern 226.mp3
    146. Life Of Mary Sothern 228.mp3
    147. Life Of Mary Sothern 229.mp3
    148. Life Of Mary Sothern 230.mp3
    149. Life Of Mary Sothern 231.mp3
    150. Life Of Mary Sothern 232.mp3
    151. Life Of Mary Sothern 233.mp3
    152. Life Of Mary Sothern 234.mp3
    153. Life Of Mary Sothern 235.mp3
    154. Life Of Mary Sothern 236.mp3
    155. Life Of Mary Sothern 237.mp3
    156. Life Of Mary Sothern 238.mp3
    157. Life Of Mary Sothern 239.mp3
    158. Life Of Mary Sothern 240.mp3
    159. Life Of Mary Sothern 241.mp3
    160. Life Of Mary Sothern 242.mp3
    161. Life Of Mary Sothern 243.mp3
    162. Life Of Mary Sothern 244.mp3
    163. Life Of Mary Sothern 246.mp3
    164. Life Of Mary Sothern 247.mp3
    165. Life Of Mary Sothern 248.mp3
    166. Life Of Mary Sothern 249.mp3
    167. Life Of Mary Sothern 250.mp3
    168. Life Of Mary Sothern 251.mp3
    169. Life Of Mary Sothern 252.mp3
    170. Life Of Mary Sothern 253.mp3
    171. Life Of Mary Sothern 254.mp3
    172. Life Of Mary Sothern 255.mp3
    173. Life Of Mary Sothern 256.mp3
    174. Life Of Mary Sothern 257.mp3
    175. Life Of Mary Sothern 258.mp3
    176. Life Of Mary Sothern 259.mp3
    177. Life Of Mary Sothern 260.mp3
    178. Life Of Mary Sothern 261.mp3
    179. Life Of Mary Sothern 262.mp3
    180. Life Of Mary Sothern 263.mp3
    181. Life Of Mary Sothern 264.mp3
    182. Life Of Mary Sothern 265.mp3
    183. Life Of Mary Sothern 266.mp3
    184. Life Of Mary Sothern 267.mp3
    185. Life Of Mary Sothern 268.mp3
    186. Life Of Mary Sothern 269.mp3
    187. Life Of Mary Sothern 270.mp3
    188. Life Of Mary Sothern 271.mp3
    189. Life Of Mary Sothern 272.mp3
    190. Life Of Mary Sothern 273.mp3
    191. Life Of Mary Sothern 280.mp3
    192. Life Of Mary Sothern 281.mp3
    193. Life Of Mary Sothern 282.mp3
    194. Life Of Mary Sothern 283.mp3
    195. Life Of Mary Sothern 284.mp3
    196. Life Of Mary Sothern 285.mp3
    197. Life Of Mary Sothern 286.mp3
    198. Life Of Mary Sothern 287.mp3
    199. Life Of Mary Sothern 288.mp3
    200. Life Of Mary Sothern 293.mp3
    201. Life Of Mary Sothern 294.mp3
    202. Life Of Mary Sothern 296.mp3
    203. Life Of Mary Sothern 298.mp3
    204. Life Of Mary Sothern 299.mp3
    205. Life Of Mary Sothern 301.mp3
    206. Life Of Mary Sothern 302.mp3
    207. Life Of Mary Sothern 303.mp3
    208. Life Of Mary Sothern 304.mp3
    209. Life Of Mary Sothern 305.mp3
    210. Life Of Mary Sothern 308.mp3
    211. Life Of Mary Sothern 309.mp3
    212. Life Of Mary Sothern 310.mp3
    213. Life Of Mary Sothern 311.mp3
    214. Life Of Mary Sothern 312.mp3
    215. Life Of Mary Sothern 313.mp3
    216. Life Of Mary Sothern 314.mp3
    217. Life Of Mary Sothern 315.mp3
    218. Life Of Mary Sothern 316.mp3
    219. Life Of Mary Sothern 317.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 76 shows – 690 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 28 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Annie 340000 Tin Box.mp3
    3. Annie 351018 0917 Annie's Party.mp3
    4. Annie 351021 0918 Jake Sick.mp3
    5. Annie 351022 0919 To Work.mp3
    6. Annie 351023 0920 Annie Joe's Plan.mp3
    7. Annie 360000 1018 Mr. Flint Selling Stock In the Toll Bridge.mp3
    8. Annie 360000 1019 Mr. Flint Tries to Sell Stock to Jake Levy.mp3
    9. Annie 360000 1020 Watching Bridge Being Built.mp3
    10. Annie 360000 1021 Second Grade Logs Used to Build Bridge.mp3
    11. Annie 360000 1026 Tony Is Arrested For Robbery.mp3
    12. Annie 360000 1027 Light In the Mysterious Deserted House.mp3
    13. Annie 360000 1038 Bill Corwin Has Disappeared.mp3
    14. Annie 360000 1039 Looking For Bill Corwin.mp3
    15. Annie 360000 1066 Bridge Is Destroyed.mp3
    16. Annie 360000 1067 Telegram For Mr. Silo.mp3
    17. Annie 360000 1068 Mr. Silo Prepares For Trip.mp3
    18. Annie 360000 1069 Annie and Joe Are Going to Mississippi.mp3
    19. Annie 360000 Auction Jed's Showboat.mp3
    20. Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniversary.mp3
    21. Annie 360617 1165 Who Shot Tom Baines' Dog.mp3
    22. Annie 380000 1534 Building A Radio Transmitter.mp3
    23. Annie 380000 1535 Daddy Warbucks Searches For Annie.mp3
    24. Annie 380000 1536 Queen of the Island.mp3
    25. Annie 380000 1537 Diamonds.mp3
    26. Annie 380000 1538 Testing the Diamonds.mp3
    27. Annie 380000 1539 Daddy Warbucks Hears Radio Signals.mp3
    28. Annie 380000 1554 Temple in the Jungle.mp3
    29. Annie 400920 follows mysterious lady.mp3
    30. Annie 401000 Pearl Diver.mp3
    31. Annie 401120 Annie Follows Mystery Lady.mp3
    32. Lora Lawton 470717.mp3
    33. Lora Lawton 470719.mp3
    34. Lora Lawton 470903.mp3
    35. Lora Lawton 471013.mp3
    36. Lora Lawton 471026.mp3
    37. Lora Lawton 471027.mp3
    38. Lora Lawton 471201.mp3
    39. Lora Lawton 471204.mp3
    40. Lora Lawton 471209.mp3
    41. Lora Lawton 471210.mp3
    42. Lora Lawton 471223.mp3
    43. Lora Lawton 480430.mp3
    44. Lora Lawton 480502.mp3
    45. Lora Lawton 480504.mp3
    46. Lora Lawton 480505.mp3
    47. Lora Lawton 480511.mp3
    48. Lora Lawton 480512.mp3
    49. Lora Lawton 480513.mp3
    50. Lora Lawton 480525.mp3
    51. Lora Lawton 480527.mp3
    52. Lora Lawton 480531.mp3
    53. Lora Lawton 480623.mp3
    54. Lora Lawton 480713.mp3
    55. Lorenzo Jones 4115 Lorenzo Jones Collapsible Ladder.mp3
    56. Lorenzo Jones 4116 Lorenzo Works For Contractor He Hired.mp3
    57. Lorenzo Jones 440607 Lorenzo Reads High School Yearbook.mp3
    58. Lorenzo Jones 441026 Buster And Bell At Lunch.mp3
    59. Lorenzo Jones 450810 Lorenzo Accused Of Robbery.mp3
    60. Lorenzo Jones 480607 Claire Foster Is Secret Agent.mp3
    61. Lorenzo Jones 480810 Sulphur Water.mp3
    62. Lorenzo Jones 480921 Lorenzo Plans Model Town.mp3
    63. Lorenzo Jones 490222 Lorenzo Angry With Belle.mp3
    64. Lorenzo Jones 501030 Lorenzo Thinks He Is Going To Inherit.mp3
    65. Lorenzo Jones 520305 Edgar Graling Fnd Lorenzo Plans Control.mp3
    66. Lorenzo Jones 541223 Handwriting Expert Fragment.mp3
    67. Lorenzo Jones 5501 Lorenzo Loses Money.mp3
    68. Lorenzo Jones 550112 Poison In Drink.mp3
    69. Lorenzo Jones 550113 Lorenzo Still Has Amnesia.mp3
    70. Lorenzo Jones 550114 Belle Carries Knife.mp3
    71. Lorenzo Jones 550624 Roger Craxtons Murder.mp3
    72. Lorenzo Jones Aptitude Test.mp3
    73. Lorenzo Jones Bell Takes Piano Lessons.mp3
    74. Lorenzo Jones Belle Gets Arrested.mp3
    75. Lorenzo Jones Claire Foster.mp3
    76. Lorenzo Jones Invention Turned Down.mp3
    77. Lorenzo Jones Lorenzo Makes Speech At Womens Club.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 244 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 45 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ma Perkins 006.mp3
    3. Ma Perkins 008.mp3
    4. Ma Perkins 012.mp3
    5. Ma Perkins 016 brdc510219 Analizes Faye's Telegram.mp3
    6. Ma Perkins 018 brdc501015 Ma Ed Discuss Sylv.mp3
    7. Ma Perkins 022 e4469.mp3
    8. Ma Perkins 026.mp3
    9. Ma Perkins 030 Sonia Fades Out.mp3
    10. Ma Perkins 032 Sonia Is Shot.mp3
    11. Ma Perkins 034 Willie And Evy Lie To Ma.mp3
    12. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie.mp3
    13. Ma Perkins 040 e4435.mp3
    14. Ma Perkins 042 e4436.mp3
    15. Ma Perkins 044 e4437.mp3
    16. Ma Perkins 046 e4438.mp3
    17. Ma Perkins 048 e4439.mp3
    18. Ma Perkins 050 e4440.mp3
    19. Ma Perkins 052 e4441.mp3
    20. Ma Perkins 054 e4442.mp3
    21. Ma Perkins 056 e4443.mp3
    22. Ma Perkins 058 e4444.mp3
    23. Ma Perkins 060 e4445.mp3
    24. Ma Perkins 064 e4447.mp3
    25. Ma Perkins 066 e4448.mp3
    26. Ma Perkins 068 e4449.mp3
    27. Ma Perkins 070 e4450.mp3
    28. Ma Perkins 072 e4451.mp3
    29. Ma Perkins 074 e4452.mp3
    30. Ma Perkins 078 e4454.mp3
    31. Ma Perkins 080 e4455.mp3
    32. Ma Perkins 082 e4456.mp3
    33. Ma Perkins 084 e4463.mp3
    34. Ma Perkins 086 e4464.mp3
    35. Ma Perkins 088 e4467.mp3
    36. Ma Perkins 090 e4468.mp3
    37. Ma Perkins 094 e4470.mp3
    38. Ma Perkins 096 e4471.mp3
    39. Ma Perkins 098 e4472.mp3
    40. Ma Perkins 100 e4475.mp3
    41. Ma Perkins 102 e4476.mp3
    42. Ma Perkins 104 e4487.mp3
    43. Ma Perkins 105 e4488.mp3
    44. Ma Perkins 108 e4495.mp3
    45. Ma Perkins 110 e4496.mp3
    46. Ma Perkins 112 e4497.mp3
    47. Ma Perkins 114 e4498.mp3
    48. Ma Perkins 116 e4513.mp3
    49. Ma Perkins 118 e4514 Ma Willie Shuffle get info Bonita.mp3
    50. Ma Perkins 120 e4527.mp3
    51. Ma Perkins 122 e4528.mp3
    52. Ma Perkins 124 e4531.mp3
    53. Ma Perkins 126 e4532.mp3
    54. Ma Perkins 128 e4537 Mr has arrived in Rushville.mp3
    55. Ma Perkins 130 e4538.mp3
    56. Ma Perkins 423.mp3
    57. Ma Perkins 4433.mp3
    58. Ma Perkins 4437.mp3
    59. Ma Perkins 4446.mp3
    60. Ma Perkins 4453.mp3
    61. Ma Perkins 999 last show Thanksgiving.mp3
    62. Backstage Wife 470703.mp3
    63. Backstage Wife 470808.mp3
    64. Backstage Wife 470813.mp3
    65. Backstage Wife 470903.mp3
    66. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3913.mp3
    67. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3914.mp3
    68. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3915.mp3
    69. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3916.mp3
    70. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3917.mp3
    71. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3918.mp3
    72. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3919.mp3
    73. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3920.mp3
    74. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3921.mp3
    75. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3922.mp3
    76. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3923.mp3
    77. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3924.mp3
    78. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3925.mp3
    79. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3926.mp3
    80. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3927.mp3
    81. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3928.mp3
    82. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3929.mp3
    83. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3930.mp3
    84. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3931.mp3
    85. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3932.mp3
    86. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3933.Mp3
    87. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3934.Mp3
    88. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3935.Mp3
    89. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3936.Mp3
    90. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3937.Mp3
    91. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3938.Mp3
    92. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3939.Mp3
    93. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3940.Mp3
    94. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3941.Mp3
    95. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3942.Mp3
    96. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3943.Mp3
    97. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3944.Mp3
    98. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3945.Mp3
    99. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3946.Mp3
    100. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3947.Mp3
    101. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3948.Mp3
    102. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3949.Mp3
    103. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3950.Mp3
    104. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3951.Mp3
    105. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3952.Mp3
    106. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3953.Mp3
    107. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3954.Mp3
    108. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3955.Mp3
    109. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3956.Mp3
    110. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3957.Mp3
    111. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3958.Mp3
    112. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3959.Mp3
    113. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3960.Mp3
    114. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3961.Mp3
    115. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3962.Mp3
    116. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3963.Mp3
    117. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3964.Mp3
    118. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3965.Mp3
    119. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3966.Mp3
    120. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3967.Mp3
    121. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3968.Mp3
    122. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3969.Mp3
    123. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3970.Mp3
    124. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3971.Mp3
    125. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3972.Mp3
    126. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3973.Mp3
    127. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3974.Mp3
    128. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3975.Mp3
    129. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3976.Mp3
    130. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3977.Mp3
    131. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3978.Mp3
    132. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3979.Mp3
    133. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3980.Mp3
    134. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3981.Mp3
    135. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3982.Mp3
    136. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3983.Mp3
    137. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3984.Mp3
    138. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3985.Mp3
    139. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3986.Mp3
    140. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3987.Mp3
    141. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3988.Mp3
    142. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3989.Mp3
    143. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3990.Mp3
    144. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3991.Mp3
    145. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3992.Mp3
    146. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3993.Mp3
    147. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3994.Mp3
    148. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3995.Mp3
    149. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3996.Mp3
    150. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3997.Mp3
    151. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3998.Mp3
    152. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3999.Mp3
    153. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4000.Mp3
    154. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4001.Mp3
    155. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4002.Mp3
    156. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4003.Mp3
    157. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4004.Mp3
    158. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4005.Mp3
    159. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4006.Mp3
    160. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4007.Mp3
    161. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4008.Mp3
    162. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4009.Mp3
    163. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4010.Mp3
    164. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4011.Mp3
    165. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4012.Mp3
    166. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4013.Mp3
    167. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4014.Mp3
    168. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4015.Mp3
    169. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4016.Mp3
    170. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4017.Mp3
    171. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4018.Mp3
    172. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4019.Mp3
    173. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4020.Mp3
    174. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4057.Mp3
    175. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4058.Mp3
    176. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4059.Mp3
    177. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4060.Mp3
    178. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4061.Mp3
    179. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4062.Mp3
    180. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4065.Mp3
    181. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4066.Mp3
    182. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4067.Mp3
    183. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4068.Mp3
    184. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4069.Mp3
    185. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4070.Mp3
    186. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4071.Mp3
    187. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4072.Mp3
    188. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4074.Mp3
    189. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4075.Mp3
    190. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4076.Mp3
    191. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4077.Mp3
    192. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4079.Mp3
    193. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4080.Mp3
    194. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4081.Mp3
    195. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4082.Mp3
    196. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4083.Mp3
    197. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4084.Mp3
    198. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4085.Mp3
    199. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4086.Mp3
    200. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4087.Mp3
    201. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4088.Mp3
    202. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4089.Mp3
    203. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4090.Mp3
    204. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4091.Mp3
    205. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4092.Mp3
    206. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4093.Mp3
    207. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4094.Mp3
    208. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4095.Mp3
    209. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4096.Mp3
    210. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4097.Mp3
    211. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4098.Mp3
    212. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4099.Mp3
    213. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4100.Mp3
    214. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4101.Mp3
    215. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4102.Mp3
    216. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4103.Mp3
    217. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4104.Mp3
    218. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4105.Mp3
    219. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4106.Mp3
    220. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4107.Mp3
    221. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4108.Mp3
    222. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4109.Mp3
    223. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4110.Mp3
    224. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4111.Mp3
    225. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4112.Mp3
    226. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4113.Mp3
    227. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4114.Mp3
    228. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4115.Mp3
    229. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4116.Mp3
    230. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4117.Mp3
    231. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4118.Mp3
    232. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4119.Mp3
    233. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4120.Mp3
    234. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4121.Mp3
    235. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4122.Mp3
    236. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4123.Mp3
    237. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4124.Mp3
    238. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4125.Mp3
    239. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4126.Mp3
    240. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4127.Mp3
    241. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4128.Mp3
    242. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4129.Mp3
    243. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4130.Mp3
    244. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4131.Mp3
    245. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4132.Mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 39 shows – 479 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 50 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. MMGR 411207 Pearl Harbor.mp3
    3. MMGR 430000 - only 2 min.mp3
    4. MMGR 430314 As Time Goes By Dr Lyons Tooth Powder.mp3
    5. MMGR 441029 Cancan Victor Arden His Orchestra.mp3
    6. MMGR 450701 Sentimental Journey By Barry Roberts.mp3
    7. MMGR 450812 Cab Song By Barry Roberts.mp3
    8. MMGR 480808 Thomas L Thomas.mp3
    9. MMGR AFRS 21.mp3
    10. MMGR AFRS 47.mp3
    11. Mr Chameleon 491221 Perfect Maid Murder Case.mp3
    12. Mr Chameleon 530424 Murder and the Million Dollar Smile.mp3
    13. Mr Keen 400605 The Woman Who Wasnt Needed.mp3
    14. Mr Keen 440106 The Moonless Night.mp3
    15. Mr Keen 440113 The Missing Witness.mp3
    16. Mr Keen 440120 The Girl Who Sang Too Well.mp3
    17. Mr Keen 440203 The Girl Who Flirted.mp3
    18. Mr Keen 440210 The Boy Who Used Big Words.mp3
    19. Mr Keen 440217 Mr Trevors Secret.mp3
    20. Mr Keen 440224 Murder In Air.mp3
    21. Mr Keen 440316 The Strange Display.mp3
    22. Mr Keen 440413 The Leaping Dog.mp3
    23. Mr Keen 440615 The Woman In Blue.mp3
    24. Mr Keen 441116 The Frightened Child.mp3
    25. Mr Keen 441214 Nightmare Murder.mp3
    26. Mr Keen 450315 The Absent Minded Professor.mp3
    27. Mr Keen 451129 106 Strange Case of Charley Lorimer.mp3
    28. Mr Keen 460523 The Glamorous Widow.mp3
    29. Mr Keen 481028 Identical Twins Murder Partial.mp3
    30. Mr Keen 490609 Murder And Star Of Death.mp3
    31. Mr Keen 490915 Murder And Bloodstained Necklace.mp3
    32. Mr Keen 490922 Yellow Talon Murder.mp3
    33. Mr Keen 490929 Murder With A Thousand Witnesses.mp3
    34. Mr Keen 491006 The Man Who Invented Death.mp3
    35. Mr Keen 491013 Silver Dagger Murder.mp3
    36. Mr Keen 491027 The Ruthless Murderers.mp3
    37. Mr Keen 491103 Forgotten Cave Murder.mp3
    38. Mr Keen 491110 Engaged Girl Murder.mp3
    39. Mr Keen 500105 The Rushville Murder.mp3
    40. Mr Keen 500119 Bride And Groom Murder Afrs.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 30 shows – 357 MB – total playtime 13 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. Mr Keen 500126 Telephone Book Murder.mp3
    3. Mr Keen 500209 Murder And Jewel Thief.mp3
    4. Mr Keen 500216 The Two Faced Murderer.mp3
    5. Mr Keen 500223 319 Tealeaf Murder Case.mp3
    6. Mr Keen 500309 The Melody Of Murder.mp3
    7. Mr Keen 500316 Innocent Flirtation Murder.mp3
    8. Mr Keen 500406 The Murdered Detective.mp3
    9. Mr Keen 500413 Eccentric Millionaire Murder.mp3
    10. Mr Keen 500420 Country Club Murder.mp3
    11. Mr Keen 500427 The Woman Who Married A Murderer.mp3
    12. Mr Keen 500504 King Cobra Murder.mp3
    13. Mr Keen 500511 Murder And Missing Car.mp3
    14. Mr Keen 500518 xxx Case of the Missing Countess.mp3
    15. Mr Keen 500525 Broken Window Murder.mp3
    16. Mr Keen 500601 Quicksand Murder.mp3
    17. Mr Keen 500615 Skull And Crossbones Murder.mp3
    18. Mr Keen 510720 Murder And Strange Woman.mp3
    19. Mr Keen 510727 Photograph Album Murder.mp3
    20. Mr Keen 510803 The Strange Murder Of Carrie Ellis.mp3
    21. Mr Keen 510810 Abandoned Well Murder.mp3
    22. Mr Keen 510817 Poisoned Sandwich Murder.mp3
    23. Mr Keen 511206 Murder At A Mile A Minute.mp3
    24. Mr Keen 520313 Silver Candlestick Murder.mp3
    25. Mr Keen 520403 Rented Cottage Murder.mp3
    26. Mr Keen 520410 Mothers Plea Murder.mp3
    27. Mr Keen 540621 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 1.mp3
    28. Mr Keen 540623 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 2.mp3
    29. Mr Keen 540624 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 3.mp3
    30. Mr Keen 540625 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 4.mp3
    31. Mr Keen 550222 Murder And Revengeful Ghost.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 107 shows – 301 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 55 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. Nona 500207 Vernon Tries Convince Nona Of His Love.mp3
    3. Nona 500209 Thelma Powell Blames Nona For All The Delays.mp3
    4. Nona 500210 Thelma Powell Delay Vernon To Nona.mp3
    5. Nona 500223 Basil Newton Heard Pat Brady Admit Monac Murder.mp3
    6. Nona500228 Nona And Vernon Visit Pat Brady In Jail.mp3
    7. Pretty Kitty Kelly 390303.mp3
    8. Stella Dallas 1955.mp3
    9. Stella Dallas Jeff Goes To D.C..mp3
    10. Stella Dallas Mr.WymanCelia.mp3
    11. Stella Dallas Stella Misses Rasheed.mp3
    12. Stella Dallas Steven Dallas Returns.mp3
    13. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[1].mp3
    14. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[2].mp3
    15. StellaDallas 01 serial.mp3
    16. StellaDallas 02 serial.mp3
    17. StellaDallas 04 serial.mp3
    18. Valiant Lady 390501 Out Of Gas On Lover's Lane.mp3
    19. Valiant Lady 390502 Day After Crash.mp3
    20. Valiant Lady 390503 Newspaper Scandal.mp3
    21. Valiant Lady 390504 Farewell Letter To Joan.mp3
    22. Valiant Lady 390515 Doug Visits Irene.mp3
    23. Valiant Lady 390516 Reconciliation.mp3
    24. Valiant Lady 390517 Doug's Secret Discovered.mp3
    25. Valiant Lady 390518 Joan And Paul Invited To Dinner.mp3
    26. Valiant Lady.mp3
    27. Young Widder Brown 0201.mp3
    28. Young Widder Brown 3037.mp3
    29. Young Widder Brown 3038.mp3
    30. Young Widder Brown 3039.mp3
    31. Young Widder Brown 3040.mp3
    32. Young Widder Brown 3041.mp3
    33. Young Widder Brown 3042.mp3
    34. Young Widder Brown 3043.mp3
    35. Young Widder Brown 3044.mp3
    36. Young Widder Brown 3045.mp3
    37. Young Widder Brown 3046.mp3
    38. Young Widder Brown 3047.mp3
    39. Young Widder Brown 3048.mp3
    40. Young Widder Brown 3049.mp3
    41. Young Widder Brown 3050.mp3
    42. Young Widder Brown 3051.mp3
    43. Young Widder Brown 3052.mp3
    44. Young Widder Brown 3053.mp3
    45. Young Widder Brown 3054.mp3
    46. Young Widder Brown 3055.mp3
    47. Young Widder Brown 3056.mp3
    48. Young Widder Brown 3057.mp3
    49. Young Widder Brown 3058.mp3
    50. Young Widder Brown 3059.mp3
    51. Young Widder Brown 3060.mp3
    52. Young Widder Brown 3061.mp3
    53. Young Widder Brown 3062.mp3
    54. Young Widder Brown 3063.mp3
    55. Young Widder Brown 3064.mp3
    56. Young Widder Brown 3065.mp3
    57. Young Widder Brown 3066.mp3
    58. Young Widder Brown 3067.mp3
    59. Young Widder Brown 3068.mp3
    60. Young Widder Brown 3069.mp3
    61. Young Widder Brown 3070.mp3
    62. Young Widder Brown 3071.mp3
    63. Young Widder Brown 3072.mp3
    64. Young Widder Brown 3073.mp3
    65. Young Widder Brown 3074.mp3
    66. Young Widder Brown 3075.mp3
    67. Young Widder Brown 3076.mp3
    68. Young Widder Brown 3077.mp3
    69. Young Widder Brown 3078.mp3
    70. Young Widder Brown 3079.mp3
    71. Young Widder Brown 3080.mp3
    72. Young Widder Brown 3081.mp3
    73. Young Widder Brown 3082.mp3
    74. Young Widder Brown 3083.mp3
    75. Young Widder Brown 3084.mp3
    76. Young Widder Brown 3085.mp3
    77. Young Widder Brown 3086.mp3
    78. Young Widder Brown 3087.mp3
    79. Young Widder Brown 3088.mp3
    80. Young Widder Brown 3089.mp3
    81. Young Widder Brown 3090.mp3
    82. Young Widder Brown 3091.mp3
    83. Young Widder Brown 3092.mp3
    84. Young Widder Brown 3093.mp3
    85. Young Widder Brown 3094.mp3
    86. Young Widder Brown 3095.mp3
    87. Young Widder Brown 3096.mp3
    88. Young Widder Brown 3097.mp3
    89. Young Widder Brown 3098.mp3
    90. Young Widder Brown 3099.mp3
    91. Young Widder Brown 3100.mp3
    92. Young Widder Brown 3101.mp3
    93. Young Widder Brown 3102.mp3
    94. Young Widder Brown 3103.mp3
    95. Young Widder Brown 3104.mp3
    96. Young Widder Brown 3105.mp3
    97. Young Widder Brown 3106.mp3
    98. Young Widder Brown 3107.mp3
    99. Young Widder Brown 3108.mp3
    100. Young Widder Brown Ellen Talks to Sister.mp3
    101. Young Widder Brown Pt1 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    102. Young Widder Brown Pt2 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    103. Young Widder Brown Pt3 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    104. Young Widder Brown Pt4 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    105. Young Widder Brown Pt5 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    106. Young Widder Brown Pt6 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    107. Young Widder Brown Pt7 Fiance on Trial.mp3
    108. Young Widder Brown Pt8 Fiance on Trial.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    1061 recordings on 217 Audio CDs. Total playtime 224 hours, 19 min
    1061 recordings on 217 Audio CDs
    total playtime 224 hours, 19 min

    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A001

    1. Amanda Of Honeymoon Hill Grandmas Fight Ovr Grandchild
    2. Aaofm 169 If I Love Again

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A002

    1. Aaofm 170 Way You Look Tonight
    2. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider
    3. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row
    4. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am
    5. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza
    6. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie
    7. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining
    8. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row
    9. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A003

    1. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones
    2. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore
    3. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield
    4. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie
    5. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No
    6. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door
    7. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S
    8. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut)
    9. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side
    10. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water
    11. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please
    12. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row
    13. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol
    14. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A004

    1. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore
    2. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No
    3. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door
    4. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo
    5. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee
    6. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee
    7. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose
    8. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee
    9. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia
    10. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose
    11. Betty-Bob Xxxxxx 381 Betty Making Progress

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A005

    1. Whatever Became Of David Harum
    2. Easy Aces e000 Jane Goes To A Psychiatrist (6 Mi Excerpt)
    3. Easy Aces e001 Jane Writes A Letter
    4. Easy Aces e002 Jane Buys Johnny 2 Suits

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A006

    1. Easy Aces e003 Johnny Argues With Ace About Getting A Job
    2. Easy Aces e004 Johnny Gets A Job At Everett's Store
    3. Easy Aces e005 Johnny Starts His New Job
    4. Easy Aces e006 What Is Johnny Doing At Night
    5. Easy Aces e007 Catching Fur Thieves

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A007

    1. Easy Aces e008 Jane Tips Off The Theives
    2. Easy Aces e009 Neff Wants Jane To Sell Land To Everett
    3. Easy Aces e010 Neff Talks To Jane About Deal
    4. Easy Aces e011 Phone Calls
    5. Easy Aces e012 Jane Sees Everett About Neff's Land

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A008

    1. Easy Aces e013 Jane And Neff Talk About Deal
    2. Easy Aces e014 Everett Talks To Ace About Deal
    3. Easy Aces e015 Ace Finds Out About Jane And Neff
    4. Easy Aces e016 Neff Sues Over Land Deal
    5. Easy Aces e017 Ace's Lawyer Out Of Town

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A009

    1. Easy Aces e018 Neff's New Lawyer Needs Suit
    2. Easy Aces e019 Getting Ready For Trial
    3. Easy Aces e020 Jane Gives Neff's Lawyer Ace's Suit
    4. Easy Aces e021 Jane Gives Away A Vest
    5. Easy Aces e022 Studying For The Trial

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A010

    1. Easy Aces e023 Jane Testifies In Court
    2. Easy Aces e024 Jane's Testimony - Aftermath
    3. Easy Aces e025 Neff Settles The Suit With Jane
    4. Easy Aces e026 Ace Finds Out About Neff's Settlement
    5. Easy Aces e027 Ace Finds Out About His Suit

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A011

    1. Easy Aces e028 Ace Sets Up A Bridge Game
    2. Easy Aces e029 Jane Takes Bridge Lessons
    3. Easy Aces e030 Cheating At Bridge
    4. Easy Aces e031 Runaway Boy
    5. Easy Aces e032 Ace Finds Out About Runaway
    6. Easy Aces e033 Jane Wants To Adopt A Baby

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A012

    1. Easy Aces e038 Cokie Knocks Out Ace And Johnny
    2. Easy Aces e039 Cokie Might Be A Prizefighter
    3. Easy Aces e040 Neil Gets Cokie A Fight
    4. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight
    5. Easy Aces e043 Cokie Is Set Up For A Knock-Out
    6. Easy Aces e044 Jane Takes A $1,000 Bribe
    7. Easy Aces e045 Cokie's Second Fight

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A013

    1. Easy Aces e046 Ace Is Working Nights
    2. Easy Aces e047 Jane Is Worried About What Ace Is Doing
    3. Easy Aces e048 Jane Follows Ace In A Taxi
    4. Easy Aces e049 Jane Confides In Johnny
    5. Easy Aces e050 Jane Tries To Make Ace Jealous
    6. Easy Aces e051 The Old Boyfriend

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A014

    1. Easy Aces e052 The Portrait Is Finished
    2. Easy Aces e053 The Other Woman
    3. Easy Aces e054 New Neighbor Movie Director
    4. Easy Aces e055 Jane Thinks Of A Screen Name
    5. Easy Aces e056 Jane Wants Neal To Get The Script
    6. Easy Aces e057 Neal Thinks Lorentz Want Jane In Movie

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A015

    1. Easy Aces e058 Lorentz Tries To Get Marge For Movie
    2. Easy Aces e059 Jane's Screentest
    3. Easy Aces e060 Neal Gets Jealous Over Lorentz
    4. Easy Aces e061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking
    5. Easy Aces e062 Lorentz Tries To Woo Marge

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A016

    1. Easy Aces e063 Jane And Marge Make Up
    2. Easy Aces e064 Betty Pulls A Gun On Neal Lorentz
    3. Easy Aces e065 Betty Tries To Kill Marge
    4. Easy Aces e066 Jane Tells The Newspapers Everything
    5. Easy Aces e067 Neal Has An Idea To Save The Day

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A017

    1. Easy Aces e068 The Police Question Jane
    2. Easy Aces e069 Lorenz Says Goodbye To Marge
    3. Easy Aces e070 Jane Wants Marge To Marry Neal
    4. Easy Aces e071 Aces Try To Fix Up Neff Mrs Williams
    5. Easy Aces e078 Neff Signs A Deal With Ace

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A018

    1. Easy Aces e079 Jane Is Put On A Budget
    2. Easy Aces e080 Jane Takes Charge Of The Household Expenses
    3. Easy Aces e081 Jane Tries To Learn How To Run The Household
    4. Easy Aces e082 Jane Explains Her Budget To Ace
    5. Easy Aces e083 Laura Is Giving Money Food To Boyfriend

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A019

    1. Easy Aces e084 The Aces Meet Laura's Boyfriend, Harry
    2. Easy Aces e085 Jane Tries To Get Rid Of Harry
    3. Easy Aces e086 Jane Decides To Get A Loan
    4. Easy Aces e087 Jane And Ace Both Borrow Money
    5. Easy Aces e088 Jane And Ace Get Each Other's Signature

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A020

    1. Easy Aces e089 Jane Tries To Get A 3rd Person To Sign Loan
    2. Easy Aces e090 Jane Asks Neff To Sign Her Loan
    3. Easy Aces e091 Neff Learns About Ace's Finances
    4. Easy Aces e092 The Aces Convince Neff They Don't Need Money
    5. Easy Aces e093 Ace Talks Jane Into Opening Checking Acct
    6. Easy Aces e094 Jane Opens A Checking Account

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A021

    1. Easy Aces e095 Jane Has Problems With Checking Account
    2. Easy Aces e096 All Of Jane's Checks Bounce
    3. Easy Aces e097 Jane Hides A Movie Star
    4. Easy Aces e103 Joyce Leaves For Hollywood
    5. Easy Aces e104 Jane Tries To Write For Newspaper
    6. Easy Aces e107 Bridge With The Marshes

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A022

    1. Easy Aces e108 Laurette Nannette Missing Bracelet
    2. Easy Aces e109 Jane Invites The Marshes For Dinner
    3. Easy Aces e110 Detective Traps Jane Into A Confession
    4. Easy Aces e111 Jane Is A Suspect - Ace Buys A Bracelet
    5. Easy Aces e112 Jane And Laura Try To Find The Bracelet
    6. Easy Aces e113 Jane Agrees To Have The House Searched

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A023

    1. Easy Aces e114 Colliins Finds The Bracelet In Marge's Room
    2. Easy Aces e115 The Marshes Apologize
    3. Easy Aces e116 Ace's Big Deal - Jane Leads A Protest
    4. Easy Aces e117 Ace Asks Jane's Permission For Deal
    5. Easy Aces e118 Jane Is Put In Charge Of Publicity

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A024

    1. Easy Aces e119 Jane Gets Neal's Help With Publicity
    2. Easy Aces e120 The City Decides Against Ace's Deal
    3. Easy Aces e121 Ace Loses His Real Estate Business
    4. Easy Aces e122 Jane Finds A $150 Error In Checkbook
    5. Easy Aces e123 Ace Tells Jane About Losing His Money
    6. Easy Aces e124 Jane's Niece Betty Arrives
    7. Easy Aces e125 Jane Looks For An Apartment

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A025

    1. Easy Aces e126 Jane Tries To Fire Laura
    2. Easy Aces e127 The Aces Move Into Apartment
    3. Easy Aces e128 Neal Gets Ace A Newspaper Job
    4. Easy Aces e129 Neal Gets A Blind Date For Betty
    5. Easy Aces e130 Betty Has A Crush On Neal
    6. Easy Aces e131 Marge Neal Fight

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A026

    1. Easy Aces e132 Everyone Is Fighting
    2. Easy Aces e133 Cokie Falls For Betty
    3. Easy Aces e134 Marsh Offers Ace A Deal
    4. Easy Aces e135 Ace Tells Jane About Trip
    5. Easy Aces e136 Aces Get Ready For Their Trip
    6. Easy Aces e137 Betty Cokie Find A Note

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A027

    1. Easy Aces e138 Neal Joins The Investigation
    2. Easy Aces e139 Neal Suspects Marsh
    3. Easy Aces e140 City Files Are Missing
    4. Easy Aces e148 Trouble Moving Into The House
    5. Easy Aces e149 The Aces Return By Train
    6. Easy Aces e150 Surprise Party Cheers Up Jane

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A028

    1. Easy Aces e151 Ace Explains How He Got His Money
    2. Easy Aces e152 Cokie Betty Want To Get Married
    3. Easy Aces e153 Betty Argues With The Aces
    4. Easy Aces e154 Betty Plan An Elopement
    5. Easy Aces e155 Cokie Not Getting Married
    6. Easy Aces e156 Cokie Not Getting Married

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A029

    1. Easy Aces e157 Cokie's Change Of Heart
    2. Easy Aces e158 Ace Places An Ad
    3. Easy Aces e159 Ace Gets Jane's Answer To His Ad
    4. Easy Aces e161 The Aces Discuss Opening A Beauty Shop
    5. Easy Aces e162 Jane Checks Out The Beauty Shop
    6. Easy Aces e163 Ace Decides Not To Buy The Beauty Shop

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A030

    1. Easy Aces e164 Jane Listens To A Quiz Show
    2. Easy Aces e165 Jane Prepares For The Quiz Show
    3. Easy Aces e166 Jane Appears On The Quiz Show
    4. Easy Aces e167 Ace Wants To Become Partners With Neff
    5. Easy Aces e168 Jane Gets Betty To Work For Ace
    6. Easy Aces e169 Jane Meddles In Ace's Real Estate Deal

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A031

    1. Easy Aces e170 Neff Tries To Calm Mr Thompson
    2. Easy Aces e171 Jane Prepares To Play The Farmer's Wife
    3. Easy Aces e172 Jane Plays Her Part Too Well
    4. Easy Aces e173 Jane Worries About Ace Working Late
    5. Easy Aces e174 Ace Is Trying To Sell The Farm To Pre
    6. Easy Aces e175 Jane Suspects Ace Is Seeing A Woman

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A032

    1. Easy Aces e176 Marge Gets Ace's Story
    2. Easy Aces e177 Jane Thinks Ace Wants To Get Rid Of Her
    3. Easy Aces e178 Jane Left Ace Is Using Her Maiden Name
    4. Easy Aces e179 Ace Sells The Farm
    5. Easy Aces e180 Jane Is Upset Over Leaving Ace
    6. Easy Aces e181 Mrs Adams Talks To Jane

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A033

    1. Easy Aces e182 Jane Has Trouble With Laura
    2. Easy Aces e183 Laura Tries To Bluff A Raise From Aces
    3. Easy Aces e184 Laura Gets Her Raise
    4. Easy Aces e185 Laura Gets Her Pay Raise
    5. Easy Aces e186 Jane Gets A Letter From Her Sister
    6. Easy Aces e187 Who Is Betty Seeing

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A034

    1. Easy Aces e188
    2. Easy Aces e189 Jane Writes A Letter To Her Sister
    3. Easy Aces e190 Finding Out About Betty's Boyfriend
    4. Easy Aces e191 Jane Thinks Nephew Should Date Betty
    5. Easy Aces e192 Jane Throws A Dinner For Bettycarl
    6. Easy Aces e193 Betty Tells Off Everyone

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A035

    1. Easy Aces e194 Jane Tries To Get Carlbetty Togeth
    2. Easy Aces e195 Betty Tells Off Everyone
    3. Easy Aces e196 Trying To Get Carl Betty Together
    4. Easy Aces e197 Carl Betty End Up Fighting
    5. Easy Aces e198 Carl Betty Make Up
    6. Easy Aces e199 Jane Talks To Neff About Bettycarl

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A036

    1. Easy Aces e200 Neff Threatens To Break Partnership
    2. Easy Aces e201 Carl Finds A Clause In The Contract
    3. Easy Aces e202 Betty Refuses A Bribe From Neff
    4. Easy Aces e203 Jane Takes A Check From Neff
    5. Easy Aces e204 Jane Gets Another Chance
    6. Easy Aces e205 Jane Tricks Neff Betty Carl Marry

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A037

    1. Easy Aces e206 Jane Plans A Party For Cokie
    2. Easy Aces e207 Jane Visits Cokie's Orphanage
    3. Easy Aces e208 Jane Tries To Crash The Party
    4. Easy Aces e209 Jane Brings Home A Letter
    5. Easy Aces e210 Jane Tries To Get Evidence

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A038

    1. Easy Aces e211 Aces Meet Mrs Duffy
    2. Easy Aces e212 Jane Wants To Manage A Singer
    3. Easy Aces e213 Johnny Ready For An Audition
    4. Easy Aces e214 Johnny Auditions
    5. Easy Aces e215 A Stage Name For Johnny
    6. Easy Aces e216 Johnny Is Cut From Radio

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A039

    1. Easy Aces e217 Johnny Gets His Start On Radio
    2. Easy Aces e218 Carl Betty Break Up
    3. Easy Aces e219 Betty Talks To Jane About Fight
    4. Easy Aces e220 The Aces Discuss Betty Carl
    5. Easy Aces e221 Betty Wants To Make Up With Carl
    6. Easy Aces e222 Betty Carl Almost Make Up

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A040

    1. Easy Aces e223 The Aces Plan A Fight
    2. Easy Aces e224 The Aces Pretend To Have An Argument
    3. Easy Aces e225 Carl And Betty Are Happy
    4. Easy Aces e226 Jane Wants A Mink Coat
    5. Easy Aces e227 Jane Sells Tickets To A Charity Play
    6. Easy Aces e228 Ace Gets Neff To Buy Tickets

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A041

    1. Easy Aces e229 Jane Is Given The Part Of A Maid
    2. Easy Aces e230 Jane Explains Part To Marge Ace
    3. Easy Aces e248 Ace Invites Neff For Bridge
    4. Easy Aces e252 Ace Learns About Jane's Card Playing
    5. Easy Aces e253 Jane Gives Another Lesson
    6. Easy Aces e254 Jane Talks About Bridge Playing Job

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A042

    1. Easy Aces e255 Jane's Bridge Method Becoms Popular
    2. Easy Aces e256 Jane Discusses Her New Contract
    3. Easy Aces e257 Newspaper Wants To Interview Jane
    4. Easy Aces e258 Everyone Is Mad At Jane
    5. Easy Aces e259 Jackson Runs A Bridge Scam
    6. Easy Aces e260 Jane Talks With Ace About A Business

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A043

    1. Easy Aces e269 Marge Quits Her Job
    2. Easy Aces e270 Jane Is Upset Over The Stenographer
    3. Easy Aces e271 Jane Cracks The Whip
    4. Easy Aces e272 Jane Meets The New Neighbor
    5. Easy Aces e273 Jane Takes Marriage Lessons
    6. Easy Aces e275 Jane Learns How To Help Ace

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A044

    1. Front Page Farrell Addicted To Morphine
    2. Front Page Farrell Go To War
    3. Helen Trent 1939 Episode
    4. Helen Trent 1950s Episode
    5. Helen Trent 1st Program

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A045

    1. Helen Trent Betsy and Lawrence
    2. Helen Trent Bret Blackmails Helen
    3. Helen Trent Helen Accused
    4. Helen Trent Helen in Silver City
    5. Helen Trent Helen To Lose Gil

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A046

    1. Helen Trent Helen Walks Into ATrap
    2. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [1]
    3. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [2]
    4. Helen Trent The Faye Granville Story [3]
    5. Just Plain Bill 40 Cablegram From Cary

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A047

    1. Just Plain Bill Everlyn'sLastWilTestiment
    2. Just Plain Bill Rich Husband
    3. Just Plain Bill WhyDoNeighborsHideFromSheriff
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 002
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 003

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A048

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 004
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 005
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 006
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 007
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 008
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 014

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A049

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 015
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 016
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 017
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 018
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 019
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 020

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A050

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 021
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 022
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 023
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 024
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 025
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 026

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A051

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 027
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 028
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 029
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 030
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 031
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 032

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A052

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 035
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 036
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 037
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 038
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 039
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 040

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A053

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 041
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 042
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 043
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 044
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 045
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 046

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A054

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 047
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 048
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 049
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 050
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 051
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 052

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A055

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 053
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 054
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 055
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 056
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 057

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A056

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 058
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 059
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 060
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 096
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 099
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 100

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A057

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 102
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 105
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 106
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 107
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 108
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 109

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A058

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 110
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 111
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 112
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 113
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 114

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A059

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 115
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 116
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 117
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 118
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 119

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A060

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 120
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 122
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 123
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 124
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 125
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 126
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 127

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A061

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 128
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 129
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 130
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 132
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 133
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 135

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A062

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 136
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 137
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 138
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 139
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 140
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 141
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 142

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A063

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 143
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 144
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 145
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 146
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 160
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 161
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 162

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A064

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 163
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 164
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 165
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 172
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 173
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 174

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A065

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 175
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 176
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 177
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 182
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 183

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A066

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 185
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 186
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 188
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 189
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 190

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A067

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 191
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 192
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 193
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 195
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 196
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 198

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A068

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 199
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 200
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 204
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 205
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 206
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 207

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A069

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 208
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 209
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 210
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 211
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 212
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 213
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 214

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A070

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 216
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 217
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 218
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 219
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 220
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 221
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 223

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A071

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 224
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 225
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 226
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 228
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 229
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 230
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 231

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A072

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 232
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 233
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 234
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 235
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 236
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 237
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 238

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A073

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 239
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 240
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 241
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 242
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 243
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 244
    7. Life Of Mary Sothern 246

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A074

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 247
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 248
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 249
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 250
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 251
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 252

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A075

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 253
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 254
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 255
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 256
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 257
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 258

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A076

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 259
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 260
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 261
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 262
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 263
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 264

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A077

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 265
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 266
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 267
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 268
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 269
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 270

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A078

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 271
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 272
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 273
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 280
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 281
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 282

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A079

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 283
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 284
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 285
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 286
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 287
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 288

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A080

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 293
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 294
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 296
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 298

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A081

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 299
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 301
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 302
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 303
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 304
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 305

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A082

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 308
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 309
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 310
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 311
    5. Life Of Mary Sothern 312
    6. Life Of Mary Sothern 313

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A083

    1. Life Of Mary Sothern 314
    2. Life Of Mary Sothern 315
    3. Life Of Mary Sothern 316
    4. Life Of Mary Sothern 317
    5. Lorenzo Jones 4115 Lorenzo Jones Collapsible Ladder
    6. Lorenzo Jones 4116 Lorenzo Works For Contractor He Hired

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A084

    1. Lorenzo Jones 5501 Lorenzo Loses Money
    2. Lorenzo Jones Aptitude Test
    3. Lorenzo Jones Bell Takes Piano Lessons
    4. Lorenzo Jones Belle Gets Arrested

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A085

    1. Lorenzo Jones Claire Foster
    2. Lorenzo Jones Invention Turned Down
    3. Lorenzo Jones Lorenzo Makes Speech At Womens Club
    4. Ma Perkins 006

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A086

    1. Ma Perkins 008
    2. Ma Perkins 012
    3. Ma Perkins 022 e4469
    4. Ma Perkins 026

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A087

    1. Ma Perkins 030 Sonia Fades Out
    2. Ma Perkins 032 Sonia Is Shot
    3. Ma Perkins 034 Willie And Evy Lie To Ma
    4. Ma Perkins 038 e4434 Sylvester tricked Willie

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A088

    1. Ma Perkins 040 e4435
    2. Ma Perkins 042 e4436
    3. Ma Perkins 044 e4437
    4. Ma Perkins 046 e4438

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A089

    1. Ma Perkins 048 e4439
    2. Ma Perkins 050 e4440
    3. Ma Perkins 052 e4441
    4. Ma Perkins 054 e4442

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A090

    1. Ma Perkins 056 e4443
    2. Ma Perkins 058 e4444
    3. Ma Perkins 060 e4445
    4. Ma Perkins 064 e4447

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A091

    1. Ma Perkins 066 e4448
    2. Ma Perkins 068 e4449
    3. Ma Perkins 070 e4450
    4. Ma Perkins 072 e4451

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A092

    1. Ma Perkins 074 e4452
    2. Ma Perkins 078 e4454
    3. Ma Perkins 080 e4455
    4. Ma Perkins 082 e4456

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A093

    1. Ma Perkins 084 e4463
    2. Ma Perkins 086 e4464
    3. Ma Perkins 088 e4467
    4. Ma Perkins 090 e4468
    5. Ma Perkins 094 e4470

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A094

    1. Ma Perkins 096 e4471
    2. Ma Perkins 098 e4472
    3. Ma Perkins 100 e4475
    4. Ma Perkins 102 e4476
    5. Ma Perkins 104 e4487

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A095

    1. Ma Perkins 105 e4488
    2. Ma Perkins 108 e4495
    3. Ma Perkins 110 e4496
    4. Ma Perkins 112 e4497
    5. Ma Perkins 114 e4498

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A096

    1. Ma Perkins 116 e4513
    2. Ma Perkins 118 e4514 Ma Willie Shuffle get info Bonita
    3. Ma Perkins 120 e4527
    4. Ma Perkins 122 e4528
    5. Ma Perkins 124 e4531

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A097

    1. Ma Perkins 126 e4532
    2. Ma Perkins 128 e4537 Mr has arrived in Rushville
    3. Ma Perkins 130 e4538
    4. Ma Perkins 423

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A098

    1. Ma Perkins 4433
    2. Ma Perkins 4437
    3. Ma Perkins 4446
    4. Ma Perkins 4453

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A099

    1. Ma Perkins 999 last show Thanksgiving
    2. MMGR AFRS 21

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A100

    1. MMGR AFRS 47
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3913
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3914
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3915
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3916

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A101

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3917
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3918
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3919
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3920
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3921
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3922
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3923

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A102

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3924
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3925
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3926
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3927
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3928
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3929
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3930

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A103

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3931
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3932
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3933
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3934
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3935
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3936
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3937

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A104

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3938
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3939
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3940
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3941
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3942
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3943
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3944

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A105

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3945
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3946
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3947
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3948
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3949
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3950
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3951

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A106

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3952
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3953
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3954
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3955
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3956
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3957
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3958

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A107

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3959
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3960
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3961
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3962
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3963
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3964
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3965

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A108

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3966
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3967
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3968
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3969
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3970
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3971
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3972

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A109

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3973
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3974
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3975
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3976
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3977
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3978

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A110

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3979
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3980
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3981
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3982
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3983
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3984

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A111

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3985
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3986
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3987
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3988
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3989
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3990

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A112

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3991
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3992
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3993
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3994
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3995
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3996

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A113

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3997
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3998
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep3999
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4000
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4001
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4002

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A114

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4003
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4004
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4005
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4006
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4007
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4008

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A115

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4009
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4010
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4011
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4012
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4013
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4014

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A116

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4015
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4016
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4017
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4018
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4019
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4020

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A117

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4057
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4058
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4059
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4060
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4061
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4062

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A118

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4065
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4066
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4067
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4068
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4069
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4070

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A119

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4071
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4072
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4074
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4075
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4076
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4077

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A120

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4079
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4080
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4081
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4082
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4083
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4084

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A121

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4085
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4086
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4087
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4088
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4089
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4090

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A122

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4091
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4092
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4093
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4094
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4095
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4096
    7. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4097

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A123

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4098
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4099
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4100
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4101
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4102
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4103

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A124

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4104
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4105
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4106
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4107
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4108
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4109

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A125

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4110
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4111
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4112
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4113
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4114
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4115

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A126

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4116
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4117
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4118
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4119
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4120
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4121

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A127

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4122
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4123
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4124
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4125
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4126
    6. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4127

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A128

    1. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4128
    2. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4129
    3. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4130
    4. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4131
    5. Mary Noble Backstage Wife Ep4132
    6. Stella Dallas 1955

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A129

    1. Stella Dallas Jeff Goes To D.C.
    2. Stella Dallas Mr.WymanCelia
    3. Stella Dallas Stella Misses Rasheed
    4. Stella Dallas Steven Dallas Returns
    5. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[1]

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A130

    1. Stella Dallas The Egyptian Mummy[2]
    2. StellaDallas 01 serial
    3. StellaDallas 02 serial
    4. StellaDallas 04 serial
    5. Valiant Lady

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A131

    1. Young Widder Brown 0201
    2. Young Widder Brown 3037
    3. Young Widder Brown 3038
    4. Young Widder Brown 3039
    5. Young Widder Brown 3040
    6. Young Widder Brown 3041
    7. Young Widder Brown 3042

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A132

    1. Young Widder Brown 3043
    2. Young Widder Brown 3044
    3. Young Widder Brown 3045
    4. Young Widder Brown 3046
    5. Young Widder Brown 3047
    6. Young Widder Brown 3048
    7. Young Widder Brown 3049

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A133

    1. Young Widder Brown 3050
    2. Young Widder Brown 3051
    3. Young Widder Brown 3052
    4. Young Widder Brown 3053
    5. Young Widder Brown 3054
    6. Young Widder Brown 3055
    7. Young Widder Brown 3056

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A134

    1. Young Widder Brown 3057
    2. Young Widder Brown 3058
    3. Young Widder Brown 3059
    4. Young Widder Brown 3060
    5. Young Widder Brown 3061
    6. Young Widder Brown 3062
    7. Young Widder Brown 3063

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A135

    1. Young Widder Brown 3064
    2. Young Widder Brown 3065
    3. Young Widder Brown 3066
    4. Young Widder Brown 3067
    5. Young Widder Brown 3068
    6. Young Widder Brown 3069
    7. Young Widder Brown 3070

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A136

    1. Young Widder Brown 3071
    2. Young Widder Brown 3072
    3. Young Widder Brown 3073
    4. Young Widder Brown 3074
    5. Young Widder Brown 3075
    6. Young Widder Brown 3076
    7. Young Widder Brown 3077

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A137

    1. Young Widder Brown 3078
    2. Young Widder Brown 3079
    3. Young Widder Brown 3080
    4. Young Widder Brown 3081
    5. Young Widder Brown 3082
    6. Young Widder Brown 3083
    7. Young Widder Brown 3084

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A138

    1. Young Widder Brown 3085
    2. Young Widder Brown 3086
    3. Young Widder Brown 3087
    4. Young Widder Brown 3088
    5. Young Widder Brown 3089
    6. Young Widder Brown 3090
    7. Young Widder Brown 3091

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A139

    1. Young Widder Brown 3092
    2. Young Widder Brown 3093
    3. Young Widder Brown 3094
    4. Young Widder Brown 3095
    5. Young Widder Brown 3096
    6. Young Widder Brown 3097
    7. Young Widder Brown 3098

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A140

    1. Young Widder Brown 3099
    2. Young Widder Brown 3100
    3. Young Widder Brown 3101
    4. Young Widder Brown 3102
    5. Young Widder Brown 3103
    6. Young Widder Brown 3104
    7. Young Widder Brown 3105

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A141

    1. Young Widder Brown 3106
    2. Young Widder Brown 3107
    3. Young Widder Brown 3108
    4. Young Widder Brown Ellen Talks to Sister
    5. Young Widder Brown Pt1 Fiance on Trial
    6. Young Widder Brown Pt2 Fiance on Trial

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A142

    1. Young Widder Brown Pt3 Fiance on Trial
    2. Young Widder Brown Pt4 Fiance on Trial
    3. Young Widder Brown Pt5 Fiance on Trial
    4. Young Widder Brown Pt6 Fiance on Trial
    5. Young Widder Brown Pt7 Fiance on Trial
    6. Young Widder Brown Pt8 Fiance on Trial

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A143

    1. Annie 340000 Tin Box
    2. Annie 351018 0917 Annie's Party
    3. Annie 351021 0918 Jake Sick
    4. Annie 351022 0919 To Work

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A144

    1. Annie 351023 0920 Annie Joe's Plan
    2. Annie 360000 1018 Mr. Flint Selling Stock In the Toll Bridge
    3. Annie 360000 1019 Mr. Flint Tries to Sell Stock to Jake Levy
    4. Annie 360000 1020 Watching Bridge Being Built

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A145

    1. Annie 360000 1021 Second Grade Logs Used to Build Bridge
    2. Annie 360000 1026 Tony Is Arrested For Robbery
    3. Annie 360000 1027 Light In the Mysterious Deserted House
    4. Annie 360000 1038 Bill Corwin Has Disappeared

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A146

    1. Annie 360000 1039 Looking For Bill Corwin
    2. Annie 360000 1066 Bridge Is Destroyed
    3. Annie 360000 1067 Telegram For Mr. Silo
    4. Annie 360000 1068 Mr. Silo Prepares For Trip

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A147

    1. Annie 360000 1069 Annie and Joe Are Going to Mississippi
    2. Annie 360000 Auction Jed's Showboat
    3. Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniversary
    4. Annie 360617 1165 Who Shot Tom Baines' Dog

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A148

    1. Annie 380000 1534 Building A Radio Transmitter
    2. Annie 380000 1535 Daddy Warbucks Searches For Annie
    3. Annie 380000 1536 Queen of the Island
    4. Annie 380000 1537 Diamonds

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A149

    1. Annie 380000 1538 Testing the Diamonds
    2. Annie 380000 1539 Daddy Warbucks Hears Radio Signals
    3. Annie 380000 1554 Temple in the Jungle
    4. Johns Other Wife 390000 Johns Relapse
    5. Pretty Kitty Kelly 390303

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A150

    1. Valiant Lady 390501 Out Of Gas On Lover's Lane
    2. Valiant Lady 390502 Day After Crash
    3. Valiant Lady 390503 Newspaper Scandal
    4. Valiant Lady 390504 Farewell Letter To Joan

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A151

    1. Valiant Lady 390515 Doug Visits Irene
    2. Valiant Lady 390516 Reconciliation
    3. Valiant Lady 390517 Doug's Secret Discovered
    4. Valiant Lady 390518 Joan And Paul Invited To Dinner

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A152

    1. Mr Keen 400605 The Woman Who Wasnt Needed
    2. Annie 400920 follows mysterious lady
    3. Annie 401000 Pearl Diver
    4. Annie 401120 Annie Follows Mystery Lady

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A153

    1. Aaofm 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C
    2. MMGR 411207 Pearl Harbor
    3. Judy And Jane 420000 Audition Marijuana Plot

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A154

    1. Front Page Farrell 430000
    2. MMGR 430000 - only 2 min
    3. MMGR 430314 As Time Goes By Dr Lyons Tooth Powder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A155

    1. Mr Keen 440106 The Moonless Night
    2. Mr Keen 440113 The Missing Witness

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A156

    1. Mr Keen 440120 The Girl Who Sang Too Well
    2. Mr Keen 440203 The Girl Who Flirted

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A157

    1. Mr Keen 440210 The Boy Who Used Big Words
    2. Mr Keen 440217 Mr Trevors Secret

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A158

    1. Mr Keen 440224 Murder In Air
    2. Mr Keen 440316 The Strange Display

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A159

    1. Mr Keen 440413 The Leaping Dog
    2. Lorenzo Jones 440607 Lorenzo Reads High School Yearbook

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A160

    1. Mr Keen 440615 The Woman In Blue
    2. Lorenzo Jones 441026 Buster And Bell At Lunch
    3. MMGR 441029 Cancan Victor Arden His Orchestra

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A161

    1. Mr Keen 441116 The Frightened Child
    2. Mr Keen 441214 Nightmare Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A162

    1. David Harum 450000 Girl Leads A Double Life
    2. David Harum 450000 Haunted Hotel
    3. David Harum 450119 Railway Station
    4. Evelyn Winters 450228 Jenny Wants To Act

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A163

    1. Mr Keen 450315 The Absent Minded Professor
    2. Aaofm 450602 Strange Music By Frank Lund

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A164

    1. MMGR 450701 Sentimental Journey By Barry Roberts
    2. David Harum 450810 Miss Grey A Prisoner
    3. Just Plain Bill 450810 VJ Day

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A165

    1. Lorenzo Jones 450810 Lorenzo Accused Of Robbery
    2. MMGR 450812 Cab Song By Barry Roberts

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A166

    1. Aaofm 451014
    2. Mr Keen 451129 106 Strange Case of Charley Lorimer

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A167

    1. Just Plain Bill 460000
    2. Mr Keen 460523 The Glamorous Widow

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A168

    1. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight
    2. Betty-Bob 470616 001 Returned To Their Home Town
    3. Betty-Bob 470617 002 Neighbor Shoots A Deputy Sheriff

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A169

    1. Betty-Bob 470618 003 Chet Atkins Meets Claire Evans
    2. Betty-Bob 470619 004 Rusacks Daughter Escapes From House
    3. Betty-Bob 470620 005 A Romance For Claire
    4. Betty-Bob 470623 006 Betty Tells Chet About Claires Problems

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A170

    1. Betty-Bob 470624 007 Expolice Chief Henderson Visits Drakes
    2. Betty-Bob 470625 008 Corruption In City Government
    3. Betty-Bob 470626 009 Anxious Control Of His Newspaper Again
    4. Betty-Bob 470627 010 Chet Comes To Visit Claira

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A171

    1. Betty-Bob 470630 011 Returning To Monroe Fight Corruption
    2. Betty-Bob 470701 012 Betty Has Found A House For Them To Buy
    3. Betty-Bob 470702 013 Drakes Go Out With Jamersons
    4. Betty-Bob 470703 014 Henderson Has News About City Council

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A172

    1. Backstage Wife 470703
    2. Betty-Bob 470704 015 Margaret Jamerson Hit Girl With Car
    3. Betty-Bob 470707 016 Betty Visits Ellsworth Jamerson
    4. Lora Lawton 470717

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A173

    1. Lora Lawton 470719
    2. Backstage Wife 470808
    3. Betty-Bob 470812 037 Mrs Warner Pays Betty Back
    4. Betty-Bob 470813 038 Ellsworth Jameson Suspects Chet
    5. Backstage Wife 470813

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A174

    1. Lora Lawton 470903
    2. Backstage Wife 470903
    3. Lora Lawton 471013
    4. Lora Lawton 471026

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A175

    1. Lora Lawton 471027
    2. Betty-Bob 471124 111 Bob To Convince Evelyn To Leave Town
    3. Betty-Bob 471125 112 Bob Takes Evelyn To Dinner
    4. Betty-Bob 471126 113 Sam Has Proposed To Evelyn

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A176

    1. Betty-Bob 471127 114 Betty Talks With Evelyn About Sam
    2. Betty-Bob 471128 115 Evelyn Decides Not To Marry Sam
    3. Betty-Bob 471201 116 Evelyn Heads For Martins Office
    4. Lora Lawton 471201

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A177

    1. Betty-Bob 471202 117 Evelyns Conversations With Hap
    2. Betty-Bob 471203 118 Discuss Events Surrounding Sam
    3. Betty-Bob 471204 119 Evely Purposely Encounters Bob
    4. Lora Lawton 471204

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A178

    1. Betty-Bob 471205 120 Betty Doesnt Trust Evelyns Story
    2. Betty-Bob 471208 121 Martin And Hap Discuss Drakes
    3. Betty-Bob 471209 122 Newspapers Financial Problems Incrs
    4. Lora Lawton 471209

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A179

    1. Betty-Bob 471210 123 Evelyn Visits Bob At His Office
    2. Lora Lawton 471210
    3. Betty-Bob 471211 124 Sam Impressed Bobs Determination
    4. Betty-Bob 471212 125 Betty And Her Mother Discuss Bobs Plans

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A180

    1. Betty-Bob 471215 126 Betty-Bob Discuss Newspaper Plans
    2. Betty-Bob 471216 127 Drakes Have Taken Claire To Hopsital
    3. Betty-Bob 471217 128 Clair Has Given Birth To A Boy
    4. Betty-Bob 471218 129 Someone Broken Newspapers Files

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A181

    1. Betty-Bob 471219 130 Drakes Suspect Martin Anderson Guilty
    2. Lora Lawton 471223
    3. American Melody Hour 471224 Hosanna In Highest

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A182

    1. Lora Lawton 480430
    2. Lora Lawton 480502
    3. Lora Lawton 480504
    4. Lora Lawton 480505

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A183

    1. Lora Lawton 480511
    2. Lora Lawton 480512
    3. Lora Lawton 480513
    4. Lora Lawton 480525

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A184

    1. Lora Lawton 480527
    2. Lora Lawton 480531
    3. Lorenzo Jones 480607 Claire Foster Is Secret Agent
    4. Lora Lawton 480623
    5. Lora Lawton 480713

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A185

    1. MMGR 480808 Thomas L Thomas
    2. Lorenzo Jones 480810 Sulphur Water
    3. Lorenzo Jones 480921 Lorenzo Plans Model Town
    4. Mr Keen 481028 Identical Twins Murder Partial

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A186

    1. Lorenzo Jones 490222 Lorenzo Angry With Belle
    2. Mr Keen 490609 Murder And Star Of Death

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A187

    1. Front Page Farrell 490615 Man Who Knew All Angles
    2. Front Page Farrell 490620 Fatal Smile
    3. Front Page Farrell 490816 High Explosive
    4. Front Page Farrell 490831 Mysterious Killer

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A188

    1. Mr Keen 490915 Murder And Bloodstained Necklace
    2. Mr Keen 490922 Yellow Talon Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A189

    1. Mr Keen 490929 Murder With A Thousand Witnesses
    2. Mr Keen 491006 The Man Who Invented Death

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A190

    1. Mr Keen 491013 Silver Dagger Murder
    2. Mr Keen 491027 The Ruthless Murderers

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A191

    1. Mr Keen 491103 Forgotten Cave Murder
    2. Mr Keen 491110 Engaged Girl Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A192

    1. Mr Chameleon 491221 Perfect Maid Murder Case
    2. Mr Keen 500105 The Rushville Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A193

    1. Mr Keen 500119 Bride And Groom Murder Afrs
    2. Mr Keen 500126 Telephone Book Murder
    3. Nona 500207 Vernon Tries Convince Nona Of His Love

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A194

    1. Mr Keen 500209 Murder And Jewel Thief
    2. Nona 500209 Thelma Powell Blames Nona For All The Delays
    3. Nona 500210 Thelma Powell Delay Vernon To Nona

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A195

    1. Mr Keen 500216 The Two Faced Murderer
    2. Mr Keen 500223 319 Tealeaf Murder Case
    3. Nona 500223 Basil Newton Heard Pat Brady Admit Monac Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A196

    1. Nona500228 Nona And Vernon Visit Pat Brady In Jail
    2. Mr Keen 500309 The Melody Of Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A197

    1. Mr Keen 500316 Innocent Flirtation Murder
    2. Mr Keen 500406 The Murdered Detective

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A198

    1. Mr Keen 500413 Eccentric Millionaire Murder
    2. Mr Keen 500420 Country Club Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A199

    1. Mr Keen 500427 The Woman Who Married A Murderer
    2. Mr Keen 500504 King Cobra Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A200

    1. Mr Keen 500511 Murder And Missing Car
    2. Mr Keen 500518 xxx Case of the Missing Countess

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A201

    1. Mr Keen 500525 Broken Window Murder
    2. Mr Keen 500601 Quicksand Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A202

    1. Mr Keen 500615 Skull And Crossbones Murder
    2. Ma Perkins 018 brdc501015 Ma Ed Discuss Sylv
    3. Lorenzo Jones 501030 Lorenzo Thinks He Is Going To Inherit

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A203

    1. Ma Perkins 016 brdc510219 Analizes Faye's Telegram
    2. Inspector Thorne 510720 001 Fabulous Divorce Payoff

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A204

    1. Mr Keen 510720 Murder And Strange Woman
    2. Inspector Thorne 510727 002 Vacant Lot

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A205

    1. Mr Keen 510727 Photograph Album Murder
    2. Inspector Thorne 510803 003 a Golden Girl

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A206

    1. Mr Keen 510803 The Strange Murder Of Carrie Ellis
    2. Inspector Thorne 510810 004 Defrosted Refrigerator

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A207

    1. Mr Keen 510810 Abandoned Well Murder
    2. Inspector Thorne 510817 005 High Style

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A208

    1. Mr Keen 510817 Poisoned Sandwich Murder
    2. Inspector Thorne 510824 006 Mastermind

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A209

    1. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 510830 Unheeded Warning
    2. Inspector Thorne 510831 007 Dark Cigarette

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A210

    1. Inspector Thorne 510906 008 Nickles And Dimes
    2. Inspector Thorne 510913 009 Two Fiancees

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A211

    1. Inspector Thorne 510920 010 Empty Ashtray
    2. Inspector Thorne 510927 011 Society Writer

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A212

    1. Mr Keen 511206 Murder At A Mile A Minute
    2. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 511213 Marriage Annulment

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A213

    1. Hearthstone Of Death Squad 520110 Terrifying Letter Murder
    2. Lorenzo Jones 520305 Edgar Graling Fnd Lorenzo Plans Control
    3. Mr Keen 520313 Silver Candlestick Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A214

    1. Mr Keen 520403 Rented Cottage Murder
    2. Mr Keen 520410 Mothers Plea Murder

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A215

    1. Mr Chameleon 530424 Murder and the Million Dollar Smile
    2. Mr Keen 540621 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 1
    3. Mr Keen 540623 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 2
    4. Mr Keen 540624 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 3

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A216

    1. Mr Keen 540625 Shrieking Prisoner Murder Part 4
    2. Lorenzo Jones 541223 Handwriting Expert Fragment
    3. Lorenzo Jones 550112 Poison In Drink
    4. Lorenzo Jones 550113 Lorenzo Still Has Amnesia
    5. Lorenzo Jones 550114 Belle Carries Knife

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    Hummert Radio Factory (Ann and Frank Hummert) Disc A217

    1. Mr Keen 550222 Murder And Revengeful Ghost
    2. Lorenzo Jones 550624 Roger Craxtons Murder

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