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Horror Listeners' Favorites

Humans have evolved to avoid things that scare them, but nothing is as much fun as the fright of a Good Horror Story! For many listeners, radio was at its finest when they listened late at night, hiding under the sheets, hoping that the monsters wouldn't get them! Relive the days and nights of radio horror with these Horror Listener Favorites.

Horror Listener Favorites

28 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 13 hours, 10 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
15 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Ghouls, mysteriously blinking green lights, and hitchhikers without faces! Listen to favorite shows from Lights Out, X Minus One, Suspense, and more.

A spooky old time radio broadcast awaits!

The genre of horror has existed for centuries or perhaps since the beginning of human kind and the "Theater of the Mind proves a perfect arena for the stories of fear, madness and mayhem. The dark side of human existence and stories of moral examples and terror will give you chills and make you turn on the nightlight!

Your skin begins to crawl. Pulse rises. Your "Fight or Flight" instinct is screaming at you to run away, but you remain as though glued to your seat. You want to look away but you remain there, sitting with your eyes (mostly) wide open. These are not pleasant sensations, yet many people pay to endure them. Or at least, will make an effort to listen to an OTR Horror Story while hiding under the bedsheets. 

Why do we endure such torture? There are many more wholesome forms of entertainment available, but Horror Stories are just plain fun! Those physical reactions described above are signs of mental and physical stimulation. A good horror story challenges the concept of "the willing suspension of disbelief". We know before the story even begins that the monster is not real. Still, even with this knowledge, we find ourselves yelling at the pretty girl: Don't go into that abandoned house alone, can't you realize that the monster is in there, waiting for you?!?

This is why horror works even better on the radio than on the screen. The movie has to show us the monster to help scare us. However, even the most frightening movie monster is limited by the special effects technology. On the radio, we see the monster with our imagination, which is bigger, more colorful, and several times more intense than any special effect.

  • Lights OutDark Fantasy, February 13, 1942, "W is for Werewolf". James has gone to visit his friend Bill Andrews and his son, John, on their private island. Bill has asked his friend to bring several books, all about werewolves. A charm is placed in James' room before going to sleep, but he does not realize that strange things are happening on the island. After all, Everyone Knows That Werewolves Are Real!
  • Suspense, September 2, 1942, "The Hitch-hiker". Orson Welles stars in this chilling tale of a businessman leaving his home in Brooklyn to drive to the West Coast. He is barely out of the city when he spots a hitchhiker standing in the rain. The driver ignores him at the time, but as the miles pass beneath his tires, he spots the same hitch-hiker again and again. He becomes so obsessed with the mysterious figure at the side of the road that murder eventually enters the driver's mind.
  • Lights Out, October 20, 1942, "Poltergeist". A trio of career-girl roommates, Kay, Florence, and Edna, take a break from the city to enjoy a stay at a snowbound country inn. While hiking into the inn, Kay breaks into a dance, not realizing that she is standing among tombstones. Edna explains that dancing on a grave will raise a poltergeist before a tombstone smashes her in the head!
  • Quiet Please, May 10, 1948, "There are Shadows Here". He walks into his regular bar, orders a drink, and learns that a lady was looking for him. It turns out that no one actually saw the woman because of the shadows in the bar. Over the next few days, he keeps seeing the shadow of the girl but he never sees her. There are always more and more shadows, so beware.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Lock all your doors, pull up the covers and grab a crow bar first, because scary tales of butcher's blocks, skeletons without femurs, and angry men on the moon are sure to get you shivering in your boots!

For more horror show favorites, see the extensive collections of:

For other fang-tastic scary compilations, you won't want to miss: Creepiest Old Time Radio Shows, Boo Broadcasts, Haunted House Collection, Halloween Scary Sampler, Horror Listener's Favorites, Monster Collection, and Robots Collection.For more great Halloween comedy and variety specials, see also: Halloween Variety Specials Collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    10     1


    I love these shows As a visually impaired person, the shows are far creepier than tv. Excellent

    Mairi Verified Purchase

    I enjoy the radio 'Theater of the Mind' playground - I grew up in UK listening to the radio, the good ol' BBC! Lots of laughs, thrills, and chills that I still enjoy today.

    Malcolm Verified Purchase

    I listened to disc #11 which contained 2 stories. The first was called "The Signalman" from Suspense. Based on a Dickens short story, this tale seemed to be about a man who foresaw his own tragic end. The second show was Hall of Fantasy titled "Out of the Sky". This was from 1953. As was fairly typical for 1953, this was about visitors from beyond who mean us harm.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    28 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 10 min
    28 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 13 hours, 10 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 28 shows – total playtime 13 hours, 10 minutes
    2. Dark Fantasy 420213 Is for Werewolf.mp3
    3. fm391024 Gildersleeves Halloween Party.mp3
    4. Hall Fantasy 530420 Out Of The Sky.mp3
    5. Hall Fantasy 530518 The Crawling Thing.mp3
    6. IS450417 Judas Clock Barry Kroeger.mp3
    7. IS520928 Dead Walk at Night Donald Buka.mp3
    8. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone).mp3
    9. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor).mp3
    10. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down).mp3
    11. Mercury Theater 381030 117 The War Of The Worlds.mp3
    12. Mysterious Traveler 480511 I Won't Die Alone.mp3
    13. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door.mp3
    14. QuietPlease 480126 e034 Green Light.mp3
    15. QuietPlease 480510 e049 There Are Shadows Here.mp3
    16. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board.mp3
    17. QuietPlease 490604 e103 Tanglefoot.mp3
    18. Sealed Book 450318 HandsOfDeath.mp3
    19. SUSP 420902 011 The Hitchhiker.mp3
    20. SUSP 451101 165 The Dunwich Horror.mp3
    21. SUSP 461205 222 The House in Cypress Canyon.mp3
    22. SUSP 490623 346 Ghost Hunt.mp3
    23. SUSP 530323 505 The Signalman.mp3
    24. SUSP 540810 564 Never Steal a Butcher's Wife.mp3
    25. SUSP 561111 673 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    26. SUSP 581018 773 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    27. SUSP 611119 901 The Black Door.mp3
    28. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon.mp3
    29. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    28 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 10 min
    28 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    275 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 10 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 28 shows – 275 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 10 minutes
    2. Dark Fantasy 420213 Is for Werewolf.mp3
    3. fm391024 Gildersleeves Halloween Party.mp3
    4. Hall Fantasy 530420 Out Of The Sky.mp3
    5. Hall Fantasy 530518 The Crawling Thing.mp3
    6. IS450417 Judas Clock Barry Kroeger.mp3
    7. IS520928 Dead Walk at Night Donald Buka.mp3
    8. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone).mp3
    9. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor).mp3
    10. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down).mp3
    11. Mercury Theater 381030 117 The War Of The Worlds.mp3
    12. Mysterious Traveler 480511 I Won't Die Alone.mp3
    13. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door.mp3
    14. QuietPlease 480126 e034 Green Light.mp3
    15. QuietPlease 480510 e049 There Are Shadows Here.mp3
    16. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board.mp3
    17. QuietPlease 490604 e103 Tanglefoot.mp3
    18. Sealed Book 450318 HandsOfDeath.mp3
    19. SUSP 420902 011 The Hitchhiker.mp3
    20. SUSP 451101 165 The Dunwich Horror.mp3
    21. SUSP 461205 222 The House in Cypress Canyon.mp3
    22. SUSP 490623 346 Ghost Hunt.mp3
    23. SUSP 530323 505 The Signalman.mp3
    24. SUSP 540810 564 Never Steal a Butcher's Wife.mp3
    25. SUSP 561111 673 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    26. SUSP 581018 773 Three Skeleton Key.mp3
    27. SUSP 611119 901 The Black Door.mp3
    28. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon.mp3
    29. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    28 recordings on 15 Audio CDs. Total playtime 13 hours, 10 min
    28 recordings on 15 Audio CDs
    total playtime 13 hours, 10 min

    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A001

    1. Mercury Theater 381030 117 The War Of The Worlds

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A002

    1. fm391024 Gildersleeves Halloween Party
    2. Dark Fantasy 420213 Is for Werewolf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A003

    1. SUSP 420902 011 The Hitchhiker
    2. Lights Out 421020 Poltergeist (Gravestone)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A004

    1. Lights Out 430413 Archer (Ancestor)
    2. Lights Out 430824 SubBasement (Going Down)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A005

    1. Sealed Book 450318 HandsOfDeath
    2. IS450417 Judas Clock Barry Kroeger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A006

    1. SUSP 451101 165 The Dunwich Horror
    2. SUSP 461205 222 The House in Cypress Canyon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A007

    1. QuietPlease 480126 e034 Green Light
    2. QuietPlease 480510 e049 There Are Shadows Here

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A008

    1. Mysterious Traveler 480511 I Won't Die Alone
    2. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A009

    1. QuietPlease 490604 e103 Tanglefoot
    2. SUSP 490623 346 Ghost Hunt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A010

    1. Mysterious Traveler 511106 behind the locked door
    2. IS520928 Dead Walk at Night Donald Buka

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A011

    1. SUSP 530323 505 The Signalman
    2. Hall Fantasy 530420 Out Of The Sky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A012

    1. Hall Fantasy 530518 The Crawling Thing
    2. SUSP 540810 564 Never Steal a Butcher's Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A013

    1. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon
    2. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A014

    1. SUSP 561111 673 Three Skeleton Key
    2. SUSP 581018 773 Three Skeleton Key

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Horror Listener Favorites Disc A015

    1. SUSP 611119 901 The Black Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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