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Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons

Radio evangelist and prophecy predictor, Herbert W. Armstrong got his start on the airwaves later founding the Worldwide Church of God.

Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons

88 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 40 hours, 40 min)
available in the following formats:

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44 Audio CDs

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Herbert W. Amstrong
(1892 – 1986)

In the fall of 1933, little 100-watt KORE in Eugene, Oregon, offered local preacher Herbert W. Armstrong free use of a 15-minute spot for a morning devotional. The spot had to be shared with other ministers from other local churches, but Armstrong’s broadcasts had enough response that by the New Year he was offered a full program of his own. Never one to back away from self-promotion, the new Sunday morning show was more than a mere devotional broadcast, it was the beginnings of the Radio Church of God.

Herbert W Amstrong on radioThe program was renamed The World Tomorrow after the 1939 World’s Fair in New York which had been themed "the World of Tomorrow". By now, Armstrong had built quite a name for himself by naming Hitler and Mussolini the embodiments of The Beast and The False Prophet named in the Book of Revelations who were to deceive the nations for a short time before the return of the Savior.

Armstrong was supremely confident in making prophecies, which was reflected in his own conversion process. He was born to a Quaker family in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1892. Growing up, he attended services and Sunday school regularly. When he was 18, he took a job in the classified advertising department of the Des Moines Daily Capital, and the abbreviated writing style of print advertising would have a large impact on his preaching style. He married a distant cousin, Loma Dillon, in 1917, and the couple moved to Chicago to find their fortune. When the fortune failed to appear with the dawn of the Great Depression, the growing family moved to Eugene to be near Loma’s parents.

Herbert continued in advertising with little success in Depression-era Oregon. Loma became acquainted with members of the Church of God (Seventh Day), a group whose basic tenets included Saturday Sabbath observance. At first, Herbert dismissed her feelings as mere religious fanaticism, but Loma challenged her husband to find biblical support for Sunday observance. With little business in the advertising office, Herbert found he had a great deal of time for Bible study. He felt that his long study sessions were inspired by God. Another argument with a relative led him to expand his studies to include the theory of the Evolution of Species. He eventually determined that his wife had been correct about the Sabbath but that Evolution had no basis.

Herbert W ArmstrongArmstrong was ordained as a minister in the Oregon Conference if the Church of God (Seventh Day), although some of his peers felt he had a tendency toward arrogance and did not stick closely to Church doctrine. Sometime after The Radio Church of Christ began, he broke with the Church of God (Seventh Day) and began teaching a form of "British Israelism", the belief that the peoples of Great Britain and the United States were direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of the Israelites.

Donations began to pour into The World Tomorrow, and in 1946, Armstrong moved his operations to Pasadena. He maintained that his was a poor family, but he bought a house on "Millionaires Row" just off the Rose Parade route. During the 1950s, The World Tomorrow began broadcasting on Radio Luxembourg, and Armstrong published a controversial book, 1975 in Prophecy! It was Armstrong’s view that World War III would be a nuclear contest which would result in the enslavement of mankind until the glorious return of Jesus Christ who would then rule as a benevolent dictator.

Loma passed away in 1967, three and a half months before the Armstrong’s 50th wedding anniversary. In 1968, The Radio Church of God was retitled as the World Wide Church of God. Son Garner Ted Armstrong was being groomed to take over as the church’s Pastor General. He had become the face and voice of The World Tomorrow on TV and Radio, but he was suspended in 1972 over an adultery scandal. In 1978, Ted was disfellowshipped over doctrinal differences with his father.

At its zenith, Armstrong’s ministry had expanded to 382 TV stations in the US and 36 international television outlets, dwarfing rival televangelists Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, and Jim Bakker. A church-based foundation was set up to encourage stamping out illiteracy, creating mobile schools in poor regions and schools for the disabled, and to conduct archeological studies of biblically significant sites.

In his final days, Herbert Armstrong admitted that he did not know whether or not Christ would return during his lifetime, but he know that the Lord’s return was approaching. He spent the end of his life in his home on the campus of Ambassador College, the school he founded to train ministers for his church. He died on the morning of January 16, 1986. He was 93 years-old.

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    This collection provides a look into the thinking of a controversial figure in American history. Armstrong represented a religious group called Anglo-Israelism which was, according to many, was extremist.

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    88 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 40 hours, 40 min
    88 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 40 hours, 40 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Herbert Armstrong 5000 Want.Physical Food.mp3
    3. Herbert Armstrong Beasts of.nd Revelation.mp3
    4. Herbert Armstrong Bible a Coded Book.mp3
    5. Herbert Armstrong Bible and.t's Authority.mp3
    6. Herbert Armstrong Church in.e Middle Ages.mp3
    7. Herbert Armstrong Coming Captivity 1954.mp3
    8. Herbert Armstrong Days of Noah.mp3
    9. Herbert Armstrong End of Man's Age.mp3
    10. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO A.mp3
    11. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO B.mp3
    12. Herbert Armstrong Future- P.t Believe God.mp3
    13. Herbert Armstrong Gospel as Prophecy.mp3
    14. Herbert Armstrong Gospel Mu.t Be Preached.mp3
    15. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of Jesus Christ.mp3
    16. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of.ingdom of God.mp3
    17. Herbert Armstrong Great Tribulation.mp3
    18. Herbert Armstrong Holy Spirit.mp3
    19. Herbert Armstrong Human Min. God's Spirit.mp3
    20. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God Why.mp3
    21. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God.mp3
    22. Herbert Armstrong Law Before Moses.mp3
    23. Herbert Armstrong Majority Message.mp3
    24. Herbert Armstrong Millenniu.h noise level.mp3
    25. Herbert Armstrong Millennium.mp3
    26. Herbert Armstrong Narrow Way.mp3
    27. Herbert Armstrong Nation of.- Jeremiah 31.mp3
    28. Herbert Armstrong New Roman Empire.mp3
    29. Herbert Armstrong One Messa.f World Peace.mp3
    30. Herbert Armstrong One True Church.mp3
    31. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Sower.mp3
    32. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Tares.mp3
    33. Herbert Armstrong Promise t.braham's Seed.mp3
    34. Herbert Armstrong Purpose B.ut Here Below.mp3
    35. Herbert Armstrong Religion of Judaism.mp3
    36. Herbert Armstrong Resurecti.Not on Sunday.mp3
    37. Herbert Armstrong Revelation.mp3
    38. Herbert Armstrong Roots of US and Britain.mp3
    39. Herbert Armstrong Russia in Prophecy.mp3
    40. Herbert Armstrong Russia vs Europe.mp3
    41. Herbert Armstrong Russia.mp3
    42. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath Law Tradition.mp3
    43. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath.mp3
    44. Herbert Armstrong Salvation Christ's Office.mp3
    45. Herbert Armstrong Salvation.mp3
    46. Herbert Armstrong Sardis Philay of the Lord.mp3
    47. Herbert Armstrong Satan In Today's News.mp3
    48. Herbert Armstrong Satan's One W.ld Government.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 41 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 7 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 1.mp3
    3. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 2.mp3
    4. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 3.mp3
    5. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 A.mp3
    6. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 B.mp3
    7. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 5.mp3
    8. Herbert Armstrong Seven Chu.od Pergamous.mp3
    9. Herbert Armstrong Should We Use.Old Testament.mp3
    10. Herbert Armstrong Sign of Jonah.s Messiahship.mp3
    11. Herbert Armstrong Six Facets of Civilization.mp3
    12. Herbert Armstrong Smyrna Pergamus.mp3
    13. Herbert Armstrong Some Offended.ist's Message.mp3
    14. Herbert Armstrong Spirit of the Law.mp3
    15. Herbert Armstrong Tabernacles a.d's Law RADIO.mp3
    16. Herbert Armstrong Ten Commandments.mp3
    17. Herbert Armstrong Ten Tribes of Israel.mp3
    18. Herbert Armstrong There is only one authority.mp3
    19. Herbert Armstrong Tree of Life.mp3
    20. Herbert Armstrong Tribulation.mp3
    21. Herbert Armstrong True Chur.es God's Will.mp3
    22. Herbert Armstrong True Church in History.mp3
    23. Herbert Armstrong True Church.mp3
    24. Herbert Armstrong True Conversion Real Danger.mp3
    25. Herbert Armstrong Truth is Revealed by God.mp3
    26. Herbert Armstrong Truth Restored.mp3
    27. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_1.mp3
    28. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_2.mp3
    29. Herbert Armstrong Two Commissions.mp3
    30. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants A.mp3
    31. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants B.mp3
    32. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants.mp3
    33. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 2.mp3
    34. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 3.mp3
    35. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees.mp3
    36. Herbert Armstrong Two Ways of Life.mp3
    37. Herbert Armstrong US in Biblical Prophecy.mp3
    38. Herbert Armstrong US in Prophecy.mp3
    39. Herbert Armstrong USA and Britain in Prophesy.mp3
    40. Herbert Armstrong Vanity Self-esteem.mp3
    41. Herbert Armstrong way of escape_watchman.mp3
    42. Herbert Armstrong Way Out o.Your Troubles.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    88 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 40 hours, 40 min
    88 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1117 MB – total playtime 40 hours, 40 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – 592 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 33 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Herbert Armstrong 5000 Want.Physical Food.mp3
    3. Herbert Armstrong Beasts of.nd Revelation.mp3
    4. Herbert Armstrong Bible a Coded Book.mp3
    5. Herbert Armstrong Bible and.t's Authority.mp3
    6. Herbert Armstrong Church in.e Middle Ages.mp3
    7. Herbert Armstrong Coming Captivity 1954.mp3
    8. Herbert Armstrong Days of Noah.mp3
    9. Herbert Armstrong End of Man's Age.mp3
    10. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO A.mp3
    11. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO B.mp3
    12. Herbert Armstrong Future- P.t Believe God.mp3
    13. Herbert Armstrong Gospel as Prophecy.mp3
    14. Herbert Armstrong Gospel Mu.t Be Preached.mp3
    15. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of Jesus Christ.mp3
    16. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of.ingdom of God.mp3
    17. Herbert Armstrong Great Tribulation.mp3
    18. Herbert Armstrong Holy Spirit.mp3
    19. Herbert Armstrong Human Min. God's Spirit.mp3
    20. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God Why.mp3
    21. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God.mp3
    22. Herbert Armstrong Law Before Moses.mp3
    23. Herbert Armstrong Majority Message.mp3
    24. Herbert Armstrong Millenniu.h noise level.mp3
    25. Herbert Armstrong Millennium.mp3
    26. Herbert Armstrong Narrow Way.mp3
    27. Herbert Armstrong Nation of.- Jeremiah 31.mp3
    28. Herbert Armstrong New Roman Empire.mp3
    29. Herbert Armstrong One Messa.f World Peace.mp3
    30. Herbert Armstrong One True Church.mp3
    31. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Sower.mp3
    32. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Tares.mp3
    33. Herbert Armstrong Promise t.braham's Seed.mp3
    34. Herbert Armstrong Purpose B.ut Here Below.mp3
    35. Herbert Armstrong Religion of Judaism.mp3
    36. Herbert Armstrong Resurecti.Not on Sunday.mp3
    37. Herbert Armstrong Revelation.mp3
    38. Herbert Armstrong Roots of US and Britain.mp3
    39. Herbert Armstrong Russia in Prophecy.mp3
    40. Herbert Armstrong Russia vs Europe.mp3
    41. Herbert Armstrong Russia.mp3
    42. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath Law Tradition.mp3
    43. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath.mp3
    44. Herbert Armstrong Salvation Christ's Office.mp3
    45. Herbert Armstrong Salvation.mp3
    46. Herbert Armstrong Sardis Philay of the Lord.mp3
    47. Herbert Armstrong Satan In Today's News.mp3
    48. Herbert Armstrong Satan's One W.ld Government.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 41 shows – 525 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 7 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 1.mp3
    3. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 2.mp3
    4. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 3.mp3
    5. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 A.mp3
    6. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 B.mp3
    7. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 5.mp3
    8. Herbert Armstrong Seven Chu.od Pergamous.mp3
    9. Herbert Armstrong Should We Use.Old Testament.mp3
    10. Herbert Armstrong Sign of Jonah.s Messiahship.mp3
    11. Herbert Armstrong Six Facets of Civilization.mp3
    12. Herbert Armstrong Smyrna Pergamus.mp3
    13. Herbert Armstrong Some Offended.ist's Message.mp3
    14. Herbert Armstrong Spirit of the Law.mp3
    15. Herbert Armstrong Tabernacles a.d's Law RADIO.mp3
    16. Herbert Armstrong Ten Commandments.mp3
    17. Herbert Armstrong Ten Tribes of Israel.mp3
    18. Herbert Armstrong There is only one authority.mp3
    19. Herbert Armstrong Tree of Life.mp3
    20. Herbert Armstrong Tribulation.mp3
    21. Herbert Armstrong True Chur.es God's Will.mp3
    22. Herbert Armstrong True Church in History.mp3
    23. Herbert Armstrong True Church.mp3
    24. Herbert Armstrong True Conversion Real Danger.mp3
    25. Herbert Armstrong Truth is Revealed by God.mp3
    26. Herbert Armstrong Truth Restored.mp3
    27. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_1.mp3
    28. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_2.mp3
    29. Herbert Armstrong Two Commissions.mp3
    30. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants A.mp3
    31. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants B.mp3
    32. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants.mp3
    33. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 2.mp3
    34. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 3.mp3
    35. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees.mp3
    36. Herbert Armstrong Two Ways of Life.mp3
    37. Herbert Armstrong US in Biblical Prophecy.mp3
    38. Herbert Armstrong US in Prophecy.mp3
    39. Herbert Armstrong USA and Britain in Prophesy.mp3
    40. Herbert Armstrong Vanity Self-esteem.mp3
    41. Herbert Armstrong way of escape_watchman.mp3
    42. Herbert Armstrong Way Out o.Your Troubles.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    88 recordings on 44 Audio CDs. Total playtime 40 hours, 40 min
    88 recordings on 44 Audio CDs
    total playtime 40 hours, 40 min

    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A001

    1. Herbert Armstrong 5000 Want.Physical Food
    2. Herbert Armstrong Beasts of.nd Revelation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A002

    1. Herbert Armstrong Bible a Coded Book
    2. Herbert Armstrong Bible and.t's Authority

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A003

    1. Herbert Armstrong Church in.e Middle Ages
    2. Herbert Armstrong Coming Captivity 1954

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A004

    1. Herbert Armstrong Days of Noah
    2. Herbert Armstrong End of Man's Age

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A005

    1. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO A
    2. Herbert Armstrong Feast of acles RADIO B

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A006

    1. Herbert Armstrong Future- P.t Believe God
    2. Herbert Armstrong Gospel as Prophecy

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A007

    1. Herbert Armstrong Gospel Mu.t Be Preached
    2. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A008

    1. Herbert Armstrong Gospel of.ingdom of God
    2. Herbert Armstrong Great Tribulation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A009

    1. Herbert Armstrong Holy Spirit
    2. Herbert Armstrong Human Min. God's Spirit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A010

    1. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God Why
    2. Herbert Armstrong Kingdom of God

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A011

    1. Herbert Armstrong Law Before Moses
    2. Herbert Armstrong Majority Message

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A012

    1. Herbert Armstrong Millenniu.h noise level
    2. Herbert Armstrong Millennium

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A013

    1. Herbert Armstrong Narrow Way
    2. Herbert Armstrong Nation of.- Jeremiah 31

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A014

    1. Herbert Armstrong New Roman Empire
    2. Herbert Armstrong One Messa.f World Peace

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A015

    1. Herbert Armstrong One True Church
    2. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Sower

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A016

    1. Herbert Armstrong Parable of the Tares
    2. Herbert Armstrong Promise t.braham's Seed

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A017

    1. Herbert Armstrong Purpose B.ut Here Below
    2. Herbert Armstrong Religion of Judaism

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A018

    1. Herbert Armstrong Resurecti.Not on Sunday
    2. Herbert Armstrong Revelation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A019

    1. Herbert Armstrong Roots of US and Britain
    2. Herbert Armstrong Russia in Prophecy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A020

    1. Herbert Armstrong Russia vs Europe
    2. Herbert Armstrong Russia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A021

    1. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath Law Tradition
    2. Herbert Armstrong Sabbath

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A022

    1. Herbert Armstrong Salvation Christ's Office
    2. Herbert Armstrong Salvation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A023

    1. Herbert Armstrong Sardis Philay of the Lord
    2. Herbert Armstrong Satan In Today's News

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A024

    1. Herbert Armstrong Satan's One W.ld Government
    2. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A025

    1. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 2
    2. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A026

    1. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 A
    2. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 4 B

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A027

    1. Herbert Armstrong Sermon on the Mount - 5
    2. Herbert Armstrong Seven Chu.od Pergamous

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A028

    1. Herbert Armstrong Should We Use.Old Testament
    2. Herbert Armstrong Sign of Jonah.s Messiahship

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A029

    1. Herbert Armstrong Six Facets of Civilization
    2. Herbert Armstrong Smyrna Pergamus

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A030

    1. Herbert Armstrong Some Offended.ist's Message
    2. Herbert Armstrong Spirit of the Law

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A031

    1. Herbert Armstrong Tabernacles a.d's Law RADIO
    2. Herbert Armstrong Ten Commandments

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A032

    1. Herbert Armstrong Ten Tribes of Israel
    2. Herbert Armstrong There is only one authority

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A033

    1. Herbert Armstrong Tree of Life
    2. Herbert Armstrong Tribulation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A034

    1. Herbert Armstrong True Chur.es God's Will
    2. Herbert Armstrong True Church in History

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A035

    1. Herbert Armstrong True Church
    2. Herbert Armstrong True Conversion Real Danger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A036

    1. Herbert Armstrong Truth is Revealed by God
    2. Herbert Armstrong Truth Restored

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A037

    1. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_1
    2. Herbert Armstrong Two Churc.urch of God_2

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A038

    1. Herbert Armstrong Two Commissions
    2. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants A

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A039

    1. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants B
    2. Herbert Armstrong Two Covenants

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A040

    1. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 2
    2. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees 3

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A041

    1. Herbert Armstrong Two Trees
    2. Herbert Armstrong Two Ways of Life

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A042

    1. Herbert Armstrong US in Biblical Prophecy
    2. Herbert Armstrong US in Prophecy

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A043

    1. Herbert Armstrong USA and Britain in Prophesy
    2. Herbert Armstrong Vanity Self-esteem

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    Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons Disc A044

    1. Herbert Armstrong way of escape_watchman
    2. Herbert Armstrong Way Out o.Your Troubles

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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