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The Halls of Ivy

This old time radio series follows famed actor Ronald Coleman as the president of a small Midwest college.

Halls of Ivy

92 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 42 hours, 16 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
45 Audio CDs

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"Dr Halls Reappointment"

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Mr and Mrs Ronald Coleman
Situation Comedy (1949 - 52)

Ronald Coleman
Ronald Coleman

Halls of Ivy Magazine AdThis literate comedy was the story of a small Midwestern college, and the President of same and his wife, and their colleagues. Sounds dull, but it wasn't. Especially as the man who developed the show was the chief writer for Fibber McGee and Molly. Don Quinn had been the right hand man to the Jordan's for many years, but wanted to do a show of his own, and so hit upon the theme of a college. One could imagine that Our Miss Brooks might have been in the back of his mind, too. While originally thinking about using Gale Gordon for Hall, and Edna Best as his wife, Quinn hit upon a couple that had been charming and very funny as the British neighbors of Jack Benny of late. It turned out to be a great idea.

Famed actor Ronald Colman (1947 Academy Award winner for his portrayal of a tormented actor in "A Double Life") was perfect for the part of William Todhunter Hall, the President of Ivy College in the little college town of Ivy. Ronald Colman had the authentic intelligent, English upper-crust manner to convince immediately. Coleman's wife, Benita (Colman) Hume played Hall's wife Vicky, whose background was as a former British stage actress. Thus, the pair was a great example of "opposites attract." A fine radio cast played the Ivy College's Board of Governors, the kids on campus, and the household of the Halls. Herbert Butterfield was the thorny Board of Directors member Clarence Wellman.

Creator/writer Quinn's love of puns that made so much of the Fibber dialogue magic was certainly an integral part of The Halls of Ivy. The title tells us that. There are episodes when there are problems, too, and the show actually gets serious…or at least, the listener feels that these are real people with real concerns.That was also what Quinn was striving for - a show that was mostly funny, but with some real human interest and warmth along with the laughs.

Kay Francis and Ronald Coleman
Kay Francis and Ronald Coleman
The great radio writing team Jerome Lawrence and Robert Lee did most of the scripts, with Quinn's input and punning cunning. They worked with Coleman on another popular old time radio show, "Favorite Story." Lawrence and Lee went on to Broadway to "Inherit the Wind" and "Auntie Mame's" fortune and fame. The Halls of Ivy went on to television in 1954, with Colman and wife Benita continuing in their parts, along with Herb Butterfield.

The Halls of Ivy is a fine example of a good idea well done, and deserves an advanced degree of listening from devotees of old radio comedy.

Other sit-coms from radio are Meet Mr McNutley, Vic and Sade, Easy Aces, Our Miss Brooks, Fibber McGee and Molly, My Favorite Husband, The Adventures of Maisie, The Life of Riley, Life With Luigi, and The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    14     5


    The Halls of Ivy - life at a surprisingly progressive college with Ronald and Bonita Coleman as Doctor Hall and his wife. More a dramady that a laugh it up comedy, with most of the humor from the incredibly clever banter between the two leads.

    Julie Verified Purchase

    I could listen to Ronald Colman read a phone boom.

    Kim Verified Purchase

    Don Stanley announcing the audition program for the "Halls of Ivy" from June 2, 1949. This audition show featured radio veteran Gale Gordon (then co-starring in Our Miss Brooks) and Edna Best. The starring roles in the show ultimately went to the husband-and-wife actors Ronald Colman and Benita Hume, who had demonstrated a flair for radio comedy during the late 1940s on The Jack Benny Program. The show ran from 1950–52 on NBC radio and was later adapted into a CBS television comedy (1954–55).

    Donna Verified Purchase

    A lovely series, well written (including one by Ronald Colman himself) and beautifully played. A little gem!


    A good series, each programme highlights a moral issue with a sprinkling of comedy. Ronald Colman is a treat to listen to.

    John Verified Purchase

    Not to bad. I have lived the show for years and there were some episodes 8 couldn't get a hold of. The quality is not quite as good as I would have liked - there are skips and things which the other copies I'd had did not suffer from. But overall a decent purchase. Some of these things are just impossible to get anywhere else!

    Kasey Verified Purchase

    A lovely series, beautifully written and very well acted by the entire cast, but Ronald Colman's performance as Dr Hall was simply perfect.

    Frances Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite OTR comedies. The writing is smart and witty, and the acting excellent. This show is so warm and enjoyable; it's like comfort food that's actually good for you.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Ronald Colman is one the best radio performers ever. He masters every role, whether in a drama, comedy, or mystery series. The Halls of Ivy is very well written, and is worth listening to just for the dialogue between Mr. and Mrs. Colman, regardless of the stories. The little dream vignettes are very novel and add much detail to their relationship.

    Craig Verified Purchase

    This is a wonderful series, beautifully written and played by a top notch cast. Ronald Colman is, as always, just perfect as "Toddy".

    Francis Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite vintage radio shows, very well-written and true to the absurdities and ideals of academic life

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    Very pleasant, non-offensive, well-written comedy.

    Douglas Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    92 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 42 hours, 16 min
    92 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 42 hours, 16 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Halls Of Ivy 490622 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    3. Halls Of Ivy 490623 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    4. Halls Of Ivy 500106 001 Reappointment.mp3
    5. Halls Of Ivy 500113 002 Student Editorial.mp3
    6. Halls Of Ivy 500120 003 Gangsters Son.mp3
    7. Halls Of Ivy 500127 004 Wellmans Nose Charter Day Ceremonies.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 500203 005 Dr Bromley Shakespeare Expert.mp3
    9. Halls Of Ivy 500210 006 Snowman.mp3
    10. Halls Of Ivy 500217 007 Chinese Student.mp3
    11. Halls Of Ivy 500224 008 Student Thief.mp3
    12. Halls Of Ivy 500303 009 Merton Savadas Crush.mp3
    13. Halls Of Ivy 500310 010 Victorias New Review.mp3
    14. Halls Of Ivy 500317 011 Dirty Politics.mp3
    15. Halls Of Ivy 500324 012 Professor Gerhardts Secret.mp3
    16. Halls Of Ivy 500331 013 Ivy Music Knockwurst Society.mp3
    17. Halls Of Ivy 500407 014 Toddy Plays Hooky.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 500414 015 Mrs Fosters Lost Dog.mp3
    19. Halls Of Ivy 500421 016 Traffic And Cocoanuts.mp3
    20. Halls Of Ivy 500428 017 Scofield Prize.mp3
    21. Halls Of Ivy 500505 018 Student Actress.mp3
    22. Halls Of Ivy 500510 019 Mrs Whitneys Statue.mp3
    23. Halls Of Ivy 500517 020 Dr Abel.mp3
    24. Halls Of Ivy 500524 021 Fighting Med Student.mp3
    25. Halls Of Ivy 500531 022 Sexton Award.mp3
    26. Halls Of Ivy 500607 023 Dday.mp3
    27. Halls Of Ivy 500614 024 Stolen First Edition.mp3
    28. Halls Of Ivy 500621 025 Bentheimers And Census.mp3
    29. Halls Of Ivy 500628 026 Faculty Raffle.mp3
    30. Halls Of Ivy 500705 027 Poetry Reading.mp3
    31. Halls Of Ivy 500712 028 Education Of Annie Belle.mp3
    32. Halls Of Ivy 500927 031 Leslie Hoff Painting.mp3
    33. Halls Of Ivy 501004 032 New English Teacher.mp3
    34. Halls Of Ivy 501011 033 Phone Problems.mp3
    35. Halls Of Ivy 501018 034 Scandal.mp3
    36. Halls Of Ivy 501122 039 Jack Benny Visits Ivy.mp3
    37. Halls Of Ivy 501129 040 Honor Student.mp3
    38. Halls Of Ivy 510103 045 Professor Barrettes Play.mp3
    39. Halls Of Ivy 510124 048 Goya Bequest.mp3
    40. Halls Of Ivy 510131 049 Professor Warrens Retirement.mp3
    41. Halls Of Ivy 510221 052 Calhoun Gaddy.mp3
    42. Halls Of Ivy 510228 053 French Scholarship.mp3
    43. Halls Of Ivy 510307 054 Eddie Grays Wedding.mp3
    44. Halls Of Ivy 510314 055 His Fathers Image.mp3
    45. Halls Of Ivy 510418 060 Romiette And Julio.mp3
    46. Halls Of Ivy 510425 061 Note Quote.mp3
    47. Halls Of Ivy 510502 062 Student Vandalism And Draft.mp3
    48. Halls Of Ivy 510509 063 Gloria Golightly.mp3
    49. Halls Of Ivy 510523 065 Cooks Night Out.mp3
    50. Halls Of Ivy 510530 066 Finals Day Award.mp3
    51. Halls Of Ivy 510613 068 Finals Season.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 42 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 500210 006 Snowman Wcit.mp3
    3. 510502 062 Chamber Of Commerce Citation.mp3
    4. 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii.mp3
    5. Halls Of Ivy 510620 069 Pork Barrel Politics.mp3
    6. Halls Of Ivy 511003 071 Adoption.mp3
    7. Halls Of Ivy 511010 072 Editorial In Ivy Bull.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 511017 073 Student Council Election.mp3
    9. Halls Of Ivy 511024 074 Mrs Why.mp3
    10. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach.mp3
    11. Halls Of Ivy 511107 076 Halloween.mp3
    12. Halls Of Ivy 511114 077 Late Student.mp3
    13. Halls Of Ivy 511121 078 Ministers Son.mp3
    14. Halls Of Ivy 511128 079 Professor Warrens Romantic Folly.mp3
    15. Halls Of Ivy 511205 080 Calhoun Gaddys Agri Development.mp3
    16. Halls Of Ivy 511212 081 Professor Royce Returns.mp3
    17. Halls Of Ivy 511226 083 Sweet Sorrow.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 520102 084 Hell Week.mp3
    19. Halls Of Ivy 520109 085 Nelson Carters Son.mp3
    20. Halls Of Ivy 520116 086 Art Exhibit.mp3
    21. Halls Of Ivy 520123 087 Medal Of Honor.mp3
    22. Halls Of Ivy 520130 088 Track Star.mp3
    23. Halls Of Ivy 520206 089 Glee Club Donation.mp3
    24. Halls Of Ivy 520213 090 Dean Huxley.mp3
    25. Halls Of Ivy 520220 091 Voice Of Ivy Vine.mp3
    26. Halls Of Ivy 520227 092 Budget Problems.mp3
    27. Halls Of Ivy 520305 093 Astronomy Exam.mp3
    28. Halls Of Ivy 520312 094 Lame Girl Hypochondriac.mp3
    29. Halls Of Ivy 520319 095 Oldest Living Graduate.mp3
    30. Halls Of Ivy 520326 096 Stolen Money.mp3
    31. Halls Of Ivy 520402 097 Professor Grimes.mp3
    32. Halls Of Ivy 520409 098 Faculty Marriage.mp3
    33. Halls Of Ivy 520416 099 French Exchange Student.mp3
    34. Halls Of Ivy 520423 100 Professor Waldens Son.mp3
    35. Halls Of Ivy 520430 101 Faculty Follies Part 1.mp3
    36. Halls Of Ivy 520507 102 Faculty Follies Part 2.mp3
    37. Halls Of Ivy 520514 103 Student Singer.mp3
    38. Halls Of Ivy 520521 104 Doctor Spatzen.mp3
    39. Halls Of Ivy 520528 105 Mummynapper.mp3
    40. Halls Of Ivy 520604 106 Pregnant Student.mp3
    41. Halls Of Ivy 520611 107 Wellmans Come To Dinner.mp3
    42. Halls Of Ivy 520618 108 Math Professor.mp3
    43. Halls Of Ivy 520625 109 Summer Vacation.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    92 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 42 hours, 16 min
    92 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1161 MB – total playtime 42 hours, 16 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – 659 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Halls Of Ivy 490622 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    3. Halls Of Ivy 490623 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment.mp3
    4. Halls Of Ivy 500106 001 Reappointment.mp3
    5. Halls Of Ivy 500113 002 Student Editorial.mp3
    6. Halls Of Ivy 500120 003 Gangsters Son.mp3
    7. Halls Of Ivy 500127 004 Wellmans Nose Charter Day Ceremonies.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 500203 005 Dr Bromley Shakespeare Expert.mp3
    9. Halls Of Ivy 500210 006 Snowman.mp3
    10. Halls Of Ivy 500217 007 Chinese Student.mp3
    11. Halls Of Ivy 500224 008 Student Thief.mp3
    12. Halls Of Ivy 500303 009 Merton Savadas Crush.mp3
    13. Halls Of Ivy 500310 010 Victorias New Review.mp3
    14. Halls Of Ivy 500317 011 Dirty Politics.mp3
    15. Halls Of Ivy 500324 012 Professor Gerhardts Secret.mp3
    16. Halls Of Ivy 500331 013 Ivy Music Knockwurst Society.mp3
    17. Halls Of Ivy 500407 014 Toddy Plays Hooky.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 500414 015 Mrs Fosters Lost Dog.mp3
    19. Halls Of Ivy 500421 016 Traffic And Cocoanuts.mp3
    20. Halls Of Ivy 500428 017 Scofield Prize.mp3
    21. Halls Of Ivy 500505 018 Student Actress.mp3
    22. Halls Of Ivy 500510 019 Mrs Whitneys Statue.mp3
    23. Halls Of Ivy 500517 020 Dr Abel.mp3
    24. Halls Of Ivy 500524 021 Fighting Med Student.mp3
    25. Halls Of Ivy 500531 022 Sexton Award.mp3
    26. Halls Of Ivy 500607 023 Dday.mp3
    27. Halls Of Ivy 500614 024 Stolen First Edition.mp3
    28. Halls Of Ivy 500621 025 Bentheimers And Census.mp3
    29. Halls Of Ivy 500628 026 Faculty Raffle.mp3
    30. Halls Of Ivy 500705 027 Poetry Reading.mp3
    31. Halls Of Ivy 500712 028 Education Of Annie Belle.mp3
    32. Halls Of Ivy 500927 031 Leslie Hoff Painting.mp3
    33. Halls Of Ivy 501004 032 New English Teacher.mp3
    34. Halls Of Ivy 501011 033 Phone Problems.mp3
    35. Halls Of Ivy 501018 034 Scandal.mp3
    36. Halls Of Ivy 501122 039 Jack Benny Visits Ivy.mp3
    37. Halls Of Ivy 501129 040 Honor Student.mp3
    38. Halls Of Ivy 510103 045 Professor Barrettes Play.mp3
    39. Halls Of Ivy 510124 048 Goya Bequest.mp3
    40. Halls Of Ivy 510131 049 Professor Warrens Retirement.mp3
    41. Halls Of Ivy 510221 052 Calhoun Gaddy.mp3
    42. Halls Of Ivy 510228 053 French Scholarship.mp3
    43. Halls Of Ivy 510307 054 Eddie Grays Wedding.mp3
    44. Halls Of Ivy 510314 055 His Fathers Image.mp3
    45. Halls Of Ivy 510418 060 Romiette And Julio.mp3
    46. Halls Of Ivy 510425 061 Note Quote.mp3
    47. Halls Of Ivy 510502 062 Student Vandalism And Draft.mp3
    48. Halls Of Ivy 510509 063 Gloria Golightly.mp3
    49. Halls Of Ivy 510523 065 Cooks Night Out.mp3
    50. Halls Of Ivy 510530 066 Finals Day Award.mp3
    51. Halls Of Ivy 510613 068 Finals Season.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 42 shows – 502 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 17 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 500210 006 Snowman Wcit.mp3
    3. 510502 062 Chamber Of Commerce Citation.mp3
    4. 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii.mp3
    5. Halls Of Ivy 510620 069 Pork Barrel Politics.mp3
    6. Halls Of Ivy 511003 071 Adoption.mp3
    7. Halls Of Ivy 511010 072 Editorial In Ivy Bull.mp3
    8. Halls Of Ivy 511017 073 Student Council Election.mp3
    9. Halls Of Ivy 511024 074 Mrs Why.mp3
    10. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach.mp3
    11. Halls Of Ivy 511107 076 Halloween.mp3
    12. Halls Of Ivy 511114 077 Late Student.mp3
    13. Halls Of Ivy 511121 078 Ministers Son.mp3
    14. Halls Of Ivy 511128 079 Professor Warrens Romantic Folly.mp3
    15. Halls Of Ivy 511205 080 Calhoun Gaddys Agri Development.mp3
    16. Halls Of Ivy 511212 081 Professor Royce Returns.mp3
    17. Halls Of Ivy 511226 083 Sweet Sorrow.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 520102 084 Hell Week.mp3
    19. Halls Of Ivy 520109 085 Nelson Carters Son.mp3
    20. Halls Of Ivy 520116 086 Art Exhibit.mp3
    21. Halls Of Ivy 520123 087 Medal Of Honor.mp3
    22. Halls Of Ivy 520130 088 Track Star.mp3
    23. Halls Of Ivy 520206 089 Glee Club Donation.mp3
    24. Halls Of Ivy 520213 090 Dean Huxley.mp3
    25. Halls Of Ivy 520220 091 Voice Of Ivy Vine.mp3
    26. Halls Of Ivy 520227 092 Budget Problems.mp3
    27. Halls Of Ivy 520305 093 Astronomy Exam.mp3
    28. Halls Of Ivy 520312 094 Lame Girl Hypochondriac.mp3
    29. Halls Of Ivy 520319 095 Oldest Living Graduate.mp3
    30. Halls Of Ivy 520326 096 Stolen Money.mp3
    31. Halls Of Ivy 520402 097 Professor Grimes.mp3
    32. Halls Of Ivy 520409 098 Faculty Marriage.mp3
    33. Halls Of Ivy 520416 099 French Exchange Student.mp3
    34. Halls Of Ivy 520423 100 Professor Waldens Son.mp3
    35. Halls Of Ivy 520430 101 Faculty Follies Part 1.mp3
    36. Halls Of Ivy 520507 102 Faculty Follies Part 2.mp3
    37. Halls Of Ivy 520514 103 Student Singer.mp3
    38. Halls Of Ivy 520521 104 Doctor Spatzen.mp3
    39. Halls Of Ivy 520528 105 Mummynapper.mp3
    40. Halls Of Ivy 520604 106 Pregnant Student.mp3
    41. Halls Of Ivy 520611 107 Wellmans Come To Dinner.mp3
    42. Halls Of Ivy 520618 108 Math Professor.mp3
    43. Halls Of Ivy 520625 109 Summer Vacation.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    92 recordings on 45 Audio CDs. Total playtime 42 hours, 16 min
    92 recordings on 45 Audio CDs
    total playtime 42 hours, 16 min

    Halls of Ivy Disc A001

    1. Halls Of Ivy 490622 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment
    2. Halls Of Ivy 490623 AUD Dr Halls Reappointment

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A002

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500106 001 Reappointment
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500113 002 Student Editorial

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A003

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500120 003 Gangsters Son
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500127 004 Wellmans Nose Charter Day Ceremonies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A004

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500203 005 Dr Bromley Shakespeare Expert
    2. 500210 006 Snowman Wcit
    3. Halls Of Ivy 500210 006 Snowman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A005

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500217 007 Chinese Student
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500224 008 Student Thief

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A006

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500303 009 Merton Savadas Crush
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500310 010 Victorias New Review

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A007

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500317 011 Dirty Politics
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500324 012 Professor Gerhardts Secret

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A008

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500331 013 Ivy Music Knockwurst Society
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500407 014 Toddy Plays Hooky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A009

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500414 015 Mrs Fosters Lost Dog
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500421 016 Traffic And Cocoanuts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A010

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500428 017 Scofield Prize
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500505 018 Student Actress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A011

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500510 019 Mrs Whitneys Statue
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500517 020 Dr Abel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A012

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500524 021 Fighting Med Student
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500531 022 Sexton Award

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A013

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500607 023 Dday
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500614 024 Stolen First Edition

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A014

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500621 025 Bentheimers And Census
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500628 026 Faculty Raffle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A015

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500705 027 Poetry Reading
    2. Halls Of Ivy 500712 028 Education Of Annie Belle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A016

    1. Halls Of Ivy 500927 031 Leslie Hoff Painting
    2. Halls Of Ivy 501004 032 New English Teacher

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A017

    1. Halls Of Ivy 501011 033 Phone Problems
    2. Halls Of Ivy 501018 034 Scandal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A018

    1. Halls Of Ivy 501122 039 Jack Benny Visits Ivy
    2. Halls Of Ivy 501129 040 Honor Student

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A019

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510103 045 Professor Barrettes Play
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510124 048 Goya Bequest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A020

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510131 049 Professor Warrens Retirement
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510221 052 Calhoun Gaddy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A021

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510228 053 French Scholarship
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510307 054 Eddie Grays Wedding

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A022

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510314 055 His Fathers Image
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510418 060 Romiette And Julio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A023

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510425 061 Note Quote
    2. 510502 062 Chamber Of Commerce Citation
    3. Halls Of Ivy 510502 062 Student Vandalism And Draft

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A024

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510509 063 Gloria Golightly
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510523 065 Cooks Night Out

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A025

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510530 066 Finals Day Award
    2. Halls Of Ivy 510613 068 Finals Season

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A026

    1. Halls Of Ivy 510620 069 Pork Barrel Politics
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511003 071 Adoption

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A027

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511010 072 Editorial In Ivy Bull
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511017 073 Student Council Election

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A028

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511024 074 Mrs Why
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A029

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511107 076 Halloween
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511114 077 Late Student

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A030

    1. 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511121 078 Ministers Son

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A031

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511128 079 Professor Warrens Romantic Folly
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511205 080 Calhoun Gaddys Agri Development

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A032

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511212 081 Professor Royce Returns
    2. Halls Of Ivy 511226 083 Sweet Sorrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A033

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520102 084 Hell Week
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520109 085 Nelson Carters Son

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A034

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520116 086 Art Exhibit
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520123 087 Medal Of Honor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A035

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520130 088 Track Star
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520206 089 Glee Club Donation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A036

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520213 090 Dean Huxley
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520220 091 Voice Of Ivy Vine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A037

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520227 092 Budget Problems
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520305 093 Astronomy Exam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A038

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520312 094 Lame Girl Hypochondriac
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520319 095 Oldest Living Graduate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A039

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520326 096 Stolen Money
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520402 097 Professor Grimes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A040

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520409 098 Faculty Marriage
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520416 099 French Exchange Student

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A041

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520423 100 Professor Waldens Son
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520430 101 Faculty Follies Part 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A042

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520507 102 Faculty Follies Part 2
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520514 103 Student Singer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A043

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520521 104 Doctor Spatzen
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520528 105 Mummynapper

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    Halls of Ivy Disc A044

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520604 106 Pregnant Student
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520611 107 Wellmans Come To Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Halls of Ivy Disc A045

    1. Halls Of Ivy 520618 108 Math Professor
    2. Halls Of Ivy 520625 109 Summer Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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