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Gregory Peck Collection

Peck was best known for his Academy Award winning portrayal of lawyer Atticus Finch in the film "To Kill a Mocking Bird" -- this collection includes all known appearances of Peck in the radio airwaves.

Gregory Peck

24 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 13 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
16 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 20, 1948:

"Gentlemens Agreement"

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Gregory Peck
(1916 – 2003)

Gregory PeckGregory Peck is one of the greatest film stars in cinema history.  With a large onscreen presence, he was best suited for heroic character types as a good, honorable man.  He is best known for his Academy Award winning portrayal of lawyer Atticus Finch in the 1962 film "To Kill a Mocking Bird."

A native Californian, Gregory Peck first got the acting bug when he was spotted by the theater coach at UC Berkeley.  Peck was exempt from Military Service in WWII due to a back injury.  His first film was Days of Glory (1944) and his career remained strong through the 1960s and he made addition appearance through his golden years. 

The OTRCAT Gregory Peck collection includes all known appearances of Peck in the radio airwaves.  Notably included in this collection are his reprised roles in "The Yearling," "Now Voyager," and "Gentlemen's Agreement" on Lux Radio Theater.  He also appeared in Suspence, Screen Guild Theater, Theater of Romance, Screen Director's Playhouse, and many more. 

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    He also did an episode of "Suspense" where he wakes up in a train car in Philadelpia with blood on his hands and no memory of how he got there.

    James Verified Purchase

    I didn't know Gregory Peck did radio!

    Jim Verified Purchase

    Mr. Peck played Lincoln around 1948 on Hallmark Playhouse. While promoting his appearance as Lincoln in the CBS-TV mini-series, "The Blue & the Gray," he commented to a TV Guide writer that he was a big Lincoln buff and had always wanted to portray him. Recognizing his error, I immediately wrote to him and enclosed a cassette tape of that old radio show. He was pleasantly surprised when he got my letter and wrote to me to thank me for sending it. He said he had forgotten all about it and enjoyed listening to the entire tape. He added that he wondered why he didn't use a "rustic" accent in playing the role, or why the director hadn't suggest it. "Oh, well," he wrote, "I don't think we made any dents in Lincoln's reputation."

    Richard Verified Purchase

    Gregory Peck is a real gentleman. I forget that it's just a story- that he is so good you are brought along with him in the story. So far I've listened to him as Abe Lincoln The Prairie Years. You just want to break down and cry with him. Suspense: Murder Through the Looking Glass is what is referenced above by James. You are never sure of what is really going on but it is justice in the end. The other Suspense: The Lonely Road is a bit of a twist to the end of the story. They start off like a triangle of characters and I still can't say what exactly is happening. I'm sure I'll be even more delighted with the Gregory Peck collection. We need more quality actors in Hollywood these days...

    Andrea Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    24 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 30 min
    24 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 13 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 24 shows – total playtime 13 hours, 30 minutes
    2. AAT 460821 22 Keys Of The Kingdom.mp3
    3. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 470505 522 School For Men.mp3
    5. Family Hour Of Stars 481219 Lullaby Of Christmas.mp3
    6. Hallmark Playhouse 490203 033 Abe Lincoln The Prairie Years.mp3
    7. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510422 27 William Farnham.mp3
    8. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came to Dinner.mp3
    9. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr.mp3
    10. Lux 460211 515 Now Voyager.mp3
    11. Lux 480119 600 The Yearling.mp3
    12. Lux 480920 626 Gentlemens Agreement.mp3
    13. Screen Dir Phouse 490715 025 Yellow Sky.mp3
    14. Screen Dir Phouse 510607 The Gunfighter.mp3
    15. Screen Guild Theater 441030 218 Anna Karenina.mp3
    16. Screen Guild Theater 470106 329 The Yearling.mp3
    17. Screen Guild Theater 500907 472 Twelve OClock High.mp3
    18. Sealtest Variety 480909 01 Waiting Room.mp3
    19. Suspense 460321 185 The Lonely Road.mp3
    20. Suspense 480909 306 Big Shot.mp3
    21. Suspense 490317 332 Murder Through The Looking Glass.mp3
    22. Suspense 490901 348 Nightmare.mp3
    23. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter.mp3
    24. The Doctor Fights 450828 Medicine For The Enemy.mp3
    25. Theat Of Rom 460101 079 Intermezzo.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    24 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 13 hours, 30 min
    24 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    192 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 24 shows – 192 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 30 minutes
    2. AAT 460821 22 Keys Of The Kingdom.mp3
    3. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 470505 522 School For Men.mp3
    5. Family Hour Of Stars 481219 Lullaby Of Christmas.mp3
    6. Hallmark Playhouse 490203 033 Abe Lincoln The Prairie Years.mp3
    7. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510422 27 William Farnham.mp3
    8. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came to Dinner.mp3
    9. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr.mp3
    10. Lux 460211 515 Now Voyager.mp3
    11. Lux 480119 600 The Yearling.mp3
    12. Lux 480920 626 Gentlemens Agreement.mp3
    13. Screen Dir Phouse 490715 025 Yellow Sky.mp3
    14. Screen Dir Phouse 510607 The Gunfighter.mp3
    15. Screen Guild Theater 441030 218 Anna Karenina.mp3
    16. Screen Guild Theater 470106 329 The Yearling.mp3
    17. Screen Guild Theater 500907 472 Twelve OClock High.mp3
    18. Sealtest Variety 480909 01 Waiting Room.mp3
    19. Suspense 460321 185 The Lonely Road.mp3
    20. Suspense 480909 306 Big Shot.mp3
    21. Suspense 490317 332 Murder Through The Looking Glass.mp3
    22. Suspense 490901 348 Nightmare.mp3
    23. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter.mp3
    24. The Doctor Fights 450828 Medicine For The Enemy.mp3
    25. Theat Of Rom 460101 079 Intermezzo.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    24 recordings on 16 Audio CDs. Total playtime 13 hours, 30 min
    24 recordings on 16 Audio CDs
    total playtime 13 hours, 30 min

    Gregory Peck Disc A001

    1. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr
    2. Screen Guild Theater 441030 218 Anna Karenina

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A002

    1. The Doctor Fights 450828 Medicine For The Enemy
    2. Theat Of Rom 460101 079 Intermezzo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A003

    1. Lux 460211 515 Now Voyager

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A004

    1. Suspense 460321 185 The Lonely Road
    2. AAT 460821 22 Keys Of The Kingdom

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A005

    1. Screen Guild Theater 470106 329 The Yearling
    2. Cavalcade Of America 470505 522 School For Men

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A006

    1. Lux 480119 600 The Yearling

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A007

    1. Sealtest Variety 480909 01 Waiting Room
    2. Suspense 480909 306 Big Shot

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A008

    1. Lux 480920 626 Gentlemens Agreement

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A009

    1. Family Hour Of Stars 481219 Lullaby Of Christmas
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 490203 033 Abe Lincoln The Prairie Years

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A010

    1. Suspense 490317 332 Murder Through The Looking Glass
    2. Screen Dir Phouse 490715 025 Yellow Sky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A011

    1. Suspense 490901 348 Nightmare

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A012

    1. Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 Man Who Came to Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A013

    1. Screen Guild Theater 500907 472 Twelve OClock High
    2. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510422 27 William Farnham

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A014

    1. Screen Dir Phouse 510607 The Gunfighter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A015

    1. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gregory Peck Disc A016

    1. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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