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The Greatest Story Ever Told

Just like the 1965 movie with the same name, The Greatest Story Ever Told featured events from the life of Jesus Christ as told in the Gospels.

Greatest Story Ever Told

98 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 44 hours, 31 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
47 Audio CDs

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or order disks individually: Add to Cart
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Play a sample episode from October 12, 1952:

"He That Loseth His Life"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Religious Drama (January 26, 1947 – December 30, 1956)

BibleGreatest Story Ever ToldThe Greatest Story Ever Told is a religious dramatization about the life and times of Christ. It is "the greatest story ever told from the greatest life ever lived, and includes a 16-voice chorus and full orchestra. The stories chosen were ssimplistic and popular. It was the first show to star Jesus Christ, and have him as a continuing character. So the directors decided to have Warren Parker play the part of Jesus in anonymity, with no casting credits. They also decided that there were to be no photographs of the performers, no studio audience, and no commercials. Guided by an interdenominational advisory board, this timeless show was very popular in its day and well remembered by many.

For other religious programs, see also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    8     0


    Received my order(my first from OTRCAT).Very satisfied.So hard to find "Greatest Story Ever Told"recordings.Love the fact I could get them in cd format instead of mp3.Thanks again for this special treat.

    Mitchell Verified Purchase

    Just got copies of these episodes and enjoyed listening to some of them yesterday. They are great!

    Josh Verified Purchase

    This program had the potential to be either cloying or too "Hollywoodized" but is neither. Very fine acting with scripts that add insight to each scripture and episode. A very fine supplement to scripture reading and a vaguely King James Version sound to the dialogue adds to the authenticity. Highly recommended! Peter

    Peter Verified Purchase

    I was looking for an OTR show that was more "devotional" in nature that I could listen to on my drive to church on Sunday mornings, and "The Greatest Story Ever Told" was recommended to me. While not always the greatest audio quality, I've greatly enjoyed this series. It helps prepare my heart for worship during the drive and causes me to look at some familiar Gospel passages with fresh eyes and new insight. Thank you for offering it!

    Wes Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    98 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 44 hours, 31 min
    98 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 44 hours, 31 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GSET 000000 000 Story Of Harvey Desmond Audition.mp3
    3. GSET 470126 001 Good Samaritan.mp3
    4. GSET 470209 003 Prodigal Son.mp3
    5. GSET 470323 009 Betrayal.mp3
    6. GSET 470330 010 Crucifixion.mp3
    7. GSET 470406 011 Resurrection.mp3
    8. GSET 470511 016 They Which See Not Shall See.mp3
    9. GSET 470518 017 Soldiers Servant.mp3
    10. GSET 470525 018 Unto Least Of These.mp3
    11. GSET 470601 019 Fruitless Fig Tree.mp3
    12. GSET 470608 020 Chief Seat At Wedding.mp3
    13. GSET 470629 023 Lost Sheep.mp3
    14. GSET 470713 025 Loaves And Fishes.mp3
    15. GSET 470817 030 Parable Of Lost Coin.mp3
    16. GSET 470824 031 Call Not Any Man Fool.mp3
    17. GSET 470831 032 Calling Of Matthew.mp3
    18. GSET 470907 033 If Thine Eye Offend Thee.mp3
    19. GSET 471130 045 And Her Name Was Mary.mp3
    20. GSET 471207 046 Blessed Among Women.mp3
    21. GSET 471214 047 Go and Be Counted.mp3
    22. GSET 471221 048 No Room At Inn.mp3
    23. GSET 471228 049 Flight Into Egypt.mp3
    24. GSET 480222 057 Blessed Are Meek.mp3
    25. GSET 480229 058 They Did Not Receive Him.mp3
    26. GSET 480307 059 Blessed Are They That Mourn.mp3
    27. GSET 480321 061 Betrayal the Crucifiction.mp3
    28. GSET 480509 068 Sufficient Unto Day.mp3
    29. GSET 480516 069 Thou Shalt Be Recompensed.mp3
    30. GSET 480523 070 If You Have Faith.mp3
    31. GSET 480530 071 Whoever Is Angry.mp3
    32. GSET 480606 072 Disputed Boundary.mp3
    33. GSET 480912 076 Of Such Is Kingdom.mp3
    34. GSET 480926 078 Idle Word The.mp3
    35. GSET 481017 081 Flight Of Children.mp3
    36. GSET 481024 082 Unbelieving.mp3
    37. GSET 481031 083 Ye Who Are Heavy Laden.mp3
    38. GSET 481107 084 Pursued.mp3
    39. GSET 481114 085 Reward Is Great.mp3
    40. GSET 481121 086 Blade From Damascus.mp3
    41. GSET 481128 087 Child In House.mp3
    42. GSET 481205 088 Where Thieves Break Through.mp3
    43. GSET 481212 089 Let Your Light Shine.mp3
    44. GSET 490102 092 Give Us This Day.mp3
    45. GSET 490116 094 House Of Darkness Afrs.mp3
    46. GSET 490123 095 Figure At Door.mp3
    47. GSET 490130 096 Good Samaritan.mp3
    48. GSET 490206 097 Journey To Tiberias.mp3
    49. GSET 490213 098 Prodigal Son.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 50 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GSET 490220 099 This Is My Commandment.mp3
    3. GSET 490306 101 Salt Of Earth Afrs.mp3
    4. GSET 490410 106 Betrayal And Crucifixion.mp3
    5. GSET 491030 122 One Who Did Not Return.mp3
    6. GSET 491211 128 Ye Shall Know Truth.mp3
    7. GSET 500305 140 Parable Of Lost Coin.mp3
    8. GSET 500312 141 He That Is Faithful.mp3
    9. GSET 500402 144 Betrayal And Crucifixion.mp3
    10. GSET 500416 146 Man Who Was Not Humble.mp3
    11. GSET 500416 147 Woman And Treasure The.mp3
    12. GSET 500430 148 Cup Of Cold Water.mp3
    13. GSET 510121 168 The Good Samaritan.mp3
    14. GSET 510218 172 Miracle At Nazareth.mp3
    15. GSET 510429 182 Calling Of Saul.mp3
    16. GSET 510520 185 Widows Mite.mp3
    17. GSET 511118 194 Voyage To Rome.mp3
    18. GSET 511223 199 No Room At Inn.mp3
    19. GSET 511230 200 Flight Into Egypt.mp3
    20. GSET 520504 218 Tree And Fruit.mp3
    21. GSET 521012 224 He That Loseth His Life.mp3
    22. GSET 521221 234 No Room At Inn.mp3
    23. GSET 530111 237 Go With Him Twain.mp3
    24. GSET 530222 243 Sufficient Unto Day.mp3
    25. GSET 531122 265 Man Called Nicodemus.mp3
    26. GSET 531206 267 Woman And Slave Girl.mp3
    27. GSET 531227 270 Incident At Bethlehem.mp3
    28. GSET 541114 299 He That Is Faithful.mp3
    29. GSET 550123 309 Who Is Forgiven Most.mp3
    30. GSET 550227 314 Parable Of Lost Sheep.mp3
    31. GSET 550327 318 Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee.mp3
    32. GSET 550501 323 Seek And Ye Shall Find Muddled.mp3
    33. GSET 550925 327 Matthew Publican.mp3
    34. GSET 551030 332 Figure At Door.mp3
    35. GSET 551106 333 Parable Of Sower.mp3
    36. GSET 551211 338 Cup Of Cold Water.mp3
    37. GSET 560122 345 The Good Samaritan.mp3
    38. GSET 560212 347 Voyage To Rome.mp3
    39. GSET 560415 356 Idle Word.mp3
    40. GSET 561014 363 Ye Shall Know Truth.mp3
    41. GSET 561028 365 Tree And Fruit.mp3
    42. GSET David Goliath.mp3
    43. GSET Joseph and His Brothers.mp3
    44. GSET Last Supper.mp3
    45. GSET Moses Flight from Egypt.mp3
    46. GSET Moses.mp3
    47. GSET Noah and the Arc.mp3
    48. GSET Ruth.mp3
    49. GSET Soloman.mp3
    50. GSET The Birth of Jesus.mp3
    51. GSET The Fall of Jarico.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    98 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 44 hours, 31 min
    98 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1223 MB – total playtime 44 hours, 31 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GSET 000000 000 Story Of Harvey Desmond Audition.mp3
    3. GSET 470126 001 Good Samaritan.mp3
    4. GSET 470209 003 Prodigal Son.mp3
    5. GSET 470323 009 Betrayal.mp3
    6. GSET 470330 010 Crucifixion.mp3
    7. GSET 470406 011 Resurrection.mp3
    8. GSET 470511 016 They Which See Not Shall See.mp3
    9. GSET 470518 017 Soldiers Servant.mp3
    10. GSET 470525 018 Unto Least Of These.mp3
    11. GSET 470601 019 Fruitless Fig Tree.mp3
    12. GSET 470608 020 Chief Seat At Wedding.mp3
    13. GSET 470629 023 Lost Sheep.mp3
    14. GSET 470713 025 Loaves And Fishes.mp3
    15. GSET 470817 030 Parable Of Lost Coin.mp3
    16. GSET 470824 031 Call Not Any Man Fool.mp3
    17. GSET 470831 032 Calling Of Matthew.mp3
    18. GSET 470907 033 If Thine Eye Offend Thee.mp3
    19. GSET 471130 045 And Her Name Was Mary.mp3
    20. GSET 471207 046 Blessed Among Women.mp3
    21. GSET 471214 047 Go and Be Counted.mp3
    22. GSET 471221 048 No Room At Inn.mp3
    23. GSET 471228 049 Flight Into Egypt.mp3
    24. GSET 480222 057 Blessed Are Meek.mp3
    25. GSET 480229 058 They Did Not Receive Him.mp3
    26. GSET 480307 059 Blessed Are They That Mourn.mp3
    27. GSET 480321 061 Betrayal the Crucifiction.mp3
    28. GSET 480509 068 Sufficient Unto Day.mp3
    29. GSET 480516 069 Thou Shalt Be Recompensed.mp3
    30. GSET 480523 070 If You Have Faith.mp3
    31. GSET 480530 071 Whoever Is Angry.mp3
    32. GSET 480606 072 Disputed Boundary.mp3
    33. GSET 480912 076 Of Such Is Kingdom.mp3
    34. GSET 480926 078 Idle Word The.mp3
    35. GSET 481017 081 Flight Of Children.mp3
    36. GSET 481024 082 Unbelieving.mp3
    37. GSET 481031 083 Ye Who Are Heavy Laden.mp3
    38. GSET 481107 084 Pursued.mp3
    39. GSET 481114 085 Reward Is Great.mp3
    40. GSET 481121 086 Blade From Damascus.mp3
    41. GSET 481128 087 Child In House.mp3
    42. GSET 481205 088 Where Thieves Break Through.mp3
    43. GSET 481212 089 Let Your Light Shine.mp3
    44. GSET 490102 092 Give Us This Day.mp3
    45. GSET 490116 094 House Of Darkness Afrs.mp3
    46. GSET 490123 095 Figure At Door.mp3
    47. GSET 490130 096 Good Samaritan.mp3
    48. GSET 490206 097 Journey To Tiberias.mp3
    49. GSET 490213 098 Prodigal Son.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 50 shows – 597 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 43 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GSET 490220 099 This Is My Commandment.mp3
    3. GSET 490306 101 Salt Of Earth Afrs.mp3
    4. GSET 490410 106 Betrayal And Crucifixion.mp3
    5. GSET 491030 122 One Who Did Not Return.mp3
    6. GSET 491211 128 Ye Shall Know Truth.mp3
    7. GSET 500305 140 Parable Of Lost Coin.mp3
    8. GSET 500312 141 He That Is Faithful.mp3
    9. GSET 500402 144 Betrayal And Crucifixion.mp3
    10. GSET 500416 146 Man Who Was Not Humble.mp3
    11. GSET 500416 147 Woman And Treasure The.mp3
    12. GSET 500430 148 Cup Of Cold Water.mp3
    13. GSET 510121 168 The Good Samaritan.mp3
    14. GSET 510218 172 Miracle At Nazareth.mp3
    15. GSET 510429 182 Calling Of Saul.mp3
    16. GSET 510520 185 Widows Mite.mp3
    17. GSET 511118 194 Voyage To Rome.mp3
    18. GSET 511223 199 No Room At Inn.mp3
    19. GSET 511230 200 Flight Into Egypt.mp3
    20. GSET 520504 218 Tree And Fruit.mp3
    21. GSET 521012 224 He That Loseth His Life.mp3
    22. GSET 521221 234 No Room At Inn.mp3
    23. GSET 530111 237 Go With Him Twain.mp3
    24. GSET 530222 243 Sufficient Unto Day.mp3
    25. GSET 531122 265 Man Called Nicodemus.mp3
    26. GSET 531206 267 Woman And Slave Girl.mp3
    27. GSET 531227 270 Incident At Bethlehem.mp3
    28. GSET 541114 299 He That Is Faithful.mp3
    29. GSET 550123 309 Who Is Forgiven Most.mp3
    30. GSET 550227 314 Parable Of Lost Sheep.mp3
    31. GSET 550327 318 Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee.mp3
    32. GSET 550501 323 Seek And Ye Shall Find Muddled.mp3
    33. GSET 550925 327 Matthew Publican.mp3
    34. GSET 551030 332 Figure At Door.mp3
    35. GSET 551106 333 Parable Of Sower.mp3
    36. GSET 551211 338 Cup Of Cold Water.mp3
    37. GSET 560122 345 The Good Samaritan.mp3
    38. GSET 560212 347 Voyage To Rome.mp3
    39. GSET 560415 356 Idle Word.mp3
    40. GSET 561014 363 Ye Shall Know Truth.mp3
    41. GSET 561028 365 Tree And Fruit.mp3
    42. GSET David Goliath.mp3
    43. GSET Joseph and His Brothers.mp3
    44. GSET Last Supper.mp3
    45. GSET Moses Flight from Egypt.mp3
    46. GSET Moses.mp3
    47. GSET Noah and the Arc.mp3
    48. GSET Ruth.mp3
    49. GSET Soloman.mp3
    50. GSET The Birth of Jesus.mp3
    51. GSET The Fall of Jarico.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    98 recordings on 47 Audio CDs. Total playtime 44 hours, 31 min
    98 recordings on 47 Audio CDs
    total playtime 44 hours, 31 min

    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A001

    1. GSET David Goliath
    2. GSET Joseph and His Brothers
    3. GSET Last Supper
    4. GSET Moses Flight from Egypt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A002

    1. GSET Moses
    2. GSET Noah and the Arc
    3. GSET Ruth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A003

    1. GSET Soloman
    2. GSET The Birth of Jesus
    3. GSET The Fall of Jarico

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A004

    1. GSET 000000 000 Story Of Harvey Desmond Audition
    2. GSET 470126 001 Good Samaritan
    3. GSET 470209 003 Prodigal Son

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A005

    1. GSET 470323 009 Betrayal
    2. GSET 470330 010 Crucifixion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A006

    1. GSET 470406 011 Resurrection
    2. GSET 470511 016 They Which See Not Shall See

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A007

    1. GSET 470518 017 Soldiers Servant
    2. GSET 470525 018 Unto Least Of These

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A008

    1. GSET 470601 019 Fruitless Fig Tree
    2. GSET 470608 020 Chief Seat At Wedding

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A009

    1. GSET 470629 023 Lost Sheep
    2. GSET 470713 025 Loaves And Fishes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A010

    1. GSET 470817 030 Parable Of Lost Coin
    2. GSET 470824 031 Call Not Any Man Fool

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A011

    1. GSET 470831 032 Calling Of Matthew
    2. GSET 470907 033 If Thine Eye Offend Thee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A012

    1. GSET 471130 045 And Her Name Was Mary
    2. GSET 471207 046 Blessed Among Women

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A013

    1. GSET 471214 047 Go and Be Counted
    2. GSET 471221 048 No Room At Inn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A014

    1. GSET 471228 049 Flight Into Egypt
    2. GSET 480222 057 Blessed Are Meek

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A015

    1. GSET 480229 058 They Did Not Receive Him
    2. GSET 480307 059 Blessed Are They That Mourn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A016

    1. GSET 480321 061 Betrayal the Crucifiction
    2. GSET 480509 068 Sufficient Unto Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A017

    1. GSET 480516 069 Thou Shalt Be Recompensed
    2. GSET 480523 070 If You Have Faith

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A018

    1. GSET 480530 071 Whoever Is Angry
    2. GSET 480606 072 Disputed Boundary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A019

    1. GSET 480912 076 Of Such Is Kingdom
    2. GSET 480926 078 Idle Word The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A020

    1. GSET 481017 081 Flight Of Children
    2. GSET 481024 082 Unbelieving

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A021

    1. GSET 481031 083 Ye Who Are Heavy Laden
    2. GSET 481107 084 Pursued

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A022

    1. GSET 481114 085 Reward Is Great
    2. GSET 481121 086 Blade From Damascus

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A023

    1. GSET 481128 087 Child In House
    2. GSET 481205 088 Where Thieves Break Through

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A024

    1. GSET 481212 089 Let Your Light Shine
    2. GSET 490102 092 Give Us This Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A025

    1. GSET 490116 094 House Of Darkness Afrs
    2. GSET 490123 095 Figure At Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A026

    1. GSET 490130 096 Good Samaritan
    2. GSET 490206 097 Journey To Tiberias

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A027

    1. GSET 490213 098 Prodigal Son
    2. GSET 490220 099 This Is My Commandment

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A028

    1. GSET 490306 101 Salt Of Earth Afrs
    2. GSET 490410 106 Betrayal And Crucifixion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A029

    1. GSET 491030 122 One Who Did Not Return
    2. GSET 491211 128 Ye Shall Know Truth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A030

    1. GSET 500305 140 Parable Of Lost Coin
    2. GSET 500312 141 He That Is Faithful

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A031

    1. GSET 500402 144 Betrayal And Crucifixion
    2. GSET 500416 146 Man Who Was Not Humble

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A032

    1. GSET 500416 147 Woman And Treasure The
    2. GSET 500430 148 Cup Of Cold Water

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A033

    1. GSET 510121 168 The Good Samaritan
    2. GSET 510218 172 Miracle At Nazareth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A034

    1. GSET 510429 182 Calling Of Saul
    2. GSET 510520 185 Widows Mite

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A035

    1. GSET 511118 194 Voyage To Rome
    2. GSET 511223 199 No Room At Inn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A036

    1. GSET 511230 200 Flight Into Egypt
    2. GSET 520504 218 Tree And Fruit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A037

    1. GSET 521012 224 He That Loseth His Life
    2. GSET 521221 234 No Room At Inn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A038

    1. GSET 530111 237 Go With Him Twain
    2. GSET 530222 243 Sufficient Unto Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A039

    1. GSET 531122 265 Man Called Nicodemus
    2. GSET 531206 267 Woman And Slave Girl

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A040

    1. GSET 531227 270 Incident At Bethlehem
    2. GSET 541114 299 He That Is Faithful

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A041

    1. GSET 550123 309 Who Is Forgiven Most
    2. GSET 550227 314 Parable Of Lost Sheep

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A042

    1. GSET 550327 318 Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee
    2. GSET 550501 323 Seek And Ye Shall Find Muddled

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A043

    1. GSET 550925 327 Matthew Publican
    2. GSET 551030 332 Figure At Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A044

    1. GSET 551106 333 Parable Of Sower
    2. GSET 551211 338 Cup Of Cold Water

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A045

    1. GSET 560122 345 The Good Samaritan
    2. GSET 560212 347 Voyage To Rome

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A046

    1. GSET 560415 356 Idle Word
    2. GSET 561014 363 Ye Shall Know Truth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Greatest Story Ever Told Disc A047

    1. GSET 561028 365 Tree And Fruit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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