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Tales of the Grave: Graveyards in Old Time Radio

The grave is a place that everyone is just dying to go.


73 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 33 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
35 Audio CDs

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"Inner Sanctum: Black Seagull"

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Conventional wisdom holds that the only two things that are unavoidable in life are death and taxes. Of the two, only taxes can  attempted to be evaded with any degree of certainty. Although it may be avoided for a long time (hopefully, a blessedly long time), sooner or later everyone who was born will know death.

Scary Friend

A hallmark of every human culture is how they treat their dead. Some spend so much effort and resources preparing for death and entering the afterlife that there seems little left to put toward enjoying this life. Others venerate their dead ancestors but look upon death as a reason to celebrate life. Some societies have a tradition of ceremonially burying their dead, usually with a physical memorial marking the burial spot. Others practice ritual cremation for reasons of sanitation while some primitive peoples expose the bodies of their honored deceased to the elements, allowing nature to reclaim her own.

In European tradition, a graveyard is a burial place on the grounds of a church. Although this has the advantage of giving survivors the comfort of knowing that their deceased loved ones lie in consecrated ground, it is only a matter of time before a graveyard is filled. In some instances, space in the graveyard may be reclaimed by exhuming the bones from the oldest dead and reinterning them in an ossuary, often in crypts in the walls or below the floors of the church.

With the population which accompanied the beginnings of industrialization, it became obvious that traditional churchyard burial could not keep pace with the needs for burial space. Municipal cemeteries are sometimes the property of the community which they serve, but often the property is owned and managed by a private joint-stock company. Usually, these commercial facilities welcome deceased without regard to religion, although accommodation is made for the religious beliefs of the deceased and their survivors.

An important aspect of any cemetery is that it is a place for the deceased to rest, undisturbed, in the ground. Therefore, there are few crimes as unforgivable as grave robbing. Matt Dillon faces bad guys who steal the bodies of Indians from their sacred graveyards on Gunsmoke and in the Challenge of the Yukon the ground is so rich there are gold nuggets in the graves to tempt robbers.

Scary Children Costumes

Whether you live as a hero or a villain, the grave is where you are going to wind up, but some manage to influence the normal world from beyond the grave. Lux's adaptation of "Smilin' Through" is a tale of how love can last beyond the grave, but more often the deceased reach back into this world to reveal the guilty party who ushered them out of it. After her nervous breakdown, the woman's notebook reveals her killer from beyond the grave on The Hermit's Cave. After Joker Barton's widow gets out of prison and looks for his fortune on Big Town but even though Joker is beyond the grave he manages to get the last laugh.

Graves get filled by the gruesome results of living, but before they can be filled they need to be dug. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar tells us "How the Grave Digger's Spades turned to Trumps". Bea Benaderet plays a convincing grieving mother at her son's graveside in "History of a Mug" on Arch Oboler's Plays.

It is natural to expect that the journey to the grave is a one-way trip, but on Inner Sanctum it seems as though the bodies just won't stay buried. Returning from the grave is the theme of "The Black Seagull", "Cause of Death", "The Corpse without a Conscience", "Death Demon", and "The Man from the Grave". The return is less of a surprise on Molle Mystery's "Angel Face" because the villainess has the nasty habit of burying her victims alive!

A requirement for a proper grave is ground to dig it in, something that seafarers are often in short supply of. Suspense tells the story of "A Watery Grave" and the War Shipping Administration tells of the Graveyard of the Atlantic on It's Maritime.

Bye Grave

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    3     1


    A nice compilation or graveyard oriented mysteries. A clever concept, and the sound was quite listenable.

    Victor Verified Purchase

    One can not think about Halloween without an image of a graveyard creeping into one's mind. Now with this great collection that image might become even clearer and it will be spooking for sure. Featuring episodes from shows that feature graveyards this is the perfect collection to put one in the mood for Halloween. Great sound on the episodes and a great selection as well.

    Eric Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    73 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 30 min
    73 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 33 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 36 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 30 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug.mp3
    3. Ave Maria Hr St Benedict Patron St Against Poison Witchcraft.mp3
    4. Barriecraig541121sneakassassin.mp3
    5. Big Town 490301 469 Fatal Joke.mp3
    6. Calling All Cars 360522 Triple Cross.mp3
    7. Calling All Cars 380825 13th Grave.mp3
    8. Captain Midnight 391221 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    9. Casey Crime Photographer 470911 Graveyard Gertie.mp3
    10. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 761108 Graveyard.mp3
    11. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 790228 Shadows From Grave.mp3
    12. Challenge Of Yukon 460105 Grave Robbers.mp3
    13. Columbia Workshop 390706 144 Halfpint Flask.mp3
    14. Crime And Peter Chambers 540420 Cemetery Attack.mp3
    15. Dark Fantasy 411114 Man Who Came Back.mp3
    16. Dark Fantasy 420109 Curse Of Neanderthal.mp3
    17. Easy Aces Episode 230 Jane Explains Her Part To Marge Ace.mp3
    18. Fu Manchu 390810 082 Black Magic.mp3
    19. Gunsmoke 590215 Body Snatch.mp3
    20. Hall Of Fantasy 530126 10 Black Figurine Of Death.mp3
    21. Hall Of Fantasy 530817 39 Stones Revenge.mp3
    22. Hermits Cave Notebook On Murder.mp3
    23. I Love Mystery 491207 Bury Your Dead Arizona Ep13of15.mp3
    24. I Love Mystery 520218 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep01of15.mp3
    25. I Love Mystery 520219 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep02of15.mp3
    26. Inner Sanctum =481206 Cause Of Death.mp3
    27. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Seagull.mp3
    28. Inner Sanctum 450619 232 Dead Mans Holiday.mp3
    29. Inner Sanctum 460423 Make Ready My Grave Afrs.mp3
    30. Inner Sanctum 470505 Dont Dance On My Grave.mp3
    31. Inner Sanctum 480705 378 Death Demon.mp3
    32. Inner Sanctum 480705 Death Demon.mp3
    33. Inner Sanctum 490117 Mark My Grave.mp3
    34. Inner Sanctum 490620 Corpse Without Conscience.mp3
    35. Inner Sanctum 501204 Beyond Grave.mp3
    36. Inner Sanctum 510226 Man From Grave.mp3
    37. Its Maritime 450814 Mogo Mc Kenzie Pirate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 37 shows – total playtime 19 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Jack Benny 550109 905 Elephants Graveyard Mystery.mp3
    3. Jean Shepherd Show 600911 Air Conditioned Graves.mp3
    4. Les Miserables 370820 5 Grave.mp3
    5. Lights Out 361216 Poltergeist.mp3
    6. Lights Out 430202 018 Until Dead Luck Of Mark Street.mp3
    7. Lone Ranger 410122 1248 Hanged But Not Dead.mp3
    8. Lone Ranger 410630 1316 Two Empty Graves.mp3
    9. Lone Ranger 450530 1928 Heros Grave.mp3
    10. Lux Radio Theater 390213 206 Return Of Peter Grimm.mp3
    11. Lux Radio Theater 420105 333 Smilin Through Repeat.mp3
    12. Lux Radio Theater 431213 418 Five Graves To Cairo.mp3
    13. Michael Shayne 491019 05 Case Of Hate That Killed.mp3
    14. Molle Mystery Theater 451005 Angel Face.mp3
    15. Molle Mystery Theater 461220 Angel Face.mp3
    16. Morse 460224 06 City Of Dead 6 Ghoul In Grave.mp3
    17. Morse 460414 13 Coffin For Lady 3 Deepest Grave In World.mp3
    18. Murder By Experts 490815 10 Dig Your Own Grave.mp3
    19. Mysterious Traveler 440416 020 Accusing Corpse.mp3
    20. Mysterious Traveler 470112 086 No Grave Can Hold Me.mp3
    21. Mysterious Traveler 480518 154 Death Writes Letter.mp3
    22. Nick Carter 480111 322 Case Of Graveyard Gunman.mp3
    23. Nick Carter 480822 354 Case Of Red Arrow.mp3
    24. Planet Man 500000 Episode 59 Crash Landing.mp3
    25. Private Files Of Rex Saunders 510530 05 Shallow Graves.mp3
    26. Quiet Please 471103 022 Take Me Out To Graveyard.mp3
    27. Strange Dr Weird 450522 Revenge From Grave.mp3
    28. Suspense 431223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    29. Suspense 481223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    30. Suspense 520310 Watery Grave.mp3
    31. Taos 491105 0062 Mystery Of Walking Dead.mp3
    32. This Is War 420214 America At War.mp3
    33. True Adventures Junior G Men 360819 Phantom Prison Part 3.mp3
    34. Weird Circle 450204 River Man.mp3
    35. Whistler 430702 059 Avengers.mp3
    36. Whistler 490227 351 Grave Secret.mp3
    37. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 500217 Grave Diggers Spades.mp3
    38. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570203 Kirby Will Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    73 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 30 min
    73 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    907 MB – total playtime 33 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 36 shows – 398 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 30 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug.mp3
    3. Ave Maria Hr St Benedict Patron St Against Poison Witchcraft.mp3
    4. Barriecraig541121sneakassassin.mp3
    5. Big Town 490301 469 Fatal Joke.mp3
    6. Calling All Cars 360522 Triple Cross.mp3
    7. Calling All Cars 380825 13th Grave.mp3
    8. Captain Midnight 391221 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    9. Casey Crime Photographer 470911 Graveyard Gertie.mp3
    10. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 761108 Graveyard.mp3
    11. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 790228 Shadows From Grave.mp3
    12. Challenge Of Yukon 460105 Grave Robbers.mp3
    13. Columbia Workshop 390706 144 Halfpint Flask.mp3
    14. Crime And Peter Chambers 540420 Cemetery Attack.mp3
    15. Dark Fantasy 411114 Man Who Came Back.mp3
    16. Dark Fantasy 420109 Curse Of Neanderthal.mp3
    17. Easy Aces Episode 230 Jane Explains Her Part To Marge Ace.mp3
    18. Fu Manchu 390810 082 Black Magic.mp3
    19. Gunsmoke 590215 Body Snatch.mp3
    20. Hall Of Fantasy 530126 10 Black Figurine Of Death.mp3
    21. Hall Of Fantasy 530817 39 Stones Revenge.mp3
    22. Hermits Cave Notebook On Murder.mp3
    23. I Love Mystery 491207 Bury Your Dead Arizona Ep13of15.mp3
    24. I Love Mystery 520218 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep01of15.mp3
    25. I Love Mystery 520219 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep02of15.mp3
    26. Inner Sanctum =481206 Cause Of Death.mp3
    27. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Seagull.mp3
    28. Inner Sanctum 450619 232 Dead Mans Holiday.mp3
    29. Inner Sanctum 460423 Make Ready My Grave Afrs.mp3
    30. Inner Sanctum 470505 Dont Dance On My Grave.mp3
    31. Inner Sanctum 480705 378 Death Demon.mp3
    32. Inner Sanctum 480705 Death Demon.mp3
    33. Inner Sanctum 490117 Mark My Grave.mp3
    34. Inner Sanctum 490620 Corpse Without Conscience.mp3
    35. Inner Sanctum 501204 Beyond Grave.mp3
    36. Inner Sanctum 510226 Man From Grave.mp3
    37. Its Maritime 450814 Mogo Mc Kenzie Pirate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 37 shows – 509 MB – total playtime 19 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Jack Benny 550109 905 Elephants Graveyard Mystery.mp3
    3. Jean Shepherd Show 600911 Air Conditioned Graves.mp3
    4. Les Miserables 370820 5 Grave.mp3
    5. Lights Out 361216 Poltergeist.mp3
    6. Lights Out 430202 018 Until Dead Luck Of Mark Street.mp3
    7. Lone Ranger 410122 1248 Hanged But Not Dead.mp3
    8. Lone Ranger 410630 1316 Two Empty Graves.mp3
    9. Lone Ranger 450530 1928 Heros Grave.mp3
    10. Lux Radio Theater 390213 206 Return Of Peter Grimm.mp3
    11. Lux Radio Theater 420105 333 Smilin Through Repeat.mp3
    12. Lux Radio Theater 431213 418 Five Graves To Cairo.mp3
    13. Michael Shayne 491019 05 Case Of Hate That Killed.mp3
    14. Molle Mystery Theater 451005 Angel Face.mp3
    15. Molle Mystery Theater 461220 Angel Face.mp3
    16. Morse 460224 06 City Of Dead 6 Ghoul In Grave.mp3
    17. Morse 460414 13 Coffin For Lady 3 Deepest Grave In World.mp3
    18. Murder By Experts 490815 10 Dig Your Own Grave.mp3
    19. Mysterious Traveler 440416 020 Accusing Corpse.mp3
    20. Mysterious Traveler 470112 086 No Grave Can Hold Me.mp3
    21. Mysterious Traveler 480518 154 Death Writes Letter.mp3
    22. Nick Carter 480111 322 Case Of Graveyard Gunman.mp3
    23. Nick Carter 480822 354 Case Of Red Arrow.mp3
    24. Planet Man 500000 Episode 59 Crash Landing.mp3
    25. Private Files Of Rex Saunders 510530 05 Shallow Graves.mp3
    26. Quiet Please 471103 022 Take Me Out To Graveyard.mp3
    27. Strange Dr Weird 450522 Revenge From Grave.mp3
    28. Suspense 431223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    29. Suspense 481223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    30. Suspense 520310 Watery Grave.mp3
    31. Taos 491105 0062 Mystery Of Walking Dead.mp3
    32. This Is War 420214 America At War.mp3
    33. True Adventures Junior G Men 360819 Phantom Prison Part 3.mp3
    34. Weird Circle 450204 River Man.mp3
    35. Whistler 430702 059 Avengers.mp3
    36. Whistler 490227 351 Grave Secret.mp3
    37. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 500217 Grave Diggers Spades.mp3
    38. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570203 Kirby Will Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    73 recordings on 35 Audio CDs. Total playtime 32 hours, 11 min
    73 recordings on 35 Audio CDs
    total playtime 32 hours, 11 min

    Graveyards Disc A001

    1. Ave Maria Hr St Benedict Patron St Against Poison Witchcraft
    2. Easy Aces Episode 230 Jane Explains Her Part To Marge Ace
    3. Hermits Cave Notebook On Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A002

    1. Calling All Cars 360522 Triple Cross
    2. True Adventures Junior G Men 360819 Phantom Prison Part 3
    3. Lights Out 361216 Poltergeist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A003

    1. Les Miserables 370820 5 Grave
    2. Calling All Cars 380825 13th Grave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A004

    1. Lux Radio Theater 390213 206 Return Of Peter Grimm

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A005

    1. Columbia Workshop 390706 144 Halfpint Flask
    2. Fu Manchu 390810 082 Black Magic
    3. Captain Midnight 391221 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A006

    1. Lone Ranger 410122 1248 Hanged But Not Dead
    2. Lone Ranger 410630 1316 Two Empty Graves

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A007

    1. Dark Fantasy 411114 Man Who Came Back

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A008

    1. Lux Radio Theater 420105 333 Smilin Through Repeat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A009

    1. Dark Fantasy 420109 Curse Of Neanderthal
    2. This Is War 420214 America At War

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A010

    1. Lights Out 430202 018 Until Dead Luck Of Mark Street
    2. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Seagull

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A011

    1. Whistler 430702 059 Avengers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A012

    1. Lux Radio Theater 431213 418 Five Graves To Cairo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A013

    1. Suspense 431223 Back For Christmas
    2. Mysterious Traveler 440416 020 Accusing Corpse

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A014

    1. Weird Circle 450204 River Man
    2. Strange Dr Weird 450522 Revenge From Grave
    3. Lone Ranger 450530 1928 Heros Grave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A015

    1. Inner Sanctum 450619 232 Dead Mans Holiday
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A016

    1. Its Maritime 450814 Mogo Mc Kenzie Pirate
    2. Molle Mystery Theater 451005 Angel Face
    3. Challenge Of Yukon 460105 Grave Robbers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A017

    1. Morse 460224 06 City Of Dead 6 Ghoul In Grave
    2. Morse 460414 13 Coffin For Lady 3 Deepest Grave In World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A018

    1. Inner Sanctum 460423 Make Ready My Grave Afrs
    2. Molle Mystery Theater 461220 Angel Face

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A019

    1. Mysterious Traveler 470112 086 No Grave Can Hold Me
    2. Inner Sanctum 470505 Dont Dance On My Grave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A020

    1. Casey Crime Photographer 470911 Graveyard Gertie
    2. Quiet Please 471103 022 Take Me Out To Graveyard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A021

    1. Nick Carter 480111 322 Case Of Graveyard Gunman
    2. Mysterious Traveler 480518 154 Death Writes Letter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A022

    1. Inner Sanctum 480705 378 Death Demon
    2. Inner Sanctum 480705 Death Demon
    3. Nick Carter 480822 354 Case Of Red Arrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A023

    1. Inner Sanctum =481206 Cause Of Death
    2. Suspense 481223 Back For Christmas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A024

    1. Inner Sanctum 490117 Mark My Grave
    2. Whistler 490227 351 Grave Secret

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A025

    1. Big Town 490301 469 Fatal Joke
    2. Inner Sanctum 490620 Corpse Without Conscience

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A026

    1. Murder By Experts 490815 10 Dig Your Own Grave
    2. Michael Shayne 491019 05 Case Of Hate That Killed

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A027

    1. Taos 491105 0062 Mystery Of Walking Dead
    2. I Love Mystery 491207 Bury Your Dead Arizona Ep13of15
    3. Planet Man 500000 Episode 59 Crash Landing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A028

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 500217 Grave Diggers Spades
    2. Inner Sanctum 501204 Beyond Grave
    3. Inner Sanctum 510226 Man From Grave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A029

    1. Private Files Of Rex Saunders 510530 05 Shallow Graves
    2. I Love Mystery 520218 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep01of15
    3. I Love Mystery 520219 Graves Of Wamperjaw Texas Ep02of15

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A030

    1. Suspense 520310 Watery Grave
    2. Hall Of Fantasy 530126 10 Black Figurine Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A031

    1. Hall Of Fantasy 530817 39 Stones Revenge
    2. Crime And Peter Chambers 540420 Cemetery Attack

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A032

    1. Barriecraig541121sneakassassin
    2. Jack Benny 550109 905 Elephants Graveyard Mystery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A033

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 570203 Kirby Will Matter
    2. Gunsmoke 590215 Body Snatch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A034

    1. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 761108 Graveyard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Graveyards Disc A035

    1. Cbs Radio Mystery Theater 790228 Shadows From Grave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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