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Goofy Guys

in honor of all the goobers, goofballs, and silly billies on old time radio shows.

Goofy Guys

317 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 153 hours, 32 min)
available in the following formats:

7 MP3 CDs
162 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 03, 1948:

"Riley Meets Red Skelton"

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Milton BerleThe kind of upright, hard working and intelligent men who built this great nation. The kind of men you can depend upon in a crisis. The type of the Men can get things done. These are the sort of men you won't find in our Goofy Guys collection!

For this collection, we've searched for men who are doing their very best, even when their very best isn't all that great.

Some of manhood's greatest failings seem to show up in situation comedies. And they start young, too, just ask Henry Aldrich. It seems like they don't grow as much wisdom as they should if you listen to the likes of Fibber McGee and Molly or The Great Gildersleeve. Of course there is nothing more manly than Fatherhood, but you wouldn't know from listening to The Life Of Riley with William Bendix. Of course part of the reason fathers have such fits might be little boys, even wooden ones like Charlie McCarthy.

Texaco Fire Chief brought us the Perfect Fool, Ed Wynn, in the 30's. Al Pierce was a door to door salesmen before he made his move to show business, and if he was as effective a salesmen as the one he played on his Columbia/Don Lee Network show, show biz was a good choice! Alan Young would be better known for his later association with Mr. Ed, but he built his reputation with his rapid fire jokes on the radio.

Bob Burns Bazooka: Bob Burns' Bob Burns had been a Marine in WWI before making a splash on radio; he would entertain his shipmates with a homemade instrument he called a bazooka, sort of a trombone made from pipes and whiskey funnel- the G.I.'s kept the name for their WWII antitank weapon.

Before he became Mr. Television, Milton Berle was a big hit on the radio, he was so dedicated to making it on the radio that Uncle Milty gave up a number of profitable night-club appearances to make his radio show. We'll forever wonder whether the world got the best of Red Skelton's many characters or if it was the other way around. Few acts lasted as long on the radio as Amos 'n' Andy, but the characters never quite got ahead even with their schemes.

If the fellows in our Goofy Guys collection don't display lots of manly intelligence, they do give us a good time. In the interest of gender equality, be sure to check our Wacky Women collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    317 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00. Total playtime 153 hours, 32 min
    317 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00
    total playtime 153 hours, 32 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa440310 Sign On The Dotted Line.mp3
    3. aa440317 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    4. aa440324 Between Life And Death.mp3
    5. aa440331 Long Lost Harold.mp3
    6. aa440407 Dating Club Disaster.mp3
    7. aa440414 The Butler Did It.mp3
    8. aa440421 Of Sound Mind And Body.mp3
    9. aa440428 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits.mp3
    10. aa440505 The Electric Clock Caper.mp3
    11. aa440512 Impersonating An Officer.mp3
    12. aa440519 And The Winner Is.mp3
    13. aa440526 Andy The Fugitive.mp3
    14. aa440609 Shirt Trail.mp3
    15. aa440616 One Step Ahead Of The Law.mp3
    16. aa441006 Andy The Actor.mp3
    17. aa441110 The Employment Agency.mp3
    18. aa441117 Marriage Proposal Mixup.mp3
    19. aa441124 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    20. aa441201 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency.mp3
    21. aa441208 The House Of Frank Morgan.mp3
    22. aa441215 Fake Suicide.mp3
    23. aa441222 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    24. aa441229 Not Invited To The Party.mp3
    25. aa450105 Honesty Insurance Company.mp3
    26. aa450112 Washington s Love Letters.mp3
    27. aa450119 Adoption Woes.mp3
    28. aa450202 Lovelorn Lawsuit.mp3
    29. aa450209 Andy Plays Soldier.mp3
    30. aa450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out.mp3
    31. aa450223 Wax Mustache.mp3
    32. aa450309 More Tax Woes.mp3
    33. aa450316 The Lecture Bureau.mp3
    34. aa450320 Kingfish Buys A Car.mp3
    35. aa450330 Easter Hat.mp3
    36. aa450406 A Place To Call Home.mp3
    37. aa450420 The Second-Hand Car.mp3
    38. aa450427 Marriage Vows.mp3
    39. aa450504 Beautiful Baby Contest.mp3
    40. aa450511 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him.mp3
    41. aa450525 Andy The Sailor.mp3
    42. aa450601 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    43. Al Pearce 391011 Sells Corsets.mp3
    44. Al Pearce 400124 Sells Toothbrushes.mp3
    45. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs.mp3
    46. Al Pearce 400221 Sells Cosmetics.mp3
    47. Al Pearce 400306 Sells Insurance (Gene Autry).mp3
    48. Alan Young 441212 0011 Alan Writes An Opera.mp3
    49. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring.mp3
    50. Alan Young 450130 0018 Becoming More Assertive.mp3
    51. Alan Young 450213 0020 Raising Rabbits.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 43 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alan Young 450227 0022 Honeymoon Trail.mp3
    3. Alan Young 450403 0027 Old Love Letters.mp3
    4. Alan Young 460910 0001 Landscaping Rehearsal.mp3
    5. Alan Young 460927 0002 The Letter East.mp3
    6. Alan Young 461011 0004 Cucamonga Killer.mp3
    7. Alan Young 461025 0006 Alan The Movie Star.mp3
    8. Aldrich Family 481118 Grab Bag.mp3
    9. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run.mp3
    10. Aldrich Family 481202 Remodeling Homer.mp3
    11. Aldrich Family 481216 Weekly Party.mp3
    12. Aldrich Family 481223 Christmas Program.mp3
    13. Aldrich Family 481230 New Year's Eve Party.mp3
    14. Aldrich Family 490203 Shoveling Snow.mp3
    15. Aldrich Family 490210 Geometry Homework.mp3
    16. Aldrich Family 490217 Mrs Aldrich's Antique Chairs.mp3
    17. Aldrich Family 490303 Planning A Trip To Dc.mp3
    18. Aldrich Family 490407 Blind Date.mp3
    19. Aldrich Family 490414 Henry The Shortstop.mp3
    20. Aldrich Family 490421 Takes Gladys To School Play.mp3
    21. Aldrich Family 490428 Date With A Tall Girl.mp3
    22. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up.mp3
    23. Archie Andrews 461019 Plumbing Woes.mp3
    24. Archie Andrews 470315 The Red Cross Benefit.mp3
    25. Archie Andrews 470909 Taking a Bath.mp3
    26. Archie Andrews 471213 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    27. Archie Andrews 480515 The Hiccups.mp3
    28. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold.mp3
    29. Archie Andrews 480710 Archie Gets Dresed For A Date.mp3
    30. Archie Andrews 480717 Mr Andrews Wallpapers Room.mp3
    31. Archie Andrews 480807 Suffering From The Heat.mp3
    32. Archie Andrews 480821 Going On A Picnic.mp3
    33. Archie Andrews 480904 The Big Dance.mp3
    34. Archie Andrews 480911 Archie Borrows A Tire Jack.mp3
    35. Archie Andrews 480918 Archie's In Love.mp3
    36. Archie Andrews 480925 Free Movie Tickets.mp3
    37. Archie Andrews 481030 Halloween Party.mp3
    38. Archie Andrews 481106 Locked Out Of The House.mp3
    39. Archie Andrews 481113 A Good Night's Sleep.mp3
    40. Bergen McCarthy 390903 122 Wendy Barrie.mp3
    41. Bergen McCarthy 390924 125 Anita Louise.mp3
    42. Bergen McCarthy 391112 132 Jean Arthur.mp3
    43. Bergen McCarthy 391126 134 Loretta Young.mp3
    44. Bergen McCarthy 391203 135 Maureen Ohara.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Bergen McCarthy 391210 136 Lansing Hatfield.mp3
    3. Bergen McCarthy 400421 Charles Laughton.mp3
    4. Bergen McCarthy 401027 Frankie Laine.mp3
    5. Bergen McCarthy 410921 W W C Fields.mp3
    6. Bergen McCarthy 411123 221 W Albert E. Wiggam.mp3
    7. Bergen McCarthy 420303 Edward Everett Horton.mp3
    8. Bergen McCarthy 420503 W Edward Everett Horton.mp3
    9. Bergen McCarthy 420621 Judy Garland.mp3
    10. Bergen McCarthy 420628 W Walter Brenan.mp3
    11. Bergen McCarthy 420906 Charles Ruggles.mp3
    12. Bergen McCarthy 421005 Rosemary Clooney.mp3
    13. Bergen McCarthy 421018 From Quantico Marine Base.mp3
    14. Bob Burns 400418 KMH Dorothy Lamour and Music Maids.mp3
    15. Bob Burns 430218 For Lifebuoy.mp3
    16. Bob Burns 430401 For Lifebuoy April Fool's Day.mp3
    17. Bob Burns 430408 for Lifebuoy Meat Shortage.mp3
    18. Bob Burns 430415 For Lifebuoy Spreading Rumors.mp3
    19. Bob Burns 471125 Audition Show.mp3
    20. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer Sketch.mp3
    21. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer.mp3
    22. Bob Hope 500207 W Fred Allen.mp3
    23. Bob Hope 500314 Guest Fred Allen.mp3
    24. Bob Hope 500321 Bing Crosby.mp3
    25. Bob Hope 500613 Last Show For Lever Brothers.mp3
    26. Bob Hope 510130 W Judy Garland.mp3
    27. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey (William Holden).mp3
    28. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    29. Bob Hope 541118 Guest - Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    30. Dennis Day 470827 039 Becomes A Drama Critic.mp3
    31. Dennis Day 470903 040 Runs For Mayor.mp3
    32. Dennis Day 470924 043 Impersonates A Big Railroad Boss.mp3
    33. Dennis Day 471001 044 Tries To Enlist Support For A New Jail.mp3
    34. Dennis Day 471022 047 Gets A Second Job Selling Insurance.mp3
    35. Dennis Day 471203 053 Tries To Get A Job As Society Editor.mp3
    36. Dennis Day 471217 055 Mrs Anderson Bcm Pres Club.mp3
    37. Dennis Day 480114 059 Mr Anderson Steal Own Painting.mp3
    38. Dennis Day 480128 061 Does A Radio Show.mp3
    39. Dennis Day 480317 068 Enters Mr Anderson Baby Pict Contest.mp3
    40. Dennis Day 480407 071 Mildred Try Keep Radio Station On Air.mp3
    41. Dennis Day 480421 073 Is Misquoted In Newspaper.mp3
    42. Duffys Tavern 490316 The Bully W Sheldon Leonard.mp3
    43. Duffys Tavern 490323 Archie Opens Account W $10.mp3
    44. Duffys Tavern 490330 Durante Sothern Act In Arch.mp3
    45. Duffys Tavern 490406 Archie Finnegan Double Date.mp3
    46. Duffys Tavern 490413 Millionaire Bum J Everett Poi.mp3
    47. Duffys Tavern 490420 Will Miss Duffy Marry W Cass D.mp3
    48. Duffys Tavern 490504 The Boys Play Poker (Charles Coburn).mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Duffys Tavern 490511 Whistlin Sam W Chester Morris.mp3
    3. Duffys Tavern 490518 Most Popular Bartender On 3rd.mp3
    4. Duffys Tavern 490525 Ed Wynn Narrates Archies Opera.mp3
    5. Duffys Tavern 490601 Archie Wants to Marry Rich Agatha Pitz.mp3
    6. Duffys Tavern 500518 Hedda Hopper Plans a Party.mp3
    7. Duffys Tavern 501110 Archie Asks Cedric Hardwicke Roommate.mp3
    8. Duffys Tavern 501117 Archie's Nephew Visits.mp3
    9. Duffys Tavern 501201 Latin Night at Duffy's (Bobby Capo).mp3
    10. Duffys Tavern 501208 Archie Wants to Sell the Tavern.mp3
    11. Duffys Tavern 501222 Charles Colburn Plays Santa Claus.mp3
    12. Duffys Tavern 501229 Archie Cuts Prices by Ten Percent.mp3
    13. Duffys Tavern 510105 Archie Dates Joan Bennett.mp3
    14. Duffys Tavern 510112 A Lady From Draft Board.mp3
    15. Duffys Tavern 510119 Literary Society Meeting.mp3
    16. Duffys Tavern 510216 Archie Goes To The Opera.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 510223 Arthur Teacher Quits-Maxie Rosenbloom.mp3
    18. Duffys Tavern 510316 Fashion Lecture W Arthur Treacher.mp3
    19. Duffys Tavern 510323 Culture Comes To Duffys.mp3
    20. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Party W A Shaw.mp3
    21. Duffys Tavern 510406 Singing Detective W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    22. Duffys Tavern 510420 Archie Wants To Be A Lion Tamer.mp3
    23. Ed Wynn 320726 T F C Ive Got Rhythm.mp3
    24. Ed Wynn 320830 T F C Snezing Song.mp3
    25. Ed Wynn 321101 T F C Ale Ale Gangs All Here.mp3
    26. Ed Wynn 350122 T F C Ed Writes Book.mp3
    27. Ed Wynn 350409 T S Opra Massas In De Cold Cold.mp3
    28. Ed Wynn 450205 E W S Ed Becomes A Warden.mp3
    29. Ed Wynn Happy Island 001.mp3
    30. FMM 440516 0404 Policemans Balluncle Sycamores Pistol.mp3
    31. FMM 440530 0406 Old Muley Caught.mp3
    32. FMM 440606 0407 Invasion Of Europe.mp3
    33. FMM 440613 0408 Putting Up Porch Swing.mp3
    34. FMM 440620 0409 Getting Ready For Ranch Vacation.mp3
    35. FMM 441010 0410 Fibber Cant Find His Hip Boots.mp3
    36. FMM 441017 0411 No Maple Syrup.mp3
    37. FMM 441024 0412 Bank Statement Error Mining Stock.mp3
    38. FMM 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber.mp3
    39. FMM 441114 0414 Night School.mp3
    40. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple Physical Culture Specialist.mp3
    41. FMM 441205 0417 Fibber Puts Ironing Board And Presses Pants.mp3
    42. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show.mp3
    43. FMM 441219 0419 Early Christmas Presents.mp3
    44. FMM 441226 0420 Mcgee Controls His Temper.mp3
    45. FMM 450102 0421 Diamond Stick Pin.mp3
    46. FMM 450109 0422 Mushrooms.mp3
    47. FMM 450116 0423 Shampoo.mp3
    48. FMM 450123 0424 Too Much Energy.mp3
    49. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines.mp3
    50. FMM 450206 0426 Case Of Crosseyed Cat.mp3
    51. FMM 450213 0427 Piano Tuner.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG461211 Leroy Afraid of a Bully.mp3
    3. GG461218 Leroy Wants a Motor Scooter.mp3
    4. GG461225 Christmas Caroling at Home.mp3
    5. GG470101 New Year's Costume Ball.mp3
    6. GG470108 Leila Back for a Visit.mp3
    7. GG470115 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride.mp3
    8. GG470122 Dancing School.mp3
    9. GG470129 Marjorie's Hotrod Boyfriend.mp3
    10. GG470205 Magazine Salesman.mp3
    11. GG470212 Gildy the Executive.mp3
    12. GG470219 Substitute Secretary.mp3
    13. GG470226 Gildy Tries to Fire Bessie.mp3
    14. GG470305 The Crooner.mp3
    15. Henry Morgan 420507.mp3
    16. Henry Morgan 460901.mp3
    17. Henry Morgan 470129.mp3
    18. Henry Morgan 470305.mp3
    19. Henry Morgan 470611.mp3
    20. Henry Morgan 471105.mp3
    21. Henry Morgan 491209 Spoof on Murder Mysteries.mp3
    22. Henry Morgan 491216 Water Shortage.mp3
    23. Jack Carson Show 461002 01 Runs for County Commissioner.mp3
    24. Jack Carson Show 470115 16 George Burns and Gracie Allen.mp3
    25. Jack Carson Show 470205 19 Hires a Bodyguard.mp3
    26. Jack Carson Show 470226 22 Fourteen Days Left.mp3
    27. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade.mp3
    28. Jack Kirkwood Show 450119.mp3
    29. Jack Kirkwood Show 450618.mp3
    30. Jack Kirkwood Show 450619.mp3
    31. Jack Kirkwood Show 450625.mp3
    32. Jack Paar Show 470601 01 Disagreement In Shade.mp3
    33. Jack Paar Show 470622 04 Spoof On Fan Magazine Interviews.mp3
    34. Jack Paar Show 470727 09 Singing Cowboy Parody.mp3
    35. Jack Paar Show 470817 12 Jack Benny.mp3
    36. Jack Paar Show 470831 14 Parody Of Bbc Radio Shows.mp3
    37. Jack Paar Show 470921 17 This Is America.mp3
    38. Jack Paar Show 470928 18 HairTonics-School-MailDelivy-last.mp3
    39. Life of Riley 450513 069 Peg's Mother Visits.mp3
    40. Life of Riley 450908 077 Riley Is Fired.mp3
    41. Life of Riley 450915 078 Feud with New Neighbor.mp3
    42. Life of Riley 450922 079 Junior Is Head Of House.mp3
    43. Life of Riley 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney.mp3
    44. Life of Riley 451124 088 Babs SimonMarried.mp3
    45. Life of Riley 451201 089 BPLA Lodge Election.mp3
    46. Life of Riley 451208 090 Job Promotion Exam.mp3
    47. Life of Riley 451215 091 Grandmas Boy Friend.mp3
    48. Life of Riley 460202 098 School Play.mp3
    49. Life of Riley 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship.mp3
    50. Life of Riley 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance.mp3
    51. Life of Riley 460406 107 Riley Finds Fur Coat.mp3
    52. Life of Riley 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior is.mp3
    53. Life of Riley 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 49 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Life of Riley 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny.mp3
    3. Life of Riley 460427 110 Gambling Doesn't Pay.mp3
    4. Life of Riley 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises.mp3
    5. Life of Riley 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mother's Day.mp3
    6. Life of Riley 460518 113 Playing Hooky.mp3
    7. Life of Riley 460525 114 Riley the Human Cannonball.mp3
    8. Life of Riley 460601 115 The Riley Family Of Actors.mp3
    9. Life of Riley 460608 116 The Bread Shortage And The Bl.mp3
    10. Life of Riley 460615 117 A New Suit for Fathers Day.mp3
    11. Life of Riley 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Cont.mp3
    12. Life of Riley 460907 121 The Paper Route Contest.mp3
    13. Life of Riley 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg To Worry.mp3
    14. Life of Riley 460921 123 Riley Hides On Boat To Catch.mp3
    15. Life of Riley 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Fo.mp3
    16. Life of Riley 461005 125 Good Neighbor Riley.mp3
    17. Life of Riley 461019 127 Bus Company Lawsuit.mp3
    18. Life of Riley 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South Ame.mp3
    19. Life of Riley 461109 130 Junior Goes To Camp.mp3
    20. Life of Riley 461123 132 Riley the Football Hero.mp3
    21. Life of Riley 461130 133 Free Medical Advice from.mp3
    22. Life of Riley 461224 First Xmas.mp3
    23. Life of Riley 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For.mp3
    24. Life of Riley 470111 139 Efficiency Expert.mp3
    25. Life of Riley 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon.mp3
    26. Milton Berle 470805 22 The Great Outdoors.mp3
    27. Milton Berle 470812 23 Summer Sports.mp3
    28. Milton Berle 470819 24 Relaxation.mp3
    29. Milton Berle 470826 25 Railroads.mp3
    30. Milton Berle 470902 26 South America.mp3
    31. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers.mp3
    32. Milton Berle 470916 28 Salute to Radio.mp3
    33. Milton Berle 470923 29 Automobile Industry.mp3
    34. Milton Berle 471007 31 The Old West.mp3
    35. Milton Berle 471014 32 New York Theater.mp3
    36. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health.mp3
    37. Milton Berle 471028 34 U S Navy.mp3
    38. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football.mp3
    39. Milton Berle 471111 36 Washington, DC.mp3
    40. Milton Berle 471118 37 Opera.mp3
    41. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 440710 Jerrys Birthday Bicycle.mp3
    42. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 480705 Lloyd.mp3
    43. RedSk Photography.mp3
    44. RedSk Postman, The.mp3
    45. RedSk Public Speeches.mp3
    46. RedSk Railroads.mp3
    47. RedSk Sad Texan, The.mp3
    48. RedSk Skelton vrs the Hospital.mp3
    49. RedSk Skunk Patrol Benefit.mp3
    50. RedSk Some People Won't Pay Their Debts.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 26 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 52 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. RedSk Stray Animal.mp3
    3. RedSk Stray Dog.mp3
    4. RedSk Sunday Dinner.mp3
    5. RedSk Take Me Out To the Ball Game.mp3
    6. RedSk Taxi Cabs.mp3
    7. RedSk Telephones.mp3
    8. RedSk Things To Be Thankful For.mp3
    9. RedSk Things We Never Knew About Busses.mp3
    10. RedSk Three Cent Stamp, The.mp3
    11. RedSk To Park or Not To Park.mp3
    12. RedSk Town Gossip, The.mp3
    13. RedSk Town Social, The.mp3
    14. RedSk Traffic is Terrible.mp3
    15. RedSk Travel Is So Broadening.mp3
    16. RedSk Travel to Hawaii.mp3
    17. RedSk Trying To Be Helpful.mp3
    18. RedSk Vacation.mp3
    19. RedSk Vacations Vol I.mp3
    20. RedSk Vacations Vol II.mp3
    21. RedSk Willie Lump Lump and the Traffic Court.mp3
    22. RedSk Willie Lump Lump.mp3
    23. RedSk With Ozzie and Harriet.mp3
    24. RedSk Women Are Ruling the World.mp3
    25. Truth Or Consequences 450623.mp3
    26. Truth Or Consequences 471220 Christmas Show.mp3
    27. Truth Or Consequences 480306 Last Walking Man.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    317 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00. Total playtime 153 hours, 32 min
    317 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00
    4224 MB – total playtime 153 hours, 32 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 50 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa440310 Sign On The Dotted Line.mp3
    3. aa440317 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    4. aa440324 Between Life And Death.mp3
    5. aa440331 Long Lost Harold.mp3
    6. aa440407 Dating Club Disaster.mp3
    7. aa440414 The Butler Did It.mp3
    8. aa440421 Of Sound Mind And Body.mp3
    9. aa440428 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits.mp3
    10. aa440505 The Electric Clock Caper.mp3
    11. aa440512 Impersonating An Officer.mp3
    12. aa440519 And The Winner Is.mp3
    13. aa440526 Andy The Fugitive.mp3
    14. aa440609 Shirt Trail.mp3
    15. aa440616 One Step Ahead Of The Law.mp3
    16. aa441006 Andy The Actor.mp3
    17. aa441110 The Employment Agency.mp3
    18. aa441117 Marriage Proposal Mixup.mp3
    19. aa441124 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    20. aa441201 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency.mp3
    21. aa441208 The House Of Frank Morgan.mp3
    22. aa441215 Fake Suicide.mp3
    23. aa441222 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    24. aa441229 Not Invited To The Party.mp3
    25. aa450105 Honesty Insurance Company.mp3
    26. aa450112 Washington s Love Letters.mp3
    27. aa450119 Adoption Woes.mp3
    28. aa450202 Lovelorn Lawsuit.mp3
    29. aa450209 Andy Plays Soldier.mp3
    30. aa450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out.mp3
    31. aa450223 Wax Mustache.mp3
    32. aa450309 More Tax Woes.mp3
    33. aa450316 The Lecture Bureau.mp3
    34. aa450320 Kingfish Buys A Car.mp3
    35. aa450330 Easter Hat.mp3
    36. aa450406 A Place To Call Home.mp3
    37. aa450420 The Second-Hand Car.mp3
    38. aa450427 Marriage Vows.mp3
    39. aa450504 Beautiful Baby Contest.mp3
    40. aa450511 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him.mp3
    41. aa450525 Andy The Sailor.mp3
    42. aa450601 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    43. Al Pearce 391011 Sells Corsets.mp3
    44. Al Pearce 400124 Sells Toothbrushes.mp3
    45. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs.mp3
    46. Al Pearce 400221 Sells Cosmetics.mp3
    47. Al Pearce 400306 Sells Insurance (Gene Autry).mp3
    48. Alan Young 441212 0011 Alan Writes An Opera.mp3
    49. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring.mp3
    50. Alan Young 450130 0018 Becoming More Assertive.mp3
    51. Alan Young 450213 0020 Raising Rabbits.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 43 shows – 631 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alan Young 450227 0022 Honeymoon Trail.mp3
    3. Alan Young 450403 0027 Old Love Letters.mp3
    4. Alan Young 460910 0001 Landscaping Rehearsal.mp3
    5. Alan Young 460927 0002 The Letter East.mp3
    6. Alan Young 461011 0004 Cucamonga Killer.mp3
    7. Alan Young 461025 0006 Alan The Movie Star.mp3
    8. Aldrich Family 481118 Grab Bag.mp3
    9. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run.mp3
    10. Aldrich Family 481202 Remodeling Homer.mp3
    11. Aldrich Family 481216 Weekly Party.mp3
    12. Aldrich Family 481223 Christmas Program.mp3
    13. Aldrich Family 481230 New Year's Eve Party.mp3
    14. Aldrich Family 490203 Shoveling Snow.mp3
    15. Aldrich Family 490210 Geometry Homework.mp3
    16. Aldrich Family 490217 Mrs Aldrich's Antique Chairs.mp3
    17. Aldrich Family 490303 Planning A Trip To Dc.mp3
    18. Aldrich Family 490407 Blind Date.mp3
    19. Aldrich Family 490414 Henry The Shortstop.mp3
    20. Aldrich Family 490421 Takes Gladys To School Play.mp3
    21. Aldrich Family 490428 Date With A Tall Girl.mp3
    22. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up.mp3
    23. Archie Andrews 461019 Plumbing Woes.mp3
    24. Archie Andrews 470315 The Red Cross Benefit.mp3
    25. Archie Andrews 470909 Taking a Bath.mp3
    26. Archie Andrews 471213 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    27. Archie Andrews 480515 The Hiccups.mp3
    28. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold.mp3
    29. Archie Andrews 480710 Archie Gets Dresed For A Date.mp3
    30. Archie Andrews 480717 Mr Andrews Wallpapers Room.mp3
    31. Archie Andrews 480807 Suffering From The Heat.mp3
    32. Archie Andrews 480821 Going On A Picnic.mp3
    33. Archie Andrews 480904 The Big Dance.mp3
    34. Archie Andrews 480911 Archie Borrows A Tire Jack.mp3
    35. Archie Andrews 480918 Archie's In Love.mp3
    36. Archie Andrews 480925 Free Movie Tickets.mp3
    37. Archie Andrews 481030 Halloween Party.mp3
    38. Archie Andrews 481106 Locked Out Of The House.mp3
    39. Archie Andrews 481113 A Good Night's Sleep.mp3
    40. Bergen McCarthy 390903 122 Wendy Barrie.mp3
    41. Bergen McCarthy 390924 125 Anita Louise.mp3
    42. Bergen McCarthy 391112 132 Jean Arthur.mp3
    43. Bergen McCarthy 391126 134 Loretta Young.mp3
    44. Bergen McCarthy 391203 135 Maureen Ohara.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 47 shows – 650 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Bergen McCarthy 391210 136 Lansing Hatfield.mp3
    3. Bergen McCarthy 400421 Charles Laughton.mp3
    4. Bergen McCarthy 401027 Frankie Laine.mp3
    5. Bergen McCarthy 410921 W W C Fields.mp3
    6. Bergen McCarthy 411123 221 W Albert E. Wiggam.mp3
    7. Bergen McCarthy 420303 Edward Everett Horton.mp3
    8. Bergen McCarthy 420503 W Edward Everett Horton.mp3
    9. Bergen McCarthy 420621 Judy Garland.mp3
    10. Bergen McCarthy 420628 W Walter Brenan.mp3
    11. Bergen McCarthy 420906 Charles Ruggles.mp3
    12. Bergen McCarthy 421005 Rosemary Clooney.mp3
    13. Bergen McCarthy 421018 From Quantico Marine Base.mp3
    14. Bob Burns 400418 KMH Dorothy Lamour and Music Maids.mp3
    15. Bob Burns 430218 For Lifebuoy.mp3
    16. Bob Burns 430401 For Lifebuoy April Fool's Day.mp3
    17. Bob Burns 430408 for Lifebuoy Meat Shortage.mp3
    18. Bob Burns 430415 For Lifebuoy Spreading Rumors.mp3
    19. Bob Burns 471125 Audition Show.mp3
    20. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer Sketch.mp3
    21. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer.mp3
    22. Bob Hope 500207 W Fred Allen.mp3
    23. Bob Hope 500314 Guest Fred Allen.mp3
    24. Bob Hope 500321 Bing Crosby.mp3
    25. Bob Hope 500613 Last Show For Lever Brothers.mp3
    26. Bob Hope 510130 W Judy Garland.mp3
    27. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey (William Holden).mp3
    28. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    29. Bob Hope 541118 Guest - Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    30. Dennis Day 470827 039 Becomes A Drama Critic.mp3
    31. Dennis Day 470903 040 Runs For Mayor.mp3
    32. Dennis Day 470924 043 Impersonates A Big Railroad Boss.mp3
    33. Dennis Day 471001 044 Tries To Enlist Support For A New Jail.mp3
    34. Dennis Day 471022 047 Gets A Second Job Selling Insurance.mp3
    35. Dennis Day 471203 053 Tries To Get A Job As Society Editor.mp3
    36. Dennis Day 471217 055 Mrs Anderson Bcm Pres Club.mp3
    37. Dennis Day 480114 059 Mr Anderson Steal Own Painting.mp3
    38. Dennis Day 480128 061 Does A Radio Show.mp3
    39. Dennis Day 480317 068 Enters Mr Anderson Baby Pict Contest.mp3
    40. Dennis Day 480407 071 Mildred Try Keep Radio Station On Air.mp3
    41. Dennis Day 480421 073 Is Misquoted In Newspaper.mp3
    42. Duffys Tavern 490316 The Bully W Sheldon Leonard.mp3
    43. Duffys Tavern 490323 Archie Opens Account W $10.mp3
    44. Duffys Tavern 490330 Durante Sothern Act In Arch.mp3
    45. Duffys Tavern 490406 Archie Finnegan Double Date.mp3
    46. Duffys Tavern 490413 Millionaire Bum J Everett Poi.mp3
    47. Duffys Tavern 490420 Will Miss Duffy Marry W Cass D.mp3
    48. Duffys Tavern 490504 The Boys Play Poker (Charles Coburn).mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Duffys Tavern 490511 Whistlin Sam W Chester Morris.mp3
    3. Duffys Tavern 490518 Most Popular Bartender On 3rd.mp3
    4. Duffys Tavern 490525 Ed Wynn Narrates Archies Opera.mp3
    5. Duffys Tavern 490601 Archie Wants to Marry Rich Agatha Pitz.mp3
    6. Duffys Tavern 500518 Hedda Hopper Plans a Party.mp3
    7. Duffys Tavern 501110 Archie Asks Cedric Hardwicke Roommate.mp3
    8. Duffys Tavern 501117 Archie's Nephew Visits.mp3
    9. Duffys Tavern 501201 Latin Night at Duffy's (Bobby Capo).mp3
    10. Duffys Tavern 501208 Archie Wants to Sell the Tavern.mp3
    11. Duffys Tavern 501222 Charles Colburn Plays Santa Claus.mp3
    12. Duffys Tavern 501229 Archie Cuts Prices by Ten Percent.mp3
    13. Duffys Tavern 510105 Archie Dates Joan Bennett.mp3
    14. Duffys Tavern 510112 A Lady From Draft Board.mp3
    15. Duffys Tavern 510119 Literary Society Meeting.mp3
    16. Duffys Tavern 510216 Archie Goes To The Opera.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 510223 Arthur Teacher Quits-Maxie Rosenbloom.mp3
    18. Duffys Tavern 510316 Fashion Lecture W Arthur Treacher.mp3
    19. Duffys Tavern 510323 Culture Comes To Duffys.mp3
    20. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Party W A Shaw.mp3
    21. Duffys Tavern 510406 Singing Detective W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    22. Duffys Tavern 510420 Archie Wants To Be A Lion Tamer.mp3
    23. Ed Wynn 320726 T F C Ive Got Rhythm.mp3
    24. Ed Wynn 320830 T F C Snezing Song.mp3
    25. Ed Wynn 321101 T F C Ale Ale Gangs All Here.mp3
    26. Ed Wynn 350122 T F C Ed Writes Book.mp3
    27. Ed Wynn 350409 T S Opra Massas In De Cold Cold.mp3
    28. Ed Wynn 450205 E W S Ed Becomes A Warden.mp3
    29. Ed Wynn Happy Island 001.mp3
    30. FMM 440516 0404 Policemans Balluncle Sycamores Pistol.mp3
    31. FMM 440530 0406 Old Muley Caught.mp3
    32. FMM 440606 0407 Invasion Of Europe.mp3
    33. FMM 440613 0408 Putting Up Porch Swing.mp3
    34. FMM 440620 0409 Getting Ready For Ranch Vacation.mp3
    35. FMM 441010 0410 Fibber Cant Find His Hip Boots.mp3
    36. FMM 441017 0411 No Maple Syrup.mp3
    37. FMM 441024 0412 Bank Statement Error Mining Stock.mp3
    38. FMM 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber.mp3
    39. FMM 441114 0414 Night School.mp3
    40. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple Physical Culture Specialist.mp3
    41. FMM 441205 0417 Fibber Puts Ironing Board And Presses Pants.mp3
    42. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show.mp3
    43. FMM 441219 0419 Early Christmas Presents.mp3
    44. FMM 441226 0420 Mcgee Controls His Temper.mp3
    45. FMM 450102 0421 Diamond Stick Pin.mp3
    46. FMM 450109 0422 Mushrooms.mp3
    47. FMM 450116 0423 Shampoo.mp3
    48. FMM 450123 0424 Too Much Energy.mp3
    49. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines.mp3
    50. FMM 450206 0426 Case Of Crosseyed Cat.mp3
    51. FMM 450213 0427 Piano Tuner.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 52 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 9 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG461211 Leroy Afraid of a Bully.mp3
    3. GG461218 Leroy Wants a Motor Scooter.mp3
    4. GG461225 Christmas Caroling at Home.mp3
    5. GG470101 New Year's Costume Ball.mp3
    6. GG470108 Leila Back for a Visit.mp3
    7. GG470115 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride.mp3
    8. GG470122 Dancing School.mp3
    9. GG470129 Marjorie's Hotrod Boyfriend.mp3
    10. GG470205 Magazine Salesman.mp3
    11. GG470212 Gildy the Executive.mp3
    12. GG470219 Substitute Secretary.mp3
    13. GG470226 Gildy Tries to Fire Bessie.mp3
    14. GG470305 The Crooner.mp3
    15. Henry Morgan 420507.mp3
    16. Henry Morgan 460901.mp3
    17. Henry Morgan 470129.mp3
    18. Henry Morgan 470305.mp3
    19. Henry Morgan 470611.mp3
    20. Henry Morgan 471105.mp3
    21. Henry Morgan 491209 Spoof on Murder Mysteries.mp3
    22. Henry Morgan 491216 Water Shortage.mp3
    23. Jack Carson Show 461002 01 Runs for County Commissioner.mp3
    24. Jack Carson Show 470115 16 George Burns and Gracie Allen.mp3
    25. Jack Carson Show 470205 19 Hires a Bodyguard.mp3
    26. Jack Carson Show 470226 22 Fourteen Days Left.mp3
    27. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade.mp3
    28. Jack Kirkwood Show 450119.mp3
    29. Jack Kirkwood Show 450618.mp3
    30. Jack Kirkwood Show 450619.mp3
    31. Jack Kirkwood Show 450625.mp3
    32. Jack Paar Show 470601 01 Disagreement In Shade.mp3
    33. Jack Paar Show 470622 04 Spoof On Fan Magazine Interviews.mp3
    34. Jack Paar Show 470727 09 Singing Cowboy Parody.mp3
    35. Jack Paar Show 470817 12 Jack Benny.mp3
    36. Jack Paar Show 470831 14 Parody Of Bbc Radio Shows.mp3
    37. Jack Paar Show 470921 17 This Is America.mp3
    38. Jack Paar Show 470928 18 HairTonics-School-MailDelivy-last.mp3
    39. Life of Riley 450513 069 Peg's Mother Visits.mp3
    40. Life of Riley 450908 077 Riley Is Fired.mp3
    41. Life of Riley 450915 078 Feud with New Neighbor.mp3
    42. Life of Riley 450922 079 Junior Is Head Of House.mp3
    43. Life of Riley 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney.mp3
    44. Life of Riley 451124 088 Babs SimonMarried.mp3
    45. Life of Riley 451201 089 BPLA Lodge Election.mp3
    46. Life of Riley 451208 090 Job Promotion Exam.mp3
    47. Life of Riley 451215 091 Grandmas Boy Friend.mp3
    48. Life of Riley 460202 098 School Play.mp3
    49. Life of Riley 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship.mp3
    50. Life of Riley 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance.mp3
    51. Life of Riley 460406 107 Riley Finds Fur Coat.mp3
    52. Life of Riley 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior is.mp3
    53. Life of Riley 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 49 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Life of Riley 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny.mp3
    3. Life of Riley 460427 110 Gambling Doesn't Pay.mp3
    4. Life of Riley 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises.mp3
    5. Life of Riley 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mother's Day.mp3
    6. Life of Riley 460518 113 Playing Hooky.mp3
    7. Life of Riley 460525 114 Riley the Human Cannonball.mp3
    8. Life of Riley 460601 115 The Riley Family Of Actors.mp3
    9. Life of Riley 460608 116 The Bread Shortage And The Bl.mp3
    10. Life of Riley 460615 117 A New Suit for Fathers Day.mp3
    11. Life of Riley 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Cont.mp3
    12. Life of Riley 460907 121 The Paper Route Contest.mp3
    13. Life of Riley 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg To Worry.mp3
    14. Life of Riley 460921 123 Riley Hides On Boat To Catch.mp3
    15. Life of Riley 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Fo.mp3
    16. Life of Riley 461005 125 Good Neighbor Riley.mp3
    17. Life of Riley 461019 127 Bus Company Lawsuit.mp3
    18. Life of Riley 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South Ame.mp3
    19. Life of Riley 461109 130 Junior Goes To Camp.mp3
    20. Life of Riley 461123 132 Riley the Football Hero.mp3
    21. Life of Riley 461130 133 Free Medical Advice from.mp3
    22. Life of Riley 461224 First Xmas.mp3
    23. Life of Riley 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For.mp3
    24. Life of Riley 470111 139 Efficiency Expert.mp3
    25. Life of Riley 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon.mp3
    26. Milton Berle 470805 22 The Great Outdoors.mp3
    27. Milton Berle 470812 23 Summer Sports.mp3
    28. Milton Berle 470819 24 Relaxation.mp3
    29. Milton Berle 470826 25 Railroads.mp3
    30. Milton Berle 470902 26 South America.mp3
    31. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers.mp3
    32. Milton Berle 470916 28 Salute to Radio.mp3
    33. Milton Berle 470923 29 Automobile Industry.mp3
    34. Milton Berle 471007 31 The Old West.mp3
    35. Milton Berle 471014 32 New York Theater.mp3
    36. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health.mp3
    37. Milton Berle 471028 34 U S Navy.mp3
    38. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football.mp3
    39. Milton Berle 471111 36 Washington, DC.mp3
    40. Milton Berle 471118 37 Opera.mp3
    41. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 440710 Jerrys Birthday Bicycle.mp3
    42. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 480705 Lloyd.mp3
    43. RedSk Photography.mp3
    44. RedSk Postman, The.mp3
    45. RedSk Public Speeches.mp3
    46. RedSk Railroads.mp3
    47. RedSk Sad Texan, The.mp3
    48. RedSk Skelton vrs the Hospital.mp3
    49. RedSk Skunk Patrol Benefit.mp3
    50. RedSk Some People Won't Pay Their Debts.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 26 shows – 353 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 52 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. RedSk Stray Animal.mp3
    3. RedSk Stray Dog.mp3
    4. RedSk Sunday Dinner.mp3
    5. RedSk Take Me Out To the Ball Game.mp3
    6. RedSk Taxi Cabs.mp3
    7. RedSk Telephones.mp3
    8. RedSk Things To Be Thankful For.mp3
    9. RedSk Things We Never Knew About Busses.mp3
    10. RedSk Three Cent Stamp, The.mp3
    11. RedSk To Park or Not To Park.mp3
    12. RedSk Town Gossip, The.mp3
    13. RedSk Town Social, The.mp3
    14. RedSk Traffic is Terrible.mp3
    15. RedSk Travel Is So Broadening.mp3
    16. RedSk Travel to Hawaii.mp3
    17. RedSk Trying To Be Helpful.mp3
    18. RedSk Vacation.mp3
    19. RedSk Vacations Vol I.mp3
    20. RedSk Vacations Vol II.mp3
    21. RedSk Willie Lump Lump and the Traffic Court.mp3
    22. RedSk Willie Lump Lump.mp3
    23. RedSk With Ozzie and Harriet.mp3
    24. RedSk Women Are Ruling the World.mp3
    25. Truth Or Consequences 450623.mp3
    26. Truth Or Consequences 471220 Christmas Show.mp3
    27. Truth Or Consequences 480306 Last Walking Man.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    317 recordings on 162 Audio CDs. Total playtime 153 hours, 32 min
    317 recordings on 162 Audio CDs
    total playtime 153 hours, 32 min

    Goofy Guys Disc A001

    1. Ed Wynn Happy Island 001
    2. RedSk Photography

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A002

    1. RedSk Postman, The
    2. RedSk Public Speeches

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A003

    1. RedSk Railroads
    2. RedSk Sad Texan, The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A004

    1. RedSk Skelton vrs the Hospital
    2. RedSk Skunk Patrol Benefit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A005

    1. RedSk Some People Won't Pay Their Debts
    2. RedSk Stray Animal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A006

    1. RedSk Stray Dog
    2. RedSk Sunday Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A007

    1. RedSk Take Me Out To the Ball Game
    2. RedSk Taxi Cabs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A008

    1. RedSk Telephones
    2. RedSk Things To Be Thankful For

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A009

    1. RedSk Things We Never Knew About Busses
    2. RedSk Three Cent Stamp, The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A010

    1. RedSk To Park or Not To Park
    2. RedSk Town Gossip, The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A011

    1. RedSk Town Social, The
    2. RedSk Traffic is Terrible

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A012

    1. RedSk Travel Is So Broadening
    2. RedSk Travel to Hawaii

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A013

    1. RedSk Trying To Be Helpful
    2. RedSk Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A014

    1. RedSk Vacations Vol I
    2. RedSk Vacations Vol II

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A015

    1. RedSk Willie Lump Lump and the Traffic Court
    2. RedSk Willie Lump Lump

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A016

    1. RedSk With Ozzie and Harriet
    2. RedSk Women Are Ruling the World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A017

    1. Ed Wynn 320726 T F C Ive Got Rhythm
    2. Ed Wynn 320830 T F C Snezing Song

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A018

    1. Ed Wynn 321101 T F C Ale Ale Gangs All Here
    2. Ed Wynn 350122 T F C Ed Writes Book

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A019

    1. Ed Wynn 350409 T S Opra Massas In De Cold Cold

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A020

    1. Bergen McCarthy 390903 122 Wendy Barrie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A021

    1. Bergen McCarthy 390924 125 Anita Louise

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A022

    1. Al Pearce 391011 Sells Corsets

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A023

    1. Bergen McCarthy 391112 132 Jean Arthur

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A024

    1. Bergen McCarthy 391126 134 Loretta Young

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A025

    1. Bergen McCarthy 391203 135 Maureen Ohara

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A026

    1. Bergen McCarthy 391210 136 Lansing Hatfield

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A027

    1. Al Pearce 400124 Sells Toothbrushes
    2. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A028

    1. Al Pearce 400221 Sells Cosmetics
    2. Al Pearce 400306 Sells Insurance (Gene Autry)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A029

    1. Bob Burns 400418 KMH Dorothy Lamour and Music Maids

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A030

    1. Bergen McCarthy 400421 Charles Laughton
    2. Bergen McCarthy 401027 Frankie Laine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A031

    1. Bergen McCarthy 410921 W W C Fields
    2. Bergen McCarthy 411123 221 W Albert E. Wiggam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A032

    1. Bergen McCarthy 420303 Edward Everett Horton
    2. Bergen McCarthy 420503 W Edward Everett Horton

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A033

    1. Henry Morgan 420507
    2. Bergen McCarthy 420621 Judy Garland
    3. Bergen McCarthy 420628 W Walter Brenan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A034

    1. Bergen McCarthy 420906 Charles Ruggles
    2. Bergen McCarthy 421005 Rosemary Clooney

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A035

    1. Bergen McCarthy 421018 From Quantico Marine Base
    2. Bob Burns 430218 For Lifebuoy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A036

    1. Bob Burns 430401 For Lifebuoy April Fool's Day
    2. Bob Burns 430408 for Lifebuoy Meat Shortage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A037

    1. Bob Burns 430415 For Lifebuoy Spreading Rumors
    2. aa440310 Sign On The Dotted Line

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A038

    1. aa440317 Insurance Fraud
    2. aa440324 Between Life And Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A039

    1. aa440331 Long Lost Harold
    2. aa440407 Dating Club Disaster

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A040

    1. aa440414 The Butler Did It
    2. aa440421 Of Sound Mind And Body

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A041

    1. aa440428 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits
    2. aa440505 The Electric Clock Caper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A042

    1. aa440512 Impersonating An Officer
    2. FMM 440516 0404 Policemans Balluncle Sycamores Pistol

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A043

    1. aa440519 And The Winner Is
    2. aa440526 Andy The Fugitive

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A044

    1. FMM 440530 0406 Old Muley Caught
    2. FMM 440606 0407 Invasion Of Europe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A045

    1. aa440609 Shirt Trail
    2. FMM 440613 0408 Putting Up Porch Swing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A046

    1. aa440616 One Step Ahead Of The Law
    2. FMM 440620 0409 Getting Ready For Ranch Vacation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A047

    1. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 440710 Jerrys Birthday Bicycle
    2. aa441006 Andy The Actor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A048

    1. FMM 441010 0410 Fibber Cant Find His Hip Boots
    2. FMM 441017 0411 No Maple Syrup

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A049

    1. FMM 441024 0412 Bank Statement Error Mining Stock
    2. FMM 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A050

    1. aa441110 The Employment Agency
    2. FMM 441114 0414 Night School

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A051

    1. aa441117 Marriage Proposal Mixup
    2. aa441124 Spot Removal Formula

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A052

    1. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple Physical Culture Specialist
    2. aa441201 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A053

    1. FMM 441205 0417 Fibber Puts Ironing Board And Presses Pants
    2. aa441208 The House Of Frank Morgan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A054

    1. Alan Young 441212 0011 Alan Writes An Opera
    2. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A055

    1. aa441215 Fake Suicide
    2. FMM 441219 0419 Early Christmas Presents

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A056

    1. aa441222 Annual Christmas Show
    2. FMM 441226 0420 Mcgee Controls His Temper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Goofy Guys Disc A057

    1. aa441229 Not Invited To The Party
    2. FMM 450102 0421 Diamond Stick Pin

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    Goofy Guys Disc A058

    1. aa450105 Honesty Insurance Company
    2. FMM 450109 0422 Mushrooms

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    Goofy Guys Disc A059

    1. aa450112 Washington s Love Letters
    2. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring

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    Goofy Guys Disc A060

    1. FMM 450116 0423 Shampoo
    2. aa450119 Adoption Woes

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    Goofy Guys Disc A061

    1. Jack Kirkwood Show 450119
    2. FMM 450123 0424 Too Much Energy

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    Goofy Guys Disc A062

    1. Alan Young 450130 0018 Becoming More Assertive
    2. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines

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    Goofy Guys Disc A063

    1. aa450202 Lovelorn Lawsuit
    2. Ed Wynn 450205 E W S Ed Becomes A Warden

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    Goofy Guys Disc A064

    1. FMM 450206 0426 Case Of Crosseyed Cat
    2. aa450209 Andy Plays Soldier

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    Goofy Guys Disc A065

    1. Alan Young 450213 0020 Raising Rabbits
    2. FMM 450213 0427 Piano Tuner

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    Goofy Guys Disc A066

    1. aa450216 Sapphire Kicks Kingfish Out
    2. aa450223 Wax Mustache

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    Goofy Guys Disc A067

    1. Alan Young 450227 0022 Honeymoon Trail
    2. aa450309 More Tax Woes

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    Goofy Guys Disc A068

    1. aa450316 The Lecture Bureau
    2. aa450320 Kingfish Buys A Car

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    Goofy Guys Disc A069

    1. aa450330 Easter Hat
    2. Alan Young 450403 0027 Old Love Letters

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    Goofy Guys Disc A070

    1. aa450406 A Place To Call Home
    2. aa450420 The Second-Hand Car

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    Goofy Guys Disc A071

    1. aa450427 Marriage Vows
    2. aa450504 Beautiful Baby Contest

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    Goofy Guys Disc A072

    1. aa450511 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him
    2. Life of Riley 450513 069 Peg's Mother Visits

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    Goofy Guys Disc A073

    1. aa450525 Andy The Sailor
    2. aa450601 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel

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    Goofy Guys Disc A074

    1. Jack Kirkwood Show 450618
    2. Jack Kirkwood Show 450619
    3. Truth Or Consequences 450623

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    Goofy Guys Disc A075

    1. Jack Kirkwood Show 450625
    2. Life of Riley 450908 077 Riley Is Fired

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    Goofy Guys Disc A076

    1. Life of Riley 450915 078 Feud with New Neighbor
    2. Life of Riley 450922 079 Junior Is Head Of House

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    Goofy Guys Disc A077

    1. Life of Riley 451020 083 Pegs Old Boyfriend Sydney
    2. Life of Riley 451124 088 Babs SimonMarried

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    Goofy Guys Disc A078

    1. Life of Riley 451201 089 BPLA Lodge Election
    2. Life of Riley 451208 090 Job Promotion Exam

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    Goofy Guys Disc A079

    1. Life of Riley 451215 091 Grandmas Boy Friend
    2. Life of Riley 460202 098 School Play

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    Goofy Guys Disc A080

    1. Life of Riley 460309 103 Babs Music Scholarship
    2. Life of Riley 460316 104 Riley Buys An Insurance

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    Goofy Guys Disc A081

    1. Life of Riley 460406 107 Riley Finds Fur Coat
    2. Life of Riley 460413 108 Riley Thinks Junior is

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    Goofy Guys Disc A082

    1. Life of Riley 460420 109 Giant Easter Bunny
    2. Life of Riley 460427 110 Gambling Doesn't Pay

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    Goofy Guys Disc A083

    1. Life of Riley 460504 111 Rileys Take In Gillises
    2. Life of Riley 460511 112 Junior Forgets Mother's Day

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    Goofy Guys Disc A084

    1. Life of Riley 460518 113 Playing Hooky
    2. Life of Riley 460525 114 Riley the Human Cannonball

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    Goofy Guys Disc A085

    1. Life of Riley 460601 115 The Riley Family Of Actors
    2. Life of Riley 460608 116 The Bread Shortage And The Bl

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    Goofy Guys Disc A086

    1. Life of Riley 460615 117 A New Suit for Fathers Day
    2. Life of Riley 460629 119 Paper Route Subscription Cont

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    Goofy Guys Disc A087

    1. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up
    2. Henry Morgan 460901

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    Goofy Guys Disc A088

    1. Life of Riley 460907 121 The Paper Route Contest
    2. Alan Young 460910 0001 Landscaping Rehearsal

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    Goofy Guys Disc A089

    1. Life of Riley 460914 122 Riley Doesnt Want Peg To Worry
    2. Life of Riley 460921 123 Riley Hides On Boat To Catch

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    Goofy Guys Disc A090

    1. Alan Young 460927 0002 The Letter East
    2. Life of Riley 460928 124 Riley Bribes Junior To Win Fo

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    Goofy Guys Disc A091

    1. Jack Carson Show 461002 01 Runs for County Commissioner
    2. Life of Riley 461005 125 Good Neighbor Riley

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    Goofy Guys Disc A092

    1. Alan Young 461011 0004 Cucamonga Killer
    2. Archie Andrews 461019 Plumbing Woes

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    Goofy Guys Disc A093

    1. Life of Riley 461019 127 Bus Company Lawsuit
    2. Alan Young 461025 0006 Alan The Movie Star

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    Goofy Guys Disc A094

    1. Life of Riley 461026 128 Riley Gets A Job In South Ame
    2. Life of Riley 461109 130 Junior Goes To Camp

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    Goofy Guys Disc A095

    1. Life of Riley 461123 132 Riley the Football Hero
    2. Life of Riley 461130 133 Free Medical Advice from

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    Goofy Guys Disc A096

    1. GG461211 Leroy Afraid of a Bully
    2. GG461218 Leroy Wants a Motor Scooter

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    Goofy Guys Disc A097

    1. Life of Riley 461224 First Xmas
    2. GG461225 Christmas Caroling at Home

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    Goofy Guys Disc A098

    1. Life of Riley 461228 137 New Years Eve 10 Dates For
    2. GG470101 New Year's Costume Ball

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    Goofy Guys Disc A099

    1. GG470108 Leila Back for a Visit
    2. Life of Riley 470111 139 Efficiency Expert

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    Goofy Guys Disc A100

    1. GG470115 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride
    2. Jack Carson Show 470115 16 George Burns and Gracie Allen

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    Goofy Guys Disc A101

    1. GG470122 Dancing School
    2. Life of Riley 470125 141 Rileys Honeymoon

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    Goofy Guys Disc A102

    1. GG470129 Marjorie's Hotrod Boyfriend
    2. Henry Morgan 470129

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    Goofy Guys Disc A103

    1. GG470205 Magazine Salesman
    2. Jack Carson Show 470205 19 Hires a Bodyguard

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    Goofy Guys Disc A104

    1. GG470212 Gildy the Executive
    2. GG470219 Substitute Secretary

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    Goofy Guys Disc A105

    1. GG470226 Gildy Tries to Fire Bessie
    2. Jack Carson Show 470226 22 Fourteen Days Left

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    Goofy Guys Disc A106

    1. GG470305 The Crooner
    2. Henry Morgan 470305

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    Goofy Guys Disc A107

    1. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade
    2. Archie Andrews 470315 The Red Cross Benefit

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    Goofy Guys Disc A108

    1. Jack Paar Show 470601 01 Disagreement In Shade
    2. Henry Morgan 470611

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    Goofy Guys Disc A109

    1. Jack Paar Show 470622 04 Spoof On Fan Magazine Interviews
    2. Jack Paar Show 470727 09 Singing Cowboy Parody

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    Goofy Guys Disc A110

    1. Milton Berle 470805 22 The Great Outdoors
    2. Milton Berle 470812 23 Summer Sports

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    Goofy Guys Disc A111

    1. Jack Paar Show 470817 12 Jack Benny
    2. Milton Berle 470819 24 Relaxation

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    Goofy Guys Disc A112

    1. Milton Berle 470826 25 Railroads
    2. Dennis Day 470827 039 Becomes A Drama Critic

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    Goofy Guys Disc A113

    1. Jack Paar Show 470831 14 Parody Of Bbc Radio Shows
    2. Milton Berle 470902 26 South America

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    Goofy Guys Disc A114

    1. Dennis Day 470903 040 Runs For Mayor
    2. Archie Andrews 470909 Taking a Bath

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    Goofy Guys Disc A115

    1. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers
    2. Milton Berle 470916 28 Salute to Radio

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    Goofy Guys Disc A116

    1. Jack Paar Show 470921 17 This Is America
    2. Milton Berle 470923 29 Automobile Industry

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    Goofy Guys Disc A117

    1. Dennis Day 470924 043 Impersonates A Big Railroad Boss
    2. Jack Paar Show 470928 18 HairTonics-School-MailDelivy-last

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    Goofy Guys Disc A118

    1. Dennis Day 471001 044 Tries To Enlist Support For A New Jail
    2. Milton Berle 471007 31 The Old West

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    Goofy Guys Disc A119

    1. Milton Berle 471014 32 New York Theater
    2. Milton Berle 471021 33 Good Health

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    Goofy Guys Disc A120

    1. Dennis Day 471022 047 Gets A Second Job Selling Insurance
    2. Milton Berle 471028 34 U S Navy

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    Goofy Guys Disc A121

    1. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football
    2. Henry Morgan 471105

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    Goofy Guys Disc A122

    1. Milton Berle 471111 36 Washington, DC
    2. Milton Berle 471118 37 Opera

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    Goofy Guys Disc A123

    1. Bob Burns 471125 Audition Show
    2. Dennis Day 471203 053 Tries To Get A Job As Society Editor

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    Goofy Guys Disc A124

    1. Archie Andrews 471213 Christmas Shopping
    2. Dennis Day 471217 055 Mrs Anderson Bcm Pres Club

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    Goofy Guys Disc A125

    1. Truth Or Consequences 471220 Christmas Show
    2. Dennis Day 480114 059 Mr Anderson Steal Own Painting

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    Goofy Guys Disc A126

    1. Dennis Day 480128 061 Does A Radio Show
    2. Truth Or Consequences 480306 Last Walking Man

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    Goofy Guys Disc A127

    1. Dennis Day 480317 068 Enters Mr Anderson Baby Pict Contest
    2. Dennis Day 480407 071 Mildred Try Keep Radio Station On Air

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    Goofy Guys Disc A128

    1. Dennis Day 480421 073 Is Misquoted In Newspaper
    2. Archie Andrews 480515 The Hiccups

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    Goofy Guys Disc A129

    1. Archie Andrews 480612 Archie Fights A Cold
    2. Paul Winchell Jerry Mahoney 480705 Lloyd

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    Goofy Guys Disc A130

    1. Archie Andrews 480710 Archie Gets Dresed For A Date
    2. Archie Andrews 480717 Mr Andrews Wallpapers Room

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    Goofy Guys Disc A131

    1. Archie Andrews 480807 Suffering From The Heat
    2. Archie Andrews 480821 Going On A Picnic

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    Goofy Guys Disc A132

    1. Life of Riley 480903 209 Riley Meets Clem Kadiddlehopper
    2. Archie Andrews 480904 The Big Dance

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    Goofy Guys Disc A133

    1. Archie Andrews 480911 Archie Borrows A Tire Jack
    2. Archie Andrews 480918 Archie's In Love

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    Goofy Guys Disc A134

    1. Archie Andrews 480925 Free Movie Tickets
    2. Archie Andrews 481030 Halloween Party

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    Goofy Guys Disc A135

    1. Archie Andrews 481106 Locked Out Of The House
    2. Archie Andrews 481113 A Good Night's Sleep

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    Goofy Guys Disc A136

    1. Aldrich Family 481118 Grab Bag
    2. Aldrich Family 481125 Thanksgiving Dance And Turkey Run

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    Goofy Guys Disc A137

    1. Aldrich Family 481202 Remodeling Homer
    2. Aldrich Family 481216 Weekly Party

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    Goofy Guys Disc A138

    1. Aldrich Family 481223 Christmas Program
    2. Aldrich Family 481230 New Year's Eve Party

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    Goofy Guys Disc A139

    1. Aldrich Family 490203 Shoveling Snow
    2. Aldrich Family 490210 Geometry Homework

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    Goofy Guys Disc A140

    1. Aldrich Family 490217 Mrs Aldrich's Antique Chairs
    2. Aldrich Family 490303 Planning A Trip To Dc

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    Goofy Guys Disc A141

    1. Duffys Tavern 490316 The Bully W Sheldon Leonard
    2. Duffys Tavern 490323 Archie Opens Account W $10
    3. Duffys Tavern 490330 Durante Sothern Act In Arch

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    Goofy Guys Disc A142

    1. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer Sketch
    2. Bob Hope 490405 Jack Kirkwood Tom Sawyer

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    Goofy Guys Disc A143

    1. Duffys Tavern 490406 Archie Finnegan Double Date
    2. Aldrich Family 490407 Blind Date

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    Goofy Guys Disc A144

    1. Duffys Tavern 490413 Millionaire Bum J Everett Poi
    2. Aldrich Family 490414 Henry The Shortstop

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    Goofy Guys Disc A145

    1. Duffys Tavern 490420 Will Miss Duffy Marry W Cass D
    2. Aldrich Family 490421 Takes Gladys To School Play

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    Goofy Guys Disc A146

    1. Aldrich Family 490428 Date With A Tall Girl
    2. Duffys Tavern 490504 The Boys Play Poker (Charles Coburn)

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    Goofy Guys Disc A147

    1. Duffys Tavern 490511 Whistlin Sam W Chester Morris
    2. Duffys Tavern 490518 Most Popular Bartender On 3rd

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    Goofy Guys Disc A148

    1. Duffys Tavern 490525 Ed Wynn Narrates Archies Opera
    2. Duffys Tavern 490601 Archie Wants to Marry Rich Agatha Pitz

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    Goofy Guys Disc A149

    1. Henry Morgan 491209 Spoof on Murder Mysteries
    2. Henry Morgan 491216 Water Shortage

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    Goofy Guys Disc A150

    1. Bob Hope 500207 W Fred Allen
    2. Bob Hope 500314 Guest Fred Allen

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    Goofy Guys Disc A151

    1. Bob Hope 500321 Bing Crosby
    2. Duffys Tavern 500518 Hedda Hopper Plans a Party

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    Goofy Guys Disc A152

    1. Bob Hope 500613 Last Show For Lever Brothers
    2. Duffys Tavern 501110 Archie Asks Cedric Hardwicke Roommate

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    Goofy Guys Disc A153

    1. Duffys Tavern 501117 Archie's Nephew Visits
    2. Duffys Tavern 501201 Latin Night at Duffy's (Bobby Capo)

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    Goofy Guys Disc A154

    1. Duffys Tavern 501208 Archie Wants to Sell the Tavern
    2. Duffys Tavern 501222 Charles Colburn Plays Santa Claus

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    Goofy Guys Disc A155

    1. Duffys Tavern 501229 Archie Cuts Prices by Ten Percent
    2. Duffys Tavern 510105 Archie Dates Joan Bennett

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    Goofy Guys Disc A156

    1. Duffys Tavern 510112 A Lady From Draft Board
    2. Duffys Tavern 510119 Literary Society Meeting

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    Goofy Guys Disc A157

    1. Bob Hope 510130 W Judy Garland
    2. Duffys Tavern 510216 Archie Goes To The Opera

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    Goofy Guys Disc A158

    1. Duffys Tavern 510223 Arthur Teacher Quits-Maxie Rosenbloom
    2. Duffys Tavern 510316 Fashion Lecture W Arthur Treacher

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    Goofy Guys Disc A159

    1. Duffys Tavern 510323 Culture Comes To Duffys
    2. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Party W A Shaw

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    Goofy Guys Disc A160

    1. Duffys Tavern 510406 Singing Detective W Rudy Vallee
    2. Duffys Tavern 510420 Archie Wants To Be A Lion Tamer

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    Goofy Guys Disc A161

    1. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey (William Holden)
    2. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood

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    Goofy Guys Disc A162

    1. Bob Hope 541118 Guest - Jack Kirkwood

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