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Gleason and Armstrong

A "Road Trip/Buddy Movie" presented as a syndicated radio serial.

Gleason and Armstrong

103 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 15 hours, 10 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
15 Audio CDs

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"Episode 2: Beginning of their Journey"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Gleason and ArmstrongThe Road Movie has always been a sure-fire genre for Hollywood. The form has been adapted internationally, but the wide-open spaces of the American Heartland made the Road Movie America's own. Traveling stories go back to classic literature, of course. The Odyssey and the Aeneid are built around their heroes embarking on great journeys. Many epic tales are built on "the hero's journey" format. Road stories can also teach big lessons and provide social commentary. Don Quixote satirized the trappings of chivalry, while The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is filled with social commentary about the Antebellum South.

The Western Genre, another indelibly American form, often takes the form of Road Movie. Settlers crossing the prairie to start a new life, the great cattle drives, travel and the West are nearly inseparable. Stagecoach's Stagecoach (1939) starring John Wayne epitomizes the theme of travel bringing people together as much as it moves them apart. Frank Capra's It Happened One Night (1934) pairs Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert is a seemingly more superficial tale where the travel liberates a wealthy and pampered woman from her predestined life to discover the hopefulness of "real people" in Capra's utopian vision of America.

Road films are usually also "Buddy Pictures" where the traveling pair may or may not have a close relationship at the beginning but are inseparable by the time the closing credits roll. "Screwball Comedies" are often more buddy pictures than romances, and even in situations where the antagonist is determined to take advantage of the protagonist, by the time their travels together are complete, there is too much affection between them to allow any true or lasting evil.

Gleason and Armstrong was essentially a Buddy/Road Movie in the form of a syndicated radio serial. Recorded and distributed by Hollywood Broadcast Features, there were more than one hundred ten-minute episodes. Like the partners in so many buddy pictures, there is a wide-eyed optimist, Robby in this case, and a more hard-bitten but not-a-smart-as-he-thinks-he-is one, Jimmy. Robby is in love with a girl and he is planning on opening a filling station with Jimmy on land he will buy from her father, but first, the partners plan to drive around the country to learn what it takes to run the best possible service station. Robby's potential father-in-law agrees to finance the trip by letting the partners sell his patented tire puller around the country. It all seems a plot to keep the pair on the road and his daughter from marrying, but the pair manages to venture out into Depression-era America.

Gleason and ArmstrongJames Gleason and Robert Armstrong are the only credited voices on the program, apparently doubling for other characters they encounter. Before launching his showbiz career, he joined the Army and served for three years in the Philippines. After his discharge, he acted on the London stage before returning to America to write comedy plays and act. When America joined the Great War, he reenlisted and served for the duration. Robert Armstrong studied law at the University of Washington before he was forced to quit school to manage his uncle's vaudeville company. He temporarily left showbiz to serve in the Great War. After his service, he began appearing in silent films and eventually talkies. He is best remembered for co-starring with Faye Wray in King Kong (1933) as the con man who brings the great ape back to New York and ends the picture with the prophetic line, "No, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast".

Robby and Jimmy find plenty of adventure as they cross the country, have run-ins with the law and a few bad guys, pick up a young companion named Oswald in Ohio and a dog named Scram in Texas, get jobs in the St. Louis Zoo and let all the animals escape, judge a beauty contest, and find dinosaur footprints in the desert. By the time they reach Los Angeles in Episode 103 they are determined to get into pictures but end up arrested by a radio car in a burger joint.

James Gleason was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7038 Hollywood Blvd for his work in Motion Pictures. He passed away on April 12, 1959. Robert Armstrong died on April 20, 1973. He was 82.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    I could listen to these two all day long...sure glad I finished school! LOL

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    103 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 10 min
    103 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 15 hours, 10 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 103 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 10 minutes
    2. GA 001 Contract Car And Long Trip Ahead.mp3
    3. GA 002 Reviewing Contract And Beginning Their Journey.mp3
    4. GA 003 Trenton Nj Robby Buys Instead Of Selling.mp3
    5. GA 004 Basket Of Pies And Bull In Barn.mp3
    6. GA 005 Camden Nj Jimmy Sells Tire Puller Breakfast.mp3
    7. GA 006 Happy Singing Robby Forgot Picture Of Elizabeth Frost.mp3
    8. GA 007 Editing Robbys Telegram Down To 10 Words.mp3
    9. GA 008 Philadelphia Pa Free Haircut For Robby Parking Ticket.mp3
    10. GA 009 Talking Their Way Out Of Parking Ticket.mp3
    11. GA 010 Robby Sells Tire Puller.mp3
    12. GA 011 Seeing Liberty Bell And Kissing It.mp3
    13. GA 012 Robby Saves Little Girl And Sells 12 Tire Pullers.mp3
    14. GA 013 Drove In Wrong Direction Camp For Night.mp3
    15. GA 014 Good Samaritans Wont Be Selling In Baltimore.mp3
    16. GA 015 Baltimore Md Help Wanted Ad For Maryland Nursery.mp3
    17. GA 016 Robbys Letter To Elizabeth Frost.mp3
    18. GA 017 Caught Speeding Jimmy Sentenced To 10 Days In Jail.mp3
    19. GA 018 Robby Hocks Watch To Bail Jimmy Enters Boxing Contest.mp3
    20. GA 019 Robby Has To Lose 5 Pounds Jimmy Has To Wash Dishes.mp3
    21. GA 020 Robby Is Hungry And Has To Run 5 Miles.mp3
    22. GA 021.mp3
    23. GA 022 Steaming Robby Then Getting Great Unknown Steamed.mp3
    24. GA 023 Robby Loses Fight But Gains Chance For 500 Dollars.mp3
    25. GA 024 Trying To Get Evidence Gets Them Tied Up.mp3
    26. GA 025 Jimmys Plan To Work On Farm Starts At Gas Station.mp3
    27. GA 026 Lots Of Food And Work At Farm.mp3
    28. GA 027 Chambersburg Pa Post Office Robby Gets Wrong Picture.mp3
    29. GA 028 Altoona Pa Applying For An Amateur Contest.mp3
    30. GA 029 Rehearsaling For Contest.mp3
    31. GA 030 Poor Performance Leaves Jimmy Feeling Down.mp3
    32. GA 031 At Post Office Robby Gets His Watch But No Picture.mp3
    33. GA 032 Mckeesport Pa Decision To Sell Car Undecided.mp3
    34. GA 033.mp3
    35. GA 034 Letter From Elizabeth Frost Gets Them Fired.mp3
    36. GA 035 Capturing Criminal And Taking Him To Police.mp3
    37. GA 036 At Bank To Collect 1000 Dollar Reward.mp3
    38. GA 037 New Suits Dinner And Telegram From Mr Frost.mp3
    39. GA 038 Steubenville Oh Writing Cold Letter To Miss Frost.mp3
    40. GA 039 Boys Agree To Give Oswald Lift West.mp3
    41. GA 040 Columbus Oh Chauffer Oswald Crashes Into Lefty Dolan.mp3
    42. GA 041 Picture With Governer And Tom Mix And Day At Ballpark.mp3
    43. GA 042 Writing Letter To Mr Frost And Oswald Gets Arrested.mp3
    44. GA 043 Racing Train And Jimmy Falls Out Of Car.mp3
    45. GA 044 Springfield Oh Jimmy Gets Stuck With Baby.mp3
    46. GA 045 Indianapolis In Jimmy Is Seeing Redhead Named Violet.mp3
    47. GA 046 Chicago Il Jimmy Befriends Cop And Robby Gets Letter.mp3
    48. GA 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity They Practice For It.mp3
    49. GA 048 Dinner At Officer Flahertys Home.mp3
    50. GA 049 Oswald Remains With Boys When Agree To Let Him Sing.mp3
    51. GA 050 Mayoral Dreams Picture And Letter From Mr Frost.mp3
    52. GA 051 Hot Water Cold Milk And Chicken Named Geraldine.mp3
    53. GA 052 Bloomington Il Chicken In China Shop.mp3
    54. GA 053 St Louis Mo Free Meal And Waitress Is Violet.mp3
    55. GA 054 Astrology Predicts Money In Their Future.mp3
    56. GA 055 Three Jobs At St Louis Zoo.mp3
    57. GA 056 Jimmy Boxes Kangaroo And Lions Escape.mp3
    58. GA 057 Hero Robby Hospital Gets Promotion 500 Dollar Reward.mp3
    59. GA 058 Too Late To Send Money Home Oswald Oblivious To Humor.mp3
    60. GA 059 Ozark Mo Robby Wins Cow And Jimmy Has To Milk It.mp3
    61. GA 060 Reading Letters Oswald Brings Back From Post Office.mp3
    62. GA 061 Robby Hid His Money In Haunted House And Its Gone.mp3
    63. GA 062 Leaving For Oklahoma City.mp3
    64. GA 063 Changing Flat Tires Jimmy Out.mp3
    65. GA 064 Claremore Ok Oswald Wins Pie Eating Contest.mp3
    66. GA 065 Tulsa Ok Osage Indians Make Jimmy An Honorary Chief.mp3
    67. GA 066 Ok City Ok Surprise Letter Jimmy Robby Gets Mail Too.mp3
    68. GA 067 Out Of Gas In Texas Oncoming Train Friends To End.mp3
    69. GA 068 Alive And Wet Cowboy Tows Them And Gives Them Jobs.mp3
    70. GA 069 Earning 5 Dollars Day To Tell Tall Tales To Tourists.mp3
    71. GA 070 Leaving Dude Ranch Before Sunrise.mp3
    72. GA 071 Writing Letter Elizabeth Frost Oswald Has Jimmys Vest.mp3
    73. GA 072 Helping Young Couple Leads To 500 Dollar Order.mp3
    74. GA 073 Houston Tx Sending Some Postcards To Friends.mp3
    75. GA 074 Galveston Tx Attending Beauty Pageant Violet.mp3
    76. GA 075 San Antonio Tx Alamo Letter To Robby Grandma Is Sick.mp3
    77. GA 076 Placing Long Distance Call To Robbys Grandma.mp3
    78. GA 077 Pick Up Crazy Hitchhiker.mp3
    79. GA 078 Camping Petrified Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist.mp3
    80. GA 079 El Paso Tx Story Of Curly Bill And Jimmy Gets Dog.mp3
    81. GA 080 Determining Breed Of Dog And They Name It Scram.mp3
    82. GA 081 Juarez Mexico Beans And Smugglers.mp3
    83. GA 082 Prisoners Of Smugglers They Compose Note To Police.mp3
    84. GA 083 Oswald Tells His Parents About Jimmy And Bob.mp3
    85. GA 084 Oswalds Father Recites Santa Fe History.mp3
    86. GA 085 Using Scram To Attract Police And Catch Smugglers.mp3
    87. GA 086 Given Key To City And Interviewed By Reporter.mp3
    88. GA 087 Albuquerqe Nm Buying Camera And Taking Pictures.mp3
    89. GA 088 Santa Fe Nm Another 500 Dollars And They Find Oswald.mp3
    90. GA 089 Meeting Hoffmeisters And Oswald Has Mumps.mp3
    91. GA 090 Doctors Gleason And Armstrong Catch Mumps.mp3
    92. GA 091 Apple Pie Cash Financial Advice Leave With Oswald.mp3
    93. GA 092 Painted Desert Dinosaur Tracks And Sandstorm.mp3
    94. GA 093 Storm Passes And Robby And Scram Are Gone.mp3
    95. GA 094 Reunited At Trading Post Lunch And Donkeys.mp3
    96. GA 095 Back On Road Jimmy Relates Story He Wrote.mp3
    97. GA 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor And Takeoff In Minicopter.mp3
    98. GA 097 Pushing Buttons To Win Trophy As Stunt Pilots.mp3
    99. GA 098 Yuma Az Letter Mr Frost Scram Caught Dog Catcher.mp3
    100. GA 099 San Diego Ca Enter Scram In Whippet Race And He Wins.mp3
    101. GA 100 Attending Formal Banquet To Collect Prize Money.mp3
    102. GA 101 San Juan Capistrano Ca Gypsies And Fortune Telling.mp3
    103. GA 102 Robby Practices Acting Jimmy Writes Oswald Trains.mp3
    104. GA 103.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    103 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 10 min
    103 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    417 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 10 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 103 shows – 417 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 10 minutes
    2. GA 001 Contract Car And Long Trip Ahead.mp3
    3. GA 002 Reviewing Contract And Beginning Their Journey.mp3
    4. GA 003 Trenton Nj Robby Buys Instead Of Selling.mp3
    5. GA 004 Basket Of Pies And Bull In Barn.mp3
    6. GA 005 Camden Nj Jimmy Sells Tire Puller Breakfast.mp3
    7. GA 006 Happy Singing Robby Forgot Picture Of Elizabeth Frost.mp3
    8. GA 007 Editing Robbys Telegram Down To 10 Words.mp3
    9. GA 008 Philadelphia Pa Free Haircut For Robby Parking Ticket.mp3
    10. GA 009 Talking Their Way Out Of Parking Ticket.mp3
    11. GA 010 Robby Sells Tire Puller.mp3
    12. GA 011 Seeing Liberty Bell And Kissing It.mp3
    13. GA 012 Robby Saves Little Girl And Sells 12 Tire Pullers.mp3
    14. GA 013 Drove In Wrong Direction Camp For Night.mp3
    15. GA 014 Good Samaritans Wont Be Selling In Baltimore.mp3
    16. GA 015 Baltimore Md Help Wanted Ad For Maryland Nursery.mp3
    17. GA 016 Robbys Letter To Elizabeth Frost.mp3
    18. GA 017 Caught Speeding Jimmy Sentenced To 10 Days In Jail.mp3
    19. GA 018 Robby Hocks Watch To Bail Jimmy Enters Boxing Contest.mp3
    20. GA 019 Robby Has To Lose 5 Pounds Jimmy Has To Wash Dishes.mp3
    21. GA 020 Robby Is Hungry And Has To Run 5 Miles.mp3
    22. GA 021.mp3
    23. GA 022 Steaming Robby Then Getting Great Unknown Steamed.mp3
    24. GA 023 Robby Loses Fight But Gains Chance For 500 Dollars.mp3
    25. GA 024 Trying To Get Evidence Gets Them Tied Up.mp3
    26. GA 025 Jimmys Plan To Work On Farm Starts At Gas Station.mp3
    27. GA 026 Lots Of Food And Work At Farm.mp3
    28. GA 027 Chambersburg Pa Post Office Robby Gets Wrong Picture.mp3
    29. GA 028 Altoona Pa Applying For An Amateur Contest.mp3
    30. GA 029 Rehearsaling For Contest.mp3
    31. GA 030 Poor Performance Leaves Jimmy Feeling Down.mp3
    32. GA 031 At Post Office Robby Gets His Watch But No Picture.mp3
    33. GA 032 Mckeesport Pa Decision To Sell Car Undecided.mp3
    34. GA 033.mp3
    35. GA 034 Letter From Elizabeth Frost Gets Them Fired.mp3
    36. GA 035 Capturing Criminal And Taking Him To Police.mp3
    37. GA 036 At Bank To Collect 1000 Dollar Reward.mp3
    38. GA 037 New Suits Dinner And Telegram From Mr Frost.mp3
    39. GA 038 Steubenville Oh Writing Cold Letter To Miss Frost.mp3
    40. GA 039 Boys Agree To Give Oswald Lift West.mp3
    41. GA 040 Columbus Oh Chauffer Oswald Crashes Into Lefty Dolan.mp3
    42. GA 041 Picture With Governer And Tom Mix And Day At Ballpark.mp3
    43. GA 042 Writing Letter To Mr Frost And Oswald Gets Arrested.mp3
    44. GA 043 Racing Train And Jimmy Falls Out Of Car.mp3
    45. GA 044 Springfield Oh Jimmy Gets Stuck With Baby.mp3
    46. GA 045 Indianapolis In Jimmy Is Seeing Redhead Named Violet.mp3
    47. GA 046 Chicago Il Jimmy Befriends Cop And Robby Gets Letter.mp3
    48. GA 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity They Practice For It.mp3
    49. GA 048 Dinner At Officer Flahertys Home.mp3
    50. GA 049 Oswald Remains With Boys When Agree To Let Him Sing.mp3
    51. GA 050 Mayoral Dreams Picture And Letter From Mr Frost.mp3
    52. GA 051 Hot Water Cold Milk And Chicken Named Geraldine.mp3
    53. GA 052 Bloomington Il Chicken In China Shop.mp3
    54. GA 053 St Louis Mo Free Meal And Waitress Is Violet.mp3
    55. GA 054 Astrology Predicts Money In Their Future.mp3
    56. GA 055 Three Jobs At St Louis Zoo.mp3
    57. GA 056 Jimmy Boxes Kangaroo And Lions Escape.mp3
    58. GA 057 Hero Robby Hospital Gets Promotion 500 Dollar Reward.mp3
    59. GA 058 Too Late To Send Money Home Oswald Oblivious To Humor.mp3
    60. GA 059 Ozark Mo Robby Wins Cow And Jimmy Has To Milk It.mp3
    61. GA 060 Reading Letters Oswald Brings Back From Post Office.mp3
    62. GA 061 Robby Hid His Money In Haunted House And Its Gone.mp3
    63. GA 062 Leaving For Oklahoma City.mp3
    64. GA 063 Changing Flat Tires Jimmy Out.mp3
    65. GA 064 Claremore Ok Oswald Wins Pie Eating Contest.mp3
    66. GA 065 Tulsa Ok Osage Indians Make Jimmy An Honorary Chief.mp3
    67. GA 066 Ok City Ok Surprise Letter Jimmy Robby Gets Mail Too.mp3
    68. GA 067 Out Of Gas In Texas Oncoming Train Friends To End.mp3
    69. GA 068 Alive And Wet Cowboy Tows Them And Gives Them Jobs.mp3
    70. GA 069 Earning 5 Dollars Day To Tell Tall Tales To Tourists.mp3
    71. GA 070 Leaving Dude Ranch Before Sunrise.mp3
    72. GA 071 Writing Letter Elizabeth Frost Oswald Has Jimmys Vest.mp3
    73. GA 072 Helping Young Couple Leads To 500 Dollar Order.mp3
    74. GA 073 Houston Tx Sending Some Postcards To Friends.mp3
    75. GA 074 Galveston Tx Attending Beauty Pageant Violet.mp3
    76. GA 075 San Antonio Tx Alamo Letter To Robby Grandma Is Sick.mp3
    77. GA 076 Placing Long Distance Call To Robbys Grandma.mp3
    78. GA 077 Pick Up Crazy Hitchhiker.mp3
    79. GA 078 Camping Petrified Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist.mp3
    80. GA 079 El Paso Tx Story Of Curly Bill And Jimmy Gets Dog.mp3
    81. GA 080 Determining Breed Of Dog And They Name It Scram.mp3
    82. GA 081 Juarez Mexico Beans And Smugglers.mp3
    83. GA 082 Prisoners Of Smugglers They Compose Note To Police.mp3
    84. GA 083 Oswald Tells His Parents About Jimmy And Bob.mp3
    85. GA 084 Oswalds Father Recites Santa Fe History.mp3
    86. GA 085 Using Scram To Attract Police And Catch Smugglers.mp3
    87. GA 086 Given Key To City And Interviewed By Reporter.mp3
    88. GA 087 Albuquerqe Nm Buying Camera And Taking Pictures.mp3
    89. GA 088 Santa Fe Nm Another 500 Dollars And They Find Oswald.mp3
    90. GA 089 Meeting Hoffmeisters And Oswald Has Mumps.mp3
    91. GA 090 Doctors Gleason And Armstrong Catch Mumps.mp3
    92. GA 091 Apple Pie Cash Financial Advice Leave With Oswald.mp3
    93. GA 092 Painted Desert Dinosaur Tracks And Sandstorm.mp3
    94. GA 093 Storm Passes And Robby And Scram Are Gone.mp3
    95. GA 094 Reunited At Trading Post Lunch And Donkeys.mp3
    96. GA 095 Back On Road Jimmy Relates Story He Wrote.mp3
    97. GA 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor And Takeoff In Minicopter.mp3
    98. GA 097 Pushing Buttons To Win Trophy As Stunt Pilots.mp3
    99. GA 098 Yuma Az Letter Mr Frost Scram Caught Dog Catcher.mp3
    100. GA 099 San Diego Ca Enter Scram In Whippet Race And He Wins.mp3
    101. GA 100 Attending Formal Banquet To Collect Prize Money.mp3
    102. GA 101 San Juan Capistrano Ca Gypsies And Fortune Telling.mp3
    103. GA 102 Robby Practices Acting Jimmy Writes Oswald Trains.mp3
    104. GA 103.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    103 recordings on 15 Audio CDs. Total playtime 15 hours, 10 min
    103 recordings on 15 Audio CDs
    total playtime 15 hours, 10 min

    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A001

    1. GA 001 Contract Car And Long Trip Ahead
    2. GA 002 Reviewing Contract And Beginning Their Journey
    3. GA 003 Trenton Nj Robby Buys Instead Of Selling
    4. GA 004 Basket Of Pies And Bull In Barn
    5. GA 005 Camden Nj Jimmy Sells Tire Puller Breakfast
    6. GA 006 Happy Singing Robby Forgot Picture Of Elizabeth Frost
    7. GA 007 Editing Robbys Telegram Down To 10 Words
    8. GA 008 Philadelphia Pa Free Haircut For Robby Parking Ticket

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A002

    1. GA 009 Talking Their Way Out Of Parking Ticket
    2. GA 010 Robby Sells Tire Puller
    3. GA 011 Seeing Liberty Bell And Kissing It
    4. GA 012 Robby Saves Little Girl And Sells 12 Tire Pullers
    5. GA 013 Drove In Wrong Direction Camp For Night
    6. GA 014 Good Samaritans Wont Be Selling In Baltimore
    7. GA 015 Baltimore Md Help Wanted Ad For Maryland Nursery
    8. GA 016 Robbys Letter To Elizabeth Frost

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A003

    1. GA 017 Caught Speeding Jimmy Sentenced To 10 Days In Jail
    2. GA 018 Robby Hocks Watch To Bail Jimmy Enters Boxing Contest
    3. GA 019 Robby Has To Lose 5 Pounds Jimmy Has To Wash Dishes
    4. GA 020 Robby Is Hungry And Has To Run 5 Miles
    5. GA 021
    6. GA 022 Steaming Robby Then Getting Great Unknown Steamed
    7. GA 023 Robby Loses Fight But Gains Chance For 500 Dollars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A004

    1. GA 024 Trying To Get Evidence Gets Them Tied Up
    2. GA 025 Jimmys Plan To Work On Farm Starts At Gas Station
    3. GA 026 Lots Of Food And Work At Farm
    4. GA 027 Chambersburg Pa Post Office Robby Gets Wrong Picture
    5. GA 028 Altoona Pa Applying For An Amateur Contest
    6. GA 029 Rehearsaling For Contest
    7. GA 030 Poor Performance Leaves Jimmy Feeling Down
    8. GA 031 At Post Office Robby Gets His Watch But No Picture

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A005

    1. GA 032 Mckeesport Pa Decision To Sell Car Undecided
    2. GA 033
    3. GA 034 Letter From Elizabeth Frost Gets Them Fired
    4. GA 035 Capturing Criminal And Taking Him To Police
    5. GA 036 At Bank To Collect 1000 Dollar Reward
    6. GA 037 New Suits Dinner And Telegram From Mr Frost
    7. GA 038 Steubenville Oh Writing Cold Letter To Miss Frost

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A006

    1. GA 039 Boys Agree To Give Oswald Lift West
    2. GA 040 Columbus Oh Chauffer Oswald Crashes Into Lefty Dolan
    3. GA 041 Picture With Governer And Tom Mix And Day At Ballpark
    4. GA 042 Writing Letter To Mr Frost And Oswald Gets Arrested
    5. GA 043 Racing Train And Jimmy Falls Out Of Car
    6. GA 044 Springfield Oh Jimmy Gets Stuck With Baby
    7. GA 045 Indianapolis In Jimmy Is Seeing Redhead Named Violet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A007

    1. GA 046 Chicago Il Jimmy Befriends Cop And Robby Gets Letter
    2. GA 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity They Practice For It
    3. GA 048 Dinner At Officer Flahertys Home
    4. GA 049 Oswald Remains With Boys When Agree To Let Him Sing
    5. GA 050 Mayoral Dreams Picture And Letter From Mr Frost
    6. GA 051 Hot Water Cold Milk And Chicken Named Geraldine
    7. GA 052 Bloomington Il Chicken In China Shop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A008

    1. GA 053 St Louis Mo Free Meal And Waitress Is Violet
    2. GA 054 Astrology Predicts Money In Their Future
    3. GA 055 Three Jobs At St Louis Zoo
    4. GA 056 Jimmy Boxes Kangaroo And Lions Escape
    5. GA 057 Hero Robby Hospital Gets Promotion 500 Dollar Reward
    6. GA 058 Too Late To Send Money Home Oswald Oblivious To Humor
    7. GA 059 Ozark Mo Robby Wins Cow And Jimmy Has To Milk It
    8. GA 060 Reading Letters Oswald Brings Back From Post Office

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A009

    1. GA 061 Robby Hid His Money In Haunted House And Its Gone
    2. GA 062 Leaving For Oklahoma City
    3. GA 063 Changing Flat Tires Jimmy Out
    4. GA 064 Claremore Ok Oswald Wins Pie Eating Contest
    5. GA 065 Tulsa Ok Osage Indians Make Jimmy An Honorary Chief
    6. GA 066 Ok City Ok Surprise Letter Jimmy Robby Gets Mail Too
    7. GA 067 Out Of Gas In Texas Oncoming Train Friends To End

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A010

    1. GA 068 Alive And Wet Cowboy Tows Them And Gives Them Jobs
    2. GA 069 Earning 5 Dollars Day To Tell Tall Tales To Tourists
    3. GA 070 Leaving Dude Ranch Before Sunrise
    4. GA 071 Writing Letter Elizabeth Frost Oswald Has Jimmys Vest
    5. GA 072 Helping Young Couple Leads To 500 Dollar Order
    6. GA 073 Houston Tx Sending Some Postcards To Friends
    7. GA 074 Galveston Tx Attending Beauty Pageant Violet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A011

    1. GA 075 San Antonio Tx Alamo Letter To Robby Grandma Is Sick
    2. GA 076 Placing Long Distance Call To Robbys Grandma
    3. GA 077 Pick Up Crazy Hitchhiker
    4. GA 078 Camping Petrified Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist
    5. GA 079 El Paso Tx Story Of Curly Bill And Jimmy Gets Dog
    6. GA 080 Determining Breed Of Dog And They Name It Scram
    7. GA 081 Juarez Mexico Beans And Smugglers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A012

    1. GA 082 Prisoners Of Smugglers They Compose Note To Police
    2. GA 083 Oswald Tells His Parents About Jimmy And Bob
    3. GA 084 Oswalds Father Recites Santa Fe History
    4. GA 085 Using Scram To Attract Police And Catch Smugglers
    5. GA 086 Given Key To City And Interviewed By Reporter
    6. GA 087 Albuquerqe Nm Buying Camera And Taking Pictures
    7. GA 088 Santa Fe Nm Another 500 Dollars And They Find Oswald

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A013

    1. GA 089 Meeting Hoffmeisters And Oswald Has Mumps
    2. GA 090 Doctors Gleason And Armstrong Catch Mumps
    3. GA 091 Apple Pie Cash Financial Advice Leave With Oswald
    4. GA 092 Painted Desert Dinosaur Tracks And Sandstorm
    5. GA 093 Storm Passes And Robby And Scram Are Gone
    6. GA 094 Reunited At Trading Post Lunch And Donkeys
    7. GA 095 Back On Road Jimmy Relates Story He Wrote

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A014

    1. GA 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor And Takeoff In Minicopter
    2. GA 097 Pushing Buttons To Win Trophy As Stunt Pilots
    3. GA 098 Yuma Az Letter Mr Frost Scram Caught Dog Catcher
    4. GA 099 San Diego Ca Enter Scram In Whippet Race And He Wins
    5. GA 100 Attending Formal Banquet To Collect Prize Money
    6. GA 101 San Juan Capistrano Ca Gypsies And Fortune Telling
    7. GA 102 Robby Practices Acting Jimmy Writes Oswald Trains

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    Gleason and Armstrong Disc A015

    1. GA 103

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