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G.I. Jive (with G.I. Jill)

When YANK Magazine sponsored GI Jive, it was hard to tell whether the G.I.s tuned in to hear the hot requested music or the voice of pretty "GI Jill", played by Martha Wilkerson.

GI Jive (with G.I. Jill)

171 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 42 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
42 Audio CDs

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"Rhum Boogie"

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Virginia Gilmore
(AFRS, WWII Era Musical Program)

G.I. Jive was a radio show sent out by short wave during World War 2. The show starred G. I. Jane, Martha Wilkerson in real-life, who was a counterpoint to Tokyo Rose and Berlin Betty.

GI Jill 1944YANK, The Army Weekly was one of the most widely read magazines during WWII. The idea for the magazine is credited to Egbert White, who had been a writer for Stars and Stripes during WWI. What made Yank unique was that it was written for the Enlisted Man by Enlisted Men. The editorial work was done in New York, then the editions were shipped over seas for printing. There were editions for British, Mediterranean, Continental and Western Pacific theaters. There was a 5 or 10 cent charge for each copy, the theory being the Magazine would be more valued by soldiers and sailors if they had to pay for it.

From the beginning the Enlisted editors and writers knew what Enlisted men wanted. Jazz, laughs, and Pretty Girls.

Every issue featured a Pin-Up Girl. Cartoons were a part of the magazine, starting with Sad Sack, the hapless private who was "drafted" into the magazine in May 1942 and featured until he and the magazine were "formally discharged" in 1945.

The Jazz was brought in the form of G.I. Jive, The AEF Jukebox of the Air, a music program originally produced by the Office of War Information and then given to AFRS. The Pin-Up Girls were important on the Radio as well.

Jane WymanFor the first 600 or so episodes both credited and uncredited disc jockeys were used. Sometime these were servicemen who had a good radio voice and an interest in jazz, but many times a WAAC or WAV, or else a Hollywood Pin-Up Girl would be called to the microphone. Virginia Gilmore, Jane Wyman, Ann Rutherford, and Ethel Smith were among the guest DJ's.

After episode 600 the primary DJ would be "G.I. Jill", the air-alias of Martha Wilkerson. Wilkerson had been an employee of the OWI, doing a show with her husband ex Radioman Mort werner playing Jack and Jill on Hi Neighbor. When she made the move to AFRS it was without her husband, much to the delight of her many listeners.

Of the number of shows AFRS was presenting during WWII, G.I. Jill received a quarter of the fan mail. The G.I.s loved her with her homey touches and her genuine affection for them. (On one episode she pauses, saying she had bumped "that darn jukebox" and had a run in her stockings, "Does anyone know where I can get some silk stockings?")

G.I. Jill was sometimes thought to be an answer to Tokyo Rose. In actuality the G.I.s just like Jill better. She was a piece of home, and her records were better than Tokyo Rose's.

Wilkerson recorded for G.I. Jive six days a week. The program was broadcast over short-wave for Africa and Parts of Europe, and transcribed onto disks that were distributed to the Pacific over a "mosquito network."

See also: Jill's All-Time Jukebox

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    17     4


    This collection is a living time machine. In many cases, "GI Jive" was transmitted from portable radio stations close to the front lines, with programs were assembled in response to the actual soldiers' requests: we can learn what the preferences were and which way they were changing as the war progressed. Intermissions are filled with with contemporaneous anecdotes, regretfully not always preserved for posterity in a written form. Another amazing detail: the calls, as early as in 1943, to the GIs to join universities upon return. The music selection is as sporadic as it is sincere: I am listening to the collection all the time, for four years already.

    Maxim Verified Purchase

    G.I. Jive is an excellent collection of the most popular selections, as requested by WW II G.I.s. It was presented by G.I. Jill, who introduced the records in an inimitable, personal way

    Eddy Verified Purchase

    G.I. Jive, the AEF Jukebox of the Air during WWII, sent out by shortwave to our troops around the world. Phenomenal jazz, swing, big band, blues, torch, and 40s pop, 15 minutes, spun with style and hip chatter. Looking forward to the episodes with Martha Wilkerson, the famous G.I. Jill platter spinner, but every episode has gems.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    Super jazz show - no nonsense, just great swing and crooners.

    William Verified Purchase

    Armed forces radio is probably one of the least known & most under rated services I know of. I grew up during WWII and all these bands on GI Jive were on the airwaves. They entertained both the civilians & Armed Forces personnel in dire times. I subsequently went to work for a World-wide government agency that posted me in SE Asia for over 11 years. AFRT was my mainstay for many years. You see the tradition that sprung up during WWII did not wither on the vine after August 1945-in fact it grew greater. I recall that odd moment when I tuned my a.m. radio to AFR Saigon and heard Wolfman Jack blasting across the SE Asia airways. I can't imagine what the Vietnamese were thinking. OTRCAT has preserved these precious moments in time when radio was our mainstay and kept our spirits distracted to the human tragedy unfolding in the war.

    Paul Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    171 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 42 hours, 39 min
    171 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 42 hours, 39 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 93 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0271 Tommy Dorsey Mandy, Make Up Your Mind.mp3
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0272 Good Queen Bess.mp3
    4. GI Jive Afrs 0359 Coast Guard Day.mp3
    5. GI Jive Afrs 0380 WBS Giles O'Connor.mp3
    6. GI Jive Afrs 0381.mp3
    7. GI Jive Afrs 0382 Jeri Sullivan.mp3
    8. Gi Jive Afrs 0414 Joe Turner Blues.mp3
    9. Gi Jive Afrs 0415 Lucky Millinder Are You Ready.mp3
    10. Gi Jive Afrs 0416 Lucky Millinder Apollo Jump.mp3
    11. Gi Jive Afrs 0417 Ginny Simms Im Like Fish Out Of Water.mp3
    12. Gi Jive Afrs 0449 Erskine Hawkins Limehouse Blues.mp3
    13. Gi Jive Afrs 0450 Lucky Millender Jitters.mp3
    14. Gi Jive Afrs 0459 Glenn Miller Hallelujah.mp3
    15. Gi Jive Afrs 0460 Eddie Miller Shortnin Bread.mp3
    16. Gi Jive Afrs 0465 Benny Goodman Lets Dance.mp3
    17. Gi Jive Afrs 0466 Harry James Backbeat Boogie.mp3
    18. Gi Jive Afrs 0486.mp3
    19. Gi Jive Afrs 0487.mp3
    20. Gi Jive Afrs 0509 Rhum Boogie.mp3
    21. Gi Jive Afrs 0510 Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie.mp3
    22. Gi Jive Afrs 0515 Kay Kyser Pushing Sand.mp3
    23. Gi Jive Afrs 0516 Skinnay Ennis Sewanee.mp3
    24. Gi Jive Afrs 0524 Dee Pee Johnson Fletcher's Lullaby.mp3
    25. Gi Jive Afrs 0529 Tony Pastor Horn Power.mp3
    26. Gi Jive Afrs 0601 Benny Goodman Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    27. Gi Jive Afrs 0602 Count Basie Blue Lou.mp3
    28. Gi Jive Afrs 0617 Bing Crosby Rollio Rolling Along.mp3
    29. Gi Jive Afrs 0618 Andy Kirk Riding Along.mp3
    30. Gi Jive Afrs 0675.mp3
    31. Gi Jive Afrs 0676.mp3
    32. Gi Jive Afrs 0703 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    33. Gi Jive Afrs 0704 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver.mp3
    34. Gi Jive Afrs 0705 Tommy Dorsey Blue Skies.mp3
    35. Gi Jive Afrs 0706 Blue Lou.mp3
    36. Gi Jive Afrs 0745.mp3
    37. Gi Jive Afrs 0746.mp3
    38. Gi Jive Afrs 0829 Margie.mp3
    39. Gi Jive Afrs 0830 Woodchoppers Ball.mp3
    40. Gi Jive Afrs 0831 Dipper Mouth Blues.mp3
    41. Gi Jive Afrs 0832 Elks Parade.mp3
    42. Gi Jive Afrs 0833 Changes.mp3
    43. Gi Jive Afrs 0834 Swanee River.mp3
    44. Gi Jive Afrs 0835 Well Get It.mp3
    45. Gi Jive Afrs 0836 Jumping At Woodside.mp3
    46. Gi Jive Afrs 0837 Eager Beaver.mp3
    47. Gi Jive Afrs 0838 Alexanders Rag Time Band.mp3
    48. Gi Jive Afrs 0839 Casa Loma Stomp.mp3
    49. Gi Jive Afrs 0840 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    50. Gi Jive Afrs 0841 Night Ride.mp3
    51. Gi Jive Afrs 0842 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby.mp3
    52. Gi Jive Afrs 0843 Bob Crosby Honky Tonk Train Blues.mp3
    53. Gi Jive Afrs 0844 Harry James Sad Sack.mp3
    54. Gi Jive Afrs 0845 Glenn Miller Here We Go Again.mp3
    55. Gi Jive Afrs 0846 Benny Goodman King Porter Stomp.mp3
    56. Gi Jive Afrs 0847 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    57. Gi Jive Afrs 0848 Tommy Dorsey Song Of India.mp3
    58. Gi Jive Afrs 0849 Harry James Strictly Instrumental.mp3
    59. Gi Jive Afrs 0850 Harry James Trumpet Blues.mp3
    60. Gi Jive Afrs 0851 Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    61. Gi Jive Afrs 0852 King Porter Stomp.mp3
    62. Gi Jive Afrs 0853 Bob Crosby South Rampart Street Parade.mp3
    63. Gi Jive Afrs 0854 Glenn Miller Caribbean Clipper.mp3
    64. Gi Jive Afrs 0855 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver.mp3
    65. Gi Jive Afrs 0856 Tommy Dorsey Well Get It.mp3
    66. Gi Jive Afrs 0863.mp3
    67. Gi Jive Afrs 0864.mp3
    68. Gi Jive Afrs 0890 Tommy Dorsey Moonlight On Ganges.mp3
    69. Gi Jive Afrs 0892 Count Basie Gi Stomp.mp3
    70. Gi Jive Afrs 0901 Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    71. Gi Jive Afrs 0906 Erskine Hawkins King Porter Stomp.mp3
    72. Gi Jive Afrs 0908 Bunny Goodman Changes.mp3
    73. Gi Jive Afrs 0914 Bunny Berrigan Deed I Do.mp3
    74. GI Jive Afrs 1357.mp3
    75. GI Jive Afrs 1358.mp3
    76. GI Jive Afrs 1367.mp3
    77. GI Jive Afrs 1368.mp3
    78. GI Jive Afrs 1375.mp3
    79. GI Jive Afrs 1376.mp3
    80. GI Jive Afrs 1379.mp3
    81. GI Jive Afrs 1380.mp3
    82. GI Jive Afrs 1381.mp3
    83. GI Jive Afrs 1382.mp3
    84. GI Jive Afrs 1389.mp3
    85. GI Jive Afrs 1390.mp3
    86. Gi Jive Afrs 1419 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    87. Gi Jive Afrs 1420 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    88. Gi Jive Afrs 1421.mp3
    89. Gi Jive Afrs 1434 461112 .mp3
    90. Gi Jive Afrs 1435 461112 .mp3
    91. Gi Jive Afrs 1895 Tommy Dorsey Whistlers Song.mp3
    92. Gi Jive Afrs 1896 Margaret Whiting There Goes The Boy.mp3
    93. GI Jive Afrs 2107 Andrews Sist Carmen Miranda Cuanto laGusta.mp3
    94. GI Jive Afrs 2108 Stan Kenton Theme To The West.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 78 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1422.mp3
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1423 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1424 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    5. Gi Jive Afrs 1429.mp3
    6. Gi Jive Afrs 1430.mp3
    7. Gi Jive Afrs 1553 Glenn Miller In Mood.mp3
    8. Gi Jive Afrs 1554 Tommy Dorsey For You.mp3
    9. Gi Jive Afrs 1601 Gene Krupa.mp3
    10. Gi Jive Afrs 1602 Jill Stan Kenton Southern Scandal.mp3
    11. Gi Jive Afrs 1651 Dedicated To Mail Apo 927 Judy Garland Day.mp3
    12. Gi Jive Afrs 1652 Woody Herman Northwest Passagebest.mp3
    13. Gi Jive Afrs 1669 Frank Sinatra I Begged Her.mp3
    14. Gi Jive Afrs 1670 Stan Kenton Artistry Jumps.mp3
    15. Gi Jive Afrs 1683 Lionel Hampton Central Avenue Breakdown.mp3
    16. Gi Jive Afrs 1684 Benny Goodman Fine And Dandy.mp3
    17. Gi Jive Afrs 1685 Count Basie One Oclock Jump.mp3
    18. Gi Jive Afrs 1686 Stan Kenton Across Alley From Alamo.mp3
    19. Gi Jive Afrs 1739 Benny Goodman Roll Em.mp3
    20. Gi Jive Afrs 1740 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby.mp3
    21. Gi Jive Afrs 1753 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    22. Gi Jive Afrs 1754 Count Basie Blue Skies.mp3
    23. Gi Jive Afrs 1765 Tex Beneke Hey Babareba Scratched.mp3
    24. Gi Jive Afrs 1766 Harry James Music Makers.mp3
    25. Gi Jive Afrs 1777 Artie Shaw Day.mp3
    26. Gi Jive Afrs 1778 Benny Goodman Records.mp3
    27. Gi Jive Afrs 1795 Harry James Clipper.mp3
    28. Gi Jive Afrs 1796 Tommy Dorsey Nola.mp3
    29. Gi Jive Afrs 1837 Tommy Dorsey Chicago Scratched.mp3
    30. Gi Jive Afrs 1838 Tommy Dorsey Sunny Side Of Street.mp3
    31. Gi Jive Afrs 1839 Harry James Strictly Instrumental.mp3
    32. Gi Jive Afrs 1840 Tommy Dorsey Chloe.mp3
    33. Gi Jive Afrs 1871 Bye Bye Blackbird.mp3
    34. Gi Jive Afrs 1872 Tommy Dorsey Opus Number One.mp3
    35. Gi Jive Afrs 1875 Td Tromboneology.mp3
    36. Gi Jive Afrs 1876 Benny Goodman Get Happy.mp3
    37. GI Jive Afrs 2111 All B Goodman.mp3
    38. GI Jive Afrs 2155 Benny Goodman Jumpin at the Woodside.mp3
    39. GI Jive Afrs 2156 Eddie Haywood Loch Lomond.mp3
    40. GI Jive Afrs 2223 Lucky Millinder The Hucklebuck.mp3
    41. GI Jive Afrs 2224 Artie Shaw The Man I Love.mp3
    42. GI Jive Afrs 2251 Les Brown Doris Day Taint Me.mp3
    43. GI Jive Afrs 2252 Benny Goodman Just One Of Those Things.mp3
    44. GI Jive Afrs 2253 Harry James Trumpet Rhapsody.mp3
    45. GI Jive Afrs 2254 Stan Kenton Inermission Riff.mp3
    46. GI Jive Afrs 2256 Artie Shaw Beyond Blue Horizon.mp3
    47. GI Jive Afrs 2257 Lionel Hampton Hamps Boogie Woogie #2.mp3
    48. Gi Jive Afrs 440926 Ep001 Premiere Broadcast.mp3
    49. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1434.mp3
    50. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1435.mp3
    51. Gi Jive Afrs Ambrose Night Ride.mp3
    52. Gi Jive Afrs Artie Shaw Indian Love Call.mp3
    53. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Get Happy.mp3
    54. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Sugarfoot Stomp.mp3
    55. Gi Jive Afrs Bob Crosby Java Junction.mp3
    56. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan High Society.mp3
    57. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan Jivin.mp3
    58. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Barnet Cherokee.mp3
    59. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Spivak Soldier Jumped At Dawn.mp3
    60. Gi Jive Afrs Count Basie Jumpin At Woodside.mp3
    61. Gi Jive Afrs Eddie Miller Stomp Mr Henry Lee.mp3
    62. Gi Jive Afrs Glenn Miller American Patrol.mp3
    63. Gi Jive Afrs Gmiller Vdisc Int.mp3
    64. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James 920 Special.mp3
    65. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Backbeat Boogie.mp3
    66. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Trumpet Blues.mp3
    67. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Two Oclock Jump.mp3
    68. Gi Jive Afrs Jimmy Lunceford Jeep Rythmn.mp3
    69. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie.mp3
    70. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    71. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Well Get It.mp3
    72. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Who.mp3
    73. Gi Jive Afrs Woody Herman Woodchoppers Ball.mp3
    74. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121194 1946.mp3
    75. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946.mp3
    76. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121197 1946.mp3
    77. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12932 1945.mp3
    78. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12933 1945.mp3
    79. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12934 1945.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    171 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 42 hours, 39 min
    171 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1172 MB – total playtime 42 hours, 39 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 93 shows – 633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 2 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0271 Tommy Dorsey Mandy, Make Up Your Mind.mp3
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0272 Good Queen Bess.mp3
    4. GI Jive Afrs 0359 Coast Guard Day.mp3
    5. GI Jive Afrs 0380 WBS Giles O'Connor.mp3
    6. GI Jive Afrs 0381.mp3
    7. GI Jive Afrs 0382 Jeri Sullivan.mp3
    8. Gi Jive Afrs 0414 Joe Turner Blues.mp3
    9. Gi Jive Afrs 0415 Lucky Millinder Are You Ready.mp3
    10. Gi Jive Afrs 0416 Lucky Millinder Apollo Jump.mp3
    11. Gi Jive Afrs 0417 Ginny Simms Im Like Fish Out Of Water.mp3
    12. Gi Jive Afrs 0449 Erskine Hawkins Limehouse Blues.mp3
    13. Gi Jive Afrs 0450 Lucky Millender Jitters.mp3
    14. Gi Jive Afrs 0459 Glenn Miller Hallelujah.mp3
    15. Gi Jive Afrs 0460 Eddie Miller Shortnin Bread.mp3
    16. Gi Jive Afrs 0465 Benny Goodman Lets Dance.mp3
    17. Gi Jive Afrs 0466 Harry James Backbeat Boogie.mp3
    18. Gi Jive Afrs 0486.mp3
    19. Gi Jive Afrs 0487.mp3
    20. Gi Jive Afrs 0509 Rhum Boogie.mp3
    21. Gi Jive Afrs 0510 Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie.mp3
    22. Gi Jive Afrs 0515 Kay Kyser Pushing Sand.mp3
    23. Gi Jive Afrs 0516 Skinnay Ennis Sewanee.mp3
    24. Gi Jive Afrs 0524 Dee Pee Johnson Fletcher's Lullaby.mp3
    25. Gi Jive Afrs 0529 Tony Pastor Horn Power.mp3
    26. Gi Jive Afrs 0601 Benny Goodman Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    27. Gi Jive Afrs 0602 Count Basie Blue Lou.mp3
    28. Gi Jive Afrs 0617 Bing Crosby Rollio Rolling Along.mp3
    29. Gi Jive Afrs 0618 Andy Kirk Riding Along.mp3
    30. Gi Jive Afrs 0675.mp3
    31. Gi Jive Afrs 0676.mp3
    32. Gi Jive Afrs 0703 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    33. Gi Jive Afrs 0704 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver.mp3
    34. Gi Jive Afrs 0705 Tommy Dorsey Blue Skies.mp3
    35. Gi Jive Afrs 0706 Blue Lou.mp3
    36. Gi Jive Afrs 0745.mp3
    37. Gi Jive Afrs 0746.mp3
    38. Gi Jive Afrs 0829 Margie.mp3
    39. Gi Jive Afrs 0830 Woodchoppers Ball.mp3
    40. Gi Jive Afrs 0831 Dipper Mouth Blues.mp3
    41. Gi Jive Afrs 0832 Elks Parade.mp3
    42. Gi Jive Afrs 0833 Changes.mp3
    43. Gi Jive Afrs 0834 Swanee River.mp3
    44. Gi Jive Afrs 0835 Well Get It.mp3
    45. Gi Jive Afrs 0836 Jumping At Woodside.mp3
    46. Gi Jive Afrs 0837 Eager Beaver.mp3
    47. Gi Jive Afrs 0838 Alexanders Rag Time Band.mp3
    48. Gi Jive Afrs 0839 Casa Loma Stomp.mp3
    49. Gi Jive Afrs 0840 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    50. Gi Jive Afrs 0841 Night Ride.mp3
    51. Gi Jive Afrs 0842 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby.mp3
    52. Gi Jive Afrs 0843 Bob Crosby Honky Tonk Train Blues.mp3
    53. Gi Jive Afrs 0844 Harry James Sad Sack.mp3
    54. Gi Jive Afrs 0845 Glenn Miller Here We Go Again.mp3
    55. Gi Jive Afrs 0846 Benny Goodman King Porter Stomp.mp3
    56. Gi Jive Afrs 0847 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    57. Gi Jive Afrs 0848 Tommy Dorsey Song Of India.mp3
    58. Gi Jive Afrs 0849 Harry James Strictly Instrumental.mp3
    59. Gi Jive Afrs 0850 Harry James Trumpet Blues.mp3
    60. Gi Jive Afrs 0851 Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    61. Gi Jive Afrs 0852 King Porter Stomp.mp3
    62. Gi Jive Afrs 0853 Bob Crosby South Rampart Street Parade.mp3
    63. Gi Jive Afrs 0854 Glenn Miller Caribbean Clipper.mp3
    64. Gi Jive Afrs 0855 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver.mp3
    65. Gi Jive Afrs 0856 Tommy Dorsey Well Get It.mp3
    66. Gi Jive Afrs 0863.mp3
    67. Gi Jive Afrs 0864.mp3
    68. Gi Jive Afrs 0890 Tommy Dorsey Moonlight On Ganges.mp3
    69. Gi Jive Afrs 0892 Count Basie Gi Stomp.mp3
    70. Gi Jive Afrs 0901 Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    71. Gi Jive Afrs 0906 Erskine Hawkins King Porter Stomp.mp3
    72. Gi Jive Afrs 0908 Bunny Goodman Changes.mp3
    73. Gi Jive Afrs 0914 Bunny Berrigan Deed I Do.mp3
    74. GI Jive Afrs 1357.mp3
    75. GI Jive Afrs 1358.mp3
    76. GI Jive Afrs 1367.mp3
    77. GI Jive Afrs 1368.mp3
    78. GI Jive Afrs 1375.mp3
    79. GI Jive Afrs 1376.mp3
    80. GI Jive Afrs 1379.mp3
    81. GI Jive Afrs 1380.mp3
    82. GI Jive Afrs 1381.mp3
    83. GI Jive Afrs 1382.mp3
    84. GI Jive Afrs 1389.mp3
    85. GI Jive Afrs 1390.mp3
    86. Gi Jive Afrs 1419 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    87. Gi Jive Afrs 1420 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    88. Gi Jive Afrs 1421.mp3
    89. Gi Jive Afrs 1434 461112 .mp3
    90. Gi Jive Afrs 1435 461112 .mp3
    91. Gi Jive Afrs 1895 Tommy Dorsey Whistlers Song.mp3
    92. Gi Jive Afrs 1896 Margaret Whiting There Goes The Boy.mp3
    93. GI Jive Afrs 2107 Andrews Sist Carmen Miranda Cuanto laGusta.mp3
    94. GI Jive Afrs 2108 Stan Kenton Theme To The West.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 78 shows – 539 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1422.mp3
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1423 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1424 War And Navy Dept.mp3
    5. Gi Jive Afrs 1429.mp3
    6. Gi Jive Afrs 1430.mp3
    7. Gi Jive Afrs 1553 Glenn Miller In Mood.mp3
    8. Gi Jive Afrs 1554 Tommy Dorsey For You.mp3
    9. Gi Jive Afrs 1601 Gene Krupa.mp3
    10. Gi Jive Afrs 1602 Jill Stan Kenton Southern Scandal.mp3
    11. Gi Jive Afrs 1651 Dedicated To Mail Apo 927 Judy Garland Day.mp3
    12. Gi Jive Afrs 1652 Woody Herman Northwest Passagebest.mp3
    13. Gi Jive Afrs 1669 Frank Sinatra I Begged Her.mp3
    14. Gi Jive Afrs 1670 Stan Kenton Artistry Jumps.mp3
    15. Gi Jive Afrs 1683 Lionel Hampton Central Avenue Breakdown.mp3
    16. Gi Jive Afrs 1684 Benny Goodman Fine And Dandy.mp3
    17. Gi Jive Afrs 1685 Count Basie One Oclock Jump.mp3
    18. Gi Jive Afrs 1686 Stan Kenton Across Alley From Alamo.mp3
    19. Gi Jive Afrs 1739 Benny Goodman Roll Em.mp3
    20. Gi Jive Afrs 1740 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby.mp3
    21. Gi Jive Afrs 1753 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag.mp3
    22. Gi Jive Afrs 1754 Count Basie Blue Skies.mp3
    23. Gi Jive Afrs 1765 Tex Beneke Hey Babareba Scratched.mp3
    24. Gi Jive Afrs 1766 Harry James Music Makers.mp3
    25. Gi Jive Afrs 1777 Artie Shaw Day.mp3
    26. Gi Jive Afrs 1778 Benny Goodman Records.mp3
    27. Gi Jive Afrs 1795 Harry James Clipper.mp3
    28. Gi Jive Afrs 1796 Tommy Dorsey Nola.mp3
    29. Gi Jive Afrs 1837 Tommy Dorsey Chicago Scratched.mp3
    30. Gi Jive Afrs 1838 Tommy Dorsey Sunny Side Of Street.mp3
    31. Gi Jive Afrs 1839 Harry James Strictly Instrumental.mp3
    32. Gi Jive Afrs 1840 Tommy Dorsey Chloe.mp3
    33. Gi Jive Afrs 1871 Bye Bye Blackbird.mp3
    34. Gi Jive Afrs 1872 Tommy Dorsey Opus Number One.mp3
    35. Gi Jive Afrs 1875 Td Tromboneology.mp3
    36. Gi Jive Afrs 1876 Benny Goodman Get Happy.mp3
    37. GI Jive Afrs 2111 All B Goodman.mp3
    38. GI Jive Afrs 2155 Benny Goodman Jumpin at the Woodside.mp3
    39. GI Jive Afrs 2156 Eddie Haywood Loch Lomond.mp3
    40. GI Jive Afrs 2223 Lucky Millinder The Hucklebuck.mp3
    41. GI Jive Afrs 2224 Artie Shaw The Man I Love.mp3
    42. GI Jive Afrs 2251 Les Brown Doris Day Taint Me.mp3
    43. GI Jive Afrs 2252 Benny Goodman Just One Of Those Things.mp3
    44. GI Jive Afrs 2253 Harry James Trumpet Rhapsody.mp3
    45. GI Jive Afrs 2254 Stan Kenton Inermission Riff.mp3
    46. GI Jive Afrs 2256 Artie Shaw Beyond Blue Horizon.mp3
    47. GI Jive Afrs 2257 Lionel Hampton Hamps Boogie Woogie #2.mp3
    48. Gi Jive Afrs 440926 Ep001 Premiere Broadcast.mp3
    49. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1434.mp3
    50. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1435.mp3
    51. Gi Jive Afrs Ambrose Night Ride.mp3
    52. Gi Jive Afrs Artie Shaw Indian Love Call.mp3
    53. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Get Happy.mp3
    54. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Sugarfoot Stomp.mp3
    55. Gi Jive Afrs Bob Crosby Java Junction.mp3
    56. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan High Society.mp3
    57. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan Jivin.mp3
    58. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Barnet Cherokee.mp3
    59. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Spivak Soldier Jumped At Dawn.mp3
    60. Gi Jive Afrs Count Basie Jumpin At Woodside.mp3
    61. Gi Jive Afrs Eddie Miller Stomp Mr Henry Lee.mp3
    62. Gi Jive Afrs Glenn Miller American Patrol.mp3
    63. Gi Jive Afrs Gmiller Vdisc Int.mp3
    64. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James 920 Special.mp3
    65. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Backbeat Boogie.mp3
    66. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Trumpet Blues.mp3
    67. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Two Oclock Jump.mp3
    68. Gi Jive Afrs Jimmy Lunceford Jeep Rythmn.mp3
    69. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie.mp3
    70. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Opus One.mp3
    71. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Well Get It.mp3
    72. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Who.mp3
    73. Gi Jive Afrs Woody Herman Woodchoppers Ball.mp3
    74. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121194 1946.mp3
    75. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946.mp3
    76. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121197 1946.mp3
    77. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12932 1945.mp3
    78. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12933 1945.mp3
    79. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12934 1945.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    171 recordings on 42 Audio CDs. Total playtime 42 hours, 39 min
    171 recordings on 42 Audio CDs
    total playtime 42 hours, 39 min

    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A001

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0271 Tommy Dorsey Mandy, Make Up Your Mind
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0272 Good Queen Bess
    3. GI Jive Afrs 0359 Coast Guard Day
    4. GI Jive Afrs 0380 WBS Giles O'Connor

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A002

    1. GI Jive Afrs 0381
    2. GI Jive Afrs 0382 Jeri Sullivan
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0414 Joe Turner Blues
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0415 Lucky Millinder Are You Ready

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A003

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0416 Lucky Millinder Apollo Jump
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0417 Ginny Simms Im Like Fish Out Of Water
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0449 Erskine Hawkins Limehouse Blues
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0450 Lucky Millender Jitters

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A004

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0459 Glenn Miller Hallelujah
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0460 Eddie Miller Shortnin Bread
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0465 Benny Goodman Lets Dance
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0466 Harry James Backbeat Boogie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A005

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0486
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0487
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0509 Rhum Boogie
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0510 Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A006

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0515 Kay Kyser Pushing Sand
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0516 Skinnay Ennis Sewanee
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0524 Dee Pee Johnson Fletcher's Lullaby
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0529 Tony Pastor Horn Power

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A007

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0601 Benny Goodman Honeysuckle Rose
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0602 Count Basie Blue Lou
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0617 Bing Crosby Rollio Rolling Along
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0618 Andy Kirk Riding Along

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A008

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0675
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0676
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0703 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0704 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A009

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0705 Tommy Dorsey Blue Skies
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0706 Blue Lou
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0745
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0746

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A010

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0829 Margie
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0830 Woodchoppers Ball
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0831 Dipper Mouth Blues
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0832 Elks Parade

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A011

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0833 Changes
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0834 Swanee River
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0835 Well Get It
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0836 Jumping At Woodside

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A012

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0837 Eager Beaver
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0838 Alexanders Rag Time Band
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0839 Casa Loma Stomp
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0840 Buckle Down Winsocki

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A013

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0841 Night Ride
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0842 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0843 Bob Crosby Honky Tonk Train Blues
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0844 Harry James Sad Sack

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A014

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0845 Glenn Miller Here We Go Again
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0846 Benny Goodman King Porter Stomp
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0847 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0848 Tommy Dorsey Song Of India
    5. Gi Jive Afrs 0849 Harry James Strictly Instrumental

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A015

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0850 Harry James Trumpet Blues
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0851 Tommy Dorsey Opus One
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0852 King Porter Stomp
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0853 Bob Crosby South Rampart Street Parade

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A016

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0854 Glenn Miller Caribbean Clipper
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0855 Stan Kenton Eager Beaver
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0856 Tommy Dorsey Well Get It
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0863

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A017

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0864
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0890 Tommy Dorsey Moonlight On Ganges
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0892 Count Basie Gi Stomp
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 0901 Tommy Dorsey Opus One

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A018

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 0906 Erskine Hawkins King Porter Stomp
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 0908 Bunny Goodman Changes
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 0914 Bunny Berrigan Deed I Do
    4. GI Jive Afrs 1357

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A019

    1. GI Jive Afrs 1358
    2. GI Jive Afrs 1367
    3. GI Jive Afrs 1368
    4. GI Jive Afrs 1375

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A020

    1. GI Jive Afrs 1376
    2. GI Jive Afrs 1379
    3. GI Jive Afrs 1380
    4. GI Jive Afrs 1381

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A021

    1. GI Jive Afrs 1382
    2. GI Jive Afrs 1389
    3. GI Jive Afrs 1390
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1419 War And Navy Dept

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A022

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1420 War And Navy Dept
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1421
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1422
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1423 War And Navy Dept

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A023

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1424 War And Navy Dept
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1429
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1430
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1553 Glenn Miller In Mood

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A024

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1554 Tommy Dorsey For You
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1601 Gene Krupa
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1602 Jill Stan Kenton Southern Scandal
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1651 Dedicated To Mail Apo 927 Judy Garland Day

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A025

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1652 Woody Herman Northwest Passagebest
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1669 Frank Sinatra I Begged Her
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1670 Stan Kenton Artistry Jumps
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1683 Lionel Hampton Central Avenue Breakdown

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A026

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1684 Benny Goodman Fine And Dandy
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1685 Count Basie One Oclock Jump
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1686 Stan Kenton Across Alley From Alamo
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1739 Benny Goodman Roll Em

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A027

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1740 Benny Goodman I Found New Baby
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1753 Benny Goodman Bugle Call Rag
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1754 Count Basie Blue Skies
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1765 Tex Beneke Hey Babareba Scratched

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A028

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1766 Harry James Music Makers
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1777 Artie Shaw Day
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1778 Benny Goodman Records
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1795 Harry James Clipper

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A029

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1796 Tommy Dorsey Nola
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1837 Tommy Dorsey Chicago Scratched
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1838 Tommy Dorsey Sunny Side Of Street
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1839 Harry James Strictly Instrumental

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A030

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1840 Tommy Dorsey Chloe
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1871 Bye Bye Blackbird
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1872 Tommy Dorsey Opus Number One
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 1875 Td Tromboneology

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A031

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1876 Benny Goodman Get Happy
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1895 Tommy Dorsey Whistlers Song
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 1896 Margaret Whiting There Goes The Boy
    4. GI Jive Afrs 2107 Andrews Sist Carmen Miranda Cuanto laGusta

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A032

    1. GI Jive Afrs 2108 Stan Kenton Theme To The West
    2. GI Jive Afrs 2111 All B Goodman
    3. GI Jive Afrs 2155 Benny Goodman Jumpin at the Woodside
    4. GI Jive Afrs 2156 Eddie Haywood Loch Lomond

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A033

    1. GI Jive Afrs 2223 Lucky Millinder The Hucklebuck
    2. GI Jive Afrs 2224 Artie Shaw The Man I Love
    3. GI Jive Afrs 2251 Les Brown Doris Day Taint Me
    4. GI Jive Afrs 2252 Benny Goodman Just One Of Those Things

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A034

    1. GI Jive Afrs 2253 Harry James Trumpet Rhapsody
    2. GI Jive Afrs 2254 Stan Kenton Inermission Riff
    3. GI Jive Afrs 2256 Artie Shaw Beyond Blue Horizon
    4. GI Jive Afrs 2257 Lionel Hampton Hamps Boogie Woogie #2

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A035

    1. Gi Jive Afrs Ambrose Night Ride
    2. Gi Jive Afrs Artie Shaw Indian Love Call
    3. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Get Happy
    4. Gi Jive Afrs Benny Goodman Sugarfoot Stomp
    5. Gi Jive Afrs Bob Crosby Java Junction

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A036

    1. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan High Society
    2. Gi Jive Afrs Bunny Berigan Jivin
    3. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Barnet Cherokee
    4. Gi Jive Afrs Charlie Spivak Soldier Jumped At Dawn
    5. Gi Jive Afrs Count Basie Jumpin At Woodside

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A037

    1. Gi Jive Afrs Eddie Miller Stomp Mr Henry Lee
    2. Gi Jive Afrs Glenn Miller American Patrol
    3. Gi Jive Afrs Gmiller Vdisc Int
    4. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James 920 Special
    5. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Backbeat Boogie

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A038

    1. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Trumpet Blues
    2. Gi Jive Afrs Harry James Two Oclock Jump
    3. Gi Jive Afrs Jimmy Lunceford Jeep Rythmn
    4. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Boogie Woogie

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A039

    1. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Opus One
    2. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Well Get It
    3. Gi Jive Afrs Tommy Dorsey Who
    4. Gi Jive Afrs Woody Herman Woodchoppers Ball

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A040

    1. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121194 1946
    2. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946
    3. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121197 1946
    4. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12932 1945

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A041

    1. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12933 1945
    2. Gi Jive War Department Test Pressing H12934 1945
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 440926 Ep001 Premiere Broadcast

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    GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A042

    1. Gi Jive Afrs 1434 461112
    2. Gi Jive Afrs 1435 461112
    3. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1434
    4. Gi Jive Afrs 461112 1435

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