When YANK Magazine sponsored GI Jive, it was hard to tell whether the G.I.s tuned in to hear the hot requested music or the voice of pretty "GI Jill", played by Martha Wilkerson.
171 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 42 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:
2 MP3 CDs
42 Audio CDs
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G.I. Jive was a radio show sent out by short wave during World War 2. The show starred G. I. Jane, Martha Wilkerson in real-life, who was a counterpoint to Tokyo Rose and Berlin Betty.
From the beginning the Enlisted editors and writers knew what Enlisted men wanted. Jazz, laughs, and Pretty Girls.
Every issue featured a Pin-Up Girl. Cartoons were a part of the magazine, starting with Sad Sack, the hapless private who was "drafted" into the magazine in May 1942 and featured until he and the magazine were "formally discharged" in 1945.
The Jazz was brought in the form of G.I. Jive, The AEF Jukebox of the Air, a music program originally produced by the Office of War Information and then given to AFRS. The Pin-Up Girls were important on the Radio as well.
After episode 600 the primary DJ would be "G.I. Jill", the air-alias of Martha Wilkerson. Wilkerson had been an employee of the OWI, doing a show with her husband ex Radioman Mort werner playing Jack and Jill on Hi Neighbor. When she made the move to AFRS it was without her husband, much to the delight of her many listeners.
Of the number of shows AFRS was presenting during WWII, G.I. Jill received a quarter of the fan mail. The G.I.s loved her with her homey touches and her genuine affection for them. (On one episode she pauses, saying she had bumped "that darn jukebox" and had a run in her stockings, "Does anyone know where I can get some silk stockings?")
G.I. Jill was sometimes thought to be an answer to Tokyo Rose. In actuality the G.I.s just like Jill better. She was a piece of home, and her records were better than Tokyo Rose's.
Wilkerson recorded for G.I. Jive six days a week. The program was broadcast over short-wave for Africa and Parts of Europe, and transcribed onto disks that were distributed to the Pacific over a "mosquito network."
See also: Jill's All-Time Jukebox
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A001
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A002
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A003
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A004
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A005
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A006
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A007
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A008
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A009
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A010
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A011
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A012
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A013
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A014
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A015
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A016
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A017
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A018
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A019
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A020
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A021
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A022
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A023
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A024
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A025
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A026
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A027
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A028
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A029
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A030
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A031
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A032
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A033
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A034
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A035
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A036
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A037
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A038
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A039
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A040
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A041
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GI Jive (with G.I. Jill) Disc A042
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