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Gerald Mohr Collection

An anthology to Gerald Mohr, this extensive collection contains almost 300 radio appearances on various detective shows, horror-dramas, and radio comedies.

Gerald Mohr

233 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 108 hours, 50 min)
available in the following formats:

5 MP3 CDs
115 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from June 02, 1948:

"Gerald Mohr in The Whistler: Stranger in the House"

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Gerald Mohr
(1914 – 1968)

Gerald MohrA staple in old time radio history, Gerald Mohr performed in over 500 radio plays from the 1930s to the early 1950s.  A natural in detective drama, he excelled at playing the tough-guy rolls such as Philip Marlowe. He also narrated both the radio and television episode introductions.

Born in 1914, Mohr was raised by his mother and grandfather (Gerald Mohr Sr. died when the younger Gerald was three).  Under the guidance of his grandfather, Gerald Mohr attended the distinguished Dwight Preparatory School in New York and entered Columbia University with hopes of becoming a doctor when he fell ill of appendicitis.  His roommate in the hospital was a radio broadcaster and suggested that Mohr look to a career on radio; he was no doubt impressed with Mohr post surgery baritone moans.

Gerald Mohr Publicity PhotoGerald Mohr's big break in radio drama was in Orson Welles Mercury Theatre Company and greatly impressed Welles, who later recommended Mohr for bigger roles in film and old time radio.  He left show business briefly during WWII as he served for three years on United States Air Force (USAF).  Thoughout his performance career, he worked in countless movies, numerous television, animated shows and old time radio series including performances on The Whistler, Lux Radio Theater, Nero Wolfe, Front Page Drama, Dr Christian, and portraying the tough private investigator Philip Marlowe.  Fluent in both German and French, Gerald Mohr played Jacque Monet in Our Miss Brooks.

Often compared to Humphrey Bogart, Mohr pretty much defines "cool" with a smooth delivery of lines and a laid back persona.  There are a few campy b-movies on Gerald Mohr's resume such as Guns, Girls, and Gangsters; Terror in a Haunted House; and Invasion USA.  Shortly after completing the pilot of a new TV series called Private Entrance, Gerald Mohr died of a heart attack in the evening of 9 November 1968, in Södermalm, Stockholm, at the too-young age of 54.

This extensive collection contains Mohr's roles in such old time radio series as:
Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4:


Volume 5: Volume 6


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    5     0


    Loved him on Our Miss Brooks.

    Sunnie Verified Purchase

    for some time, I've thought Gerald Mohr (Phillip Marlowe) provided the voice for "That Was the Year". The voice sounds very familiar and Mohr's voice was fairly unique. Did he also act on "Anne of the Airlanes?" The Episode #7 sounds like Gerald Mohr again. Thanks, enjoy your site and your CDs.

    Jamie Verified Purchase

    An actor who made it seem so easy, and what a voice!

    Frances Verified Purchase

    I can't say it as well as Frances, what a voice, he must have loved his lines, especially well done as a gigolo and murderer.

    Loraine Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    233 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $30.00. Total playtime 108 hours, 50 min
    233 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $30.00
    total playtime 108 hours, 50 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 62 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Aat460703 15 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    3. Aat460814 21 Vivacious Lady [incomplete].mp3
    4. Alan Young 470103 0013 Family Tree.mp3
    5. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E10.mp3
    6. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E12.mp3
    7. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E17.mp3
    8. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E19.mp3
    9. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E21.mp3
    10. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E24.mp3
    11. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E27.mp3
    12. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E28.mp3
    13. Arch Oboler's Plays 450809 18 History Of A Mug.mp3
    14. Bob Burns Show 430506 For Lifebuoy Meat Rationing.mp3
    15. Bold Venture 12 The Tears Of Sheba.mp3
    16. Box 13 490626 Speed To Burn.mp3
    17. Cavalcade Of America 420413 274 A Continental Uniform.mp3
    18. Cpusa 420401 006 Kay Kyser, Bea Wain, E Cantor.mp3
    19. Dr.christian 381101 Dr.christian For Mayor.mp3
    20. Dr.christian 381129 Seeing Eye Pt.1.mp3
    21. Dr.christian 390214 Angel Unaware (g).mp3
    22. Dr.christian 390221 Washington Had His Delaware.mp3
    23. Dr.christian 390228 Puppy Love.mp3
    24. Dr.christian 390314 Little Sweetheart.mp3
    25. Dr.christian 390321 Mr.meeks.mp3
    26. Easy Aces E053 The Other Woman.mp3
    27. Easy Aces E061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking.mp3
    28. Encore 460730 09 Dark Victory.mp3
    29. Escape 490804 085 Leiningen Versus The Ants (r).mp3
    30. Escape 491108 096 Plunder Of The Sun.mp3
    31. Escape 500103 104 The Pistol.mp3
    32. Frank Race 02 Darling Debutante.mp3
    33. Frank Race 21 Three On A Match.mp3
    34. Frank Race 24 491009 Sobbing Bodyguards.mp3
    35. Frank Race 40 500129 Kettle Drum.mp3
    36. Front Page Drama 390113 Death And The Maiden Part 1.mp3
    37. Front Page Drama 401206 The Gypsy Murder Case.mp3
    38. Front Page Drama 410314 Voices Of Destruction.mp3
    39. Front Page Drama 410328 Ugly Duckling Spy.mp3
    40. Front Page Drama 410404 Twenty Days Of Terror.mp3
    41. Front Page Drama 410411 Escape In The Night.mp3
    42. Front Page Drama 410516 An Evening At Maxims.mp3
    43. Fu 390807 (139) Purple Shadow.mp3
    44. Guest Star 281 'the Pledge'.mp3
    45. Guest Star 303 'romance'.mp3
    46. Guest Star 332 'fear'.mp3
    47. Guest Star 335 'hayes Vrs Hayes'.mp3
    48. Guns 490713 2nd Audition Show Dillon Goes To Gouge Eye.mp3
    49. Hallmark Playhouse 480701 004 Penny Serenade.mp3
    50. Hallmark Playhouse 480715 06 Girls Are Like Boats.mp3
    51. Hallmark Playhouse 481007 016 Elmer The Great.mp3
    52. Hallmark Playhouse 490310 038 And There I Stood W My Pic.mp3
    53. Hallmark Playhouse 490324 040 Wyatt Earp.mp3
    54. Hallmark Playhouse 510322 117 The Long Love.mp3
    55. Hello Americans 421122 02 Christ Of The Andes.mp3
    56. Hello Americans 421129 03 Santa Domingo Hiati.mp3
    57. Hello Americans 421206 04 1o2 Alphabet Of The Islands.mp3
    58. Hello Americans 421213 05 2o2 Alphabet Of The Islands.mp3
    59. Hello Americans 421220 06 story of abendgo, the slave.mp3
    60. Hollywood Star Playhouse 510920 02 Hour Of Truth.mp3
    61. C4fbi 521210 E34 The Kiss Of Death.mp3
    62. C4fbi 521217 E35 Treason Comes In Cans.mp3
    63. Jungle Jim 351102 E001 The Bat Woman.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Let George 481129 Standin For Murder.mp3
    3. Let George 490221 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    4. Lux390703 226 Bordertown.mp3
    5. Lux450611 488 Murder My Sweet.mp3
    6. Lux450618 Canterville Ghost.mp3
    7. Lux460520 529 Deadline At Dawn (no Open Close).mp3
    8. Lux460610 532 And Now Tomorrow.mp3
    9. Lux460617 533 Fallen Angel.mp3
    10. Lux461216 551 Killer Kates.mp3
    11. Lux470210 559 Frenchmans Creek.mp3
    12. Lux480126 Notorious.mp3
    13. Lux480209 603 Lady In The Lake.mp3
    14. Lux480308spellbound.mp3
    15. Lux480510 616 Intrigue.mp3
    16. Lux480531 619 Miracle Of The Bells.mp3
    17. Lux490418 655 Treasure Sierra Madre.mp3
    18. Lux510910 756 Fancy Pants W Bob Hope Lucille Bal.mp3
    19. Man Called X 471130 36 Checkmate In Tahiti.mp3
    20. Man Called X 501103 03 Professor Channey Disapeared.mp3
    21. Mandrake The Magician 047.mp3
    22. Mandrake The Magician 048.mp3
    23. Mandrake The Magician 052.mp3
    24. Mandrake The Magician 055.mp3
    25. Mandrake The Magician 056.mp3
    26. Mandrake The Magician 057.mp3
    27. Mandrake The Magician 058.mp3
    28. Mayor 421209 11 Enemy Agents.mp3
    29. Mayor 430324 26 A Fraud Painter.mp3
    30. Mimh 028 Excon Candidate.mp3
    31. Mimh 046 Morini The Formula.mp3
    32. Nero Wolfe 510105 E12 Deadly Sellout.mp3
    33. Nero Wolfe 510112 E13 The Killer Cards.mp3
    34. Nero Wolfe 510119 E14 The Calculated Risk.mp3
    35. Nero Wolfe 510126 E15 The Phantom Fingers.mp3
    36. Nero Wolfe 510202 E16 The Vanishing Shells.mp3
    37. 19500306 Number 13.mp3
    38. Our Miss Brooks 490102 022 Old Clothes For Party.mp3
    39. Our Miss Brooks 490313 032 Cafeteria Boycott.mp3
    40. Our Miss Brooks 491009 061 Mr Leblanche Needs $50.mp3
    41. Our Miss Brooks 510304 121 Overseas Job.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520125 H18 The Dental Receptionist.mp3
    3. Ph510128 Phil Donates Blood.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 480926 Red Wind.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 481003 Persian Slippers.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 481010 Panama Hat.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 481017 Where There's a Will.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 481024 Heart of Gold.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 481128 Hard Way Out.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 481226 Old Acquaintance.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 490115 Black Halo.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 490122 Orange Dog.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 490129 Easy Mark.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 490205 Long Rope.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 490212 Lonesome Reunion.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 490305 Friend from Detroit.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 490312 Grim Hunters.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 490319 Dancing Hands.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 490326 Green Flame.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 490402 Last Laugh.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 490409 Name to Remember.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 490416 Heat Wave.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 490423 Cloak of Kamehameha.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490430 Lady in Mink.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 490507 Feminine Touch.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 490514 Promise to Pay.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 490521 Night Tide.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490528 Ebony Link.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490604 Unfair Lady.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490618 Busy Body.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490625 Key Man.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 490702 Dude from Manhattan.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 490716 Headless Peacock.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 490730 Mexican Boat Ride.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 490806 August Lion.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 490813 Indian Giver.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 490820 Lady Killer.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 490827 Eager Witness.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 490903 Bum's Rush.mp3
    42. Philip Marlowe 490910 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    43. Philip Marlowe 490917 Baton Sinister.mp3
    44. Philip Marlowe 490924 Fatted Calf.mp3
    45. Philip Marlowe 491001 Tale of Mermaid.mp3
    46. Philip Marlowe 491008 Open Window.mp3
    47. Philip Marlowe 491015 Strangle Hold.mp3
    48. Philip Marlowe 491022 Smokeout.mp3
    49. Philip Marlowe 491029 Green Witch.mp3
    50. Philip Marlowe 491105 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    51. Philip Marlowe 491126 Birds on Wing.mp3
    52. Philip Marlowe 491203 Kid on Corner.mp3
    53. Philip Marlowe 491210 Little Wishbone.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 40 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 39 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Railroad Hour 511105 162 Rose Marie.mp3
    3. Red Ryder 420408 Brimstone.mp3
    4. Rogues Gallery 450623 Mcdonald Murder Case.mp3
    5. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand (2).mp3
    6. Rogues Gallery 451220 Fortune In Furs.mp3
    7. Rogues Gallery 460103 Stark Mcvey Murder.mp3
    8. Rogues Gallery 460221 Alibi Master.mp3
    9. Rogues Gallery 460516 Impossible Murder.mp3
    10. Rogues Gallery 460630 Lady With A Gun (rehearsal).mp3
    11. Sdp 490417 E015 The Best Years Of Our Lives.mp3
    12. Sdp 491031 E041 Remember The Night.mp3
    13. Sdp 500127 E053 It Had To Be You.mp3
    14. Sdp 510111 E085 Ivy.mp3
    15. Sdp 510329 E096 Next Time We Love.mp3
    16. Shorty Bell, Cub Reporter 480626 Shorty Scoops Photograp.mp3
    17. Six Shooter 33 540513 The Double Seven.mp3
    18. Superman 480819 E1494 Mysteryoftheletter,the4.mp3
    19. Superman 480820 E1495 Mysteryoftheletter,the5.mp3
    20. Superman 480823 E1496 Mysteryoftheletter,the6.mp3
    21. Superman 480824 E1497 Mysteryoftheletter,the7.mp3
    22. Superman 480825 E1498 Mysteryoftheletter,the8.mp3
    23. Superman 480826 E1499 Mysteryoftheletter,the9.mp3
    24. Superman 480827 E1500 Mysteryoftheletter,the10.mp3
    25. Superman 480830 E1501 Mysteryoftheletter,the11.mp3
    26. Susp 450816 154 Short Order.mp3
    27. Susp 460704 200 An Evening's Diversion.mp3
    28. Susp 470605 248 Make Mad The Guilty.mp3
    29. Susp 480902 305 The Morrison Affair.mp3
    30. Susp 480909 306 Big Shot.mp3
    31. Susp 481230 321 Breakup.mp3
    32. Susp 520602 476 Good And Faithful Servant.mp3
    33. Txr 501217 Cactus Pear.mp3
    34. Txr 510211 The Hatchet.mp3
    35. Txr 511125 The Blowoff.mp3
    36. Txr 520622 Knockout.mp3
    37. Theat Of Rom 451016 068 Reverie.mp3
    38. Theat Of Rom 451106 071 To Mary With Love.mp3
    39. Theat Of Rom 451127 074 Penny Serenade.mp3
    40. Theat Of Rom 460312 089 Next Time We Love.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    233 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00. Total playtime 108 hours, 50 min
    233 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00
    2943 MB – total playtime 108 hours, 50 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 62 shows – 617 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Aat460703 15 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    3. Aat460814 21 Vivacious Lady [incomplete].mp3
    4. Alan Young 470103 0013 Family Tree.mp3
    5. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E10.mp3
    6. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E12.mp3
    7. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E17.mp3
    8. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E19.mp3
    9. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E21.mp3
    10. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E24.mp3
    11. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E27.mp3
    12. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E28.mp3
    13. Arch Oboler's Plays 450809 18 History Of A Mug.mp3
    14. Bob Burns Show 430506 For Lifebuoy Meat Rationing.mp3
    15. Bold Venture 12 The Tears Of Sheba.mp3
    16. Box 13 490626 Speed To Burn.mp3
    17. Cavalcade Of America 420413 274 A Continental Uniform.mp3
    18. Cpusa 420401 006 Kay Kyser, Bea Wain, E Cantor.mp3
    19. Dr.christian 381101 Dr.christian For Mayor.mp3
    20. Dr.christian 381129 Seeing Eye Pt.1.mp3
    21. Dr.christian 390214 Angel Unaware (g).mp3
    22. Dr.christian 390221 Washington Had His Delaware.mp3
    23. Dr.christian 390228 Puppy Love.mp3
    24. Dr.christian 390314 Little Sweetheart.mp3
    25. Dr.christian 390321 Mr.meeks.mp3
    26. Easy Aces E053 The Other Woman.mp3
    27. Easy Aces E061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking.mp3
    28. Encore 460730 09 Dark Victory.mp3
    29. Escape 490804 085 Leiningen Versus The Ants (r).mp3
    30. Escape 491108 096 Plunder Of The Sun.mp3
    31. Escape 500103 104 The Pistol.mp3
    32. Frank Race 02 Darling Debutante.mp3
    33. Frank Race 21 Three On A Match.mp3
    34. Frank Race 24 491009 Sobbing Bodyguards.mp3
    35. Frank Race 40 500129 Kettle Drum.mp3
    36. Front Page Drama 390113 Death And The Maiden Part 1.mp3
    37. Front Page Drama 401206 The Gypsy Murder Case.mp3
    38. Front Page Drama 410314 Voices Of Destruction.mp3
    39. Front Page Drama 410328 Ugly Duckling Spy.mp3
    40. Front Page Drama 410404 Twenty Days Of Terror.mp3
    41. Front Page Drama 410411 Escape In The Night.mp3
    42. Front Page Drama 410516 An Evening At Maxims.mp3
    43. Fu 390807 (139) Purple Shadow.mp3
    44. Guest Star 281 'the Pledge'.mp3
    45. Guest Star 303 'romance'.mp3
    46. Guest Star 332 'fear'.mp3
    47. Guest Star 335 'hayes Vrs Hayes'.mp3
    48. Guns 490713 2nd Audition Show Dillon Goes To Gouge Eye.mp3
    49. Hallmark Playhouse 480701 004 Penny Serenade.mp3
    50. Hallmark Playhouse 480715 06 Girls Are Like Boats.mp3
    51. Hallmark Playhouse 481007 016 Elmer The Great.mp3
    52. Hallmark Playhouse 490310 038 And There I Stood W My Pic.mp3
    53. Hallmark Playhouse 490324 040 Wyatt Earp.mp3
    54. Hallmark Playhouse 510322 117 The Long Love.mp3
    55. Hello Americans 421122 02 Christ Of The Andes.mp3
    56. Hello Americans 421129 03 Santa Domingo Hiati.mp3
    57. Hello Americans 421206 04 1o2 Alphabet Of The Islands.mp3
    58. Hello Americans 421213 05 2o2 Alphabet Of The Islands.mp3
    59. Hello Americans 421220 06 story of abendgo, the slave.mp3
    60. Hollywood Star Playhouse 510920 02 Hour Of Truth.mp3
    61. C4fbi 521210 E34 The Kiss Of Death.mp3
    62. C4fbi 521217 E35 Treason Comes In Cans.mp3
    63. Jungle Jim 351102 E001 The Bat Woman.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 41 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Let George 481129 Standin For Murder.mp3
    3. Let George 490221 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    4. Lux390703 226 Bordertown.mp3
    5. Lux450611 488 Murder My Sweet.mp3
    6. Lux450618 Canterville Ghost.mp3
    7. Lux460520 529 Deadline At Dawn (no Open Close).mp3
    8. Lux460610 532 And Now Tomorrow.mp3
    9. Lux460617 533 Fallen Angel.mp3
    10. Lux461216 551 Killer Kates.mp3
    11. Lux470210 559 Frenchmans Creek.mp3
    12. Lux480126 Notorious.mp3
    13. Lux480209 603 Lady In The Lake.mp3
    14. Lux480308spellbound.mp3
    15. Lux480510 616 Intrigue.mp3
    16. Lux480531 619 Miracle Of The Bells.mp3
    17. Lux490418 655 Treasure Sierra Madre.mp3
    18. Lux510910 756 Fancy Pants W Bob Hope Lucille Bal.mp3
    19. Man Called X 471130 36 Checkmate In Tahiti.mp3
    20. Man Called X 501103 03 Professor Channey Disapeared.mp3
    21. Mandrake The Magician 047.mp3
    22. Mandrake The Magician 048.mp3
    23. Mandrake The Magician 052.mp3
    24. Mandrake The Magician 055.mp3
    25. Mandrake The Magician 056.mp3
    26. Mandrake The Magician 057.mp3
    27. Mandrake The Magician 058.mp3
    28. Mayor 421209 11 Enemy Agents.mp3
    29. Mayor 430324 26 A Fraud Painter.mp3
    30. Mimh 028 Excon Candidate.mp3
    31. Mimh 046 Morini The Formula.mp3
    32. Nero Wolfe 510105 E12 Deadly Sellout.mp3
    33. Nero Wolfe 510112 E13 The Killer Cards.mp3
    34. Nero Wolfe 510119 E14 The Calculated Risk.mp3
    35. Nero Wolfe 510126 E15 The Phantom Fingers.mp3
    36. Nero Wolfe 510202 E16 The Vanishing Shells.mp3
    37. 19500306 Number 13.mp3
    38. Our Miss Brooks 490102 022 Old Clothes For Party.mp3
    39. Our Miss Brooks 490313 032 Cafeteria Boycott.mp3
    40. Our Miss Brooks 491009 061 Mr Leblanche Needs $50.mp3
    41. Our Miss Brooks 510304 121 Overseas Job.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – 669 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520125 H18 The Dental Receptionist.mp3
    3. Ph510128 Phil Donates Blood.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 480926 Red Wind.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 481003 Persian Slippers.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 481010 Panama Hat.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 481017 Where There's a Will.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 481024 Heart of Gold.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 481128 Hard Way Out.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 481226 Old Acquaintance.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 490115 Black Halo.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 490122 Orange Dog.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 490129 Easy Mark.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 490205 Long Rope.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 490212 Lonesome Reunion.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 490305 Friend from Detroit.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 490312 Grim Hunters.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 490319 Dancing Hands.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 490326 Green Flame.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 490402 Last Laugh.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 490409 Name to Remember.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 490416 Heat Wave.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 490423 Cloak of Kamehameha.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490430 Lady in Mink.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 490507 Feminine Touch.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 490514 Promise to Pay.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 490521 Night Tide.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490528 Ebony Link.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490604 Unfair Lady.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490618 Busy Body.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490625 Key Man.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 490702 Dude from Manhattan.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 490716 Headless Peacock.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 490730 Mexican Boat Ride.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 490806 August Lion.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 490813 Indian Giver.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 490820 Lady Killer.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 490827 Eager Witness.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 490903 Bum's Rush.mp3
    42. Philip Marlowe 490910 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    43. Philip Marlowe 490917 Baton Sinister.mp3
    44. Philip Marlowe 490924 Fatted Calf.mp3
    45. Philip Marlowe 491001 Tale of Mermaid.mp3
    46. Philip Marlowe 491008 Open Window.mp3
    47. Philip Marlowe 491015 Strangle Hold.mp3
    48. Philip Marlowe 491022 Smokeout.mp3
    49. Philip Marlowe 491029 Green Witch.mp3
    50. Philip Marlowe 491105 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    51. Philip Marlowe 491126 Birds on Wing.mp3
    52. Philip Marlowe 491203 Kid on Corner.mp3
    53. Philip Marlowe 491210 Little Wishbone.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 40 shows – 539 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 42 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 39 shows – 482 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Railroad Hour 511105 162 Rose Marie.mp3
    3. Red Ryder 420408 Brimstone.mp3
    4. Rogues Gallery 450623 Mcdonald Murder Case.mp3
    5. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand (2).mp3
    6. Rogues Gallery 451220 Fortune In Furs.mp3
    7. Rogues Gallery 460103 Stark Mcvey Murder.mp3
    8. Rogues Gallery 460221 Alibi Master.mp3
    9. Rogues Gallery 460516 Impossible Murder.mp3
    10. Rogues Gallery 460630 Lady With A Gun (rehearsal).mp3
    11. Sdp 490417 E015 The Best Years Of Our Lives.mp3
    12. Sdp 491031 E041 Remember The Night.mp3
    13. Sdp 500127 E053 It Had To Be You.mp3
    14. Sdp 510111 E085 Ivy.mp3
    15. Sdp 510329 E096 Next Time We Love.mp3
    16. Shorty Bell, Cub Reporter 480626 Shorty Scoops Photograp.mp3
    17. Six Shooter 33 540513 The Double Seven.mp3
    18. Superman 480819 E1494 Mysteryoftheletter,the4.mp3
    19. Superman 480820 E1495 Mysteryoftheletter,the5.mp3
    20. Superman 480823 E1496 Mysteryoftheletter,the6.mp3
    21. Superman 480824 E1497 Mysteryoftheletter,the7.mp3
    22. Superman 480825 E1498 Mysteryoftheletter,the8.mp3
    23. Superman 480826 E1499 Mysteryoftheletter,the9.mp3
    24. Superman 480827 E1500 Mysteryoftheletter,the10.mp3
    25. Superman 480830 E1501 Mysteryoftheletter,the11.mp3
    26. Susp 450816 154 Short Order.mp3
    27. Susp 460704 200 An Evening's Diversion.mp3
    28. Susp 470605 248 Make Mad The Guilty.mp3
    29. Susp 480902 305 The Morrison Affair.mp3
    30. Susp 480909 306 Big Shot.mp3
    31. Susp 481230 321 Breakup.mp3
    32. Susp 520602 476 Good And Faithful Servant.mp3
    33. Txr 501217 Cactus Pear.mp3
    34. Txr 510211 The Hatchet.mp3
    35. Txr 511125 The Blowoff.mp3
    36. Txr 520622 Knockout.mp3
    37. Theat Of Rom 451016 068 Reverie.mp3
    38. Theat Of Rom 451106 071 To Mary With Love.mp3
    39. Theat Of Rom 451127 074 Penny Serenade.mp3
    40. Theat Of Rom 460312 089 Next Time We Love.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    233 recordings on 115 Audio CDs. Total playtime 108 hours, 50 min
    233 recordings on 115 Audio CDs
    total playtime 108 hours, 50 min

    Gerald Mohr Disc A001

    1. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E10
    2. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E12
    3. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E17
    4. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E19

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A002

    1. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E21
    2. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E24
    3. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E27
    4. Anne Of The Airlanes 1930's E28

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gerald Mohr Disc A003

    1. Bold Venture 12 The Tears Of Sheba
    2. Easy Aces E053 The Other Woman
    3. Easy Aces E061 Marge And Jane Stop Speaking

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A004

    1. Frank Race 02 Darling Debutante
    2. Frank Race 21 Three On A Match

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A005

    1. Guest Star 281 'the Pledge'
    2. Guest Star 303 'romance'
    3. Guest Star 332 'fear'
    4. Guest Star 335 'hayes Vrs Hayes'
    5. Mandrake The Magician 047

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A006

    1. Mandrake The Magician 048
    2. Mandrake The Magician 052
    3. Mandrake The Magician 055
    4. Mandrake The Magician 056
    5. Mandrake The Magician 057
    6. Mandrake The Magician 058

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A007

    1. Mimh 028 Excon Candidate
    2. Mimh 046 Morini The Formula

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A008

    1. 19500306 Number 13
    2. Jungle Jim 351102 E001 The Bat Woman

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A009

    1. Dr.christian 381101 Dr.christian For Mayor
    2. Dr.christian 381129 Seeing Eye Pt.1

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A010

    1. Front Page Drama 390113 Death And The Maiden Part 1
    2. Dr.christian 390214 Angel Unaware (g)

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A011

    1. Dr.christian 390221 Washington Had His Delaware
    2. Dr.christian 390228 Puppy Love

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A012

    1. Dr.christian 390314 Little Sweetheart
    2. Dr.christian 390321 Mr.meeks

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A013

    1. Lux390703 226 Bordertown

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A014

    1. Fu 390807 (139) Purple Shadow
    2. Front Page Drama 401206 The Gypsy Murder Case
    3. Front Page Drama 410314 Voices Of Destruction
    4. Front Page Drama 410328 Ugly Duckling Spy

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A015

    1. Front Page Drama 410404 Twenty Days Of Terror
    2. Front Page Drama 410411 Escape In The Night
    3. Front Page Drama 410516 An Evening At Maxims

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A016

    1. Cpusa 420401 006 Kay Kyser, Bea Wain, E Cantor
    2. Red Ryder 420408 Brimstone

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A017

    1. Cavalcade Of America 420413 274 A Continental Uniform
    2. Hello Americans 421122 02 Christ Of The Andes

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A018

    1. Hello Americans 421129 03 Santa Domingo Hiati
    2. Hello Americans 421206 04 1o2 Alphabet Of The Islands

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A019

    1. Mayor 421209 11 Enemy Agents
    2. Hello Americans 421213 05 2o2 Alphabet Of The Islands
    3. Hello Americans 421220 06 story of abendgo, the slave

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A020

    1. Mayor 430324 26 A Fraud Painter
    2. Bob Burns Show 430506 For Lifebuoy Meat Rationing

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A021

    1. Lux450611 488 Murder My Sweet

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A022

    1. Lux450618 Canterville Ghost

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A023

    1. Rogues Gallery 450623 Mcdonald Murder Case
    2. Arch Oboler's Plays 450809 18 History Of A Mug

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A024

    1. Susp 450816 154 Short Order
    2. Theat Of Rom 451016 068 Reverie

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A025

    1. Theat Of Rom 451106 071 To Mary With Love
    2. Theat Of Rom 451127 074 Penny Serenade

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A026

    1. Rogues Gallery 451213 Blood On Sand (2)
    2. Rogues Gallery 451220 Fortune In Furs

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A027

    1. Rogues Gallery 460103 Stark Mcvey Murder
    2. Rogues Gallery 460221 Alibi Master

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A028

    1. Theat Of Rom 460312 089 Next Time We Love
    2. Rogues Gallery 460516 Impossible Murder

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A029

    1. Lux460520 529 Deadline At Dawn (no Open Close)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gerald Mohr Disc A030

    1. Lux460610 532 And Now Tomorrow

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A031

    1. Lux460617 533 Fallen Angel

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A032

    1. Rogues Gallery 460630 Lady With A Gun (rehearsal)
    2. Aat460703 15 Maltese Falcon

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A033

    1. Susp 460704 200 An Evening's Diversion
    2. Encore 460730 09 Dark Victory

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A034

    1. Aat460814 21 Vivacious Lady [incomplete]
    2. Lux461216 551 Killer Kates

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A035

    1. Alan Young 470103 0013 Family Tree

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A036

    1. Lux470210 559 Frenchmans Creek

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A037

    1. Susp 470605 248 Make Mad The Guilty
    2. Man Called X 471130 36 Checkmate In Tahiti

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A038

    1. Lux480126 Notorious

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A039

    1. Lux480209 603 Lady In The Lake

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A040

    1. Lux480308spellbound

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A041

    1. Lux480510 616 Intrigue

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A042

    1. Lux480531 619 Miracle Of The Bells

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A043

    1. Shorty Bell, Cub Reporter 480626 Shorty Scoops Photograp
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 480701 004 Penny Serenade

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A044

    1. Hallmark Playhouse 480715 06 Girls Are Like Boats
    2. Superman 480819 E1494 Mysteryoftheletter,the4
    3. Superman 480820 E1495 Mysteryoftheletter,the5

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gerald Mohr Disc A045

    1. Superman 480823 E1496 Mysteryoftheletter,the6
    2. Superman 480824 E1497 Mysteryoftheletter,the7
    3. Superman 480825 E1498 Mysteryoftheletter,the8
    4. Superman 480826 E1499 Mysteryoftheletter,the9

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A046

    1. Superman 480827 E1500 Mysteryoftheletter,the10
    2. Superman 480830 E1501 Mysteryoftheletter,the11
    3. Susp 480902 305 The Morrison Affair

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A047

    1. Susp 480909 306 Big Shot
    2. Philip Marlowe 480926 Red Wind

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A048

    1. Philip Marlowe 481003 Persian Slippers
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 481007 016 Elmer The Great

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A049

    1. Philip Marlowe 481010 Panama Hat
    2. Philip Marlowe 481017 Where There's a Will

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A050

    1. Philip Marlowe 481024 Heart of Gold
    2. Philip Marlowe 481128 Hard Way Out

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A051

    1. Let George 481129 Standin For Murder
    2. Philip Marlowe 481226 Old Acquaintance

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A052

    1. Susp 481230 321 Breakup
    2. Our Miss Brooks 490102 022 Old Clothes For Party

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A053

    1. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day
    2. Philip Marlowe 490115 Black Halo

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A054

    1. Philip Marlowe 490122 Orange Dog
    2. Philip Marlowe 490129 Easy Mark

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A055

    1. Philip Marlowe 490205 Long Rope
    2. Philip Marlowe 490212 Lonesome Reunion

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A056

    1. Let George 490221 Journey Into Hate
    2. Philip Marlowe 490305 Friend from Detroit

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A057

    1. Hallmark Playhouse 490310 038 And There I Stood W My Pic
    2. Philip Marlowe 490312 Grim Hunters

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A058

    1. Our Miss Brooks 490313 032 Cafeteria Boycott
    2. Philip Marlowe 490319 Dancing Hands

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A059

    1. Hallmark Playhouse 490324 040 Wyatt Earp
    2. Philip Marlowe 490326 Green Flame

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A060

    1. Philip Marlowe 490402 Last Laugh
    2. Philip Marlowe 490409 Name to Remember

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A061

    1. Philip Marlowe 490416 Heat Wave
    2. Sdp 490417 E015 The Best Years Of Our Lives

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A062

    1. Lux490418 655 Treasure Sierra Madre

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A063

    1. Philip Marlowe 490423 Cloak of Kamehameha
    2. Philip Marlowe 490430 Lady in Mink

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A064

    1. Philip Marlowe 490507 Feminine Touch
    2. Philip Marlowe 490514 Promise to Pay

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A065

    1. Philip Marlowe 490521 Night Tide
    2. Philip Marlowe 490528 Ebony Link

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A066

    1. Philip Marlowe 490604 Unfair Lady
    2. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A067

    1. Philip Marlowe 490618 Busy Body
    2. Philip Marlowe 490625 Key Man

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A068

    1. Box 13 490626 Speed To Burn
    2. Philip Marlowe 490702 Dude from Manhattan

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A069

    1. Guns 490713 2nd Audition Show Dillon Goes To Gouge Eye
    2. Philip Marlowe 490716 Headless Peacock

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A070

    1. Philip Marlowe 490730 Mexican Boat Ride
    2. Escape 490804 085 Leiningen Versus The Ants (r)

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A071

    1. Philip Marlowe 490806 August Lion
    2. Philip Marlowe 490813 Indian Giver

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A072

    1. Philip Marlowe 490820 Lady Killer
    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 Eager Witness

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A073

    1. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness
    2. Philip Marlowe 490903 Bum's Rush

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A074

    1. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush
    2. Philip Marlowe 490910 Rustin Hickory

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A075

    1. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory
    2. Philip Marlowe 490917 Baton Sinister

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A076

    1. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister
    2. Philip Marlowe 490924 Fatted Calf

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A077

    1. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf
    2. Philip Marlowe 491001 Tale of Mermaid

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A078

    1. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid
    2. Philip Marlowe 491008 Open Window

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A079

    1. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window
    2. Frank Race 24 491009 Sobbing Bodyguards
    3. Our Miss Brooks 491009 061 Mr Leblanche Needs $50

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A080

    1. Philip Marlowe 491015 Strangle Hold
    2. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A081

    1. Philip Marlowe 491022 Smokeout
    2. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A082

    1. Philip Marlowe 491029 Green Witch
    2. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A083

    1. Sdp 491031 E041 Remember The Night
    2. Philip Marlowe 491105 Fine Italian Hand

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A084

    1. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand
    2. Escape 491108 096 Plunder Of The Sun

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A085

    1. Philip Marlowe 491126 Birds on Wing
    2. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A086

    1. Philip Marlowe 491203 Kid on Corner
    2. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A087

    1. Philip Marlowe 491210 Little Wishbone
    2. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A088

    1. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built
    2. Escape 500103 104 The Pistol

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A089

    1. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers
    2. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A090

    1. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom
    2. Sdp 500127 E053 It Had To Be You

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A091

    1. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn
    2. Frank Race 40 500129 Kettle Drum

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A092

    1. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm
    2. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A093

    1. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night
    2. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A094

    1. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle
    2. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A095

    1. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow
    2. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A096

    1. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof
    2. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A097

    1. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle
    2. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A098

    1. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey
    2. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A099

    1. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha
    2. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A100

    1. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners
    2. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A101

    1. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget
    2. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A102

    1. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost
    2. Man Called X 501103 03 Professor Channey Disapeared

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A103

    1. Txr 501217 Cactus Pear
    2. Nero Wolfe 510105 E12 Deadly Sellout

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A104

    1. Sdp 510111 E085 Ivy

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A105

    1. Nero Wolfe 510112 E13 The Killer Cards
    2. Nero Wolfe 510119 E14 The Calculated Risk

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A106

    1. Nero Wolfe 510126 E15 The Phantom Fingers
    2. Ph510128 Phil Donates Blood

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A107

    1. Nero Wolfe 510202 E16 The Vanishing Shells
    2. Txr 510211 The Hatchet

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A108

    1. Our Miss Brooks 510304 121 Overseas Job
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 510322 117 The Long Love

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A109

    1. Sdp 510329 E096 Next Time We Love

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A110

    1. Lux510910 756 Fancy Pants W Bob Hope Lucille Bal

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A111

    1. Hollywood Star Playhouse 510920 02 Hour Of Truth
    2. Railroad Hour 511105 162 Rose Marie

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A112

    1. Txr 511125 The Blowoff
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520125 H18 The Dental Receptionist

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A113

    1. Susp 520602 476 Good And Faithful Servant
    2. Txr 520622 Knockout

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A114

    1. C4fbi 521210 E34 The Kiss Of Death
    2. C4fbi 521217 E35 Treason Comes In Cans

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    Gerald Mohr Disc A115

    1. Six Shooter 33 540513 The Double Seven

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