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Frontier Fighters

Follow the opening of the North American Continent as Frontier Fighters follow the exploits of the brave explorers who pioneered their way into the interior. Hear history unfolding before your ears.

Frontier Fighters

40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
10 Audio CDs

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"Wild Bill Hickok"

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Western Documentary (1935)

small vintage radioFrom Robert La Salle's navigation of the Mississippi River, to Lewis and Clark's dauntless challenge of reaching the West Coast of North America, Frontier Fighters takes you on a historical voyage that pits you in the middle of the taming of the West. So, if it you're following John C. Fremont on his legendary "Oregon trail" or helping Zebulon Pike verify the true source of the mighty Mississippi river, Frontier Fighters will transport you to a time where American history is unfolding before your very own ears!

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    4     0


    As a huge lover of all the Gunsmoke episodes I like the gritty realism of this series.

    Graham Verified Purchase

    I enjoyed the first few "Frontier Fighters" I encountered and am buying the complete set today. Ot is a wonderful program that appears to have distributed in 1938. I took a long look at a newspaper archive today and the first stations I found listing the program were in KRNR in Roseberg, Oregon and KSTM in El Paso, Texas. Both began running the program in January 1938. Two Florida stations soon followed, time sharing WFLA and WSUN Tampa/St. Petersberg. Other stations included KFBB Great Falls, Montana KOOS North Bend, Oregon WHEC Rochester, New York CJCA Edmonton, Alberta KTAR Phoenix, Arizona "Frontier Fighters" largest audience was likely on 50,000 watt KSL Salt Lake City. The KSL schedule is found in newspaper listings in Idaho, Nevada, Montana and western Canada. The last station I found broadcasting the show was KSCJ in Sioux City, Iowa. It last lists the program on March 9, 1939. Todd Kosovich Minnesota

    Todd Verified Purchase

    I’ve used these recordings in history classes I’ve taught, the dramatized accounts are fun listening, but just as important, it demonstrates how we thought about our history in an earlier era.

    Kirt Verified Purchase

    "Frontier Fighters" is a wonderful collection of action-packed drama featuring the resourceful men and women in an expanding America. Not only do the recordings cover drmatic episodes of well-know figures, but includes the exploits of many obscure historical personalities who helped navigate and shape the history of our nation. Tremendous find, exciting stories! Thank you! AL

    Aldorigo Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 52 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 9 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 52 minutes
    2. FF 1935 Colorado Territory.mp3
    3. FF 1935 e01 Robert Lasalle.mp3
    4. FF 1935 e02 Lewis and Clark.mp3
    5. FF 1935 e03 Zebulon Pike.mp3
    6. FF 1935 e04 John C Fremont.mp3
    7. FF 1935 e05 Kit Carson.mp3
    8. FF 1935 e06 Jedadiah A Smith.mp3
    9. FF 1935 e07 Marcus Whitman.mp3
    10. FF 1935 e08 John McLaughlin.mp3
    11. FF 1935 e09 The Donner Party.mp3
    12. FF 1935 e10 The Fall of the Alamo.mp3
    13. FF 1935 e11 Stephen W Kearney.mp3
    14. FF 1935 e12 Brigham Young.mp3
    15. FF 1935 e13 Joseph Meek.mp3
    16. FF 1935 e14 Lynn Coulter and George C Pickett.mp3
    17. FF 1935 e15 John Sutter and James W Marshall.mp3
    18. FF 1935 e16 BuFF alo Bill Cody.mp3
    19. FF 1935 e17 Idaho Territory.mp3
    20. FF 1935 e18 Santa Fe Trail.mp3
    21. FF 1935 e19 Wild Bill Hickok.mp3
    22. FF 1935 e20 Reverend Thomas Starr King.mp3
    23. FF 1935 e21 Cochise and Capt Tom JeFF ers.mp3
    24. FF 1935 e22 Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad.mp3
    25. FF 1935 e23 New Mexico Territory.mp3
    26. FF 1935 e24 The Little Big Horn.mp3
    27. FF 1935 e25 Steven Austin.mp3
    28. FF 1935 e26 Oregon Territory.mp3
    29. FF 1935 e27 The Comstock Lode.mp3
    30. FF 1935 e28 John Phillips.mp3
    31. FF 1935 e29 Oklahoma Land Rush.mp3
    32. FF 1935 e30 Oregon and the Pacific Republic.mp3
    33. FF 1935 e31 Annie D Talent.mp3
    34. FF 1935 e32 I Bert Perine.mp3
    35. FF 1935 e33 Wells Fargo.mp3
    36. FF 1935 e34 Anton P StaFF ord.mp3
    37. FF 1935 e35 Arthur A Denny.mp3
    38. FF 1935 e36 Yellowstone Park.mp3
    39. FF 1935 e37 Eliza Ann Brooks.mp3
    40. FF 1935 e38 General N K Niles.mp3
    41. FF 1935 e39 Alaska.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 52 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    136 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – 136 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 52 minutes
    2. FF 1935 Colorado Territory.mp3
    3. FF 1935 e01 Robert Lasalle.mp3
    4. FF 1935 e02 Lewis and Clark.mp3
    5. FF 1935 e03 Zebulon Pike.mp3
    6. FF 1935 e04 John C Fremont.mp3
    7. FF 1935 e05 Kit Carson.mp3
    8. FF 1935 e06 Jedadiah A Smith.mp3
    9. FF 1935 e07 Marcus Whitman.mp3
    10. FF 1935 e08 John McLaughlin.mp3
    11. FF 1935 e09 The Donner Party.mp3
    12. FF 1935 e10 The Fall of the Alamo.mp3
    13. FF 1935 e11 Stephen W Kearney.mp3
    14. FF 1935 e12 Brigham Young.mp3
    15. FF 1935 e13 Joseph Meek.mp3
    16. FF 1935 e14 Lynn Coulter and George C Pickett.mp3
    17. FF 1935 e15 John Sutter and James W Marshall.mp3
    18. FF 1935 e16 BuFF alo Bill Cody.mp3
    19. FF 1935 e17 Idaho Territory.mp3
    20. FF 1935 e18 Santa Fe Trail.mp3
    21. FF 1935 e19 Wild Bill Hickok.mp3
    22. FF 1935 e20 Reverend Thomas Starr King.mp3
    23. FF 1935 e21 Cochise and Capt Tom JeFF ers.mp3
    24. FF 1935 e22 Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad.mp3
    25. FF 1935 e23 New Mexico Territory.mp3
    26. FF 1935 e24 The Little Big Horn.mp3
    27. FF 1935 e25 Steven Austin.mp3
    28. FF 1935 e26 Oregon Territory.mp3
    29. FF 1935 e27 The Comstock Lode.mp3
    30. FF 1935 e28 John Phillips.mp3
    31. FF 1935 e29 Oklahoma Land Rush.mp3
    32. FF 1935 e30 Oregon and the Pacific Republic.mp3
    33. FF 1935 e31 Annie D Talent.mp3
    34. FF 1935 e32 I Bert Perine.mp3
    35. FF 1935 e33 Wells Fargo.mp3
    36. FF 1935 e34 Anton P StaFF ord.mp3
    37. FF 1935 e35 Arthur A Denny.mp3
    38. FF 1935 e36 Yellowstone Park.mp3
    39. FF 1935 e37 Eliza Ann Brooks.mp3
    40. FF 1935 e38 General N K Niles.mp3
    41. FF 1935 e39 Alaska.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    40 recordings on 10 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 52 min
    40 recordings on 10 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 52 min

    Frontier Fighters Disc A001

    1. FF 1935 Colorado Territory
    2. FF 1935 e01 Robert Lasalle
    3. FF 1935 e02 Lewis and Clark
    4. FF 1935 e03 Zebulon Pike

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A002

    1. FF 1935 e04 John C Fremont
    2. FF 1935 e05 Kit Carson
    3. FF 1935 e06 Jedadiah A Smith
    4. FF 1935 e07 Marcus Whitman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A003

    1. FF 1935 e08 John McLaughlin
    2. FF 1935 e09 The Donner Party
    3. FF 1935 e10 The Fall of the Alamo
    4. FF 1935 e11 Stephen W Kearney

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A004

    1. FF 1935 e12 Brigham Young
    2. FF 1935 e13 Joseph Meek
    3. FF 1935 e14 Lynn Coulter and George C Pickett
    4. FF 1935 e15 John Sutter and James W Marshall

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A005

    1. FF 1935 e16 BuFF alo Bill Cody
    2. FF 1935 e17 Idaho Territory
    3. FF 1935 e18 Santa Fe Trail
    4. FF 1935 e19 Wild Bill Hickok

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A006

    1. FF 1935 e20 Reverend Thomas Starr King
    2. FF 1935 e21 Cochise and Capt Tom JeFF ers
    3. FF 1935 e22 Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad
    4. FF 1935 e23 New Mexico Territory

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A007

    1. FF 1935 e24 The Little Big Horn
    2. FF 1935 e25 Steven Austin
    3. FF 1935 e26 Oregon Territory
    4. FF 1935 e27 The Comstock Lode

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A008

    1. FF 1935 e28 John Phillips
    2. FF 1935 e29 Oklahoma Land Rush
    3. FF 1935 e30 Oregon and the Pacific Republic
    4. FF 1935 e31 Annie D Talent

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A009

    1. FF 1935 e32 I Bert Perine
    2. FF 1935 e33 Wells Fargo
    3. FF 1935 e34 Anton P StaFF ord
    4. FF 1935 e35 Arthur A Denny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Frontier Fighters Disc A010

    1. FF 1935 e36 Yellowstone Park
    2. FF 1935 e37 Eliza Ann Brooks
    3. FF 1935 e38 General N K Niles
    4. FF 1935 e39 Alaska

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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