Follow the opening of the North American Continent as Frontier Fighters follow the exploits of the brave explorers who pioneered their way into the interior. Hear history unfolding before your ears.
40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:
From Robert La Salle's navigation of the Mississippi River, to Lewis and Clark's dauntless challenge of reaching the West Coast of North America, Frontier Fighters takes you on a historical voyage that pits you in the middle of the taming of the West. So, if it you're following John C. Fremont on his legendary "Oregon trail" or helping Zebulon Pike verify the true source of the mighty Mississippi river, Frontier Fighters will transport you to a time where American history is unfolding before your very own ears!
I enjoyed the first few "Frontier Fighters" I encountered and am buying the complete set today. Ot is a wonderful program that appears to have distributed in 1938. I took a long look at a newspaper archive today and the first stations I found listing the program were in KRNR in Roseberg, Oregon and KSTM in El Paso, Texas. Both began running the program in January 1938. Two Florida stations soon followed, time sharing WFLA and WSUN Tampa/St. Petersberg. Other stations included
KFBB Great Falls, Montana
KOOS North Bend, Oregon
WHEC Rochester, New York
CJCA Edmonton, Alberta
KTAR Phoenix, Arizona
"Frontier Fighters" largest audience was likely on 50,000 watt KSL Salt Lake City. The KSL schedule is found in newspaper listings in Idaho, Nevada, Montana and western Canada.
The last station I found broadcasting the show was KSCJ in Sioux City, Iowa. It last lists the program on March 9, 1939.
Todd Kosovich
I’ve used these recordings in history classes I’ve taught, the dramatized accounts are fun listening, but just as important, it demonstrates how we thought about our history in an earlier era.
"Frontier Fighters" is a wonderful collection of action-packed drama featuring the resourceful men and women in an expanding America. Not only do the recordings cover drmatic episodes of well-know figures, but includes the exploits of many obscure historical personalities who helped navigate and shape the history of our nation. Tremendous find, exciting stories!
Thank you! AL
Graham Verified Purchase
Todd Verified Purchase
Kirt Verified Purchase
Aldorigo Verified Purchase
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