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Fred Waring Collection

Fine Music Entertainment with 50-Piece Orchestra!

Fred Waring

58 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 28 hours, 17 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
30 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 23, 1947:

"Stanley Steamer"

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Fred Waring
(1900 – 1984)

Fred Waring

Musical Program (1947-1948)

Although most of these Fred Waring shows are from 1947 and 1948, Fred Waring and his orchestra were on the air for over three decades, from the 1920s through the late 1950s. Fred began his band in the 1917 with his brother and two others. They began by playing mostly college gigs while students at Penn State. His band grew with the years, and in 1929 he was asked to play at the Roxy Theater with an orchestra of 50 players. At the time he had a band of 20. He got the large group together and was such a success that he was booked at the Roxy for six months.

Fred WaringUntil 1929, Fred had only instrumental arrangements. This changed when he was asked to sit in for the sick conductor of the Hall Johnson Choir at the Roxy. He was so delighted with the results, he added a glee club to his orchestra. However, this was a hard sell to radio stations, and so he rejected 24 radio offers that asked him to do purely instrumental shows. Finally, he found a sponsor who would include voice in their program, and he began doing Chesterfield shows in 1939. This relationship lasted for five years and the band continued to grow. In 1945, he began a new radio show with a different station. The idea behind the show was to "bring nighttime quality to daytime radio. He did just that, and created one of the most expensive daytime old time radio shows of all time. $18,000 a week was paid to just the orchestra.

Fred WaringFred was known for being a perfectionist and he made his orchestra rehearse up to eight times a day. Many of the numbers they were to play on the air were rehearsed in three different styles - as a waltz, as a jive number, and in straight time. Band members had to be on their feet at all times, as they never knew ahead of time which version he would pick for the performance. So if you are in the mood for some fine musical entertainment, day or night, sit back and enjoy Fred and his Orchestra, which was billed as "more than half a hundred Pennsylvanians."

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    6     1


    I always look forward to the "Old Time Radio" shows that I buy from 'Otrcat', and with such a wide choice you can be sure that I always find something that interests me. What a pleasure to sit and listen to musical programmes from the golden age of radio, and to close your eyes and step back in time. Thank you 'Otrcat'.

    Peter Verified Purchase

    Enjoying otrcat's 1930s' additions very much! Never thought those would turn up to be released after 85 years. The sound is great. THANKS!

    Ruediger Verified Purchase

    Waring is the best!


    A simpler world, a simpler time nearly 80 years removed from our own; and yet listening to these recordings, they're not so different from us. True, the people you hear in these radio broadcasts are more polite, more well-mannered than what you might see on the television today; but the sense of "fun" and even the sentimentality Christmas brings with it seems not to have changed all that much.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    I was delighted to receive this collection. I so enjoy OTR and have since I was a kid listening to my mom- who was a teenager during WWII - talk about her memories of the radio shows. During the pandemic lock down sooo much screen time between TV and mobile devices and computers burned me out and the ability to be entertained while resting my eyes ahs been a life saver, rivaled only by the occasional audiobook. Your excellent selection, user-friendly interface of your website and excellent service have kept me coming back and will definitely continue to do so!

    Peter Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    58 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 28 hours, 17 min
    58 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 28 hours, 17 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 33 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 480514 450 Fred Waring.mp3
    4. Cp 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    5. Cp 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles.mp3
    6. Cp 441108 146 Kate Smith Fred Waring.mp3
    7. Felsnaptha Soap Hour 351203 Fred Waring Ring Dem Bells.mp3
    8. Fmm 461231 0497 New Years Eve Party With Fred Waring.mp3
    9. Fred Waring 330906 031 All American Berle.mp3
    10. Fred Waring 331220 047 Christmas Program.mp3
    11. Fred Waring 340204 001 Marion Talley Edsel Ford.mp3
    12. Fred Waring 340225 007 George Gershwin.mp3
    13. Fred Waring 340329 016 Nelson Eddy.mp3
    14. Fred Waring 340401 017 Easter Parade.mp3
    15. Fred Waring 340617 039 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years.mp3
    16. Fred Waring 340617 39 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years.mp3
    17. Fred Waring 341227 072 Kay Thompson Girls Choir.mp3
    18. Fred Waring 350131 005 Jericho.mp3
    19. Fred Waring 351224 026 Christmas Eve.mp3
    20. Fred Waring 360107 028 Juilette Lowell.mp3
    21. Fred Waring 440606 Nbc 2230 Fred Waring and Pennsylvanians.mp3
    22. Fred Waring 441005 Afrs 386 Music For Marchingafrs.mp3
    23. Fred Waring 441102 AFRS 390 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    24. Fred Waring 441214 396 California Afrs.mp3
    25. Fred Waring 450531 419 I Hear Music.mp3
    26. Fred Waring 451221 Christmas Program.mp3
    27. Fred Waring 470623 Anitras Dance.mp3
    28. Fred Waring 470624 Country Style.mp3
    29. Fred Waring 470804 I Feel Song Coming.mp3
    30. Fred Waring 470818 Blue Skies.mp3
    31. Fred Waring 470825 Japanese Sandman.mp3
    32. Fred Waring 470908 Shadrack.mp3
    33. Fred Waring 470912 00x Hindustan.mp3
    34. Fred Waring 471021 Hindustan.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 25 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Fred Waring 470923 Stanley Steamer.mp3
    3. Fred Waring 470929 Al Capp.mp3
    4. Fred Waring 471015 Shawnee.mp3
    5. Fred Waring 471028 Rumba Numba.mp3
    6. Fred Waring 471205 Salute To Walt Disney.mp3
    7. Fred Waring 480608 Man On Carousel.mp3
    8. Fred Waring 481213 Morning Songs.mp3
    9. Fred Waring 481215 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    10. Fred Waring 481220 One Sunday Afternoon.mp3
    11. Fred Waring 481222 Christmas Song Medley.mp3
    12. Fred Waring 481227 Holiday.mp3
    13. Fred Waring 481229 Lime House Blues.mp3
    14. Fred Waring AFRS 0086 Saltue To Fort Oglethorpe.mp3
    15. Fred Waring AFRS 087 When Lights Go On Again.mp3
    16. Fred Waring AFRS 431 Were On Our Way.mp3
    17. Fred Waring AFRS 444 Stars And Stripes Forever.mp3
    18. Fred Waring AFRS 445 Look Out Below.mp3
    19. Fred Waring AFRS 523 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    20. Fred Waring AFRS 525 Pickle Can Preserve.mp3
    21. Fred Waring AFRS 528 Balalaika.mp3
    22. Fred Waring AFRS Surrey With Fringe On Top.mp3
    23. Fred Waring AFRS Were Going Home.mp3
    24. Fred Waring Pennsylvanians Sleep 1924 Es.mp3
    25. Opportunity Usa 490516 Al Jolson Bing Crosby.mp3
    26. Vox Pop 420209 Saints And Sinners Club New York City Ny.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    58 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 28 hours, 17 min
    58 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    777 MB – total playtime 28 hours, 17 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 33 shows – 467 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 59 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 480514 450 Fred Waring.mp3
    4. Cp 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    5. Cp 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles.mp3
    6. Cp 441108 146 Kate Smith Fred Waring.mp3
    7. Felsnaptha Soap Hour 351203 Fred Waring Ring Dem Bells.mp3
    8. Fmm 461231 0497 New Years Eve Party With Fred Waring.mp3
    9. Fred Waring 330906 031 All American Berle.mp3
    10. Fred Waring 331220 047 Christmas Program.mp3
    11. Fred Waring 340204 001 Marion Talley Edsel Ford.mp3
    12. Fred Waring 340225 007 George Gershwin.mp3
    13. Fred Waring 340329 016 Nelson Eddy.mp3
    14. Fred Waring 340401 017 Easter Parade.mp3
    15. Fred Waring 340617 039 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years.mp3
    16. Fred Waring 340617 39 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years.mp3
    17. Fred Waring 341227 072 Kay Thompson Girls Choir.mp3
    18. Fred Waring 350131 005 Jericho.mp3
    19. Fred Waring 351224 026 Christmas Eve.mp3
    20. Fred Waring 360107 028 Juilette Lowell.mp3
    21. Fred Waring 440606 Nbc 2230 Fred Waring and Pennsylvanians.mp3
    22. Fred Waring 441005 Afrs 386 Music For Marchingafrs.mp3
    23. Fred Waring 441102 AFRS 390 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    24. Fred Waring 441214 396 California Afrs.mp3
    25. Fred Waring 450531 419 I Hear Music.mp3
    26. Fred Waring 451221 Christmas Program.mp3
    27. Fred Waring 470623 Anitras Dance.mp3
    28. Fred Waring 470624 Country Style.mp3
    29. Fred Waring 470804 I Feel Song Coming.mp3
    30. Fred Waring 470818 Blue Skies.mp3
    31. Fred Waring 470825 Japanese Sandman.mp3
    32. Fred Waring 470908 Shadrack.mp3
    33. Fred Waring 470912 00x Hindustan.mp3
    34. Fred Waring 471021 Hindustan.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 25 shows – 310 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 17 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Fred Waring 470923 Stanley Steamer.mp3
    3. Fred Waring 470929 Al Capp.mp3
    4. Fred Waring 471015 Shawnee.mp3
    5. Fred Waring 471028 Rumba Numba.mp3
    6. Fred Waring 471205 Salute To Walt Disney.mp3
    7. Fred Waring 480608 Man On Carousel.mp3
    8. Fred Waring 481213 Morning Songs.mp3
    9. Fred Waring 481215 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    10. Fred Waring 481220 One Sunday Afternoon.mp3
    11. Fred Waring 481222 Christmas Song Medley.mp3
    12. Fred Waring 481227 Holiday.mp3
    13. Fred Waring 481229 Lime House Blues.mp3
    14. Fred Waring AFRS 0086 Saltue To Fort Oglethorpe.mp3
    15. Fred Waring AFRS 087 When Lights Go On Again.mp3
    16. Fred Waring AFRS 431 Were On Our Way.mp3
    17. Fred Waring AFRS 444 Stars And Stripes Forever.mp3
    18. Fred Waring AFRS 445 Look Out Below.mp3
    19. Fred Waring AFRS 523 Buckle Down Winsocki.mp3
    20. Fred Waring AFRS 525 Pickle Can Preserve.mp3
    21. Fred Waring AFRS 528 Balalaika.mp3
    22. Fred Waring AFRS Surrey With Fringe On Top.mp3
    23. Fred Waring AFRS Were Going Home.mp3
    24. Fred Waring Pennsylvanians Sleep 1924 Es.mp3
    25. Opportunity Usa 490516 Al Jolson Bing Crosby.mp3
    26. Vox Pop 420209 Saints And Sinners Club New York City Ny.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    58 recordings on 30 Audio CDs. Total playtime 28 hours, 17 min
    58 recordings on 30 Audio CDs
    total playtime 28 hours, 17 min

    Fred Waring Disc A001

    1. Fred Waring AFRS 0086 Saltue To Fort Oglethorpe
    2. Fred Waring AFRS 087 When Lights Go On Again
    3. Fred Waring AFRS 431 Were On Our Way

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A002

    1. Fred Waring AFRS 444 Stars And Stripes Forever
    2. Fred Waring AFRS 445 Look Out Below

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A003

    1. Fred Waring AFRS 523 Buckle Down Winsocki
    2. Fred Waring AFRS 525 Pickle Can Preserve

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A004

    1. Fred Waring AFRS 528 Balalaika
    2. Fred Waring AFRS Surrey With Fringe On Top
    3. Fred Waring AFRS Were Going Home
    4. Fred Waring Pennsylvanians Sleep 1924 Es

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A005

    1. Fred Waring 330906 031 All American Berle
    2. Fred Waring 331220 047 Christmas Program

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A006

    1. Fred Waring 340204 001 Marion Talley Edsel Ford
    2. Fred Waring 340225 007 George Gershwin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A007

    1. Fred Waring 340329 016 Nelson Eddy
    2. Fred Waring 340401 017 Easter Parade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A008

    1. Fred Waring 340617 039 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years
    2. Fred Waring 340617 39 Ive Loved Same Girl For 50 Years

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A009

    1. Fred Waring 341227 072 Kay Thompson Girls Choir

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A010

    1. Fred Waring 350131 005 Jericho
    2. Felsnaptha Soap Hour 351203 Fred Waring Ring Dem Bells

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A011

    1. Fred Waring 351224 026 Christmas Eve

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A012

    1. Fred Waring 360107 028 Juilette Lowell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A013

    1. Vox Pop 420209 Saints And Sinners Club New York City Ny
    2. Cp 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A014

    1. Cp 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles
    2. Fred Waring 440606 Nbc 2230 Fred Waring and Pennsylvanians

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A015

    1. Fred Waring 441005 Afrs 386 Music For Marchingafrs
    2. Fred Waring 441102 AFRS 390 Buckle Down Winsocki

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A016

    1. Cp 441108 146 Kate Smith Fred Waring
    2. Fred Waring 441214 396 California Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A017

    1. Alan Young 450116 0016 Alan Wants To Hire Fred Waring
    2. Fred Waring 450531 419 I Hear Music

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A018

    1. Fred Waring 451221 Christmas Program
    2. Fmm 461231 0497 New Years Eve Party With Fred Waring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A019

    1. Fred Waring 470623 Anitras Dance
    2. Fred Waring 470624 Country Style

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A020

    1. Fred Waring 470804 I Feel Song Coming
    2. Fred Waring 470818 Blue Skies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A021

    1. Fred Waring 470825 Japanese Sandman
    2. Fred Waring 470908 Shadrack

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A022

    1. Fred Waring 470912 00x Hindustan
    2. Fred Waring 470923 Stanley Steamer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A023

    1. Fred Waring 470929 Al Capp
    2. Fred Waring 471015 Shawnee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A024

    1. Fred Waring 471021 Hindustan
    2. Fred Waring 471028 Rumba Numba

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A025

    1. Fred Waring 471205 Salute To Walt Disney
    2. Bill Stern 480514 450 Fred Waring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A026

    1. Fred Waring 480608 Man On Carousel
    2. Fred Waring 481213 Morning Songs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A027

    1. Fred Waring 481215 Twas Night Before Christmas
    2. Fred Waring 481220 One Sunday Afternoon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A028

    1. Fred Waring 481222 Christmas Song Medley
    2. Fred Waring 481227 Holiday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A029

    1. Fred Waring 481229 Lime House Blues

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fred Waring Disc A030

    1. Opportunity Usa 490516 Al Jolson Bing Crosby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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