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Classic Football Recordings

There is plenty of excitement and fun in our Football Collection for fans of football and Old Time Radio. Inspiring memories of frosty autumn afternoons in the stands, these broadcasts of classic Football games are almost as good as being a fan in the stadium. Go Team!

Football Recordings

70 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 5 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
25 Audio CDs

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Army V Notre Dame 1946

They say that baseball is the Great American Pastime, and it is, to be sure, a great game that takes place on beautiful green grass, under stunning blue skies, and features the performances of marvelously talented and fun to watch athletes. However, sitting through an entire baseball game can be as exciting as watching paint dry.

Grandland RiceRecent polls and TV ratings indicate that Football surpasses Baseball in popularity, and it is not hard to understand why. Even though there is no clock in Baseball, the action is easy to follow because it occurs an even and predictable pace; There's the windup, the pitch, the batter either hits the ball or he doesn't; if he does there are a few more seconds of intense action, if not, get ready for the next pitch, for at least three pitches per side per inning for nine innings.

The action in the American version of Football also has a definite starting point, when the Center snaps the ball, but the success of the play often depends upon misdirection and subtlety to move the ball forward. Several factors combine to make it a truly American game, especially the fact that success depends upon coordinated team effort as well as an outstanding individual effort.

Football celebrates ceremony and pageantry, very little of which has any effect on the outcome of the game. This may be important because America does not have a State Religion or a Royal Court. The ceremonial aspects of a football game demonstrate that there are more involved than the 22 players on the field. Cheerleaders work the sidelines to whip the crowd into an enthusiastic frenzy, often aided by a brass band. The players of the home team come dashing onto the field to the cheers of the crowd, and after they warm up the team captains are greeted at midfield by the referees for the coin toss. When the action breaks at halftime, the marching band performs on the playing field in a spectacle which may involve more people than play on both teams, combined.

Naturally, the pageantry and level of play at the professional level are without equal, but to truly appreciate it we recommend that you attend a few Friday night high school games, especially in rural communities. The level of play will be several degrees lower than you will see in the Big City where high school programs draw on a talent pool nearly as deep as the big college leagues enjoy. What you will see at these small-town games is a group of young men playing their hearts out, not for glory or fame, not for a professional contract or even a college scholarship. These young men have endured weeks of training and sacrifice and are out there tonight for the love of the game, for the fellowship of their team-mates, and to demonstrate their place and role in American Society.

  • Fibber McGee and Molly, October 29, 1940. Harlow, Uppy, Boomer, Nick Depopulis, Gildersleeve, and the whole gang are piled into the McGee's jalopy for a road trip to see the Army-Notre Dame game. During the 1940s, West Point's rivalry with the Fighting Irish was even more intense than the one with Navy.
  • A Day in the Life of Dennis Day, October 9, 1948. Recalling his glory days as waterboy for the Weaverville High football team, Dennis gets drafted to spy on the Middletown's gridiron gang and steal their plays. Of course, if he gets caught, he will get clobbered, what could go wrong?
  • Life with LuigiLife with Luigi, November 1, 1949. "The Little Immigrant" is intrigued by football because he heard that the best players are made "All Americans". Luigi wants to go to his first football game, and his classmate Olsen has two tickets that he cannot use, but Luigi will have to take Olsen's niece, Marta.
  • The Great Gildersleeve, October 4, 1950. The Great Man is in charge of the Community Chest Fund Drive Junior Football Game, even though nephew Leroy is not much of an athlete. However, Bullard's niece is impressed with football players, so Leroy will be on the field if he can keep from giggling every time Brenda speaks.
  • The Hallmark Hall of Fame, October 24, 1954, "Knute Rockne". The great Notre Dame coach taught his boys as much about life as he did about football. This is the story of his last championship against USC in Los Angeles. Apparently, the great coach had "a feeling" about going to California, and he was, in fact, a very sick man having been diagnosed with a blood disease a few months before. The Notre Dame squad was missing its best players and the newspapers were predicting a heavy defeat for the Irish, but Rock was not going to disappoint his boys.
  • The Grantland Rice Story, Episode #23, 1955, "Football's Most Famous Coaches". Granny has met and worked with many great coaches over the years but admits that he learns more from a coach after they have lost a big game than when they win.

The American form of the game is also referred to as gridiron football and is as much a game of gaining and controlling territory as it is of scoring points. It is a game of inches played on a field measured in yards. Each team defends the field behind its line and tries to invade the other's territory until they are in a position to score a touchdown or a field goal. As such, American football is a form of ritualized combat, but it differs from combat sports like boxing, fencing, or wrestling in that the battles are won or lost by a team rather than an individual, and just like an army, each soldier or player has a job to fulfill on the road to victory or defeat.

If it all seems complicated, well, it is if you have not grown up watching or playing the game. This is part of what makes football such a great topic for Old Time Radio. Another reason is the sense of ritual which surrounds the game. Football season is in the autumn, traditionally after the harvest has come in. The most exciting games are not necessarily those for the season championship, but the games between rival schools. It gets to the point that a school’s reputation is judged more by the football team’s prowess on the gridiron than the academic success of its alumni.

It is hard to express the athletic grace and power of even a star football player on the radio, but we can see the reactions of those around them. Fans may swoon in such a godly presence while rivals may stoop to almost melodramatic measures to keep the hero from performing in the big game. Whether you are a fan or not, there is plenty of drama in our Football Collection for fans of football and Old Time Radio.

Army V Notre Dame 1946This collection contains some classic American football matches fans are sure to enjoy including:

  • Army v Notre Dame, 1946
  • Rosebowl, 1953
  • Baltimore v NY, 1958
  • NY v Greenbay, 1962
  • NY v Chicago, 1963
  • Baltimore v Cleveland, 1968


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    8     1


    Taking bets on the game ? I’m giving great odds on Army.

    Jack Verified Purchase

    Nice to hear old football games.

    Rick Verified Purchase

    I really enjoyed listening to the 1958 Colts-Giants NFL championship game. That broadcast was worth the price of the entire mp3 disc.

    Stan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    70 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 5 min
    70 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 5 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afrs Sportsreel 213 480000 Joe Comiskey Tied Football Games.mp3
    3. Afrs Sportsreel 214 480000 Joe Comiskey Shortest Kick.mp3
    4. Archie Andrews Football Tickets.mp3
    5. Bob Feller Show 600000 09 Pro Football.mp3
    6. Burns Allen 451122 George Inherits Five Thousand Dollars.mp3
    7. Charlotte Greenwood 451125 Must Pass Midterm Exams Football.mp3
    8. Claudia 481105 290 Football.mp3
    9. Dangerous Assignment 50.11.25 037 Football Play.mp3
    10. Dennis Day 481009 090 Dennis Tries To Get Football Plays.mp3
    11. Dizzy Dean 480828 09 Football Story.mp3
    12. Easy Money 541003 001 Football Pool Racket [first Show].mp3
    13. Eb Zeb 321109 132 Hector Applied For Football Scholars.mp3
    14. Eb Zeb 321111 134 Academys Football. Teams Outlook.mp3
    15. Europe Confidential 50047 Football Pool Affair.mp3
    16. FMM 19461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game.mp3
    17. FMM 371115 0136 Football Ringer.mp3
    18. FMM 401029 0259 Trip To Notre Damearmy Football Game.mp3
    19. FMM 461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game.mp3
    20. FMM 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game.mp3
    21. Ft 471009 035 T Formation.mp3
    22. Game 461109 Army vNotre Dame.mp3
    23. Game 530101 Rosebowl USC vWisconsin.mp3
    24. Game 571229 NFLChamp Detroit vCleveland.mp3
    25. Game 580000 Baltimore @ New York.mp3
    26. Game 610000 New York @ Greenbay.mp3
    27. Game 620000 Greenbay @ New York.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Game 630000 New York @ Chicago.mp3
    3. Game 680000 Baltimore @ Cleveland.mp3
    4. Game 741221 AFC PlayOff Oakland Raiders v Miami Dolphins.mp3
    5. Gg 451125 188 Big Football Game.mp3
    6. Grantland Rice 441111 37 This Football.mp3
    7. Grantland Rice 450113 46 Football Brains.mp3
    8. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne.mp3
    9. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team.mp3
    10. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    11. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard.mp3
    12. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football.mp3
    13. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches.mp3
    14. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Bluesfootball Memory.mp3
    15. Grantland Rice Story 550000 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    16. Great Gildersleeve 501004 Community Chest Football.mp3
    17. Hallmark 541024 Knute Rockne.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 381127 312 Flash Benny Football Coach.mp3
    20. Jack Benny 411109 420 Football Game.mp3
    21. Jeff Regan 481127 Man Who Fought Back.mp3
    22. Life Of Riley 441112 Big Football Bet.mp3
    23. Life Of Riley 451027 Football Game.mp3
    24. Life Of Riley 460928 Riley Bribes Jr To Win Football Game.mp3
    25. Life Of Riley 480917 Riley Football Cheerleader.mp3
    26. Life Of Riley 481203 Riley Tries To Get Football Tickets.mp3
    27. Love On Line 1947 35 Paul Asks Peggy To Football Banquet.mp3
    28. Luigi 491101 Football Game.mp3
    29. Magic Key 381211 165 Eric Blore Explains American Football.mp3
    30. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football Hq.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game.mp3
    32. Night Beat 19500612 Football Player And Syndicate.mp3
    33. Our Miss Brooks 481031 Clay City Football Game.mp3
    34. Our Miss Brooks 491211 Game At Clay City.mp3
    35. Our Miss Brooks 541003 Conklin Threatens To Abolish Football.mp3
    36. Phil Harris 521123 Football Tickets.mp3
    37. Red Grange Football Show 40009 Outstanding Plays Season.mp3
    38. Red Grange Football Show 490000 08 Great Stars Of 1950.mp3
    39. Red Skelton Show 421103 044 Football.mp3
    40. Rocky Fortune 19540202 017 Football Fix.mp3
    41. Sportsmens Club 431218 This Football.mp3
    42. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football.mp3
    43. Theater Five 650713 Marked Man.mp3
    44. Todays Football 370904 Football Highlights.mp3
    45. Touchdown Tips 460930 Football Stories.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    70 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 5 min
    70 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1294 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 5 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Afrs Sportsreel 213 480000 Joe Comiskey Tied Football Games.mp3
    3. Afrs Sportsreel 214 480000 Joe Comiskey Shortest Kick.mp3
    4. Archie Andrews Football Tickets.mp3
    5. Bob Feller Show 600000 09 Pro Football.mp3
    6. Burns Allen 451122 George Inherits Five Thousand Dollars.mp3
    7. Charlotte Greenwood 451125 Must Pass Midterm Exams Football.mp3
    8. Claudia 481105 290 Football.mp3
    9. Dangerous Assignment 50.11.25 037 Football Play.mp3
    10. Dennis Day 481009 090 Dennis Tries To Get Football Plays.mp3
    11. Dizzy Dean 480828 09 Football Story.mp3
    12. Easy Money 541003 001 Football Pool Racket [first Show].mp3
    13. Eb Zeb 321109 132 Hector Applied For Football Scholars.mp3
    14. Eb Zeb 321111 134 Academys Football. Teams Outlook.mp3
    15. Europe Confidential 50047 Football Pool Affair.mp3
    16. FMM 19461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game.mp3
    17. FMM 371115 0136 Football Ringer.mp3
    18. FMM 401029 0259 Trip To Notre Damearmy Football Game.mp3
    19. FMM 461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game.mp3
    20. FMM 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game.mp3
    21. Ft 471009 035 T Formation.mp3
    22. Game 461109 Army vNotre Dame.mp3
    23. Game 530101 Rosebowl USC vWisconsin.mp3
    24. Game 571229 NFLChamp Detroit vCleveland.mp3
    25. Game 580000 Baltimore @ New York.mp3
    26. Game 610000 New York @ Greenbay.mp3
    27. Game 620000 Greenbay @ New York.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 44 shows – 656 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Game 630000 New York @ Chicago.mp3
    3. Game 680000 Baltimore @ Cleveland.mp3
    4. Game 741221 AFC PlayOff Oakland Raiders v Miami Dolphins.mp3
    5. Gg 451125 188 Big Football Game.mp3
    6. Grantland Rice 441111 37 This Football.mp3
    7. Grantland Rice 450113 46 Football Brains.mp3
    8. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne.mp3
    9. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team.mp3
    10. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    11. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard.mp3
    12. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football.mp3
    13. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches.mp3
    14. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Bluesfootball Memory.mp3
    15. Grantland Rice Story 550000 23 Footballs Famous Coaches.mp3
    16. Great Gildersleeve 501004 Community Chest Football.mp3
    17. Hallmark 541024 Knute Rockne.mp3
    18. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 381127 312 Flash Benny Football Coach.mp3
    20. Jack Benny 411109 420 Football Game.mp3
    21. Jeff Regan 481127 Man Who Fought Back.mp3
    22. Life Of Riley 441112 Big Football Bet.mp3
    23. Life Of Riley 451027 Football Game.mp3
    24. Life Of Riley 460928 Riley Bribes Jr To Win Football Game.mp3
    25. Life Of Riley 480917 Riley Football Cheerleader.mp3
    26. Life Of Riley 481203 Riley Tries To Get Football Tickets.mp3
    27. Love On Line 1947 35 Paul Asks Peggy To Football Banquet.mp3
    28. Luigi 491101 Football Game.mp3
    29. Magic Key 381211 165 Eric Blore Explains American Football.mp3
    30. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football Hq.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game.mp3
    32. Night Beat 19500612 Football Player And Syndicate.mp3
    33. Our Miss Brooks 481031 Clay City Football Game.mp3
    34. Our Miss Brooks 491211 Game At Clay City.mp3
    35. Our Miss Brooks 541003 Conklin Threatens To Abolish Football.mp3
    36. Phil Harris 521123 Football Tickets.mp3
    37. Red Grange Football Show 40009 Outstanding Plays Season.mp3
    38. Red Grange Football Show 490000 08 Great Stars Of 1950.mp3
    39. Red Skelton Show 421103 044 Football.mp3
    40. Rocky Fortune 19540202 017 Football Fix.mp3
    41. Sportsmens Club 431218 This Football.mp3
    42. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football.mp3
    43. Theater Five 650713 Marked Man.mp3
    44. Todays Football 370904 Football Highlights.mp3
    45. Touchdown Tips 460930 Football Stories.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    70 recordings on 25 Audio CDs. Total playtime 23 hours, 50 min
    70 recordings on 25 Audio CDs
    total playtime 23 hours, 50 min

    Football Recordings Disc A001

    1. Archie Andrews Football Tickets
    2. Dangerous Assignment 50.11.25 037 Football Play

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A002

    1. Europe Confidential 50047 Football Pool Affair
    2. FMM 19461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A003

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 15 Footballs Beloved Knute Rockne
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 20 Grannys Alltime Football Team
    3. Grantland Rice Story 55 23 Footballs Famous Coaches
    4. Grantland Rice Story 55 24 Footballs Advance Guard
    5. Grantland Rice Story 55 36 An Appraisal Of Game Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A004

    1. Grantland Rice Story 55 49 Famous Football Coaches
    2. Grantland Rice Story 55 51 Granddaddy Bluesfootball Memory
    3. Love On Line 1947 35 Paul Asks Peggy To Football Banquet
    4. Night Beat 19500612 Football Player And Syndicate
    5. Red Grange Football Show 40009 Outstanding Plays Season

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A005

    1. Rocky Fortune 19540202 017 Football Fix
    2. Eb Zeb 321109 132 Hector Applied For Football Scholars
    3. Eb Zeb 321111 134 Academys Football. Teams Outlook

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A006

    1. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football
    2. Todays Football 370904 Football Highlights

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A007

    1. FMM 371115 0136 Football Ringer
    2. Jack Benny 381127 312 Flash Benny Football Coach

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A008

    1. Magic Key 381211 165 Eric Blore Explains American Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A009

    1. FMM 401029 0259 Trip To Notre Damearmy Football Game
    2. Jack Benny 411109 420 Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A010

    1. Red Skelton Show 421103 044 Football
    2. Sportsmens Club 431218 This Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A011

    1. Grantland Rice 441111 37 This Football
    2. Life Of Riley 441112 Big Football Bet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A012

    1. Grantland Rice 450113 46 Football Brains
    2. Life Of Riley 451027 Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A013

    1. Burns Allen 451122 George Inherits Five Thousand Dollars
    2. Charlotte Greenwood 451125 Must Pass Midterm Exams Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A014

    1. Gg 451125 188 Big Football Game
    2. Life Of Riley 460928 Riley Bribes Jr To Win Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A015

    1. Touchdown Tips 460930 Football Stories
    2. FMM 461119 0491 Fibbers Play For Big Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A016

    1. FMM 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game
    2. Ft 471009 035 T Formation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A017

    1. Milton Berle 471104 35 Football Hq
    2. Afrs Sportsreel 213 480000 Joe Comiskey Tied Football Games
    3. Afrs Sportsreel 214 480000 Joe Comiskey Shortest Kick

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A018

    1. Dizzy Dean 480828 09 Football Story
    2. Life Of Riley 480917 Riley Football Cheerleader

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A019

    1. Dennis Day 481009 090 Dennis Tries To Get Football Plays
    2. Our Miss Brooks 481031 Clay City Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A020

    1. Claudia 481105 290 Football
    2. Jeff Regan 481127 Man Who Fought Back
    3. Life Of Riley 481203 Riley Tries To Get Football Tickets

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A021

    1. Red Grange Football Show 490000 08 Great Stars Of 1950
    2. Luigi 491101 Football Game
    3. Our Miss Brooks 491211 Game At Clay City

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A022

    1. Great Gildersleeve 501004 Community Chest Football
    2. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A023

    1. Halls Of Ivy 511031 075 Football Coach
    2. Phil Harris 521123 Football Tickets

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A024

    1. Easy Money 541003 001 Football Pool Racket [first Show]
    2. Our Miss Brooks 541003 Conklin Threatens To Abolish Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Football Recordings Disc A025

    1. Hallmark 541024 Knute Rockne
    2. Grantland Rice Story 550000 23 Footballs Famous Coaches
    3. Bob Feller Show 600000 09 Pro Football
    4. Theater Five 650713 Marked Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00