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The Family Business, American Political Dynasties

American politics is a family business. This collection is dedicated to these dynasties in American politics from the Twentieth Century forward.

Family Business American Political Dynasties

1031 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 488 hours, 24 min)
available in the following formats:

21 MP3 CDs
391 Audio CDs

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George HW BushGeorge W Bush

There is no greater tribute to an American’s legacy than when the family continues in the family business.  Where else but in the United States where Mother and Dad start a business and after they retire or die, the business is taken over by the children or grandchildren, or even the surviving spouse.

Like the family run heating and cooling company in Northeast Ohio; politics and in particularly American politics is also a family business.  The presidency alone has seen John Adams and John Quincy Adams and George HW Bush and George W. Bush as the only two father and son president pairs, William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harris as the only grandfather and grandson presidents.  Don't forget Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt as the two cousins who were president.  And of course, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton we’re almost the first two spouses to be president.   In one instance, during the 2000 Presidential Election, both Al Gore and George W. Bush, sons of political dynasties squared off to be the 43rd President of the United States.

But as you look through history, there were many families who chose to serve in government and politics at every level of the republic.  Some of them will make sense as they will have the same last name, but remember that the Schwarzeneggers are related to the Shrivers by marriage and the Shrivers are related to the Kennedys by marriage. Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao are married. Then there is Lyndon Johnson, father-in-law to Chuck Robb as is Linwood Holton the father of Anne Holton who is married to Tim Kaine. Even in government and politics the family dynamic can be complex.

This collection is dedicated to these dynasties in American politics from the Twentieth Century forward.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    1031 recordings on 21 MP3 CDs for just $99.00. Total playtime 488 hours, 24 min
    1031 recordings on 21 MP3 CDs for just $99.00
    total playtime 488 hours, 24 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. A.Schwarzenegger 20031007 Ca Gubernatorial Recall Victory.mp3
    3. A.Schwarzenegger 20040831 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    4. A.Schwarzenegger 20060829 CA State Univ Long Beach.mp3
    5. A.Schwarzenegger 20080221 Building Americas Future.mp3
    6. A.Schwarzenegger 20081218 CA State Budget.mp3
    7. A.Schwarzenegger 20090107 CA State Budget.mp3
    8. A.Schwarzenegger 20100728 Bill Signing At Reagan Library.mp3
    9. A.Schwarzenegger 20110511 Maria Shriver I Still Love You.mp3
    10. A.Schwarzenegger 20160306 Endorses John Kasich President.mp3
    11. A.Schwarzenegger 20180106 Cleaner World.mp3
    12. Adlai Stevenson 19520726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    13. Adlai Stevenson 19521104 Concession.mp3
    14. Adlai Stevenson 19560521 V Estes Kefauver FL Dem Prim Debate.mp3
    15. Adlai Stevenson 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Adlai Stevenson 19560901 w JFK Peace Is Nonpartisan.mp3
    17. Adlai Stevenson 19621025 Valerian Zorin Soviet Missiles Cuba.mp3
    18. Adlai Stevenson 19631122 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    19. Adlai Stevenson 19631202 Reaffirming Jfk Joint Space Propsl.mp3
    20. Adlai Stevenson 19640000 Kennedy Wit.mp3
    21. Adlai Stevenson III 20091030 Ethics Government.mp3
    22. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 1.mp3
    23. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 2.mp3
    24. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 3.mp3
    25. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 4.mp3
    26. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 5.mp3
    27. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 6.mp3
    28. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 7.mp3
    29. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 8.mp3
    30. Adlai Stevenson III 20131104 Contenders Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    31. Adlai Stevenson III 20150615 Keven Cheng Interview.mp3
    32. Adlai Stevenson III 20151222 Reflect Personalities Politics.mp3
    33. Adlai Stevenson III 20160616 Black Book.mp3
    34. Albert Gore Jr 19790313 Cspans First Airing Of House.mp3
    35. Albert Gore Jr 19851210 Climate Change Senate Hearing.mp3
    36. Albert Gore Jr 19870823 Iowa State Fair Democratic Debate.mp3
    37. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Earth Balance.mp3
    38. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Internet.mp3
    39. Albert Gore Jr 19920131 700 Club Interview.mp3
    40. Albert Gore Jr 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    41. Albert Gore Jr 19921013 Dan Quayle James Stockdale VP Debate.mp3
    42. Albert Gore Jr 19930817 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    43. Albert Gore Jr 19931109 Nafta Debate V Ross Perot.mp3
    44. Albert Gore Jr 19960828 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Albert Gore Jr 19961009 Jack Kemp Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    46. Albert Gore Jr 19970117 B.Clinton B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    47. Albert Gore Jr 19990425 Columbine Memorial Service.mp3
    48. Albert Gore Jr 20000817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20001003 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    3. Albert Gore Jr 20001011 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Albert Gore Jr 20001017 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    5. Albert Gore Jr 20001211 Florida Recount.mp3
    6. Albert Gore Jr 20001213 Concession.mp3
    7. Albert Gore Jr 20010103 Swear H.Clinton Us Senator From Ny.mp3
    8. Albert Gore Jr 20010106 Oversee Certification Electoral Vote.mp3
    9. Albert Gore Jr 20020000 Tipper Gore Joined At Heart.mp3
    10. Albert Gore Jr 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    11. Albert Gore Jr 20060613 Larry King Interview.mp3
    12. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 79th Academy Awards.mp3
    13. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 Leonardo Dicaprio Announcement.mp3
    14. Albert Gore Jr 20070321 V Jim Infofe Climate Change.mp3
    15. Albert Gore Jr 20080616 Endorsement Of Barack Obama.mp3
    16. Albert Gore Jr 20080828 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    17. Albert Gore Jr 20130513 Leaders Supply Vision Values Goals.mp3
    18. Albert Gore Jr 20170718 Stephen Colbert Interview.mp3
    19. Albert Gore Jr 20171026 Climate One Interview.mp3
    20. Albert Gore Jr 20180425 Wilson Lecture Series.mp3
    21. Albert Gore Jr 20210315 Restricting Vote Is Unamerican.mp3
    22. Albert Gore Sr 19580000 Economic Recession Rumors.mp3
    23. Albert Gore Sr 19640923 Debate Against Carl Mundt.mp3
    24. Albert Gore Sr 19920000 Young Al Decision To Enter Politics.mp3
    25. Alfred Landon 19661213 Inaugural Landon Lecture.mp3
    26. Alfred Landon 19870906 100th Birthday.mp3
    27. Andrew Cuomo 20101102 Ny Gubernatorial Victory.mp3
    28. Andrew Cuomo 20110101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    29. Andrew Cuomo 20110105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    30. Andrew Cuomo 20110113 Ny State Of State Address Jamestown Ny.mp3
    31. Andrew Cuomo 20110114 Ny State Of State Address Watertown Ny.mp3
    32. Andrew Cuomo 20110125 Swearing Nirav R Shah Ny Health Comm.mp3
    33. Andrew Cuomo 20110131 Swearing Joseph A Damico NYP Comm.mp3
    34. Andrew Cuomo 20110201 201112 Executive Budget Address.mp3
    35. Andrew Cuomo 20110728 Cap Region Regional Eco Dev Council.mp3
    36. Andrew Cuomo 20111208 785 Million Eco Development Funding.mp3
    37. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Declares Transportation Emergency.mp3
    38. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Nyc Storm Response.mp3
    39. Andrew Cuomo 20121101 Storm Damage Update.mp3
    40. Andrew Cuomo 20121106 Storm Recovery.mp3
    41. Andrew Cuomo 20121108 Storm Recovery Update.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20121113 Ny Transportation Update.mp3
    3. Andrew Cuomo 20150101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    4. Andrew Cuomo 20150106 Eulogy To Mario Cuomo.mp3
    5. Andrew Cuomo 20160728 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Andrew Cuomo 20170316 Joe Biden Help Hero Humanitarian Award.mp3
    7. Andrew Cuomo 20200302 Expand Ny State Coronavirus Testing.mp3
    8. Andrew Cuomo 20200304 Coronavirus Update.mp3
    9. Andrew Cuomo 20200305 11 More Covid 19 Positive Cases.mp3
    10. Andrew Cuomo 20200310 Plan Mitigate Covid Cluster Rochelle.mp3
    11. Andrew Cuomo 20200311 Contract 28 Private Labs To Test Covid.mp3
    12. Andrew Cuomo 20200817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    13. Andrew Cuomo 20210726 Doj Investigation Being Dropped.mp3
    14. Andrew Cuomo 20210728 Remarks At Abny Meeting.mp3
    15. Andrew Cuomo 20210810 Resignation.mp3
    16. Andrew Cuomo 20210823 Farewell Address.mp3
    17. Barry Goldwater 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    18. Barry Goldwater 19640716 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    19. Barry Goldwater 19640929 Cincinnati Ohio Rally.mp3
    20. Barry Goldwater 19660609 Future Of Conservatism.mp3
    21. Barry Goldwater 19740807 Statement After Speaking Nixon.mp3
    22. Barry Goldwater 19800000 Nixon Watergate.mp3
    23. Barry Goldwater 198340000 Mo Udall Barry Mo Show.mp3
    24. Barry Goldwater 19881013 George Mcgovern Divisive Politics.mp3
    25. Barry Goldwater 19891016 Looks Forward Politics.mp3
    26. Barry Goldwater Jr 20110425 MI State Univ Libraries.mp3
    27. Barry Goldwater Jr 20140203 Jim Chapman Cong Careers.mp3
    28. Barry Goldwater Jr 20180208 Rating Trump As President.mp3
    29. Ben Quayle 20100813 Barack Obama Worst President History.mp3
    30. Ben Quayle 20110104 Politics His Father.mp3
    31. Ben Quayle 20110414 First 100 Days Congress.mp3
    32. Ben Quayle 20110809 Takes Questions From Constituents.mp3
    33. Ben Quayle 20120611 Aca Individual Mandate.mp3
    34. Bill Clinton 19880720 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    35. Bill Clinton 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    36. Bill Clinton 19920315 Jerry Brown P.Tsongas Mi Prim Debate.mp3
    37. Bill Clinton 19920716 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Bill Clinton 19921011 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    39. Bill Clinton 19921015 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    40. Bill Clinton 19921019 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    41. Bill Clinton 19921103 Victory.mp3
    42. Bill Clinton 19930120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    43. Bill Clinton 19930205 Signs Family Medical Leave Act.mp3
    44. Bill Clinton 19930923 Jt Session Congress Address Healthcare.mp3
    45. Bill Clinton 19930929 Tour Of Oval Office.mp3
    46. Bill Clinton 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    47. Bill Clinton 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon.mp3
    48. Bill Clinton 19940523 C.Kennedy JFK Jr Graveside Jackie O.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 41 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Bill Clinton 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference.mp3
    3. Bill Clinton 19950418 President Is Relevant.mp3
    4. Bill Clinton 19950419 Announcing Oklahoma City Bombing.mp3
    5. Bill Clinton 19950423 Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial.mp3
    6. Bill Clinton 19960731 Welfare Reform Press Conference.mp3
    7. Bill Clinton 19960829 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    8. Bill Clinton 19961006 Bob Dole Pres Debate.mp3
    9. Bill Clinton 19961016 Bob Dole Pres Debate.mp3
    10. Bill Clinton 19961105 Victory.mp3
    11. Bill Clinton 19970117 Gore B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    12. Bill Clinton 19970120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. Bill Clinton 19980817 Address Nation About Monica Lewinsky.mp3
    14. Bill Clinton 19990212 Comments Concl Sen Impeachment Trial.mp3
    15. Bill Clinton 20000429 Final Days.mp3
    16. Bill Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    17. Bill Clinton 20010118 Farewell Address.mp3
    18. Bill Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    19. Bill Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    20. Bill Clinton 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Bill Clinton 20150629 Conversation Tom Vilsack.mp3
    22. Bill Clinton 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    23. Bill Clinton 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    24. Birch Bayh 19680000 Announce Candidacy Reelection Us Senate.mp3
    25. Birch Bayh 19680000 Electoral College.mp3
    26. Birch Bayh 1969 Electoral College Reform.mp3
    27. Birch Bayh 19690000 College Tuition.mp3
    28. Birch Bayh 19690000 Nuclear Weapons Treaty.mp3
    29. Birch Bayh 19691204 Ucla.mp3
    30. Birch Bayh 19700508 Democratic Pty State Chairmanship.mp3
    31. Birch Bayh 19721017 Ucla.mp3
    32. Birch Bayh 19790000 Ellen Prose Interview.mp3
    33. Birch Bayh 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable Interview.mp3
    34. Birch Bayh 19940000 Speaking At First Conference.mp3
    35. Bob Dole 19720110 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    36. Bob Dole 19760817 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    37. Bob Dole 19761015 V Walter Mondale Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    38. Bob Dole 19800106 Howard Baker George Hw Bush Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    39. Bob Dole 19871217 Immediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty.mp3
    40. Bob Dole 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon.mp3
    41. Bob Dole 19960611 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    42. Bob Dole 19960815 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 64 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Bob Dole 19961006 Bill Clinton Pres Debate.mp3
    3. Bob Dole 19961016 Bill Clinton Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Bob Dole 19961105 Concession.mp3
    5. Bob Dole 19970117 Gore Clinton Award Presid Medal Freedom.mp3
    6. Carl Levin 20081210 Assisting Us Auto Industry.mp3
    7. Carl Levin 20100427 Rrated Trade.mp3
    8. Carl Levin 20111012 How To Break Gop Filibuster.mp3
    9. Carl Levin 20130318 Us Defense Policy.mp3
    10. Carl Levin 20141212 Farewell Address To Senate.mp3
    11. Carl Levin 20160314 Michigan Jewish Heritage Oral History.mp3
    12. Caroline Kennedy 19940523 JFK Jr Clinton Graveside Jackie O.mp3
    13. Caroline Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama.mp3
    14. Caroline Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    15. Caroline Kennedy 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Caroline Kennedy 20140924 American Japanese Society Luncheon.mp3
    17. Caroline Kennedy 20150521 Columbia Sipa Commencement.mp3
    18. Caroline Kennedy 20190208 America World.mp3
    19. Caroline Kennedy 20190716 Jfks Moonshot Promise.mp3
    20. Caroline Kennedy 202000818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Caroline Kennedy 20200220 Jfk New Frontier Honorees Panel.mp3
    22. Caroline Kennedy 20210415 Overcome Obstacles Change Global.mp3
    23. Caroline Kennedy 20210526 Mitt Romney Profiles Courage Award.mp3
    24. Charles Robb 19900120 Presidency Congress.mp3
    25. Charles Robb 19960910 Defense Of Marriage Act.mp3
    26. Charles Robb 20210519 Bridge Builders.mp3
    27. Charles Robb 20210629 Arena.mp3
    28. Chuck Grassley 19860602 Human Rights Free America.mp3
    29. Chuck Grassley 20110302 Day Life.mp3
    30. Chuck Grassley 20130130 Obama Gun Argument Turns Consti head.mp3
    31. Chuck Grassley 20160912 Fbis Refuse Rel Unclassified Info.mp3
    32. Chuck Grassley 20180904 You Are Taking Adv Decency Integrity.mp3
    33. Chuck Grassley 20200203 Stmnt During Trump Impeachment Trial.mp3
    34. Chuck Grassley 20201013 Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    35. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Intro Tom Vilsack Senate Ag Comt.mp3
    36. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Questions Tom Vilsack.mp3
    37. Chuck Grassley 20210507 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    38. Chuck Grassley 20211130 Dem Should Investigate Hunter Biden.mp3
    39. Chuck Grassley 20220118 Evid Free Claims Voter Suppression.mp3
    40. Cindy McCain 20080904 Republican National Convention Speech.mp3
    41. Cindy McCain 20200925 Endorses Joe Biden for President.mp3
    42. Cindy McCain 20210513 A Conversation.mp3
    43. Cindy McCain 20210518 We Have Lost Our Way.mp3
    44. Cindy McCain 20220708 Accepting Medal Freedom John McCain.mp3
    45. Edmund Pat Brown 19581116 What’s My Line.mp3
    46. Edmund Pat Brown 19661102 v Ronald Reagan CA Gub Cand Forum.mp3
    47. Edmund Pat Brown 19671129 UCLA.mp3
    48. Edward M Kennedy 19620000 MA Democratic Pty Primary.mp3
    49. Edward M Kennedy 19640528 JFK Pres Library.mp3
    50. Edward M Kennedy 19660709 JFK Memorial Dedication Lewis Bay.mp3
    51. Edward M Kennedy 19680128 Face Nation.mp3
    52. Edward M Kennedy 19680407 Alaska Democratic Pty Conv.mp3
    53. Edward M Kennedy 19680608 Eulogy To Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    54. Edward M Kennedy 19680615 Thanks Nation After Rfk Death.mp3
    55. Edward M Kennedy 19690725 Addresses Chappaquiddick Accident.mp3
    56. Edward M Kennedy 19770000 Universal Healthcare.mp3
    57. Edward M Kennedy 19780000 Healthcare.mp3
    58. Edward M Kennedy 19791020 Dedication JFK Pres Library.mp3
    59. Edward M Kennedy 19791107 Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    60. Edward M Kennedy 19800000 Bill Boggs Interview.mp3
    61. Edward M Kennedy 19800811 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    62. Edward M Kennedy 19810605 Robert Kennedy Medal Ethel Kennedy.mp3
    63. Edward M Kennedy 19831123 Healthcare.mp3
    64. Edward M Kennedy 19880719 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    65. Edward M Kennedy 19940523 Eulogy To Jackie Onassis.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19941025 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma.mp3
    3. Edward M Kennedy 19941027 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma.mp3
    4. Edward M Kennedy 20030000 Health Policy Economic Security.mp3
    5. Edward M Kennedy 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Edward M Kennedy 20050000 Isnt It Time You To Resign.mp3
    7. Edward M Kennedy 20060410 Immigration Rally.mp3
    8. Edward M Kennedy 20070125 Republicans Minimum Wage.mp3
    9. Edward M Kennedy 20070927 Urges Senate Pass Child Healthcare.mp3
    10. Edward M Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama President.mp3
    11. Edward M Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    12. Elaine Chao 20020519 Depauw Univ Commencement.mp3
    13. Elaine Chao 20170117 Opening Stmnt Senate Commerce Comm.mp3
    14. Elaine Chao 20180306 New York Metro Gateway Project.mp3
    15. Elaine Chao 20180314 Addresses Nations Counties.mp3
    16. Elaine Chao 20200603 Playbook Interview.mp3
    17. Elaine Chao 20211123 Ncuscr Gala.mp3
    18. Elizabeth Dole 19830207 Swearing Secretary Transportation.mp3
    19. Elizabeth Dole 19850501 Laird Youth Leadership Day.mp3
    20. Elizabeth Dole 19871002 Farewell Transportation Department.mp3
    21. Elizabeth Dole 19910504 Albion College Commencement.mp3
    22. Elizabeth Dole 20081104 Concession.mp3
    23. Elizabeth Dole 20100206 Ronald Reagan Birthday Celebration.mp3
    24. Elizabeth Dole 20170503 Women Leadership Lecture.mp3
    25. Elizabeth Dole 20180828 Distinguished Service Medal.mp3
    26. Elizabeth Dole 20200423 Have Plan Your Pets Psa.mp3
    27. Elizabeth Dole 20211029 Driving Impact Making Difference.mp3
    28. Evan Bayh 20060521 Depauw Univ Commencement.mp3
    29. Evan Bayh 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Evan Bayh 20081113 Defends Joe Lieberma.mp3
    31. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 1.mp3
    32. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 2.mp3
    33. Evan Bayh 20090623 Agrees Obama Approach Iran.mp3
    34. Evan Bayh 20090730 Dramatic Sanctions Against Iran.mp3
    35. Evan Bayh 20090730 Hearing Iran Sanctions Bill.mp3
    36. Evan Bayh 20100215 Announces He Is Leaving Us Senate.mp3
    37. Evan Bayh 20101215 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    38. Evan Bayh 20131028 Buckley Program Lecture Series.mp3
    39. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330304 Inaugural Address.mp3
    40. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330312 Banking Crisis.mp3
    41. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330507 Progress Report.mp3
    42. Franklin D Roosevelt 19340930 Government Capitalism.mp3
    43. Franklin D Roosevelt 19350428 Works Relief Program SSy Act.mp3
    44. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360627 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360906 Farmers Laborers.mp3
    46. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    47. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370309 Court Packing.mp3
    48. Franklin D Roosevelt 19371005 Quarantine.mp3
    49. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380414 Recession.mp3
    50. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380624 Purging Democratic Pty.mp3
    51. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380708 Dedication NW Territory Memrl.mp3
    52. Franklin D Roosevelt 19390903 European War.mp3
    53. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400526 Ntnl Defense.mp3
    54. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400610 Stabbed Back.mp3
    55. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400719 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    56. Franklin D Roosevelt 19401229 Arsenal Of Democracy.mp3
    57. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410106 Four Freedoms.mp3
    58. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    59. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410315 Lend Lease.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 44 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410911 Greer Incident.mp3
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411208 Declaration War Against Japan.mp3
    4. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411209 War Japan.mp3
    5. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420223 Progress Of War.mp3
    6. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420428 Sacrifice.mp3
    7. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420907 Inflation Food Prices.mp3
    8. Franklin D Roosevelt 19421012 Home Front.mp3
    9. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430502 Coal Crisis.mp3
    10. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430728 Fall Of Mussolini.mp3
    11. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430908 Armistice Italy.mp3
    12. Franklin D Roosevelt 19431224 Tehran Cairo Conference.mp3
    13. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440605 Fall Of Rome.mp3
    14. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440612 Opening Fifth War Loan Drive.mp3
    15. Franklin D Roosevelt 19450120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    16. George Hw Bush 19711206 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    17. George Hw Bush 19711208 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    18. George Hw Bush 19711231 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    19. George Hw Bush 19721129 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    20. George Hw Bush 19721211 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    21. George Hw Bush 19730223 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    22. George Hw Bush 19730830 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    23. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 1.mp3
    24. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 2.mp3
    25. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 3.mp3
    26. George Hw Bush 19800106 Howard Baker Bob Dole Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    27. George Hw Bush 19800423 V Ronald Reagan Tx Gop Debate.mp3
    28. George Hw Bush 19800717 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    29. George Hw Bush 19840823 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. George Hw Bush 19841011 V Geraldine Ferraro Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    31. George Hw Bush 19880110 Bob Dole Iowa Gop Debate.mp3
    32. George Hw Bush 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    33. George Hw Bush 19880925 V Michael Dukakis Pres Debate.mp3
    34. George Hw Bush 19881013 V Michael Dukakis Pres Debate.mp3
    35. George Hw Bush 19881108 Victory.mp3
    36. George Hw Bush 19890120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    37. George Hw Bush 19890905 War Drugs.mp3
    38. George Hw Bush 19900726 Signs Americans Disabilities Act.mp3
    39. George Hw Bush 19900808 Iraqs Invasion Of Kuwait.mp3
    40. George Hw Bush 199100306 Desert Storm Victory.mp3
    41. George Hw Bush 19910116 Start Of Iraq War.mp3
    42. George Hw Bush 19911225 Christmas Day Message.mp3
    43. George Hw Bush 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. George Hw Bush 19921011 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3
    45. George Hw Bush 19921015 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 59 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. George Hw Bush 19921019 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3
    3. George Hw Bush 19921103 Concession.mp3
    4. George Hw Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan.mp3
    5. George P Bush 20150102 Sworn Tx Land Commissioner.mp3
    6. George P Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush.mp3
    7. George P Bush 20210602 Announcing Run Tx Attorney General.mp3
    8. George P Bush 20210603 Texas Deserves Better.mp3
    9. George P Bush 20210618 Tx Ag Candidacy Wall Trump.mp3
    10. George P Bush 20210724 Stance Prolife.mp3
    11. George P Bush 20210805 Border Crisis.mp3
    12. George P Bush 20210913 Pres Cant Force Vaccine Mandates St.mp3
    13. George P Bush 20211110 Worries Ken Paxton As Gop Candidate.mp3
    14. George Romney 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    15. George Romney 19640714 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. George Romney 19670000 Address To State Of Michigan.mp3
    17. George Romney 19671118 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    18. George Romney 19671206 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    19. George Romney 19680000 Brainwashing.mp3
    20. George Romney 19680000 Nh Republican Primary.mp3
    21. George Romney 19920320 Americanism.mp3
    22. George W Bush 19880815 Interview At Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    23. George W Bush 19941108 Tx Gubernatorial Victory.mp3
    24. George W Bush 19950117 Tx Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    25. George W Bush 20000725 Announcing Dick Cheney Runningmate.mp3
    26. George W Bush 20000803 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    27. George W Bush 20001003 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    28. George W Bush 20001011 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    29. George W Bush 20001017 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    30. George W Bush 20001019 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    31. George W Bush 20001102 Addresses 1976 Dui Arrest.mp3
    32. George W Bush 20001122 Fl Vote Recount.mp3
    33. George W Bush 20001213 Victory.mp3
    34. George W Bush 20010120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    35. George W Bush 20010911 Address To Nation Terror Attacks.mp3
    36. George W Bush 20010914 Ntnl Day Of Prayer.mp3
    37. George W Bush 20010920 Jt Session Of Congress 911 Attacks.mp3
    38. George W Bush 20011007 Announcing Start Of War Afghanistan.mp3
    39. George W Bush 20030319 Start Of War Iraq.mp3
    40. George W Bush 20030501 Mission Accomplished.mp3
    41. George W Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan.mp3
    42. George W Bush 20040902 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    43. George W Bush 20040930 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    44. George W Bush 20041008 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    45. George W Bush 20041013 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    46. George W Bush 20041103 Victory.mp3
    47. George W Bush 20050120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    48. George W Bush 20050915 Hurricane Katrina.mp3
    49. George W Bush 20070102 Eulogy To Gerald Ford.mp3
    50. George W Bush 20080903 Laura Bush Repub Ntl Conv.mp3
    51. George W Bush 20080924 Address To Nation Financial Crisis.mp3
    52. George W Bush 20090115 Farewell Address.mp3
    53. George W Bush 20160215 Stumps Brother Jeb.mp3
    54. George W Bush 20180901 Eulogy To John Mccain.mp3
    55. George W Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush.mp3
    56. George W Bush 20200720 Eulogy To John Lewis.mp3
    57. George W Bush 20210614 Legacy Of Angela Merkel.mp3
    58. George Wallace 19630114 Al Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    59. George Wallace 19630611 Refusal Desegregate Univ AL.mp3
    60. George Wallace 19640000 Ball State Teachers College.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 45 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. George Wallace 19640000 Barton Colosseum Little Rock Ar.mp3
    3. George Wallace 19680000 Tulsa Ok Rally.mp3
    4. George Wallace 19680630 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    5. George Wallace 19680721 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    6. George Wallace 19720313 Election Eve Fl Primary.mp3
    7. George Wallace III 19980825 Larry King Interview.mp3
    8. George Wallace III 20121015 Steve Flowers Interview.mp3
    9. George Wallace III 20150514 Ken Rudin Interview.mp3
    10. Greg Pence 20181107 Victory.mp3
    11. Greg Pence 20190213 Congress Must Reward Fwd Thinking States.mp3
    12. Greg Pence 20210306 Rural Disparities Broadband Capabilities.mp3
    13. Greg Pence 20210325 One Size Fits All Mandates.mp3
    14. Hillary Clinton 19690531 Wellesley College Commncmnt.mp3
    15. Hillary Clinton 19930317 Healthcare Psa.mp3
    16. Hillary Clinton 19940422 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    17. Hillary Clinton 19950507 Message AR School Mathematics Sci.mp3
    18. Hillary Clinton 19950905 Womens Conference Beijing.mp3
    19. Hillary Clinton 19960127 Appearance Before Grand Jury.mp3
    20. Hillary Clinton 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Hillary Clinton 19980127 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.mp3
    22. Hillary Clinton 19990802 Hispanic Youth Event.mp3
    23. Hillary Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    24. Hillary Clinton 20001108 Senate Victory Press Conference.mp3
    25. Hillary Clinton 20010911 Thoughts Terror Attacks.mp3
    26. Hillary Clinton 20021010 Vote Iraq War.mp3
    27. Hillary Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    28. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Dem Ntnl Conv Suspends Roll Call.mp3
    29. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Hillary Clinton 20090122 Welcome To State Department Remarks.mp3
    31. Hillary Clinton 20100122 Internet Freedom.mp3
    32. Hillary Clinton 20101019 Tomorrow Will Be Better.mp3
    33. Hillary Clinton 20111206 International Human Rights Day.mp3
    34. Hillary Clinton 20121018 Energy Independence.mp3
    35. Hillary Clinton 20130201 Farewell Address State Department.mp3
    36. Hillary Clinton 20150613 Announcing Her Candidacy President.mp3
    37. Hillary Clinton 20160728 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Hillary Clinton 20160926 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    39. Hillary Clinton 20161003 Akron Ohio Rally.mp3
    40. Hillary Clinton 20161009 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    41. Hillary Clinton 20161019 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    42. Hillary Clinton 20161031 Urges Portage County OH Vote Early.mp3
    43. Hillary Clinton 20161109 Concession.mp3
    44. Hillary Clinton 20200819 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Hillary Clinton 20211212 Willie Geist Interview.mp3
    46. Howard Baker 19790308 Landon Lecture Series.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Howard Baker 19800106 Bob Dole George Hw Bush Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    3. Howard Baker 19821115 Meeting Ronald Reagan.mp3
    4. Howard Baker 19890000 Truman Good Neighbor Award Luncheon.mp3
    5. Howard Baker 19990309 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    6. Howard Baker 20070507 Oral History About Bob Dole.mp3
    7. Hubert H Humphrey 19460000 Reads Comics Radio Polio Outbreak.mp3
    8. Hubert H Humphrey 19480714 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    9. Hubert H Humphrey 19520314 Longines Interview.mp3
    10. Hubert H Humphrey 19540000 Longines Interview.mp3
    11. Hubert H Humphrey 19600504 JFK Wv Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    12. Hubert H Humphrey 19631122 Assassination President Kennedy.mp3
    13. Hubert H Humphrey 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    14. Hubert H Humphrey 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    15. Hubert H Humphrey 19641103 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    16. Hubert H Humphrey 19661109 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    17. Hubert H Humphrey 19670000 Stay School Psa.mp3
    18. Hubert H Humphrey 19680000 College Graduate Adm Asstnc Psa.mp3
    19. Hubert H Humphrey 19680424 Vietnam Negotiations.mp3
    20. Hubert H Humphrey 19680503 Memorial Gymnasium Kent St Univ.mp3
    21. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    22. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    23. Hubert H Humphrey 19681105 Concession.mp3
    24. Hubert H Humphrey 19681106 Calls Lbj After Election Loss.mp3
    25. Hubert H Humphrey 19690225 Ucla.mp3
    26. Hubert H Humphrey 19691201 My Lai Massacre.mp3
    27. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 Mental Retardation.mp3
    28. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 You Know He Cares.mp3
    29. Hubert H Humphrey 19721107 Phone Call To Richard Nixon.mp3
    30. Hubert H Humphrey 19760401 Ntnl Economic Planning.mp3
    31. Hubert H Humphrey 19770919 Last To Labor.mp3
    32. Hubert Humphrey 19840911 Muriel Humphrey Medal Freedom.mp3
    33. Hubert Humphrey 19880000 Mn Senate Debate.mp3
    34. Hubert Humphrey 19981001 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    35. Hubert Humphrey 19981020 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    36. Hubert Humphrey 19981025 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    37. Hubert Humphrey 19981030 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    38. Hubert Humphrey 20141108 Barry Goldwater Jr 1964 Election.mp3
    39. James Danforth Quayle 19820522 Kevin Armstrong Depauw Univ.mp3
    40. James Danforth Quayle 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable.mp3
    41. James Danforth Quayle 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    42. James Danforth Quayle 19881005 V Lloyd Bentsen VP Debate.mp3
    43. James Danforth Quayle 19890120 Oath Of Office.mp3
    44. James Danforth Quayle 19890815 Primetime Live Interview.mp3
    45. James Danforth Quayle 19920519 Murphy Brown.mp3
    46. James Danforth Quayle 19920616 “potatoe”.mp3
    47. James Danforth Quayle 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    48. James Danforth Quayle 19921013 Al Gore J.Stockdale VP Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 60 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. James Danforth Quayle 19950000 Roger Ailes Interview.mp3
    3. James Danforth Quayle 19950213 Standing Firm.mp3
    4. James Danforth Quayle 19951108 Depauw Univ.mp3
    5. James Danforth Quayle 19990927 Withdraws From 2000 Pres Race.mp3
    6. Jason Carter 20110224 Hope Reform.mp3
    7. Jason Carter 20110302 Hope Reform Plan.mp3
    8. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 1.mp3
    9. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 2.mp3
    10. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 3.mp3
    11. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 1.mp3
    12. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 2.mp3
    13. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 3.mp3
    14. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 4.mp3
    15. Jason Carter 20110913 Flint River Adventure.mp3
    16. Jason Carter 20120215 Jimmy Carter Life Of Service.mp3
    17. Jason Carter 20120221 Prime Time Lawmakers.mp3
    18. Jason Carter 20120627 Exp As An Election Monitor Egypt.mp3
    19. Jason Carter 20130211 Saving Hope.mp3
    20. Jason Carter 20130228 Ga Inaction Education.mp3
    21. Jason Carter 20130607 Town Hall Meeting Education.mp3
    22. Jason Carter 20140116 Dem Response Ga State Address.mp3
    23. Jason Carter 20140201 State Of Ga Storm Response.mp3
    24. Jason Carter 20140217 Hb990.mp3
    25. Jason Carter 20140219 Teacher Workforce Initiatives.mp3
    26. Jason Carter 20140326 Andrea Mitchell Interview.mp3
    27. Jason Carter 20141019 Nathan Deal Andrew Hunt Ga Gub Debate.mp3
    28. Jason Carter 20150319 Voting Rights Symposium.mp3
    29. Jason Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Jason Carter 20180000 Immigration Human Rights.mp3
    31. Jean Kennedysmith 20110217 Pres Medal Of Freedom.mp3
    32. Jean Kennedysmith 20170124 Nine Of Us Growing Up Kennedy.mp3
    33. Jerry Brown 19760307 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    34. Jerry Brown 19810000 Merv Griffin Interview.mp3
    35. Jerry Brown 19920305 University of Texas.mp3
    36. Jerry Brown 19920315 Clinton P.Tsongas Il Mi Primary Debate.mp3
    37. Jerry Brown 19920407 Donahue Show Interview.mp3
    38. Jerry Brown 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    39. Jerry Brown 20190328 Commonwealth Club.mp3
    40. JFK 19400813 Kroc Am Interview.mp3
    41. JFK 19520822 Longines Interview.mp3
    42. JFK 19531019 Person To Person Interview.mp3
    43. JFK 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. JFK 19560901 Adlai Stevenson Peace Is Nonpartisan.mp3
    45. JFK 19580000 Us Senator JFK.mp3
    46. JFK 19581028 At Home Kennedys.mp3
    47. JFK 19600102 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    48. JFK 19600504 Hubert H Humphrey Wv Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    49. JFK 19600616 Jack Parr Show.mp3
    50. JFK 19600715 Dnc.mp3
    51. JFK 19600926 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    52. JFK 19601007 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    53. JFK 19601013 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    54. JFK 19601016 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    55. JFK 19601021 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    56. JFK 19601107 Election Eve Activities Boston Ma.mp3
    57. JFK 19601109 Victory.mp3
    58. JFK 19610120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    59. JFK 19610301 Interview Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    60. JFK 19610313 Alliance Progress.mp3
    61. JFK 19610420 American Society Of Newspaper Editors.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 43 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. JFK 19610421 10th News Conference.mp3
    3. JFK 19610525 Goal Of Sending Man To Moon.mp3
    4. JFK 19620409 50th Anniversary Of Childrens Bureau.mp3
    5. JFK 19620520 Rally Of Three Generations.mp3
    6. JFK 19620912 Rice State Univ.mp3
    7. JFK 19621022 Cuban Missile Crisis.mp3
    8. JFK 19630610 American Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. JFK 19630611 Address To Nation Civil Rights.mp3
    10. JFK 19630902 Labor Day Interview Chuck Todd.mp3
    11. JFK 19630909 Huntleybrinkley Interview.mp3
    12. JFK 19631104 Vietnam.mp3
    13. JFK 19631121 Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    14. JFK 19631122 Last Twoes Fr Worth Tx.mp3
    15. Jimmy Carter 19760715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Jimmy Carter 19760923 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    17. Jimmy Carter 19761006 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    18. Jimmy Carter 19761022 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    19. Jimmy Carter 19761102 Victory.mp3
    20. Jimmy Carter 19770120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    21. Jimmy Carter 19770202 Energy.mp3
    22. Jimmy Carter 19770309 Press Conference.mp3
    23. Jimmy Carter 19770418 Energy.mp3
    24. Jimmy Carter 19770522 Univ Of Norte Dame Commencement.mp3
    25. Jimmy Carter 19770907 Panama Canal Treaty Signing.mp3
    26. Jimmy Carter 19770917 Camp David Summit.mp3
    27. Jimmy Carter 19771108 Energy.mp3
    28. Jimmy Carter 19781024 Antiinflation Program.mp3
    29. Jimmy Carter 19781215 Diplomatic Relations China.mp3
    30. Jimmy Carter 19790715 Crisis Of Confidence.mp3
    31. Jimmy Carter 19800104 Afghanistan.mp3
    32. Jimmy Carter 19800425 Iran Rescue Mission.mp3
    33. Jimmy Carter 19800814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    34. Jimmy Carter 19801028 V Ronald Reagan Pres Debate.mp3
    35. Jimmy Carter 19801104 Concession.mp3
    36. Jimmy Carter 19810114 Farewell Address.mp3
    37. Jimmy Carter 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Jimmy Carter 20120215 Jason Carter Life Of Service.mp3
    39. Jimmy Carter 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    40. Jimmy Carter 20150820 Address Cancer Treatment.mp3
    41. Jimmy Carter 20150915 Conversation Carters.mp3
    42. Jimmy Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    43. Jimmy Carter 20191007 Habitat Humanity.mp3
    44. Jimmy Carter 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 60 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 57 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. John Ellis Bush 19941018 Lawton Chiles Fl Gub Debate.mp3
    3. John Ellis Bush 19951011 Conserv Plcyi Success Not Inevitble.mp3
    4. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Paul Ryan Medicare Inspiring Choice.mp3
    5. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. John Ellis Bush 20131121 Immigration Wars Forging Am Sol.mp3
    7. John Ellis Bush 20140119 Human Parade.mp3
    8. John Ellis Bush 20150228 Cpac.mp3
    9. John Ellis Bush 20150615 Announcing Candidacy President.mp3
    10. John Ellis Bush 20150806 Rand Paul 1st Main Stage Rep Debate.mp3
    11. John Ellis Bush 20150811 Reagan Forum.mp3
    12. John Ellis Bush 20150916 Rand Paul 2nd Main Stage Rep Debate.mp3
    13. John Ellis Bush 20151019 Trumps View History Is Just Wrong.mp3
    14. John Ellis Bush 20151102 Chuck Todd Interview.mp3
    15. John Ellis Bush 20151220 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    16. John Ellis Bush 20160119 Us Foreign Policy Challenges Opp.mp3
    17. John Ellis Bush 20160124 Jake Tapper Interview.mp3
    18. John Ellis Bush 20160220 Suspends Pres Campaign.mp3
    19. John Ellis Bush 20180421 Eulogy To Barbara Bush.mp3
    20. John Ellis Bush 20200720 Oxford Union Q A.mp3
    21. John Ellis Bush 20201027 Video Message To People Of Budapest.mp3
    22. John J Gilligan 19701208 Kent State University.mp3
    23. John J Gilligan 20080000 Great Living Cincinnatian Interview.mp3
    24. John J Gilligan 20080204 World War Ii Service.mp3
    25. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160317 Ncrc Awards Night.mp3
    26. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160929 6th European Grid Conference.mp3
    27. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20180621 Leadership.mp3
    28. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20190527 Dear Dot.mp3
    29. Joseph P Kennedy III 20120905 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Joseph P Kennedy III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    31. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180130 Dem Response State Union.mp3
    32. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180205 I Am Not Running President.mp3
    33. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180606 Tribute To Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    34. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180614 Trump Immigration Policy.mp3
    35. Joseph P Kennedy III 20191011 Kennedy School Of Government.mp3
    36. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200811 E.Markey Ma Sen Dem Prim Debte.mp3
    37. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200901 Ma Us Senate Dem Primary Conc.mp3
    38. Joseph P Kennedy III 20201209 Farewell Address To Congress.mp3
    39. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19360000 New Marine Service.mp3
    40. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19380000 New Us Ambassador To England.mp3
    41. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19390000 Freedom Of Edinburgh.mp3
    42. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Au Revoir To England.mp3
    43. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 FDR Should Be Reelected.mp3
    44. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Rearming Stay Out Of War.mp3
    45. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 House Foreign Affairs Comm.mp3
    46. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Morale Of British German People.mp3
    47. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Staying Out Of War.mp3
    48. Joseph R Biden III 19721121 Youngest Us Senator.mp3
    49. Joseph R Biden III 19721219 Condolence Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    50. Joseph R Biden III 19730518 Cleveland City Club.mp3
    51. Joseph R Biden III 19740000 Campaign Finance Reform.mp3
    52. Joseph R Biden III 19770000 School Busing.mp3
    53. Joseph R Biden III 19800415 Iran Hostages.mp3
    54. Joseph R Biden III 19810909 Arms Sale.mp3
    55. Joseph R Biden III 19820000 Falklands Conflict.mp3
    56. Joseph R Biden III 19870823 IA State Fair Democratic Debate.mp3
    57. Joseph R Biden III 19871112 Ronald Reagan Strom Thurmond.mp3
    58. Joseph R Biden III 19880907 Return To Senate.mp3
    59. Joseph R Biden III 19890905 War Drugs Democratic Response.mp3
    60. Joseph R Biden III 19920000 Supr Ct Nominees Wait Election.mp3
    61. Joseph R Biden III 19930309 Strom Thurmonds 90th Birthday.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 53 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. Joseph R Biden III 19931118 Crime Bill.mp3
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20010911 Abc Interview.mp3
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20010917 Shares Powerful Letter.mp3
    5. Joseph R Biden III 20021010 Iraq War Vote.mp3
    6. Joseph R Biden III 20030701 Eulogy To Strom Thurmond.mp3
    7. Joseph R Biden III 20070314 Iraq War Resolution.mp3
    8. Joseph R Biden III 20080823 First As Vp Candidate.mp3
    9. Joseph R Biden III 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    10. Joseph R Biden III 20081002 V Sarah Palin Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    11. Joseph R Biden III 20090115 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    12. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 1.mp3
    13. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 2.mp3
    14. Joseph R Biden III 20100702 Eulogy To Robert Byrd.mp3
    15. Joseph R Biden III 20100929 Delaware Democrats Dad.mp3
    16. Joseph R Biden III 20101013 Civil War Gop.mp3
    17. Joseph R Biden III 20110314 Help Us Stop Elder Abuse Psa.mp3
    18. Joseph R Biden III 20110513 Syracuse Univ Commencement.mp3
    19. Joseph R Biden III 20111114 Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal.mp3
    20. Joseph R Biden III 20120209 Stop Foreclosures.mp3
    21. Joseph R Biden III 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    22. Joseph R Biden III 20120921 New Child Abuse Law De.mp3
    23. Joseph R Biden III 20121009 DE Board Of Directors Award.mp3
    24. Joseph R Biden III 20121011 Thoughts Dad.mp3
    25. Joseph R Biden III 20121011 V Paul Ryan Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    26. Joseph R Biden III 20121024 Piers Morgan Interview.mp3
    27. Joseph R Biden III 20121031 Honoring Our Commitment Veterans.mp3
    28. Joseph R Biden III 20130712 First Person Interview.mp3
    29. Joseph R Biden III 20130919 Internet Is Forever.mp3
    30. Joseph R Biden III 20151021 Not Candidate President 2016.mp3
    31. Joseph R Biden III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    32. Joseph R Biden III 20161217 Eulogy To John Glenn.mp3
    33. Joseph R Biden III 20170103 Kamala Harris Us Senator Ca.mp3
    34. Joseph R Biden III 20170106 Oversee Certif Of Electoral Vote.mp3
    35. Joseph R Biden III 20170112 Awarded Pres Medal Of Freedom.mp3
    36. Joseph R Biden III 20170316 Andrew Cuomo Hero Human Award.mp3
    37. Joseph R Biden III 20171213 Comforts Megan Mccain.mp3
    38. Joseph R Biden III 20180104 Joe Kennedy Dealt Loss Son.mp3
    39. Joseph R Biden III 20180830 Eulogy To John Mccain.mp3
    40. Joseph R Biden III 20190425 Eulogy To Ernest Fritz Hollings.mp3
    41. Joseph R Biden III 20200609 Eulogy To George Floyd.mp3
    42. Joseph R Biden III 20200812 Kamala Harris As Runningmate.mp3
    43. Joseph R Biden III 20200820 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. Joseph R Biden Jr 20200929 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    45. Joseph R Biden Jr 20201022 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    46. Joseph R Biden Jr 20201107 Victory.mp3
    47. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210106 Addresses Attack Us Capitol.mp3
    48. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    49. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210222 500071 Dead Americans Due Covid19.mp3
    50. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210413 Eulogy To William Evans.mp3
    51. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210428 Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    52. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210512 Mike Dewine Bip Meeting Governors.mp3
    53. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210529 Mem Day Remembr New Castle De.mp3
    54. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210531 Memorial Day Remembrance.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 46 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210704 4th Of July Celebration.mp3
    3. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210831 Ending War Afghanistan.mp3
    4. Joseph R Biden Jr 20211210 Eulogy To Bob Dole.mp3
    5. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220106 January 6 One Year Later.mp3
    6. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220111 voting Rights.mp3
    7. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220119 Press Conf Critiquing First Year.mp3
    8. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220124 Admin Efforts Lower Prices.mp3
    9. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20060000 Margaret Brent Aw Keynote.mp3
    10. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070000 Failing Americas Faithful.mp3
    11. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070529 Clinton Serv Lecture.mp3
    12. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20121015 3 Weeks Visions America.mp3
    13. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Faith Family.mp3
    14. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Justice Home Abroad.mp3
    15. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Welfare Immigration.mp3
    16. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Social Policy.mp3
    17. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20141017 Returns To Doj.mp3
    18. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150312 Women Forever.mp3
    19. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150810 Failing Americas Faithful.mp3
    20. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150919 Obamacare Took 10 Years.mp3
    21. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190205 Future Of Science.mp3
    22. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190225 Symposium Democracy.mp3
    23. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20210419 Headliners Of Service.mp3
    24. Kathleen Sebelius 20040112 Ks State Of State Address.mp3
    25. Kathleen Sebelius 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    26. Kathleen Sebelius 20070108 Ks Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    27. Kathleen Sebelius 20080129 Endorses Barack Obama.mp3
    28. Kathleen Sebelius 20080130 Dem Response To State Of Union.mp3
    29. Kathleen Sebelius 20080220 Cincinnati Ohio.mp3
    30. Kathleen Sebelius 20080826 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    31. Kathleen Sebelius 20090707 Tom Vilsack Improving Food Safety.mp3
    32. Kathleen Sebelius 20090724 Health Insurance Reform.mp3
    33. Kathleen Sebelius 20091001 Sheldon Whitehouse Health Reform.mp3
    34. Kathleen Sebelius 20091014 Patty Murray Health Reform.mp3
    35. Kathleen Sebelius 20101129 Landon Lecture.mp3
    36. Kathleen Sebelius 20110310 Bullying Prevention.mp3
    37. Kathleen Sebelius 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Linwood Holton 20020406 Oral History Interview.mp3
    39. Linwood Holton 20081013 2008 Pres Election.mp3
    40. Linwood Holton 20160115 Oral History Interview.mp3
    41. Liz Cheney 20191218 These Art Impeachment Threaten Republic.mp3
    42. Liz Cheney 20210511 Freedom Constitutional Duty Protect It.mp3
    43. Liz Cheney 20210513 Our Pty Must Be Based Truth.mp3
    44. Liz Cheney 20210727 Opening Statement January 6 Committee.mp3
    45. Liz Cheney 20211213 Reads Texts From Fox News Hosts.mp3
    46. Lyndon B Johnson 19631127 Congress After Assassination Jfk.mp3
    47. Lyndon B Johnson 19631128 Thanksgiving Day Message.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 38 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 16: $5.00
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    2. Lyndon B Johnson 19640522 Univ Of Michigan Commencement.mp3
    3. Lyndon B Johnson 19640702 Signing Civil Rights Act Of 1964.mp3
    4. Lyndon B Johnson 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    5. Lyndon B Johnson 19650120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    6. Lyndon B Johnson 19650315 Message Congress American Promise.mp3
    7. Lyndon B Johnson 19650806 Signing Voting Rights Act 1965.mp3
    8. Lyndon B Johnson 19680331 Bombing Halt Vietnam.mp3
    9. Lyndon B Johnson 19680605 Statement Shooting Of Rfk.mp3
    10. Lyndon B Johnson 19680606 Statement Death Of Rfk.mp3
    11. Lyndon B Johnson 19681031 Everett This Is Treason.mp3
    12. Mario Cuomo 19830101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. Mario Cuomo 19830102 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    14. Mario Cuomo 19830103 Appointment Of Judge Simons.mp3
    15. Mario Cuomo 19840000 Interview Bill Boggs.mp3
    16. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 1.mp3
    17. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 2.mp3
    18. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 1.mp3
    19. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 2.mp3
    20. Mario Cuomo 19840716 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Mario Cuomo 19840814 Acid Rain.mp3
    22. Mario Cuomo 19840913 Religious Beliefs Public Morality.mp3
    23. Mario Cuomo 19850109 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    24. Mario Cuomo 19850131 Raising Drinking Age To 21.mp3
    25. Mario Cuomo 19850711 Court Reform Bill Signing.mp3
    26. Mario Cuomo 19851024 Aids.mp3
    27. Mario Cuomo 19851211 Malpractice Special Session.mp3
    28. Mario Cuomo 19860212 Abraham Lincoln Our Unfinished Work.mp3
    29. Mario Cuomo 19890108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    30. Mario Cuomo 19890320 Death Penalty.mp3
    31. Mario Cuomo 19900103 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    32. Mario Cuomo 19910109 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    33. Mario Cuomo 19920108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    34. Mario Cuomo 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    35. Mario Cuomo 19930106 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    36. Mario Cuomo 19940105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    37. Mario Cuomo 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Mario Cuomo 20040614 Catholic Politicians Issues.mp3
    39. Mario Cuomo 20090122 Words That Make Our History.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 53 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 17: $5.00
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    2. Mario Cuomo 20100125 My Life.mp3
    3. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 1.mp3
    4. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 2.mp3
    5. Mark Shriver 20120719 Good Man Remembering Sargent Shriver.mp3
    6. Mark Shriver 20130316 Faith Hope Love Action.mp3
    7. Mark Shriver 20140520 Loyola Univ Commencement.mp3
    8. Mark Shriver 20161130 Pilgrimage.mp3
    9. Mark Shriver 20161208 Real Pope Francis.mp3
    10. Mark Shriver 20170718 Social Determinants Of Health.mp3
    11. Mark Shriver 20180116 Save Children.mp3
    12. Mark Shriver 20180119 Urges Congress To Invest Children.mp3
    13. Mark Shriver 20210217 Time To Unite.mp3
    14. Mark Udall 20100422 Bark Beetle Bill Hearing.mp3
    15. Mark Udall 20100625 Tribute To His Uncle Stewart.mp3
    16. Mark Udall 20101123 Nuclear Energy.mp3
    17. Mark Udall 20141104 Co Us Senate Concession.mp3
    18. Mark Udall 20141210 Hold Cia Accountable.mp3
    19. Mary Bono 20060911 Medical Marijuana and Legalized Pot.mp3
    20. Mary Bono 20070420 Salton Sea.mp3
    21. Mary Bono 20080130 State of the Net Conference.mp3
    22. Mary Bono 20110507 Online Data Theft.mp3
    23. Mary Bono 20120423 Gay Marriage.mp3
    24. Mary Bono 20120912 Julie Brill Fast Growth App Mobile Phones.mp3
    25. Mary Bono 20171106 Sexual Harassment in Congress.mp3
    26. Mary Landrieu 20080603 Protecting Our Energy Corridor.mp3
    27. Mary Landrieu 20080827 Democratic National Convention.mp3
    28. Mary Landrieu 20080917 Hurricane Responsiveness.mp3
    29. Mary Landrieu 20090114 First Response Broadcasters Act.mp3
    30. Mary Landrieu 20100121 Adoption Issue.mp3
    31. Mary Landrieu 20110610 Rutgers Univ New Leadership Keynote.mp3
    32. Mary Landrieu 20141105 Making it to Runoff Election.mp3
    33. Mary Landrieu 20141207 Concession Speech.mp3
    34. Mike Dewine 20061027 V Sherrod Brown Oh Us Senate Debate.mp3
    35. Mike Dewine 20120715 Jim Heath Interview.mp3
    36. Mike Dewine 20140131 Pat Kelly Indictment.mp3
    37. Mike Dewine 20150820 Issues Facing Ohio.mp3
    38. Mike Dewine 20151209 City Club Of Cleveland.mp3
    39. Mike Dewine 20180508 Oh Gop Primary Victory.mp3
    40. Mike Dewine 20181001 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate.mp3
    41. Mike Dewine 20181008 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate.mp3
    42. Mike Dewine 20181109 Fox Friends Interview.mp3
    43. Mike Dewine 20181109 Morning Joe Interview.mp3
    44. Mike Dewine 20190114 Oh Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    45. Mike Dewine 20190411 Signs Oh Heartbeat Abortion Bill Law.mp3
    46. Mike Dewine 20191217 Jay Crawford Interview.mp3
    47. Mike Dewine 20200311 State Coronavirus Update.mp3
    48. Mike Dewine 20210512 Joe Biden Bipartisan Meeting Governors.mp3
    49. Mike Dewine 20210512 Vax Million Lottery.mp3
    50. Mike Dewine 20211217 Addresses Hospital Staffing Shortages.mp3
    51. Mike Pence 20100325 Gop View Healthcare Reform.mp3
    52. Mike Pence 20110727 Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    53. Mike Pence 20121220 Farewell To House Of Representatives.mp3
    54. Mike Pence 20150331 Addresses Religious Freedom.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 45 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. Mike Pence 20160720 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    3. Mike Pence 20161004 Tim Kaine Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Mike Pence 20170127 March Life Rally.mp3
    5. Mike Pence 20200826 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Mike Pence 20201007 V Kamala Harris Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    7. Mike Pence 20210106 Stmnt Condemning Capitol Insurrection.mp3
    8. Mike Pence 20210107 Certifies Electoral Votes.mp3
    9. Mike Pence 20210604 Donald Trump I May Never See Eye To Eye.mp3
    10. Mike Pence 20220721 Supreme Court Decision on Abortion.mp3
    11. Mitch Mcconnell 19861009 State Of Emergency Regulations.mp3
    12. Mitch Mcconnell 20160316 Obamas Supreme Court Nominee.mp3
    13. Mitch Mcconnell 20170728 Skinny Aca Repeal Vote Fails.mp3
    14. Mitch Mcconnell 20191219 Statement House Impeachment Vote.mp3
    15. Mitch Mcconnell 20200203 Senates Role Impeachment Trial.mp3
    16. Mitch Mcconnell 20200921 Death Of Ruth Bater Ginsburg.mp3
    17. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 Electoral College Debate.mp3
    18. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 They Tried To Disrupt Our Democracy.mp3
    19. Mitch Mcconnell 20210119 Mob Was Fed Lies.mp3
    20. Mitch Mcconnell 20210213 2nd Trump Impeachment Acquittal.mp3
    21. Mitch Mcconnell 20211206 Remembers Bob Dole.mp3
    22. Mitch Mcconnell 20211209 Bob Dole Honored EpicenterDemocracy.mp3
    23. Mitch Mcconnell 20220112 Changing Filibuster Rule.mp3
    24. Mitch Mcconnell 20220119 Senate Filibuster.mp3
    25. Mitch Mcconnell 20220131 Justice Breyers Retirement.mp3
    26. Mitch Mcconnell 20220202 Covid Facts Time State Emerg End.mp3
    27. Mitt Romney 19940915 Town Talk Interview.mp3
    28. Mitt Romney 19941025 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate.mp3
    29. Mitt Romney 19941027 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate.mp3
    30. Mitt Romney 20020319 Announcing His Candidacy Ma Governor.mp3
    31. Mitt Romney 20080903 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    32. Mitt Romney 20100525 Reagan Lecture.mp3
    33. Mitt Romney 20110715 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    34. Mitt Romney 20120110 Nh Republican Primary Victory.mp3
    35. Mitt Romney 20120202 Endorsement By Donald Trump.mp3
    36. Mitt Romney 20120811 Announcing Paul Ryan As His Runningmate.mp3
    37. Mitt Romney 20120831 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Mitt Romney 20121003 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    39. Mitt Romney 20121016 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    40. Mitt Romney 20121022 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    41. Mitt Romney 20121106 Concession.mp3
    42. Mitt Romney 20160303 Trump Is Phony.mp3
    43. Mitt Romney 20200205 Statement Trump Impeachment.mp3
    44. Mitt Romney 20210106 Us Capitol Lockdown.mp3
    45. Mitt Romney 20210526 Caroline Kennedy Profiles Courage Award.mp3
    46. Moon Landrieu 20130924 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 32 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 6 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 19: $5.00
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    2. Moon Landrieu 20131001 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    3. Moon Landrieu 20131008 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    4. Moon Landrieu 20131022 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    5. Morris Udall 19741212 Prospects Democratic Moderation.mp3
    6. Morris Udall 19760413 Marie Torre Interview.mp3
    7. Morris Udall 19801008 Ellen Adelstein Interview.mp3
    8. Morris Udall 198340000 Barry Goldwater Barry Mo Show.mp3
    9. Muriel Humphrey 19790528 Wcco Midday Interview.mp3
    10. Muriel Humphrey 19840911 Skip Humphrey Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    11. Nancy Kassebaum 19870909 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    12. Nancy Kassebaum 20070306 Womans Leadership Lecture.mp3
    13. Nancy Kassebaum 20090416 Oral History Of Bob Dole.mp3
    14. Nelson Rockefeller 19590101 Ny Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    15. Nelson Rockefeller 19590201 Address Ny State Budget.mp3
    16. Nelson Rockefeller 19610104 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    17. Nelson Rockefeller 19620103 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    18. Nelson Rockefeller 19640000 Political Announcement.mp3
    19. Nelson Rockefeller 19640715 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    20. Nelson Rockefeller 19641117 How Much Education.mp3
    21. Nelson Rockefeller 19650105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    22. Nelson Rockefeller 19690108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    23. Nelson Rockefeller 19710106 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    24. Nelson Rockefeller 19711224 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    25. Nelson Rockefeller 19720820 Ronald Reagan Issues Answers.mp3
    26. Nelson Rockefeller 19730123 Press Conference Narcotics.mp3
    27. Nelson Rockefeller 19731121 Empire State Plaza Dedication.mp3
    28. Nelson Rockefeller 19741219 Sworn As Vice President.mp3
    29. Nelson Rockefeller 19751106 Retiring From Politics.mp3
    30. Pat Dewine 20200318 Cincinnati Rotary Club.mp3
    31. Pat Dewine 20210222 Columbus Rotary Club.mp3
    32. Pat Dewine 20210518 Kent Rotary Club.mp3
    33. Pat Dewine 20210525 Akron Rotary Club.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 53 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 20: $5.00
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    2. Pat Dewine 20210623 Pty Or No Pty.mp3
    3. Pat Grassley 20191025 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    4. Pat Grassley 20200316 Closing Legislative Sess Due Covid19.mp3
    5. Pat Grassley 20210106 Covid Safety At Capitol.mp3
    6. Pat Grassley 20210111 Open Remarks Spkr Ia St Legislature.mp3
    7. Pat Grassley 20210326 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    8. Pat Grassley 20220109 This Week Iowa Interview.mp3
    9. Pat Grassley 20220113 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    10. Patrick Kennedy 20071116 Mental Health Addiction Policy.mp3
    11. Patrick Kennedy 20080206 Health Parity.mp3
    12. Patrick Kennedy 20090829 Eulogy To Edward Kennedy.mp3
    13. Patrick Kennedy 20130701 Select Committee Mental Health.mp3
    14. Patrick Kennedy 20131209 Drug Reform Policy.mp3
    15. Patrick Kennedy 20150417 Looking Back Moving Forward.mp3
    16. Patrick Kennedy 20151013 Pain Of Mental Illness Addiction.mp3
    17. Patrick Kennedy 20160920 Healthy Minds.mp3
    18. Patrick Kennedy 20160921 Society Neuroscience.mp3
    19. Paul Thurmond 2012222 Quintine Interview.mp3
    20. Paul Thurmond 20150624 Confederate Flag.mp3
    21. Richard B Cheney 19840625 First Political Interview.mp3
    22. Richard B Cheney 19850000 Constitution Budget Process.mp3
    23. Richard B Cheney 19910116 C.Powell Press Conf Desert Storm.mp3
    24. Richard B Cheney 19910911 John M Ashbrook Memorial Dinner.mp3
    25. Richard B Cheney 20000725 Named George W Bushs Runningmate.mp3
    26. Richard B Cheney 20000802 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    27. Richard B Cheney 20001005 V Joe Lieberman Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    28. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 1.mp3
    29. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 2.mp3
    30. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 3.mp3
    31. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 4.mp3
    32. Richard B Cheney 20020908 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    33. Richard B Cheney 20040901 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    34. Richard B Cheney 20041005 V John Edwards Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    35. Richard B Cheney 20090106 Oversee Certif Electoral Vote.mp3
    36. Richard B Cheney 20131028 Liz Is Future Of Gop.mp3
    37. Robert A Taft 19390000 Government Intervention.mp3
    38. Robert A Taft 19410000 Lend Lease.mp3
    39. Robert A Taft 19470000 Tafthartley Act.mp3
    40. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 1.mp3
    41. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 2.mp3
    42. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 3.mp3
    43. Robert A Taft 20120305 Battleground Ohio.mp3
    44. Robert A Taft 20160606 Battleground Ohio.mp3
    45. Robert A Taft 20190829 Ted Strickland Oh Governors Emeritus.mp3
    46. Robert F Kennedy 19570327 Senate Labor Committee Hearings.mp3
    47. Robert F Kennedy 19630826 Interview Ray Scherer.mp3
    48. Robert F Kennedy 19640824 Announces Candidacy Us Senator Ny.mp3
    49. Robert F Kennedy 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    50. Robert F Kennedy 19640903 Resigns From Cabinet.mp3
    51. Robert F Kennedy 19660606 Day Of Affirmation.mp3
    52. Robert F Kennedy 19670000 Vietnam War Peace Negotiations.mp3
    53. Robert F Kennedy 19670515 V Ronald Reagan Town Meeting.mp3
    54. Robert F Kennedy 19671126 Face Nation.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 56 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 21: $5.00
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    2. Robert F Kennedy 19680316 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    3. Robert F Kennedy 19680404 Announcing Murder MLK Jr.mp3
    4. Robert F Kennedy 19680405 Mindless Menace Of Violence.mp3
    5. Robert F Kennedy 19680601 E.Mccarthy Ca Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    6. Robert F Kennedy 19680605 Last Ca Democratic Primary Victory.mp3
    7. Sander Levin 20130123 Gop Debt Ceiling Plan.mp3
    8. Sander Levin 20130724 Challenges Opportunities Intl Trade.mp3
    9. Sander Levin 20140725 Cuts Child Tax Credit.mp3
    10. Sander Levin 20140910 Corporate Tax Inversions.mp3
    11. Sander Levin 20140914 Trans Pacific Ptnership Negotiations.mp3
    12. Sander Levin 20141203 Able Act.mp3
    13. Sander Levin 20160928 New Directions Us Trade Policy.mp3
    14. Sargent Shriver 19610000 Speaks About Peace Corps.mp3
    15. Sargent Shriver 19611224 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    16. Sargent Shriver 19620311 Whats My Line Mystery Guest.mp3
    17. Sargent Shriver 19630000 Man Washington Interview.mp3
    18. Sargent Shriver 1964000 Promoting Peace Corps.mp3
    19. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Frank Reynolds Interview.mp3
    20. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Role Of Peace Corps.mp3
    21. Sargent Shriver 19660000 Departs Peace Corps.mp3
    22. Sargent Shriver 19670000 Visit To Home.mp3
    23. Sargent Shriver 19701002 Think Week.mp3
    24. Sargent Shriver 19740000 Civil Right Lecture Notre Dame Pt 1.mp3
    25. Sargent Shriver 19740000 Civil Right Lecture Notre Dame Pt 2.mp3
    26. Sargent Shriver 20020902 Seize Opportunity Society Better.mp3
    27. Sargent Shriver 20020917 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    28. Sargent Shriver 20030000 Poverty Law Dinner.mp3
    29. Sargent Shriver 20040509 Marymount Univ Commencement.mp3
    30. Seth Taft 19820528 Ohio Gop Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    31. Sonny Bono 19950125 Congressional Freshman Dinner.mp3
    32. Sonny Bono 19950802 Grills Janet Reno About Waco.mp3
    33. Sonny Bono 19960105 House Floor Speech.mp3
    34. Sonny Bono 19970711 the NEA and the Arts.mp3
    35. Stewart Udall 19650120 Lee Metcalf Interview.mp3
    36. Stewart Udall 19710119 Ucla.mp3
    37. Stewart Udall 19940518 Ntnl Press Club.mp3
    38. Strom Thurmond 19670215 Speaking At Ucla.mp3
    39. Strom Thurmond 19680000 Opposes Nomination Of Abe Fortas.mp3
    40. Strom Thurmond 19701109 Speaking At Ucla.mp3
    41. Theodore Roosevelt 19120320 Right Of People To Rule.mp3
    42. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Farmer Businessman.mp3
    43. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Progressive Covenant People.mp3
    44. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Social Industrial Justice.mp3
    45. Tim Kaine 20070000 Conference Public Service.mp3
    46. Tim Kaine 20090122 Accepts Chairmanship Dem Ntnl Committee.mp3
    47. Tim Kaine 20090206 Economic Recovery.mp3
    48. Tim Kaine 20090324 Civil War Battlefield Preservation.mp3
    49. Tim Kaine 20100729 Lgbt Community.mp3
    50. Tim Kaine 20121106 Va Us Senate Victory.mp3
    51. Tim Kaine 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    52. Tim Kaine 20161004 Mike Pence Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    53. Tim Kaine 20161109 Concession.mp3
    54. Tim Kaine 20180721 V Corey Stewart Va Us Senate Debate.mp3
    55. Tim Kaine 20181106 Va Us Senate Victory.mp3
    56. Tim Kaine 20200204 Statement Donald Trump Impeachment.mp3
    57. Tim Kaine 20210106 Voter Disenfranchisemen.mp3
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    1031 recordings on 21 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $99.00. Total playtime 488 hours, 24 min
    1031 recordings on 21 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $99.00
    13415 MB – total playtime 488 hours, 24 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 47 shows – 650 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. A.Schwarzenegger 20031007 Ca Gubernatorial Recall Victory.mp3
    3. A.Schwarzenegger 20040831 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    4. A.Schwarzenegger 20060829 CA State Univ Long Beach.mp3
    5. A.Schwarzenegger 20080221 Building Americas Future.mp3
    6. A.Schwarzenegger 20081218 CA State Budget.mp3
    7. A.Schwarzenegger 20090107 CA State Budget.mp3
    8. A.Schwarzenegger 20100728 Bill Signing At Reagan Library.mp3
    9. A.Schwarzenegger 20110511 Maria Shriver I Still Love You.mp3
    10. A.Schwarzenegger 20160306 Endorses John Kasich President.mp3
    11. A.Schwarzenegger 20180106 Cleaner World.mp3
    12. Adlai Stevenson 19520726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    13. Adlai Stevenson 19521104 Concession.mp3
    14. Adlai Stevenson 19560521 V Estes Kefauver FL Dem Prim Debate.mp3
    15. Adlai Stevenson 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Adlai Stevenson 19560901 w JFK Peace Is Nonpartisan.mp3
    17. Adlai Stevenson 19621025 Valerian Zorin Soviet Missiles Cuba.mp3
    18. Adlai Stevenson 19631122 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    19. Adlai Stevenson 19631202 Reaffirming Jfk Joint Space Propsl.mp3
    20. Adlai Stevenson 19640000 Kennedy Wit.mp3
    21. Adlai Stevenson III 20091030 Ethics Government.mp3
    22. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 1.mp3
    23. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 2.mp3
    24. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 3.mp3
    25. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 4.mp3
    26. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 5.mp3
    27. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 6.mp3
    28. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 7.mp3
    29. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 8.mp3
    30. Adlai Stevenson III 20131104 Contenders Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    31. Adlai Stevenson III 20150615 Keven Cheng Interview.mp3
    32. Adlai Stevenson III 20151222 Reflect Personalities Politics.mp3
    33. Adlai Stevenson III 20160616 Black Book.mp3
    34. Albert Gore Jr 19790313 Cspans First Airing Of House.mp3
    35. Albert Gore Jr 19851210 Climate Change Senate Hearing.mp3
    36. Albert Gore Jr 19870823 Iowa State Fair Democratic Debate.mp3
    37. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Earth Balance.mp3
    38. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Internet.mp3
    39. Albert Gore Jr 19920131 700 Club Interview.mp3
    40. Albert Gore Jr 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    41. Albert Gore Jr 19921013 Dan Quayle James Stockdale VP Debate.mp3
    42. Albert Gore Jr 19930817 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    43. Albert Gore Jr 19931109 Nafta Debate V Ross Perot.mp3
    44. Albert Gore Jr 19960828 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Albert Gore Jr 19961009 Jack Kemp Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    46. Albert Gore Jr 19970117 B.Clinton B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    47. Albert Gore Jr 19990425 Columbine Memorial Service.mp3
    48. Albert Gore Jr 20000817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Albert Gore Jr 20001003 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    3. Albert Gore Jr 20001011 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Albert Gore Jr 20001017 George W Bush Pres Debate.mp3
    5. Albert Gore Jr 20001211 Florida Recount.mp3
    6. Albert Gore Jr 20001213 Concession.mp3
    7. Albert Gore Jr 20010103 Swear H.Clinton Us Senator From Ny.mp3
    8. Albert Gore Jr 20010106 Oversee Certification Electoral Vote.mp3
    9. Albert Gore Jr 20020000 Tipper Gore Joined At Heart.mp3
    10. Albert Gore Jr 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    11. Albert Gore Jr 20060613 Larry King Interview.mp3
    12. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 79th Academy Awards.mp3
    13. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 Leonardo Dicaprio Announcement.mp3
    14. Albert Gore Jr 20070321 V Jim Infofe Climate Change.mp3
    15. Albert Gore Jr 20080616 Endorsement Of Barack Obama.mp3
    16. Albert Gore Jr 20080828 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    17. Albert Gore Jr 20130513 Leaders Supply Vision Values Goals.mp3
    18. Albert Gore Jr 20170718 Stephen Colbert Interview.mp3
    19. Albert Gore Jr 20171026 Climate One Interview.mp3
    20. Albert Gore Jr 20180425 Wilson Lecture Series.mp3
    21. Albert Gore Jr 20210315 Restricting Vote Is Unamerican.mp3
    22. Albert Gore Sr 19580000 Economic Recession Rumors.mp3
    23. Albert Gore Sr 19640923 Debate Against Carl Mundt.mp3
    24. Albert Gore Sr 19920000 Young Al Decision To Enter Politics.mp3
    25. Alfred Landon 19661213 Inaugural Landon Lecture.mp3
    26. Alfred Landon 19870906 100th Birthday.mp3
    27. Andrew Cuomo 20101102 Ny Gubernatorial Victory.mp3
    28. Andrew Cuomo 20110101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    29. Andrew Cuomo 20110105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    30. Andrew Cuomo 20110113 Ny State Of State Address Jamestown Ny.mp3
    31. Andrew Cuomo 20110114 Ny State Of State Address Watertown Ny.mp3
    32. Andrew Cuomo 20110125 Swearing Nirav R Shah Ny Health Comm.mp3
    33. Andrew Cuomo 20110131 Swearing Joseph A Damico NYP Comm.mp3
    34. Andrew Cuomo 20110201 201112 Executive Budget Address.mp3
    35. Andrew Cuomo 20110728 Cap Region Regional Eco Dev Council.mp3
    36. Andrew Cuomo 20111208 785 Million Eco Development Funding.mp3
    37. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Declares Transportation Emergency.mp3
    38. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Nyc Storm Response.mp3
    39. Andrew Cuomo 20121101 Storm Damage Update.mp3
    40. Andrew Cuomo 20121106 Storm Recovery.mp3
    41. Andrew Cuomo 20121108 Storm Recovery Update.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 47 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Andrew Cuomo 20121113 Ny Transportation Update.mp3
    3. Andrew Cuomo 20150101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    4. Andrew Cuomo 20150106 Eulogy To Mario Cuomo.mp3
    5. Andrew Cuomo 20160728 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Andrew Cuomo 20170316 Joe Biden Help Hero Humanitarian Award.mp3
    7. Andrew Cuomo 20200302 Expand Ny State Coronavirus Testing.mp3
    8. Andrew Cuomo 20200304 Coronavirus Update.mp3
    9. Andrew Cuomo 20200305 11 More Covid 19 Positive Cases.mp3
    10. Andrew Cuomo 20200310 Plan Mitigate Covid Cluster Rochelle.mp3
    11. Andrew Cuomo 20200311 Contract 28 Private Labs To Test Covid.mp3
    12. Andrew Cuomo 20200817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    13. Andrew Cuomo 20210726 Doj Investigation Being Dropped.mp3
    14. Andrew Cuomo 20210728 Remarks At Abny Meeting.mp3
    15. Andrew Cuomo 20210810 Resignation.mp3
    16. Andrew Cuomo 20210823 Farewell Address.mp3
    17. Barry Goldwater 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    18. Barry Goldwater 19640716 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    19. Barry Goldwater 19640929 Cincinnati Ohio Rally.mp3
    20. Barry Goldwater 19660609 Future Of Conservatism.mp3
    21. Barry Goldwater 19740807 Statement After Speaking Nixon.mp3
    22. Barry Goldwater 19800000 Nixon Watergate.mp3
    23. Barry Goldwater 198340000 Mo Udall Barry Mo Show.mp3
    24. Barry Goldwater 19881013 George Mcgovern Divisive Politics.mp3
    25. Barry Goldwater 19891016 Looks Forward Politics.mp3
    26. Barry Goldwater Jr 20110425 MI State Univ Libraries.mp3
    27. Barry Goldwater Jr 20140203 Jim Chapman Cong Careers.mp3
    28. Barry Goldwater Jr 20180208 Rating Trump As President.mp3
    29. Ben Quayle 20100813 Barack Obama Worst President History.mp3
    30. Ben Quayle 20110104 Politics His Father.mp3
    31. Ben Quayle 20110414 First 100 Days Congress.mp3
    32. Ben Quayle 20110809 Takes Questions From Constituents.mp3
    33. Ben Quayle 20120611 Aca Individual Mandate.mp3
    34. Bill Clinton 19880720 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    35. Bill Clinton 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    36. Bill Clinton 19920315 Jerry Brown P.Tsongas Mi Prim Debate.mp3
    37. Bill Clinton 19920716 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Bill Clinton 19921011 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    39. Bill Clinton 19921015 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    40. Bill Clinton 19921019 George Hw Bush H Ross Perot.mp3
    41. Bill Clinton 19921103 Victory.mp3
    42. Bill Clinton 19930120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    43. Bill Clinton 19930205 Signs Family Medical Leave Act.mp3
    44. Bill Clinton 19930923 Jt Session Congress Address Healthcare.mp3
    45. Bill Clinton 19930929 Tour Of Oval Office.mp3
    46. Bill Clinton 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    47. Bill Clinton 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon.mp3
    48. Bill Clinton 19940523 C.Kennedy JFK Jr Graveside Jackie O.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 41 shows – 614 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Bill Clinton 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference.mp3
    3. Bill Clinton 19950418 President Is Relevant.mp3
    4. Bill Clinton 19950419 Announcing Oklahoma City Bombing.mp3
    5. Bill Clinton 19950423 Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial.mp3
    6. Bill Clinton 19960731 Welfare Reform Press Conference.mp3
    7. Bill Clinton 19960829 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    8. Bill Clinton 19961006 Bob Dole Pres Debate.mp3
    9. Bill Clinton 19961016 Bob Dole Pres Debate.mp3
    10. Bill Clinton 19961105 Victory.mp3
    11. Bill Clinton 19970117 Gore B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    12. Bill Clinton 19970120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. Bill Clinton 19980817 Address Nation About Monica Lewinsky.mp3
    14. Bill Clinton 19990212 Comments Concl Sen Impeachment Trial.mp3
    15. Bill Clinton 20000429 Final Days.mp3
    16. Bill Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    17. Bill Clinton 20010118 Farewell Address.mp3
    18. Bill Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    19. Bill Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    20. Bill Clinton 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Bill Clinton 20150629 Conversation Tom Vilsack.mp3
    22. Bill Clinton 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    23. Bill Clinton 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    24. Birch Bayh 19680000 Announce Candidacy Reelection Us Senate.mp3
    25. Birch Bayh 19680000 Electoral College.mp3
    26. Birch Bayh 1969 Electoral College Reform.mp3
    27. Birch Bayh 19690000 College Tuition.mp3
    28. Birch Bayh 19690000 Nuclear Weapons Treaty.mp3
    29. Birch Bayh 19691204 Ucla.mp3
    30. Birch Bayh 19700508 Democratic Pty State Chairmanship.mp3
    31. Birch Bayh 19721017 Ucla.mp3
    32. Birch Bayh 19790000 Ellen Prose Interview.mp3
    33. Birch Bayh 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable Interview.mp3
    34. Birch Bayh 19940000 Speaking At First Conference.mp3
    35. Bob Dole 19720110 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    36. Bob Dole 19760817 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    37. Bob Dole 19761015 V Walter Mondale Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    38. Bob Dole 19800106 Howard Baker George Hw Bush Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    39. Bob Dole 19871217 Immediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty.mp3
    40. Bob Dole 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon.mp3
    41. Bob Dole 19960611 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    42. Bob Dole 19960815 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 64 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Bob Dole 19961006 Bill Clinton Pres Debate.mp3
    3. Bob Dole 19961016 Bill Clinton Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Bob Dole 19961105 Concession.mp3
    5. Bob Dole 19970117 Gore Clinton Award Presid Medal Freedom.mp3
    6. Carl Levin 20081210 Assisting Us Auto Industry.mp3
    7. Carl Levin 20100427 Rrated Trade.mp3
    8. Carl Levin 20111012 How To Break Gop Filibuster.mp3
    9. Carl Levin 20130318 Us Defense Policy.mp3
    10. Carl Levin 20141212 Farewell Address To Senate.mp3
    11. Carl Levin 20160314 Michigan Jewish Heritage Oral History.mp3
    12. Caroline Kennedy 19940523 JFK Jr Clinton Graveside Jackie O.mp3
    13. Caroline Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama.mp3
    14. Caroline Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    15. Caroline Kennedy 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Caroline Kennedy 20140924 American Japanese Society Luncheon.mp3
    17. Caroline Kennedy 20150521 Columbia Sipa Commencement.mp3
    18. Caroline Kennedy 20190208 America World.mp3
    19. Caroline Kennedy 20190716 Jfks Moonshot Promise.mp3
    20. Caroline Kennedy 202000818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Caroline Kennedy 20200220 Jfk New Frontier Honorees Panel.mp3
    22. Caroline Kennedy 20210415 Overcome Obstacles Change Global.mp3
    23. Caroline Kennedy 20210526 Mitt Romney Profiles Courage Award.mp3
    24. Charles Robb 19900120 Presidency Congress.mp3
    25. Charles Robb 19960910 Defense Of Marriage Act.mp3
    26. Charles Robb 20210519 Bridge Builders.mp3
    27. Charles Robb 20210629 Arena.mp3
    28. Chuck Grassley 19860602 Human Rights Free America.mp3
    29. Chuck Grassley 20110302 Day Life.mp3
    30. Chuck Grassley 20130130 Obama Gun Argument Turns Consti head.mp3
    31. Chuck Grassley 20160912 Fbis Refuse Rel Unclassified Info.mp3
    32. Chuck Grassley 20180904 You Are Taking Adv Decency Integrity.mp3
    33. Chuck Grassley 20200203 Stmnt During Trump Impeachment Trial.mp3
    34. Chuck Grassley 20201013 Questions Amy Coney Barrett.mp3
    35. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Intro Tom Vilsack Senate Ag Comt.mp3
    36. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Questions Tom Vilsack.mp3
    37. Chuck Grassley 20210507 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    38. Chuck Grassley 20211130 Dem Should Investigate Hunter Biden.mp3
    39. Chuck Grassley 20220118 Evid Free Claims Voter Suppression.mp3
    40. Cindy McCain 20080904 Republican National Convention Speech.mp3
    41. Cindy McCain 20200925 Endorses Joe Biden for President.mp3
    42. Cindy McCain 20210513 A Conversation.mp3
    43. Cindy McCain 20210518 We Have Lost Our Way.mp3
    44. Cindy McCain 20220708 Accepting Medal Freedom John McCain.mp3
    45. Edmund Pat Brown 19581116 What’s My Line.mp3
    46. Edmund Pat Brown 19661102 v Ronald Reagan CA Gub Cand Forum.mp3
    47. Edmund Pat Brown 19671129 UCLA.mp3
    48. Edward M Kennedy 19620000 MA Democratic Pty Primary.mp3
    49. Edward M Kennedy 19640528 JFK Pres Library.mp3
    50. Edward M Kennedy 19660709 JFK Memorial Dedication Lewis Bay.mp3
    51. Edward M Kennedy 19680128 Face Nation.mp3
    52. Edward M Kennedy 19680407 Alaska Democratic Pty Conv.mp3
    53. Edward M Kennedy 19680608 Eulogy To Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    54. Edward M Kennedy 19680615 Thanks Nation After Rfk Death.mp3
    55. Edward M Kennedy 19690725 Addresses Chappaquiddick Accident.mp3
    56. Edward M Kennedy 19770000 Universal Healthcare.mp3
    57. Edward M Kennedy 19780000 Healthcare.mp3
    58. Edward M Kennedy 19791020 Dedication JFK Pres Library.mp3
    59. Edward M Kennedy 19791107 Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    60. Edward M Kennedy 19800000 Bill Boggs Interview.mp3
    61. Edward M Kennedy 19800811 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    62. Edward M Kennedy 19810605 Robert Kennedy Medal Ethel Kennedy.mp3
    63. Edward M Kennedy 19831123 Healthcare.mp3
    64. Edward M Kennedy 19880719 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    65. Edward M Kennedy 19940523 Eulogy To Jackie Onassis.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 58 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Edward M Kennedy 19941025 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma.mp3
    3. Edward M Kennedy 19941027 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma.mp3
    4. Edward M Kennedy 20030000 Health Policy Economic Security.mp3
    5. Edward M Kennedy 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Edward M Kennedy 20050000 Isnt It Time You To Resign.mp3
    7. Edward M Kennedy 20060410 Immigration Rally.mp3
    8. Edward M Kennedy 20070125 Republicans Minimum Wage.mp3
    9. Edward M Kennedy 20070927 Urges Senate Pass Child Healthcare.mp3
    10. Edward M Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama President.mp3
    11. Edward M Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    12. Elaine Chao 20020519 Depauw Univ Commencement.mp3
    13. Elaine Chao 20170117 Opening Stmnt Senate Commerce Comm.mp3
    14. Elaine Chao 20180306 New York Metro Gateway Project.mp3
    15. Elaine Chao 20180314 Addresses Nations Counties.mp3
    16. Elaine Chao 20200603 Playbook Interview.mp3
    17. Elaine Chao 20211123 Ncuscr Gala.mp3
    18. Elizabeth Dole 19830207 Swearing Secretary Transportation.mp3
    19. Elizabeth Dole 19850501 Laird Youth Leadership Day.mp3
    20. Elizabeth Dole 19871002 Farewell Transportation Department.mp3
    21. Elizabeth Dole 19910504 Albion College Commencement.mp3
    22. Elizabeth Dole 20081104 Concession.mp3
    23. Elizabeth Dole 20100206 Ronald Reagan Birthday Celebration.mp3
    24. Elizabeth Dole 20170503 Women Leadership Lecture.mp3
    25. Elizabeth Dole 20180828 Distinguished Service Medal.mp3
    26. Elizabeth Dole 20200423 Have Plan Your Pets Psa.mp3
    27. Elizabeth Dole 20211029 Driving Impact Making Difference.mp3
    28. Evan Bayh 20060521 Depauw Univ Commencement.mp3
    29. Evan Bayh 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Evan Bayh 20081113 Defends Joe Lieberma.mp3
    31. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 1.mp3
    32. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 2.mp3
    33. Evan Bayh 20090623 Agrees Obama Approach Iran.mp3
    34. Evan Bayh 20090730 Dramatic Sanctions Against Iran.mp3
    35. Evan Bayh 20090730 Hearing Iran Sanctions Bill.mp3
    36. Evan Bayh 20100215 Announces He Is Leaving Us Senate.mp3
    37. Evan Bayh 20101215 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    38. Evan Bayh 20131028 Buckley Program Lecture Series.mp3
    39. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330304 Inaugural Address.mp3
    40. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330312 Banking Crisis.mp3
    41. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330507 Progress Report.mp3
    42. Franklin D Roosevelt 19340930 Government Capitalism.mp3
    43. Franklin D Roosevelt 19350428 Works Relief Program SSy Act.mp3
    44. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360627 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360906 Farmers Laborers.mp3
    46. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    47. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370309 Court Packing.mp3
    48. Franklin D Roosevelt 19371005 Quarantine.mp3
    49. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380414 Recession.mp3
    50. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380624 Purging Democratic Pty.mp3
    51. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380708 Dedication NW Territory Memrl.mp3
    52. Franklin D Roosevelt 19390903 European War.mp3
    53. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400526 Ntnl Defense.mp3
    54. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400610 Stabbed Back.mp3
    55. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400719 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    56. Franklin D Roosevelt 19401229 Arsenal Of Democracy.mp3
    57. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410106 Four Freedoms.mp3
    58. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    59. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410315 Lend Lease.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 44 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410911 Greer Incident.mp3
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411208 Declaration War Against Japan.mp3
    4. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411209 War Japan.mp3
    5. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420223 Progress Of War.mp3
    6. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420428 Sacrifice.mp3
    7. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420907 Inflation Food Prices.mp3
    8. Franklin D Roosevelt 19421012 Home Front.mp3
    9. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430502 Coal Crisis.mp3
    10. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430728 Fall Of Mussolini.mp3
    11. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430908 Armistice Italy.mp3
    12. Franklin D Roosevelt 19431224 Tehran Cairo Conference.mp3
    13. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440605 Fall Of Rome.mp3
    14. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440612 Opening Fifth War Loan Drive.mp3
    15. Franklin D Roosevelt 19450120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    16. George Hw Bush 19711206 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    17. George Hw Bush 19711208 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    18. George Hw Bush 19711231 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    19. George Hw Bush 19721129 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    20. George Hw Bush 19721211 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    21. George Hw Bush 19730223 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    22. George Hw Bush 19730830 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    23. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 1.mp3
    24. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 2.mp3
    25. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 3.mp3
    26. George Hw Bush 19800106 Howard Baker Bob Dole Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    27. George Hw Bush 19800423 V Ronald Reagan Tx Gop Debate.mp3
    28. George Hw Bush 19800717 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    29. George Hw Bush 19840823 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. George Hw Bush 19841011 V Geraldine Ferraro Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    31. George Hw Bush 19880110 Bob Dole Iowa Gop Debate.mp3
    32. George Hw Bush 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    33. George Hw Bush 19880925 V Michael Dukakis Pres Debate.mp3
    34. George Hw Bush 19881013 V Michael Dukakis Pres Debate.mp3
    35. George Hw Bush 19881108 Victory.mp3
    36. George Hw Bush 19890120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    37. George Hw Bush 19890905 War Drugs.mp3
    38. George Hw Bush 19900726 Signs Americans Disabilities Act.mp3
    39. George Hw Bush 19900808 Iraqs Invasion Of Kuwait.mp3
    40. George Hw Bush 199100306 Desert Storm Victory.mp3
    41. George Hw Bush 19910116 Start Of Iraq War.mp3
    42. George Hw Bush 19911225 Christmas Day Message.mp3
    43. George Hw Bush 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. George Hw Bush 19921011 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3
    45. George Hw Bush 19921015 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 59 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. George Hw Bush 19921019 Bill Clinton H Ross Perot.mp3
    3. George Hw Bush 19921103 Concession.mp3
    4. George Hw Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan.mp3
    5. George P Bush 20150102 Sworn Tx Land Commissioner.mp3
    6. George P Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush.mp3
    7. George P Bush 20210602 Announcing Run Tx Attorney General.mp3
    8. George P Bush 20210603 Texas Deserves Better.mp3
    9. George P Bush 20210618 Tx Ag Candidacy Wall Trump.mp3
    10. George P Bush 20210724 Stance Prolife.mp3
    11. George P Bush 20210805 Border Crisis.mp3
    12. George P Bush 20210913 Pres Cant Force Vaccine Mandates St.mp3
    13. George P Bush 20211110 Worries Ken Paxton As Gop Candidate.mp3
    14. George Romney 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    15. George Romney 19640714 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. George Romney 19670000 Address To State Of Michigan.mp3
    17. George Romney 19671118 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    18. George Romney 19671206 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    19. George Romney 19680000 Brainwashing.mp3
    20. George Romney 19680000 Nh Republican Primary.mp3
    21. George Romney 19920320 Americanism.mp3
    22. George W Bush 19880815 Interview At Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    23. George W Bush 19941108 Tx Gubernatorial Victory.mp3
    24. George W Bush 19950117 Tx Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    25. George W Bush 20000725 Announcing Dick Cheney Runningmate.mp3
    26. George W Bush 20000803 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    27. George W Bush 20001003 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    28. George W Bush 20001011 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    29. George W Bush 20001017 Al Gore Pres Debate.mp3
    30. George W Bush 20001019 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    31. George W Bush 20001102 Addresses 1976 Dui Arrest.mp3
    32. George W Bush 20001122 Fl Vote Recount.mp3
    33. George W Bush 20001213 Victory.mp3
    34. George W Bush 20010120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    35. George W Bush 20010911 Address To Nation Terror Attacks.mp3
    36. George W Bush 20010914 Ntnl Day Of Prayer.mp3
    37. George W Bush 20010920 Jt Session Of Congress 911 Attacks.mp3
    38. George W Bush 20011007 Announcing Start Of War Afghanistan.mp3
    39. George W Bush 20030319 Start Of War Iraq.mp3
    40. George W Bush 20030501 Mission Accomplished.mp3
    41. George W Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan.mp3
    42. George W Bush 20040902 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    43. George W Bush 20040930 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    44. George W Bush 20041008 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    45. George W Bush 20041013 V John Kerry Pres Debate.mp3
    46. George W Bush 20041103 Victory.mp3
    47. George W Bush 20050120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    48. George W Bush 20050915 Hurricane Katrina.mp3
    49. George W Bush 20070102 Eulogy To Gerald Ford.mp3
    50. George W Bush 20080903 Laura Bush Repub Ntl Conv.mp3
    51. George W Bush 20080924 Address To Nation Financial Crisis.mp3
    52. George W Bush 20090115 Farewell Address.mp3
    53. George W Bush 20160215 Stumps Brother Jeb.mp3
    54. George W Bush 20180901 Eulogy To John Mccain.mp3
    55. George W Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush.mp3
    56. George W Bush 20200720 Eulogy To John Lewis.mp3
    57. George W Bush 20210614 Legacy Of Angela Merkel.mp3
    58. George Wallace 19630114 Al Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    59. George Wallace 19630611 Refusal Desegregate Univ AL.mp3
    60. George Wallace 19640000 Ball State Teachers College.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 45 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. George Wallace 19640000 Barton Colosseum Little Rock Ar.mp3
    3. George Wallace 19680000 Tulsa Ok Rally.mp3
    4. George Wallace 19680630 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    5. George Wallace 19680721 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    6. George Wallace 19720313 Election Eve Fl Primary.mp3
    7. George Wallace III 19980825 Larry King Interview.mp3
    8. George Wallace III 20121015 Steve Flowers Interview.mp3
    9. George Wallace III 20150514 Ken Rudin Interview.mp3
    10. Greg Pence 20181107 Victory.mp3
    11. Greg Pence 20190213 Congress Must Reward Fwd Thinking States.mp3
    12. Greg Pence 20210306 Rural Disparities Broadband Capabilities.mp3
    13. Greg Pence 20210325 One Size Fits All Mandates.mp3
    14. Hillary Clinton 19690531 Wellesley College Commncmnt.mp3
    15. Hillary Clinton 19930317 Healthcare Psa.mp3
    16. Hillary Clinton 19940422 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    17. Hillary Clinton 19950507 Message AR School Mathematics Sci.mp3
    18. Hillary Clinton 19950905 Womens Conference Beijing.mp3
    19. Hillary Clinton 19960127 Appearance Before Grand Jury.mp3
    20. Hillary Clinton 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Hillary Clinton 19980127 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.mp3
    22. Hillary Clinton 19990802 Hispanic Youth Event.mp3
    23. Hillary Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    24. Hillary Clinton 20001108 Senate Victory Press Conference.mp3
    25. Hillary Clinton 20010911 Thoughts Terror Attacks.mp3
    26. Hillary Clinton 20021010 Vote Iraq War.mp3
    27. Hillary Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    28. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Dem Ntnl Conv Suspends Roll Call.mp3
    29. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Hillary Clinton 20090122 Welcome To State Department Remarks.mp3
    31. Hillary Clinton 20100122 Internet Freedom.mp3
    32. Hillary Clinton 20101019 Tomorrow Will Be Better.mp3
    33. Hillary Clinton 20111206 International Human Rights Day.mp3
    34. Hillary Clinton 20121018 Energy Independence.mp3
    35. Hillary Clinton 20130201 Farewell Address State Department.mp3
    36. Hillary Clinton 20150613 Announcing Her Candidacy President.mp3
    37. Hillary Clinton 20160728 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Hillary Clinton 20160926 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    39. Hillary Clinton 20161003 Akron Ohio Rally.mp3
    40. Hillary Clinton 20161009 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    41. Hillary Clinton 20161019 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    42. Hillary Clinton 20161031 Urges Portage County OH Vote Early.mp3
    43. Hillary Clinton 20161109 Concession.mp3
    44. Hillary Clinton 20200819 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    45. Hillary Clinton 20211212 Willie Geist Interview.mp3
    46. Howard Baker 19790308 Landon Lecture Series.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 47 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. Howard Baker 19800106 Bob Dole George Hw Bush Ia Gop Debate.mp3
    3. Howard Baker 19821115 Meeting Ronald Reagan.mp3
    4. Howard Baker 19890000 Truman Good Neighbor Award Luncheon.mp3
    5. Howard Baker 19990309 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    6. Howard Baker 20070507 Oral History About Bob Dole.mp3
    7. Hubert H Humphrey 19460000 Reads Comics Radio Polio Outbreak.mp3
    8. Hubert H Humphrey 19480714 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    9. Hubert H Humphrey 19520314 Longines Interview.mp3
    10. Hubert H Humphrey 19540000 Longines Interview.mp3
    11. Hubert H Humphrey 19600504 JFK Wv Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    12. Hubert H Humphrey 19631122 Assassination President Kennedy.mp3
    13. Hubert H Humphrey 19631123 Kennedy Assassination.mp3
    14. Hubert H Humphrey 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    15. Hubert H Humphrey 19641103 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    16. Hubert H Humphrey 19661109 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    17. Hubert H Humphrey 19670000 Stay School Psa.mp3
    18. Hubert H Humphrey 19680000 College Graduate Adm Asstnc Psa.mp3
    19. Hubert H Humphrey 19680424 Vietnam Negotiations.mp3
    20. Hubert H Humphrey 19680503 Memorial Gymnasium Kent St Univ.mp3
    21. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    22. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Phone Call Lbj.mp3
    23. Hubert H Humphrey 19681105 Concession.mp3
    24. Hubert H Humphrey 19681106 Calls Lbj After Election Loss.mp3
    25. Hubert H Humphrey 19690225 Ucla.mp3
    26. Hubert H Humphrey 19691201 My Lai Massacre.mp3
    27. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 Mental Retardation.mp3
    28. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 You Know He Cares.mp3
    29. Hubert H Humphrey 19721107 Phone Call To Richard Nixon.mp3
    30. Hubert H Humphrey 19760401 Ntnl Economic Planning.mp3
    31. Hubert H Humphrey 19770919 Last To Labor.mp3
    32. Hubert Humphrey 19840911 Muriel Humphrey Medal Freedom.mp3
    33. Hubert Humphrey 19880000 Mn Senate Debate.mp3
    34. Hubert Humphrey 19981001 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    35. Hubert Humphrey 19981020 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    36. Hubert Humphrey 19981025 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    37. Hubert Humphrey 19981030 Mn Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    38. Hubert Humphrey 20141108 Barry Goldwater Jr 1964 Election.mp3
    39. James Danforth Quayle 19820522 Kevin Armstrong Depauw Univ.mp3
    40. James Danforth Quayle 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable.mp3
    41. James Danforth Quayle 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    42. James Danforth Quayle 19881005 V Lloyd Bentsen VP Debate.mp3
    43. James Danforth Quayle 19890120 Oath Of Office.mp3
    44. James Danforth Quayle 19890815 Primetime Live Interview.mp3
    45. James Danforth Quayle 19920519 Murphy Brown.mp3
    46. James Danforth Quayle 19920616 “potatoe”.mp3
    47. James Danforth Quayle 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    48. James Danforth Quayle 19921013 Al Gore J.Stockdale VP Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 60 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. James Danforth Quayle 19950000 Roger Ailes Interview.mp3
    3. James Danforth Quayle 19950213 Standing Firm.mp3
    4. James Danforth Quayle 19951108 Depauw Univ.mp3
    5. James Danforth Quayle 19990927 Withdraws From 2000 Pres Race.mp3
    6. Jason Carter 20110224 Hope Reform.mp3
    7. Jason Carter 20110302 Hope Reform Plan.mp3
    8. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 1.mp3
    9. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 2.mp3
    10. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 3.mp3
    11. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 1.mp3
    12. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 2.mp3
    13. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 3.mp3
    14. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 4.mp3
    15. Jason Carter 20110913 Flint River Adventure.mp3
    16. Jason Carter 20120215 Jimmy Carter Life Of Service.mp3
    17. Jason Carter 20120221 Prime Time Lawmakers.mp3
    18. Jason Carter 20120627 Exp As An Election Monitor Egypt.mp3
    19. Jason Carter 20130211 Saving Hope.mp3
    20. Jason Carter 20130228 Ga Inaction Education.mp3
    21. Jason Carter 20130607 Town Hall Meeting Education.mp3
    22. Jason Carter 20140116 Dem Response Ga State Address.mp3
    23. Jason Carter 20140201 State Of Ga Storm Response.mp3
    24. Jason Carter 20140217 Hb990.mp3
    25. Jason Carter 20140219 Teacher Workforce Initiatives.mp3
    26. Jason Carter 20140326 Andrea Mitchell Interview.mp3
    27. Jason Carter 20141019 Nathan Deal Andrew Hunt Ga Gub Debate.mp3
    28. Jason Carter 20150319 Voting Rights Symposium.mp3
    29. Jason Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Jason Carter 20180000 Immigration Human Rights.mp3
    31. Jean Kennedysmith 20110217 Pres Medal Of Freedom.mp3
    32. Jean Kennedysmith 20170124 Nine Of Us Growing Up Kennedy.mp3
    33. Jerry Brown 19760307 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    34. Jerry Brown 19810000 Merv Griffin Interview.mp3
    35. Jerry Brown 19920305 University of Texas.mp3
    36. Jerry Brown 19920315 Clinton P.Tsongas Il Mi Primary Debate.mp3
    37. Jerry Brown 19920407 Donahue Show Interview.mp3
    38. Jerry Brown 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    39. Jerry Brown 20190328 Commonwealth Club.mp3
    40. JFK 19400813 Kroc Am Interview.mp3
    41. JFK 19520822 Longines Interview.mp3
    42. JFK 19531019 Person To Person Interview.mp3
    43. JFK 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. JFK 19560901 Adlai Stevenson Peace Is Nonpartisan.mp3
    45. JFK 19580000 Us Senator JFK.mp3
    46. JFK 19581028 At Home Kennedys.mp3
    47. JFK 19600102 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    48. JFK 19600504 Hubert H Humphrey Wv Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    49. JFK 19600616 Jack Parr Show.mp3
    50. JFK 19600715 Dnc.mp3
    51. JFK 19600926 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    52. JFK 19601007 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    53. JFK 19601013 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    54. JFK 19601016 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    55. JFK 19601021 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate.mp3
    56. JFK 19601107 Election Eve Activities Boston Ma.mp3
    57. JFK 19601109 Victory.mp3
    58. JFK 19610120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    59. JFK 19610301 Interview Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    60. JFK 19610313 Alliance Progress.mp3
    61. JFK 19610420 American Society Of Newspaper Editors.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 43 shows – 623 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. JFK 19610421 10th News Conference.mp3
    3. JFK 19610525 Goal Of Sending Man To Moon.mp3
    4. JFK 19620409 50th Anniversary Of Childrens Bureau.mp3
    5. JFK 19620520 Rally Of Three Generations.mp3
    6. JFK 19620912 Rice State Univ.mp3
    7. JFK 19621022 Cuban Missile Crisis.mp3
    8. JFK 19630610 American Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. JFK 19630611 Address To Nation Civil Rights.mp3
    10. JFK 19630902 Labor Day Interview Chuck Todd.mp3
    11. JFK 19630909 Huntleybrinkley Interview.mp3
    12. JFK 19631104 Vietnam.mp3
    13. JFK 19631121 Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas.mp3
    14. JFK 19631122 Last Twoes Fr Worth Tx.mp3
    15. Jimmy Carter 19760715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    16. Jimmy Carter 19760923 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    17. Jimmy Carter 19761006 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    18. Jimmy Carter 19761022 V Gerald Ford Pres Debate.mp3
    19. Jimmy Carter 19761102 Victory.mp3
    20. Jimmy Carter 19770120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    21. Jimmy Carter 19770202 Energy.mp3
    22. Jimmy Carter 19770309 Press Conference.mp3
    23. Jimmy Carter 19770418 Energy.mp3
    24. Jimmy Carter 19770522 Univ Of Norte Dame Commencement.mp3
    25. Jimmy Carter 19770907 Panama Canal Treaty Signing.mp3
    26. Jimmy Carter 19770917 Camp David Summit.mp3
    27. Jimmy Carter 19771108 Energy.mp3
    28. Jimmy Carter 19781024 Antiinflation Program.mp3
    29. Jimmy Carter 19781215 Diplomatic Relations China.mp3
    30. Jimmy Carter 19790715 Crisis Of Confidence.mp3
    31. Jimmy Carter 19800104 Afghanistan.mp3
    32. Jimmy Carter 19800425 Iran Rescue Mission.mp3
    33. Jimmy Carter 19800814 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    34. Jimmy Carter 19801028 V Ronald Reagan Pres Debate.mp3
    35. Jimmy Carter 19801104 Concession.mp3
    36. Jimmy Carter 19810114 Farewell Address.mp3
    37. Jimmy Carter 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Jimmy Carter 20120215 Jason Carter Life Of Service.mp3
    39. Jimmy Carter 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    40. Jimmy Carter 20150820 Address Cancer Treatment.mp3
    41. Jimmy Carter 20150915 Conversation Carters.mp3
    42. Jimmy Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    43. Jimmy Carter 20191007 Habitat Humanity.mp3
    44. Jimmy Carter 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 60 shows – 631 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 57 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. John Ellis Bush 19941018 Lawton Chiles Fl Gub Debate.mp3
    3. John Ellis Bush 19951011 Conserv Plcyi Success Not Inevitble.mp3
    4. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Paul Ryan Medicare Inspiring Choice.mp3
    5. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. John Ellis Bush 20131121 Immigration Wars Forging Am Sol.mp3
    7. John Ellis Bush 20140119 Human Parade.mp3
    8. John Ellis Bush 20150228 Cpac.mp3
    9. John Ellis Bush 20150615 Announcing Candidacy President.mp3
    10. John Ellis Bush 20150806 Rand Paul 1st Main Stage Rep Debate.mp3
    11. John Ellis Bush 20150811 Reagan Forum.mp3
    12. John Ellis Bush 20150916 Rand Paul 2nd Main Stage Rep Debate.mp3
    13. John Ellis Bush 20151019 Trumps View History Is Just Wrong.mp3
    14. John Ellis Bush 20151102 Chuck Todd Interview.mp3
    15. John Ellis Bush 20151220 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    16. John Ellis Bush 20160119 Us Foreign Policy Challenges Opp.mp3
    17. John Ellis Bush 20160124 Jake Tapper Interview.mp3
    18. John Ellis Bush 20160220 Suspends Pres Campaign.mp3
    19. John Ellis Bush 20180421 Eulogy To Barbara Bush.mp3
    20. John Ellis Bush 20200720 Oxford Union Q A.mp3
    21. John Ellis Bush 20201027 Video Message To People Of Budapest.mp3
    22. John J Gilligan 19701208 Kent State University.mp3
    23. John J Gilligan 20080000 Great Living Cincinnatian Interview.mp3
    24. John J Gilligan 20080204 World War Ii Service.mp3
    25. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160317 Ncrc Awards Night.mp3
    26. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160929 6th European Grid Conference.mp3
    27. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20180621 Leadership.mp3
    28. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20190527 Dear Dot.mp3
    29. Joseph P Kennedy III 20120905 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    30. Joseph P Kennedy III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    31. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180130 Dem Response State Union.mp3
    32. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180205 I Am Not Running President.mp3
    33. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180606 Tribute To Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    34. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180614 Trump Immigration Policy.mp3
    35. Joseph P Kennedy III 20191011 Kennedy School Of Government.mp3
    36. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200811 E.Markey Ma Sen Dem Prim Debte.mp3
    37. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200901 Ma Us Senate Dem Primary Conc.mp3
    38. Joseph P Kennedy III 20201209 Farewell Address To Congress.mp3
    39. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19360000 New Marine Service.mp3
    40. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19380000 New Us Ambassador To England.mp3
    41. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19390000 Freedom Of Edinburgh.mp3
    42. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Au Revoir To England.mp3
    43. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 FDR Should Be Reelected.mp3
    44. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Rearming Stay Out Of War.mp3
    45. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 House Foreign Affairs Comm.mp3
    46. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Morale Of British German People.mp3
    47. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Staying Out Of War.mp3
    48. Joseph R Biden III 19721121 Youngest Us Senator.mp3
    49. Joseph R Biden III 19721219 Condolence Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    50. Joseph R Biden III 19730518 Cleveland City Club.mp3
    51. Joseph R Biden III 19740000 Campaign Finance Reform.mp3
    52. Joseph R Biden III 19770000 School Busing.mp3
    53. Joseph R Biden III 19800415 Iran Hostages.mp3
    54. Joseph R Biden III 19810909 Arms Sale.mp3
    55. Joseph R Biden III 19820000 Falklands Conflict.mp3
    56. Joseph R Biden III 19870823 IA State Fair Democratic Debate.mp3
    57. Joseph R Biden III 19871112 Ronald Reagan Strom Thurmond.mp3
    58. Joseph R Biden III 19880907 Return To Senate.mp3
    59. Joseph R Biden III 19890905 War Drugs Democratic Response.mp3
    60. Joseph R Biden III 19920000 Supr Ct Nominees Wait Election.mp3
    61. Joseph R Biden III 19930309 Strom Thurmonds 90th Birthday.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 53 shows – 616 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. Joseph R Biden III 19931118 Crime Bill.mp3
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20010911 Abc Interview.mp3
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20010917 Shares Powerful Letter.mp3
    5. Joseph R Biden III 20021010 Iraq War Vote.mp3
    6. Joseph R Biden III 20030701 Eulogy To Strom Thurmond.mp3
    7. Joseph R Biden III 20070314 Iraq War Resolution.mp3
    8. Joseph R Biden III 20080823 First As Vp Candidate.mp3
    9. Joseph R Biden III 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    10. Joseph R Biden III 20081002 V Sarah Palin Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    11. Joseph R Biden III 20090115 Farewell To Senate.mp3
    12. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 1.mp3
    13. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 2.mp3
    14. Joseph R Biden III 20100702 Eulogy To Robert Byrd.mp3
    15. Joseph R Biden III 20100929 Delaware Democrats Dad.mp3
    16. Joseph R Biden III 20101013 Civil War Gop.mp3
    17. Joseph R Biden III 20110314 Help Us Stop Elder Abuse Psa.mp3
    18. Joseph R Biden III 20110513 Syracuse Univ Commencement.mp3
    19. Joseph R Biden III 20111114 Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal.mp3
    20. Joseph R Biden III 20120209 Stop Foreclosures.mp3
    21. Joseph R Biden III 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    22. Joseph R Biden III 20120921 New Child Abuse Law De.mp3
    23. Joseph R Biden III 20121009 DE Board Of Directors Award.mp3
    24. Joseph R Biden III 20121011 Thoughts Dad.mp3
    25. Joseph R Biden III 20121011 V Paul Ryan Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    26. Joseph R Biden III 20121024 Piers Morgan Interview.mp3
    27. Joseph R Biden III 20121031 Honoring Our Commitment Veterans.mp3
    28. Joseph R Biden III 20130712 First Person Interview.mp3
    29. Joseph R Biden III 20130919 Internet Is Forever.mp3
    30. Joseph R Biden III 20151021 Not Candidate President 2016.mp3
    31. Joseph R Biden III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    32. Joseph R Biden III 20161217 Eulogy To John Glenn.mp3
    33. Joseph R Biden III 20170103 Kamala Harris Us Senator Ca.mp3
    34. Joseph R Biden III 20170106 Oversee Certif Of Electoral Vote.mp3
    35. Joseph R Biden III 20170112 Awarded Pres Medal Of Freedom.mp3
    36. Joseph R Biden III 20170316 Andrew Cuomo Hero Human Award.mp3
    37. Joseph R Biden III 20171213 Comforts Megan Mccain.mp3
    38. Joseph R Biden III 20180104 Joe Kennedy Dealt Loss Son.mp3
    39. Joseph R Biden III 20180830 Eulogy To John Mccain.mp3
    40. Joseph R Biden III 20190425 Eulogy To Ernest Fritz Hollings.mp3
    41. Joseph R Biden III 20200609 Eulogy To George Floyd.mp3
    42. Joseph R Biden III 20200812 Kamala Harris As Runningmate.mp3
    43. Joseph R Biden III 20200820 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    44. Joseph R Biden Jr 20200929 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    45. Joseph R Biden Jr 20201022 V Donald Trump Pres Debate.mp3
    46. Joseph R Biden Jr 20201107 Victory.mp3
    47. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210106 Addresses Attack Us Capitol.mp3
    48. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    49. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210222 500071 Dead Americans Due Covid19.mp3
    50. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210413 Eulogy To William Evans.mp3
    51. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210428 Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    52. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210512 Mike Dewine Bip Meeting Governors.mp3
    53. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210529 Mem Day Remembr New Castle De.mp3
    54. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210531 Memorial Day Remembrance.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 46 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210704 4th Of July Celebration.mp3
    3. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210831 Ending War Afghanistan.mp3
    4. Joseph R Biden Jr 20211210 Eulogy To Bob Dole.mp3
    5. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220106 January 6 One Year Later.mp3
    6. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220111 voting Rights.mp3
    7. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220119 Press Conf Critiquing First Year.mp3
    8. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220124 Admin Efforts Lower Prices.mp3
    9. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20060000 Margaret Brent Aw Keynote.mp3
    10. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070000 Failing Americas Faithful.mp3
    11. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070529 Clinton Serv Lecture.mp3
    12. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20121015 3 Weeks Visions America.mp3
    13. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Faith Family.mp3
    14. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Justice Home Abroad.mp3
    15. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Welfare Immigration.mp3
    16. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Social Policy.mp3
    17. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20141017 Returns To Doj.mp3
    18. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150312 Women Forever.mp3
    19. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150810 Failing Americas Faithful.mp3
    20. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150919 Obamacare Took 10 Years.mp3
    21. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190205 Future Of Science.mp3
    22. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190225 Symposium Democracy.mp3
    23. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20210419 Headliners Of Service.mp3
    24. Kathleen Sebelius 20040112 Ks State Of State Address.mp3
    25. Kathleen Sebelius 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    26. Kathleen Sebelius 20070108 Ks Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    27. Kathleen Sebelius 20080129 Endorses Barack Obama.mp3
    28. Kathleen Sebelius 20080130 Dem Response To State Of Union.mp3
    29. Kathleen Sebelius 20080220 Cincinnati Ohio.mp3
    30. Kathleen Sebelius 20080826 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    31. Kathleen Sebelius 20090707 Tom Vilsack Improving Food Safety.mp3
    32. Kathleen Sebelius 20090724 Health Insurance Reform.mp3
    33. Kathleen Sebelius 20091001 Sheldon Whitehouse Health Reform.mp3
    34. Kathleen Sebelius 20091014 Patty Murray Health Reform.mp3
    35. Kathleen Sebelius 20101129 Landon Lecture.mp3
    36. Kathleen Sebelius 20110310 Bullying Prevention.mp3
    37. Kathleen Sebelius 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Linwood Holton 20020406 Oral History Interview.mp3
    39. Linwood Holton 20081013 2008 Pres Election.mp3
    40. Linwood Holton 20160115 Oral History Interview.mp3
    41. Liz Cheney 20191218 These Art Impeachment Threaten Republic.mp3
    42. Liz Cheney 20210511 Freedom Constitutional Duty Protect It.mp3
    43. Liz Cheney 20210513 Our Pty Must Be Based Truth.mp3
    44. Liz Cheney 20210727 Opening Statement January 6 Committee.mp3
    45. Liz Cheney 20211213 Reads Texts From Fox News Hosts.mp3
    46. Lyndon B Johnson 19631127 Congress After Assassination Jfk.mp3
    47. Lyndon B Johnson 19631128 Thanksgiving Day Message.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 38 shows – 614 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 16: $5.00
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    2. Lyndon B Johnson 19640522 Univ Of Michigan Commencement.mp3
    3. Lyndon B Johnson 19640702 Signing Civil Rights Act Of 1964.mp3
    4. Lyndon B Johnson 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    5. Lyndon B Johnson 19650120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    6. Lyndon B Johnson 19650315 Message Congress American Promise.mp3
    7. Lyndon B Johnson 19650806 Signing Voting Rights Act 1965.mp3
    8. Lyndon B Johnson 19680331 Bombing Halt Vietnam.mp3
    9. Lyndon B Johnson 19680605 Statement Shooting Of Rfk.mp3
    10. Lyndon B Johnson 19680606 Statement Death Of Rfk.mp3
    11. Lyndon B Johnson 19681031 Everett This Is Treason.mp3
    12. Mario Cuomo 19830101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. Mario Cuomo 19830102 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    14. Mario Cuomo 19830103 Appointment Of Judge Simons.mp3
    15. Mario Cuomo 19840000 Interview Bill Boggs.mp3
    16. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 1.mp3
    17. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 2.mp3
    18. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 1.mp3
    19. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 2.mp3
    20. Mario Cuomo 19840716 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    21. Mario Cuomo 19840814 Acid Rain.mp3
    22. Mario Cuomo 19840913 Religious Beliefs Public Morality.mp3
    23. Mario Cuomo 19850109 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    24. Mario Cuomo 19850131 Raising Drinking Age To 21.mp3
    25. Mario Cuomo 19850711 Court Reform Bill Signing.mp3
    26. Mario Cuomo 19851024 Aids.mp3
    27. Mario Cuomo 19851211 Malpractice Special Session.mp3
    28. Mario Cuomo 19860212 Abraham Lincoln Our Unfinished Work.mp3
    29. Mario Cuomo 19890108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    30. Mario Cuomo 19890320 Death Penalty.mp3
    31. Mario Cuomo 19900103 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    32. Mario Cuomo 19910109 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    33. Mario Cuomo 19920108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    34. Mario Cuomo 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    35. Mario Cuomo 19930106 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    36. Mario Cuomo 19940105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    37. Mario Cuomo 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Mario Cuomo 20040614 Catholic Politicians Issues.mp3
    39. Mario Cuomo 20090122 Words That Make Our History.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 53 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 17: $5.00
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    2. Mario Cuomo 20100125 My Life.mp3
    3. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 1.mp3
    4. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 2.mp3
    5. Mark Shriver 20120719 Good Man Remembering Sargent Shriver.mp3
    6. Mark Shriver 20130316 Faith Hope Love Action.mp3
    7. Mark Shriver 20140520 Loyola Univ Commencement.mp3
    8. Mark Shriver 20161130 Pilgrimage.mp3
    9. Mark Shriver 20161208 Real Pope Francis.mp3
    10. Mark Shriver 20170718 Social Determinants Of Health.mp3
    11. Mark Shriver 20180116 Save Children.mp3
    12. Mark Shriver 20180119 Urges Congress To Invest Children.mp3
    13. Mark Shriver 20210217 Time To Unite.mp3
    14. Mark Udall 20100422 Bark Beetle Bill Hearing.mp3
    15. Mark Udall 20100625 Tribute To His Uncle Stewart.mp3
    16. Mark Udall 20101123 Nuclear Energy.mp3
    17. Mark Udall 20141104 Co Us Senate Concession.mp3
    18. Mark Udall 20141210 Hold Cia Accountable.mp3
    19. Mary Bono 20060911 Medical Marijuana and Legalized Pot.mp3
    20. Mary Bono 20070420 Salton Sea.mp3
    21. Mary Bono 20080130 State of the Net Conference.mp3
    22. Mary Bono 20110507 Online Data Theft.mp3
    23. Mary Bono 20120423 Gay Marriage.mp3
    24. Mary Bono 20120912 Julie Brill Fast Growth App Mobile Phones.mp3
    25. Mary Bono 20171106 Sexual Harassment in Congress.mp3
    26. Mary Landrieu 20080603 Protecting Our Energy Corridor.mp3
    27. Mary Landrieu 20080827 Democratic National Convention.mp3
    28. Mary Landrieu 20080917 Hurricane Responsiveness.mp3
    29. Mary Landrieu 20090114 First Response Broadcasters Act.mp3
    30. Mary Landrieu 20100121 Adoption Issue.mp3
    31. Mary Landrieu 20110610 Rutgers Univ New Leadership Keynote.mp3
    32. Mary Landrieu 20141105 Making it to Runoff Election.mp3
    33. Mary Landrieu 20141207 Concession Speech.mp3
    34. Mike Dewine 20061027 V Sherrod Brown Oh Us Senate Debate.mp3
    35. Mike Dewine 20120715 Jim Heath Interview.mp3
    36. Mike Dewine 20140131 Pat Kelly Indictment.mp3
    37. Mike Dewine 20150820 Issues Facing Ohio.mp3
    38. Mike Dewine 20151209 City Club Of Cleveland.mp3
    39. Mike Dewine 20180508 Oh Gop Primary Victory.mp3
    40. Mike Dewine 20181001 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate.mp3
    41. Mike Dewine 20181008 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate.mp3
    42. Mike Dewine 20181109 Fox Friends Interview.mp3
    43. Mike Dewine 20181109 Morning Joe Interview.mp3
    44. Mike Dewine 20190114 Oh Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    45. Mike Dewine 20190411 Signs Oh Heartbeat Abortion Bill Law.mp3
    46. Mike Dewine 20191217 Jay Crawford Interview.mp3
    47. Mike Dewine 20200311 State Coronavirus Update.mp3
    48. Mike Dewine 20210512 Joe Biden Bipartisan Meeting Governors.mp3
    49. Mike Dewine 20210512 Vax Million Lottery.mp3
    50. Mike Dewine 20211217 Addresses Hospital Staffing Shortages.mp3
    51. Mike Pence 20100325 Gop View Healthcare Reform.mp3
    52. Mike Pence 20110727 Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    53. Mike Pence 20121220 Farewell To House Of Representatives.mp3
    54. Mike Pence 20150331 Addresses Religious Freedom.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 45 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. Mike Pence 20160720 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    3. Mike Pence 20161004 Tim Kaine Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    4. Mike Pence 20170127 March Life Rally.mp3
    5. Mike Pence 20200826 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    6. Mike Pence 20201007 V Kamala Harris Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    7. Mike Pence 20210106 Stmnt Condemning Capitol Insurrection.mp3
    8. Mike Pence 20210107 Certifies Electoral Votes.mp3
    9. Mike Pence 20210604 Donald Trump I May Never See Eye To Eye.mp3
    10. Mike Pence 20220721 Supreme Court Decision on Abortion.mp3
    11. Mitch Mcconnell 19861009 State Of Emergency Regulations.mp3
    12. Mitch Mcconnell 20160316 Obamas Supreme Court Nominee.mp3
    13. Mitch Mcconnell 20170728 Skinny Aca Repeal Vote Fails.mp3
    14. Mitch Mcconnell 20191219 Statement House Impeachment Vote.mp3
    15. Mitch Mcconnell 20200203 Senates Role Impeachment Trial.mp3
    16. Mitch Mcconnell 20200921 Death Of Ruth Bater Ginsburg.mp3
    17. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 Electoral College Debate.mp3
    18. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 They Tried To Disrupt Our Democracy.mp3
    19. Mitch Mcconnell 20210119 Mob Was Fed Lies.mp3
    20. Mitch Mcconnell 20210213 2nd Trump Impeachment Acquittal.mp3
    21. Mitch Mcconnell 20211206 Remembers Bob Dole.mp3
    22. Mitch Mcconnell 20211209 Bob Dole Honored EpicenterDemocracy.mp3
    23. Mitch Mcconnell 20220112 Changing Filibuster Rule.mp3
    24. Mitch Mcconnell 20220119 Senate Filibuster.mp3
    25. Mitch Mcconnell 20220131 Justice Breyers Retirement.mp3
    26. Mitch Mcconnell 20220202 Covid Facts Time State Emerg End.mp3
    27. Mitt Romney 19940915 Town Talk Interview.mp3
    28. Mitt Romney 19941025 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate.mp3
    29. Mitt Romney 19941027 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate.mp3
    30. Mitt Romney 20020319 Announcing His Candidacy Ma Governor.mp3
    31. Mitt Romney 20080903 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    32. Mitt Romney 20100525 Reagan Lecture.mp3
    33. Mitt Romney 20110715 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    34. Mitt Romney 20120110 Nh Republican Primary Victory.mp3
    35. Mitt Romney 20120202 Endorsement By Donald Trump.mp3
    36. Mitt Romney 20120811 Announcing Paul Ryan As His Runningmate.mp3
    37. Mitt Romney 20120831 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    38. Mitt Romney 20121003 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    39. Mitt Romney 20121016 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    40. Mitt Romney 20121022 V Barack Obama Pres Debate.mp3
    41. Mitt Romney 20121106 Concession.mp3
    42. Mitt Romney 20160303 Trump Is Phony.mp3
    43. Mitt Romney 20200205 Statement Trump Impeachment.mp3
    44. Mitt Romney 20210106 Us Capitol Lockdown.mp3
    45. Mitt Romney 20210526 Caroline Kennedy Profiles Courage Award.mp3
    46. Moon Landrieu 20130924 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 32 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 6 minutes
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      Volume 19: $5.00
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    2. Moon Landrieu 20131001 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    3. Moon Landrieu 20131008 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    4. Moon Landrieu 20131022 Modern New Orleans Oral History.mp3
    5. Morris Udall 19741212 Prospects Democratic Moderation.mp3
    6. Morris Udall 19760413 Marie Torre Interview.mp3
    7. Morris Udall 19801008 Ellen Adelstein Interview.mp3
    8. Morris Udall 198340000 Barry Goldwater Barry Mo Show.mp3
    9. Muriel Humphrey 19790528 Wcco Midday Interview.mp3
    10. Muriel Humphrey 19840911 Skip Humphrey Pres Medal Freedom.mp3
    11. Nancy Kassebaum 19870909 Landon Lecture Series.mp3
    12. Nancy Kassebaum 20070306 Womans Leadership Lecture.mp3
    13. Nancy Kassebaum 20090416 Oral History Of Bob Dole.mp3
    14. Nelson Rockefeller 19590101 Ny Gubernatorial Inauguration.mp3
    15. Nelson Rockefeller 19590201 Address Ny State Budget.mp3
    16. Nelson Rockefeller 19610104 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    17. Nelson Rockefeller 19620103 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    18. Nelson Rockefeller 19640000 Political Announcement.mp3
    19. Nelson Rockefeller 19640715 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    20. Nelson Rockefeller 19641117 How Much Education.mp3
    21. Nelson Rockefeller 19650105 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    22. Nelson Rockefeller 19690108 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    23. Nelson Rockefeller 19710106 Ny State Of State Address.mp3
    24. Nelson Rockefeller 19711224 Phone Call Richard Nixon.mp3
    25. Nelson Rockefeller 19720820 Ronald Reagan Issues Answers.mp3
    26. Nelson Rockefeller 19730123 Press Conference Narcotics.mp3
    27. Nelson Rockefeller 19731121 Empire State Plaza Dedication.mp3
    28. Nelson Rockefeller 19741219 Sworn As Vice President.mp3
    29. Nelson Rockefeller 19751106 Retiring From Politics.mp3
    30. Pat Dewine 20200318 Cincinnati Rotary Club.mp3
    31. Pat Dewine 20210222 Columbus Rotary Club.mp3
    32. Pat Dewine 20210518 Kent Rotary Club.mp3
    33. Pat Dewine 20210525 Akron Rotary Club.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 53 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 20: $5.00
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    2. Pat Dewine 20210623 Pty Or No Pty.mp3
    3. Pat Grassley 20191025 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    4. Pat Grassley 20200316 Closing Legislative Sess Due Covid19.mp3
    5. Pat Grassley 20210106 Covid Safety At Capitol.mp3
    6. Pat Grassley 20210111 Open Remarks Spkr Ia St Legislature.mp3
    7. Pat Grassley 20210326 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    8. Pat Grassley 20220109 This Week Iowa Interview.mp3
    9. Pat Grassley 20220113 Iowa Press Interview.mp3
    10. Patrick Kennedy 20071116 Mental Health Addiction Policy.mp3
    11. Patrick Kennedy 20080206 Health Parity.mp3
    12. Patrick Kennedy 20090829 Eulogy To Edward Kennedy.mp3
    13. Patrick Kennedy 20130701 Select Committee Mental Health.mp3
    14. Patrick Kennedy 20131209 Drug Reform Policy.mp3
    15. Patrick Kennedy 20150417 Looking Back Moving Forward.mp3
    16. Patrick Kennedy 20151013 Pain Of Mental Illness Addiction.mp3
    17. Patrick Kennedy 20160920 Healthy Minds.mp3
    18. Patrick Kennedy 20160921 Society Neuroscience.mp3
    19. Paul Thurmond 2012222 Quintine Interview.mp3
    20. Paul Thurmond 20150624 Confederate Flag.mp3
    21. Richard B Cheney 19840625 First Political Interview.mp3
    22. Richard B Cheney 19850000 Constitution Budget Process.mp3
    23. Richard B Cheney 19910116 C.Powell Press Conf Desert Storm.mp3
    24. Richard B Cheney 19910911 John M Ashbrook Memorial Dinner.mp3
    25. Richard B Cheney 20000725 Named George W Bushs Runningmate.mp3
    26. Richard B Cheney 20000802 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    27. Richard B Cheney 20001005 V Joe Lieberman Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    28. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 1.mp3
    29. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 2.mp3
    30. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 3.mp3
    31. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 4.mp3
    32. Richard B Cheney 20020908 Meet Press Interview.mp3
    33. Richard B Cheney 20040901 Republican Ntnl Conv.mp3
    34. Richard B Cheney 20041005 V John Edwards Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    35. Richard B Cheney 20090106 Oversee Certif Electoral Vote.mp3
    36. Richard B Cheney 20131028 Liz Is Future Of Gop.mp3
    37. Robert A Taft 19390000 Government Intervention.mp3
    38. Robert A Taft 19410000 Lend Lease.mp3
    39. Robert A Taft 19470000 Tafthartley Act.mp3
    40. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 1.mp3
    41. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 2.mp3
    42. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 3.mp3
    43. Robert A Taft 20120305 Battleground Ohio.mp3
    44. Robert A Taft 20160606 Battleground Ohio.mp3
    45. Robert A Taft 20190829 Ted Strickland Oh Governors Emeritus.mp3
    46. Robert F Kennedy 19570327 Senate Labor Committee Hearings.mp3
    47. Robert F Kennedy 19630826 Interview Ray Scherer.mp3
    48. Robert F Kennedy 19640824 Announces Candidacy Us Senator Ny.mp3
    49. Robert F Kennedy 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    50. Robert F Kennedy 19640903 Resigns From Cabinet.mp3
    51. Robert F Kennedy 19660606 Day Of Affirmation.mp3
    52. Robert F Kennedy 19670000 Vietnam War Peace Negotiations.mp3
    53. Robert F Kennedy 19670515 V Ronald Reagan Town Meeting.mp3
    54. Robert F Kennedy 19671126 Face Nation.mp3

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    2. Robert F Kennedy 19680316 Announcing His Candidacy President.mp3
    3. Robert F Kennedy 19680404 Announcing Murder MLK Jr.mp3
    4. Robert F Kennedy 19680405 Mindless Menace Of Violence.mp3
    5. Robert F Kennedy 19680601 E.Mccarthy Ca Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    6. Robert F Kennedy 19680605 Last Ca Democratic Primary Victory.mp3
    7. Sander Levin 20130123 Gop Debt Ceiling Plan.mp3
    8. Sander Levin 20130724 Challenges Opportunities Intl Trade.mp3
    9. Sander Levin 20140725 Cuts Child Tax Credit.mp3
    10. Sander Levin 20140910 Corporate Tax Inversions.mp3
    11. Sander Levin 20140914 Trans Pacific Ptnership Negotiations.mp3
    12. Sander Levin 20141203 Able Act.mp3
    13. Sander Levin 20160928 New Directions Us Trade Policy.mp3
    14. Sargent Shriver 19610000 Speaks About Peace Corps.mp3
    15. Sargent Shriver 19611224 Meet the Press Interview.mp3
    16. Sargent Shriver 19620311 Whats My Line Mystery Guest.mp3
    17. Sargent Shriver 19630000 Man Washington Interview.mp3
    18. Sargent Shriver 1964000 Promoting Peace Corps.mp3
    19. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Frank Reynolds Interview.mp3
    20. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Role Of Peace Corps.mp3
    21. Sargent Shriver 19660000 Departs Peace Corps.mp3
    22. Sargent Shriver 19670000 Visit To Home.mp3
    23. Sargent Shriver 19701002 Think Week.mp3
    24. Sargent Shriver 19740000 Civil Right Lecture Notre Dame Pt 1.mp3
    25. Sargent Shriver 19740000 Civil Right Lecture Notre Dame Pt 2.mp3
    26. Sargent Shriver 20020902 Seize Opportunity Society Better.mp3
    27. Sargent Shriver 20020917 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.mp3
    28. Sargent Shriver 20030000 Poverty Law Dinner.mp3
    29. Sargent Shriver 20040509 Marymount Univ Commencement.mp3
    30. Seth Taft 19820528 Ohio Gop Gubernatorial Debate.mp3
    31. Sonny Bono 19950125 Congressional Freshman Dinner.mp3
    32. Sonny Bono 19950802 Grills Janet Reno About Waco.mp3
    33. Sonny Bono 19960105 House Floor Speech.mp3
    34. Sonny Bono 19970711 the NEA and the Arts.mp3
    35. Stewart Udall 19650120 Lee Metcalf Interview.mp3
    36. Stewart Udall 19710119 Ucla.mp3
    37. Stewart Udall 19940518 Ntnl Press Club.mp3
    38. Strom Thurmond 19670215 Speaking At Ucla.mp3
    39. Strom Thurmond 19680000 Opposes Nomination Of Abe Fortas.mp3
    40. Strom Thurmond 19701109 Speaking At Ucla.mp3
    41. Theodore Roosevelt 19120320 Right Of People To Rule.mp3
    42. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Farmer Businessman.mp3
    43. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Progressive Covenant People.mp3
    44. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Social Industrial Justice.mp3
    45. Tim Kaine 20070000 Conference Public Service.mp3
    46. Tim Kaine 20090122 Accepts Chairmanship Dem Ntnl Committee.mp3
    47. Tim Kaine 20090206 Economic Recovery.mp3
    48. Tim Kaine 20090324 Civil War Battlefield Preservation.mp3
    49. Tim Kaine 20100729 Lgbt Community.mp3
    50. Tim Kaine 20121106 Va Us Senate Victory.mp3
    51. Tim Kaine 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv.mp3
    52. Tim Kaine 20161004 Mike Pence Vice Pres Debate.mp3
    53. Tim Kaine 20161109 Concession.mp3
    54. Tim Kaine 20180721 V Corey Stewart Va Us Senate Debate.mp3
    55. Tim Kaine 20181106 Va Us Senate Victory.mp3
    56. Tim Kaine 20200204 Statement Donald Trump Impeachment.mp3
    57. Tim Kaine 20210106 Voter Disenfranchisemen.mp3
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    1031 recordings on 391 Audio CDs. Total playtime 347 hours, 12 min
    1031 recordings on 391 Audio CDs
    total playtime 347 hours, 12 min

    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A001

    1. A.Schwarzenegger 20160306 Endorses John Kasich President
    2. A.Schwarzenegger 20180106 Cleaner World
    3. Adlai Stevenson 19520726 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A002

    1. Adlai Stevenson 19521104 Concession
    2. Adlai Stevenson 19560521 V Estes Kefauver FL Dem Prim Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A003

    1. Adlai Stevenson 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Adlai Stevenson 19560901 w JFK Peace Is Nonpartisan

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A004

    1. Adlai Stevenson 19621025 Valerian Zorin Soviet Missiles Cuba
    2. Adlai Stevenson 19631122 Kennedy Assassination
    3. Adlai Stevenson 19631202 Reaffirming Jfk Joint Space Propsl
    4. Adlai Stevenson 19640000 Kennedy Wit

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A005

    1. Adlai Stevenson III 20150615 Keven Cheng Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A006

    1. Adlai Stevenson III 20160616 Black Book
    2. Albert Gore Jr 19790313 Cspans First Airing Of House

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A007

    1. Albert Gore Jr 19851210 Climate Change Senate Hearing
    2. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Earth Balance
    3. Albert Gore Jr 19920000 Internet
    4. Albert Gore Jr 19920131 700 Club Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A008

    1. Albert Gore Jr 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Albert Gore Jr 19930817 David Letterman Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A009

    1. Albert Gore Jr 19931109 Nafta Debate V Ross Perot

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A010

    1. Albert Gore Jr 19960828 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Albert Gore Jr 19970117 B.Clinton B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom
    3. Albert Gore Jr 19990425 Columbine Memorial Service

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A011

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20130513 Leaders Supply Vision Values Goals
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20170718 Stephen Colbert Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A012

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20171026 Climate One Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A013

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20180425 Wilson Lecture Series
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20210315 Restricting Vote Is Unamerican

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A014

    1. Albert Gore Sr 19580000 Economic Recession Rumors
    2. Albert Gore Sr 19920000 Young Al Decision To Enter Politics
    3. Alfred Landon 19661213 Inaugural Landon Lecture

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A015

    1. Alfred Landon 19870906 100th Birthday

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A016

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20150101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A017

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20150106 Eulogy To Mario Cuomo
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20160728 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A018

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20170316 Joe Biden Help Hero Humanitarian Award
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20200302 Expand Ny State Coronavirus Testing
    3. Andrew Cuomo 20200304 Coronavirus Update

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A019

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20200305 11 More Covid 19 Positive Cases
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20200310 Plan Mitigate Covid Cluster Rochelle
    3. Andrew Cuomo 20200311 Contract 28 Private Labs To Test Covid
    4. Andrew Cuomo 20200817 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    5. Andrew Cuomo 20210726 Doj Investigation Being Dropped

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A020

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20210728 Remarks At Abny Meeting
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20210810 Resignation

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A021

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20210823 Farewell Address
    2. Barry Goldwater 19631123 Kennedy Assassination
    3. Barry Goldwater 19640716 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A022

    1. Barry Goldwater 19640929 Cincinnati Ohio Rally

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A023

    1. Barry Goldwater 19660609 Future Of Conservatism
    2. Barry Goldwater 19740807 Statement After Speaking Nixon
    3. Barry Goldwater 19800000 Nixon Watergate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A024

    1. Barry Goldwater 198340000 Mo Udall Barry Mo Show

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A025

    1. Barry Goldwater 19881013 George Mcgovern Divisive Politics
    2. Barry Goldwater 19891016 Looks Forward Politics

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A026

    1. Barry Goldwater Jr 20140203 Jim Chapman Cong Careers

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A027

    1. Barry Goldwater Jr 20180208 Rating Trump As President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A028

    1. Bill Clinton 19880720 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A029

    1. Bill Clinton 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A030

    1. Bill Clinton 19920315 Jerry Brown P.Tsongas Mi Prim Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A031

    1. Bill Clinton 19920716 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Bill Clinton 19921103 Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A032

    1. Bill Clinton 19930120 Inaugural Address
    2. Bill Clinton 19930205 Signs Family Medical Leave Act

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A033

    1. Bill Clinton 19930923 Jt Session Congress Address Healthcare

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A034

    1. Bill Clinton 19930929 Tour Of Oval Office
    2. Bill Clinton 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference
    3. Bill Clinton 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A035

    1. Bill Clinton 19940523 C.Kennedy JFK Jr Graveside Jackie O
    2. Bill Clinton 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A036

    1. Bill Clinton 19950418 President Is Relevant
    2. Bill Clinton 19950419 Announcing Oklahoma City Bombing

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A037

    1. Bill Clinton 19960731 Welfare Reform Press Conference
    2. Bill Clinton 19961105 Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A038

    1. Bill Clinton 19970117 Gore B.Dole Pres Medal Freedom
    2. Bill Clinton 19970120 Inaugural Address
    3. Bill Clinton 19980817 Address Nation About Monica Lewinsky
    4. Bill Clinton 19990212 Comments Concl Sen Impeachment Trial

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A039

    1. Bill Clinton 20150629 Conversation Tom Vilsack
    2. Bill Clinton 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Bill Clinton 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A040

    1. Birch Bayh 19680000 Announce Candidacy Reelection Us Senate
    2. Birch Bayh 19680000 Electoral College
    3. Birch Bayh 1969 Electoral College Reform
    4. Birch Bayh 19690000 College Tuition
    5. Birch Bayh 19690000 Nuclear Weapons Treaty
    6. Birch Bayh 19700508 Democratic Pty State Chairmanship

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A041

    1. Birch Bayh 19721017 Ucla

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A042

    1. Birch Bayh 19790000 Ellen Prose Interview
    2. Birch Bayh 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable Interview
    3. Birch Bayh 19940000 Speaking At First Conference
    4. Bob Dole 19720110 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    5. Bob Dole 19760817 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A043

    1. Bob Dole 19871217 Immediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty
    2. Bob Dole 19940427 Eulogy To Richard Nixon
    3. Bob Dole 19960611 Farewell To Senate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A044

    1. Bob Dole 19961105 Concession
    2. Bob Dole 19970117 Gore Clinton Award Presid Medal Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A045

    1. Carl Levin 20130318 Us Defense Policy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A046

    1. Carl Levin 20141212 Farewell Address To Senate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A047

    1. Carl Levin 20160314 Michigan Jewish Heritage Oral History

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A048

    1. Caroline Kennedy 19940523 JFK Jr Clinton Graveside Jackie O
    2. Caroline Kennedy 20140924 American Japanese Society Luncheon
    3. Caroline Kennedy 20150521 Columbia Sipa Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A049

    1. Caroline Kennedy 20190208 America World

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A050

    1. Caroline Kennedy 20190716 Jfks Moonshot Promise
    2. Caroline Kennedy 202000818 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Caroline Kennedy 20200220 Jfk New Frontier Honorees Panel

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A051

    1. Caroline Kennedy 20210415 Overcome Obstacles Change Global

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A052

    1. Caroline Kennedy 20210526 Mitt Romney Profiles Courage Award

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A053

    1. Charles Robb 19900120 Presidency Congress
    2. Charles Robb 19960910 Defense Of Marriage Act

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A054

    1. Charles Robb 20210519 Bridge Builders

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A055

    1. Charles Robb 20210629 Arena
    2. Chuck Grassley 19860602 Human Rights Free America
    3. Chuck Grassley 20130130 Obama Gun Argument Turns Consti head

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A056

    1. Chuck Grassley 20160912 Fbis Refuse Rel Unclassified Info
    2. Chuck Grassley 20180904 You Are Taking Adv Decency Integrity
    3. Chuck Grassley 20200203 Stmnt During Trump Impeachment Trial
    4. Chuck Grassley 20201013 Questions Amy Coney Barrett

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A057

    1. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Intro Tom Vilsack Senate Ag Comt
    2. Chuck Grassley 20210202 Questions Tom Vilsack
    3. Chuck Grassley 20210507 Iowa Press Interview
    4. Chuck Grassley 20211130 Dem Should Investigate Hunter Biden
    5. Chuck Grassley 20220118 Evid Free Claims Voter Suppression
    6. Cindy McCain 20200925 Endorses Joe Biden for President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A058

    1. Cindy McCain 20210513 A Conversation
    2. Cindy McCain 20210518 We Have Lost Our Way
    3. Cindy McCain 20220708 Accepting Medal Freedom John McCain

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A059

    1. Edmund Pat Brown 19581116 What’s My Line
    2. Edmund Pat Brown 19661102 v Ronald Reagan CA Gub Cand Forum

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A060

    1. Edmund Pat Brown 19671129 UCLA
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19620000 MA Democratic Pty Primary

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A061

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19640528 JFK Pres Library
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19660709 JFK Memorial Dedication Lewis Bay
    3. Edward M Kennedy 19680128 Face Nation

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A062

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19680407 Alaska Democratic Pty Conv
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19680608 Eulogy To Robert F Kennedy
    3. Edward M Kennedy 19680615 Thanks Nation After Rfk Death
    4. Edward M Kennedy 19690725 Addresses Chappaquiddick Accident
    5. Edward M Kennedy 19770000 Universal Healthcare
    6. Edward M Kennedy 19780000 Healthcare
    7. Edward M Kennedy 19791020 Dedication JFK Pres Library

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A063

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19791107 Announces His Candidacy President
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19800000 Bill Boggs Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A064

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19800811 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19810605 Robert Kennedy Medal Ethel Kennedy
    3. Edward M Kennedy 19831123 Healthcare

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A065

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19880719 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Edward M Kennedy 19940523 Eulogy To Jackie Onassis

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A066

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19941025 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A067

    1. Edward M Kennedy 19941027 Mitt Romney Us Senate Debate Ma
    2. Elaine Chao 20170117 Opening Stmnt Senate Commerce Comm
    3. Elaine Chao 20180306 New York Metro Gateway Project

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A068

    1. Elaine Chao 20180314 Addresses Nations Counties
    2. Elaine Chao 20200603 Playbook Interview
    3. Elaine Chao 20211123 Ncuscr Gala
    4. Elizabeth Dole 19830207 Swearing Secretary Transportation

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A069

    1. Elizabeth Dole 19850501 Laird Youth Leadership Day
    2. Elizabeth Dole 19871002 Farewell Transportation Department

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A070

    1. Elizabeth Dole 19910504 Albion College Commencement
    2. Elizabeth Dole 20180828 Distinguished Service Medal
    3. Elizabeth Dole 20200423 Have Plan Your Pets Psa
    4. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330304 Inaugural Address
    5. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330312 Banking Crisis

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A071

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19330507 Progress Report
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19340930 Government Capitalism

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A072

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19350428 Works Relief Program SSy Act
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360627 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A073

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19360906 Farmers Laborers
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370120 Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A074

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19370309 Court Packing
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19371005 Quarantine

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A075

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380414 Recession
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380624 Purging Democratic Pty

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A076

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19380708 Dedication NW Territory Memrl
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19390903 European War
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400526 Ntnl Defense

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A077

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400610 Stabbed Back
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19400719 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A078

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19401229 Arsenal Of Democracy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A079

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410106 Four Freedoms
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410120 Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A080

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410315 Lend Lease
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19410911 Greer Incident
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411208 Declaration War Against Japan

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A081

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19411209 War Japan
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420223 Progress Of War

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A082

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420428 Sacrifice
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19420907 Inflation Food Prices

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A083

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19421012 Home Front
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430502 Coal Crisis

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A084

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430728 Fall Of Mussolini
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19430908 Armistice Italy
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19431224 Tehran Cairo Conference

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A085

    1. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440605 Fall Of Rome
    2. Franklin D Roosevelt 19440612 Opening Fifth War Loan Drive
    3. Franklin D Roosevelt 19450120 Inaugural Address
    4. George Hw Bush 19711206 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    5. George Hw Bush 19711208 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    6. George Hw Bush 19711231 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    7. George Hw Bush 19721129 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    8. George Hw Bush 19721211 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    9. George Hw Bush 19730223 Phone Call Richard Nixon

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A086

    1. George Hw Bush 19730830 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    2. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 1
    3. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 2
    4. George Hw Bush 19760222 Meet Press Interview Pt 3

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A087

    1. George Hw Bush 19800423 V Ronald Reagan Tx Gop Debate
    2. George Hw Bush 19800717 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A088

    1. George Hw Bush 19840823 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A089

    1. George Hw Bush 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A090

    1. George Hw Bush 19881108 Victory
    2. George Hw Bush 19890120 Inaugural Address
    3. George Hw Bush 19890905 War Drugs

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A091

    1. George Hw Bush 19900726 Signs Americans Disabilities Act
    2. George Hw Bush 19900808 Iraqs Invasion Of Kuwait

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A092

    1. George Hw Bush 199100306 Desert Storm Victory
    2. George Hw Bush 19910116 Start Of Iraq War
    3. George Hw Bush 19911225 Christmas Day Message

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A093

    1. George Hw Bush 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A094

    1. George Hw Bush 19921103 Concession
    2. George P Bush 20150102 Sworn Tx Land Commissioner
    3. George P Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush
    4. George P Bush 20210602 Announcing Run Tx Attorney General
    5. George P Bush 20210603 Texas Deserves Better
    6. George P Bush 20210618 Tx Ag Candidacy Wall Trump
    7. George P Bush 20210724 Stance Prolife
    8. George P Bush 20210805 Border Crisis
    9. George P Bush 20210913 Pres Cant Force Vaccine Mandates St

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A095

    1. George P Bush 20211110 Worries Ken Paxton As Gop Candidate
    2. George Romney 19631123 Kennedy Assassination
    3. George Romney 19640714 Republican Ntnl Conv
    4. George Romney 19670000 Address To State Of Michigan
    5. George Romney 19671118 Announcing His Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A096

    1. George Romney 19671206 Landon Lecture Series
    2. George Romney 19680000 Brainwashing
    3. George Romney 19680000 Nh Republican Primary
    4. George Romney 19920320 Americanism
    5. George W Bush 19880815 Interview At Republican Ntnl Conv
    6. George W Bush 19941108 Tx Gubernatorial Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A097

    1. George W Bush 19950117 Tx Gubernatorial Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A098

    1. George W Bush 20160215 Stumps Brother Jeb
    2. George W Bush 20180901 Eulogy To John Mccain
    3. George W Bush 20181205 Eulogy To George Hw Bush
    4. George W Bush 20200720 Eulogy To John Lewis

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A099

    1. George W Bush 20210614 Legacy Of Angela Merkel
    2. George Wallace 19630114 Al Gubernatorial Inauguration
    3. George Wallace 19630611 Refusal Desegregate Univ AL

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A100

    1. George Wallace 19640000 Ball State Teachers College
    2. George Wallace 19640000 Barton Colosseum Little Rock Ar
    3. George Wallace 19680000 Tulsa Ok Rally

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A101

    1. George Wallace 19680630 Meet Press Interview
    2. George Wallace 19680721 Face Nation Interview
    3. George Wallace 19720313 Election Eve Fl Primary

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A102

    1. George Wallace III 19980825 Larry King Interview
    2. George Wallace III 20150514 Ken Rudin Interview
    3. Greg Pence 20181107 Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A103

    1. Greg Pence 20190213 Congress Must Reward Fwd Thinking States
    2. Greg Pence 20210306 Rural Disparities Broadband Capabilities
    3. Greg Pence 20210325 One Size Fits All Mandates
    4. Hillary Clinton 19690531 Wellesley College Commncmnt
    5. Hillary Clinton 19930317 Healthcare Psa
    6. Hillary Clinton 19950507 Message AR School Mathematics Sci
    7. Hillary Clinton 19950905 Womens Conference Beijing
    8. Hillary Clinton 19960127 Appearance Before Grand Jury

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A104

    1. Hillary Clinton 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Hillary Clinton 19980127 Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
    3. Hillary Clinton 20130201 Farewell Address State Department

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A105

    1. Hillary Clinton 20150613 Announcing Her Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A106

    1. Hillary Clinton 20161003 Akron Ohio Rally
    2. Hillary Clinton 20161031 Urges Portage County OH Vote Early

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A107

    1. Hillary Clinton 20161109 Concession
    2. Hillary Clinton 20200819 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A108

    1. Hillary Clinton 20211212 Willie Geist Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A109

    1. Howard Baker 19790308 Landon Lecture Series
    2. Howard Baker 19821115 Meeting Ronald Reagan

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A110

    1. Howard Baker 19890000 Truman Good Neighbor Award Luncheon

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A111

    1. Howard Baker 19990309 Landon Lecture Series

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A112

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19460000 Reads Comics Radio Polio Outbreak
    2. Hubert H Humphrey 19480714 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Hubert H Humphrey 19520314 Longines Interview
    4. Hubert H Humphrey 19540000 Longines Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A113

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19600504 JFK Wv Democratic Primary Debate
    2. Hubert H Humphrey 19631122 Assassination President Kennedy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A114

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19631123 Kennedy Assassination
    2. Hubert H Humphrey 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Hubert H Humphrey 19641103 Phone Call Lbj
    4. Hubert H Humphrey 19661109 Phone Call Lbj
    5. Hubert H Humphrey 19670000 Stay School Psa
    6. Hubert H Humphrey 19680000 College Graduate Adm Asstnc Psa
    7. Hubert H Humphrey 19680424 Vietnam Negotiations

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A115

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19680503 Memorial Gymnasium Kent St Univ

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A116

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Hubert H Humphrey 19680829 Phone Call Lbj
    3. Hubert H Humphrey 19681105 Concession
    4. Hubert H Humphrey 19681106 Calls Lbj After Election Loss

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A117

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19690225 Ucla

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A118

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19691201 My Lai Massacre
    2. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 Mental Retardation
    3. Hubert H Humphrey 19700000 You Know He Cares
    4. Hubert H Humphrey 19721107 Phone Call To Richard Nixon

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A119

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19760401 Ntnl Economic Planning

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A120

    1. Hubert H Humphrey 19770919 Last To Labor
    2. Hubert Humphrey 19840911 Muriel Humphrey Medal Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A121

    1. Hubert Humphrey 19880000 Mn Senate Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A122

    1. Hubert Humphrey 19981001 Mn Gubernatorial Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A123

    1. Hubert Humphrey 19981020 Mn Gubernatorial Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A124

    1. Hubert Humphrey 19981025 Mn Gubernatorial Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A125

    1. Hubert Humphrey 20141108 Barry Goldwater Jr 1964 Election
    2. James Danforth Quayle 19820522 Kevin Armstrong Depauw Univ

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A126

    1. James Danforth Quayle 19870000 Public Affairs Roundtable
    2. James Danforth Quayle 19880818 Republican Ntnl Conv
    3. James Danforth Quayle 19890120 Oath Of Office

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A127

    1. James Danforth Quayle 19890815 Primetime Live Interview
    2. James Danforth Quayle 19920519 Murphy Brown
    3. James Danforth Quayle 19920616 “potatoe”
    4. James Danforth Quayle 19920820 Republican Ntnl Conv
    5. James Danforth Quayle 19950000 Roger Ailes Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A128

    1. James Danforth Quayle 19950213 Standing Firm

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A129

    1. James Danforth Quayle 19951108 Depauw Univ

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A130

    1. James Danforth Quayle 19990927 Withdraws From 2000 Pres Race
    2. Jason Carter 20130211 Saving Hope
    3. Jason Carter 20130228 Ga Inaction Education

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A131

    1. Jason Carter 20130607 Town Hall Meeting Education

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A132

    1. Jason Carter 20140116 Dem Response Ga State Address
    2. Jason Carter 20140201 State Of Ga Storm Response
    3. Jason Carter 20140217 Hb990
    4. Jason Carter 20140219 Teacher Workforce Initiatives
    5. Jason Carter 20140326 Andrea Mitchell Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A133

    1. Jason Carter 20141019 Nathan Deal Andrew Hunt Ga Gub Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A134

    1. Jason Carter 20150319 Voting Rights Symposium
    2. Jason Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A135

    1. Jean Kennedysmith 20170124 Nine Of Us Growing Up Kennedy
    2. Jerry Brown 19760307 60 Minutes Interview
    3. Jerry Brown 19810000 Merv Griffin Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A136

    1. Jerry Brown 19920305 University of Texas

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A137

    1. Jerry Brown 19920315 Clinton P.Tsongas Il Mi Primary Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A138

    1. Jerry Brown 19920407 Donahue Show Interview
    2. Jerry Brown 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A139

    1. Jerry Brown 20190328 Commonwealth Club
    2. JFK 19400813 Kroc Am Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A140

    1. JFK 19520822 Longines Interview
    2. JFK 19531019 Person To Person Interview
    3. JFK 19560817 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    4. JFK 19560901 Adlai Stevenson Peace Is Nonpartisan
    5. JFK 19580000 Us Senator JFK

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A141

    1. JFK 19581028 At Home Kennedys
    2. JFK 19600102 Announcing His Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A142

    1. JFK 19600504 Hubert H Humphrey Wv Democratic Primary Debate
    2. JFK 19600616 Jack Parr Show

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A143

    1. JFK 19600715 Dnc

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A144

    1. JFK 19600926 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A145

    1. JFK 19601007 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A146

    1. JFK 19601013 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A147

    1. JFK 19601016 Meet Press Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A148

    1. JFK 19601021 V Richard Nixon Pres Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A149

    1. JFK 19601107 Election Eve Activities Boston Ma
    2. JFK 19601109 Victory
    3. JFK 19610120 Inaugural Address
    4. JFK 19610301 Interview Eleanor Roosevelt

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A150

    1. JFK 19610313 Alliance Progress
    2. JFK 19610420 American Society Of Newspaper Editors
    3. JFK 19610421 10th News Conference

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A151

    1. JFK 19610525 Goal Of Sending Man To Moon
    2. JFK 19620409 50th Anniversary Of Childrens Bureau

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A152

    1. JFK 19620520 Rally Of Three Generations
    2. JFK 19620912 Rice State Univ

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A153

    1. JFK 19621022 Cuban Missile Crisis
    2. JFK 19630610 American Univ Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A154

    1. JFK 19630611 Address To Nation Civil Rights
    2. JFK 19630902 Labor Day Interview Chuck Todd

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A155

    1. JFK 19630909 Huntleybrinkley Interview
    2. JFK 19631104 Vietnam
    3. JFK 19631121 Dinner Honoring Albert Thomas

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A156

    1. JFK 19631122 Last Twoes Fr Worth Tx

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A157

    1. Jimmy Carter 19760715 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Jimmy Carter 19761102 Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A158

    1. Jimmy Carter 19770120 Inaugural Address
    2. Jimmy Carter 19770202 Energy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A159

    1. Jimmy Carter 19770309 Press Conference
    2. Jimmy Carter 19770418 Energy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A160

    1. Jimmy Carter 19770522 Univ Of Norte Dame Commencement
    2. Jimmy Carter 19770907 Panama Canal Treaty Signing
    3. Jimmy Carter 19770917 Camp David Summit

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A161

    1. Jimmy Carter 19771108 Energy
    2. Jimmy Carter 19781024 Antiinflation Program
    3. Jimmy Carter 19781215 Diplomatic Relations China

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A162

    1. Jimmy Carter 19790715 Crisis Of Confidence
    2. Jimmy Carter 19800104 Afghanistan
    3. Jimmy Carter 19800425 Iran Rescue Mission

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A163

    1. Jimmy Carter 19800814 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Jimmy Carter 19801104 Concession

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A164

    1. Jimmy Carter 19810114 Farewell Address
    2. Jimmy Carter 20150820 Address Cancer Treatment

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A165

    1. Jimmy Carter 20150915 Conversation Carters
    2. Jimmy Carter 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A166

    1. Jimmy Carter 20191007 Habitat Humanity
    2. Jimmy Carter 20200818 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A167

    1. John Ellis Bush 19941018 Lawton Chiles Fl Gub Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A168

    1. John Ellis Bush 19951011 Conserv Plcyi Success Not Inevitble

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A169

    1. John Ellis Bush 20131121 Immigration Wars Forging Am Sol

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A170

    1. John Ellis Bush 20140119 Human Parade

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A171

    1. John Ellis Bush 20150228 Cpac
    2. John Ellis Bush 20150615 Announcing Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A172

    1. John Ellis Bush 20150811 Reagan Forum
    2. John Ellis Bush 20151019 Trumps View History Is Just Wrong

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A173

    1. John Ellis Bush 20151102 Chuck Todd Interview
    2. John Ellis Bush 20151220 Face Nation Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A174

    1. John Ellis Bush 20160119 Us Foreign Policy Challenges Opp

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A175

    1. John Ellis Bush 20160124 Jake Tapper Interview
    2. John Ellis Bush 20160220 Suspends Pres Campaign
    3. John Ellis Bush 20180421 Eulogy To Barbara Bush
    4. John Ellis Bush 20200720 Oxford Union Q A
    5. John Ellis Bush 20201027 Video Message To People Of Budapest

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A176

    1. John J Gilligan 19701208 Kent State University
    2. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160317 Ncrc Awards Night
    3. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20160929 6th European Grid Conference
    4. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20180621 Leadership
    5. Joseph P Kennedy Ii 20190527 Dear Dot
    6. Joseph P Kennedy III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A177

    1. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180130 Dem Response State Union
    2. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180205 I Am Not Running President
    3. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180606 Tribute To Robert F Kennedy
    4. Joseph P Kennedy III 20180614 Trump Immigration Policy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A178

    1. Joseph P Kennedy III 20191011 Kennedy School Of Government

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A179

    1. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200811 E.Markey Ma Sen Dem Prim Debte
    2. Joseph P Kennedy III 20200901 Ma Us Senate Dem Primary Conc

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A180

    1. Joseph P Kennedy III 20201209 Farewell Address To Congress
    2. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19360000 New Marine Service
    3. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19380000 New Us Ambassador To England
    4. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19390000 Freedom Of Edinburgh
    5. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Au Revoir To England
    6. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 FDR Should Be Reelected
    7. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19400000 Rearming Stay Out Of War
    8. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 House Foreign Affairs Comm
    9. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Morale Of British German People
    10. Joseph P Kennedy Sr 19410000 Staying Out Of War
    11. Joseph R Biden III 19721121 Youngest Us Senator
    12. Joseph R Biden III 19721219 Condolence Call Richard Nixon

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A181

    1. Joseph R Biden III 19730518 Cleveland City Club

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A182

    1. Joseph R Biden III 19740000 Campaign Finance Reform
    2. Joseph R Biden III 19770000 School Busing
    3. Joseph R Biden III 19800415 Iran Hostages

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A183

    1. Joseph R Biden III 19810909 Arms Sale
    2. Joseph R Biden III 19820000 Falklands Conflict
    3. Joseph R Biden III 19871112 Ronald Reagan Strom Thurmond

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A184

    1. Joseph R Biden III 19880907 Return To Senate
    2. Joseph R Biden III 19890905 War Drugs Democratic Response
    3. Joseph R Biden III 19920000 Supr Ct Nominees Wait Election
    4. Joseph R Biden III 19930309 Strom Thurmonds 90th Birthday
    5. Joseph R Biden III 20130712 First Person Interview
    6. Joseph R Biden III 20130919 Internet Is Forever
    7. Joseph R Biden III 20151021 Not Candidate President 2016

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A185

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20160726 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20161217 Eulogy To John Glenn
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20170103 Kamala Harris Us Senator Ca

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A186

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20170106 Oversee Certif Of Electoral Vote

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A187

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20170112 Awarded Pres Medal Of Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A188

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20170316 Andrew Cuomo Hero Human Award
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20171213 Comforts Megan Mccain
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20180104 Joe Kennedy Dealt Loss Son

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A189

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20180830 Eulogy To John Mccain
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20190425 Eulogy To Ernest Fritz Hollings
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20200609 Eulogy To George Floyd

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A190

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20200812 Kamala Harris As Runningmate
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20200820 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A191

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20201107 Victory
    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210106 Addresses Attack Us Capitol

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A192

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210120 Inaugural Address
    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210222 500071 Dead Americans Due Covid19
    3. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210413 Eulogy To William Evans

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A193

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210428 Joint Session Of Congress

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A194

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210512 Mike Dewine Bip Meeting Governors

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A195

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210529 Mem Day Remembr New Castle De
    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210531 Memorial Day Remembrance

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A196

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20210831 Ending War Afghanistan
    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20211210 Eulogy To Bob Dole

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A197

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220106 January 6 One Year Later

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A198

    1. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220111 voting Rights
    2. Joseph R Biden Jr 20220124 Admin Efforts Lower Prices

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A199

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Faith Family

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A200

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Justice Home Abroad

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A201

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Soc Welfare Immigration

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A202

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20131120 Social Policy
    2. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20141017 Returns To Doj

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A203

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150312 Women Forever

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A204

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150810 Failing Americas Faithful

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A205

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20150919 Obamacare Took 10 Years
    2. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190205 Future Of Science

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A206

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20190225 Symposium Democracy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A207

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20210419 Headliners Of Service

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A208

    1. Linwood Holton 20160115 Oral History Interview
    2. Liz Cheney 20191218 These Art Impeachment Threaten Republic
    3. Liz Cheney 20210511 Freedom Constitutional Duty Protect It
    4. Liz Cheney 20210513 Our Pty Must Be Based Truth
    5. Liz Cheney 20210727 Opening Statement January 6 Committee

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A209

    1. Liz Cheney 20211213 Reads Texts From Fox News Hosts
    2. Lyndon B Johnson 19631127 Congress After Assassination Jfk
    3. Lyndon B Johnson 19631128 Thanksgiving Day Message
    4. Lyndon B Johnson 19640522 Univ Of Michigan Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A210

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19640702 Signing Civil Rights Act Of 1964
    2. Lyndon B Johnson 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A211

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19650120 Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A212

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19650315 Message Congress American Promise

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A213

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19650806 Signing Voting Rights Act 1965

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A214

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19680331 Bombing Halt Vietnam
    2. Lyndon B Johnson 19680605 Statement Shooting Of Rfk
    3. Lyndon B Johnson 19680606 Statement Death Of Rfk

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A215

    1. Lyndon B Johnson 19681031 Everett This Is Treason
    2. Mario Cuomo 19830101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A216

    1. Mario Cuomo 19830102 Ny State Of State Address
    2. Mario Cuomo 19830103 Appointment Of Judge Simons

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A217

    1. Mario Cuomo 19840000 Interview Bill Boggs
    2. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 1

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A218

    1. Mario Cuomo 19840516 Raising Drinking Age To 21 Pt 2
    2. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 1

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A219

    1. Mario Cuomo 19840620 Equal Rights Amendment Pt 2
    2. Mario Cuomo 19840716 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A220

    1. Mario Cuomo 19840814 Acid Rain

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A221

    1. Mario Cuomo 19840913 Religious Beliefs Public Morality

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A222

    1. Mario Cuomo 19850109 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A223

    1. Mario Cuomo 19850131 Raising Drinking Age To 21
    2. Mario Cuomo 19850711 Court Reform Bill Signing

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A224

    1. Mario Cuomo 19851024 Aids

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A225

    1. Mario Cuomo 19851211 Malpractice Special Session

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A226

    1. Mario Cuomo 19860212 Abraham Lincoln Our Unfinished Work

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A227

    1. Mario Cuomo 19890108 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A228

    1. Mario Cuomo 19890320 Death Penalty

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A229

    1. Mario Cuomo 19900103 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A230

    1. Mario Cuomo 19910109 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A231

    1. Mario Cuomo 19920108 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A232

    1. Mario Cuomo 19920715 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A233

    1. Mario Cuomo 19930106 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A234

    1. Mario Cuomo 19940105 Ny State Of State Address
    2. Mario Cuomo 19960827 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A235

    1. Mark Shriver 20130316 Faith Hope Love Action

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A236

    1. Mark Shriver 20140520 Loyola Univ Commencement
    2. Mark Shriver 20161208 Real Pope Francis
    3. Mark Shriver 20180116 Save Children
    4. Mark Shriver 20180119 Urges Congress To Invest Children

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A237

    1. Mark Shriver 20210217 Time To Unite
    2. Mark Udall 20141104 Co Us Senate Concession

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A238

    1. Mark Udall 20141210 Hold Cia Accountable
    2. Mary Bono 20171106 Sexual Harassment in Congress
    3. Mary Landrieu 20141105 Making it to Runoff Election
    4. Mary Landrieu 20141207 Concession Speech

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A239

    1. Mike Dewine 20140131 Pat Kelly Indictment
    2. Mike Dewine 20150820 Issues Facing Ohio

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A240

    1. Mike Dewine 20151209 City Club Of Cleveland

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A241

    1. Mike Dewine 20180508 Oh Gop Primary Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A242

    1. Mike Dewine 20181001 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A243

    1. Mike Dewine 20181008 V Richard Cordray Oh Gub Debate
    2. Mike Dewine 20181109 Fox Friends Interview
    3. Mike Dewine 20181109 Morning Joe Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A244

    1. Mike Dewine 20190114 Oh Gubernatorial Inauguration

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A245

    1. Mike Dewine 20190411 Signs Oh Heartbeat Abortion Bill Law
    2. Mike Dewine 20191217 Jay Crawford Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A246

    1. Mike Dewine 20200311 State Coronavirus Update

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A247

    1. Mike Dewine 20210512 Joe Biden Bipartisan Meeting Governors

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A248

    1. Mike Dewine 20210512 Vax Million Lottery
    2. Mike Dewine 20211217 Addresses Hospital Staffing Shortages

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A249

    1. Mike Pence 20150331 Addresses Religious Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A250

    1. Mike Pence 20160720 Republican Ntnl Conv
    2. Mike Pence 20170127 March Life Rally

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A251

    1. Mike Pence 20200826 Republican Ntnl Conv
    2. Mike Pence 20210106 Stmnt Condemning Capitol Insurrection
    3. Mike Pence 20210107 Certifies Electoral Votes

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A252

    1. Mike Pence 20210604 Donald Trump I May Never See Eye To Eye

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A253

    1. Mike Pence 20220721 Supreme Court Decision on Abortion
    2. Mitch Mcconnell 19861009 State Of Emergency Regulations
    3. Mitch Mcconnell 20160316 Obamas Supreme Court Nominee
    4. Mitch Mcconnell 20170728 Skinny Aca Repeal Vote Fails

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A254

    1. Mitch Mcconnell 20191219 Statement House Impeachment Vote
    2. Mitch Mcconnell 20200203 Senates Role Impeachment Trial
    3. Mitch Mcconnell 20200921 Death Of Ruth Bater Ginsburg

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A255

    1. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 Electoral College Debate
    2. Mitch Mcconnell 20210106 They Tried To Disrupt Our Democracy
    3. Mitch Mcconnell 20210119 Mob Was Fed Lies
    4. Mitch Mcconnell 20210213 2nd Trump Impeachment Acquittal
    5. Mitch Mcconnell 20211206 Remembers Bob Dole
    6. Mitch Mcconnell 20211209 Bob Dole Honored EpicenterDemocracy
    7. Mitch Mcconnell 20220112 Changing Filibuster Rule

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A256

    1. Mitch Mcconnell 20220119 Senate Filibuster
    2. Mitch Mcconnell 20220131 Justice Breyers Retirement
    3. Mitch Mcconnell 20220202 Covid Facts Time State Emerg End

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A257

    1. Mitt Romney 19940915 Town Talk Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A258

    1. Mitt Romney 19941025 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A259

    1. Mitt Romney 19941027 Ted Kennedy Ma Us Senate Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A260

    1. Mitt Romney 20160303 Trump Is Phony
    2. Mitt Romney 20200205 Statement Trump Impeachment
    3. Mitt Romney 20210106 Us Capitol Lockdown

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A261

    1. Mitt Romney 20210526 Caroline Kennedy Profiles Courage Award

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A262

    1. Morris Udall 19741212 Prospects Democratic Moderation

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A263

    1. Morris Udall 19760413 Marie Torre Interview
    2. Morris Udall 19801008 Ellen Adelstein Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A264

    1. Morris Udall 198340000 Barry Goldwater Barry Mo Show

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A265

    1. Muriel Humphrey 19790528 Wcco Midday Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A266

    1. Muriel Humphrey 19840911 Skip Humphrey Pres Medal Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A267

    1. Nancy Kassebaum 19870909 Landon Lecture Series

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A268

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19590101 Ny Gubernatorial Inauguration
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19590201 Address Ny State Budget

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A269

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19610104 Ny State Of State Address
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19620103 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A270

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19640000 Political Announcement
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19640715 Republican Ntnl Conv
    3. Nelson Rockefeller 19641117 How Much Education

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A271

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19650105 Ny State Of State Address
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19690108 Ny State Of State Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A272

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19710106 Ny State Of State Address
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19711224 Phone Call Richard Nixon
    3. Nelson Rockefeller 19720820 Ronald Reagan Issues Answers

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A273

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19730123 Press Conference Narcotics
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19731121 Empire State Plaza Dedication

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A274

    1. Nelson Rockefeller 19741219 Sworn As Vice President
    2. Nelson Rockefeller 19751106 Retiring From Politics

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A275

    1. Pat Dewine 20200318 Cincinnati Rotary Club

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A276

    1. Pat Dewine 20210222 Columbus Rotary Club

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A277

    1. Pat Dewine 20210518 Kent Rotary Club

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A278

    1. Pat Dewine 20210525 Akron Rotary Club

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A279

    1. Pat Dewine 20210623 Pty Or No Pty

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A280

    1. Pat Grassley 20191025 Iowa Press Interview
    2. Pat Grassley 20200316 Closing Legislative Sess Due Covid19
    3. Pat Grassley 20210106 Covid Safety At Capitol
    4. Pat Grassley 20210111 Open Remarks Spkr Ia St Legislature
    5. Pat Grassley 20210326 Iowa Press Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A281

    1. Pat Grassley 20220109 This Week Iowa Interview
    2. Pat Grassley 20220113 Iowa Press Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A282

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20130701 Select Committee Mental Health
    2. Patrick Kennedy 20131209 Drug Reform Policy

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A283

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20150417 Looking Back Moving Forward

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A284

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20151013 Pain Of Mental Illness Addiction

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A285

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20160920 Healthy Minds

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A286

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20160921 Society Neuroscience
    2. Paul Thurmond 20150624 Confederate Flag

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A287

    1. Richard B Cheney 19840625 First Political Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A288

    1. Richard B Cheney 19850000 Constitution Budget Process

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A289

    1. Richard B Cheney 19910116 C.Powell Press Conf Desert Storm
    2. Richard B Cheney 19910911 John M Ashbrook Memorial Dinner
    3. Richard B Cheney 20131028 Liz Is Future Of Gop

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A290

    1. Robert A Taft 19390000 Government Intervention
    2. Robert A Taft 19410000 Lend Lease
    3. Robert A Taft 19470000 Tafthartley Act
    4. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 1
    5. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 2
    6. Robert A Taft 19520000 Meet Press Pt 3
    7. Robert A Taft 20160606 Battleground Ohio

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A291

    1. Robert A Taft 20190829 Ted Strickland Oh Governors Emeritus

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A292

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19570327 Senate Labor Committee Hearings
    2. Robert F Kennedy 19630826 Interview Ray Scherer
    3. Robert F Kennedy 19640824 Announces Candidacy Us Senator Ny
    4. Robert F Kennedy 19640827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    5. Robert F Kennedy 19640903 Resigns From Cabinet

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A293

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19660606 Day Of Affirmation
    2. Robert F Kennedy 19670000 Vietnam War Peace Negotiations

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A294

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19670515 V Ronald Reagan Town Meeting

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A295

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19671126 Face Nation

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A296

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19680316 Announcing His Candidacy President
    2. Robert F Kennedy 19680404 Announcing Murder MLK Jr

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A297

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19680405 Mindless Menace Of Violence
    2. Robert F Kennedy 19680601 E.Mccarthy Ca Dem Primary Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A298

    1. Robert F Kennedy 19680605 Last Ca Democratic Primary Victory
    2. Sander Levin 20130123 Gop Debt Ceiling Plan
    3. Sander Levin 20130724 Challenges Opportunities Intl Trade
    4. Sander Levin 20140725 Cuts Child Tax Credit
    5. Sander Levin 20140910 Corporate Tax Inversions

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A299

    1. Sander Levin 20140914 Trans Pacific Ptnership Negotiations
    2. Sander Levin 20141203 Able Act

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A300

    1. Sander Levin 20160928 New Directions Us Trade Policy
    2. Sargent Shriver 19610000 Speaks About Peace Corps

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A301

    1. Sargent Shriver 19611224 Meet the Press Interview
    2. Sargent Shriver 19620311 Whats My Line Mystery Guest
    3. Sargent Shriver 19630000 Man Washington Interview
    4. Sargent Shriver 1964000 Promoting Peace Corps
    5. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Frank Reynolds Interview
    6. Sargent Shriver 19650000 Role Of Peace Corps

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A302

    1. Sargent Shriver 19660000 Departs Peace Corps
    2. Sargent Shriver 19670000 Visit To Home
    3. Sargent Shriver 19701002 Think Week

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A303

    1. Seth Taft 19820528 Ohio Gop Gubernatorial Debate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A304

    1. Sonny Bono 19950125 Congressional Freshman Dinner
    2. Sonny Bono 19950802 Grills Janet Reno About Waco
    3. Sonny Bono 19960105 House Floor Speech
    4. Sonny Bono 19970711 the NEA and the Arts
    5. Stewart Udall 19650120 Lee Metcalf Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A305

    1. Stewart Udall 19940518 Ntnl Press Club
    2. Strom Thurmond 19680000 Opposes Nomination Of Abe Fortas

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A306

    1. Strom Thurmond 19701109 Speaking At Ucla

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A307

    1. Tim Kaine 20160727 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Tim Kaine 20161109 Concession
    3. Tim Kaine 20181106 Va Us Senate Victory
    4. Tim Kaine 20200204 Statement Donald Trump Impeachment
    5. Tim Kaine 20210106 Voter Disenfranchisemen

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A308

    1. Theodore Roosevelt 19120320 Right Of People To Rule
    2. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Farmer Businessman
    3. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Progressive Covenant People
    4. Theodore Roosevelt 19120806 Social Industrial Justice
    5. Bill Clinton 20000429 Final Days
    6. George W Bush 20000725 Announcing Dick Cheney Runningmate
    7. Richard B Cheney 20000725 Named George W Bushs Runningmate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A309

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20000817 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A310

    1. Bill Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A311

    1. George W Bush 20000803 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A312

    1. Hillary Clinton 20000814 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Richard B Cheney 20000802 Republican Ntnl Conv
    3. George W Bush 20001019 David Letterman Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A313

    1. George W Bush 20001102 Addresses 1976 Dui Arrest
    2. George W Bush 20001122 Fl Vote Recount
    3. Hillary Clinton 20001108 Senate Victory Press Conference
    4. Albert Gore Jr 20001211 Florida Recount
    5. Albert Gore Jr 20001213 Concession
    6. George W Bush 20001213 Victory
    7. Albert Gore Jr 20010103 Swear H.Clinton Us Senator From Ny

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A314

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20010106 Oversee Certification Electoral Vote
    2. Bill Clinton 20010118 Farewell Address
    3. George W Bush 20010120 Inaugural Address
    4. George W Bush 20010911 Address To Nation Terror Attacks
    5. George W Bush 20010914 Ntnl Day Of Prayer

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A315

    1. George W Bush 20010920 Jt Session Of Congress 911 Attacks
    2. Hillary Clinton 20010911 Thoughts Terror Attacks
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20010911 Abc Interview
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20010917 Shares Powerful Letter
    5. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 1

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A316

    1. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 2
    2. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 3
    3. Richard B Cheney 20010916 Meet Press Interview Pt 4
    4. George W Bush 20011007 Announcing Start Of War Afghanistan

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A317

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20020000 Tipper Gore Joined At Heart
    2. Mitt Romney 20020319 Announcing His Candidacy Ma Governor

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A318

    1. Linwood Holton 20020406 Oral History Interview
    2. Elaine Chao 20020519 Depauw Univ Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A319

    1. Richard B Cheney 20020908 Meet Press Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A320

    1. Sargent Shriver 20020902 Seize Opportunity Society Better
    2. Sargent Shriver 20020917 Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
    3. Hillary Clinton 20021010 Vote Iraq War
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20021010 Iraq War Vote

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A321

    1. Edward M Kennedy 20030000 Health Policy Economic Security
    2. Sargent Shriver 20030000 Poverty Law Dinner
    3. George W Bush 20030319 Start Of War Iraq
    4. George W Bush 20030501 Mission Accomplished

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A322

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20030701 Eulogy To Strom Thurmond
    2. A.Schwarzenegger 20031007 Ca Gubernatorial Recall Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A323

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20040112 Ks State Of State Address
    2. Sargent Shriver 20040509 Marymount Univ Commencement
    3. George Hw Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan
    4. George W Bush 20040611 Eulogy To Ronald Reagan

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A324

    1. Mario Cuomo 20040614 Catholic Politicians Issues
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Bill Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A325

    1. Edward M Kennedy 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Hillary Clinton 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Jimmy Carter 20040726 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    4. Kathleen Sebelius 20040727 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A326

    1. A.Schwarzenegger 20040831 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A327

    1. George W Bush 20040902 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A328

    1. Richard B Cheney 20040901 Republican Ntnl Conv
    2. George W Bush 20041103 Victory
    3. Edward M Kennedy 20050000 Isnt It Time You To Resign

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A329

    1. George W Bush 20050120 Inaugural Address
    2. George W Bush 20050915 Hurricane Katrina
    3. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20060000 Margaret Brent Aw Keynote

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A330

    1. Edward M Kennedy 20060410 Immigration Rally
    2. Evan Bayh 20060521 Depauw Univ Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A331

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20060613 Larry King Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A332

    1. A.Schwarzenegger 20060829 CA State Univ Long Beach
    2. Mary Bono 20060911 Medical Marijuana and Legalized Pot

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A333

    1. Mike Dewine 20061027 V Sherrod Brown Oh Us Senate Debate
    2. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070000 Failing Americas Faithful

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A334

    1. Tim Kaine 20070000 Conference Public Service
    2. Edward M Kennedy 20070125 Republicans Minimum Wage
    3. George W Bush 20070102 Eulogy To Gerald Ford

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A335

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20070108 Ks Gubernatorial Inauguration
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 79th Academy Awards
    3. Albert Gore Jr 20070225 Leonardo Dicaprio Announcement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A336

    1. Albert Gore Jr 20070321 V Jim Infofe Climate Change
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20070314 Iraq War Resolution

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A337

    1. Nancy Kassebaum 20070306 Womans Leadership Lecture
    2. Mary Bono 20070420 Salton Sea

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A338

    1. Howard Baker 20070507 Oral History About Bob Dole

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A339

    1. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 20070529 Clinton Serv Lecture
    2. Edward M Kennedy 20070927 Urges Senate Pass Child Healthcare

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A340

    1. Patrick Kennedy 20071116 Mental Health Addiction Policy
    2. John J Gilligan 20080000 Great Living Cincinnatian Interview
    3. Caroline Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama
    4. Edward M Kennedy 20080128 Endorses Barack Obama President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A341

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20080129 Endorses Barack Obama
    2. Kathleen Sebelius 20080130 Dem Response To State Of Union
    3. Mary Bono 20080130 State of the Net Conference

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A342

    1. A.Schwarzenegger 20080221 Building Americas Future
    2. John J Gilligan 20080204 World War Ii Service
    3. Kathleen Sebelius 20080220 Cincinnati Ohio
    4. Patrick Kennedy 20080206 Health Parity
    5. Albert Gore Jr 20080616 Endorsement Of Barack Obama

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A343

    1. Mary Landrieu 20080603 Protecting Our Energy Corridor
    2. Albert Gore Jr 20080828 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Bill Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    4. Caroline Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A344

    1. Edward M Kennedy 20080825 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Evan Bayh 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Dem Ntnl Conv Suspends Roll Call
    4. Hillary Clinton 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A345

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20080823 First As Vp Candidate
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20080827 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Kathleen Sebelius 20080826 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    4. Mary Landrieu 20080827 Democratic National Convention

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A346

    1. Cindy McCain 20080904 Republican National Convention Speech
    2. George W Bush 20080903 Laura Bush Repub Ntl Conv
    3. George W Bush 20080924 Address To Nation Financial Crisis
    4. Mary Landrieu 20080917 Hurricane Responsiveness
    5. Mitt Romney 20080903 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A347

    1. Linwood Holton 20081013 2008 Pres Election
    2. Elizabeth Dole 20081104 Concession
    3. Evan Bayh 20081113 Defends Joe Lieberma
    4. A.Schwarzenegger 20081218 CA State Budget
    5. Carl Levin 20081210 Assisting Us Auto Industry
    6. A.Schwarzenegger 20090107 CA State Budget

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A348

    1. George W Bush 20090115 Farewell Address
    2. Hillary Clinton 20090122 Welcome To State Department Remarks

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A349

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20090115 Farewell To Senate
    2. Mario Cuomo 20090122 Words That Make Our History

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A350

    1. Mary Landrieu 20090114 First Response Broadcasters Act
    2. Richard B Cheney 20090106 Oversee Certif Electoral Vote
    3. Tim Kaine 20090122 Accepts Chairmanship Dem Ntnl Committee
    4. Tim Kaine 20090206 Economic Recovery

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A351

    1. Tim Kaine 20090324 Civil War Battlefield Preservation
    2. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 1
    3. Evan Bayh 20090622 Chris Wallace Interview Pt 2
    4. Evan Bayh 20090623 Agrees Obama Approach Iran
    5. Evan Bayh 20090730 Dramatic Sanctions Against Iran
    6. Evan Bayh 20090730 Hearing Iran Sanctions Bill
    7. Kathleen Sebelius 20090707 Tom Vilsack Improving Food Safety

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A352

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20090724 Health Insurance Reform
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 1
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20090828 Eulogy To Ted Kennedy Pt 2
    4. Patrick Kennedy 20090829 Eulogy To Edward Kennedy
    5. Kathleen Sebelius 20091001 Sheldon Whitehouse Health Reform

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A353

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20091014 Patty Murray Health Reform

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A354

    1. Hillary Clinton 20100122 Internet Freedom

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A355

    1. Mary Landrieu 20100121 Adoption Issue
    2. Elizabeth Dole 20100206 Ronald Reagan Birthday Celebration
    3. Evan Bayh 20100215 Announces He Is Leaving Us Senate
    4. Mike Pence 20100325 Gop View Healthcare Reform

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A356

    1. Carl Levin 20100427 Rrated Trade
    2. Mark Udall 20100422 Bark Beetle Bill Hearing
    3. Mitt Romney 20100525 Reagan Lecture

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A357

    1. Mark Udall 20100625 Tribute To His Uncle Stewart
    2. A.Schwarzenegger 20100728 Bill Signing At Reagan Library
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20100702 Eulogy To Robert Byrd
    4. Tim Kaine 20100729 Lgbt Community
    5. Ben Quayle 20100813 Barack Obama Worst President History

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A358

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20100929 Delaware Democrats Dad
    2. Hillary Clinton 20101019 Tomorrow Will Be Better
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20101013 Civil War Gop
    4. Andrew Cuomo 20101102 Ny Gubernatorial Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A359

    1. Kathleen Sebelius 20101129 Landon Lecture

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A360

    1. Mark Udall 20101123 Nuclear Energy
    2. Evan Bayh 20101215 Farewell To Senate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A361

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20110101 Ny Gubernatorial Inaugural Address

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A362

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20110113 Ny State Of State Address Jamestown Ny

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A363

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20110114 Ny State Of State Address Watertown Ny

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A364

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20110125 Swearing Nirav R Shah Ny Health Comm
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20110131 Swearing Joseph A Damico NYP Comm
    3. Ben Quayle 20110104 Politics His Father

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A365

    1. Jason Carter 20110224 Hope Reform
    2. Jean Kennedysmith 20110217 Pres Medal Of Freedom
    3. Chuck Grassley 20110302 Day Life
    4. Jason Carter 20110302 Hope Reform Plan
    5. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 1

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A366

    1. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 2
    2. Jason Carter 20110311 Hope Scholarship Reform Amndmnt Pt 3
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20110314 Help Us Stop Elder Abuse Psa
    4. Kathleen Sebelius 20110310 Bullying Prevention
    5. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 1
    6. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 2

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A367

    1. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 3
    2. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 4
    3. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 5
    4. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 6

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A368

    1. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 7
    2. Adlai Stevenson III 20110406 Oral History Interview Pt 8

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A369

    1. Barry Goldwater Jr 20110425 MI State Univ Libraries
    2. Ben Quayle 20110414 First 100 Days Congress

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A370

    1. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 1
    2. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 2
    3. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 3
    4. Jason Carter 20110414 Hope Scholarship Ga Students Pt 4
    5. A.Schwarzenegger 20110511 Maria Shriver I Still Love You
    6. Joseph R Biden III 20110513 Syracuse Univ Commencement

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A371

    1. Mary Bono 20110507 Online Data Theft
    2. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 1

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A372

    1. Mario Cuomo 20110625 City Talk Interview Pt 2

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A373

    1. Mary Landrieu 20110610 Rutgers Univ New Leadership Keynote

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A374

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20110728 Cap Region Regional Eco Dev Council
    2. Mike Pence 20110727 Balanced Budget Amendment
    3. Mitt Romney 20110715 Announcing His Candidacy President

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A375

    1. Ben Quayle 20110809 Takes Questions From Constituents
    2. Jason Carter 20110913 Flint River Adventure
    3. Carl Levin 20111012 How To Break Gop Filibuster
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20111114 Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal
    5. Hillary Clinton 20111206 International Human Rights Day
    6. Mitt Romney 20120110 Nh Republican Primary Victory

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A376

    1. Jason Carter 20120215 Jimmy Carter Life Of Service

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A377

    1. Jason Carter 20120221 Prime Time Lawmakers

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A378

    1. Jimmy Carter 20120215 Jason Carter Life Of Service
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20120209 Stop Foreclosures
    3. Mitt Romney 20120202 Endorsement By Donald Trump
    4. Robert A Taft 20120305 Battleground Ohio

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A379

    1. Mary Bono 20120423 Gay Marriage
    2. Ben Quayle 20120611 Aca Individual Mandate
    3. Jason Carter 20120627 Exp As An Election Monitor Egypt
    4. Mark Shriver 20120719 Good Man Remembering Sargent Shriver

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A380

    1. Mike Dewine 20120715 Jim Heath Interview
    2. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Paul Ryan Medicare Inspiring Choice
    3. John Ellis Bush 20120830 Republican Ntnl Conv
    4. Mitt Romney 20120811 Announcing Paul Ryan As His Runningmate

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A381

    1. Mitt Romney 20120831 Republican Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A382

    1. Bill Clinton 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Caroline Kennedy 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    3. Jimmy Carter 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    4. Joseph P Kennedy III 20120905 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A383

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20120906 Democratic Ntnl Conv
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20120921 New Child Abuse Law De
    3. Kathleen Sebelius 20120904 Democratic Ntnl Conv

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A384

    1. Mary Bono 20120912 Julie Brill Fast Growth App Mobile Phones
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Declares Transportation Emergency

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A385

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20121031 Nyc Storm Response

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A386

    1. George Wallace III 20121015 Steve Flowers Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A387

    1. Hillary Clinton 20121018 Energy Independence
    2. Joseph R Biden III 20121009 DE Board Of Directors Award
    3. Joseph R Biden III 20121011 Thoughts Dad
    4. Joseph R Biden III 20121024 Piers Morgan Interview

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A388

    1. Joseph R Biden III 20121031 Honoring Our Commitment Veterans
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20121101 Storm Damage Update
    3. Andrew Cuomo 20121106 Storm Recovery

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A389

    1. Andrew Cuomo 20121108 Storm Recovery Update
    2. Andrew Cuomo 20121113 Ny Transportation Update

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A390

    1. Mitt Romney 20121106 Concession
    2. Tim Kaine 20121106 Va Us Senate Victory
    3. Mike Pence 20121220 Farewell To House Of Representatives

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    Family Business American Political Dynasties Disc A391

    1. Paul Thurmond 2012222 Quintine Interview

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