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Historic Eulogy Recordings

When someone you know and love passes away, someone is tapped with the awesome task of eulogizing the deceased.  That person can be your sibling, your child, a dear family member or friend, and in some cases, the President of the United States.


156 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 36 hours, 37 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
37 Audio CDs

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When someone you know and love passes away, someone is tapped with the awesome task of eulogizing the deceased.  That person can be your sibling, your child, a dear family member or friend, and in some cases; the President of the United States.  What you say in a eulogy is something precious and from the heart.  Funny stories are shared where if the deceased were there listening, they would want to kill you for saying something so embarrassing but laughing along with everyone in the room because it’s those stories that are gold to hear.   The other part of the eulogy is to share the humility of the deceased to know that they took of their time to make the world a better place for the time that they lived on Earth.  The headstone may beat the year that one was born and the year when one has died, but it is that dash in the middle that warrants the eulogy that is delivered on your behalf.  

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    With the year coming to an end, I thought that saying good-bye to these historic figures over time would be nice. The eulogy Ted Kennedy gave to his brother and his sister-in-law. Bobby Kennedy’s remarks are VERY powerful. Joe Biden seems like the wise elder talking of his friends who also were political advisories; case in point; Strom Thurmond. I love how George W. Bush and Barack Obama could put aside their political differences and eulogize their old political rival. These are things we need to hear while living to know what a good and decent people we really are.

    Kurt Verified Purchase

    As you can guess from my love of old-time radio, i am of the generation to which these cyber-complexities remain bewildering, but i appreciate both your excellent product and your helpful service.

    Dennis Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    156 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 36 hours, 37 min
    156 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 36 hours, 37 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 85 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Al Gore 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    3. Al Gore 990425 EulogyColumbine HS Students.mp3
    4. Al Sharpton 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd.mp3
    5. Alan Simpson 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    6. Amy Klobuchar 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale.mp3
    7. Andrew Cuomo 150107 Eulogy to Mario Cuomo.mp3
    8. Anna Alice Kath Albright 220427 Eulogy Madeleine Albright.mp3
    9. Barack Obama 050124 Eulogy to Rosa Parks.mp3
    10. Barack Obama 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    11. Barack Obama 100515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    12. Barack Obama 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd.mp3
    13. Barack Obama 120515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    14. Barack Obama 130425 West TX Explosion Victims Memorial.mp3
    15. Barack Obama 130515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    16. Barack Obama 130922 Naval Yard Shooting Memorial.mp3
    17. Barack Obama 131210 Eulogy to Nelson Mandela.mp3
    18. Barack Obama 150515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    19. Barack Obama 150606 Eulogy to Beau Biden.mp3
    20. Barack Obama 150626 Eulogy to Clementa Pinckney.mp3
    21. Barack Obama 160312 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    22. Barack Obama 160712 Interfaith Memorial for Dallas PD.mp3
    23. Barack Obama 160930 EulogyShimon Peres.mp3
    24. Barack Obama 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    25. Barack Obama 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    26. Barack Obama 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    27. Barack Obama 20110112 Tucson AZ Memorial Service.mp3
    28. Barack Obama 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    29. Bill Clinton 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    30. Bill Clinton 160930 EulogyShimon Peres.mp3
    31. Bill Clinton 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    32. Bill Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    33. Bill Clinton 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    34. Bill Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    35. Bill Clinton 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    36. Bill Clinton 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    37. Bill Clinton 950515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    38. Bill Clinton 951106 Eulogy to Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    39. Bill Clinton 960406 Returning Kosovo Plan Crash.mp3
    40. Billy Crystal 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    41. Bob Costas 950815 Eulogy to Mickey Mantle.mp3
    42. Bob Dole 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    43. Cher 980109 Eulogy for Sonny Bono.mp3
    44. Children 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    45. Chip Carter 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    46. Chris Dodd 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    47. Chris Murphy 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    48. Chuck Schumer 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    49. Chuck Schumer 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    50. Clarence Thomas 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia.mp3
    51. David Letterman 140818 Eulogy to Robin Williams.mp3
    52. Donald Trump 180228 Eulogy to Billy Graham.mp3
    53. Edward Kennedy 680608 Eulogy to Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    54. Edward Kennedy 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    55. Edward M Kennedy Jr 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    56. Fred Upton 180214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    57. George HW Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    58. George McGovern20110118 Eulogy to Sargent Shriver.mp3
    59. George P Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    60. George W Bush 010914 911 Memorial Service.mp3
    61. George W Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    62. George W Bush 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    63. George W Bush 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    64. George W Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    65. George W Bush 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    66. H Ross Perot Jr 190729 Eulogy to H Ross Perot.mp3
    67. Henry Kissinger 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    68. Henry Kissinger 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    69. Hillary Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    70. Hillary Clinton B.Obama 120914 Remains Benghazi Victims.mp3
    71. Hillary Rodham Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    72. James Baker 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    73. Jason Carter 231128 , Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    74. Jasper Williams Jr 180904 Eulogy to Aretha Franklin.mp3
    75. Jay Leno 050124 Eulogy to Johnny Carson.mp3
    76. Jay OConnor 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    77. Jeb Bush 180421 Eulogy to Barbara Bush.mp3
    78. Jennifer Cummings 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    79. Jimmy Kimmel 200519 Eulogy to Fred Willard.mp3
    80. Joe Biden 030701 Eulogy to Storm Thurmond.mp3
    81. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 1.mp3
    82. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 2.mp3
    83. Joe Biden 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd.mp3
    84. Joe Biden 121220 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    85. Joe Biden 130605 Eulogy to Frank Lautenberg.mp3
    86. Joe Biden 130709 Eulogy to Yarnell Hill Firefighters.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 71 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Joe Biden 140113 Eulogy to Ariel Sharon.mp3
    3. Joe Biden 141227 Eulogy to Rafael Ramos.mp3
    4. Joe Biden 161217 Eulogy to John Glenn.mp3
    5. Joe Biden 180830 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    6. Joe Biden 190416 Eulogy to Fritz Hollings.mp3
    7. Joe Biden 200527 Eulogy 100000 Americans Dead COVID-19.mp3
    8. Joe Biden 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd.mp3
    9. Joe Biden 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    10. Joe Biden 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    11. Joe Biden 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    12. Joe Biden 20230112 Eulogy to Ash Carter.mp3
    13. Joe Biden 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    14. Joe Biden 211016 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    15. Joe Biden 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    16. Joe Biden 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale.mp3
    17. Joe Biden 220515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    18. Joe Biden and Barack Obama 121221 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    19. Joe Biden Barack Obama 100426 Upper Big Branch Victims.mp3
    20. Joe Biden K Harris 231005 Eulogy Diane Feinstein.mp3
    21. John Lewis and John Boehner 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    22. John McCain 990603 Eulogy to Barry Goldwater.mp3
    23. John Roberts 200923 Eulogy to Ruth Bater Ginsburg.mp3
    24. John Roberts 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    25. Jon Stewart 170602 Eulogy to Raymond Pfeifer.mp3
    26. Judy Woodruff 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    27. Kamala Harris 220528 Ruth Whitfield Remarks.mp3
    28. Kevin Costner 120219 Eulogy to Whitney Houston.mp3
    29. Larry Fitzgerald 180830 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    30. Lee Starsberg 620808 Eulogy to Marilyn Monroe.mp3
    31. Lonnie Ali 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    32. Luke Russert 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert.mp3
    33. Madeleine Albright 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    34. Margaret Thatcher 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    35. Maria Shriver 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert.mp3
    36. Maria Shriver 090814 Eulogy to Eunice Kennedy Shriver.mp3
    37. Meghan McCain 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    38. Michael Jordan 200224 Eulogy to Kobe Bryant.mp3
    39. Michael Powell 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    40. Michael Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    41. Michelle Obama 140607 Eulogy to Maya Angelou.mp3
    42. Mike Mansfield Earl Warren John McCormick 631124 Eulogy JFK.mp3
    43. Mitch McConnell 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    44. Mitch McConnell20220106 Eulogy to Johnny Isakson.mp3
    45. Nancy Pelosi 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    46. Nancy Pelosi 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    47. Nancy Pelosi 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    48. Nancy Pelosi 230929 Remembers Diane Feinstein.mp3
    49. Ned Lamont 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    50. New York Yankees 790803 Tribute to Thurman Munson.mp3
    51. Pat Roberts 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    52. Patrick Kennedy 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    53. Patti Davis 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    54. Patti Davis 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    55. Pete Wilson 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    56. Phillip M Hannan 631125 Euogy to John F Kennedy.mp3
    57. Richard Armitage 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    58. Richard Blumenthal 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    59. Richard M Nixon 720504 Eulogy to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    60. Robert F Kennedy 680404 Tribute MLK After Assassinated.mp3
    61. Robin Dole 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    62. Ron Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    63. Ron Reagan 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    64. Rory Reid 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    65. Ruth Bater Ginsburg 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia.mp3
    66. Savannah Guthrie 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    67. Sonia Sotomayor 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    68. Tom Brokaw 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    69. Tom Daschle 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    70. Tom Hanks 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    71. Vanessa Bryant 200224 Eulogy Kobe Bryant.mp3
    72. Various 120621 Eulogies to Howie Chizek.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    156 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 36 hours, 37 min
    156 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1006 MB – total playtime 36 hours, 37 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 85 shows – 615 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 23 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Al Gore 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    3. Al Gore 990425 EulogyColumbine HS Students.mp3
    4. Al Sharpton 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd.mp3
    5. Alan Simpson 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    6. Amy Klobuchar 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale.mp3
    7. Andrew Cuomo 150107 Eulogy to Mario Cuomo.mp3
    8. Anna Alice Kath Albright 220427 Eulogy Madeleine Albright.mp3
    9. Barack Obama 050124 Eulogy to Rosa Parks.mp3
    10. Barack Obama 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    11. Barack Obama 100515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    12. Barack Obama 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd.mp3
    13. Barack Obama 120515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    14. Barack Obama 130425 West TX Explosion Victims Memorial.mp3
    15. Barack Obama 130515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    16. Barack Obama 130922 Naval Yard Shooting Memorial.mp3
    17. Barack Obama 131210 Eulogy to Nelson Mandela.mp3
    18. Barack Obama 150515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    19. Barack Obama 150606 Eulogy to Beau Biden.mp3
    20. Barack Obama 150626 Eulogy to Clementa Pinckney.mp3
    21. Barack Obama 160312 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    22. Barack Obama 160712 Interfaith Memorial for Dallas PD.mp3
    23. Barack Obama 160930 EulogyShimon Peres.mp3
    24. Barack Obama 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    25. Barack Obama 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    26. Barack Obama 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    27. Barack Obama 20110112 Tucson AZ Memorial Service.mp3
    28. Barack Obama 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    29. Bill Clinton 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    30. Bill Clinton 160930 EulogyShimon Peres.mp3
    31. Bill Clinton 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    32. Bill Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    33. Bill Clinton 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    34. Bill Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    35. Bill Clinton 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    36. Bill Clinton 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    37. Bill Clinton 950515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    38. Bill Clinton 951106 Eulogy to Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    39. Bill Clinton 960406 Returning Kosovo Plan Crash.mp3
    40. Billy Crystal 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    41. Bob Costas 950815 Eulogy to Mickey Mantle.mp3
    42. Bob Dole 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    43. Cher 980109 Eulogy for Sonny Bono.mp3
    44. Children 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    45. Chip Carter 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    46. Chris Dodd 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    47. Chris Murphy 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    48. Chuck Schumer 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    49. Chuck Schumer 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    50. Clarence Thomas 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia.mp3
    51. David Letterman 140818 Eulogy to Robin Williams.mp3
    52. Donald Trump 180228 Eulogy to Billy Graham.mp3
    53. Edward Kennedy 680608 Eulogy to Robert F Kennedy.mp3
    54. Edward Kennedy 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.mp3
    55. Edward M Kennedy Jr 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    56. Fred Upton 180214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    57. George HW Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    58. George McGovern20110118 Eulogy to Sargent Shriver.mp3
    59. George P Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    60. George W Bush 010914 911 Memorial Service.mp3
    61. George W Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    62. George W Bush 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    63. George W Bush 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    64. George W Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    65. George W Bush 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    66. H Ross Perot Jr 190729 Eulogy to H Ross Perot.mp3
    67. Henry Kissinger 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    68. Henry Kissinger 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    69. Hillary Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    70. Hillary Clinton B.Obama 120914 Remains Benghazi Victims.mp3
    71. Hillary Rodham Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    72. James Baker 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush.mp3
    73. Jason Carter 231128 , Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    74. Jasper Williams Jr 180904 Eulogy to Aretha Franklin.mp3
    75. Jay Leno 050124 Eulogy to Johnny Carson.mp3
    76. Jay OConnor 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    77. Jeb Bush 180421 Eulogy to Barbara Bush.mp3
    78. Jennifer Cummings 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings.mp3
    79. Jimmy Kimmel 200519 Eulogy to Fred Willard.mp3
    80. Joe Biden 030701 Eulogy to Storm Thurmond.mp3
    81. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 1.mp3
    82. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 2.mp3
    83. Joe Biden 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd.mp3
    84. Joe Biden 121220 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    85. Joe Biden 130605 Eulogy to Frank Lautenberg.mp3
    86. Joe Biden 130709 Eulogy to Yarnell Hill Firefighters.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 71 shows – 391 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Joe Biden 140113 Eulogy to Ariel Sharon.mp3
    3. Joe Biden 141227 Eulogy to Rafael Ramos.mp3
    4. Joe Biden 161217 Eulogy to John Glenn.mp3
    5. Joe Biden 180830 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    6. Joe Biden 190416 Eulogy to Fritz Hollings.mp3
    7. Joe Biden 200527 Eulogy 100000 Americans Dead COVID-19.mp3
    8. Joe Biden 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd.mp3
    9. Joe Biden 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    10. Joe Biden 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    11. Joe Biden 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    12. Joe Biden 20230112 Eulogy to Ash Carter.mp3
    13. Joe Biden 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    14. Joe Biden 211016 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    15. Joe Biden 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright.mp3
    16. Joe Biden 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale.mp3
    17. Joe Biden 220515 National Peace Officers Memorial.mp3
    18. Joe Biden and Barack Obama 121221 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye.mp3
    19. Joe Biden Barack Obama 100426 Upper Big Branch Victims.mp3
    20. Joe Biden K Harris 231005 Eulogy Diane Feinstein.mp3
    21. John Lewis and John Boehner 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell.mp3
    22. John McCain 990603 Eulogy to Barry Goldwater.mp3
    23. John Roberts 200923 Eulogy to Ruth Bater Ginsburg.mp3
    24. John Roberts 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    25. Jon Stewart 170602 Eulogy to Raymond Pfeifer.mp3
    26. Judy Woodruff 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    27. Kamala Harris 220528 Ruth Whitfield Remarks.mp3
    28. Kevin Costner 120219 Eulogy to Whitney Houston.mp3
    29. Larry Fitzgerald 180830 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    30. Lee Starsberg 620808 Eulogy to Marilyn Monroe.mp3
    31. Lonnie Ali 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali.mp3
    32. Luke Russert 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert.mp3
    33. Madeleine Albright 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    34. Margaret Thatcher 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    35. Maria Shriver 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert.mp3
    36. Maria Shriver 090814 Eulogy to Eunice Kennedy Shriver.mp3
    37. Meghan McCain 180901 Eulogy to John McCain.mp3
    38. Michael Jordan 200224 Eulogy to Kobe Bryant.mp3
    39. Michael Powell 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    40. Michael Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    41. Michelle Obama 140607 Eulogy to Maya Angelou.mp3
    42. Mike Mansfield Earl Warren John McCormick 631124 Eulogy JFK.mp3
    43. Mitch McConnell 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    44. Mitch McConnell20220106 Eulogy to Johnny Isakson.mp3
    45. Nancy Pelosi 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis.mp3
    46. Nancy Pelosi 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    47. Nancy Pelosi 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    48. Nancy Pelosi 230929 Remembers Diane Feinstein.mp3
    49. Ned Lamont 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    50. New York Yankees 790803 Tribute to Thurman Munson.mp3
    51. Pat Roberts 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    52. Patrick Kennedy 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy.mp3
    53. Patti Davis 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    54. Patti Davis 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    55. Pete Wilson 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon.mp3
    56. Phillip M Hannan 631125 Euogy to John F Kennedy.mp3
    57. Richard Armitage 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell.mp3
    58. Richard Blumenthal 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman.mp3
    59. Richard M Nixon 720504 Eulogy to J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    60. Robert F Kennedy 680404 Tribute MLK After Assassinated.mp3
    61. Robin Dole 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    62. Ron Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan.mp3
    63. Ron Reagan 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan.mp3
    64. Rory Reid 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid.mp3
    65. Ruth Bater Ginsburg 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia.mp3
    66. Savannah Guthrie 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    67. Sonia Sotomayor 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor.mp3
    68. Tom Brokaw 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford.mp3
    69. Tom Daschle 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole.mp3
    70. Tom Hanks 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole.mp3
    71. Vanessa Bryant 200224 Eulogy Kobe Bryant.mp3
    72. Various 120621 Eulogies to Howie Chizek.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    156 recordings on 37 Audio CDs. Total playtime 36 hours, 37 min
    156 recordings on 37 Audio CDs
    total playtime 36 hours, 37 min

    Eulogies Disc A001

    1. Al Gore 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman
    2. Barack Obama 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Eulogies Disc A002

    1. Children 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman
    2. Chris Dodd 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman
    3. Chris Murphy 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman
    4. Chuck Schumer 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole
    5. Chuck Schumer 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Eulogies Disc A003

    1. Jay OConnor 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor
    2. Joe Biden 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole
    3. Joe Biden 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Eulogies Disc A004

    1. Joe Biden 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid
    2. Joe Biden 20230112 Eulogy to Ash Carter
    3. Joe Biden 20231219 Eulogy to Sandra Day O’Connor
    4. John Roberts 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor
    5. Madeleine Albright 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell
    6. Michael Powell 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell

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    Eulogies Disc A005

    1. Mitch McConnell 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole
    2. Mitch McConnell20220106 Eulogy to Johnny Isakson
    3. Nancy Pelosi 20211209 Tribute to Bob Dole
    4. Nancy Pelosi 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid
    5. Ned Lamont 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman
    6. Pat Roberts 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole
    7. Richard Armitage 20211105 Eulogy to Colin Powell
    8. Richard Blumenthal 20240329 Eulogy for Joe Lieberman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Eulogies Disc A006

    1. Robin Dole 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole
    2. Rory Reid 20220108 Eulogy to Harry Reid
    3. Savannah Guthrie 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole
    4. Sonia Sotomayor 20231219 Sandra Day O’Connor
    5. Tom Daschle 20211210 Eulogy to Bob Dole
    6. Tom Hanks 20211210 Tribute to Bob Dole
    7. George W Bush 010914 911 Memorial Service

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    Eulogies Disc A007

    1. Joe Biden 030701 Eulogy to Storm Thurmond
    2. George HW Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    3. George W Bush 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    4. Margaret Thatcher 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    5. Michael Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    6. Patti Davis 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    7. Ron Reagan 040611 Eulogy to Ronald Reagan
    8. Barack Obama 050124 Eulogy to Rosa Parks

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    Eulogies Disc A008

    1. Jay Leno 050124 Eulogy to Johnny Carson
    2. George W Bush 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford
    3. Henry Kissinger 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford
    4. Tom Brokaw 070102 Eulogy to Gerald R Ford
    5. Luke Russert 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert
    6. Maria Shriver 080618 Eulogy to Tim Russert
    7. Maria Shriver 090814 Eulogy to Eunice Kennedy Shriver
    8. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 1

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    Eulogies Disc A009

    1. Joe Biden 090828 Eulogy to Ted Kennedy Part 2
    2. Barack Obama 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy
    3. Edward M Kennedy Jr 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy
    4. Patrick Kennedy 090829 Eulogy to Edward M Kennedy
    5. Joe Biden Barack Obama 100426 Upper Big Branch Victims

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    Eulogies Disc A010

    1. Barack Obama 100515 National Peace Officers Memorial
    2. Barack Obama 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd
    3. Joe Biden 100702 Eulogy to Robert Byrd
    4. Kevin Costner 120219 Eulogy to Whitney Houston
    5. Barack Obama 120515 National Peace Officers Memorial

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    Eulogies Disc A011

    1. Various 120621 Eulogies to Howie Chizek
    2. Hillary Clinton B.Obama 120914 Remains Benghazi Victims

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    Eulogies Disc A012

    1. Joe Biden 121220 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye
    2. Joe Biden and Barack Obama 121221 Eulogy to Daniel Inouye

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    Eulogies Disc A013

    1. Barack Obama 130425 West TX Explosion Victims Memorial
    2. Barack Obama 130515 National Peace Officers Memorial
    3. Joe Biden 130605 Eulogy to Frank Lautenberg
    4. Joe Biden 130709 Eulogy to Yarnell Hill Firefighters

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    Eulogies Disc A014

    1. Barack Obama 130922 Naval Yard Shooting Memorial
    2. Barack Obama 131210 Eulogy to Nelson Mandela
    3. Joe Biden 140113 Eulogy to Ariel Sharon
    4. Michelle Obama 140607 Eulogy to Maya Angelou

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    Eulogies Disc A015

    1. David Letterman 140818 Eulogy to Robin Williams
    2. Joe Biden 141227 Eulogy to Rafael Ramos
    3. Andrew Cuomo 150107 Eulogy to Mario Cuomo

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    Eulogies Disc A016

    1. Barack Obama 150515 National Peace Officers Memorial
    2. Barack Obama 150606 Eulogy to Beau Biden

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    Eulogies Disc A017

    1. Barack Obama 150626 Eulogy to Clementa Pinckney
    2. Clarence Thomas 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia
    3. Ruth Bater Ginsburg 160301 Eulogy to Antonin Scalia
    4. Patti Davis 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan

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    Eulogies Disc A018

    1. Ron Reagan 160311 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan
    2. Barack Obama 160312 Eulogy to Nancy Reagan
    3. Bill Clinton 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali
    4. Billy Crystal 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali
    5. Lonnie Ali 160610 Eulogy to Muhammad Ali

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    Eulogies Disc A019

    1. Barack Obama 160712 Interfaith Memorial for Dallas PD
    2. Barack Obama 160930 EulogyShimon Peres

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    Eulogies Disc A020

    1. Bill Clinton 160930 EulogyShimon Peres
    2. Joe Biden 161217 Eulogy to John Glenn
    3. Jon Stewart 170602 Eulogy to Raymond Pfeifer
    4. Fred Upton 180214 Eulogy to John Dingell
    5. Donald Trump 180228 Eulogy to Billy Graham
    6. Jeb Bush 180421 Eulogy to Barbara Bush

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    Eulogies Disc A021

    1. Joe Biden 180830 Eulogy to John McCain
    2. Larry Fitzgerald 180830 Eulogy to John McCain
    3. Barack Obama 180901 Eulogy to John McCain
    4. George W Bush 180901 Eulogy to John McCain

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    Eulogies Disc A022

    1. Meghan McCain 180901 Eulogy to John McCain
    2. Jasper Williams Jr 180904 Eulogy to Aretha Franklin

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    Eulogies Disc A023

    1. Alan Simpson 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush
    2. George P Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush
    3. George W Bush 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush
    4. James Baker 181205 Eulogy to George HW Bush
    5. Bill Clinton 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell

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    Eulogies Disc A024

    1. John Lewis and John Boehner 190214 Eulogy to John Dingell
    2. Joe Biden 190416 Eulogy to Fritz Hollings
    3. H Ross Perot Jr 190729 Eulogy to H Ross Perot
    4. Barack Obama 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings

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    Eulogies Disc A025

    1. Bill Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings
    2. Hillary Rodham Clinton 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings
    3. Jennifer Cummings 191025 Eulogy to Elijah Cummings
    4. Michael Jordan 200224 Eulogy to Kobe Bryant
    5. Vanessa Bryant 200224 Eulogy Kobe Bryant

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    Eulogies Disc A026

    1. Jimmy Kimmel 200519 Eulogy to Fred Willard
    2. Joe Biden 200527 Eulogy 100000 Americans Dead COVID-19
    3. Al Sharpton 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd
    4. Joe Biden 200609 Eulogy to George Floyd

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    Eulogies Disc A027

    1. Barack Obama 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis
    2. Bill Clinton 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis
    3. George W Bush 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis

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    Eulogies Disc A028

    1. Nancy Pelosi 200730 Eulogy to John Lewis
    2. John Roberts 200923 Eulogy to Ruth Bater Ginsburg
    3. Barack Obama 20110112 Tucson AZ Memorial Service
    4. George McGovern20110118 Eulogy to Sargent Shriver

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    Eulogies Disc A029

    1. Joe Biden 211016 National Peace Officers Memorial
    2. Anna Alice Kath Albright 220427 Eulogy Madeleine Albright
    3. Bill Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright

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    Eulogies Disc A030

    1. Hillary Clinton 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright
    2. Joe Biden 220427 EulogyMadeleine Albright
    3. Amy Klobuchar 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale

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    Eulogies Disc A031

    1. Joe Biden 220501 EulogyWalter Mondale
    2. Joe Biden 220515 National Peace Officers Memorial
    3. Kamala Harris 220528 Ruth Whitfield Remarks
    4. Nancy Pelosi 230929 Remembers Diane Feinstein

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    Eulogies Disc A032

    1. Joe Biden K Harris 231005 Eulogy Diane Feinstein
    2. Chip Carter 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter
    3. Jason Carter 231128 , Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter
    4. Judy Woodruff 231128 Eulogy to Rosalynn Carter
    5. Lee Starsberg 620808 Eulogy to Marilyn Monroe
    6. Mike Mansfield Earl Warren John McCormick 631124 Eulogy JFK

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    Eulogies Disc A033

    1. Phillip M Hannan 631125 Euogy to John F Kennedy
    2. Robert F Kennedy 680404 Tribute MLK After Assassinated
    3. Edward Kennedy 680608 Eulogy to Robert F Kennedy
    4. Richard M Nixon 720504 Eulogy to J Edgar Hoover
    5. New York Yankees 790803 Tribute to Thurman Munson
    6. Bill Clinton 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon
    7. Bob Dole 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon

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    Eulogies Disc A034

    1. Henry Kissinger 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon
    2. Pete Wilson 940427 Eulogy to Richard M Nixon
    3. Bill Clinton 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
    4. Edward Kennedy 940523 Eulogy to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

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    Eulogies Disc A035

    1. Bill Clinton 950515 National Peace Officers Memorial
    2. Bob Costas 950815 Eulogy to Mickey Mantle

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    Eulogies Disc A036

    1. Bill Clinton 951106 Eulogy to Yitzhak Rabin
    2. Bill Clinton 960406 Returning Kosovo Plan Crash

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    Eulogies Disc A037

    1. Cher 980109 Eulogy for Sonny Bono
    2. Al Gore 990425 EulogyColumbine HS Students
    3. John McCain 990603 Eulogy to Barry Goldwater

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