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Education in America

"Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection to others."  When anyone has any kind of education, no one can ever take that knowledge away from you.  It is with this collection that we can learn from the past to make our future brighter than our past and our present.

Education in America

605 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 319 hours, 21 min)
available in the following formats:

14 MP3 CDs
257 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.


Norma (née Nussbaumer) Wyles used to always say until her dying day that if you don't support  public education in this country then you don't want to invest in our future, even after you're long gone.  What would make this Massillon (Ohio) Washington High School student expelled at the end of her junior year for getting married in April 1945 believe that for the next seventy-one years?  The answer is because she wanted to make sure that everything in her power would make it possible for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and EVERY child of these three generations had something she didn't; a high school diploma and if they so chose to, a college degree.

After World War II and up until the 1980s, the United States public school system was considered the envy of the world.  Somewhere along the way though, education became more than just the three R's of reading, writing, and arithmetic.  It became more economical and social starting with the United States Supreme Court decision in 1954 in Brown vs. the Topeka Board of Education and continuing into the Twenty-First Century on mask mandates in the nation's school systems in various states during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

After World War II, the federal government brought an idea of the late President, Franklin D. Roosevelt's to fruition; the GI Bill.  This was a program FDR came up with and Harry S Truman enacted to help returning veterans from Europe and the Pacific get back into the civilian economy.  The GI Bill educated veterans, trained them for high paying jobs, allowed for them to start businesses of their own, and buy that first time home.  Labor Department statistics from that period in history show that for every one dollar of tax payer money invested in the GI Bill, the United States Treasury got a seven fold return of seven dollars on that people investment.

JFKNineteen Fifty-Seven saw the first test of school integration when in Little Rock, Arkansas, nine African-American students tried to attend Little Rock Central High School.  Because this was such a big deal, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent in the National Guard to escort the Little Rock Nine into the school.  Five years later, the University of Mississippi would become integrated with the admission of James Meredith after some hard hitting conversations between President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and Mississippi governor Ross Barnett.  This was to be followed in the summer of 1963 at the University of Alabama had the school house door blocked by Governor George Wallace, refusing the admission of two African-American students for summer courses.  President Kennedy sent the deputy attorney general down to Alabama to force the Governor to step away.  By the mid 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson recognized the importance of early childhood education regardless of a child's social stratification of either poverty or wealth.  When he introduced his Great Society plan in early 1964 one of the pillars of that program was Head Start. 

In addition to the racial issues involving education in the 1960s, there was also the issue of the Vietnam War.  In those days young men of college age were eligible for the military draft unless they got deferments in the case of such later leaders as Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, or enlisted in the National Guard as George W. Bush had done.  During the mid 1960s and early 1970s, anti-war protests were popping up all over America's college campuses.  Groups like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) were becoming common fixtures.  April 1969 would see some of the greatest SDS protests in the Midwest when students like Alan Canfora and others from Kent State University would march on various buildings on campus to end the Vietnam War.  A year later, the war would come home when at Kent State University, four students were killed and nine students were wounded when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a crowd of students protesting Governor James Rhodes' decision to occupy Guardsmen on the Kent State campus.

Kent StateDuring that historic weekend in Middle America, the Kent State University radio station; WKSU which was housed in the Music and Speech Building on the main campus was Northeast Ohio's go to news source for everything happening from May 1 through 4, 1970.  The students delivering both commentary and news were always respectful of the situation and acted with the highest degree of professionalism.

But perhaps the saving grace that day was the quick thinking of the popular Geology professor, Glen Frank.  That weekend, Professor Frank was a faculty marshal who would wonder the campus letting the students know that they were there just in case there was trouble.  After the shooting students were yelling murderer and Professor Seymour Baron of the Psychology Department tried calming the students by having them sit down.  Professor Frank, with his heartfelt and tearful plea to the students that afternoon just may have saved lives.  "I don't care whether you've never listened to anyone before in your lives.  I am begging you right now.  If you don't disperse right now, they're going to move in, and it can only be a slaughter.  Would you please listen to me?"  The students dispersed avoiding anymore wounded or killing that day.

Kent StateIn a 1986 interview at a Chardon, Ohio radio station Rhodes, who was running for a fifth term as Ohio governor was asked about Kent State by the interviewer, Bob Lewis.  He said that before that early May weekend, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover called him and several other Midwest and Southern governors and warned him that FBI informants told Hoover they had reason to believe there was going to be a "dramatic incident in the heartland". Rhodes said Hoover didn't say what form this "incident" would take, but he told Rhodes and the other governors to be vigilant and ready to respond. The Kent demonstrations picked up steam that weekend, and Rhodes then defended his response to send the Ohio National Guard to the campus based in great part on that warning he said he received from Hoover. 

After the Vietnam War ended, protests moved to women's liberation, the environment, and other social issues that helped define the period of the mid 1970s really up until 2016 with the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.

When the 1980s came around, the United States was in a more conservative mood.  Even though President Jimmy Carter had created a United States Department of Education, Americans were ready for tax cuts and stepping back a bit.  College, which had been somewhat affordable for the average American prior to 1981 with the help of a few part-time jobs found themselves applying for student loans.  Over a forty year period, the national student loan debt over two generations has climbed to approximately $1.9 trillion.  Such un affordability has made it harder for younger Americans to start families, go into business for themselves, and to buy a first home before their 41st birthday.

Carter-ReaganThe same was said for school funding as well.  States like Ohio started a lottery program where a percentage of the proceeds would go to the schools.  But the property owners in the state of Ohio are still paying for public school districts through property taxes, which the Ohio Supreme Court declared unconstitutional.  An example would be a public school system like Uniontown Lake in Lake Township, Ohio is considered one of the best public schools in their county given the average income of its residents.  Therefore they have the top of the line investments in education to create a nearly 100 percent graduation rate.  Then you go just 14 miles north to Akron, Ohio.  This is a city that is not as affluent since the rubber plants left the area so the average income is less and their are fewer home owners.  As a result, homes sit abandoned and schools suffer.  Because people aren't having babies like they did after the war, there is no need for every neighborhood to have their own high school so schools are forced to consolidate.  Some, like James A. Garfield in the Firestone Park neighborhood and Kenmore in the Kenmore neighborhood; two football rivals have now merged creating larger class sizes.

Clinton Shaking JFK HandIn the early 1990s, when running for President, Bill Clinton understood the importance of a post high school degree and the ability to afford to pay for it.  He took to the nation as President what he did as the governor of Arkansas stating that if you want an education, we will help you get one, but you will pay for it in some way.  Enter Americorps in September 1994.  This is a program created to help college graduates pay back their student loans upon college graduation and help improve their communities through such trades as education and health.  You give two years of your time to help a community in need and your student loan is forgiven.

As the decades moved on we started to see a rash of violence in the schools and April 20, 1999 was when Americans started to open their eyes to the problem.  That morning, two students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado opened fire on their fellow students and their teachers.  Given the amount of fire power that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had that morning it was a blessing that more students and teachers weren't killed.  Thirteen people, not counting the two killers were killed and twenty-four were wounded in the attack.  The next big school shooting would be on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut when Adam Lanza, after killing his mother at home went to Sandy Hook Elementary School and executed an entire first grade class.  This one tugged at Americans' heart strings because it was so close to Christmas and because of the age of the majority of the victims.  The disturbing thing about the aftermath was the sick conspiracy theories people like Alex Jones put out that those children weren't really killed but actors.  The proof was that all of the caskets at the funerals were closed.  We would then see in 2018 another major school shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School where on Valentine's Day Nikolas Cruz entered the school killing seventeen people.  The president of the United States offered thoughts and prayers.

TrumpMore recently in this country, the big thing is the COVID-19 Pandemic.  In 2020, students would learn virtually on their computers and learning on-line from home.  Seniors in the Class of 2020 missed out on many rites of passage, the most important one being able to graduate with your friends and in person.  As a new school year started in the fall of 2021, the controversy was the idea of a mask mandate in the schools in some states.  It got so bad that school board meetings around the country would get ugly and governors would punish school officials by withholding pay if they go against their unmasking mandate.  This issue is yet to be resolved.

As the United States enters a new era in government and in education, the question is going to be how do we educate our young people to be trained for the jobs where they're needed the most?  President Joe Biden initially proposed in a $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill the idea of two years of Pre-K schooling and up to two years of post secondary education be free to students and their families.

Now, education is not always about the seriousness of learning.  You have fun supporting your school's sports teams and no school has a rivalry in football like Massillon Washington High School and Canton McKinley High School.  A little known fact is that the Massillon vs McKinley game is the only high school football game to have bookies bet on in Las Vegas.  This rivalry is so epic that either team could have a 9 and 0 season but if you lose that tenth game the coach had better get the for sale sign up in front of their house the next day.  Likewise, if either team has an 0 and 9 season going into the tenth game and you win, the coach is considered the conquering hero.  In the latter part of the Twentieth Century, Massillon City Schools had a school levy on the ballot to fund the schools and that levy's passage depended on whether Massillon defeated McKinley before the election.

BidenOne of the unique things about high education in the United States is expanding your mind to more ideas outside your comfort zone.  When you go to college, you lose a sense of security that you might have felt while in high school.  College is where you meet new people with different backgrounds and your mind will be exposed to new ideas beyond the values you were raised with.  Such ideas could be on issues like sex, politics, religion, the environment, and race.

As we move forward in educating the young people and ourselves in this competitive world, we have to remember that we're not competing for jobs with the kid across the street.  We're not competing with the kid across town or the state, or even across the country.  We're competing for work with the kid around the world in countries where education is revered and deemed important to future success.

Jill Biden has been quoted as saying that "Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection to others."  When anyone has any kind of education, no one can ever take that knowledge away from you.  It is with this collection that we can learn from the past to make our future brighter than our past and our present.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    605 recordings on 14 MP3 CDs for just $70.00. Total playtime 319 hours, 21 min
    605 recordings on 14 MP3 CDs for just $70.00
    total playtime 319 hours, 21 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19440000 Air Force Navy Dept Gi Bill Readjustment Act.mp3
    3. 19440111 Franklin D Roosevelt Second Bill Rights.mp3
    4. 19470701 Walter Kieran Third of Nation are Dummies.mp3
    5. 19550000 Dwight Eisenhower WH Conference on Education.mp3
    6. 19570924 Eisenhower Deseg Little Rock Central Hs.mp3
    7. 19620323 Jfk Univ California Berkeley.mp3
    8. 19620608 Jfk Presenting Young American Medal.mp3
    9. 19620611 Jfk Yale Univ Commencement.mp3
    10. 19620912 Jfk Rice St Univ.mp3
    11. 19620929 Jfk Desegregation Univ Mississippi.mp3
    12. 19620930 JFK Address on Univ of Mississippi Crisis.mp3
    13. 19630606 Jfk San Diego St Univ Commencement.mp3
    14. 19630611 Gwallace Confrontation Integration Univ Al.mp3
    15. 19630611 Jfk American Univ Commencement.mp3
    16. 19630611 Jfk Desegregation Univ Al.mp3
    17. 19630724 Jfk Address To Boys Nation.mp3
    18. 19631019 John F. Kennedy University of Maine.mp3
    19. 19640110 Gwallace Ucla On Civil Rights.mp3
    20. 19640522 Lbj Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    21. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Head Start To Confidence.mp3
    22. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Volunteers Head Start.mp3
    23. 19650000 Office Economic Opphead Start Pancho.mp3
    24. 19650000 Office Economic Opportunity Head Start.mp3
    25. 19650411 LBJ Signs Elem Secondary Education Bill.mp3
    26. 19650518 Lbj Project Head Start.mp3
    27. 19650604 Lbj Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    28. 19670000 CBS Special the Class of 01.mp3
    29. 19670928 Reagan Melick Library Dedication Eureka Clg.mp3
    30. 19670928 Reagan Press Conf Eureka College.mp3
    31. 19671026 Ronald Reagan Higher Edu Contemp America.mp3
    32. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 1.mp3
    33. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 2.mp3
    34. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 3.mp3
    35. 19680321 Rfk John Glenn Vanderbilt Univ.mp3
    36. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball St Univ.mp3
    37. 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Kent St Univ.mp3
    38. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    39. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    40. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    41. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    42. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    43. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    44. 19690417 Stdts Dmc Soc Rally Fred Fuller Park Kent Oh.mp3
    45. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 1.mp3
    46. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 2.mp3
    47. 19690515 Reagan Riots Berkeley.mp3
    48. 19690520 Stdts Dem Soc Religious Demo Kent State.mp3
    49. 19690531 H.clinton Wellesley College Commencement.mp3
    50. 19690604 Nixon Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    51. 19700000 Walter H Judd Communists On Campus.mp3
    52. 19700502 Wksu News Perspective Stdt Protest Kent.mp3
    53. 1970050203 Wksu Live Rotc Burning Violation Curfew.mp3
    54. 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conf Kent City Firehouse.mp3
    55. 19700503 Robert White Statement On Campus Disorder.mp3
    56. 1970050304 Wksu Stdt Call Prgm.mp3
    57. 19700504 Barclay Mcmillen Polsci Lecture 11am Kent St.mp3
    58. 19700504 Robert White Statement Shooting Kent State.mp3
    59. 19700504 Stdt Body Reaction Shootings Kent St Univ.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 34 shows – total playtime 23 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 1.mp3
    3. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 2.mp3
    4. 19700506 Robert White When Kent St Would Reopen.mp3
    5. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 1.mp3
    6. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 2.mp3
    7. 19700508 Robert White Meeting With Kent St Faculty.mp3
    8. 19700509 Robert White Interview B.carpenter M.howard.mp3
    9. 19700515 Ronald Kane Press Conf Seizing Items Dorm.mp3
    10. 19700515 Walter Cronkite Cbs Campus Unrest Kent State.mp3
    11. 19700518 Robert White Future Kent St Univ.mp3
    12. 19700518 Robert White Stmt Meeting Rep Jw.stanton.mp3
    13. 19700522 Robert White Q Advisory Board Twin Lakes Cc.mp3
    14. 19700522 Wksu Talk Back Covers Shootings Future Univ.mp3
    15. 19700610 Wksu Talk Back Qual Life Cmmsn Univ.mp3
    16. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 1.mp3
    17. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 2.mp3
    18. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 3.mp3
    19. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 4.mp3
    20. 19700613 Robert White Press Conf Spring Qtr Cmmcmnt.mp3
    21. 19700613 Ronald Beer Plans Open Kent St Summer Qtr.mp3
    22. 19700925 Robert White Press Conf Desc Campus Sec.mp3
    23. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week.mp3
    24. 19701016 Robert White Kent St Stdt Body Grand Jury.mp3
    25. 19701020 Craig Morgan Kent 25 Indictment Rally.mp3
    26. 19701021 Robert White Stdt Body Gag Rule Grand Jury.mp3
    27. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 1.mp3
    28. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 2.mp3
    29. 19701208 John J Gilligan Stdt Faculty Kent St Univ.mp3
    30. 19710504 Bob Carpenter Sit Rockwell Hall Kent St Univ.mp3
    31. 19710510 Dick Cavett Should Sex Ed Taught Schools.mp3
    32. 19710800 Glenn Olds First Press Conf Kent St Pres.mp3
    33. 19710930 Glenn Olds Fall 1971 Convocation.mp3
    34. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 1.mp3
    35. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 2.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 72 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt1.mp3
    3. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt2.mp3
    4. 1971120708 Chic Canfora Kent 25 Charges Dropped.mp3
    5. 19721204 Lbj Lbj School Public Affairs.mp3
    6. 19730608 Nixon Univ Central Fl Commencement.mp3
    7. 19740821 Gerald Ford Signs 25 Billion Us Ed Bill.mp3
    8. 19770522 J.carter Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    9. 19790517 Jimmy Carter 25th Anniv Brown v Board Ed.mp3
    10. 19801017 Reagan Eureka College Pep Rally.mp3
    11. 19810517 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    12. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement.mp3
    13. 19820415 Talk 8th Graders St Peters Catholic School.mp3
    14. 19820424 Reagan Radio Address On Tuition Tax Credit.mp3
    15. 19820509 Reagan Eureka College Commencement.mp3
    16. 19820510 Reagan Q Stdts Providence St Mel HS.mp3
    17. 19820925 Reagan Candle Lighting Ceremony Prayer.mp3
    18. 19830312 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    19. 19830407 Reagan National Catholic Ed Association.mp3
    20. 19830426 Reagan Commission Excllnc Education Risk.mp3
    21. 19830523 Reagan Remarks To HS Valedictorians.mp3
    22. 19830523 Reagan Seton Hall Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 19830609 Reagan Ntnl Commission Excellence Education.mp3
    24. 19830625 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    25. 19830629 Reagan Visit To Shawnee Mission Northwest HS.mp3
    26. 19830920 Reagan Univ South Carolina.mp3
    27. 19830928 Reagan Excellence Education Awards.mp3
    28. 19831208 Reagan Ntnl Forum On Excellence Education.mp3
    29. 19840107 Reagan Radio Address On School Violence.mp3
    30. 19840225 Reagan Radio Address On School Prayer.mp3
    31. 19840312 Reagan Q Stdts Congress Heights Elementary.mp3
    32. 19840512 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    33. 19840530 Reagan Us Air Force Acad Commencement.mp3
    34. 19840619 Reagan Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    35. 19840908 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    36. 19840921 Reagan Drug Abuse Education.mp3
    37. 19850522 Reagan Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    38. 19850824 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    39. 19860304 Reagan Dept Ed Report Improving Education.mp3
    40. 19860520 Nancy Reagan Just Say No.mp3
    41. 19860604 Reagan Marine Basic Train Commencement.mp3
    42. 19860619 Reagan Glassboro Hs Commencement.mp3
    43. 19860906 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    44. 19860912 Reagan Elem Recognition Program Honorees.mp3
    45. 19860923 Reagan Eureka College Fundraising Dinner.mp3
    46. 19870202 Reagan Penn State.mp3
    47. 19870326 Reagan Dept Ed Conf Hickman HS.mp3
    48. 19870326 Reagan Visit To Hickman HS.mp3
    49. 19870401 Reagan Visit To College Physicians.mp3
    50. 19870409 Reagan Visit To Purdue Univ.mp3
    51. 19870516 Reagan Uniformed Serv Univ Sci Cmncmnt.mp3
    52. 19870519 Reagan Chattanooga City Schools Commencement.mp3
    53. 19870520 Reagan Report On Improving Education.mp3
    54. 19870601 Reagan Elem Const Essay Contest Winners.mp3
    55. 19871028 Reagan Us Military Academy.mp3
    56. 19871118 Reagan Math Science Teaching Awards.mp3
    57. 19880120 Reagan Visit To Suitland HS.mp3
    58. 19880411 Reagan Univ Kansas Mens Louisiana Tech.mp3
    59. 19880518 Reagan Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    60. 19880605 Trump Lehigh Univ Commencement.mp3
    61. 19880809 Reagan Resignation Bill Bennett Sec Ed.mp3
    62. 19880909 Reagan Youth 2000 Week.mp3
    63. 19880910 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    64. 19880920 Reagan Swearing Lauro Cavazos Sec Ed.mp3
    65. 19881012 Reagan Visit To Upper Darby HS.mp3
    66. 19881015 Nancy Reagan Just Say No Mssg World Series.mp3
    67. 19881019 Reagan Ohio St Univ.mp3
    68. 19890110 Reagan Choice Education.mp3
    69. 19890118 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Football Team.mp3
    70. 19890505 George Hw Bush Texas M Commencement.mp3
    71. 19890911 George HW Bush Vocational Ed Award Ceremony.mp3
    72. 19900504 George Hw Bush Oklahoma St Univ Commencement.mp3
    73. 19900601 Barbara Bush Wellesley College Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 36 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19910504 George Hw Bush Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    3. 19920517 George Hw Bush Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    4. 19920529 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College Commncment.mp3
    5. 19930105 George Hw Bush West Point.mp3
    6. 19930128 Clinton Honoring J.Hatton School Principal.mp3
    7. 19930221 Bill Clinton Santa Monica College.mp3
    8. 19930420 Bill Clinton Teacher Year Award.mp3
    9. 19930514 Bill Clinton Blue Ribbon School Ceremony.mp3
    10. 19930707 Bill Clinton Waseda Univ.mp3
    11. 19930921 Bill Clinton National Service Bill Signing.mp3
    12. 19931012 Clinton Univ North Carolina Bicentennial.mp3
    13. 19940331 Bill Clinton Signing Goals 2000 Act.mp3
    14. 19940504 Clinton School Work Opportunities Act.mp3
    15. 19940516 Bill Clinton Goals 2000.mp3
    16. 19940517 Clinton Q Stdts On Brown Vs Board Education.mp3
    17. 19940520 Bill Clinton Ucla Commencement.mp3
    18. 19940522 George Hw Bush Univ Houston Commencement.mp3
    19. 19940912 Bill Clinton Swearing First Americorps.mp3
    20. 19940912 Clinton Swearing First Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    21. 19950110 Bill Clinton Sandburg Community College.mp3
    22. 19950117 Bill Clinton California St Univ Northridge.mp3
    23. 19950305 Bill Clinton Youngstown St Univ Ftbll.mp3
    24. 19950309 Bill Clinton School Lunch Program.mp3
    25. 19950323 Bill Clinton College Press Forum.mp3
    26. 19950505 Bill Clinton Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    27. 19950517 Hillary Clinton Message Ak Math Sciences.mp3
    28. 19950531 Bill Clinton Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    29. 19950912 Bill Clinton First Anniversary Americorps.mp3
    30. 19951028 Al Gore Society Environ Journalists Mit.mp3
    31. 19960202 Bill Clinton, the Future of Education.mp3
    32. 19960217 Bill Clinton, College Affordability.mp3
    33. 19960217 Bill Clinton, Direct Student Loan Program.mp3
    34. 19960217 Bill Clinton, the Cost of Higher Education.mp3
    35. 19960522 Clinton Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    36. 19960522 GHW Bush Johns Hopkins Univ Commencement.mp3
    37. 19960604 Bill Clinton Princeton Univ Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 30 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19960607 Al Gore Mit Commencement.mp3
    3. 19960711 Bill Clinton School Reconstruction Event.mp3
    4. 19960925 Bill Clinton Robert Morris College.mp3
    5. 19961004 Hillary Clinton Harvard Univ Jfk School Gov.mp3
    6. 19961101 Bill Clinton, Importance of Community Colleges.mp3
    7. 19970402 Bill Clinton Education Roundtable.mp3
    8. 19970417 Hillary Clinton WH Conf Childhood Dev.mp3
    9. 19970518 Bill Clinton Morgan St Commencement.mp3
    10. 19970531 Bill Clinton West Point Commencement.mp3
    11. 19970604 Clinton Signing Indiv Disabilities Ed Act.mp3
    12. 19970614 Clinton Univ California Sd Commencement.mp3
    13. 19970617 Clinton Strengthening Enforcement Title Ix.mp3
    14. 19971021 Bill Clinton America Reads Initiative.mp3
    15. 19971023 Hillary Clinton WH Conf On Child Care.mp3
    16. 19971031 Al Gore Harvard Univ Jfk School Government.mp3
    17. 19971203 Bill Clinton Town Hall On Race Univ Akron.mp3
    18. 19980126 Bill Clinton School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    19. 19980128 Bill Clinton Univ Illinois.mp3
    20. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative.mp3
    21. 19980416 Al Gore Making School Child Care Count.mp3
    22. 19980508 GHW Barbara Bush Univ Miami Commencement.mp3
    23. 19980603 Elizabeth Dole Harvard Univ Jfk School Gov.mp3
    24. 19980608 Bill Clinton Mit Commencement.mp3
    25. 19980613 Bill Clinton Portland St Univ Commencement.mp3
    26. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    27. 19981106 Bill Clinton Little Rock Central HS Historic.mp3
    28. 19981112 Bill Clinton Childcare School Care Event.mp3
    29. 19990420 Bill Clinton Statement Columbine HS Shooting.mp3
    30. 19990425 Al Gore Columbine HS Memorial.mp3
    31. 19990520 Bill Clinton Address Columbine HS Community.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 52 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19990523 Bill Clinton Grambling St Univ Commencement.mp3
    3. 19990523 Jfk Jr Washington College Commencement.mp3
    4. 19990625 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    5. 19990817 Hillary Clinton School Violence.mp3
    6. 19990927 Bill Clinton Sophie B Wright New Orleans La.mp3
    7. 19990930 Bill Clinton National Education Summit.mp3
    8. 19991020 Bill Clinton Fifth Anniversary Americorps.mp3
    9. 19991022 Bill Clinton Ntnl Brd ProfTeaching Standards.mp3
    10. 19991111 Bill Clinton Education Appropriations.mp3
    11. 19991209 Bill Clinton Digital Divide.mp3
    12. 20000504 Bill Clinton Channel One Web Chat.mp3
    13. 20000926 Bill Clinton Georgetown Univ Law School.mp3
    14. 20001024 Bill Clinton Leg Agenda School Const and Ed.mp3
    15. 20001201 Bill Clinton Howard Univ On World Aids Day.mp3
    16. 20010522 Gw Bush Yale Univ Commencement.mp3
    17. 20010911 Gw Bush Emma E Booker Elementary School.mp3
    18. 20011007 Bill Clinton Yale Univ Tercentennial.mp3
    19. 20020108 Gw Bush Signs No Child Left Behind Act.mp3
    20. 20030521 Biden Emerson College Commencement.mp3
    21. 20040521 Trump Wagner Univ Commencement.mp3
    22. 20050604 Gw Bush Calvin College Commencement.mp3
    23. 20060513 GHW Bush Bill Clinton Tulane Univ Cmmncmnt.mp3
    24. 20060616 Ted Kennedy Reading Senator Me Ps11.mp3
    25. 20070417 Gw Bush Virginia Tech Shooting.mp3
    26. 20070428 Gw Bush Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    27. 20070512 Nancy Pelosi Webster Univ Commencement.mp3
    28. 20070607 Bill Clinton Harvard Univ Class Day.mp3
    29. 20080330 Tom Vilsack Harvard Univ Ash Center.mp3
    30. 20080423 Lois Capps Testimony Abstinence Only Ed.mp3
    31. 20080503 N.Pelosi Miami Dade College North Cmmncmnt.mp3
    32. 20080517 George Hw Bush Bryant Univ Commencement.mp3
    33. 20080518 Al Gore Carnegie Mellon Univ Commencement.mp3
    34. 20080927 Laura Bush National Book Festival.mp3
    35. 20081212 EM Kennedy Harvard Univ Doctor Laws Degree.mp3
    36. 20081212 GW GHW Barbara Bush TX AM Commencement.mp3
    37. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 1.mp3
    38. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 2.mp3
    39. 20090424 Obama Opening Doors Higher Education.mp3
    40. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy Univ Delaware.mp3
    41. 20090510 Biden Syracuse Univ Commencement.mp3
    42. 20090513 Hillary Clinton New York Univ Commencement.mp3
    43. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    44. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    45. 20090513 Obama Arizona St Univ Commencement.mp3
    46. 20090517 Obama Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    47. 20090518 Hillary Clinton Barnard College Commencement.mp3
    48. 20090522 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    49. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    50. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    51. 20090724 Obama Race To Top.mp3
    52. 20090803 Obama Post 911 Gi Bill.mp3
    53. 20091008 Newt Gingrich Harvard Univ Kennedy Schl Gov.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 52 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20091104 Obama Race To Top Fund.mp3
    3. 20100218 Obama Race To Top HS Commencement Challenge.mp3
    4. 20100226 Obama Strengthening Hbcus.mp3
    5. 20100329 Jill Biden Good News Higher Education.mp3
    6. 20100501 Bill Clinton Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    7. 20100501 Obama Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    8. 20100504 Arne Duncan Race Top HS Commencement.mp3
    9. 20100509 Obama Hampton Univ Commencement.mp3
    10. 20100514 Al Gore College Arts Sciences Commencement.mp3
    11. 20100522 Obama West Point Commencement.mp3
    12. 20100527 Michelle Obama Leadership Mentoring.mp3
    13. 20100604 Clinton Mailman Schl Public Health Cmmncmnt.mp3
    14. 20100607 Obama Kalamazoo Central HS Commencement.mp3
    15. 20100629 Jill Biden Teachers Columbia Univ Cmmncmnt.mp3
    16. 20100809 Obama Education Economic Issue Our Time.mp3
    17. 20100914 Obama Back To School.mp3
    18. 20100925 Laura Bush National Book Festival.mp3
    19. 20101005 B.Obama Jill Biden Community College Summit.mp3
    20. 20101019 Obama Ed Excellence Hispanic Americans.mp3
    21. 20110308 Obama Winning Future Through Education.mp3
    22. 20110411 Obama 8th Grader Altoona Middle School.mp3
    23. 20110429 Obama Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    24. 20110509 Jimmy Carter Georgia St Univ Commencement.mp3
    25. 20110513 Beau Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Cmmncmnt.mp3
    26. 20110515 Michelle Obama Spelman College Commencement.mp3
    27. 20110515 Newt Gingrich Eureka College Commencement.mp3
    28. 20110516 Obama Booker T Washington HS Commencement.mp3
    29. 20110519 Bill Clinton New York Univ Commencement.mp3
    30. 20110519 Jill Biden Mont County CC Commencement.mp3
    31. 20110520 Michelle Obama West Point Graduation Banquet.mp3
    32. 20110916 Biden Constitution Day Lecture Univ Delaware.mp3
    33. 20110928 Obama Back To School.mp3
    34. 20111209 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    35. 20120102 Howie Chizek Cell Phones in the Classroom.mp3
    36. 20120329 Newt Gingrich Georgetown Univ.mp3
    37. 20120504 Obama College Affordability.mp3
    38. 20120505 Bill Clinton Columbia College Commencement.mp3
    39. 20120505 Tom Vilsack Albany St Univ Commencement.mp3
    40. 20120508 Biden Possib Future Progress Lafayette Clg.mp3
    41. 20120510 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    42. 20120511 K.Harris Univ CA Berkeley Law Commencement.mp3
    43. 20120511 Michelle Obama Virginia Tech Commencement.mp3
    44. 20120514 Obama Barnard College Commencement.mp3
    45. 20120515 Laura Bush Texas Book Festival.mp3
    46. 20120521 Obama Joplin HS Commencement.mp3
    47. 20120525 Obama Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    48. 20120926 Obama Kent St Univ Mac Center.mp3
    49. 20121003 Jill Biden Operation Educate Educators.mp3
    50. 20121114 Newt Gingrich KS St Univ Dole Institute Pol.mp3
    51. 20121214 Obama Statement Sandy Hook School Shooting.mp3
    52. 20121217 Obama Interfaith Vigil Sandy Hook Shooting.mp3
    53. 20121219 Obama Reducing Preventing Gun Violence.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 37 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20130213 Tom Vilsack Univ TX Lbj School Pub Aff.mp3
    3. 20130214 Obama HQ Preschool Best Bang.mp3
    4. 20130219 Biden Reducing Gun Violence.mp3
    5. 20130422 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    6. 20130505 Obama Ohio St Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20130513 Biden Univ Pennsylvania Commencement.mp3
    8. 20130514 M.Obama Eastern KY Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. 20130517 N.Pelosi Univ CA Davis School Law Cmmncmnt.mp3
    10. 20130518 Michelle Obama Mlk Jr Magnet HS Commencement.mp3
    11. 20130520 Obama Morehouse College Commencement.mp3
    12. 20130524 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    13. 20130606 Obama Technology Schools.mp3
    14. 20130724 Obama Education Economy.mp3
    15. 20130813 Obama Biden College Affordability.mp3
    16. 20130823 Barack Obama College Affordability.mp3
    17. 20131112 Michelle Obama Power Education.mp3
    18. 20140407 Obama Education HS Redesign.mp3
    19. 20140429 Biden Budget Econ Policy Gwashington Univ.mp3
    20. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault.mp3
    21. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade Colle Commencement.mp3
    22. 20140509 Biden Univ South Carolina Commencement.mp3
    23. 20140517 Nancy Pelosi Univ CA Berkeley Commencement.mp3
    24. 20140522 Jill Biden Villanova Univ Commencement.mp3
    25. 20140524 Nancy Pelosi Bard College Commencement.mp3
    26. 20140527 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    27. 20140528 Obama West Point Commencement.mp3
    28. 20140531 Biden Univ Delaware Commencement.mp3
    29. 20140531 Nancy Pelosi Presidio Graduate Commencement.mp3
    30. 20140611 Obama Tumblr Education College Affordability.mp3
    31. 20140614 Obama Univ California Irvine Commencement.mp3
    32. 20140806 Jill Biden Creating Opp Young Women Leaders.mp3
    33. 20140816 Obama Everyone Should Afford Higher Ed.mp3
    34. 20140908 B.Clinton Gw Bush Pres Leadership Scholars.mp3
    35. 20140916 Jill Biden Intl Congress Vocl Ed Training.mp3
    36. 20140917 Obama Talks 1st Grade Tinker Elementary.mp3
    37. 20140919 Uniontown Lake Blue Streaks Jackson.mp3
    38. 20141008 Michelle Obama Fashion Education Workshop.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 44 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20141210 Obama Early Education Summit.mp3
    3. 20150323 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    4. 20150505 W.Mondale Concordia College Commencement.mp3
    5. 20150508 Obama Lake Area Tech Inst Commencement.mp3
    6. 20150512 Michelle Obama Tuskegee Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20150516 Gw Bush Southern Methodist Univ Commencement.mp3
    8. 20150517 Biden Yale Class Day.mp3
    9. 20150519 Bernie Sanders Introduces Bills Free Ed.mp3
    10. 20150520 Obama Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    11. 20150521 Caroline Kennedy Columbia Univ Commencement.mp3
    12. 20150525 Michelle Obama Oberlin College Commencement.mp3
    13. 20150601 Biden Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    14. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    15. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    16. 20150715 Bernie Sanders Floor On Education.mp3
    17. 20150914 Bernie Sanders Liberty University.mp3
    18. 20151015 Obama Education Excellence Hispanics.mp3
    19. 20151026 Michelle Obama Wheels Education Akron Ohio.mp3
    20. 20151215 Bernie Sanders Keene State College.mp3
    21. 20160407 Al Gore Climate Crisis Harvard Univ.mp3
    22. 20160507 Clinton Loyola Marymount Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 20160507 Obama Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    24. 20160513 Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Commencement.mp3
    25. 20160515 Obama Rutgers Univ Commencement.mp3
    26. 20160516 Biden Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    27. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement.mp3
    28. 20160524 Michelle Obama Jackson St Univ Commencement.mp3
    29. 20160602 Laura Bush Summer Reading.mp3
    30. 20160603 Michelle Obama City College NY Commencement.mp3
    31. 20160705 Hillary Clinton Nea Representative Assembly.mp3
    32. 20160706 Bernie Sanders Press Conf On Stdt Debt.mp3
    33. 20160802 Jill Biden Educationusa Forum.mp3
    34. 20160822 Trump Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena.mp3
    35. 20160917 Bernie Sanders Kent State University.mp3
    36. 20161003 H.Clinton Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena.mp3
    37. 20161011 H.Clinton A.Gore Climate Change Miami Dade.mp3
    38. 20161031 Hillary Clinton Kent St Univ.mp3
    39. 20161103 Bernie Sanders Youngstown State University.mp3
    40. 20161215 White House Hidden Figures Event.mp3
    41. 20170105 Biden Its On Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit.mp3
    42. 20170118 Bernie Sanders Questions Betsy Devos.mp3
    43. 20170214 Trump Parent Teacher Conf Listening Session.mp3
    44. 20170323 Newt Gingrich Rider Univ.mp3
    45. 20170424 Barbara Bush Celebration Reading.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 26 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20170428 Biden Long View Business Univ Delaware.mp3
    3. 20170503 Trump Mike Pence School Choice Event.mp3
    4. 20170513 Kamala Harris Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    5. 20170513 Trump Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    6. 20170518 Biden Morgan St Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20170518 Trump Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    8. 20170521 Biden Colby College Commencement.mp3
    9. 20170521 Mike Pence Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    10. 20170524 Biden Harvard University Class Day.mp3
    11. 20170526 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College.mp3
    12. 20170526 Mike Pence Us Navel Academy Commencement.mp3
    13. 20170919 Biden Choosing Future Quality Jobs.mp3
    14. 20171017 Biden John Kasich Bridging Divide Univ DE.mp3
    15. 20171030 Biden Strengthen Ptnerships Conf Univ DE.mp3
    16. 20171122 Kent St Golden Flashes Univ Akron Zips.mp3
    17. 20171202 Bernie Sanders Univ Akron.mp3
    18. 20180215 Trump Shooting M.Stoneman Douglas HS Fl.mp3
    19. 20180221 Trump Listening Session HS Stdts Teachers.mp3
    20. 20180222 Trump School Safety.mp3
    21. 20180227 Trump White House Initiatives On Hbcus.mp3
    22. 20180322 Biden Quality Jobs Workers Univ Delaware.mp3
    23. 20180410 Trump Ncaa Football Champions Univ Al.mp3
    24. 20180426 Al Gore Lecture Series Wellesley College.mp3
    25. 20180512 Mike Pence Hillsdale College Commencement.mp3
    26. 20180519 Jimmy Carter Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    27. 20180520 Hillary Clinton Yale Class Day.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 41 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20180523 Mike Pence Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    3. 20180525 Trump Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    4. 20190211 Missouri Valley Schools Late Start School.mp3
    5. 20190226 Biden Jon Meacham Soul America Univ Delaware.mp3
    6. 20190511 Mike Pence Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20190518 B.Sanders Thurgood Marshall Plan Public Ed.mp3
    8. 20190518 Mike Pence Taylor Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. 20190523 Al Gore Columbia Univ Mailman School Health.mp3
    10. 20190525 Mike Pence Us Military Academy Commencement.mp3
    11. 20190529 Al Gore Harvard Univ Class Day.mp3
    12. 20190529 Hillary Clinton Hunter College Commencement.mp3
    13. 20190530 Trump Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    14. 20190531 Nancy Pelosi SF St Univ Commencement.mp3
    15. 20190625 T.Hartmann Hidden History Guns 2nd Amendment.mp3
    16. 20190725 Bernie Sanders Utla Leadership Conf.mp3
    17. 20190919 Bernie Sanders College of Charleston.mp3
    18. 20190922 Bernie Sanders University of Oklahoma.mp3
    19. 20190925 Beto Orourke Kent St Univ.mp3
    20. 20190929 Bernie Sanders Plymouth State University.mp3
    21. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 1.mp3
    22. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 2.mp3
    23. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 3.mp3
    24. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 4.mp3
    25. 20191102 M.washington Tigers Canton Mckinley Bulldogs.mp3
    26. 20191214 Bernie Sanders Public Education Forum.mp3
    27. 20200220 T.Hartmann Hidden History War on Voting.mp3
    28. 20200220 Trump Hope Prisoners Commencement.mp3
    29. 20200418 Mike Pence Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    30. 20200502 Al Gore Message To Graduates Univ Mi.mp3
    31. 20200516 Biden Message To Delaware St Univ Graduates.mp3
    32. 20200516 Bill Clinton Message To Class 2020.mp3
    33. 20200516 Obama Message To Hbcu Graduates.mp3
    34. 20200517 Nancy Pelosi Smith College Commencement.mp3
    35. 20200520 Biden Columbia Law School Commencement.mp3
    36. 20200521 Melania Trump Message To Stdts On Covid.mp3
    37. 20200522 Missouri Valley Schools End School Year.mp3
    38. 20200523 Melania Trump Message To 2020 Graduates.mp3
    39. 20200607 Condoleezza Rice Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    40. 20200607 Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    41. 20200607 Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    42. 20200607 Obama Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 66 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20200611 Waterville HS Graduation Waterville Me.mp3
    3. 20200613 Trump West Point Commencement.mp3
    4. 20200623 Mike Pence School Choice Roundtable.mp3
    5. 20200812 Trump Getting Americas Children Back School.mp3
    6. 20200902 Biden Covid Its Effect On Schools.mp3
    7. 20200904 T.Hartmann Hidden History Monopolies.mp3
    8. 20200908 Jill Biden Back To School Event.mp3
    9. 20210114 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    10. 20210125 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    11. 20210126 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    12. 20210204 T.Hartmann Hidden History American Oligarchy.mp3
    13. 20210216 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    14. 20210224 ID Falls School Brd Debate Over Wearing Mask.mp3
    15. 20210309 Todd Diacon Hazing on College Campuses.mp3
    16. 20210310 Jill Biden Power Teaching.mp3
    17. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ James Cancer Hospital.mp3
    18. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ.mp3
    19. 20210326 Kamala Harris Early Childhood Development.mp3
    20. 20210415 Kamala Harris Historic Investment Child Care.mp3
    21. 20210503 Biden Jill Biden Tidewater Community College.mp3
    22. 20210514 Jill Biden George Mason Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 20210519 Biden Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    24. 20210525 Kamala Harris HS Class 2021 Message.mp3
    25. 20210528 Kamala Harris Us Navel Ac Commencement.mp3
    26. 20210604 Biden Message To Class 2021.mp3
    27. 20210616 Jill Biden Rammstein Commencement.mp3
    28. 20210702 Biden Jill Biden Thank Educators Covid19.mp3
    29. 20210713 Jill Biden Advice Community College Stdts.mp3
    30. 20210810 Williams County Tn Will Not Comply Meeting.mp3
    31. 20210819 Ron Desantis Palm Beach Mandate Dsappnting.mp3
    32. 20210820 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools.mp3
    33. 20210822 Missouri Valley Schools Welcome Back.mp3
    34. 20210825 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools.mp3
    35. 20210908 T.Hartmann Hidden History Am Healthcare.mp3
    36. 20210910 Biden Jill Biden Keeping Stdts Safe Clsrm.mp3
    37. 20210910 Hillary Clinton Memories September 11 2001.mp3
    38. 20210910 Kamala Harris National Hbcu Week Stem.mp3
    39. 20210911 Biden Unscheduled Visit Fd Shanksville Pa.mp3
    40. 20210911 D.pakman Gw Bush Trump Supporters Terrorists.mp3
    41. 20210911 Trump Calls 21 Days Prayer Let Us Worship.mp3
    42. 20210911 Trump Visits New York City Firefighters.mp3
    43. 20210913 D.pakman Giuliani Claims Not Drunk Dinner.mp3
    44. 20210913 S.miller Trump Anniversary Honor Himself.mp3
    45. 20210914 Trump Gw Bush Owes Country An Apology.mp3
    46. 20211015 Biden Univ CT Ded Dodd Center.mp3
    47. 20211118 T.Hartmann New Leave It Beaver Sth Strategy.mp3
    48. 20211122 Lamar Waldron Conspiracy to Kill JFK Exposed.mp3
    49. 20211217 Biden SC St Univ Winter Commncmnt.mp3
    50. 20220113 Brenton Hoesing No School Tomorrow.mp3
    51. 20220127 T.Hartmann War on Black History.mp3
    52. 20220201 T.Hartmann Moral Panic Morphed Book Burning.mp3
    53. 20220201 T.Hartmann Not Teach Blk History Child Abuse.mp3
    54. 20220203 T.Hartmann Student Debt Sabotage America.mp3
    55. 20220208 T.Hartmann Schools Out Gay Students Parents.mp3
    56. 20220214 T.Hartmann Cancel Student Debt Save Democcy.mp3
    57. 20220304 T.Hartmann Did Young People Forget Cold War.mp3
    58. 20220308 T.Hartmann Hidden History Big Brother US.mp3
    59. 20220316 K.Harris Making Communities Campuses Safer.mp3
    60. 20220323 Jim Renacci SAVE OUR SCHOOLS Town Hall.mp3
    61. 20220328 Ron DeSantis Parental Rights Ed Act into Law.mp3
    62. 20220404 K.Harris Clean Energy Efficient School Bus.mp3
    63. 20220527 T.Hartmann Victims Communism Class.mp3
    64. 20220601 T.Hartmann 4th Turning.mp3
    65. 20220602 Kamala Harris Corinthian St Loan Forgiveness.mp3
    66. 20220609 T.Hartmann History 2nd Amendment.mp3
    67. 20220617 Jill Biden National PTA Convention.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 44 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 20220617 Lamar Waldron History Watergate.mp3
    3. 20220623 J.Biden 50th Anniversary Title IX.mp3
    4. 20220808 K.Harris Reproductive Htlh College Campuses.mp3
    5. 20220824 Biden Student Loan Debt.mp3
    6. 20220825 T.Hartmann Hidden History of Student Debt.mp3
    7. 20221017 J.Biden Student Debt Relief Portal Beta.mp3
    8. 20221021 J.Biden Student Debt Relief.mp3
    9. 20221031 SCOTUS Oral Arg Fair Admissions v Univ NC.mp3
    10. 20221103 J.Biden Student Debt Relief.mp3
    11. 20230228 Dept of Ed vs Brow Oral Argument.mp3
    12. 20230609 J.Jill Biden Carer Cntd Learn Training.mp3
    13. 20230629 J.Biden SCOTUS Decision Affirmative Action.mp3
    14. 20230629 Randi Rhodes Diversity Declined.mp3
    15. 20230630 J.Biden SCOTUS Desc Student Debt Relief.mp3
    16. 20230630 John Fugelsang Legacy Admittance.mp3
    17. 20230630 Randi Rhodes Teaching History Important.mp3
    18. 20230702 Brian Cohen Binders Plan B Stdnt Loan Forgiv.mp3
    19. 20230704 J.and Jill Biden NEA Convention.mp3
    20. 20230706 T.Hartmann Student Debt Crime Ag Future.mp3
    21. 20230721 K.Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates.mp3
    22. 20230721 the Good Bad and Ugly in Teaching History.mp3
    23. 20230725 Bernie Sanders 886 Billion Dollar Def Budget.mp3
    24. 20230808 Jill Biden Cybersecurity in Schools.mp3
    25. 20230817 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Get Back to Basics.mp3
    26. 20230821 Luke Beasley Attack on Black History in AR.mp3
    27. 20230822 J.Biden the Save Plan.mp3
    28. 20230913 D.Trump 10 Principles J.Biden Great Schools.mp3
    29. 20230914 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20230915 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    31. 20230919 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    32. 20230925 J.Biden Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors.mp3
    33. 20230925 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors.mp3
    34. 20230926 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    35. 20230926 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    36. 20230928 Diversity in Higher Education.mp3
    37. 20230928 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    38. 20230928 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    39. 20231004 J.Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt.mp3
    40. 20231004 Joe Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt.mp3
    41. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Eliminated.mp3
    42. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Get Elimin.mp3
    43. 20231011 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    44. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    45. 20231012 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 13 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 7 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    3. 20231017 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    4. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise Am Democracy.mp3
    5. 20240221 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    6. 20240304 Mike DeWine Major Technical Education Grants.mp3
    7. 20240408 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    8. 20240408 Kamala Harris Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    9. 20240430 Donald Trump College Campus Protests.mp3
    10. 20240430 NYPD Enters Columbia University.mp3
    11. 20240501 Bernie Sanders Student Protest.mp3
    12. 20240501 Fight Breaks Out at UCLA.mp3
    13. 20240501 Police Move in to Break Up UCLA Protest.mp3
    14. 20240502 Joe Biden Protests on College Campuses.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    605 recordings on 14 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $70.00. Total playtime 319 hours, 21 min
    605 recordings on 14 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $70.00
    8772 MB – total playtime 319 hours, 21 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 58 shows – 652 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 43 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19440000 Air Force Navy Dept Gi Bill Readjustment Act.mp3
    3. 19440111 Franklin D Roosevelt Second Bill Rights.mp3
    4. 19470701 Walter Kieran Third of Nation are Dummies.mp3
    5. 19550000 Dwight Eisenhower WH Conference on Education.mp3
    6. 19570924 Eisenhower Deseg Little Rock Central Hs.mp3
    7. 19620323 Jfk Univ California Berkeley.mp3
    8. 19620608 Jfk Presenting Young American Medal.mp3
    9. 19620611 Jfk Yale Univ Commencement.mp3
    10. 19620912 Jfk Rice St Univ.mp3
    11. 19620929 Jfk Desegregation Univ Mississippi.mp3
    12. 19620930 JFK Address on Univ of Mississippi Crisis.mp3
    13. 19630606 Jfk San Diego St Univ Commencement.mp3
    14. 19630611 Gwallace Confrontation Integration Univ Al.mp3
    15. 19630611 Jfk American Univ Commencement.mp3
    16. 19630611 Jfk Desegregation Univ Al.mp3
    17. 19630724 Jfk Address To Boys Nation.mp3
    18. 19631019 John F. Kennedy University of Maine.mp3
    19. 19640110 Gwallace Ucla On Civil Rights.mp3
    20. 19640522 Lbj Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    21. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Head Start To Confidence.mp3
    22. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Volunteers Head Start.mp3
    23. 19650000 Office Economic Opphead Start Pancho.mp3
    24. 19650000 Office Economic Opportunity Head Start.mp3
    25. 19650411 LBJ Signs Elem Secondary Education Bill.mp3
    26. 19650518 Lbj Project Head Start.mp3
    27. 19650604 Lbj Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    28. 19670000 CBS Special the Class of 01.mp3
    29. 19670928 Reagan Melick Library Dedication Eureka Clg.mp3
    30. 19670928 Reagan Press Conf Eureka College.mp3
    31. 19671026 Ronald Reagan Higher Edu Contemp America.mp3
    32. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 1.mp3
    33. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 2.mp3
    34. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 3.mp3
    35. 19680321 Rfk John Glenn Vanderbilt Univ.mp3
    36. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball St Univ.mp3
    37. 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Kent St Univ.mp3
    38. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    39. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    40. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    41. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    42. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 1.mp3
    43. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 2.mp3
    44. 19690417 Stdts Dmc Soc Rally Fred Fuller Park Kent Oh.mp3
    45. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 1.mp3
    46. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 2.mp3
    47. 19690515 Reagan Riots Berkeley.mp3
    48. 19690520 Stdts Dem Soc Religious Demo Kent State.mp3
    49. 19690531 H.clinton Wellesley College Commencement.mp3
    50. 19690604 Nixon Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    51. 19700000 Walter H Judd Communists On Campus.mp3
    52. 19700502 Wksu News Perspective Stdt Protest Kent.mp3
    53. 1970050203 Wksu Live Rotc Burning Violation Curfew.mp3
    54. 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conf Kent City Firehouse.mp3
    55. 19700503 Robert White Statement On Campus Disorder.mp3
    56. 1970050304 Wksu Stdt Call Prgm.mp3
    57. 19700504 Barclay Mcmillen Polsci Lecture 11am Kent St.mp3
    58. 19700504 Robert White Statement Shooting Kent State.mp3
    59. 19700504 Stdt Body Reaction Shootings Kent St Univ.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 34 shows – 632 MB – total playtime 23 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 1.mp3
    3. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 2.mp3
    4. 19700506 Robert White When Kent St Would Reopen.mp3
    5. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 1.mp3
    6. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 2.mp3
    7. 19700508 Robert White Meeting With Kent St Faculty.mp3
    8. 19700509 Robert White Interview B.carpenter M.howard.mp3
    9. 19700515 Ronald Kane Press Conf Seizing Items Dorm.mp3
    10. 19700515 Walter Cronkite Cbs Campus Unrest Kent State.mp3
    11. 19700518 Robert White Future Kent St Univ.mp3
    12. 19700518 Robert White Stmt Meeting Rep Jw.stanton.mp3
    13. 19700522 Robert White Q Advisory Board Twin Lakes Cc.mp3
    14. 19700522 Wksu Talk Back Covers Shootings Future Univ.mp3
    15. 19700610 Wksu Talk Back Qual Life Cmmsn Univ.mp3
    16. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 1.mp3
    17. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 2.mp3
    18. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 3.mp3
    19. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 4.mp3
    20. 19700613 Robert White Press Conf Spring Qtr Cmmcmnt.mp3
    21. 19700613 Ronald Beer Plans Open Kent St Summer Qtr.mp3
    22. 19700925 Robert White Press Conf Desc Campus Sec.mp3
    23. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week.mp3
    24. 19701016 Robert White Kent St Stdt Body Grand Jury.mp3
    25. 19701020 Craig Morgan Kent 25 Indictment Rally.mp3
    26. 19701021 Robert White Stdt Body Gag Rule Grand Jury.mp3
    27. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 1.mp3
    28. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 2.mp3
    29. 19701208 John J Gilligan Stdt Faculty Kent St Univ.mp3
    30. 19710504 Bob Carpenter Sit Rockwell Hall Kent St Univ.mp3
    31. 19710510 Dick Cavett Should Sex Ed Taught Schools.mp3
    32. 19710800 Glenn Olds First Press Conf Kent St Pres.mp3
    33. 19710930 Glenn Olds Fall 1971 Convocation.mp3
    34. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 1.mp3
    35. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 2.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 72 shows – 659 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt1.mp3
    3. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt2.mp3
    4. 1971120708 Chic Canfora Kent 25 Charges Dropped.mp3
    5. 19721204 Lbj Lbj School Public Affairs.mp3
    6. 19730608 Nixon Univ Central Fl Commencement.mp3
    7. 19740821 Gerald Ford Signs 25 Billion Us Ed Bill.mp3
    8. 19770522 J.carter Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    9. 19790517 Jimmy Carter 25th Anniv Brown v Board Ed.mp3
    10. 19801017 Reagan Eureka College Pep Rally.mp3
    11. 19810517 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    12. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement.mp3
    13. 19820415 Talk 8th Graders St Peters Catholic School.mp3
    14. 19820424 Reagan Radio Address On Tuition Tax Credit.mp3
    15. 19820509 Reagan Eureka College Commencement.mp3
    16. 19820510 Reagan Q Stdts Providence St Mel HS.mp3
    17. 19820925 Reagan Candle Lighting Ceremony Prayer.mp3
    18. 19830312 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    19. 19830407 Reagan National Catholic Ed Association.mp3
    20. 19830426 Reagan Commission Excllnc Education Risk.mp3
    21. 19830523 Reagan Remarks To HS Valedictorians.mp3
    22. 19830523 Reagan Seton Hall Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 19830609 Reagan Ntnl Commission Excellence Education.mp3
    24. 19830625 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    25. 19830629 Reagan Visit To Shawnee Mission Northwest HS.mp3
    26. 19830920 Reagan Univ South Carolina.mp3
    27. 19830928 Reagan Excellence Education Awards.mp3
    28. 19831208 Reagan Ntnl Forum On Excellence Education.mp3
    29. 19840107 Reagan Radio Address On School Violence.mp3
    30. 19840225 Reagan Radio Address On School Prayer.mp3
    31. 19840312 Reagan Q Stdts Congress Heights Elementary.mp3
    32. 19840512 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    33. 19840530 Reagan Us Air Force Acad Commencement.mp3
    34. 19840619 Reagan Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    35. 19840908 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    36. 19840921 Reagan Drug Abuse Education.mp3
    37. 19850522 Reagan Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    38. 19850824 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    39. 19860304 Reagan Dept Ed Report Improving Education.mp3
    40. 19860520 Nancy Reagan Just Say No.mp3
    41. 19860604 Reagan Marine Basic Train Commencement.mp3
    42. 19860619 Reagan Glassboro Hs Commencement.mp3
    43. 19860906 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    44. 19860912 Reagan Elem Recognition Program Honorees.mp3
    45. 19860923 Reagan Eureka College Fundraising Dinner.mp3
    46. 19870202 Reagan Penn State.mp3
    47. 19870326 Reagan Dept Ed Conf Hickman HS.mp3
    48. 19870326 Reagan Visit To Hickman HS.mp3
    49. 19870401 Reagan Visit To College Physicians.mp3
    50. 19870409 Reagan Visit To Purdue Univ.mp3
    51. 19870516 Reagan Uniformed Serv Univ Sci Cmncmnt.mp3
    52. 19870519 Reagan Chattanooga City Schools Commencement.mp3
    53. 19870520 Reagan Report On Improving Education.mp3
    54. 19870601 Reagan Elem Const Essay Contest Winners.mp3
    55. 19871028 Reagan Us Military Academy.mp3
    56. 19871118 Reagan Math Science Teaching Awards.mp3
    57. 19880120 Reagan Visit To Suitland HS.mp3
    58. 19880411 Reagan Univ Kansas Mens Louisiana Tech.mp3
    59. 19880518 Reagan Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    60. 19880605 Trump Lehigh Univ Commencement.mp3
    61. 19880809 Reagan Resignation Bill Bennett Sec Ed.mp3
    62. 19880909 Reagan Youth 2000 Week.mp3
    63. 19880910 Reagan Radio Address On Education.mp3
    64. 19880920 Reagan Swearing Lauro Cavazos Sec Ed.mp3
    65. 19881012 Reagan Visit To Upper Darby HS.mp3
    66. 19881015 Nancy Reagan Just Say No Mssg World Series.mp3
    67. 19881019 Reagan Ohio St Univ.mp3
    68. 19890110 Reagan Choice Education.mp3
    69. 19890118 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Football Team.mp3
    70. 19890505 George Hw Bush Texas M Commencement.mp3
    71. 19890911 George HW Bush Vocational Ed Award Ceremony.mp3
    72. 19900504 George Hw Bush Oklahoma St Univ Commencement.mp3
    73. 19900601 Barbara Bush Wellesley College Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 36 shows – 684 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 53 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19910504 George Hw Bush Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    3. 19920517 George Hw Bush Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    4. 19920529 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College Commncment.mp3
    5. 19930105 George Hw Bush West Point.mp3
    6. 19930128 Clinton Honoring J.Hatton School Principal.mp3
    7. 19930221 Bill Clinton Santa Monica College.mp3
    8. 19930420 Bill Clinton Teacher Year Award.mp3
    9. 19930514 Bill Clinton Blue Ribbon School Ceremony.mp3
    10. 19930707 Bill Clinton Waseda Univ.mp3
    11. 19930921 Bill Clinton National Service Bill Signing.mp3
    12. 19931012 Clinton Univ North Carolina Bicentennial.mp3
    13. 19940331 Bill Clinton Signing Goals 2000 Act.mp3
    14. 19940504 Clinton School Work Opportunities Act.mp3
    15. 19940516 Bill Clinton Goals 2000.mp3
    16. 19940517 Clinton Q Stdts On Brown Vs Board Education.mp3
    17. 19940520 Bill Clinton Ucla Commencement.mp3
    18. 19940522 George Hw Bush Univ Houston Commencement.mp3
    19. 19940912 Bill Clinton Swearing First Americorps.mp3
    20. 19940912 Clinton Swearing First Americorps Volunteers.mp3
    21. 19950110 Bill Clinton Sandburg Community College.mp3
    22. 19950117 Bill Clinton California St Univ Northridge.mp3
    23. 19950305 Bill Clinton Youngstown St Univ Ftbll.mp3
    24. 19950309 Bill Clinton School Lunch Program.mp3
    25. 19950323 Bill Clinton College Press Forum.mp3
    26. 19950505 Bill Clinton Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    27. 19950517 Hillary Clinton Message Ak Math Sciences.mp3
    28. 19950531 Bill Clinton Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    29. 19950912 Bill Clinton First Anniversary Americorps.mp3
    30. 19951028 Al Gore Society Environ Journalists Mit.mp3
    31. 19960202 Bill Clinton, the Future of Education.mp3
    32. 19960217 Bill Clinton, College Affordability.mp3
    33. 19960217 Bill Clinton, Direct Student Loan Program.mp3
    34. 19960217 Bill Clinton, the Cost of Higher Education.mp3
    35. 19960522 Clinton Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    36. 19960522 GHW Bush Johns Hopkins Univ Commencement.mp3
    37. 19960604 Bill Clinton Princeton Univ Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 30 shows – 694 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 15 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19960607 Al Gore Mit Commencement.mp3
    3. 19960711 Bill Clinton School Reconstruction Event.mp3
    4. 19960925 Bill Clinton Robert Morris College.mp3
    5. 19961004 Hillary Clinton Harvard Univ Jfk School Gov.mp3
    6. 19961101 Bill Clinton, Importance of Community Colleges.mp3
    7. 19970402 Bill Clinton Education Roundtable.mp3
    8. 19970417 Hillary Clinton WH Conf Childhood Dev.mp3
    9. 19970518 Bill Clinton Morgan St Commencement.mp3
    10. 19970531 Bill Clinton West Point Commencement.mp3
    11. 19970604 Clinton Signing Indiv Disabilities Ed Act.mp3
    12. 19970614 Clinton Univ California Sd Commencement.mp3
    13. 19970617 Clinton Strengthening Enforcement Title Ix.mp3
    14. 19971021 Bill Clinton America Reads Initiative.mp3
    15. 19971023 Hillary Clinton WH Conf On Child Care.mp3
    16. 19971031 Al Gore Harvard Univ Jfk School Government.mp3
    17. 19971203 Bill Clinton Town Hall On Race Univ Akron.mp3
    18. 19980126 Bill Clinton School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    19. 19980128 Bill Clinton Univ Illinois.mp3
    20. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative.mp3
    21. 19980416 Al Gore Making School Child Care Count.mp3
    22. 19980508 GHW Barbara Bush Univ Miami Commencement.mp3
    23. 19980603 Elizabeth Dole Harvard Univ Jfk School Gov.mp3
    24. 19980608 Bill Clinton Mit Commencement.mp3
    25. 19980613 Bill Clinton Portland St Univ Commencement.mp3
    26. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    27. 19981106 Bill Clinton Little Rock Central HS Historic.mp3
    28. 19981112 Bill Clinton Childcare School Care Event.mp3
    29. 19990420 Bill Clinton Statement Columbine HS Shooting.mp3
    30. 19990425 Al Gore Columbine HS Memorial.mp3
    31. 19990520 Bill Clinton Address Columbine HS Community.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 52 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19990523 Bill Clinton Grambling St Univ Commencement.mp3
    3. 19990523 Jfk Jr Washington College Commencement.mp3
    4. 19990625 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    5. 19990817 Hillary Clinton School Violence.mp3
    6. 19990927 Bill Clinton Sophie B Wright New Orleans La.mp3
    7. 19990930 Bill Clinton National Education Summit.mp3
    8. 19991020 Bill Clinton Fifth Anniversary Americorps.mp3
    9. 19991022 Bill Clinton Ntnl Brd ProfTeaching Standards.mp3
    10. 19991111 Bill Clinton Education Appropriations.mp3
    11. 19991209 Bill Clinton Digital Divide.mp3
    12. 20000504 Bill Clinton Channel One Web Chat.mp3
    13. 20000926 Bill Clinton Georgetown Univ Law School.mp3
    14. 20001024 Bill Clinton Leg Agenda School Const and Ed.mp3
    15. 20001201 Bill Clinton Howard Univ On World Aids Day.mp3
    16. 20010522 Gw Bush Yale Univ Commencement.mp3
    17. 20010911 Gw Bush Emma E Booker Elementary School.mp3
    18. 20011007 Bill Clinton Yale Univ Tercentennial.mp3
    19. 20020108 Gw Bush Signs No Child Left Behind Act.mp3
    20. 20030521 Biden Emerson College Commencement.mp3
    21. 20040521 Trump Wagner Univ Commencement.mp3
    22. 20050604 Gw Bush Calvin College Commencement.mp3
    23. 20060513 GHW Bush Bill Clinton Tulane Univ Cmmncmnt.mp3
    24. 20060616 Ted Kennedy Reading Senator Me Ps11.mp3
    25. 20070417 Gw Bush Virginia Tech Shooting.mp3
    26. 20070428 Gw Bush Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    27. 20070512 Nancy Pelosi Webster Univ Commencement.mp3
    28. 20070607 Bill Clinton Harvard Univ Class Day.mp3
    29. 20080330 Tom Vilsack Harvard Univ Ash Center.mp3
    30. 20080423 Lois Capps Testimony Abstinence Only Ed.mp3
    31. 20080503 N.Pelosi Miami Dade College North Cmmncmnt.mp3
    32. 20080517 George Hw Bush Bryant Univ Commencement.mp3
    33. 20080518 Al Gore Carnegie Mellon Univ Commencement.mp3
    34. 20080927 Laura Bush National Book Festival.mp3
    35. 20081212 EM Kennedy Harvard Univ Doctor Laws Degree.mp3
    36. 20081212 GW GHW Barbara Bush TX AM Commencement.mp3
    37. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 1.mp3
    38. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 2.mp3
    39. 20090424 Obama Opening Doors Higher Education.mp3
    40. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy Univ Delaware.mp3
    41. 20090510 Biden Syracuse Univ Commencement.mp3
    42. 20090513 Hillary Clinton New York Univ Commencement.mp3
    43. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    44. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    45. 20090513 Obama Arizona St Univ Commencement.mp3
    46. 20090517 Obama Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    47. 20090518 Hillary Clinton Barnard College Commencement.mp3
    48. 20090522 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    49. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    50. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    51. 20090724 Obama Race To Top.mp3
    52. 20090803 Obama Post 911 Gi Bill.mp3
    53. 20091008 Newt Gingrich Harvard Univ Kennedy Schl Gov.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 52 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 20091104 Obama Race To Top Fund.mp3
    3. 20100218 Obama Race To Top HS Commencement Challenge.mp3
    4. 20100226 Obama Strengthening Hbcus.mp3
    5. 20100329 Jill Biden Good News Higher Education.mp3
    6. 20100501 Bill Clinton Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    7. 20100501 Obama Univ Mi Commencement.mp3
    8. 20100504 Arne Duncan Race Top HS Commencement.mp3
    9. 20100509 Obama Hampton Univ Commencement.mp3
    10. 20100514 Al Gore College Arts Sciences Commencement.mp3
    11. 20100522 Obama West Point Commencement.mp3
    12. 20100527 Michelle Obama Leadership Mentoring.mp3
    13. 20100604 Clinton Mailman Schl Public Health Cmmncmnt.mp3
    14. 20100607 Obama Kalamazoo Central HS Commencement.mp3
    15. 20100629 Jill Biden Teachers Columbia Univ Cmmncmnt.mp3
    16. 20100809 Obama Education Economic Issue Our Time.mp3
    17. 20100914 Obama Back To School.mp3
    18. 20100925 Laura Bush National Book Festival.mp3
    19. 20101005 B.Obama Jill Biden Community College Summit.mp3
    20. 20101019 Obama Ed Excellence Hispanic Americans.mp3
    21. 20110308 Obama Winning Future Through Education.mp3
    22. 20110411 Obama 8th Grader Altoona Middle School.mp3
    23. 20110429 Obama Miami Dade College Commencement.mp3
    24. 20110509 Jimmy Carter Georgia St Univ Commencement.mp3
    25. 20110513 Beau Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Cmmncmnt.mp3
    26. 20110515 Michelle Obama Spelman College Commencement.mp3
    27. 20110515 Newt Gingrich Eureka College Commencement.mp3
    28. 20110516 Obama Booker T Washington HS Commencement.mp3
    29. 20110519 Bill Clinton New York Univ Commencement.mp3
    30. 20110519 Jill Biden Mont County CC Commencement.mp3
    31. 20110520 Michelle Obama West Point Graduation Banquet.mp3
    32. 20110916 Biden Constitution Day Lecture Univ Delaware.mp3
    33. 20110928 Obama Back To School.mp3
    34. 20111209 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    35. 20120102 Howie Chizek Cell Phones in the Classroom.mp3
    36. 20120329 Newt Gingrich Georgetown Univ.mp3
    37. 20120504 Obama College Affordability.mp3
    38. 20120505 Bill Clinton Columbia College Commencement.mp3
    39. 20120505 Tom Vilsack Albany St Univ Commencement.mp3
    40. 20120508 Biden Possib Future Progress Lafayette Clg.mp3
    41. 20120510 Biden College Affordability.mp3
    42. 20120511 K.Harris Univ CA Berkeley Law Commencement.mp3
    43. 20120511 Michelle Obama Virginia Tech Commencement.mp3
    44. 20120514 Obama Barnard College Commencement.mp3
    45. 20120515 Laura Bush Texas Book Festival.mp3
    46. 20120521 Obama Joplin HS Commencement.mp3
    47. 20120525 Obama Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    48. 20120926 Obama Kent St Univ Mac Center.mp3
    49. 20121003 Jill Biden Operation Educate Educators.mp3
    50. 20121114 Newt Gingrich KS St Univ Dole Institute Pol.mp3
    51. 20121214 Obama Statement Sandy Hook School Shooting.mp3
    52. 20121217 Obama Interfaith Vigil Sandy Hook Shooting.mp3
    53. 20121219 Obama Reducing Preventing Gun Violence.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 37 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20130213 Tom Vilsack Univ TX Lbj School Pub Aff.mp3
    3. 20130214 Obama HQ Preschool Best Bang.mp3
    4. 20130219 Biden Reducing Gun Violence.mp3
    5. 20130422 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    6. 20130505 Obama Ohio St Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20130513 Biden Univ Pennsylvania Commencement.mp3
    8. 20130514 M.Obama Eastern KY Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. 20130517 N.Pelosi Univ CA Davis School Law Cmmncmnt.mp3
    10. 20130518 Michelle Obama Mlk Jr Magnet HS Commencement.mp3
    11. 20130520 Obama Morehouse College Commencement.mp3
    12. 20130524 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    13. 20130606 Obama Technology Schools.mp3
    14. 20130724 Obama Education Economy.mp3
    15. 20130813 Obama Biden College Affordability.mp3
    16. 20130823 Barack Obama College Affordability.mp3
    17. 20131112 Michelle Obama Power Education.mp3
    18. 20140407 Obama Education HS Redesign.mp3
    19. 20140429 Biden Budget Econ Policy Gwashington Univ.mp3
    20. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault.mp3
    21. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade Colle Commencement.mp3
    22. 20140509 Biden Univ South Carolina Commencement.mp3
    23. 20140517 Nancy Pelosi Univ CA Berkeley Commencement.mp3
    24. 20140522 Jill Biden Villanova Univ Commencement.mp3
    25. 20140524 Nancy Pelosi Bard College Commencement.mp3
    26. 20140527 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    27. 20140528 Obama West Point Commencement.mp3
    28. 20140531 Biden Univ Delaware Commencement.mp3
    29. 20140531 Nancy Pelosi Presidio Graduate Commencement.mp3
    30. 20140611 Obama Tumblr Education College Affordability.mp3
    31. 20140614 Obama Univ California Irvine Commencement.mp3
    32. 20140806 Jill Biden Creating Opp Young Women Leaders.mp3
    33. 20140816 Obama Everyone Should Afford Higher Ed.mp3
    34. 20140908 B.Clinton Gw Bush Pres Leadership Scholars.mp3
    35. 20140916 Jill Biden Intl Congress Vocl Ed Training.mp3
    36. 20140917 Obama Talks 1st Grade Tinker Elementary.mp3
    37. 20140919 Uniontown Lake Blue Streaks Jackson.mp3
    38. 20141008 Michelle Obama Fashion Education Workshop.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 44 shows – 624 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 42 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 20141210 Obama Early Education Summit.mp3
    3. 20150323 Obama White House Science Fair.mp3
    4. 20150505 W.Mondale Concordia College Commencement.mp3
    5. 20150508 Obama Lake Area Tech Inst Commencement.mp3
    6. 20150512 Michelle Obama Tuskegee Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20150516 Gw Bush Southern Methodist Univ Commencement.mp3
    8. 20150517 Biden Yale Class Day.mp3
    9. 20150519 Bernie Sanders Introduces Bills Free Ed.mp3
    10. 20150520 Obama Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    11. 20150521 Caroline Kennedy Columbia Univ Commencement.mp3
    12. 20150525 Michelle Obama Oberlin College Commencement.mp3
    13. 20150601 Biden Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    14. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 1.mp3
    15. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 2.mp3
    16. 20150715 Bernie Sanders Floor On Education.mp3
    17. 20150914 Bernie Sanders Liberty University.mp3
    18. 20151015 Obama Education Excellence Hispanics.mp3
    19. 20151026 Michelle Obama Wheels Education Akron Ohio.mp3
    20. 20151215 Bernie Sanders Keene State College.mp3
    21. 20160407 Al Gore Climate Crisis Harvard Univ.mp3
    22. 20160507 Clinton Loyola Marymount Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 20160507 Obama Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    24. 20160513 Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Commencement.mp3
    25. 20160515 Obama Rutgers Univ Commencement.mp3
    26. 20160516 Biden Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    27. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement.mp3
    28. 20160524 Michelle Obama Jackson St Univ Commencement.mp3
    29. 20160602 Laura Bush Summer Reading.mp3
    30. 20160603 Michelle Obama City College NY Commencement.mp3
    31. 20160705 Hillary Clinton Nea Representative Assembly.mp3
    32. 20160706 Bernie Sanders Press Conf On Stdt Debt.mp3
    33. 20160802 Jill Biden Educationusa Forum.mp3
    34. 20160822 Trump Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena.mp3
    35. 20160917 Bernie Sanders Kent State University.mp3
    36. 20161003 H.Clinton Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena.mp3
    37. 20161011 H.Clinton A.Gore Climate Change Miami Dade.mp3
    38. 20161031 Hillary Clinton Kent St Univ.mp3
    39. 20161103 Bernie Sanders Youngstown State University.mp3
    40. 20161215 White House Hidden Figures Event.mp3
    41. 20170105 Biden Its On Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit.mp3
    42. 20170118 Bernie Sanders Questions Betsy Devos.mp3
    43. 20170214 Trump Parent Teacher Conf Listening Session.mp3
    44. 20170323 Newt Gingrich Rider Univ.mp3
    45. 20170424 Barbara Bush Celebration Reading.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 26 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 20170428 Biden Long View Business Univ Delaware.mp3
    3. 20170503 Trump Mike Pence School Choice Event.mp3
    4. 20170513 Kamala Harris Howard Univ Commencement.mp3
    5. 20170513 Trump Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    6. 20170518 Biden Morgan St Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20170518 Trump Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement.mp3
    8. 20170521 Biden Colby College Commencement.mp3
    9. 20170521 Mike Pence Univ Notre Dame Commencement.mp3
    10. 20170524 Biden Harvard University Class Day.mp3
    11. 20170526 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College.mp3
    12. 20170526 Mike Pence Us Navel Academy Commencement.mp3
    13. 20170919 Biden Choosing Future Quality Jobs.mp3
    14. 20171017 Biden John Kasich Bridging Divide Univ DE.mp3
    15. 20171030 Biden Strengthen Ptnerships Conf Univ DE.mp3
    16. 20171122 Kent St Golden Flashes Univ Akron Zips.mp3
    17. 20171202 Bernie Sanders Univ Akron.mp3
    18. 20180215 Trump Shooting M.Stoneman Douglas HS Fl.mp3
    19. 20180221 Trump Listening Session HS Stdts Teachers.mp3
    20. 20180222 Trump School Safety.mp3
    21. 20180227 Trump White House Initiatives On Hbcus.mp3
    22. 20180322 Biden Quality Jobs Workers Univ Delaware.mp3
    23. 20180410 Trump Ncaa Football Champions Univ Al.mp3
    24. 20180426 Al Gore Lecture Series Wellesley College.mp3
    25. 20180512 Mike Pence Hillsdale College Commencement.mp3
    26. 20180519 Jimmy Carter Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    27. 20180520 Hillary Clinton Yale Class Day.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 41 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20180523 Mike Pence Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    3. 20180525 Trump Us Naval Academy Commencement.mp3
    4. 20190211 Missouri Valley Schools Late Start School.mp3
    5. 20190226 Biden Jon Meacham Soul America Univ Delaware.mp3
    6. 20190511 Mike Pence Liberty Univ Commencement.mp3
    7. 20190518 B.Sanders Thurgood Marshall Plan Public Ed.mp3
    8. 20190518 Mike Pence Taylor Univ Commencement.mp3
    9. 20190523 Al Gore Columbia Univ Mailman School Health.mp3
    10. 20190525 Mike Pence Us Military Academy Commencement.mp3
    11. 20190529 Al Gore Harvard Univ Class Day.mp3
    12. 20190529 Hillary Clinton Hunter College Commencement.mp3
    13. 20190530 Trump Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    14. 20190531 Nancy Pelosi SF St Univ Commencement.mp3
    15. 20190625 T.Hartmann Hidden History Guns 2nd Amendment.mp3
    16. 20190725 Bernie Sanders Utla Leadership Conf.mp3
    17. 20190919 Bernie Sanders College of Charleston.mp3
    18. 20190922 Bernie Sanders University of Oklahoma.mp3
    19. 20190925 Beto Orourke Kent St Univ.mp3
    20. 20190929 Bernie Sanders Plymouth State University.mp3
    21. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 1.mp3
    22. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 2.mp3
    23. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 3.mp3
    24. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 4.mp3
    25. 20191102 M.washington Tigers Canton Mckinley Bulldogs.mp3
    26. 20191214 Bernie Sanders Public Education Forum.mp3
    27. 20200220 T.Hartmann Hidden History War on Voting.mp3
    28. 20200220 Trump Hope Prisoners Commencement.mp3
    29. 20200418 Mike Pence Us Air Force Academy Commencement.mp3
    30. 20200502 Al Gore Message To Graduates Univ Mi.mp3
    31. 20200516 Biden Message To Delaware St Univ Graduates.mp3
    32. 20200516 Bill Clinton Message To Class 2020.mp3
    33. 20200516 Obama Message To Hbcu Graduates.mp3
    34. 20200517 Nancy Pelosi Smith College Commencement.mp3
    35. 20200520 Biden Columbia Law School Commencement.mp3
    36. 20200521 Melania Trump Message To Stdts On Covid.mp3
    37. 20200522 Missouri Valley Schools End School Year.mp3
    38. 20200523 Melania Trump Message To 2020 Graduates.mp3
    39. 20200607 Condoleezza Rice Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    40. 20200607 Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    41. 20200607 Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3
    42. 20200607 Obama Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 66 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20200611 Waterville HS Graduation Waterville Me.mp3
    3. 20200613 Trump West Point Commencement.mp3
    4. 20200623 Mike Pence School Choice Roundtable.mp3
    5. 20200812 Trump Getting Americas Children Back School.mp3
    6. 20200902 Biden Covid Its Effect On Schools.mp3
    7. 20200904 T.Hartmann Hidden History Monopolies.mp3
    8. 20200908 Jill Biden Back To School Event.mp3
    9. 20210114 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    10. 20210125 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    11. 20210126 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    12. 20210204 T.Hartmann Hidden History American Oligarchy.mp3
    13. 20210216 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow.mp3
    14. 20210224 ID Falls School Brd Debate Over Wearing Mask.mp3
    15. 20210309 Todd Diacon Hazing on College Campuses.mp3
    16. 20210310 Jill Biden Power Teaching.mp3
    17. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ James Cancer Hospital.mp3
    18. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ.mp3
    19. 20210326 Kamala Harris Early Childhood Development.mp3
    20. 20210415 Kamala Harris Historic Investment Child Care.mp3
    21. 20210503 Biden Jill Biden Tidewater Community College.mp3
    22. 20210514 Jill Biden George Mason Univ Commencement.mp3
    23. 20210519 Biden Us Coast Guard Commencement.mp3
    24. 20210525 Kamala Harris HS Class 2021 Message.mp3
    25. 20210528 Kamala Harris Us Navel Ac Commencement.mp3
    26. 20210604 Biden Message To Class 2021.mp3
    27. 20210616 Jill Biden Rammstein Commencement.mp3
    28. 20210702 Biden Jill Biden Thank Educators Covid19.mp3
    29. 20210713 Jill Biden Advice Community College Stdts.mp3
    30. 20210810 Williams County Tn Will Not Comply Meeting.mp3
    31. 20210819 Ron Desantis Palm Beach Mandate Dsappnting.mp3
    32. 20210820 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools.mp3
    33. 20210822 Missouri Valley Schools Welcome Back.mp3
    34. 20210825 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools.mp3
    35. 20210908 T.Hartmann Hidden History Am Healthcare.mp3
    36. 20210910 Biden Jill Biden Keeping Stdts Safe Clsrm.mp3
    37. 20210910 Hillary Clinton Memories September 11 2001.mp3
    38. 20210910 Kamala Harris National Hbcu Week Stem.mp3
    39. 20210911 Biden Unscheduled Visit Fd Shanksville Pa.mp3
    40. 20210911 D.pakman Gw Bush Trump Supporters Terrorists.mp3
    41. 20210911 Trump Calls 21 Days Prayer Let Us Worship.mp3
    42. 20210911 Trump Visits New York City Firefighters.mp3
    43. 20210913 D.pakman Giuliani Claims Not Drunk Dinner.mp3
    44. 20210913 S.miller Trump Anniversary Honor Himself.mp3
    45. 20210914 Trump Gw Bush Owes Country An Apology.mp3
    46. 20211015 Biden Univ CT Ded Dodd Center.mp3
    47. 20211118 T.Hartmann New Leave It Beaver Sth Strategy.mp3
    48. 20211122 Lamar Waldron Conspiracy to Kill JFK Exposed.mp3
    49. 20211217 Biden SC St Univ Winter Commncmnt.mp3
    50. 20220113 Brenton Hoesing No School Tomorrow.mp3
    51. 20220127 T.Hartmann War on Black History.mp3
    52. 20220201 T.Hartmann Moral Panic Morphed Book Burning.mp3
    53. 20220201 T.Hartmann Not Teach Blk History Child Abuse.mp3
    54. 20220203 T.Hartmann Student Debt Sabotage America.mp3
    55. 20220208 T.Hartmann Schools Out Gay Students Parents.mp3
    56. 20220214 T.Hartmann Cancel Student Debt Save Democcy.mp3
    57. 20220304 T.Hartmann Did Young People Forget Cold War.mp3
    58. 20220308 T.Hartmann Hidden History Big Brother US.mp3
    59. 20220316 K.Harris Making Communities Campuses Safer.mp3
    60. 20220323 Jim Renacci SAVE OUR SCHOOLS Town Hall.mp3
    61. 20220328 Ron DeSantis Parental Rights Ed Act into Law.mp3
    62. 20220404 K.Harris Clean Energy Efficient School Bus.mp3
    63. 20220527 T.Hartmann Victims Communism Class.mp3
    64. 20220601 T.Hartmann 4th Turning.mp3
    65. 20220602 Kamala Harris Corinthian St Loan Forgiveness.mp3
    66. 20220609 T.Hartmann History 2nd Amendment.mp3
    67. 20220617 Jill Biden National PTA Convention.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 44 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 20220617 Lamar Waldron History Watergate.mp3
    3. 20220623 J.Biden 50th Anniversary Title IX.mp3
    4. 20220808 K.Harris Reproductive Htlh College Campuses.mp3
    5. 20220824 Biden Student Loan Debt.mp3
    6. 20220825 T.Hartmann Hidden History of Student Debt.mp3
    7. 20221017 J.Biden Student Debt Relief Portal Beta.mp3
    8. 20221021 J.Biden Student Debt Relief.mp3
    9. 20221031 SCOTUS Oral Arg Fair Admissions v Univ NC.mp3
    10. 20221103 J.Biden Student Debt Relief.mp3
    11. 20230228 Dept of Ed vs Brow Oral Argument.mp3
    12. 20230609 J.Jill Biden Carer Cntd Learn Training.mp3
    13. 20230629 J.Biden SCOTUS Decision Affirmative Action.mp3
    14. 20230629 Randi Rhodes Diversity Declined.mp3
    15. 20230630 J.Biden SCOTUS Desc Student Debt Relief.mp3
    16. 20230630 John Fugelsang Legacy Admittance.mp3
    17. 20230630 Randi Rhodes Teaching History Important.mp3
    18. 20230702 Brian Cohen Binders Plan B Stdnt Loan Forgiv.mp3
    19. 20230704 J.and Jill Biden NEA Convention.mp3
    20. 20230706 T.Hartmann Student Debt Crime Ag Future.mp3
    21. 20230721 K.Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates.mp3
    22. 20230721 the Good Bad and Ugly in Teaching History.mp3
    23. 20230725 Bernie Sanders 886 Billion Dollar Def Budget.mp3
    24. 20230808 Jill Biden Cybersecurity in Schools.mp3
    25. 20230817 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Get Back to Basics.mp3
    26. 20230821 Luke Beasley Attack on Black History in AR.mp3
    27. 20230822 J.Biden the Save Plan.mp3
    28. 20230913 D.Trump 10 Principles J.Biden Great Schools.mp3
    29. 20230914 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    30. 20230915 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    31. 20230919 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    32. 20230925 J.Biden Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors.mp3
    33. 20230925 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors.mp3
    34. 20230926 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    35. 20230926 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    36. 20230928 Diversity in Higher Education.mp3
    37. 20230928 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    38. 20230928 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    39. 20231004 J.Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt.mp3
    40. 20231004 Joe Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt.mp3
    41. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Eliminated.mp3
    42. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Get Elimin.mp3
    43. 20231011 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    44. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    45. 20231012 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 13 shows – 333 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 7 minutes
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      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    3. 20231017 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour.mp3
    4. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise Am Democracy.mp3
    5. 20240221 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    6. 20240304 Mike DeWine Major Technical Education Grants.mp3
    7. 20240408 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    8. 20240408 Kamala Harris Cancelling Student Debt.mp3
    9. 20240430 Donald Trump College Campus Protests.mp3
    10. 20240430 NYPD Enters Columbia University.mp3
    11. 20240501 Bernie Sanders Student Protest.mp3
    12. 20240501 Fight Breaks Out at UCLA.mp3
    13. 20240501 Police Move in to Break Up UCLA Protest.mp3
    14. 20240502 Joe Biden Protests on College Campuses.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    605 recordings on 257 Audio CDs. Total playtime 228 hours, 7 min
    605 recordings on 257 Audio CDs
    total playtime 228 hours, 7 min

    Education in America Disc A001

    1. 19440000 Air Force Navy Dept Gi Bill Readjustment Act
    2. 19440111 Franklin D Roosevelt Second Bill Rights
    3. 19470701 Walter Kieran Third of Nation are Dummies
    4. 19550000 Dwight Eisenhower WH Conference on Education
    5. 19570924 Eisenhower Deseg Little Rock Central Hs
    6. 19620323 Jfk Univ California Berkeley

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    Education in America Disc A002

    1. 19620608 Jfk Presenting Young American Medal
    2. 19620611 Jfk Yale Univ Commencement
    3. 19620912 Jfk Rice St Univ

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    Education in America Disc A003

    1. 19620929 Jfk Desegregation Univ Mississippi
    2. 19620930 JFK Address on Univ of Mississippi Crisis
    3. 19630606 Jfk San Diego St Univ Commencement
    4. 19630611 Gwallace Confrontation Integration Univ Al

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    Education in America Disc A004

    1. 19630611 Jfk American Univ Commencement
    2. 19630611 Jfk Desegregation Univ Al
    3. 19630724 Jfk Address To Boys Nation

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    Education in America Disc A005

    1. 19631019 John F. Kennedy University of Maine

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    Education in America Disc A006

    1. 19640110 Gwallace Ucla On Civil Rights

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    Education in America Disc A007

    1. 19640522 Lbj Univ Mi Commencement
    2. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Head Start To Confidence
    3. 19650000 Office Economic Opp Volunteers Head Start
    4. 19650000 Office Economic Opphead Start Pancho

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    Education in America Disc A008

    1. 19650000 Office Economic Opportunity Head Start
    2. 19650411 LBJ Signs Elem Secondary Education Bill
    3. 19650518 Lbj Project Head Start

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    Education in America Disc A009

    1. 19650604 Lbj Howard Univ Commencement
    2. 19670000 CBS Special the Class of 01

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    Education in America Disc A010

    1. 19670928 Reagan Melick Library Dedication Eureka Clg
    2. 19670928 Reagan Press Conf Eureka College

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    Education in America Disc A011

    1. 19671026 Ronald Reagan Higher Edu Contemp America

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    Education in America Disc A012

    1. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 1
    2. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 2
    3. 19671207 Reagan Yale Saint Anthony Hall Pt 3
    4. 19680321 Rfk John Glenn Vanderbilt Univ

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    Education in America Disc A013

    1. 19680404 Robert F Kennedy Ball St Univ

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    Education in America Disc A014

    1. 19680503 Hubert Humphrey Kent St Univ

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    Education in America Disc A015

    1. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 1
    2. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Admin Building Kent St Pt 2
    3. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A016

    1. 19690408 Stdts Soc Rally Stdt Union Bwmn Kent St Pt 2
    2. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A017

    1. 19690416 Stdts Soc Rally Music Kent St Pt 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A018

    1. 19690417 Stdts Dmc Soc Rally Fred Fuller Park Kent Oh
    2. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A019

    1. 19690515 California Ntnl Guard Berkeley Riots Pt 2
    2. 19690515 Reagan Riots Berkeley
    3. 19690520 Stdts Dem Soc Religious Demo Kent State
    4. 19690531 H.clinton Wellesley College Commencement

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A020

    1. 19690604 Nixon Us Air Force Academy Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A021

    1. 19700000 Walter H Judd Communists On Campus
    2. 19700502 Wksu News Perspective Stdt Protest Kent

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A022

    1. 1970050203 Wksu Live Rotc Burning Violation Curfew

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A023

    1. 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conf Kent City Firehouse
    2. 19700503 Robert White Statement On Campus Disorder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A024

    1. 19700504 Barclay Mcmillen Polsci Lecture 11am Kent St
    2. 19700504 Robert White Statement Shooting Kent State
    3. 19700504 Stdt Body Reaction Shootings Kent St Univ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A025

    1. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A026

    1. 19700504 Wksu Live On Scenes Coverage Noon Rally Pt 2
    2. 19700506 Robert White When Kent St Would Reopen

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    Education in America Disc A027

    1. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A028

    1. 19700506 Wkyc A.douglas Recap Campus Unrest Kent Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A029

    1. 19700508 Robert White Meeting With Kent St Faculty

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    Education in America Disc A030

    1. 19700509 Robert White Interview B.carpenter M.howard
    2. 19700515 Ronald Kane Press Conf Seizing Items Dorm

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    Education in America Disc A031

    1. 19700515 Walter Cronkite Cbs Campus Unrest Kent State
    2. 19700518 Robert White Future Kent St Univ
    3. 19700518 Robert White Stmt Meeting Rep Jw.stanton

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    Education in America Disc A032

    1. 19700522 Robert White Q Advisory Board Twin Lakes Cc

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    Education in America Disc A033

    1. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A034

    1. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 2
    2. 19700613 Kent St Univ Commencement Ceremony Pt 4

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A035

    1. 19700613 Robert White Press Conf Spring Qtr Cmmcmnt
    2. 19700613 Ronald Beer Plans Open Kent St Summer Qtr
    3. 19700925 Robert White Press Conf Desc Campus Sec

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A036

    1. 19701002 Sargent Shriver Think Week
    2. 19701016 Robert White Kent St Stdt Body Grand Jury
    3. 19701020 Craig Morgan Kent 25 Indictment Rally

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    Education in America Disc A037

    1. 19701021 Robert White Stdt Body Gag Rule Grand Jury
    2. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 1
    3. 19701109 Robert White Statement On Grand Jury Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A038

    1. 19701208 John J Gilligan Stdt Faculty Kent St Univ

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    Education in America Disc A039

    1. 19710504 Bob Carpenter Sit Rockwell Hall Kent St Univ
    2. 19710510 Dick Cavett Should Sex Ed Taught Schools

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    Education in America Disc A040

    1. 19710800 Glenn Olds First Press Conf Kent St Pres

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    Education in America Disc A041

    1. 19710930 Glenn Olds Fall 1971 Convocation

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    Education in America Disc A042

    1. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A043

    1. 19711004 Glenn Olds Wither Ksu Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A044

    1. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt1

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    Education in America Disc A045

    1. 19711005 Kent St Student Fac Relations Higher Ed Pt2
    2. 1971120708 Chic Canfora Kent 25 Charges Dropped

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A046

    1. 19721204 Lbj Lbj School Public Affairs
    2. 19730608 Nixon Univ Central Fl Commencement
    3. 19740821 Gerald Ford Signs 25 Billion Us Ed Bill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A047

    1. 19770522 J.carter Univ Notre Dame Commencement
    2. 19790517 Jimmy Carter 25th Anniv Brown v Board Ed
    3. 19801017 Reagan Eureka College Pep Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A048

    1. 19810517 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Commencement
    2. 19810527 Reagan West Point Commencement
    3. 19820415 Talk 8th Graders St Peters Catholic School

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    Education in America Disc A049

    1. 19820424 Reagan Radio Address On Tuition Tax Credit
    2. 19820509 Reagan Eureka College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A050

    1. 19820510 Reagan Q Stdts Providence St Mel HS
    2. 19820925 Reagan Candle Lighting Ceremony Prayer
    3. 19830312 Reagan Radio Address On Education
    4. 19830407 Reagan National Catholic Ed Association

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A051

    1. 19830426 Reagan Commission Excllnc Education Risk
    2. 19830523 Reagan Remarks To HS Valedictorians
    3. 19830523 Reagan Seton Hall Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A052

    1. 19830609 Reagan Ntnl Commission Excellence Education
    2. 19830625 Reagan Radio Address On Education

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    Education in America Disc A053

    1. 19830629 Reagan Visit To Shawnee Mission Northwest HS
    2. 19830920 Reagan Univ South Carolina

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A054

    1. 19830928 Reagan Excellence Education Awards
    2. 19831208 Reagan Ntnl Forum On Excellence Education
    3. 19840107 Reagan Radio Address On School Violence
    4. 19840225 Reagan Radio Address On School Prayer
    5. 19840312 Reagan Q Stdts Congress Heights Elementary
    6. 19840512 Reagan Radio Address On Education

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A055

    1. 19840530 Reagan Us Air Force Acad Commencement
    2. 19840619 Reagan Presidential Scholars Awards
    3. 19840908 Reagan Radio Address On Education
    4. 19840921 Reagan Drug Abuse Education

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    Education in America Disc A056

    1. 19850522 Reagan Us Naval Academy Commencement
    2. 19850824 Reagan Radio Address On Education

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    Education in America Disc A057

    1. 19860304 Reagan Dept Ed Report Improving Education
    2. 19860520 Nancy Reagan Just Say No
    3. 19860604 Reagan Marine Basic Train Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A058

    1. 19860619 Reagan Glassboro Hs Commencement
    2. 19860906 Reagan Radio Address On Education
    3. 19860912 Reagan Elem Recognition Program Honorees

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    Education in America Disc A059

    1. 19860923 Reagan Eureka College Fundraising Dinner
    2. 19870202 Reagan Penn State
    3. 19870326 Reagan Dept Ed Conf Hickman HS

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    Education in America Disc A060

    1. 19870326 Reagan Visit To Hickman HS
    2. 19870401 Reagan Visit To College Physicians

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    Education in America Disc A061

    1. 19870409 Reagan Visit To Purdue Univ
    2. 19870516 Reagan Uniformed Serv Univ Sci Cmncmnt

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    Education in America Disc A062

    1. 19870519 Reagan Chattanooga City Schools Commencement
    2. 19870520 Reagan Report On Improving Education
    3. 19870601 Reagan Elem Const Essay Contest Winners

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    Education in America Disc A063

    1. 19871028 Reagan Us Military Academy
    2. 19871118 Reagan Math Science Teaching Awards

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    Education in America Disc A064

    1. 19880120 Reagan Visit To Suitland HS
    2. 19880411 Reagan Univ Kansas Mens Louisiana Tech

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    Education in America Disc A065

    1. 19880518 Reagan Us Coast Guard Commencement
    2. 19880605 Trump Lehigh Univ Commencement
    3. 19880809 Reagan Resignation Bill Bennett Sec Ed

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    Education in America Disc A066

    1. 19880909 Reagan Youth 2000 Week
    2. 19880910 Reagan Radio Address On Education
    3. 19880920 Reagan Swearing Lauro Cavazos Sec Ed
    4. 19881012 Reagan Visit To Upper Darby HS
    5. 19881015 Nancy Reagan Just Say No Mssg World Series

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    Education in America Disc A067

    1. 19881019 Reagan Ohio St Univ
    2. 19890110 Reagan Choice Education
    3. 19890118 Reagan Univ Notre Dame Football Team

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    Education in America Disc A068

    1. 19890505 George Hw Bush Texas M Commencement
    2. 19890911 George HW Bush Vocational Ed Award Ceremony
    3. 19900504 George Hw Bush Oklahoma St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A069

    1. 19900601 Barbara Bush Wellesley College Commencement
    2. 19910504 George Hw Bush Univ Mi Commencement
    3. 19920517 George Hw Bush Univ Notre Dame Commencement

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Education in America Disc A070

    1. 19920529 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College Commncment
    2. 19930105 George Hw Bush West Point
    3. 19930128 Clinton Honoring J.Hatton School Principal

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    Education in America Disc A071

    1. 19930221 Bill Clinton Santa Monica College
    2. 19930420 Bill Clinton Teacher Year Award

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    Education in America Disc A072

    1. 19930514 Bill Clinton Blue Ribbon School Ceremony
    2. 19930707 Bill Clinton Waseda Univ

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    Education in America Disc A073

    1. 19930921 Bill Clinton National Service Bill Signing

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    Education in America Disc A074

    1. 19931012 Clinton Univ North Carolina Bicentennial

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    Education in America Disc A075

    1. 19940331 Bill Clinton Signing Goals 2000 Act
    2. 19940504 Clinton School Work Opportunities Act

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    Education in America Disc A076

    1. 19940516 Bill Clinton Goals 2000

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    Education in America Disc A077

    1. 19940517 Clinton Q Stdts On Brown Vs Board Education
    2. 19940522 George Hw Bush Univ Houston Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A078

    1. 19940912 Bill Clinton Swearing First Americorps
    2. 19940912 Clinton Swearing First Americorps Volunteers

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    Education in America Disc A079

    1. 19950110 Bill Clinton Sandburg Community College
    2. 19950117 Bill Clinton California St Univ Northridge

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    Education in America Disc A080

    1. 19950305 Bill Clinton Youngstown St Univ Ftbll
    2. 19950309 Bill Clinton School Lunch Program

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    Education in America Disc A081

    1. 19950323 Bill Clinton College Press Forum
    2. 19950517 Hillary Clinton Message Ak Math Sciences
    3. 19950912 Bill Clinton First Anniversary Americorps

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    Education in America Disc A082

    1. 19960202 Bill Clinton, the Future of Education

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    Education in America Disc A083

    1. 19960217 Bill Clinton, College Affordability
    2. 19960217 Bill Clinton, Direct Student Loan Program

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    Education in America Disc A084

    1. 19960217 Bill Clinton, the Cost of Higher Education
    2. 19960522 GHW Bush Johns Hopkins Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A085

    1. 19960607 Al Gore Mit Commencement
    2. 19960711 Bill Clinton School Reconstruction Event

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    Education in America Disc A086

    1. 19960925 Bill Clinton Robert Morris College

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    Education in America Disc A087

    1. 19961101 Bill Clinton, Importance of Community Colleges

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    Education in America Disc A088

    1. 19970402 Bill Clinton Education Roundtable

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    Education in America Disc A089

    1. 19970417 Hillary Clinton WH Conf Childhood Dev

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    Education in America Disc A090

    1. 19970531 Bill Clinton West Point Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A091

    1. 19970604 Clinton Signing Indiv Disabilities Ed Act

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    Education in America Disc A092

    1. 19970617 Clinton Strengthening Enforcement Title Ix
    2. 19971021 Bill Clinton America Reads Initiative

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    Education in America Disc A093

    1. 19980126 Bill Clinton School Child Care Initiative
    2. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative
    3. 19980416 Al Gore Making School Child Care Count

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    Education in America Disc A094

    1. 19980508 GHW Barbara Bush Univ Miami Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A095

    1. 19980603 Elizabeth Dole Harvard Univ Jfk School Gov

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    Education in America Disc A096

    1. 19980608 Bill Clinton Mit Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A097

    1. 19980613 Bill Clinton Portland St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A098

    1. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards

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    Education in America Disc A099

    1. 19981106 Bill Clinton Little Rock Central HS Historic

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    Education in America Disc A100

    1. 19981112 Bill Clinton Childcare School Care Event
    2. 19990420 Bill Clinton Statement Columbine HS Shooting
    3. 19990425 Al Gore Columbine HS Memorial

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    Education in America Disc A101

    1. 19990520 Bill Clinton Address Columbine HS Community

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    Education in America Disc A102

    1. 19990523 Bill Clinton Grambling St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A103

    1. 19990523 Jfk Jr Washington College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A104

    1. 19990625 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards

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    Education in America Disc A105

    1. 19990817 Hillary Clinton School Violence

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    Education in America Disc A106

    1. 19990927 Bill Clinton Sophie B Wright New Orleans La
    2. 19990930 Bill Clinton National Education Summit

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    Education in America Disc A107

    1. 19991020 Bill Clinton Fifth Anniversary Americorps

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    Education in America Disc A108

    1. 19991022 Bill Clinton Ntnl Brd ProfTeaching Standards
    2. 19991111 Bill Clinton Education Appropriations
    3. 19991209 Bill Clinton Digital Divide

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    Education in America Disc A109

    1. 20130214 Obama HQ Preschool Best Bang
    2. 20130219 Biden Reducing Gun Violence

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    Education in America Disc A110

    1. 20130422 Obama White House Science Fair
    2. 20130505 Obama Ohio St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A111

    1. 20130513 Biden Univ Pennsylvania Commencement
    2. 20130514 M.Obama Eastern KY Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A112

    1. 20130518 Michelle Obama Mlk Jr Magnet HS Commencement
    2. 20130520 Obama Morehouse College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A113

    1. 20130524 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement
    2. 20130606 Obama Technology Schools

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    Education in America Disc A114

    1. 20130724 Obama Education Economy

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    Education in America Disc A115

    1. 20130813 Obama Biden College Affordability

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    Education in America Disc A116

    1. 20130823 Barack Obama College Affordability

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    Education in America Disc A117

    1. 20131112 Michelle Obama Power Education
    2. 20140407 Obama Education HS Redesign

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    Education in America Disc A118

    1. 20140429 Biden Budget Econ Policy Gwashington Univ
    2. 20140429 Biden Preventing Campus Sexual Assault

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    Education in America Disc A119

    1. 20140503 Biden Miami Dade Colle Commencement
    2. 20140509 Biden Univ South Carolina Commencement
    3. 20140522 Jill Biden Villanova Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A120

    1. 20140524 Nancy Pelosi Bard College Commencement
    2. 20140527 Obama White House Science Fair

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    Education in America Disc A121

    1. 20140528 Obama West Point Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A122

    1. 20140531 Biden Univ Delaware Commencement
    2. 20140531 Nancy Pelosi Presidio Graduate Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A123

    1. 20140611 Obama Tumblr Education College Affordability

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    Education in America Disc A124

    1. 20140614 Obama Univ California Irvine Commencement
    2. 20140806 Jill Biden Creating Opp Young Women Leaders
    3. 20140816 Obama Everyone Should Afford Higher Ed

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    Education in America Disc A125

    1. 20140908 B.Clinton Gw Bush Pres Leadership Scholars
    2. 20140916 Jill Biden Intl Congress Vocl Ed Training
    3. 20140917 Obama Talks 1st Grade Tinker Elementary

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    Education in America Disc A126

    1. 20141210 Obama Early Education Summit

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    Education in America Disc A127

    1. 20150323 Obama White House Science Fair
    2. 20150505 W.Mondale Concordia College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A128

    1. 20150508 Obama Lake Area Tech Inst Commencement
    2. 20150512 Michelle Obama Tuskegee Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A129

    1. 20150517 Biden Yale Class Day
    2. 20150519 Bernie Sanders Introduces Bills Free Ed

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    Education in America Disc A130

    1. 20150520 Obama Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement
    2. 20150521 Caroline Kennedy Columbia Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A131

    1. 20150525 Michelle Obama Oberlin College Commencement
    2. 20150601 Biden Us Naval Academy Commencement
    3. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A132

    1. 20150610 N.Pelosi San Jose St Univ Commencement Pt 2
    2. 20150715 Bernie Sanders Floor On Education
    3. 20150914 Bernie Sanders Liberty University
    4. 20151015 Obama Education Excellence Hispanics
    5. 20151026 Michelle Obama Wheels Education Akron Ohio

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    Education in America Disc A133

    1. 20160507 Clinton Loyola Marymount Univ Commencement
    2. 20160507 Obama Howard Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A134

    1. 20160513 Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A135

    1. 20160515 Obama Rutgers Univ Commencement
    2. 20160516 Biden Univ Notre Dame Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A136

    1. 20160523 Biden West Point Commencement
    2. 20160524 Michelle Obama Jackson St Univ Commencement
    3. 20160602 Laura Bush Summer Reading

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    Education in America Disc A137

    1. 20160603 Michelle Obama City College NY Commencement
    2. 20160705 Hillary Clinton Nea Representative Assembly
    3. 20160706 Bernie Sanders Press Conf On Stdt Debt

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    Education in America Disc A138

    1. 20160802 Jill Biden Educationusa Forum
    2. 20160822 Trump Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena

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    Education in America Disc A139

    1. 20160917 Bernie Sanders Kent State University

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    Education in America Disc A140

    1. 20161003 H.Clinton Univ Akron James Rhodes Arena

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    Education in America Disc A141

    1. 20161011 H.Clinton A.Gore Climate Change Miami Dade

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    Education in America Disc A142

    1. 20161031 Hillary Clinton Kent St Univ
    2. 20161103 Bernie Sanders Youngstown State University

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    Education in America Disc A143

    1. 20161215 White House Hidden Figures Event
    2. 20170105 Biden Its On Us Campus Sexual Assault Summit

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    Education in America Disc A144

    1. 20170118 Bernie Sanders Questions Betsy Devos
    2. 20170214 Trump Parent Teacher Conf Listening Session

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    Education in America Disc A145

    1. 20170323 Newt Gingrich Rider Univ
    2. 20170424 Barbara Bush Celebration Reading

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    Education in America Disc A146

    1. 20170503 Trump Mike Pence School Choice Event
    2. 20170513 Kamala Harris Howard Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A147

    1. 20170513 Trump Liberty Univ Commencement
    2. 20170518 Biden Morgan St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A148

    1. 20170518 Trump Us Coast Guard Academy Commencement
    2. 20170521 Mike Pence Univ Notre Dame Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A149

    1. 20170524 Biden Harvard University Class Day

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    Education in America Disc A150

    1. 20170526 Hillary Clinton Wellesley College
    2. 20170526 Mike Pence Us Navel Academy Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A151

    1. 20171030 Biden Strengthen Ptnerships Conf Univ DE
    2. 20180215 Trump Shooting M.Stoneman Douglas HS Fl

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    Education in America Disc A152

    1. 20180222 Trump School Safety
    2. 20180227 Trump White House Initiatives On Hbcus

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    Education in America Disc A153

    1. 20180410 Trump Ncaa Football Champions Univ Al

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    Education in America Disc A154

    1. 20180426 Al Gore Lecture Series Wellesley College

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    Education in America Disc A155

    1. 20180512 Mike Pence Hillsdale College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A156

    1. 20180519 Jimmy Carter Liberty Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A157

    1. 20180520 Hillary Clinton Yale Class Day
    2. 20180523 Mike Pence Us Coast Guard Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A158

    1. 20180525 Trump Us Naval Academy Commencement
    2. 20190211 Missouri Valley Schools Late Start School
    3. 20190511 Mike Pence Liberty Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A159

    1. 20190518 Mike Pence Taylor Univ Commencement
    2. 20190523 Al Gore Columbia Univ Mailman School Health

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    Education in America Disc A160

    1. 20190525 Mike Pence Us Military Academy Commencement
    2. 20190529 Al Gore Harvard Univ Class Day

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    Education in America Disc A161

    1. 20190529 Hillary Clinton Hunter College Commencement
    2. 20190530 Trump Us Air Force Academy Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A162

    1. 20190531 Nancy Pelosi SF St Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A163

    1. 20190725 Bernie Sanders Utla Leadership Conf

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    Education in America Disc A164

    1. 20190919 Bernie Sanders College of Charleston

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    Education in America Disc A165

    1. 20190922 Bernie Sanders University of Oklahoma

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    Education in America Disc A166

    1. 20190925 Beto Orourke Kent St Univ

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    Education in America Disc A167

    1. 20190929 Bernie Sanders Plymouth State University

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    Education in America Disc A168

    1. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A169

    1. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A170

    1. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 3

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    Education in America Disc A171

    1. 20191012 NCanton Hoover Vikings Uniontown Streak Pt 4
    2. 20191214 Bernie Sanders Public Education Forum

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    Education in America Disc A172

    1. 20200418 Mike Pence Us Air Force Academy Commencement
    2. 20200502 Al Gore Message To Graduates Univ Mi
    3. 20200516 Biden Message To Delaware St Univ Graduates
    4. 20200516 Bill Clinton Message To Class 2020
    5. 20200516 Obama Message To Hbcu Graduates
    6. 20200517 Nancy Pelosi Smith College Commencement
    7. 20200520 Biden Columbia Law School Commencement
    8. 20200521 Melania Trump Message To Stdts On Covid
    9. 20200522 Missouri Valley Schools End School Year
    10. 20200523 Melania Trump Message To 2020 Graduates

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    Education in America Disc A173

    1. 20200607 Condoleezza Rice Dear Class 2020 Message
    2. 20200607 Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message
    3. 20200607 Obama Dear Class 2020 Message
    4. 20200607 Obama Michelle Obama Dear Class 2020 Message

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    Education in America Disc A174

    1. 20200611 Waterville HS Graduation Waterville Me

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    Education in America Disc A175

    1. 20200613 Trump West Point Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A176

    1. 20200623 Mike Pence School Choice Roundtable

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    Education in America Disc A177

    1. 20200812 Trump Getting Americas Children Back School
    2. 20200902 Biden Covid Its Effect On Schools

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    Education in America Disc A178

    1. 20200904 T.Hartmann Hidden History Monopolies

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    Education in America Disc A179

    1. 20200908 Jill Biden Back To School Event
    2. 20210114 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow
    3. 20210125 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow
    4. 20210126 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow

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    Education in America Disc A180

    1. 20210204 T.Hartmann Hidden History American Oligarchy
    2. 20210216 Missouri Valley Schools No School Tomorrow

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    Education in America Disc A181

    1. 20210224 ID Falls School Brd Debate Over Wearing Mask
    2. 20210309 Todd Diacon Hazing on College Campuses
    3. 20210310 Jill Biden Power Teaching
    4. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ James Cancer Hospital

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    Education in America Disc A182

    1. 20210323 Biden Ohio St Univ
    2. 20210326 Kamala Harris Early Childhood Development
    3. 20210415 Kamala Harris Historic Investment Child Care

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    Education in America Disc A183

    1. 20210503 Biden Jill Biden Tidewater Community College
    2. 20210514 Jill Biden George Mason Univ Commencement
    3. 20210519 Biden Us Coast Guard Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A184

    1. 20210525 Kamala Harris HS Class 2021 Message
    2. 20210528 Kamala Harris Us Navel Ac Commencement
    3. 20210604 Biden Message To Class 2021
    4. 20210616 Jill Biden Rammstein Commencement
    5. 20210702 Biden Jill Biden Thank Educators Covid19

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    Education in America Disc A185

    1. 20210713 Jill Biden Advice Community College Stdts
    2. 20210810 Williams County Tn Will Not Comply Meeting
    3. 20210819 Ron Desantis Palm Beach Mandate Dsappnting
    4. 20210820 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools
    5. 20210822 Missouri Valley Schools Welcome Back
    6. 20210825 Ron Desantis Mask Mandate Fl Schools

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    Education in America Disc A186

    1. 20210908 T.Hartmann Hidden History Am Healthcare

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    Education in America Disc A187

    1. 20210910 Biden Jill Biden Keeping Stdts Safe Clsrm
    2. 20210910 Hillary Clinton Memories September 11 2001

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    Education in America Disc A188

    1. 20210910 Kamala Harris National Hbcu Week Stem

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    Education in America Disc A189

    1. 20210911 Biden Unscheduled Visit Fd Shanksville Pa
    2. 20210911 D.pakman Gw Bush Trump Supporters Terrorists
    3. 20210911 Trump Calls 21 Days Prayer Let Us Worship
    4. 20210911 Trump Visits New York City Firefighters
    5. 20210913 D.pakman Giuliani Claims Not Drunk Dinner
    6. 20210913 S.miller Trump Anniversary Honor Himself

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    Education in America Disc A190

    1. 20210914 Trump Gw Bush Owes Country An Apology
    2. 20211015 Biden Univ CT Ded Dodd Center
    3. 20211118 T.Hartmann New Leave It Beaver Sth Strategy

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    Education in America Disc A191

    1. 20211217 Biden SC St Univ Winter Commncmnt
    2. 20220113 Brenton Hoesing No School Tomorrow
    3. 20220127 T.Hartmann War on Black History
    4. 20220201 T.Hartmann Moral Panic Morphed Book Burning
    5. 20220201 T.Hartmann Not Teach Blk History Child Abuse

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    Education in America Disc A192

    1. 20220203 T.Hartmann Student Debt Sabotage America
    2. 20220208 T.Hartmann Schools Out Gay Students Parents
    3. 20220214 T.Hartmann Cancel Student Debt Save Democcy
    4. 20220304 T.Hartmann Did Young People Forget Cold War

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    Education in America Disc A193

    1. 20220308 T.Hartmann Hidden History Big Brother US

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    Education in America Disc A194

    1. 20220316 K.Harris Making Communities Campuses Safer
    2. 20220328 Ron DeSantis Parental Rights Ed Act into Law

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    Education in America Disc A195

    1. 20220404 K.Harris Clean Energy Efficient School Bus
    2. 20220527 T.Hartmann Victims Communism Class
    3. 20220601 T.Hartmann 4th Turning
    4. 20220602 Kamala Harris Corinthian St Loan Forgiveness
    5. 20220609 T.Hartmann History 2nd Amendment
    6. 20220617 Jill Biden National PTA Convention

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    Education in America Disc A196

    1. 20220617 Lamar Waldron History Watergate
    2. 20220623 J.Biden 50th Anniversary Title IX
    3. 20220808 K.Harris Reproductive Htlh College Campuses

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    Education in America Disc A197

    1. 20220824 Biden Student Loan Debt
    2. 20220825 T.Hartmann Hidden History of Student Debt
    3. 20221017 J.Biden Student Debt Relief Portal Beta
    4. 20221021 J.Biden Student Debt Relief

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    Education in America Disc A198

    1. 20221103 J.Biden Student Debt Relief
    2. 20230228 Dept of Ed vs Brow Oral Argument
    3. 20230609 J.Jill Biden Carer Cntd Learn Training
    4. 20230629 J.Biden SCOTUS Decision Affirmative Action

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    Education in America Disc A199

    1. 20230629 Randi Rhodes Diversity Declined
    2. 20230630 J.Biden SCOTUS Desc Student Debt Relief
    3. 20230630 John Fugelsang Legacy Admittance
    4. 20230702 Brian Cohen Binders Plan B Stdnt Loan Forgiv

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    Education in America Disc A200

    1. 20230704 J.and Jill Biden NEA Convention
    2. 20230706 T.Hartmann Student Debt Crime Ag Future
    3. 20230721 K.Harris FL State BOE Curriculum Updates

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    Education in America Disc A201

    1. 20230725 Bernie Sanders 886 Billion Dollar Def Budget
    2. 20230817 Sarah Huckabee Sanders Get Back to Basics
    3. 20230821 Luke Beasley Attack on Black History in AR
    4. 20230822 J.Biden the Save Plan
    5. 20230913 D.Trump 10 Principles J.Biden Great Schools

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    Education in America Disc A202

    1. 20230914 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A203

    1. 20230915 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A204

    1. 20230919 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20230925 J.Biden Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors

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    Education in America Disc A205

    1. 20230925 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris HBCU Advisors
    2. 20230926 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A206

    1. 20230926 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A207

    1. 20230928 Diversity in Higher Education

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    Education in America Disc A208

    1. 20230928 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A209

    1. 20230928 K.Harris Fight Our Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231004 J.Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt

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    Education in America Disc A210

    1. 20231004 Joe Biden Effects to Cancel Student Debt
    2. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Eliminated
    3. 20231005 T.Hartmann Did More Student Debt Get Elimin

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    Education in America Disc A211

    1. 20231011 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A212

    1. 20231011 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A213

    1. 20231012 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A214

    1. 20231012 Kamala Harris Fight Freedoms College Tour

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    Education in America Disc A215

    1. 20231017 K.Harris Fight J.Biden Freedoms College Tour
    2. 20231023 T.Hartmann Great Demise Am Democracy

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    Education in America Disc A216

    1. 20240221 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt
    2. 20240304 Mike DeWine Major Technical Education Grants
    3. 20240408 Joe Biden Cancelling Student Debt

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    Education in America Disc A217

    1. 20240408 Kamala Harris Cancelling Student Debt
    2. 20240430 Donald Trump College Campus Protests
    3. 20240501 Bernie Sanders Student Protest
    4. 20240502 Joe Biden Protests on College Campuses

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    Education in America Disc A218

    1. 20000504 Bill Clinton Channel One Web Chat

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    Education in America Disc A219

    1. 20000926 Bill Clinton Georgetown Univ Law School

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    Education in America Disc A220

    1. 20001024 Bill Clinton Leg Agenda School Const and Ed

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    Education in America Disc A221

    1. 20001201 Bill Clinton Howard Univ On World Aids Day
    2. 20010522 Gw Bush Yale Univ Commencement
    3. 20010911 Gw Bush Emma E Booker Elementary School

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    Education in America Disc A222

    1. 20011007 Bill Clinton Yale Univ Tercentennial
    2. 20020108 Gw Bush Signs No Child Left Behind Act

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    Education in America Disc A223

    1. 20030521 Biden Emerson College Commencement
    2. 20040521 Trump Wagner Univ Commencement
    3. 20050604 Gw Bush Calvin College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A224

    1. 20060513 GHW Bush Bill Clinton Tulane Univ Cmmncmnt
    2. 20060616 Ted Kennedy Reading Senator Me Ps11
    3. 20070417 Gw Bush Virginia Tech Shooting

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    Education in America Disc A225

    1. 20070428 Gw Bush Miami Dade College Commencement
    2. 20070512 Nancy Pelosi Webster Univ Commencement
    3. 20070607 Bill Clinton Harvard Univ Class Day

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    Education in America Disc A226

    1. 20080330 Tom Vilsack Harvard Univ Ash Center
    2. 20080423 Lois Capps Testimony Abstinence Only Ed
    3. 20080503 N.Pelosi Miami Dade College North Cmmncmnt
    4. 20080517 George Hw Bush Bryant Univ Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A227

    1. 20080518 Al Gore Carnegie Mellon Univ Commencement
    2. 20080927 Laura Bush National Book Festival
    3. 20081212 EM Kennedy Harvard Univ Doctor Laws Degree

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    Education in America Disc A228

    1. 20081212 GW GHW Barbara Bush TX AM Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A229

    1. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A230

    1. 20090318 Newt Gingrich Tulane J.Carville Pol Sci Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A231

    1. 20090424 Obama Opening Doors Higher Education
    2. 20090504 Biden Wind Energy Univ Delaware

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    Education in America Disc A232

    1. 20090510 Biden Syracuse Univ Commencement
    2. 20090513 Hillary Clinton New York Univ Commencement
    3. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 1

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    Education in America Disc A233

    1. 20090513 Kamala Harris Ucla Law Commencement Pt 2
    2. 20090513 Obama Arizona St Univ Commencement
    3. 20090517 Obama Univ Notre Dame Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A234

    1. 20090518 Hillary Clinton Barnard College Commencement
    2. 20090522 Obama Us Naval Academy Commencement
    3. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 1
    4. 20090523 Kamala Harris Univ SF Commencement Pt 2

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    Education in America Disc A235

    1. 20090724 Obama Race To Top
    2. 20090803 Obama Post 911 Gi Bill

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    Education in America Disc A236

    1. 20091008 Newt Gingrich Harvard Univ Kennedy Schl Gov

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    Education in America Disc A237

    1. 20091104 Obama Race To Top Fund
    2. 20100218 Obama Race To Top HS Commencement Challenge
    3. 20100226 Obama Strengthening Hbcus
    4. 20100329 Jill Biden Good News Higher Education

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    Education in America Disc A238

    1. 20100501 Bill Clinton Miami Dade College Commencement
    2. 20100501 Obama Univ Mi Commencement
    3. 20100504 Arne Duncan Race Top HS Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A239

    1. 20100509 Obama Hampton Univ Commencement
    2. 20100514 Al Gore College Arts Sciences Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A240

    1. 20100522 Obama West Point Commencement
    2. 20100527 Michelle Obama Leadership Mentoring

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    Education in America Disc A241

    1. 20100604 Clinton Mailman Schl Public Health Cmmncmnt
    2. 20100607 Obama Kalamazoo Central HS Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A242

    1. 20100629 Jill Biden Teachers Columbia Univ Cmmncmnt
    2. 20100809 Obama Education Economic Issue Our Time
    3. 20100914 Obama Back To School

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    Education in America Disc A243

    1. 20100925 Laura Bush National Book Festival

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    Education in America Disc A244

    1. 20101005 B.Obama Jill Biden Community College Summit
    2. 20101019 Obama Ed Excellence Hispanic Americans

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    Education in America Disc A245

    1. 20110308 Obama Winning Future Through Education
    2. 20110411 Obama 8th Grader Altoona Middle School
    3. 20110429 Obama Miami Dade College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A246

    1. 20110509 Jimmy Carter Georgia St Univ Commencement
    2. 20110513 Beau Biden Syracuse Univ School Law Cmmncmnt
    3. 20110515 Michelle Obama Spelman College Commencement
    4. 20110515 Newt Gingrich Eureka College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A247

    1. 20110516 Obama Booker T Washington HS Commencement
    2. 20110519 Bill Clinton New York Univ Commencement
    3. 20110519 Jill Biden Mont County CC Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A248

    1. 20110520 Michelle Obama West Point Graduation Banquet
    2. 20110928 Obama Back To School

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    Education in America Disc A249

    1. 20111209 Biden College Affordability
    2. 20120102 Howie Chizek Cell Phones in the Classroom

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    Education in America Disc A250

    1. 20120329 Newt Gingrich Georgetown Univ
    2. 20120504 Obama College Affordability

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    Education in America Disc A251

    1. 20120505 Bill Clinton Columbia College Commencement
    2. 20120510 Biden College Affordability

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    Education in America Disc A252

    1. 20120511 K.Harris Univ CA Berkeley Law Commencement
    2. 20120511 Michelle Obama Virginia Tech Commencement
    3. 20120514 Obama Barnard College Commencement

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    Education in America Disc A253

    1. 20120515 Laura Bush Texas Book Festival

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    Education in America Disc A254

    1. 20120521 Obama Joplin HS Commencement
    2. 20120525 Obama Us Air Force Academy Commencement
    3. 20120926 Obama Kent St Univ Mac Center

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    Education in America Disc A255

    1. 20121003 Jill Biden Operation Educate Educators

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    Education in America Disc A256

    1. 20121114 Newt Gingrich KS St Univ Dole Institute Pol
    2. 20121214 Obama Statement Sandy Hook School Shooting

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    Education in America Disc A257

    1. 20121217 Obama Interfaith Vigil Sandy Hook Shooting
    2. 20121219 Obama Reducing Preventing Gun Violence

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