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Dimension X featured stories from some of the most well-known science fiction writers at the beginning of their career such as Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, and Isaac Asimov. The original stories were adapted by script writers, Ernest Kinoy and George Lefferts, as well as contributing their own original scripts.

Dimension X

50 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 23 hours, 56 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
25 Audio CDs

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"Dimension X Destination Moon"

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Stories of Wonder
Science fiction dramatic anthology (1950 - 1951)

Dimension XAdventures in time and space
told in future tense!

With the echoing DIMENSION X-X-X-X, you knew you were about to be transported from your mundane, everyday existence somewhere completely different...possibly another planet. Dimension X featured stories from some of the most well-known science fiction writers at the beginning of their career such as Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, and Isaac Asimov. The original stories were adapted by script writers, Ernest Kinoy and George Lefferts, as well as contributing their own original scripts.

Before Dimension X, only one other adult-oriented science fiction show appeared on radio (Two Thousand Plus) but, with the well-known writers involved, the show had almost instant credibility with science fiction fans. Radio was an excellent medium for science fiction in the 1950s. It was easy to visit other planets, interact with aliens or fly in a space ship in your imagination. It wasn't so easy to bring to life on TV in the 1950s.

The show first aired April 8, 1950 and completed its run on September 29,1951 including a five-month hiatus in the middle. There were 50 episodes during the shows run.

For American old time radio science fiction shows, seeX Minus One, 2000+, Beyond Tomorrow and Exploring Tomorrow, as well as the classic old time juvenile serials, Buck Rogers.

There are also excellent sci-fi compilation available including Robots Collection, Sci Fi Listener's Favorites, Science Fiction Authors Collection, and Aliens, Martians, and UFO's Collection. For additional reading see also: Article on Science Fiction in Radio.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    44     4


    x minus one/dimension x absolutely my go to favorite shows.

    GP Verified Purchase

    Several episodes of this series are my absolute favorite.


    Listening to "Pebble in the Sky" -- the Dimension X episode from this date in 1951. As sci-fi as that show was, do you think anyone involved with making this episode could have imagined that some guy would be listening to it almost 70+ years later?

    Steve Verified Purchase

    Even more surprising to me, is that Don Wilson's Jello commercials on Jack Benny from the 1930s are still selling product! Case in point, my daughter. HAD to have some Jello after listening to an old episode of Jack. When she was 4!

    Dan Verified Purchase

    If marketing didn't work it wouldn't be a billion dollar/year industry.

    Bob Verified Purchase

    Is that the one that ends with the mom and kid wishing on a "shooting star?"

    Jack Verified Purchase

    No, that's Kaleidoscope with William Conrad.. heard that one about 25 or so years ago, it stuck with me. It’s very memorable, and tremendously sad.

    Harv Verified Purchase

    This is great fun, but the pronunciation of "robot" as "robutt", while hardly unique to DIMENSION X, is so irritating. Surely not a reason to avoid listening to this wonderful series, but having talked the matter over with a few other OTR listeners I was amused to discover we all had the same irritated reaction. So! Worth a mention. Great and pivotal show for 20th century sci-fi, great production value. The narrator sounds a bit more sinister than he has to, but again, hardly unique to DIMENSION X.

    Bryan Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite shows ever!!!

    April Verified Purchase

    Thank you for your efforts. Not only do you provide a service to history and historians, but you also remind us of a “kinder, gentler” time.

    Chad Verified Purchase

    As a big sci-fi fan this is a must have. Glad you make these shows available to us OTR fans.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    What is better than old time Sci-Fi? No limits to the imagination and inventiveness of these stories. And using your own images as you listen adds so much to the fun!

    Doug Verified Purchase

    There isn't a boring episode in the bunch.


    Terrific Sci-Fi program and amazingly broadcast in 1950 with really great plots . You might think a program this old wouldn't be very exciting -- BUT IT IS !

    Carl Verified Purchase

    I have all the X Minus One episodes and, although this series is very similar, I decided to add this to our Old Time Radio (OTR) collection. Many of the stories/scripts were used by both of these series but the acting/actors and the production is different and makes for some interesting comparison-listening for a collector's, like us. There are also some show unique to Dimension X that are a welcome addition to our collection!

    Mike Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 56 minutes
    2. Dimension X 500408 01 OuterLimit.mp3
    3. Dimension X 500415 02 WithFoldedHands.mp3
    4. Dimension X 500422 03 ReportOnBarnhouseEffect.mp3
    5. Dimension X 500429 04 NoContact.mp3
    6. Dimension X 500506 05 Knock.mp3
    7. Dimension X 500513 06 AlmostHuman.mp3
    8. Dimension X 500520 07 TheLostRace.mp3
    9. Dimension X 500527 08 ToTheFuture.mp3
    10. Dimension X 500603 09 Embassy.mp3
    11. Dimension X 500610 10 TheGreenHillsOfEarth.mp3
    12. Dimension X 500617 11 ThereWillComeSoftRainZeroHour.mp3
    13. Dimension X 500624 12 DestinationMoon.mp3
    14. Dimension X 500701 13 ALogicNamedJoe.mp3
    15. Dimension X 500707 14 MarsIsHeaven.mp3
    16. Dimension X 500714 15 TheManInTheMoon.mp3
    17. Dimension X 500721 16 BeyondInfinity.mp3
    18. Dimension X 500728 17 PottersOfFirsk.mp3
    19. Dimension X 500804 18 PerigisWonderfulDolls.mp3
    20. Dimension X 500811 TheCastaways.mp3
    21. Dimension X 500818 20 TheMartianChronicals.mp3
    22. Dimension X 500825 21 TheParade.mp3
    23. Dimension X 500901 22 TheRoadsMustRoll.mp3
    24. Dimension X 500908 23 TheOuterLimit.mp3
    25. Dimension X 500915 24 HelloTomorrow.mp3
    26. Dimension X 500922 25 DrGrimshawsSanitorium.mp3
    27. Dimension X 500929 26 AndTheMoonBeStillAsBright.mp3
    28. Dimension X 501028 27 NoContact.mp3
    29. Dimension X 501105 28 TheProfessorWasAThief.mp3
    30. Dimension X 501112 29 Shanghied.mp3
    31. Dimension X 501119 30 Competition.mp3
    32. Dimension X 501126 31 Universe.mp3
    33. Dimension X 501224 32 TheGreenHillsOfEarth.mp3
    34. Dimension X 510107 33 MarsIsHeaven.mp3
    35. Dimension X 510114 34 TheMartianDeathMarch.mp3
    36. Dimension X 510603 35 TheLastObjective.mp3
    37. Dimension X 510610 36 Nightmare.mp3
    38. Dimension X 510617 37 PebbleInTheSky.mp3
    39. Dimension X 510624 38 ChildsPlay.mp3
    40. Dimension X 510712 39 TimeAndTimeAgain.mp3
    41. Dimension X 510719 40 DwellersInSilence.mp3
    42. Dimension X 510726 41 Courtesy.mp3
    43. Dimension X 510802 42 Universe.mp3
    44. Dimension X 510809 43 Veldt.mp3
    45. Dimension X 510816 44 VitalFactor.mp3
    46. Dimension X 510823 45 UntitledStory.mp3
    47. Dimension X 510830 46 Marrionettes Inc.mp3
    48. Dimension X 510908 47 FirstContact.mp3
    49. Dimension X 510915 48 TheKaleidoscope.mp3
    50. Dimension X 510922 49 Requiem.mp3
    51. Dimension X 510929 50 Nightfall.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 56 minutes
    2. Dimension X 500408 01 OuterLimit.mp3
    3. Dimension X 500415 02 WithFoldedHands.mp3
    4. Dimension X 500422 03 ReportOnBarnhouseEffect.mp3
    5. Dimension X 500429 04 NoContact.mp3
    6. Dimension X 500506 05 Knock.mp3
    7. Dimension X 500513 06 AlmostHuman.mp3
    8. Dimension X 500520 07 TheLostRace.mp3
    9. Dimension X 500527 08 ToTheFuture.mp3
    10. Dimension X 500603 09 Embassy.mp3
    11. Dimension X 500610 10 TheGreenHillsOfEarth.mp3
    12. Dimension X 500617 11 ThereWillComeSoftRainZeroHour.mp3
    13. Dimension X 500624 12 DestinationMoon.mp3
    14. Dimension X 500701 13 ALogicNamedJoe.mp3
    15. Dimension X 500707 14 MarsIsHeaven.mp3
    16. Dimension X 500714 15 TheManInTheMoon.mp3
    17. Dimension X 500721 16 BeyondInfinity.mp3
    18. Dimension X 500728 17 PottersOfFirsk.mp3
    19. Dimension X 500804 18 PerigisWonderfulDolls.mp3
    20. Dimension X 500811 TheCastaways.mp3
    21. Dimension X 500818 20 TheMartianChronicals.mp3
    22. Dimension X 500825 21 TheParade.mp3
    23. Dimension X 500901 22 TheRoadsMustRoll.mp3
    24. Dimension X 500908 23 TheOuterLimit.mp3
    25. Dimension X 500915 24 HelloTomorrow.mp3
    26. Dimension X 500922 25 DrGrimshawsSanitorium.mp3
    27. Dimension X 500929 26 AndTheMoonBeStillAsBright.mp3
    28. Dimension X 501028 27 NoContact.mp3
    29. Dimension X 501105 28 TheProfessorWasAThief.mp3
    30. Dimension X 501112 29 Shanghied.mp3
    31. Dimension X 501119 30 Competition.mp3
    32. Dimension X 501126 31 Universe.mp3
    33. Dimension X 501224 32 TheGreenHillsOfEarth.mp3
    34. Dimension X 510107 33 MarsIsHeaven.mp3
    35. Dimension X 510114 34 TheMartianDeathMarch.mp3
    36. Dimension X 510603 35 TheLastObjective.mp3
    37. Dimension X 510610 36 Nightmare.mp3
    38. Dimension X 510617 37 PebbleInTheSky.mp3
    39. Dimension X 510624 38 ChildsPlay.mp3
    40. Dimension X 510712 39 TimeAndTimeAgain.mp3
    41. Dimension X 510719 40 DwellersInSilence.mp3
    42. Dimension X 510726 41 Courtesy.mp3
    43. Dimension X 510802 42 Universe.mp3
    44. Dimension X 510809 43 Veldt.mp3
    45. Dimension X 510816 44 VitalFactor.mp3
    46. Dimension X 510823 45 UntitledStory.mp3
    47. Dimension X 510830 46 Marrionettes Inc.mp3
    48. Dimension X 510908 47 FirstContact.mp3
    49. Dimension X 510915 48 TheKaleidoscope.mp3
    50. Dimension X 510922 49 Requiem.mp3
    51. Dimension X 510929 50 Nightfall.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    50 recordings on 25 Audio CDs. Total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    50 recordings on 25 Audio CDs
    total playtime 23 hours, 56 min

    Dimension X Disc A001

    1. Dimension X 500408 01 OuterLimit
    2. Dimension X 500415 02 WithFoldedHands

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A002

    1. Dimension X 500422 03 ReportOnBarnhouseEffect
    2. Dimension X 500429 04 NoContact

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A003

    1. Dimension X 500506 05 Knock
    2. Dimension X 500513 06 AlmostHuman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A004

    1. Dimension X 500520 07 TheLostRace
    2. Dimension X 500527 08 ToTheFuture

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A005

    1. Dimension X 500603 09 Embassy
    2. Dimension X 500610 10 TheGreenHillsOfEarth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A006

    1. Dimension X 500617 11 ThereWillComeSoftRainZeroHour
    2. Dimension X 500624 12 DestinationMoon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A007

    1. Dimension X 500701 13 ALogicNamedJoe
    2. Dimension X 500707 14 MarsIsHeaven

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A008

    1. Dimension X 500714 15 TheManInTheMoon
    2. Dimension X 500721 16 BeyondInfinity

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A009

    1. Dimension X 500728 17 PottersOfFirsk
    2. Dimension X 500804 18 PerigisWonderfulDolls

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A010

    1. Dimension X 500811 TheCastaways
    2. Dimension X 500818 20 TheMartianChronicals

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A011

    1. Dimension X 500825 21 TheParade
    2. Dimension X 500901 22 TheRoadsMustRoll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A012

    1. Dimension X 500908 23 TheOuterLimit
    2. Dimension X 500915 24 HelloTomorrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A013

    1. Dimension X 500922 25 DrGrimshawsSanitorium
    2. Dimension X 500929 26 AndTheMoonBeStillAsBright

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A014

    1. Dimension X 501028 27 NoContact
    2. Dimension X 501105 28 TheProfessorWasAThief

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A015

    1. Dimension X 501112 29 Shanghied
    2. Dimension X 501119 30 Competition

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A016

    1. Dimension X 501126 31 Universe
    2. Dimension X 501224 32 TheGreenHillsOfEarth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A017

    1. Dimension X 510107 33 MarsIsHeaven
    2. Dimension X 510114 34 TheMartianDeathMarch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A018

    1. Dimension X 510603 35 TheLastObjective
    2. Dimension X 510610 36 Nightmare

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A019

    1. Dimension X 510617 37 PebbleInTheSky
    2. Dimension X 510624 38 ChildsPlay

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A020

    1. Dimension X 510712 39 TimeAndTimeAgain
    2. Dimension X 510719 40 DwellersInSilence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A021

    1. Dimension X 510726 41 Courtesy
    2. Dimension X 510802 42 Universe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A022

    1. Dimension X 510809 43 Veldt
    2. Dimension X 510816 44 VitalFactor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A023

    1. Dimension X 510823 45 UntitledStory
    2. Dimension X 510830 46 Marrionettes Inc

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A024

    1. Dimension X 510908 47 FirstContact
    2. Dimension X 510915 48 TheKaleidoscope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dimension X Disc A025

    1. Dimension X 510922 49 Requiem
    2. Dimension X 510929 50 Nightfall

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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