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Deanna Durbin Collection

Hear the voice of the young songstress and film star as she appeared on Texaco Town, aside Bob Hope on Command Performance, The Jack Benny Show, Lux Radio Theater, and Screen Guild Theater in this compilation of her great radio appearances.

Deanna Durbin

65 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 33 hours, 13 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
34 Audio CDs

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"Deanna Durbin on Texaco Town's First Show"

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Deanna Durbin
(1921 – 2013)

Deanna Durbin

Songstress and Film Star, Deanna Durbin was born Edna Mae Durbin on Dec 4, 1921, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The family moved to Southern California in 1923. Her older sister Edith recognized the youngster's musical talents and helped her to attend the Ralph Thomas Academy for singing lessons.

Deanna DurbinWhile taking her lessons she came to the attention of MGM Executives, who offered her a movie contract. Her first picture was a short feature, Every Sunday (1936), with another young singing talent, Judy Garland. The project was an extended Screen Test for the two girls as MGM Exec's debated the wisdom of keeping two young girl singers on staff. By the time Louis B. Mayer decreed they both could stay Deanna's option had elapsed, and she quickly signed with Universal.

Deanna's first feature length production was Three Smart Girls (1936), which brought the studio back into solvency after a near bankrupting management shakeup. (The story on Three Smart Girls who go to New York to prevent their father's remarriage would later be repackaged in Disney's Parent Trap.)

Studio official Rufus LeMaire felt that his new star and her picture would benefit from radio exposure, so he invited him to the Trocadero Club to her Deanna sing. Eddie was impressed, but wasn't confident the young talent would fit into the new show he was developing, Texaco Town. Finally LeMaire agreed to pay Deanna's fee to get her a spot on the premier of the show. Just after she started work on Three Smart Girls, Eddie introduced Deanna as his "sixth daughter" and she sang Il Bacio. The Texaco Town mail box was soon stuffed with requests to hear the young girl with the big operatic voice sing more and she became a regular on the program.

Radio work made its own demands on the young singer. She wasn't always in agreement with orchestra leader Jack Renard about tempo, and developed the habit of beating out the tempo as she sang in an unconscious effort to speed or slow the orchestra-Deanna Durbin Miss Durbin was only too aware there are no retakes on live radio! Deanna knew that a heavy meal before singing could affect her vocal range, so to perform her best she would have only a glass of orange juice before the broadcast. Afterwards it would be too late for a decent meal, so on broadcast nights she often went to bed on just a cup of hot chocolate. On top of it all there was the travel. Texaco Town primarily broadcast from New York, but often travelled to remote locations. Deanna's movie work of course was in Hollywood. On one occasion she missed three train connections and had to grab a TWA flight to catch up with the train in Albuquerque--flying was not the safest means of transport in 1936!

In 1936 Deanna auditioned to provide the vocals for Disney's Snow White. Imagine a 15 year old girl being told her voice was too old for the part.

Deanna Durbin would make 26 films. In 1946-47 she was the top salaried woman in the US. In December 1950 she married her third husband, director Charles David, in Paris, and then withdrew from public life. She maintains her privacy, and declines interviews.

Deanna Durbin has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at a722 Vine St.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    65 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 13 min
    65 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 33 hours, 13 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 32 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Command Performance 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin.mp3
    3. Command Performance 440122 102 Bob Hope Deanna Durbin DDay.mp3
    4. Command Performance 440930 140 Deanna Durbin JBenny GRogers.mp3
    5. Jack Benny Program 430530 484 Guest Deanna Durbin.mp3
    6. Lux 380418 172 Mad About Music.mp3
    7. Lux 440207 426 His Butlers Sister.mp3
    8. Recollections At 30 560815 09 A P Gypsies Pick Pat.mp3
    9. Screen Guild 440731 205 Good Fairy.mp3
    10. Screen Guild Theater 390423 016 A Review.mp3
    11. Screen Guild Theater 411012 086 Alice Adams.mp3
    12. Screen Guild Theater 430524 145 Shadow Of A Doubt.mp3
    13. Screen Guild Theater 480628 394 Up In Central Park.mp3
    14. Shell Chateau 351228 039 Guest Deanna Durbin.mp3
    15. Texaco Town 360920 01 First Show.mp3
    16. Texaco Town 360927 02 Radio Station Broadcast.mp3
    17. Texaco Town 361004 03 Advertising.mp3
    18. Texaco Town 361011 04 Missing Radio Show.mp3
    19. Texaco Town 361018 05 Putting Texaco On Map.mp3
    20. Texaco Town 361025 06 Female Elephant.mp3
    21. Texaco Town 361101 07 Bobby Wants A Raise.mp3
    22. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football.mp3
    23. Texaco Town 361115 09 From New York Hippodrome.mp3
    24. Texaco Town 361122 10 Script Is Stolen.mp3
    25. Texaco Town 361129 11 Script Is Found.mp3
    26. Texaco Town 361206 12 Guest Leslie Howard.mp3
    27. Texaco Town 361213 13 Cast Goes On Strike.mp3
    28. Texaco Town 361220 14 Rehearsing For Texaco Town Follies.mp3
    29. Texaco Town 361227 15 Texaco Town Follies Act 1.mp3
    30. Texaco Town 370103 16 Texaco Town Follies Act 2.mp3
    31. Texaco Town 370117 18 No Music For Program.mp3
    32. Texaco Town 370124 19 Camille.mp3
    33. Texaco Town 370131 20 Eddies Birthday.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 33 shows – total playtime 16 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Texaco Town 370221 23 Balancing Budget.mp3
    3. Texaco Town 370228 24 Government Radio Show.mp3
    4. Texaco Town 370307 25 On Town In Hollywood.mp3
    5. Texaco Town 370314 26 At Cocoanut Grove.mp3
    6. Texaco Town 370321 27 Renards Parents Visit.mp3
    7. Texaco Town 370418 31 Russian 99915 B.mp3
    8. Texaco Town 370425 32 Wallington Wants To Quit Show.mp3
    9. Texaco Town 370502 33 On A Picnic.mp3
    10. Texaco Town 370509 34 How Eddie Met His Costars.mp3
    11. Texaco Town 370516 35 Eddies Book On Marriage.mp3
    12. Texaco Town 370523 36 Housetohouse Broadcast.mp3
    13. Texaco Town 370530 37 Show Aired To England.mp3
    14. Texaco Town 370620 40 Fathers Day.mp3
    15. Texaco Town 370929 53 First Show Of New Season.mp3
    16. Texaco Town 371006 54 Prisoner Of Zenda.mp3
    17. Texaco Town 371013 55 Jimmy Gets Acting Fever.mp3
    18. Texaco Town 371020 56 Eddie Starts A Movie Company.mp3
    19. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business.mp3
    20. Texaco Town 371110 59 Men Fall For Fifi.mp3
    21. Texaco Town 371117 60 Shooting Picture.mp3
    22. Texaco Town 371124 61 Pinky Falls For Fifi.mp3
    23. Texaco Town 371201 62 Movie Opens.mp3
    24. Texaco Town 371215 64 Good Humor Water.mp3
    25. Texaco Town 371229 66 Guests Dave Rubinoff Tony Martin.mp3
    26. Texaco Town 380105 67 Listener Poll.mp3
    27. Texaco Town 380112 68 Snow White.mp3
    28. Texaco Town 380119 69 Eddie Buys A Race Horse From Pinky.mp3
    29. Texaco Town 380126 70 Renard Rides Eddies Horse.mp3
    30. Texaco Town 380202 71 Race Against Jack Bennys Maxwell.mp3
    31. Texaco Town 380209 72 School For Radio.mp3
    32. Texaco Town 380216 73 School For Radio.mp3
    33. Texaco Town 380223 74 Mutiny On Bounty 2 Nd Half Only.mp3
    34. Texaco Town 380309 76 Guest Gloria Swanson.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    65 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 13 min
    65 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    913 MB – total playtime 33 hours, 13 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 32 shows – 473 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Command Performance 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin.mp3
    3. Command Performance 440122 102 Bob Hope Deanna Durbin DDay.mp3
    4. Command Performance 440930 140 Deanna Durbin JBenny GRogers.mp3
    5. Jack Benny Program 430530 484 Guest Deanna Durbin.mp3
    6. Lux 380418 172 Mad About Music.mp3
    7. Lux 440207 426 His Butlers Sister.mp3
    8. Recollections At 30 560815 09 A P Gypsies Pick Pat.mp3
    9. Screen Guild 440731 205 Good Fairy.mp3
    10. Screen Guild Theater 390423 016 A Review.mp3
    11. Screen Guild Theater 411012 086 Alice Adams.mp3
    12. Screen Guild Theater 430524 145 Shadow Of A Doubt.mp3
    13. Screen Guild Theater 480628 394 Up In Central Park.mp3
    14. Shell Chateau 351228 039 Guest Deanna Durbin.mp3
    15. Texaco Town 360920 01 First Show.mp3
    16. Texaco Town 360927 02 Radio Station Broadcast.mp3
    17. Texaco Town 361004 03 Advertising.mp3
    18. Texaco Town 361011 04 Missing Radio Show.mp3
    19. Texaco Town 361018 05 Putting Texaco On Map.mp3
    20. Texaco Town 361025 06 Female Elephant.mp3
    21. Texaco Town 361101 07 Bobby Wants A Raise.mp3
    22. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football.mp3
    23. Texaco Town 361115 09 From New York Hippodrome.mp3
    24. Texaco Town 361122 10 Script Is Stolen.mp3
    25. Texaco Town 361129 11 Script Is Found.mp3
    26. Texaco Town 361206 12 Guest Leslie Howard.mp3
    27. Texaco Town 361213 13 Cast Goes On Strike.mp3
    28. Texaco Town 361220 14 Rehearsing For Texaco Town Follies.mp3
    29. Texaco Town 361227 15 Texaco Town Follies Act 1.mp3
    30. Texaco Town 370103 16 Texaco Town Follies Act 2.mp3
    31. Texaco Town 370117 18 No Music For Program.mp3
    32. Texaco Town 370124 19 Camille.mp3
    33. Texaco Town 370131 20 Eddies Birthday.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 33 shows – 439 MB – total playtime 16 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Texaco Town 370221 23 Balancing Budget.mp3
    3. Texaco Town 370228 24 Government Radio Show.mp3
    4. Texaco Town 370307 25 On Town In Hollywood.mp3
    5. Texaco Town 370314 26 At Cocoanut Grove.mp3
    6. Texaco Town 370321 27 Renards Parents Visit.mp3
    7. Texaco Town 370418 31 Russian 99915 B.mp3
    8. Texaco Town 370425 32 Wallington Wants To Quit Show.mp3
    9. Texaco Town 370502 33 On A Picnic.mp3
    10. Texaco Town 370509 34 How Eddie Met His Costars.mp3
    11. Texaco Town 370516 35 Eddies Book On Marriage.mp3
    12. Texaco Town 370523 36 Housetohouse Broadcast.mp3
    13. Texaco Town 370530 37 Show Aired To England.mp3
    14. Texaco Town 370620 40 Fathers Day.mp3
    15. Texaco Town 370929 53 First Show Of New Season.mp3
    16. Texaco Town 371006 54 Prisoner Of Zenda.mp3
    17. Texaco Town 371013 55 Jimmy Gets Acting Fever.mp3
    18. Texaco Town 371020 56 Eddie Starts A Movie Company.mp3
    19. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business.mp3
    20. Texaco Town 371110 59 Men Fall For Fifi.mp3
    21. Texaco Town 371117 60 Shooting Picture.mp3
    22. Texaco Town 371124 61 Pinky Falls For Fifi.mp3
    23. Texaco Town 371201 62 Movie Opens.mp3
    24. Texaco Town 371215 64 Good Humor Water.mp3
    25. Texaco Town 371229 66 Guests Dave Rubinoff Tony Martin.mp3
    26. Texaco Town 380105 67 Listener Poll.mp3
    27. Texaco Town 380112 68 Snow White.mp3
    28. Texaco Town 380119 69 Eddie Buys A Race Horse From Pinky.mp3
    29. Texaco Town 380126 70 Renard Rides Eddies Horse.mp3
    30. Texaco Town 380202 71 Race Against Jack Bennys Maxwell.mp3
    31. Texaco Town 380209 72 School For Radio.mp3
    32. Texaco Town 380216 73 School For Radio.mp3
    33. Texaco Town 380223 74 Mutiny On Bounty 2 Nd Half Only.mp3
    34. Texaco Town 380309 76 Guest Gloria Swanson.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    65 recordings on 34 Audio CDs. Total playtime 33 hours, 13 min
    65 recordings on 34 Audio CDs
    total playtime 33 hours, 13 min

    Deanna Durbin Disc A001

    1. Shell Chateau 351228 039 Guest Deanna Durbin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A002

    1. Texaco Town 360920 01 First Show
    2. Texaco Town 360927 02 Radio Station Broadcast

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A003

    1. Texaco Town 361004 03 Advertising
    2. Texaco Town 361011 04 Missing Radio Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A004

    1. Texaco Town 361018 05 Putting Texaco On Map
    2. Texaco Town 361025 06 Female Elephant

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A005

    1. Texaco Town 361101 07 Bobby Wants A Raise
    2. Texaco Town 361108 08 Football

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A006

    1. Texaco Town 361115 09 From New York Hippodrome
    2. Texaco Town 361122 10 Script Is Stolen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A007

    1. Texaco Town 361129 11 Script Is Found
    2. Texaco Town 361206 12 Guest Leslie Howard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A008

    1. Texaco Town 361213 13 Cast Goes On Strike
    2. Texaco Town 361220 14 Rehearsing For Texaco Town Follies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A009

    1. Texaco Town 361227 15 Texaco Town Follies Act 1
    2. Texaco Town 370103 16 Texaco Town Follies Act 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A010

    1. Texaco Town 370117 18 No Music For Program
    2. Texaco Town 370124 19 Camille

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A011

    1. Texaco Town 370131 20 Eddies Birthday
    2. Texaco Town 370221 23 Balancing Budget

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A012

    1. Texaco Town 370228 24 Government Radio Show
    2. Texaco Town 370307 25 On Town In Hollywood

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A013

    1. Texaco Town 370314 26 At Cocoanut Grove
    2. Texaco Town 370321 27 Renards Parents Visit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A014

    1. Texaco Town 370418 31 Russian 99915 B
    2. Texaco Town 370425 32 Wallington Wants To Quit Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A015

    1. Texaco Town 370502 33 On A Picnic
    2. Texaco Town 370509 34 How Eddie Met His Costars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A016

    1. Texaco Town 370516 35 Eddies Book On Marriage
    2. Texaco Town 370523 36 Housetohouse Broadcast

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A017

    1. Texaco Town 370530 37 Show Aired To England
    2. Texaco Town 370620 40 Fathers Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A018

    1. Texaco Town 370929 53 First Show Of New Season
    2. Texaco Town 371006 54 Prisoner Of Zenda

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A019

    1. Texaco Town 371013 55 Jimmy Gets Acting Fever
    2. Texaco Town 371020 56 Eddie Starts A Movie Company

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A020

    1. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business
    2. Texaco Town 371110 59 Men Fall For Fifi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A021

    1. Texaco Town 371117 60 Shooting Picture
    2. Texaco Town 371124 61 Pinky Falls For Fifi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A022

    1. Texaco Town 371201 62 Movie Opens
    2. Texaco Town 371215 64 Good Humor Water

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A023

    1. Texaco Town 371229 66 Guests Dave Rubinoff Tony Martin
    2. Texaco Town 380105 67 Listener Poll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A024

    1. Texaco Town 380112 68 Snow White
    2. Texaco Town 380119 69 Eddie Buys A Race Horse From Pinky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A025

    1. Texaco Town 380126 70 Renard Rides Eddies Horse
    2. Texaco Town 380202 71 Race Against Jack Bennys Maxwell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A026

    1. Texaco Town 380209 72 School For Radio
    2. Texaco Town 380216 73 School For Radio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A027

    1. Texaco Town 380223 74 Mutiny On Bounty 2 Nd Half Only
    2. Texaco Town 380309 76 Guest Gloria Swanson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A028

    1. Lux 380418 172 Mad About Music

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A029

    1. Screen Guild Theater 390423 016 A Review
    2. Screen Guild Theater 411012 086 Alice Adams

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A030

    1. Command Performance 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin
    2. Screen Guild Theater 430524 145 Shadow Of A Doubt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A031

    1. Jack Benny Program 430530 484 Guest Deanna Durbin
    2. Command Performance 440122 102 Bob Hope Deanna Durbin DDay

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A032

    1. Lux 440207 426 His Butlers Sister

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A033

    1. Screen Guild 440731 205 Good Fairy
    2. Command Performance 440930 140 Deanna Durbin JBenny GRogers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Deanna Durbin Disc A034

    1. Screen Guild Theater 480628 394 Up In Central Park
    2. Recollections At 30 560815 09 A P Gypsies Pick Pat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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