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65 Years Ago today in Radio History: Soon after Communist Revolutionary Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, on this date, March 17, 1960, President Eisenhower authorized the CIA to recruit a force of 1,400 Cuban exiles living in the Miami area to overthrow the Communist regime.

Cuba in Old Time Radio

From Key West, Florida, to Havana, Cuba, is just over one hundred sea miles, an ambitious day's sail apart but close enough to be very important to one another.


29 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 15 hours, 43 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
14 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 13, 1953:

"Message To Garcia"

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Florida points south like a guiding thumb pressing down on the back of Cuba. Lying at the point where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Atlantic all meet, for centuries Cuba was the jewel of the Spanish Empire from the days of Columbus until the Spanish American War at the end of the nineteenth century. The island nation became a component of the Cold War after Communist Revolutionary Fidel Castro wrested power from the corrupt Batista regime.

Cuba had relatively little to do with the Cold War episode which brought the Superpowers closest to open Atomic Warfare, the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Island nation was merely the stage for a drama whose players were in Moscow and Washington DC. Despite Cuba's ties to the Soviets, Castro's revolution meant that for the first time since Columbus, the fate of Cuba and the Cubans were in Cuban hands, but these are events which would take place after the Old Time Radio era.

CubaIn 1898, the United States and Imperial Spain went to War over Cuban Independence. The events which ultimately led to the War had more to do with commercial interests and scandal-mongering than Patriotism, but in the decades leading up to the War Presidents Polk, Pierce, Buchanan, Grant, and McKinley had all made offers for the U.S. to buy the island from Spain. There had been numerous separatist movements arising on the island, but the Spanish Crown help on to the memory of how, over the centuries, it had grown rich as wealth from its Pacific Colonies crossed that great ocean, were carried over the Isthmus of Panama, and funneled with the riches of the Americas through Cuba before making the final journey across the Atlantic.

For all the wealth which would funnel through Cuba after 1492, the island was a hard place to live, work, or attempt to conquer. The indigenous peoples were farmers and fishermen, but they were wiped out by enslavement and European diseases within a few generations. Africans were forcibly imported as slaves. The politics of Continental Europe were eventually imported to the region. Proxy Warfare through piracy dominated the Caribbean for decades, although the treasure galleons which carried the wealth of the Empire were so heartily defended as to be practically untouchable.

  • Cavalcade of America, October 4, 1948, NBC, "Action at Santiago". After the USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor and the US has declared War on Spain, citizens of the Eastern Seaboard are convinced that the Spanish Fleet under Admiral Cevera will appear out of nowhere and begin bombarding their cities if the Navy cannot find them in time. When the Spanish Fleet finally turns up in Cuba, the American Battleship Fleet holds them in Santiago Harbor, but what if they run the blockade at night? The Americans decide to scuttle the Merrimac, a collier, in the entrance of the harbor, and it becomes the job of Lt Hobson and his crew of volunteers to maneuver the ship into position to be sunk, all the while within range of the Spanish guns.
  • Cavalcade of America, April 6, 1942, Red Network, "Yellow Jack". The Spanish American War is over but American troops are waiting to get shipped home, but they are being decimated by Yellow Fever. Major Walter Reed is dispatched to the scene to find a way to fight the disease, which will be vital to complete the Panama Canal.
  • Escape, October 22, 1949, CBS, "Night in Havana". A wealthy American tourista in Havana has had her emerald stolen and the "Usual Suspects" get shaken down. Martinez learns that there is a reward being offered so he decides that he should recover the emerald himself if it does not interfere with his gun-running business.Havana 1950s
  • Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, September 19, 1951, CBS, "The Cuban Jewel Matter". The Insurance Company sends Johnny to Havana to meet with a crook about to be extradited to the US on a separate charge, but they believe he has $800,000 in stolen jewels (which they have insured) hidden in the city. Before Dollar can get his answers, the crook breaks out of the Havana Prison and the chase is on!
  • Suspense, September 14, 1953, CBS, "Message to Garcia". The same story, although not the same script, was used on Cavalcade of America in "Mission to Cuba". The USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, but there was no Declaration of War until June. In the meantime, the War Department was determined to gather as much information about the situation on the Island as possible. Lt Rowan of the US Army travels secretly to Jamaica to contact allies of General Calixto Garcia, the leader of the Cuban Guerillas resisting the Spanish. Rowan, played by Richard Widmark, will have some dangerous adventures in the Cuban Jungle before he meets Garcia, and face even more danger getting his information back to the War Department.
  • Forbidden Cargo, 1954, Artransa Syndication, "Running Wetbacks". A show about fighting smugglers. The crooks, in this case, are bringing in refugees from Cuba, but they have to change tactics when their airplane crashes and burns in Florida (along with its passengers). They change to a seaborne operation, and if the Coast Guard gets to close, they just need a little extra weight to get rid of the "evidence".

See also: Cuban Missile Crisis.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    Nothing really which captures the essence of Cuba. Episodes are focused on issues which only in the most tangential sense concern Cuba.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    29 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 43 min
    29 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 15 hours, 43 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 29 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 43 minutes
    2. Afloat Henry Morgan 320000 36 Jeffrey Explains Background.mp3
    3. Cavalcade Of America 420406 Yellow Jack.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 470901 Mission To Cuba.mp3
    5. Cavalcade Of America 480308 No Greater Love.mp3
    6. Cavalcade Of America 481004 Action At Santiago.mp3
    7. Counterspy 500411 Case Of Mile High Murders.mp3
    8. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton.mp3
    9. Escape 491022 Night In Havana.mp3
    10. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 420106 0308 Night Out.mp3
    11. Forbidden Cargo 04 Running Wetbacks.mp3
    12. Information Please 410314 149 Claude Wickard.mp3
    13. Jean Shepherd Show 600910 Six Of One Half Dozen Of Other.mp3
    14. Jean Shepherd Show 600911 Air Conditioned Graves.mp3
    15. Lives Of Harry Lime 511221 21 Its Knockout.mp3
    16. Lone Ranger 520502 3011 Contraband From Cuba.mp3
    17. Man Called X 510113 14 Five Ounces Of Treason.mp3
    18. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    19. Meet Press 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina.mp3
    20. Michael Shayne 481216 Case Of Corresponding Corpse.mp3
    21. Ports Of Call 360000 Cuba.mp3
    22. Ports Of Call 360000 Philippines.mp3
    23. Richard Diamond 500614 Eighty Thousand Dollars In Jewels.mp3
    24. Screen Directors Playhouse 510614 107 Ghost Breakers.mp3
    25. Studio One 471014 Anthony Adverse.mp3
    26. Suspense 530914 Message To Garcia.mp3
    27. Whistler 520810 532 Havana Lee.mp3
    28. Whistler 550804 686 Havana Lee.mp3
    29. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 510919 Cuban Jewel Matter.mp3
    30. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 530317 Kings Necklace Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    29 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 15 hours, 43 min
    29 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    432 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 43 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 29 shows – 432 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 43 minutes
    2. Afloat Henry Morgan 320000 36 Jeffrey Explains Background.mp3
    3. Cavalcade Of America 420406 Yellow Jack.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 470901 Mission To Cuba.mp3
    5. Cavalcade Of America 480308 No Greater Love.mp3
    6. Cavalcade Of America 481004 Action At Santiago.mp3
    7. Counterspy 500411 Case Of Mile High Murders.mp3
    8. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton.mp3
    9. Escape 491022 Night In Havana.mp3
    10. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 420106 0308 Night Out.mp3
    11. Forbidden Cargo 04 Running Wetbacks.mp3
    12. Information Please 410314 149 Claude Wickard.mp3
    13. Jean Shepherd Show 600910 Six Of One Half Dozen Of Other.mp3
    14. Jean Shepherd Show 600911 Air Conditioned Graves.mp3
    15. Lives Of Harry Lime 511221 21 Its Knockout.mp3
    16. Lone Ranger 520502 3011 Contraband From Cuba.mp3
    17. Man Called X 510113 14 Five Ounces Of Treason.mp3
    18. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    19. Meet Press 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina.mp3
    20. Michael Shayne 481216 Case Of Corresponding Corpse.mp3
    21. Ports Of Call 360000 Cuba.mp3
    22. Ports Of Call 360000 Philippines.mp3
    23. Richard Diamond 500614 Eighty Thousand Dollars In Jewels.mp3
    24. Screen Directors Playhouse 510614 107 Ghost Breakers.mp3
    25. Studio One 471014 Anthony Adverse.mp3
    26. Suspense 530914 Message To Garcia.mp3
    27. Whistler 520810 532 Havana Lee.mp3
    28. Whistler 550804 686 Havana Lee.mp3
    29. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 510919 Cuban Jewel Matter.mp3
    30. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 530317 Kings Necklace Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    29 recordings on 14 Audio CDs. Total playtime 12 hours, 54 min
    29 recordings on 14 Audio CDs
    total playtime 12 hours, 54 min

    Cuba Disc A001

    1. Forbidden Cargo 04 Running Wetbacks
    2. Afloat Henry Morgan 320000 36 Jeffrey Explains Background
    3. Ports Of Call 360000 Cuba

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A002

    1. Ports Of Call 360000 Philippines
    2. Information Please 410314 149 Claude Wickard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A003

    1. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 420106 0308 Night Out
    2. Cavalcade Of America 420406 Yellow Jack

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A004

    1. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton
    2. Cavalcade Of America 470901 Mission To Cuba

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A005

    1. Studio One 471014 Anthony Adverse

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A006

    1. Cavalcade Of America 480308 No Greater Love
    2. Cavalcade Of America 481004 Action At Santiago

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A007

    1. Michael Shayne 481216 Case Of Corresponding Corpse
    2. Escape 491022 Night In Havana

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A008

    1. Counterspy 500411 Case Of Mile High Murders
    2. Richard Diamond 500614 Eighty Thousand Dollars In Jewels

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A009

    1. Man Called X 510113 14 Five Ounces Of Treason
    2. Screen Directors Playhouse 510614 107 Ghost Breakers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A010

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 510919 Cuban Jewel Matter
    2. Lives Of Harry Lime 511221 21 Its Knockout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A011

    1. Lone Ranger 520502 3011 Contraband From Cuba
    2. Whistler 520810 532 Havana Lee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A012

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 530317 Kings Necklace Matter
    2. Suspense 530914 Message To Garcia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A013

    1. Whistler 550804 686 Havana Lee
    2. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cuba Disc A014

    1. Meet Press 610129 Sergio Rojas Santamarina

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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