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Complete Broadcast 1941 (Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor)

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor changed the history of the world and officially brought the US in WWII. In the Complete Day Coverage of the Blue Network on Pearl Harbor Day (Dec 7, 1941) we can hear a nation moving from the confusion of a surprise attack to one steeled for War.

Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor)

56 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 14 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
16 Audio CDs

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"First Bulletin on Pearl Harbor Attack"

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Pearl Harbor - capsizing USS Oklahoma, Dec 7 1941

Complete Broadcast day on December 7, 1941: Attack on Pearl Harbor

"December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy".

Attack on Pearl HarborThis fine collection includes the Complete Broadcast of Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.  The attack changed the history of the world and officially brought the United States in World War II.  It is a day that will "live in infamy."

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The National Broadcasting Company had been running the Red and the Blue Networks for some time when the Federal Communications Commission, believing that two networks under the ownership of a single company were unfair competition, ordered NBC to divest itself of one of the networks. The network appealed the order, but, just in case, began making preparations to let go of the Blue Network in the spring of 1941.

Although there was not an official distinction between the formats of the two networks, in practice the Red Network programs were more profitable with bigger stars and wealthier sponsors while Blue Network programming included more sustained and "public service" shows like news broadcasts. If the split was to be enforced (and it would be in January 1942), it was fairly obvious that the Blue would be the one to go. On Sunday, December 7, 1941, the value of a more public service-oriented work became readily apparent.

Most NBC affiliates carried locally produced programming in the early morning hours of that Sunday morning, but by the time Blue Network programs from New York and Hollywood became to come on the air, nearly everyone had gotten the news that the Empire of Japan had attacked the US Navy at their base in Pearl Harbor, Hawai'i, but it still was not entirely clear to the American people exactly what was going on.

In early reports, with few actual facts to report, the network turned to Upton Close. An eminent historian, lecturer, and author, Joseph Washington Hall used the pen name Upton Close so that he could travel relatively incognito through Japan and Asia and report his findings to a Western audience. His books include The Revolt in Asia: The end of the white man's world dominance (1927, G.P. Putman), Eminent Asians: six great personalities of the new East (1929, D Appleton and Co), and Challenge: behind the face of Japan (1934, Grosset & Dunlap).

Mr. Close's radio commentary on this Sunday dealt more with the political conditions in Japan than the military actions currently underway. That information, even if it had been available, would have been censored to prevent the Japanese, now recognized as the enemy, from learning the extent of their success. There was a report of Japanese troops about to be captured by the US Army on Oahu, although there were no enemy land forces involved in the Pearl Harbor attack.

One of the earliest Washington responses came from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who addressed the nation during her regular Sunday Evening talk for the Pan-American Coffee Bureau (the sponsor may have also made one of the first commercial responses to the Attack). Mrs. Roosevelt's regularly scheduled guest was an Army Corporal from Ft. Dix who speaks on Army morale.

Attack on Pearl Harbor

By the time WJZ New York's Sunrise Revue came on the air Monday morning, the news media was receiving and reporting a clearer picture of what was happening in Hawai'i and elsewhere in the Pacific. Listeners were told to expect an address later in the day from President Roosevelt. By this point, the radio reports begin to take on a familiar tone, that of a Nation at War and listeners could hear first hand the steel which would carry their brothers, sons, fathers, and husbands to ultimate victory.

The Imperial Japanese Navy was under the command of under the command of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.  The Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor began At 6:05 am on December 7, 1941 as 6 Japanese aircraft carriers released the first wave of attacks which includes 183 planes with heavy bombers and fighters.  The first wave of Japanese attackers arrived at Pearl Harbor at 7:51 am and the second wave of attacks arrived at 8:30 am.

At the moment of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States delivered the declaration of war to President Franklin D. Roosevelt

The entire death toll for the day reached 2,350 with 1,178 injured.  The battleship Arizona sank within seconds killing 1,177 people.  The attack sank four battleships damaged four additional battleships and destroyed 188 aircraft among other damage.  

A Japanese admiral later said of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, "We won a great tactical victory at Pearl Harbor and thereby lost the war."  The entrance of the United States in WWII eventually lead to the defeat of Imperial Japan.

This is an excellent find and includes many bulletins, news reports, and speeches.  One bulletin announces that "all recruiting stations will be open tomorrow morning at 8 am" as young men swarmed military recruitment stations looking for ways to serve their country.  First lady Eleanor Roosevelt after the attacks on Pearl Harbor speaking of her faith in the citizens of America. 

There is also great additions to the Complete Broadcast of Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 including The Infamy Speech and formal declaration of war on Japan by President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered the following day.

This collection is also part of the larger Hawaii Collection of Old Time Radio Shows.

See also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    A piece of history that captures the chaos of the time

    Justin Verified Purchase

    Top class shows from a top class seller.Many thanks.

    Alan Verified Purchase

    On the day the U.S. dropped the bomb, the radio mentioned that American won the race to successfully build and use it to save thousands of soldiers by defeating their ennemie. In days to come, however, the radio elaborated about what an atomic bomb was all about. Meanwhile, I remember the fifties when we all feared the Russians dropping a nuclear bomb. What is interesting about the bombing of Hiroshima is the mention that it was a military target. On the other hand, a thousand bombers over Tokyo, using incendiary bombs did more devastating damage. Listening to these old radio programs bring a certain feel to and event that really happened and changed the course of history. - Giovanni Iuliani

    Giovanni Verified Purchase

    Snafu-Nagasaki instead of Hiroshima Pearl Harbor A sneak attack brought WWII to America. Listening to past events brings a reality that was highly accentuated at the time. We react differently today due to things we know that were restricted during war time. During the war there was rationing, lack of many things, and many people worried if there loved ones will return from the war fronts

    Giovanni Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    Just want to say "thank you" for giving me so many hours of enjoyment. Early childhood memories of sitting by the radio before bed time listening to my favorite programs. I was allowed to fall asleep to these programs and still use them to relax and let my mind drift away. Again thanks for doing what you do. You are preserving a grand history of radio entertainment. BTW, I have the December 7th recordings and although I know we came out victorious, it still gives me chills to think that people at that time had no idea what the final outcome would be.

    Phyllis Verified Purchase

    In addition to being a WWII history buff, I'm a retired radio deejay who spent much of my career spinning oldies...from the Big Band days through the 60s and 70s. I love the music and old radio shows and soundbites that come from these eras. And I've found that OTRCAT.com is a great way to collect some of this classic entertainment and audio history. I'm totally satisfied with the WWII discs that I recently purchased. Quality and customer service are great! THANK YOU OTRCAT.com!!!

    Kenneth Verified Purchase

    The selection and value is fantastic especially compared to others selling old radio shows. The processing and shipping of orders is timely. The download capability is great as well so I could start enjoying my purchases immediately. My only criticism is the quality of some of the shows. Most are good but some are difficult to hear and understand. For example, with my first purchase of Sherlock Holmes several years ago, there were numerous shows in which I could not understand what was being said. The value though outweighs the few quality issues. I know and appreciate your efforts in improving the sound quality over the last couple years and will continue to be a customer.

    John Verified Purchase

    fascinating to hear the real broadcasts the way they happened on Pearl Harbor day. It's like reliving the day even though you weren't there when it originally happened. My parents used to tell me what they heard on radio that day, now I have experienced it myself. I have ordered quite a few MP3 discs in the past and never been disappointed .

    barb taylor

    Today, December 7, 2021 marks the 80th anniversary of the attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese Empire; entering the United States into World War II. It is quite fitting that this week in 2021 the United States is honoring Senator Bob Dole who passed away on Sunday, and he himself was just 18 years old when this event happened. We as a nation need to know our history, good, bad, and ugly. We as a nation need to revere our elderly as they’re the ones who lived these events in real-time and could give first hand knowledge of their experiences. Sadly, those old enough to appreciate these events are fairly dying off, but there is still time to learn from them. So on this 80th anniversary of the “Day of Infamy” let’s reflect not just on the event, but the people in our lives or who were in our lives who lived it.

    Kurt Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 14 hours, 59 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 14 hours, 59 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 59 minutes
    2. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    3. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    4. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    5. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War.mp3
    6. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps.mp3
    8. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    9. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    10. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors.mp3
    11. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed.mp3
    12. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    13. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    14. 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    15. 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    16. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show.mp3
    17. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    18. 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    19. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    20. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary.mp3
    21. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    22. 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    23. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    24. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt.mp3
    25. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    26. 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    27. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    28. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death.mp3
    29. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family.mp3
    30. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    31. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round.mp3
    32. 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    33. 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    34. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    35. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    36. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    37. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    38. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    39. 2300 NBCR News.mp3
    40. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    41. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1.mp3
    42. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2.mp3
    43. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific.mp3
    44. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    45. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    46. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    47. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin.mp3
    48. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    49. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins.mp3
    50. CBS World News Today 12-06.mp3
    51. CBS World News Today.mp3
    52. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    53. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    54. NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    55. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    56. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies.mp3
    57. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 14 hours, 59 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    216 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 59 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – 216 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 59 minutes
    2. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    3. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    4. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    5. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War.mp3
    6. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps.mp3
    8. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    9. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    10. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors.mp3
    11. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed.mp3
    12. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    13. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    14. 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    15. 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    16. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show.mp3
    17. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    18. 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    19. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    20. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary.mp3
    21. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    22. 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    23. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    24. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt.mp3
    25. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    26. 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    27. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    28. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death.mp3
    29. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family.mp3
    30. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    31. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round.mp3
    32. 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    33. 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    34. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    35. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    36. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    37. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    38. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    39. 2300 NBCR News.mp3
    40. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    41. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1.mp3
    42. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2.mp3
    43. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific.mp3
    44. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    45. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    46. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    47. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin.mp3
    48. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    49. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins.mp3
    50. CBS World News Today 12-06.mp3
    51. CBS World News Today.mp3
    52. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    53. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    54. NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    55. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    56. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies.mp3
    57. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    56 recordings on 16 Audio CDs. Total playtime 14 hours, 59 min
    56 recordings on 16 Audio CDs
    total playtime 14 hours, 59 min

    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A001

    1. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade
    2. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
    3. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin
    4. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War
    5. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
    6. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps
    7. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction
    8. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed
    9. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A002

    1. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed
    2. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted
    3. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn
    4. 1530 NBCR Listen America

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A003

    1. 1600 NBCB National Vespers
    2. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show
    3. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A004

    1. 1630 NBCR News
    2. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A005

    1. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary
    2. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt
    3. 1900 NBCB News Roundup

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A006

    1. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show
    2. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A007

    1. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon
    2. 2000 NBCB Bible Week

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A008

    1. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program
    2. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A009

    1. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family
    2. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A010

    1. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round
    2. 2115 NBCB Parker Family
    3. 2130 NBCB Dear John

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A011

    1. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music
    2. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A012

    1. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A013

    1. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm
    2. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A014

    1. 2300 NBCR News
    2. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion
    3. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific
    4. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack
    5. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla
    6. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu
    7. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin
    8. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack
    9. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A015

    1. CBS World News Today 12-06
    2. CBS World News Today
    3. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game
    4. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor
    5. NBC News Bulletins
    6. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message
    7. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor) Disc A016

    1. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia
    2. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1
    3. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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