This extensive collection includes radio shows, news broadcasts, psa's, and debates about The Red Scare, McCarthyism, and The Cold War which pervaded politics, cultures, life and more in second half the the 20th Century.
155 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 78 hours, 27 min)
available in the following formats:
4 MP3 CDs
84 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
Communism is a political and economic philosophy based on the ideology of Karl Marx. The ideal Communist society is one where all property is shared, there are no social classes, where each member of the society works for the betterment of the society as a whole, and where each member of the society is secure in the knowledge that all of their needs will be met by society. Although there have been experiments in communism throughout history, including the Spartacus slave revolt in Roman times, several Utopian societies in 19th century America, even in the Acts of the Apostles (Ch. 2, v 42, 44 and 45). As idealistic as these notions seem, they are contrary to the core values of Western society, which are based on individualism and personal freedom.
Marx believed that world wide Communism was inevitable, and that it would be achieved through a revolution led by the working classes. As Tsarist rule in the Russian Empire devolved into a quagmire of corruption and insanity, revolutionary factions saw that the time was ripe to install a Communist regime. The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin were able to seize power due to the weakness of the Tsarist and the promise to get Russia out of the First World War.
After consolidating their hold on Russia, a stated goal of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the spread of international Communism. Part of this policy was the support of radical organizations in other countries, including the United States. These actions helped to make the USSR a pariah in the community of nations during the years between the World Wars.
When the Nazis came to power and Germany and the full scope of Hitler's expansionist ambitions became apparent, the free nations of the West found Russia to be a powerful, if uncomfortable ally. Both Roosevelt and Churchill were desperate to keep Soviet forces in the War, even making concessions to Russian leader Joseph Stalin. When the War ended, the European economy was in dire straits, the British Empire was fading into the sunset, and the only remaining superpowers were the United States and the USSR. To many observers, a showdown seemed inevitable.
The Cold War between the Superpowers came to define the post War years. An important face off occurred in the 1948 Berlin Blockade, as reported by Walter Winchell on Jergen's Journal. In August of 1949, it came to light that the Soviets had developed their own atomic bomb. If communists had been boogeymen before, with the threat of atomic war, they became full blown monsters.
On the radio, action heroes who had fought Nazis and Japs during the War now had a new foe to vanquish, the Commies. The Green Hornet, Counter Spy, This is Your FBI and many others dedicated themselves to finding and foiling Communist plans. The evil Commie was an easily adaptable villain for the psychological thrillers of Suspense.
An important theme of the Cold War was preventing the spread of Communism. Some Communist theorists believed that Russia in 1917 was too backward for a successful Communist Revolution. In many ways China was even more backwards and agrarian than Russia, yet with end of the Chinese Civil War, the People's Republic of China became a Communist regime under Mao Tse-tung. In June 1950, with backing from the PRC, the North Korean People's Army moved south of the 38th parallel. The Korean War was feared to be the opening strains of World War III, and although the 1953 armistice brought an end to the fighting, a state of war still exists on the Korean Peninsula.
Eventually, Communism did come to the Western Hemisphere. Meet the Press reports in 1959 on the rise of Fidel Castro as prime minister of Cuba, just 90 miles from Florida.
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War came to an end. China remains a Communist power, and is considered a superpower. However, if a conflict with China exists, it is mostly economic rather than militaristic.
This collection is part of the larger Red Scare in Old Time Radio compilation.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Communists and Cold War Disc A001
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Communists and Cold War Disc A082
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Communists and Cold War Disc A083
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Communists and Cold War Disc A084
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