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Communists and The Cold War in Old Time Radio

This extensive collection includes radio shows, news broadcasts, psa's, and debates about The Red Scare, McCarthyism, and The Cold War which pervaded politics, cultures, life and more in second half the the 20th Century.

Communists and Cold War

155 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 78 hours, 27 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
84 Audio CDs

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"People Under Communism: People Who Made Migs"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Red IcebergFor the greater portion of the last half of the Twentieth Century, one monster over all others haunted the dreams of Americans, making their blood run as cold as if they had walked into a room full of vampires with a chorus of werewolves in the wings. Although most would have trouble accurately describing the monster, they could certainly name the source of their revulsion. That name was Communist!

Communism is a political and economic philosophy based on the ideology of Karl Marx. The ideal Communist society is one where all property is shared, there are no social classes, where each member of the society works for the betterment of the society as a whole, and where each member of the society is secure in the knowledge that all of their needs will be met by society. Although there have been experiments in communism throughout history, including the Spartacus slave revolt in Roman times, several Utopian societies in 19th century America, even in the Acts of the Apostles (Ch. 2, v 42, 44 and 45). As idealistic as these notions seem, they are contrary to the core values of Western society, which are based on individualism and personal freedom.

Marx believed that world wide Communism was inevitable, and that it would be achieved through a revolution led by the working classes. As Tsarist rule in the Russian Empire devolved into a quagmire of corruption and insanity, revolutionary factions saw that the time was ripe to install a Communist regime. The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin were able to seize power due to the weakness of the Tsarist and the promise to get Russia out of the First World War.
After consolidating their hold on Russia, a stated goal of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was the spread of international Communism. Part of this policy was the support of radical organizations in other countries, including the United States. These actions helped to make the USSR a pariah in the community of nations during the years between the World Wars.

Fight CommunismA "Red Scare" hit the West in the years after the Russian Revolution. Many of the shows in our collection dated before WWII call attention to the oppression of Soviet Russia. The supposed state sponsored infiltration of American affairs by agents of the Soviet state are mentioned in The March of Time. The syndicated Ports Of Call seems to begin praising the Soviet "Worker's Paradise" and then proceeds to tell the story of fall of the Tsars and the bloody rise of the Communist state. Father Coughlin regularly took advantage of his radio pulpit to rail against the evils of Communism.

When the Nazis came to power and Germany and the full scope of Hitler's expansionist ambitions became apparent, the free nations of the West found Russia to be a powerful, if uncomfortable ally. Both Roosevelt and Churchill were desperate to keep Soviet forces in the War, even making concessions to Russian leader Joseph Stalin. When the War ended, the European economy was in dire straits, the British Empire was fading into the sunset, and the only remaining superpowers were the United States and the USSR. To many observers, a showdown seemed inevitable.

The Cold War between the Superpowers came to define the post War years. An important face off occurred in the 1948 Berlin Blockade, as reported by Walter Winchell on Jergen's Journal. In August of 1949, it came to light that the Soviets had developed their own atomic bomb. If communists had been boogeymen before, with the threat of atomic war, they became full blown monsters.

On the radio, action heroes who had fought Nazis and Japs during the War now had a new foe to vanquish, the Commies. The Green Hornet, Counter Spy, This is Your FBI and many others dedicated themselves to finding and foiling Communist plans. The evil Commie was an easily adaptable villain for the psychological thrillers of Suspense.
How Communism WorksThe specter of atomic annihilation through a policy of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, was a constant and pervasive theme of the Cold War Era. Its most obvious result was to renew the Red Scare. Some saw communists hiding in every dark closet, while the slightest brush of "pink" could ruin a personal and professional reputation, with or without actual proof of Communist sympathies. Edward R. Murrow's courage to face up to Senator Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt practices may be the exception which illustrates degree of the hysteria.

An important theme of the Cold War was preventing the spread of Communism. Some Communist theorists believed that Russia in 1917 was too backward for a successful Communist Revolution. In many ways China was even more backwards and agrarian than Russia, yet with end of the Chinese Civil War, the People's Republic of China became a Communist regime under Mao Tse-tung. In June 1950, with backing from the PRC, the North Korean People's Army moved south of the 38th parallel. The Korean War was feared to be the opening strains of World War III, and although the 1953 armistice brought an end to the fighting, a state of war still exists on the Korean Peninsula.

Eventually, Communism did come to the Western Hemisphere. Meet the Press reports in 1959 on the rise of Fidel Castro as prime minister of Cuba, just 90 miles from Florida.

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War came to an end. China remains a Communist power, and is considered a superpower. However, if a conflict with China exists, it is mostly economic rather than militaristic.

This collection is part of the larger Red Scare in Old Time Radio compilation.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    2     1


    "Comm and the Cold War" collection is an excellent, graduate history level anthology of cold war culture, though I have yet to hear the full collection. The collection of Joe McCarthy material, however, including the nightly CBS Radio summaries of the days Army hearings, is the best assembly of McCarthy audio documentation since the the 1963 movie, "Point of Order." Includes many hearing moments with army counsel Joseph N. Welsh not in the film. Sound is consistently excellent.

    John Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    155 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 78 hours, 27 min
    155 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 78 hours, 27 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 42 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Adventures Of Danny Marsdon 481104 005 Communism.mp3
    3. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 380203 What Democracy Mean.mp3
    4. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 461024 Communists Orgnz Labor.mp3
    5. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 470403 Comm Party Outlawed.mp3
    6. Author Meets Critics 481128 Whole Of Their Lives.mp3
    7. Backstage Wife 500929 4001 Episode 4001.mp3
    8. Big show 510429 jimmy durante milton berle.mp3
    9. Bing Crosby 540221 Frank Morgan.mp3
    10. Bing Crosby 540502 Peggy Lee Joe Frisco.mp3
    11. Calv 520226 733 Doctor Commando.mp3
    12. Catholic Hr 430124 04 More Barnacles Ship Democracy.mp3
    13. Catholic Hr 430307 10 Overcoming Evil Song Good Shepherd.mp3
    14. Catholic Hr 440130 05 Political Condition World.mp3
    15. Catholic Hr 470126 Light Lamps 1 Signs Our Times.mp3
    16. Catholic Hr 470209 Light Lamps 3 Philphy Communism.mp3
    17. Catholic Hr 470216 Light Lamps 4 Comnism Church2nd Half.mp3
    18. Catholic Hr 470223 Light Lamps 5 How To Meet Communism.mp3
    19. Catholic Hr 470302 Light Lamps 6 Communism Women.mp3
    20. Catholic Hr 470309 Light Lamps 7 Communism Fam.mp3
    21. Chase 521026 E22 Iron Curtin Express.mp3
    22. Counterspy 501217 Invisible Insurrectionist.mp3
    23. Counterspy 501224 Pretty Plant.mp3
    24. Dangerous Assignment Au 551017 43 Tibet.mp3
    25. Destination Freedom 501217 United Nations.mp3
    26. Edward R. Murrow 500213 Sen. Mccarthy Card Carrying Commies.mp3
    27. Edward R. Murrow 510117 Chinese Commies Reject UN.mp3
    28. Edward R. Murrows 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition.mp3
    29. Elmer Davis News 400331 Allies Stop Scand Ore Germany.mp3
    30. Escape 530906 212 Train From Olbiefelde.mp3
    31. Escape 540506 Adversary.mp3
    32. Exploring Tomorrow 50000 07 First Men On Moon Moon Is New.mp3
    33. FC 370214 Primer On Communism Vs Christianity.mp3
    34. FC 381120 Not AntiSemitism But AntiCommunism.mp3
    35. FC 381127 Let Us Consider Record.mp3
    36. FC 381204 Jew Christian And Persecution.mp3
    37. FC 381211 Father Coughlin Jews Support Communism.mp3
    38. FC 390101 Americanism Neither Nazism Nor Communism.mp3
    39. FC 390716 An Appeal To Laboring Man.mp3
    40. FC 390820 Popular Front.mp3
    41. Front Page Drama 400106 0350 Warden Of Soviet Murder Camp.mp3
    42. FT 530225 307 Two Tickets for Stockholm.mp3
    43. FT 541124 397 Monsieur Payen.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 48 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Green Hornet 521001 Political Crossfire.mp3
    3. Green Hornet 521003 Spy Master.mp3
    4. Green Hornet 521017 Proof Of Treasure.mp3
    5. Green Hornet 521029 Microfilm Of Death.mp3
    6. Green Hornet 521107 Simple Clue.mp3
    7. Green Hornet 521121 Shipment For Korea.mp3
    8. Green Hornet 521128 Murder And Espionage.mp3
    9. Hall Of Fantasy 531228 13 Black Figurene Death Repeat 530126.mp3
    10. Hear It Now 510216 10 Isolationist Debate In Washington.mp3
    11. Hear It Now 510223 11 Truman Names Tank.mp3
    12. Hear It Now 510302 12 Cold War News.mp3
    13. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of Parachute Jump.mp3
    14. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea.mp3
    15. Heartbeat Theater 590412 0163 Memory Of Tomorrow.mp3
    16. Hedda Hoppers 501014 Humphrey Bogart.mp3
    17. Hedda Hoppers 501111 X Audie Murphy.mp3
    18. Hedda Hoppers 501203 X Dinah Shore.mp3
    19. Hedda Hoppers 510121 Fernando Lamas.mp3
    20. Hedda Hoppers 510128 Mel Torme.mp3
    21. Hedda Hoppers 510204 Alan Young.mp3
    22. Hedda Hoppers 510225 David Niven.mp3
    23. Hedda Hoppers 510401 Agnes Moorehead.mp3
    24. Hedda Hoppers 510408 Andrews Sisters.mp3
    25. Hedda Hoppers 510422 X William Farum.mp3
    26. Hedda Hoppers 510513 Burns Allen.mp3
    27. Hour Decision Billy Graham 580112 How I Praise Thee.mp3
    28. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr.mp3
    29. If Freedom Fails 02 Ballplayers James Whitmore Afrts.mp3
    30. If Freedom Fails 03 Pledge Jeffrey Silver Afrts.mp3
    31. If Freedom Fails 04 Heavens Mark Stevens.mp3
    32. Inheritance 541212 037 Man Without Country.mp3
    33. Inheritance 541212 Man Without Country.mp3
    34. Its Fun To Live In America 000000 J C Penney.mp3
    35. Jergens Journal 471109.mp3
    36. Jergens Journal 481205.mp3
    37. Jergens Journal 481226.mp3
    38. Keys To Capitol 540811 American Attitude Toward Communists.mp3
    39. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 520519 It Happened On Friday.mp3
    41. Louella Parsons 510105 John Wayne.mp3
    42. Lux Radio 501016 716 House Of Strangers.mp3
    43. Lux Radio Theater 540621 886 Pickup On South Streetafrs.mp3
    44. Man Called X 510217 19 North Of Thirty Eight.mp3
    45. Man Called X 510224 20 Tiny Bit Of Microfilm.mp3
    46. March Of Time 350826 Italo Ethiopan Crisis Deepens.mp3
    47. March Of Time 350827 U.s. Protest Has Been Rejected.mp3
    48. March Of Time 360511 Hindenberg.mp3
    49. March Of Time 371028 New York Mayoral Election.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mccarthy 500900 Truman Administration As Commiecrats.mp3
    3. Mccarthy 511016 War Being Lost To Communists.mp3
    4. Mccarthy 521027 Communism And Candidacy Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    5. Mccarthy 530828 Fbi Role In Investigating Communists.mp3
    6. Mccarthy 540204 Communists At Harvard University.mp3
    7. Mccarthy 540421 Communists In Defense Industry.mp3
    8. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    9. Meet Press 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert.mp3
    10. Meet Press 600911 Richard M Nixon.mp3
    11. Meet Press 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro.mp3
    12. Meet Press 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan.mp3
    13. Mike Wallace Interviews 580118 John Gates.mp3
    14. Mr Moto 510520 Force Called Xo 7.mp3
    15. Mr Moto 510603 Blackmail.mp3
    16. Mr Moto 510624 Victim.mp3
    17. Night Beat 520508 093 Long Live Clown.mp3
    18. One Mans Family 580203 B129c25 Consider Martin Pays Call.mp3
    19. One Mans Family 580716 B131c12 Conference With David Norrich.mp3
    20. Our Secret Weapon 420830 Truth.mp3
    21. Pacific Story 430711 Japans Dream Of World Dominion.mp3
    22. Pacific Story 431024 Soviet Asiatics New Human World.mp3
    23. Pacific Story 440723 055 Chinese Communists.mp3
    24. Pacific Story 450610 Yenen Citadel For Chinese Communism.mp3
    25. Pacific Story 450624 Honshu Heart Of China.mp3
    26. Pacific Story 460106 Buryat Mongols Soviet Minority.mp3
    27. Pacific Story 460210 Mao Tse Tung Escratchy.mp3
    28. People Under Communism Part 01 Terror As System.mp3
    29. People Under Communism Part 02 Music Of Order.mp3
    30. People Under Communism Part 03 Men Who Made Migs.mp3
    31. People Under Communism Part 04 Drama To Order.mp3
    32. Ports Of Call 1936 10 Russia.mp3
    33. Proudly We Hail 510805 148 Prelude For Eva V.mp3
    34. Proudly We Hail 510909 153 Weekend At Kolenkovs.mp3
    35. Proudly We Hail 520817 202 Impersonation.mp3
    36. Proudly We Hail 531004 261 Recipe For Deceit.mp3
    37. Proudly We Hail 531018 263 Military Mission.mp3
    38. Proudly We Hail 541024 Ten Mark Note.mp3
    39. Red Skelton Show 510610 328 Guardian Angels Revolt.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 27 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Robert Arden News Commentary 421216 Roundtable Discussion.mp3
    3. Sbfc 520418001 Communist Menace.mp3
    4. Second Chance 550711 21 American Pows Defect.mp3
    5. Second Chance 550801 Three American Turncoats.mp3
    6. Secret Missions 490306 Iron Curtain Escape.mp3
    7. Silent Men 520326 23 Murder In Vienna.mp3
    8. Silent Men 520423 27 Food And War.mp3
    9. Stage 54 540530 The Investigator.mp3
    10. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne.mp3
    11. Suspense 521124 488 Man Alive.mp3
    12. Suspense 540531 554 Listen Young Lovers.mp3
    13. Suspense 570428 696 Escape To Death.mp3
    14. Tex Jinx Show 471104 Walt Disney.mp3
    15. Theater Five 641209 Weapons At Hand.mp3
    16. Theater Five 650205 Underveloped Nation.mp3
    17. This Is Your Fbi 501201 296 Communist Agent.mp3
    18. This Is Your Fbi 510914 337 Interrupted Journey.mp3
    19. Time For Reason 470628 Americas Leadership For Freedom O.mp3
    20. Top Secret 500918 14 Confession Show Moves To Mondays.mp3
    21. Top Secret 501019 18 Dream That Meant Death.mp3
    22. Top Secret 501026 Plan For Sabotage.mp3
    23. Troman Harper 431024 Are All Chinese Communists.mp3
    24. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion V.mp3
    25. Voices And Events Of 1953 521221 With Morgan Beatty.mp3
    26. Whisper Men 451229 Rose Gilman Is Murdered.mp3
    27. Whisperer 510930 13 Strange Bed Fellows.mp3
    28. Winston Churchill 19381016 We Must Arm.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    155 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 78 hours, 27 min
    155 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2152 MB – total playtime 78 hours, 27 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 42 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Adventures Of Danny Marsdon 481104 005 Communism.mp3
    3. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 380203 What Democracy Mean.mp3
    4. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 461024 Communists Orgnz Labor.mp3
    5. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 470403 Comm Party Outlawed.mp3
    6. Author Meets Critics 481128 Whole Of Their Lives.mp3
    7. Backstage Wife 500929 4001 Episode 4001.mp3
    8. Big show 510429 jimmy durante milton berle.mp3
    9. Bing Crosby 540221 Frank Morgan.mp3
    10. Bing Crosby 540502 Peggy Lee Joe Frisco.mp3
    11. Calv 520226 733 Doctor Commando.mp3
    12. Catholic Hr 430124 04 More Barnacles Ship Democracy.mp3
    13. Catholic Hr 430307 10 Overcoming Evil Song Good Shepherd.mp3
    14. Catholic Hr 440130 05 Political Condition World.mp3
    15. Catholic Hr 470126 Light Lamps 1 Signs Our Times.mp3
    16. Catholic Hr 470209 Light Lamps 3 Philphy Communism.mp3
    17. Catholic Hr 470216 Light Lamps 4 Comnism Church2nd Half.mp3
    18. Catholic Hr 470223 Light Lamps 5 How To Meet Communism.mp3
    19. Catholic Hr 470302 Light Lamps 6 Communism Women.mp3
    20. Catholic Hr 470309 Light Lamps 7 Communism Fam.mp3
    21. Chase 521026 E22 Iron Curtin Express.mp3
    22. Counterspy 501217 Invisible Insurrectionist.mp3
    23. Counterspy 501224 Pretty Plant.mp3
    24. Dangerous Assignment Au 551017 43 Tibet.mp3
    25. Destination Freedom 501217 United Nations.mp3
    26. Edward R. Murrow 500213 Sen. Mccarthy Card Carrying Commies.mp3
    27. Edward R. Murrow 510117 Chinese Commies Reject UN.mp3
    28. Edward R. Murrows 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition.mp3
    29. Elmer Davis News 400331 Allies Stop Scand Ore Germany.mp3
    30. Escape 530906 212 Train From Olbiefelde.mp3
    31. Escape 540506 Adversary.mp3
    32. Exploring Tomorrow 50000 07 First Men On Moon Moon Is New.mp3
    33. FC 370214 Primer On Communism Vs Christianity.mp3
    34. FC 381120 Not AntiSemitism But AntiCommunism.mp3
    35. FC 381127 Let Us Consider Record.mp3
    36. FC 381204 Jew Christian And Persecution.mp3
    37. FC 381211 Father Coughlin Jews Support Communism.mp3
    38. FC 390101 Americanism Neither Nazism Nor Communism.mp3
    39. FC 390716 An Appeal To Laboring Man.mp3
    40. FC 390820 Popular Front.mp3
    41. Front Page Drama 400106 0350 Warden Of Soviet Murder Camp.mp3
    42. FT 530225 307 Two Tickets for Stockholm.mp3
    43. FT 541124 397 Monsieur Payen.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 48 shows – 684 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 55 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Green Hornet 521001 Political Crossfire.mp3
    3. Green Hornet 521003 Spy Master.mp3
    4. Green Hornet 521017 Proof Of Treasure.mp3
    5. Green Hornet 521029 Microfilm Of Death.mp3
    6. Green Hornet 521107 Simple Clue.mp3
    7. Green Hornet 521121 Shipment For Korea.mp3
    8. Green Hornet 521128 Murder And Espionage.mp3
    9. Hall Of Fantasy 531228 13 Black Figurene Death Repeat 530126.mp3
    10. Hear It Now 510216 10 Isolationist Debate In Washington.mp3
    11. Hear It Now 510223 11 Truman Names Tank.mp3
    12. Hear It Now 510302 12 Cold War News.mp3
    13. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of Parachute Jump.mp3
    14. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea.mp3
    15. Heartbeat Theater 590412 0163 Memory Of Tomorrow.mp3
    16. Hedda Hoppers 501014 Humphrey Bogart.mp3
    17. Hedda Hoppers 501111 X Audie Murphy.mp3
    18. Hedda Hoppers 501203 X Dinah Shore.mp3
    19. Hedda Hoppers 510121 Fernando Lamas.mp3
    20. Hedda Hoppers 510128 Mel Torme.mp3
    21. Hedda Hoppers 510204 Alan Young.mp3
    22. Hedda Hoppers 510225 David Niven.mp3
    23. Hedda Hoppers 510401 Agnes Moorehead.mp3
    24. Hedda Hoppers 510408 Andrews Sisters.mp3
    25. Hedda Hoppers 510422 X William Farum.mp3
    26. Hedda Hoppers 510513 Burns Allen.mp3
    27. Hour Decision Billy Graham 580112 How I Praise Thee.mp3
    28. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr.mp3
    29. If Freedom Fails 02 Ballplayers James Whitmore Afrts.mp3
    30. If Freedom Fails 03 Pledge Jeffrey Silver Afrts.mp3
    31. If Freedom Fails 04 Heavens Mark Stevens.mp3
    32. Inheritance 541212 037 Man Without Country.mp3
    33. Inheritance 541212 Man Without Country.mp3
    34. Its Fun To Live In America 000000 J C Penney.mp3
    35. Jergens Journal 471109.mp3
    36. Jergens Journal 481205.mp3
    37. Jergens Journal 481226.mp3
    38. Keys To Capitol 540811 American Attitude Toward Communists.mp3
    39. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher.mp3
    40. Let George Do It 520519 It Happened On Friday.mp3
    41. Louella Parsons 510105 John Wayne.mp3
    42. Lux Radio 501016 716 House Of Strangers.mp3
    43. Lux Radio Theater 540621 886 Pickup On South Streetafrs.mp3
    44. Man Called X 510217 19 North Of Thirty Eight.mp3
    45. Man Called X 510224 20 Tiny Bit Of Microfilm.mp3
    46. March Of Time 350826 Italo Ethiopan Crisis Deepens.mp3
    47. March Of Time 350827 U.s. Protest Has Been Rejected.mp3
    48. March Of Time 360511 Hindenberg.mp3
    49. March Of Time 371028 New York Mayoral Election.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 38 shows – 473 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 14 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Mccarthy 500900 Truman Administration As Commiecrats.mp3
    3. Mccarthy 511016 War Being Lost To Communists.mp3
    4. Mccarthy 521027 Communism And Candidacy Adlai Stevenson.mp3
    5. Mccarthy 530828 Fbi Role In Investigating Communists.mp3
    6. Mccarthy 540204 Communists At Harvard University.mp3
    7. Mccarthy 540421 Communists In Defense Industry.mp3
    8. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba.mp3
    9. Meet Press 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert.mp3
    10. Meet Press 600911 Richard M Nixon.mp3
    11. Meet Press 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro.mp3
    12. Meet Press 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan.mp3
    13. Mike Wallace Interviews 580118 John Gates.mp3
    14. Mr Moto 510520 Force Called Xo 7.mp3
    15. Mr Moto 510603 Blackmail.mp3
    16. Mr Moto 510624 Victim.mp3
    17. Night Beat 520508 093 Long Live Clown.mp3
    18. One Mans Family 580203 B129c25 Consider Martin Pays Call.mp3
    19. One Mans Family 580716 B131c12 Conference With David Norrich.mp3
    20. Our Secret Weapon 420830 Truth.mp3
    21. Pacific Story 430711 Japans Dream Of World Dominion.mp3
    22. Pacific Story 431024 Soviet Asiatics New Human World.mp3
    23. Pacific Story 440723 055 Chinese Communists.mp3
    24. Pacific Story 450610 Yenen Citadel For Chinese Communism.mp3
    25. Pacific Story 450624 Honshu Heart Of China.mp3
    26. Pacific Story 460106 Buryat Mongols Soviet Minority.mp3
    27. Pacific Story 460210 Mao Tse Tung Escratchy.mp3
    28. People Under Communism Part 01 Terror As System.mp3
    29. People Under Communism Part 02 Music Of Order.mp3
    30. People Under Communism Part 03 Men Who Made Migs.mp3
    31. People Under Communism Part 04 Drama To Order.mp3
    32. Ports Of Call 1936 10 Russia.mp3
    33. Proudly We Hail 510805 148 Prelude For Eva V.mp3
    34. Proudly We Hail 510909 153 Weekend At Kolenkovs.mp3
    35. Proudly We Hail 520817 202 Impersonation.mp3
    36. Proudly We Hail 531004 261 Recipe For Deceit.mp3
    37. Proudly We Hail 531018 263 Military Mission.mp3
    38. Proudly We Hail 541024 Ten Mark Note.mp3
    39. Red Skelton Show 510610 328 Guardian Angels Revolt.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 27 shows – 357 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Robert Arden News Commentary 421216 Roundtable Discussion.mp3
    3. Sbfc 520418001 Communist Menace.mp3
    4. Second Chance 550711 21 American Pows Defect.mp3
    5. Second Chance 550801 Three American Turncoats.mp3
    6. Secret Missions 490306 Iron Curtain Escape.mp3
    7. Silent Men 520326 23 Murder In Vienna.mp3
    8. Silent Men 520423 27 Food And War.mp3
    9. Stage 54 540530 The Investigator.mp3
    10. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne.mp3
    11. Suspense 521124 488 Man Alive.mp3
    12. Suspense 540531 554 Listen Young Lovers.mp3
    13. Suspense 570428 696 Escape To Death.mp3
    14. Tex Jinx Show 471104 Walt Disney.mp3
    15. Theater Five 641209 Weapons At Hand.mp3
    16. Theater Five 650205 Underveloped Nation.mp3
    17. This Is Your Fbi 501201 296 Communist Agent.mp3
    18. This Is Your Fbi 510914 337 Interrupted Journey.mp3
    19. Time For Reason 470628 Americas Leadership For Freedom O.mp3
    20. Top Secret 500918 14 Confession Show Moves To Mondays.mp3
    21. Top Secret 501019 18 Dream That Meant Death.mp3
    22. Top Secret 501026 Plan For Sabotage.mp3
    23. Troman Harper 431024 Are All Chinese Communists.mp3
    24. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion V.mp3
    25. Voices And Events Of 1953 521221 With Morgan Beatty.mp3
    26. Whisper Men 451229 Rose Gilman Is Murdered.mp3
    27. Whisperer 510930 13 Strange Bed Fellows.mp3
    28. Winston Churchill 19381016 We Must Arm.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    155 recordings on 84 Audio CDs. Total playtime 76 hours, 59 min
    155 recordings on 84 Audio CDs
    total playtime 76 hours, 59 min

    Communists and Cold War Disc A001

    1. Exploring Tomorrow 50000 07 First Men On Moon Moon Is New
    2. If Freedom Fails 01 1951 Matter Fact G Peck R Burr

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Communists and Cold War Disc A002

    1. If Freedom Fails 02 Ballplayers James Whitmore Afrts
    2. If Freedom Fails 03 Pledge Jeffrey Silver Afrts

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A003

    1. If Freedom Fails 04 Heavens Mark Stevens

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A004

    1. People Under Communism Part 01 Terror As System

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A005

    1. People Under Communism Part 02 Music Of Order

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A006

    1. People Under Communism Part 03 Men Who Made Migs

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A007

    1. People Under Communism Part 04 Drama To Order

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A008

    1. Ports Of Call 1936 10 Russia
    2. Winston Churchill 19381016 We Must Arm
    3. Its Fun To Live In America 000000 J C Penney
    4. March Of Time 350826 Italo Ethiopan Crisis Deepens

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A009

    1. March Of Time 350827 U.s. Protest Has Been Rejected
    2. March Of Time 360511 Hindenberg

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A010

    1. FC 370214 Primer On Communism Vs Christianity

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A011

    1. March Of Time 371028 New York Mayoral Election

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A012

    1. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 380203 What Democracy Mean

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A013

    1. FC 381120 Not AntiSemitism But AntiCommunism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A014

    1. FC 381127 Let Us Consider Record

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A015

    1. FC 381204 Jew Christian And Persecution

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A016

    1. FC 381211 Father Coughlin Jews Support Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A017

    1. FC 390101 Americanism Neither Nazism Nor Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A018

    1. FC 390716 An Appeal To Laboring Man

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A019

    1. FC 390820 Popular Front

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A020

    1. Front Page Drama 400106 0350 Warden Of Soviet Murder Camp
    2. Elmer Davis News 400331 Allies Stop Scand Ore Germany
    3. Our Secret Weapon 420830 Truth

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A021

    1. Robert Arden News Commentary 421216 Roundtable Discussion

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A022

    1. Catholic Hr 430124 04 More Barnacles Ship Democracy
    2. Catholic Hr 430307 10 Overcoming Evil Song Good Shepherd

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A023

    1. Pacific Story 430711 Japans Dream Of World Dominion
    2. Pacific Story 431024 Soviet Asiatics New Human World

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A024

    1. Troman Harper 431024 Are All Chinese Communists
    2. Catholic Hr 440130 05 Political Condition World

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A025

    1. Pacific Story 440723 055 Chinese Communists
    2. Pacific Story 450610 Yenen Citadel For Chinese Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A026

    1. Pacific Story 450624 Honshu Heart Of China
    2. Whisper Men 451229 Rose Gilman Is Murdered

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A027

    1. Pacific Story 460106 Buryat Mongols Soviet Minority
    2. Pacific Story 460210 Mao Tse Tung Escratchy
    3. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 461024 Communists Orgnz Labor

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A028

    1. Catholic Hr 470126 Light Lamps 1 Signs Our Times
    2. Catholic Hr 470209 Light Lamps 3 Philphy Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A029

    1. Catholic Hr 470216 Light Lamps 4 Comnism Church2nd Half
    2. Catholic Hr 470223 Light Lamps 5 How To Meet Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A030

    1. Catholic Hr 470302 Light Lamps 6 Communism Women
    2. Catholic Hr 470309 Light Lamps 7 Communism Fam

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A031

    1. Americas Town Hall Meeting Air 470403 Comm Party Outlawed
    2. Time For Reason 470628 Americas Leadership For Freedom O

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A032

    1. Tex Jinx Show 471104 Walt Disney
    2. Jergens Journal 471109
    3. Adventures Of Danny Marsdon 481104 005 Communism

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A033

    1. Author Meets Critics 481128 Whole Of Their Lives
    2. Jergens Journal 481205
    3. Jergens Journal 481226

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A034

    1. Secret Missions 490306 Iron Curtain Escape
    2. Edward R. Murrow 500213 Sen. Mccarthy Card Carrying Commies
    3. Mccarthy 500900 Truman Administration As Commiecrats

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A035

    1. Top Secret 500918 14 Confession Show Moves To Mondays
    2. Backstage Wife 500929 4001 Episode 4001
    3. Hedda Hoppers 501014 Humphrey Bogart

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A036

    1. Lux Radio 501016 716 House Of Strangers

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A037

    1. Top Secret 501019 18 Dream That Meant Death
    2. Top Secret 501026 Plan For Sabotage

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A038

    1. Hedda Hoppers 501111 X Audie Murphy
    2. This Is Your Fbi 501201 296 Communist Agent

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A039

    1. Hedda Hoppers 501203 X Dinah Shore
    2. Counterspy 501217 Invisible Insurrectionist

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A040

    1. Destination Freedom 501217 United Nations
    2. Counterspy 501224 Pretty Plant

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A041

    1. Louella Parsons 510105 John Wayne
    2. Edward R. Murrow 510117 Chinese Commies Reject UN
    3. Hedda Hoppers 510121 Fernando Lamas

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A042

    1. Hedda Hoppers 510128 Mel Torme
    2. Hedda Hoppers 510204 Alan Young

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A043

    1. Hear It Now 510216 10 Isolationist Debate In Washington

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A044

    1. Man Called X 510217 19 North Of Thirty Eight

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A045

    1. Hear It Now 510223 11 Truman Names Tank

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A046

    1. Man Called X 510224 20 Tiny Bit Of Microfilm
    2. Hedda Hoppers 510225 David Niven

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A047

    1. Hear It Now 510302 12 Cold War News

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A048

    1. Edward R. Murrows 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition
    2. Hedda Hoppers 510401 Agnes Moorehead

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A049

    1. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of Parachute Jump

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A050

    1. Hedda Hoppers 510408 Andrews Sisters
    2. Hedda Hoppers 510422 X William Farum

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A051

    1. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A052

    1. Hedda Hoppers 510513 Burns Allen
    2. Mr Moto 510520 Force Called Xo 7

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A053

    1. Mr Moto 510603 Blackmail
    2. Red Skelton Show 510610 328 Guardian Angels Revolt

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A054

    1. Mr Moto 510624 Victim
    2. Proudly We Hail 510805 148 Prelude For Eva V

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A055

    1. Proudly We Hail 510909 153 Weekend At Kolenkovs
    2. This Is Your Fbi 510914 337 Interrupted Journey

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A056

    1. Whisperer 510930 13 Strange Bed Fellows
    2. Mccarthy 511016 War Being Lost To Communists
    3. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A057

    1. Calv 520226 733 Doctor Commando
    2. Silent Men 520326 23 Murder In Vienna

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A058

    1. Sbfc 520418001 Communist Menace
    2. Silent Men 520423 27 Food And War

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A059

    1. Night Beat 520508 093 Long Live Clown
    2. Let George Do It 520519 It Happened On Friday

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A060

    1. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion V
    2. Proudly We Hail 520817 202 Impersonation

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A061

    1. Green Hornet 521001 Political Crossfire
    2. Green Hornet 521003 Spy Master

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A062

    1. Green Hornet 521017 Proof Of Treasure
    2. Chase 521026 E22 Iron Curtin Express

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A063

    1. Mccarthy 521027 Communism And Candidacy Adlai Stevenson
    2. Green Hornet 521029 Microfilm Of Death

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A064

    1. Green Hornet 521107 Simple Clue
    2. Green Hornet 521121 Shipment For Korea

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A065

    1. Suspense 521124 488 Man Alive
    2. Green Hornet 521128 Murder And Espionage

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A066

    1. Voices And Events Of 1953 521221 With Morgan Beatty

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A067

    1. FT 530225 307 Two Tickets for Stockholm
    2. Mccarthy 530828 Fbi Role In Investigating Communists
    3. Escape 530906 212 Train From Olbiefelde

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A068

    1. Proudly We Hail 531004 261 Recipe For Deceit
    2. Proudly We Hail 531018 263 Military Mission

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A069

    1. Last Man Out 531206 Communist Teacher
    2. Hall Of Fantasy 531228 13 Black Figurene Death Repeat 530126
    3. Mccarthy 540204 Communists At Harvard University

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A070

    1. Bing Crosby 540221 Frank Morgan
    2. Mccarthy 540421 Communists In Defense Industry
    3. Bing Crosby 540502 Peggy Lee Joe Frisco

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A071

    1. Escape 540506 Adversary

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A072

    1. Stage 54 540530 The Investigator

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A073

    1. Suspense 540531 554 Listen Young Lovers

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A074

    1. Lux Radio Theater 540621 886 Pickup On South Streetafrs

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A075

    1. Keys To Capitol 540811 American Attitude Toward Communists
    2. Proudly We Hail 541024 Ten Mark Note

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A076

    1. FT 541124 397 Monsieur Payen
    2. Inheritance 541212 037 Man Without Country

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A077

    1. Inheritance 541212 Man Without Country
    2. Second Chance 550711 21 American Pows Defect

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A078

    1. Second Chance 550801 Three American Turncoats
    2. Dangerous Assignment Au 551017 43 Tibet

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A079

    1. Suspense 570428 696 Escape To Death
    2. Hour Decision Billy Graham 580112 How I Praise Thee

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A080

    1. Mike Wallace Interviews 580118 John Gates
    2. One Mans Family 580203 B129c25 Consider Martin Pays Call
    3. One Mans Family 580716 B131c12 Conference With David Norrich

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A081

    1. Heartbeat Theater 590412 0163 Memory Of Tomorrow
    2. Meet Press 590419 Fidel Castro Prime Minister Cuba

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A082

    1. Meet Press 600522 Alexander Kaznacheev Soviet Expert
    2. Meet Press 600911 Richard M Nixon

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A083

    1. Meet Press 601030 Teresa Casusa Former Aide To Fidel Castro
    2. Meet Press 611015 Dr Cheddi Jagan

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    Communists and Cold War Disc A084

    1. Theater Five 641209 Weapons At Hand
    2. Theater Five 650205 Underveloped Nation

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