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Cinnamon Bear

Christmas holiday fantasy adventure serial is for children of all ages. Just before Christmas, Something has taken twins Judy and Jimmy "Silver Star" for their Christmas tree and the adventure begins...

Cinnamon Bear

26 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 5 hours, 20 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
6 Audio CDs

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"Weasley, The Wailing Whale"

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Christmas Season Children's fantasy serial (late 1930s)

Cinnamon BearThis wonderful Christmas holiday fantasy adventure serial was created and written by Glanville Heisch for children of all ages. It all happens to twins Judy and Jimmy before Christmas. Something has taken the "Silver Star" for their Christmas tree. The very Irish teddy bear, Paddy O'Cinnamon by name, comes to their aid and tells them that the Crazy Quilt Dragon has taken the star to Maybeland. So the three venture off to find their "Silver Star." The fifteen-minute episodes were first broadcast from the end of November right up 'till Christmas, and can still be enjoyed that way by the entire family.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

There are many fantasy characters in Maybeland, including a dragon, a giant, a witch, a whale, a queen, a rhyming rabbit, a magician, cowboys and indians, even pirates! Most of the characters are quite sophisticated, and are a listening joy for adults as well as children. Many well-known radio actors took the parts, including Howard McNear (Speed Gibson, Gunsmoke) and Gale Gordon (The Great Gildersleeve, Our Miss Brooks.) The central characters Judy was played beautifully by Barbara Jean Wong, and strangely, to this day, the boy who played Jimmy has not been identified, even by The Cinnamon Brigade, a group of loyal fans of this famous show.

As mentioned, the Cinnamon Bear is similar in many ways to The Wizard of Oz movie, and was released the same year. It certain has the polish and dramatic appeal of the Wizard of Oz movie, and that's high praise indeed. Also, one is reminded in listening to the Cinnamon Bear of the great "Alice in Wonderland" and "Pinocchio" in the animated film versions. The Cinnamon Bear has a first-class

All considered, Cinnamon Bear is definitely a radio Christmas classic, and a superb example of radio's special dramatic art ability - to take the perfectly fantastic, and make it perfectly real in the imaginations of listeners of all ages.

See also the Jump Jump and the Ice Queen, Jonathan Thomas and his Christmas on the Moon, Christmas Collection, Big , and Land of the Lost.

For older kids, there are many action-packed old time radio shows, some of them in the 15 minute serial format. A few are Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Speed Gibson, Cisco Kid, Captain Midnight, Superman, The Green Hornet, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, and Space Patrol.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    18     2


    Corny? OF COURSE it's corny - it's a Kid Show! But here's a key point about this show (and, for that matter, most kid radio shows): the story line is NOT Predictable! Modern media that is directed toward children is UTTERLY PREDICTABLE! According to media producers, "Whatever worked in such-n-such and again in so-n-so and again in this-n-that and previously in... [etc., etc., etc. ...] will obviously work again! And again! And again! And..." This is why media directed toward children is so awfully repetitive, most obviously by repeating catch phrases that drew attention in earlier kid media. Nothing original, just rehashed "humor" that was barely humorous in the original usage, and is decreasingly less humorous in every newer incarnation. However the Hook for children is that they recognize these phrases as something that they heard in earlier shows or movies. It might not have been funny then, but the laugh-track MADE it funny, so it's gotta be funny now, right?

    David Verified Purchase

    When my kids were little, I started them off with listening to The Cinnamon Bear.

    Nicole Verified Purchase

    Though this is one of the smaller collections I've purchased here, I love this show every Christmas and my kids and I listen to it daily. So much more satisfying than the binge-watching mentality these days. The quality is excellent and I'm so thankful the folks at OTRCAT were able to preserve it and so many other great old radio shows

    Michael Verified Purchase

    I listened to The Cinnamon Bear for the first time when I was 10 or 11, with my parents and my sister. I only half remembered it – I didn’t even remember its name, just vague bits of a couple kids and their teddy bear adventuring to find the star for their Christmas tree. But what I remembered, I remembered very fondly. Last year, in a fit of nostalgia and looking for a way to destress for the holiday season, I actually decided to go searching for it and listen to it again, which led me to finding it on this website. To my surprise, the radio show held up pretty well. To me, it had the wonder and inventiveness of Alice in Wonderland or The Wizard of Oz, just with a much smaller budget. I found it delightfully charming, and some of the songs were surprisingly catchy. That being said, as a radio program from the 30s, there are many parts of the program that haven’t aged very well (the Wooden Indian sequence in particular), and I found the last six episodes a bit unsatisfying. But I still think this is a good kid’s program for your children to listen to, or even just for a dash of wholesome holiday cheer.

    Bryce Verified Purchase

    You might want to notify your subscribers that "Cinnamon Bear Month" starts on Nov. 29 (next Wednesday)! In order to really Follow The Show, they should listen to only one (1) episode per night, and the last episode will come up on Christmas Eve! [26 total episodes - 24 in December (Dec 1-24) = 2 episodes in November = Nov 29 & 30.] I'll bet that some grandkids would LOVE to hear this series - especially since they would have to WAIT to hear the next episode until the next night. (It's called "Delayed Gratification", something that today's kiddoes are not accustomed to enduring.) I know, I know, it's a silly kids' 1930s radio show, but I still like to listen to an episode every night when the dogs and I go to bed...

    David Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    26 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 5 hours, 20 min
    26 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 5 hours, 20 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 26 shows – total playtime 5 hours, 20 minutes
    2. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon.mp3
    3. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie.mp3
    4. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon.mp3
    5. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos.mp3
    6. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale.mp3
    7. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal.mp3
    8. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician.mp3
    9. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates.mp3
    10. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman.mp3
    11. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz.mp3
    12. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant.mp3
    13. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit.mp3
    14. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch.mp3
    15. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa.mp3
    16. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile.mp3
    17. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich.mp3
    18. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers.mp3
    19. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian.mp3
    21. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat.mp3
    22. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman.mp3
    23. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus.mp3
    24. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls.mp3
    25. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade.mp3
    26. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop.mp3
    27. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    26 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 5 hours, 20 min
    26 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    147 MB – total playtime 5 hours, 20 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 26 shows – 147 MB – total playtime 5 hours, 20 minutes
    2. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon.mp3
    3. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie.mp3
    4. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon.mp3
    5. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos.mp3
    6. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale.mp3
    7. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal.mp3
    8. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician.mp3
    9. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates.mp3
    10. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman.mp3
    11. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz.mp3
    12. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant.mp3
    13. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit.mp3
    14. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch.mp3
    15. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa.mp3
    16. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile.mp3
    17. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich.mp3
    18. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers.mp3
    19. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian.mp3
    21. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat.mp3
    22. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman.mp3
    23. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus.mp3
    24. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls.mp3
    25. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade.mp3
    26. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop.mp3
    27. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    26 recordings on 6 Audio CDs. Total playtime 5 hours, 20 min
    26 recordings on 6 Audio CDs
    total playtime 5 hours, 20 min

    Cinnamon Bear Disc A001

    1. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon
    2. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie
    3. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon
    4. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos
    5. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cinnamon Bear Disc A002

    1. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal
    2. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician
    3. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates
    4. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman
    5. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cinnamon Bear Disc A003

    1. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant
    2. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit
    3. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch
    4. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa
    5. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cinnamon Bear Disc A004

    1. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich
    2. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers
    3. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys
    4. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian
    5. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cinnamon Bear Disc A005

    1. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman
    2. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus
    3. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls
    4. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade
    5. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cinnamon Bear Disc A006

    1. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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