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Christmas At War

There was no way for the GI's to come home for Christmas, so the Radio Networks tried to bring Home to the GI's. Take a magical sleigh ride back into World War II Christmas celebrations with this incredible collection of radio shows from every genre.

Christmas At War

49 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 22 hours, 32 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
18 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from December 28, 1941:

"Jack Benny Talks About the Christmas Party He Gave"

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1944 Christmas

Take a magical sleigh ride into yesteryear with this Christmas collection: 49 assorted holiday-in-wartime radio broadcasts. It's an auditory bonanza of old time entertainment, studded with a little bit of everything: the madcap hilarity of comedians like Jack Benny and the duo Burns and Allen; carols from favorite crooners like Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby accompanied by pieces from popular orchestras of the day; spiced with a little mystery, drama and horror for complex seasonal flavor.

After the first shots were fired near the end of July 1914 in what would be called "The Great War" (a.k.a. 'the War to End all Wars') the Armies of Europe rushed pell-mell into the fray with such ferocity that everyone was convinced that they would all be home with their families for Christmas. As we all know now, it was not to be. The stunning and glorious maneuvers of the early weeks of the War quickly degenerated into the stalemate of Trench Warfare. The rains and mud of Autumn and early winter prevented any possibility of attack, but the lines still had to be manned.

WWII Christmas War Bonds

On December 7, Pope Benedict XV called on both sides to declare a cease-fire to allow for the Celebration of Christmas. The leaders of the belligerents in their capitols ignored His Holiness's suggestion, but conditions were different on the front lines. On Christmas Eve, troops in the trenches began raising their voices in song. When one carol came to an end, it was answered by a new chorus from an opposing trench.

On Christmas Morning, troops began emerging from their trenches to discover who they had been singing to all night. After a few tentative moments, while they established that they would not shoot one another, the troops for different countries began sharing their meager Christmas rations. Inevitably, soccer balls began appearing and friendly matches broke out all along the "No Man's Land" Zone between the trench lines.

The home front newspapers were delighted with the "Christmas Truce", but the Generals were beside themselves. How could they expect their troops to engage and kill the enemy after they had spent the day sharing chocolates and knocking a soccer ball about? Such a thing could not be allowed to happen again. Several more Christmases would occur before the Great War came to an end. Many historians would argue that the "War to End all Wars" simply continued until Hitler's forces crossed the border with Poland and open fighting began in another World War.

By the time America was drawn into WWII, the Generals were only too aware that they would not be able to send their troops home for the Holidays, so in the interest of morale, every effort would be made to bring home to the troops. Headquarters' Staffs in every theater of the War whose only concern had been ensuring that the "bullets, beans, and black oil" got to where it was needed now turned their efforts into making sure that every G.I., even those in the snowiest, loneliest foxholes on the front lines, would have a hot turkey dinner.

Jack Benny - Rochester

This led to sporadic turkey shortages on the Home Front, but there were enough empty places at Christmas dinner across the country that no one complained too much. For many youngsters who had grown up in the deprivations of the Great Depression, Santa was merely a happy legend but with the general economic boom brought on by the War, the Jolly Old Elf outdid himself.

This collection takes us on an audio sleigh-ride through what was on the air during the Second World War. Not only do we get carols from the greatest crooners, but we also get plenty of Christmas Cheer from the likes of Bob Hope, Fibber and Molly, Jack Benny, George and Gracie, and plenty of other funny folks. On a more serious note, leaders like FDR and Churchill send us Christmas messages to remind us of the important sacrifices the whole world is making in defense of Democracy.

You'll also hear important historical broadcasts which reflect the unique gravity of the times. Live radio addresses from FDR and Winston Churchill are reminders of the somber threads of war woven through the yuletide tapestry. Hear the poignant Christmas Eve broadcast announcing the tragic disappearance of musician Glenn Miller over the English Channel. These windows into history are a must-not-miss for classic radio fans and World War II buffs alike.

See also: Christmas on the Home Front Collection

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    31     11


    nice listening and passing time during corona sut down. love the old radio shows!

    James Verified Purchase

    it's one of the masterful works of WW11 history - and this is from a bona fide WW11 nut. I'm just pointing this out because it deserves whatever promotion you can give it. Again, I suggerst giving it a listen. (I have the cassette set but I'll order your mp3 CDs too. Just so glad it's available in mp3 format.) The Home Front Featuring William B. Williams Featuring William B Williams, The Home Front tells the stories of WWII from the point of view of the families and friends who stayed home.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    For me the light comedies of OTR have not held up as well as the dramas and genre programs, but hey, it's Christmas, and there is lots of genuine warm emotion in these shows.

    Jack Verified Purchase

    Love the commercials as much as the programming. Also the WWII war bonds and other period service announcements. I listen to while driving and it is very entertaining.

    Melvin Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    49 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 32 min
    49 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 22 hours, 32 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 49 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 32 minutes
    2. Authors Playhouse 411221 Christmas By Injunction.mp3
    3. Bbc Desert Christmas 421226.mp3
    4. Benny 411221 Christmas Tree.mp3
    5. Benny 411228 Jack Talks About Christmas Party He Gave.mp3
    6. Benny 420104 New Years Eve Party At Biltmore Bowl.mp3
    7. Benny 431219 Jack And Mary Go Christmas Shopping.mp3
    8. Benny 431226 Christmas At Jacks House.mp3
    9. Benny 440102 Annual New Years Eve Show.mp3
    10. Bing Crosby Kraft Music Hall 441221 Jinglebells.mp3
    11. Bing Crosby Orsn Welles Philco Hall Fame 441224 White Xmas.mp3
    12. Bob Hope Xmas Show 1968 Long Binh.mp3
    13. Burns And Allen 411216 Mailing A Christmas Package.mp3
    14. Burns And Allen 411223 Wicked Witch Stole Kids Toys.mp3
    15. Charioteers Kraft Music Hall 441221 Slip Lip Sink a Ship.mp3
    16. Churchill Christmas Message 411224.mp3
    17. Columbiaworkshop 421200 Plottooverthrowchristmas.mp3
    18. Command Performance 421224 Christmas Special.mp3
    19. Command Performance 431225 Christmas Special.mp3
    20. Command Performance 441225 Christmas Special.mp3
    21. Dorothy Collins Send Me Your Love For Christmas.mp3
    22. Fdr 411224 Christmas Message Excerpt.mp3
    23. Fdr 431224 Christmas Eve.mp3
    24. Fibber Mcgee 411216 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree.mp3
    25. Fibber Mcgee 411223 A Gift Of Door Chimes.mp3
    26. Fibber Mcgee 411226 Fibber Cuts Down His Christmas Tree.mp3
    27. Fibber Mcgee 421215 Misplaced Christmas Money.mp3
    28. Fibber Mcgee 421222 Listening To Christmas Carols.mp3
    29. Fibber Mcgee 431221 Looking For A Christmas Tree.mp3
    30. Fibber Mcgee 431228 A Fresh Start For New Year.mp3
    31. Fibber Mcgee Give Bonds For Christmas Ad 411207.mp3
    32. Frank Sinatra 4512 Avemaria.mp3
    33. Frank Sinatra 4512 Little Town of Bethlehem.mp3
    34. Frank Sinatra Gen Reynolds 4512 Vdiscintro.mp3
    35. Glenn Miller First Reported Missing Christmas Eve 1944.mp3
    36. Great Gildersleeve 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    37. Great Gildersleeve 421220 061 Christmas Program.mp3
    38. Great Gildersleeve 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set.mp3
    39. Great Gildersleeve 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    40. Great Gildersleeve 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party.mp3
    41. Kraft Music Hall 441214 Christmas Show.mp3
    42. Kraft Music Hall 441221 Christmas Show.mp3
    43. Lets Pretend 0 421226 House Of World Christmas Special.mp3
    44. Life Of Riley 441217 049 Christmas Present.mp3
    45. Life Of Riley 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas.mp3
    46. Nick Carter 431225 Christmas Adventure Different Versions.mp3
    47. Nick Carter 431225 Nick Carters Christmas Adventure.mp3
    48. Suspense! 431223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    49. Voice Of Army 433 Christmas Harps Deering Macquarrie.mp3
    50. Whistler 441225 136 Christmas Bonus.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    49 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 32 min
    49 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    619 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 32 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 49 shows – 619 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 32 minutes
    2. Authors Playhouse 411221 Christmas By Injunction.mp3
    3. Bbc Desert Christmas 421226.mp3
    4. Benny 411221 Christmas Tree.mp3
    5. Benny 411228 Jack Talks About Christmas Party He Gave.mp3
    6. Benny 420104 New Years Eve Party At Biltmore Bowl.mp3
    7. Benny 431219 Jack And Mary Go Christmas Shopping.mp3
    8. Benny 431226 Christmas At Jacks House.mp3
    9. Benny 440102 Annual New Years Eve Show.mp3
    10. Bing Crosby Kraft Music Hall 441221 Jinglebells.mp3
    11. Bing Crosby Orsn Welles Philco Hall Fame 441224 White Xmas.mp3
    12. Bob Hope Xmas Show 1968 Long Binh.mp3
    13. Burns And Allen 411216 Mailing A Christmas Package.mp3
    14. Burns And Allen 411223 Wicked Witch Stole Kids Toys.mp3
    15. Charioteers Kraft Music Hall 441221 Slip Lip Sink a Ship.mp3
    16. Churchill Christmas Message 411224.mp3
    17. Columbiaworkshop 421200 Plottooverthrowchristmas.mp3
    18. Command Performance 421224 Christmas Special.mp3
    19. Command Performance 431225 Christmas Special.mp3
    20. Command Performance 441225 Christmas Special.mp3
    21. Dorothy Collins Send Me Your Love For Christmas.mp3
    22. Fdr 411224 Christmas Message Excerpt.mp3
    23. Fdr 431224 Christmas Eve.mp3
    24. Fibber Mcgee 411216 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree.mp3
    25. Fibber Mcgee 411223 A Gift Of Door Chimes.mp3
    26. Fibber Mcgee 411226 Fibber Cuts Down His Christmas Tree.mp3
    27. Fibber Mcgee 421215 Misplaced Christmas Money.mp3
    28. Fibber Mcgee 421222 Listening To Christmas Carols.mp3
    29. Fibber Mcgee 431221 Looking For A Christmas Tree.mp3
    30. Fibber Mcgee 431228 A Fresh Start For New Year.mp3
    31. Fibber Mcgee Give Bonds For Christmas Ad 411207.mp3
    32. Frank Sinatra 4512 Avemaria.mp3
    33. Frank Sinatra 4512 Little Town of Bethlehem.mp3
    34. Frank Sinatra Gen Reynolds 4512 Vdiscintro.mp3
    35. Glenn Miller First Reported Missing Christmas Eve 1944.mp3
    36. Great Gildersleeve 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    37. Great Gildersleeve 421220 061 Christmas Program.mp3
    38. Great Gildersleeve 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set.mp3
    39. Great Gildersleeve 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    40. Great Gildersleeve 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party.mp3
    41. Kraft Music Hall 441214 Christmas Show.mp3
    42. Kraft Music Hall 441221 Christmas Show.mp3
    43. Lets Pretend 0 421226 House Of World Christmas Special.mp3
    44. Life Of Riley 441217 049 Christmas Present.mp3
    45. Life Of Riley 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas.mp3
    46. Nick Carter 431225 Christmas Adventure Different Versions.mp3
    47. Nick Carter 431225 Nick Carters Christmas Adventure.mp3
    48. Suspense! 431223 Back For Christmas.mp3
    49. Voice Of Army 433 Christmas Harps Deering Macquarrie.mp3
    50. Whistler 441225 136 Christmas Bonus.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    49 recordings on 18 Audio CDs. Total playtime 17 hours, 19 min
    49 recordings on 18 Audio CDs
    total playtime 17 hours, 19 min

    Christmas At War Disc A001

    1. Dorothy Collins Send Me Your Love For Christmas
    2. Frank Sinatra 4512 Avemaria
    3. Frank Sinatra 4512 Little Town of Bethlehem
    4. Frank Sinatra Gen Reynolds 4512 Vdiscintro
    5. Glenn Miller First Reported Missing Christmas Eve 1944
    6. Voice Of Army 433 Christmas Harps Deering Macquarrie
    7. Fibber Mcgee Give Bonds For Christmas Ad 411207
    8. Burns And Allen 411216 Mailing A Christmas Package

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A002

    1. Fibber Mcgee 411216 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree
    2. Authors Playhouse 411221 Christmas By Injunction

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A003

    1. Benny 411221 Christmas Tree
    2. Great Gildersleeve 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A004

    1. Burns And Allen 411223 Wicked Witch Stole Kids Toys
    2. Fibber Mcgee 411223 A Gift Of Door Chimes
    3. Churchill Christmas Message 411224
    4. Fdr 411224 Christmas Message Excerpt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A005

    1. Fibber Mcgee 411226 Fibber Cuts Down His Christmas Tree
    2. Benny 411228 Jack Talks About Christmas Party He Gave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A006

    1. Benny 420104 New Years Eve Party At Biltmore Bowl
    2. Columbiaworkshop 421200 Plottooverthrowchristmas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A007

    1. Fibber Mcgee 421215 Misplaced Christmas Money
    2. Great Gildersleeve 421220 061 Christmas Program

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A008

    1. Fibber Mcgee 421222 Listening To Christmas Carols

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A009

    1. Command Performance 421224 Christmas Special
    2. Bbc Desert Christmas 421226

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A010

    1. Lets Pretend 0 421226 House Of World Christmas Special
    2. Great Gildersleeve 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A011

    1. Benny 431219 Jack And Mary Go Christmas Shopping
    2. Fibber Mcgee 431221 Looking For A Christmas Tree

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A012

    1. Suspense! 431223 Back For Christmas
    2. Fdr 431224 Christmas Eve

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A013

    1. Nick Carter 431225 Christmas Adventure Different Versions
    2. Nick Carter 431225 Nick Carters Christmas Adventure

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A014

    1. Benny 431226 Christmas At Jacks House
    2. Fibber Mcgee 431228 A Fresh Start For New Year

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A015

    1. Benny 440102 Annual New Years Eve Show
    2. Kraft Music Hall 441214 Christmas Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A016

    1. Life Of Riley 441217 049 Christmas Present
    2. Bing Crosby Kraft Music Hall 441221 Jinglebells
    3. Charioteers Kraft Music Hall 441221 Slip Lip Sink a Ship
    4. Kraft Music Hall 441221 Christmas Show
    5. Bing Crosby Orsn Welles Philco Hall Fame 441224 White Xmas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A017

    1. Great Gildersleeve 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas
    2. Life Of Riley 441224 050 Roswells A Guest For Christmas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Christmas At War Disc A018

    1. Whistler 441225 136 Christmas Bonus
    2. Great Gildersleeve 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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