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Cavemen and Dinosaurs in Old Time Radio

A fun prehistoric collection from a wide variety of radio shows. An OTRCAT.com original collection.

Cavemen and Dinosaurs

17 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours, 10 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 07, 1956:

"X Minus One: Gun For Dinosaur"

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Vintage Dino Drawing

Capt Midnight

The people we commonly refer to as cavemen generally did not live in caves. Those people, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon Man, were primarily nomadic hunter-gatherers who would have used tent-like structures for shelter, or perhaps wooden sheds. They may have taken temporary shelter in a cave if they could find one, but they would have moved on to follow the game they were hunting. Artifacts left in caves, however, tend to be much better preserved than those left in the open.

The caveman label comes from Cro-Magnon Man, which is the earliest recognized fossils of modern man, Homo sapiens sapiens. Cro-Magnon refers to the location where the earliest fossils were discovered, Abri de Cro-Magnon in southwestern France. "Abri" and "Cro" are terms that mean "shelter made from a hole in the rock", and Magnon is the family who owned the land where the fossils were discovered. The term currently preferred in the scientific literature for Cro-Magnon is "Early European Modern Humans" or EEMH. Neanderthal Man, Homo neanderthalis, were contemporaries of EEMH, and they are also named for the region where their fossils were first discovered, the Neander Valley in Germany.

The cartoonish image of cavemen shows them living with dinosaurs. Most eight-year-olds have a greater knowledge of dinosaurs than the scientific community did during the Golden Age of Radio. In fact, nobody had even heard of dinosaurs until the mid-Nineteenth century. The earliest Cro-Magnon fossils are around 45 thousand years old, but the last dinosaurs died out more than 200 million years ago. (Or did they? Modern scientific thought indicates that the hen who laid the egg you had for breakfast may be closely related to Tyrannosaurus Rex!)

  • Evil Ivan Shark has managed to trap Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron in the jungle when "Ivan Shark Returns". They take refuge up a tree when they are surrounded by a band of unwitting cavemen who have become Shark's minions. The cavemen are distracted when a great iguanodon wanders out of the jungle.
  • FibberDinosaurs in Wistful Vista? Fibber McGee thinks that he has found a fossil bone in his backyard, and Professor von Klienmetz confirms that the bone is from a terrible tyrannosaurus. Or maybe it was a brontosaurus. Perhaps a thesaurus?
  • Sometimes it is hard to get to the basement of a department store. That is where they store the unused seasonal displays, mannequins, merchandise, and records. Sometimes there is a sub-basement and it is rumored that there is a small railroad to deliver merchandise. According to Lights Out, the "Sub-Basement" may be filled with dinosaurs!
  • Three companions are riding their bicycles in the Pyrenees mountains when a sudden rainstorm hits. They take refuge in a hidden cave. The girl takes her flashlight and explores deeper into the cave, and discovers a footprint in the stone near a hole, left there 20,000 years ago by a Cro-Magnon man. When one of the companions falls down the hole, he discovers "The World's Oldest Man" on Quiet Please.
  • In one of the earliest surviving complete Tarzan serials, "The diamond of Asher", the King of the Jungle has to battle a tyrannosaurus and a pterodactyl to get to the treasure!
  • We think that dinosaurs only existed in the misty depths of the ancient past, but Tom Corbett, Space Cadet discovers a tyrannosaurus in the jungles of the planet Venus.
  • When Buzz Corry and Happy of Space Patrol land on mysterious Planet X beyond the reaches of the solar system they hear a strange bellow that turns out to be the call of a one-hundred-ton dinosaur in "The Menace of Planet X". In "The Monster from the Past", a time traveling criminal strands Buzz and Happy one-hundred-and-forty-million years in the past during the time of the dinosaurs.
  • There is more time-travel afoot on X Minus One when a safari guide leads hunting expeditions to the past, but he rejects some clients for being too small in stature to handle a rifle big enough to bag a dinosaur in "A Gun for Dinosaur". In "Project Mastodon" a group of adventurers develops a Time Unit to travel back to the Pleistocene and establish the Republic of Mastodonia, and then they send a representative back to seek diplomatic recognition from the United States.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    17 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 10 min
    17 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 6 hours, 10 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 17 shows – total playtime 6 hours, 10 minutes
    2. Black Flame Of Amazon 380000 Living Dinosaurs In Jungle.mp3
    3. Captain Midnight 481208 1931 Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 500307 Mr Peale And Dinosaur.mp3
    5. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 540713 0941 Professor Analyzes Bone.mp3
    6. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur.mp3
    7. I Love Mystery 431123 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo Ep12of20.mp3
    8. Lights Out 430824 47 Subbasement Going Down.mp3
    9. Ozzie And Harriet 450916 042 Lodge Of Unicorns.mp3
    10. Quiet Please 490521 101 Oldest Man In World.mp3
    11. Space Patrol 530822 Menace Of Planet X.mp3
    12. Space Patrol 550305 Monster From Past.mp3
    13. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350530 22 Diamond Of Asher 22.mp3
    14. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350531 23 Diamond Of Asher 23.mp3
    15. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350618 35 Diamond Of Asher 35.mp3
    16. Tom Corbett 520117 06 Space Station Of Danger Part 2.mp3
    17. X Minus One 560307 Gun For Dinosaur.mp3
    18. X Minus One 560605 Project Mastodon.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    17 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 10 min
    17 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    160 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 10 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 17 shows – 160 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 10 minutes
    2. Black Flame Of Amazon 380000 Living Dinosaurs In Jungle.mp3
    3. Captain Midnight 481208 1931 Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 500307 Mr Peale And Dinosaur.mp3
    5. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 540713 0941 Professor Analyzes Bone.mp3
    6. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur.mp3
    7. I Love Mystery 431123 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo Ep12of20.mp3
    8. Lights Out 430824 47 Subbasement Going Down.mp3
    9. Ozzie And Harriet 450916 042 Lodge Of Unicorns.mp3
    10. Quiet Please 490521 101 Oldest Man In World.mp3
    11. Space Patrol 530822 Menace Of Planet X.mp3
    12. Space Patrol 550305 Monster From Past.mp3
    13. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350530 22 Diamond Of Asher 22.mp3
    14. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350531 23 Diamond Of Asher 23.mp3
    15. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350618 35 Diamond Of Asher 35.mp3
    16. Tom Corbett 520117 06 Space Station Of Danger Part 2.mp3
    17. X Minus One 560307 Gun For Dinosaur.mp3
    18. X Minus One 560605 Project Mastodon.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    17 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 6 hours, 10 min
    17 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 6 hours, 10 min

    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A001

    1. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350530 22 Diamond Of Asher 22
    2. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350531 23 Diamond Of Asher 23
    3. Tarzan Diamond Of Asher 350618 35 Diamond Of Asher 35
    4. Black Flame Of Amazon 380000 Living Dinosaurs In Jungle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A002

    1. Lights Out 430824 47 Subbasement Going Down
    2. I Love Mystery 431123 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo Ep12of20
    3. Ozzie And Harriet 450916 042 Lodge Of Unicorns

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A003

    1. Captain Midnight 481208 1931 Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue
    2. Quiet Please 490521 101 Oldest Man In World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A004

    1. Green Lama 490703 Last Dinosaur
    2. Cavalcade Of America 500307 Mr Peale And Dinosaur

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A005

    1. Tom Corbett 520117 06 Space Station Of Danger Part 2
    2. Space Patrol 530822 Menace Of Planet X
    3. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 540713 0941 Professor Analyzes Bone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A006

    1. Space Patrol 550305 Monster From Past
    2. X Minus One 560307 Gun For Dinosaur

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Cavemen and Dinosaurs Disc A007

    1. X Minus One 560605 Project Mastodon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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