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Captain Midnight

This flying adventure with mysterious Captain Midnight and his pals Chuck Ramsey and Patsy Donovan was sponsored by Skelly Oil and took an exciting and melodramatic view of aviation adventure.

Captain Midnight

142 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 32 hours, 4 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
33 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from November 23, 1939:

"Episode Number 28"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Captain Midnight Header Juvenile flying serial
West Coast 1939-40
National Mutual 1940-49

Captain Midnight - Chuck Ramsey ......... Cap. Midnight ...... Patsy Donovan (Skelly) The tolling of a bell, the roar of a plane, and it's Captainnnn Midnight! Announcer Don Gordon's intro signaled flying adventure with that mysterious Captain Midnight and his pals Chuck Ramsey and Patsy Donovan. The successor to Skelly Oil's previous show, The Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Captain Midnight took an even more exciting and melodramatic view of aviation adventure.

Captain Midnight, played by Bill Bouchey in the early Skelly west coast transcriptions and Ed Prentiss on Mutual, acted and sounded very similar to that Masked Man. Captain Midnight was Captain Red Albright, a flying ace in the Great War, and he continues battling evil such as master criminal like Ivan Shark. Shark's henchmen are a wonderful bunch of stooges that serve his every evil whim. Shark's frustration and ridicule of their incompetence is great fun. Shark's an exemplary baddie, played in mini-Lorrie style by Boris Aplon.

The adventures are in exotic locals, with twists and turns in the plots that gives the show a serial format and reminds the listener of the more sophisticated I Love a Mystery. It's like Superman, too, in its overdrawn crooks and genre plot devices. Hop Harrigan was created later by the same writing team, and Hop took off with radio's young aviators as well.

The early West Coast shows with Announcer Don Gordon's appeals for Skelly Oil Company are classic old time radio, as he is always needling the kids to tell their parents something about automobiles or gas, like not nursing the brakes, or adding air to the tires.

captain Midnight Old Time Radio ProgramImagine getting the job of writing commercials for an audience who by law don't use the product (except for air in their bikes tires!) Gordon does a manly job. Especially on those super Captain Midnight Flight Patrol premiums! Thousands of kids joined up, and impatiently awaited the next free thing they could get.

In 1940, the show went national with Ovaltine sponsoring. It had changes in the plot, announcer and characters. Ivan Shark was still circling menacingly, but another baddie with an Oriental accent, the "Barracuda," joins the fray, and the exploits of Captain Midnight's Secret Squadron became even more mysterious. Of course, the shadows of war are why the series gets a little darker, and the Squadron does its part in the effort as American enters WWII. Midnight, a WWII veteran says to a girl Secret Squadron member, "War is terrible, Joyce, but if those rats win, then freedom loses."

For other aviation adventure series, see also: Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio, Anne of the Airlines, Air Stories of the World War, Captain Midnight,Hop Harrigan, Howie Wing, A Saga of Aviation, Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows, Airmail MysterySky King, Speed Gibson, Tailspin Tommy, Terry & the Pirates, Sky King, Sky Blazers and Smilin' Jack.

For other great serials, see also: True Adventures of Junior G-Men, Jack Armstrong the All American Boy, Jerry at Fair Oaks, Adventures of Dick Cole, Bobby Benson, Buck Rogers, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, Hop Harrigan, Jungle Jim, Magic Island, Sgt Preston,Speed Gibson, Superman, Terry and the Pirates, Charles Lindbergh RecordingsAmelia Earhartand Tom Mix.

Captain Midnight

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    20     5


    I was a member of the Secret Squadron (TV) back in the 50's. All I had was a small decoder in the shape of a jet plane. The nose cone came off with a wad of cotton that you soaked in milk and wrote invisible messages on paper. Then you held it against a light bulb, the heat of the bulb would make the letters show up. The decoder had three code sequences. At the end of each episode was the scrambled letters. You copied them down and decoded them. All I remember was the message was a preview of next weeks show. There may have been other messages like "drink your ovaltine!" Also... there was secret hand-shake between members.... but I cant tell you this under the threat of Captain Midnight and Inkies curse! (grin). (Inky was the captains sidekick). There was NO knife offered... that would have been a no-no back then.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    Ever wonder why you could find the Captain Midnight decoder badges a lot easier than you could find the manuals that went with them? It's probably because the decoder was stuck in a drawer of a bureau or a kitchen table and forgotten about...while the manuals being paper would either be thrown out or donated to a scrap drive. The decoders were always offered at least a month or two before they would be used....Usually in December, so that when the kid got the decoder, he could use it to decode the new messages and the old one could be discarded. I once bought a Orphan Annie 1939 decoder badge from a dealer who had found it in the drawer of a Singer Sewing Machine, the kind with the foot pedal...He had bought the machine and in going through the drawers had found it....No doubt, the mother took it out of her son's pants when she was repairing them and threw it into the drawer. So when the kid came looking for it, she didnt recall where it was. The same thing could have happened in those kitchen tables, the kind with the white metal top and the red ring around the edge. There was a center drawer where Mom usually keep a note pad and pencil for her shopping list, needle and thread for sewing and probably bobby pins. Junior would probably put his decoder in the drawer so that when he was listening to the radio, he could get it out in a hurry and copy down the secret message on a notepad. They didnt have sticky notes back then, but some mothers had a Aunt Jemima figure on the kitchen door. Her apron was a pad of paper and she held a pencil in her hand like a broom....remember those...Of course, you could always use your yellow writing table with the Big Red Indian on the cover or the picture of a cowboy star.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    I LOVE this show!!! I'm an Air Force brat, who, because of some birth defects, I'm never gonna be able to serve the way my parents, & my big brother Mike have!!! So, when I listen to Captain Midnight every night, I imagine my brother & I were there, helping out!!!! Wish I could find some of the cool stuff available to the Secret Squadron!!!!

    Debbie Verified Purchase

    I was not a part of the Captain Midnight age group. TV was in full swing when I was a kid. But these CM episodes are chock full of great stories and adventure and each episode is imbued with high moral standards. Fun to listen to and a bit more believable than a lot of the other kid shows. I so wish there were more! Also, great curating by John on all these recordings!

    Tom Verified Purchase

    In a 1946 Captain Midnight radio show, there is a clever inside joke. Ivan Shark has set up two transmitters, one in Tibet and the other in Bangkok. When a switch is thrown, a ray from each transmitter will be directed to America. When the beams intersect, that area will be destroyed! The joke is that one of Ivan Shark's gang members says he hopes the first city that is destroyed is Chicago! (Where the show was broadcast from)

    Biff Verified Purchase

    I have this memory about Captain Midnight. On Dec. 5 1941 I listened to Cptn. Midnight. He was racing in his plane to Pearl Harbour to prevent the Shark from blowing it up. On Dec. 8 we all tuned in. Captn. Midnight was in a completely different adventure! Does anyone else remember this or is it my imagination? Great source for radio. I am an "I love a mystery" fan. Sigh! I shure hope all the missing programs can be found.

    Roger Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    142 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 4 min
    142 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 32 hours, 4 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 70 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 46 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. CM 390000 0024 Holdup To Get Reds Watch.mp3
    3. CM 390329 0123 Photographic Mission.mp3
    4. CM 390421 0140 Establishing Hidden Airfield.mp3
    5. CM 390523 0063 Steve Has Crashed.mp3
    6. CM 391017 0167 Questions For Perada.mp3
    7. CM 391018 0168 Under Attack From One Of Sharks Planes.mp3
    8. CM 391019 0169 Patrick Pinky Search Grounds See Something.mp3
    9. CM 391020 0170 Our Friends Rest.mp3
    10. CM 391023 0171 Shark And Fury Search Major Steeles Cabin.mp3
    11. CM 391024 0172 Perada Treasure.mp3
    12. CM 391025 0173 Chuck Responds To Signal.mp3
    13. CM 391026 0174 Sharks Pilot Escapes.mp3
    14. CM 391027 0175 CM And Chuck Return To Juans Lodge.mp3
    15. CM 391030 0176 One Of Sharks Planes Razzes CM.mp3
    16. CM 391031 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep11.mp3
    17. CM 391106 0181 Mexican Supper Is Interrupted.mp3
    18. CM 391107 0182 Shark Tries To Discover Location Of Treasure.mp3
    19. CM 391108 0183 Juan Gets Good News.mp3
    20. CM 391109 0184 Pablos Mexican Jumping Beans.mp3
    21. CM 391110 0185 Delores Tries To Kill Ivan Shark.mp3
    22. CM 391113 0186 Patsy And Chuck Explore Cave.mp3
    23. CM 391114 0187 Shark Searches For Delores.mp3
    24. CM 391115 0188 Chuck Falls Into Underground River.mp3
    25. CM 391116 0189 Plans To Rescue Delores.mp3
    26. CM 391117 0190 At Last Hacienda.mp3
    27. CM 391120 0191 Trying To Break Thru Cave In.mp3
    28. CM 391121 0192 An Unlikely Alibi.mp3
    29. CM 391122 0193 Shark Prepares Deadly Trap.mp3
    30. CM 391123 0194 Captain And Chuck Avoid Trap And Death!.mp3
    31. CM 391124 0195 Escape But Now Under Fire.mp3
    32. CM 391127 0196 Chuck Delores Escape But Are Being Followed.mp3
    33. CM 391128 0197 Forced To Make Sudden Landing.mp3
    34. CM 391129 0198 Perada Treasure.mp3
    35. CM 391130 0199 Shark Questions One Of His Pilots.mp3
    36. CM 391201 0200 Senor Lutro Informs Shark Of Change Of Plans.mp3
    37. CM 391204 0201 Successful Takeoff!.mp3
    38. CM 391205 0202 Captain And Juan Take Off On Night Flight.mp3
    39. CM 391206 0203 Captain Juan Tangle With Sharks Chief Pilot.mp3
    40. CM 391207 0204 Pinky And Slim Are Missing.mp3
    41. CM 391208 0205 Cattle Drive.mp3
    42. CM 391211 0206 Forced Landing In Path Of Cattle.mp3
    43. CM 391212 0207 Chuck And Patsy Escape.mp3
    44. CM 391213 0208 Sharks Sinister Plans.mp3
    45. CM 391214 0209 Sharks Men Take Over Valley.mp3
    46. CM 391215 0210 Captain Explains His Signal To Patsy.mp3
    47. CM 391218 0211 After Parachuting Chuck Attacked By Guardo.mp3
    48. CM 391219 0212 Refuse In An Aztec Temple.mp3
    49. CM 391220 0213 Footprints.mp3
    50. CM 391221 0214 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    51. CM 391222 0215 Lutro Von Grif Watch As Shark And Fury Plan.mp3
    52. CM 391225 0216 Falling Into Sharks Deadly Plan.mp3
    53. CM 391226 0217 Plan To Thwart Plan.mp3
    54. CM 391227 0218 Juan Patsy Voice Concern Ovr Captain Chuck.mp3
    55. CM 391228 0219 Taken Prisoner By Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    56. CM 391229 0220 CM Leads Attack Hacienda Last Weekdays Schdl.mp3
    57. CM 400101 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep55.mp3
    58. CM 400102 0221 Hacienda Is Ours.mp3
    59. CM 400103 0222 An Amazing Discovery.mp3
    60. CM 400105 0223 Treasure Has Disappeared.mp3
    61. CM 400108 0224 Sharks Secret Landing Field.mp3
    62. CM 400110 0225 Early Morning Talk.mp3
    63. CM 400112 0226 Mysterious Cry For Help Mysterious Voice 1.mp3
    64. CM 400115 227 Wheres Voice Coming From.mp3
    65. CM 400117 0228 Patsy Spots Broken Airplane Wing.mp3
    66. CM 400119 0229 Bud Must Go To Hospital Now!.mp3
    67. CM 400122 0230 Captain Has Plan.mp3
    68. CM 400124 0231 Smoke Floating Over Nearby Ridge.mp3
    69. CM 400126 0232 Chuck Asks Mr Gillis For Dynamite.mp3
    70. CM 400129 0233 Dynamiting Trees.mp3
    71. CM 431217 Island Of Mystery.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 72 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. CM 400131 0234 Chuck Successfully Takes Off.mp3
    3. CM 400202 0235 After Good Nights Sleep Surprise!.mp3
    4. CM 400205 0236 On Their Way To See Chuck.mp3
    5. CM 400207 0237 Captain Patsy Discuss Chucks Disappearance.mp3
    6. CM 400209 0238 Chuck Last Seen With Mysterious Stranger.mp3
    7. CM 400212 239 What Did Chuck Do.mp3
    8. CM 400214 0240 Chuck Arrested By Government Man.mp3
    9. CM 400216 0241 Chuck Frank Land To Investigate Strange Plane.mp3
    10. CM 400219 0242 Plans To Search For Chuck.mp3
    11. CM 400221 0243 Imprisoned In Sharks Plane.mp3
    12. CM 400223 0244 Smugglers Shack.mp3
    13. CM 400226 0245 Captain Believes Noone Charge Chucks Plane.mp3
    14. CM 400228 0246 Chuck Learns Sharks Sinister Plan.mp3
    15. CM 400301 0247 Shark Sends Telegram To CM.mp3
    16. CM 400304 0248 Telegram.mp3
    17. CM 400306 0249 Chuck Talks To Shark Aboard Sharks Plane.mp3
    18. CM 400308 0250 Captain Demands To Hear Chucks Voice.mp3
    19. CM 400311 0251 Chuck Will Talk To CM Tonight.mp3
    20. CM 400313 0252 Shark Issues An Ultimatum.mp3
    21. CM 400315 0253 Shark Tells Fury His Plans.mp3
    22. CM 400318 0254 Shark Demands Answer Within 24 Hours.mp3
    23. CM 400318 Mysterious Voice ep30.mp3
    24. CM 400320 0255 Chuck Gets Disturbing News.mp3
    25. CM 400322 0256 Flying To Point Of Sharks First Broadcast.mp3
    26. CM 400325 0257 Chuck Transmits Secret Message.mp3
    27. CM 400327 0258 CM Finds Sharks Hideout.mp3
    28. CM 400930 001 Origin Mutual Broadcast.mp3
    29. CM 401001 0261 Shark Tries To Destroy Group.mp3
    30. CM 410609 0439 Secret Squadron Attacks Sharks Submarine.mp3
    31. CM 411024 0474 Chuck And Joyce Are Prisoners Of Tiger Tong.mp3
    32. CM 421008 0658 Assignment Under Sea.mp3
    33. CM 421124 0691 Fighting With Commandos.mp3
    34. CM 421230 0717 Destruction Of Nazi Submarine Base.mp3
    35. CM 430216 0751 Trapped By Nazis.mp3
    36. CM 430222 0755 Challenge Of Crossed Swords.mp3
    37. CM 430409 0789 Silver Dagger Strikes.mp3
    38. CM 430412 0790 Silver Dagger Strikes.mp3
    39. CM 430526 0822 Secret Squadron Strikes.mp3
    40. CM 431009 Philippines Fight On.mp3
    41. CM 431202 0893 Signal From Sky.mp3
    42. CM 431203 0894 Signal From Sky.mp3
    43. CM 431208 0897 East Of Formosa.mp3
    44. CM 440117 0925 Japanese Bombers Shot Down.mp3
    45. CM 440120 0928 Dive Bombers Fight.mp3
    46. CM 440121 0929 CM Shot Down.mp3
    47. CM 440124 0930 Prisoner Of Japs.mp3
    48. CM 440420 0993 Mountain Battle.mp3
    49. CM 441101 1067 Dangerous Flight.mp3
    50. CM 460814 1467 Double Cross.mp3
    51. CM 470312 1616 Slave Smugglers.mp3
    52. CM 470407 1634 Map Of Mystery.mp3
    53. CM 470421 1644 We Who Are About To Die.mp3
    54. CM 470514 1661 Stolen Star.mp3
    55. CM 480312 1808 Jewels O Queen Of Sheba Monday = Doublecross.mp3
    56. CM 480319 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    57. CM 480326 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    58. CM 480328 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    59. CM 480931 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    60. CM 481208 1931 Return Of Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue.mp3
    61. CM 490000 Phantom Rustler.mp3
    62. CM 490110 1954 Secret Submarine Base.mp3
    63. CM 490927 Flying Ruby.mp3
    64. CM Promo 01.mp3
    65. CM Promo 02.mp3
    66. CM Promo 03.mp3
    67. CM Promo 04.mp3
    68. CM Promo 05.mp3
    69. CM Promo 06.mp3
    70. CM Promo 07.mp3
    71. CM Promo 08.mp3
    72. CM Promo 09.mp3
    73. CM Promo 10.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    142 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 4 min
    142 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    881 MB – total playtime 32 hours, 4 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 70 shows – 461 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 46 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. CM 390000 0024 Holdup To Get Reds Watch.mp3
    3. CM 390329 0123 Photographic Mission.mp3
    4. CM 390421 0140 Establishing Hidden Airfield.mp3
    5. CM 390523 0063 Steve Has Crashed.mp3
    6. CM 391017 0167 Questions For Perada.mp3
    7. CM 391018 0168 Under Attack From One Of Sharks Planes.mp3
    8. CM 391019 0169 Patrick Pinky Search Grounds See Something.mp3
    9. CM 391020 0170 Our Friends Rest.mp3
    10. CM 391023 0171 Shark And Fury Search Major Steeles Cabin.mp3
    11. CM 391024 0172 Perada Treasure.mp3
    12. CM 391025 0173 Chuck Responds To Signal.mp3
    13. CM 391026 0174 Sharks Pilot Escapes.mp3
    14. CM 391027 0175 CM And Chuck Return To Juans Lodge.mp3
    15. CM 391030 0176 One Of Sharks Planes Razzes CM.mp3
    16. CM 391031 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep11.mp3
    17. CM 391106 0181 Mexican Supper Is Interrupted.mp3
    18. CM 391107 0182 Shark Tries To Discover Location Of Treasure.mp3
    19. CM 391108 0183 Juan Gets Good News.mp3
    20. CM 391109 0184 Pablos Mexican Jumping Beans.mp3
    21. CM 391110 0185 Delores Tries To Kill Ivan Shark.mp3
    22. CM 391113 0186 Patsy And Chuck Explore Cave.mp3
    23. CM 391114 0187 Shark Searches For Delores.mp3
    24. CM 391115 0188 Chuck Falls Into Underground River.mp3
    25. CM 391116 0189 Plans To Rescue Delores.mp3
    26. CM 391117 0190 At Last Hacienda.mp3
    27. CM 391120 0191 Trying To Break Thru Cave In.mp3
    28. CM 391121 0192 An Unlikely Alibi.mp3
    29. CM 391122 0193 Shark Prepares Deadly Trap.mp3
    30. CM 391123 0194 Captain And Chuck Avoid Trap And Death!.mp3
    31. CM 391124 0195 Escape But Now Under Fire.mp3
    32. CM 391127 0196 Chuck Delores Escape But Are Being Followed.mp3
    33. CM 391128 0197 Forced To Make Sudden Landing.mp3
    34. CM 391129 0198 Perada Treasure.mp3
    35. CM 391130 0199 Shark Questions One Of His Pilots.mp3
    36. CM 391201 0200 Senor Lutro Informs Shark Of Change Of Plans.mp3
    37. CM 391204 0201 Successful Takeoff!.mp3
    38. CM 391205 0202 Captain And Juan Take Off On Night Flight.mp3
    39. CM 391206 0203 Captain Juan Tangle With Sharks Chief Pilot.mp3
    40. CM 391207 0204 Pinky And Slim Are Missing.mp3
    41. CM 391208 0205 Cattle Drive.mp3
    42. CM 391211 0206 Forced Landing In Path Of Cattle.mp3
    43. CM 391212 0207 Chuck And Patsy Escape.mp3
    44. CM 391213 0208 Sharks Sinister Plans.mp3
    45. CM 391214 0209 Sharks Men Take Over Valley.mp3
    46. CM 391215 0210 Captain Explains His Signal To Patsy.mp3
    47. CM 391218 0211 After Parachuting Chuck Attacked By Guardo.mp3
    48. CM 391219 0212 Refuse In An Aztec Temple.mp3
    49. CM 391220 0213 Footprints.mp3
    50. CM 391221 0214 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    51. CM 391222 0215 Lutro Von Grif Watch As Shark And Fury Plan.mp3
    52. CM 391225 0216 Falling Into Sharks Deadly Plan.mp3
    53. CM 391226 0217 Plan To Thwart Plan.mp3
    54. CM 391227 0218 Juan Patsy Voice Concern Ovr Captain Chuck.mp3
    55. CM 391228 0219 Taken Prisoner By Lutro And Von Grif.mp3
    56. CM 391229 0220 CM Leads Attack Hacienda Last Weekdays Schdl.mp3
    57. CM 400101 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep55.mp3
    58. CM 400102 0221 Hacienda Is Ours.mp3
    59. CM 400103 0222 An Amazing Discovery.mp3
    60. CM 400105 0223 Treasure Has Disappeared.mp3
    61. CM 400108 0224 Sharks Secret Landing Field.mp3
    62. CM 400110 0225 Early Morning Talk.mp3
    63. CM 400112 0226 Mysterious Cry For Help Mysterious Voice 1.mp3
    64. CM 400115 227 Wheres Voice Coming From.mp3
    65. CM 400117 0228 Patsy Spots Broken Airplane Wing.mp3
    66. CM 400119 0229 Bud Must Go To Hospital Now!.mp3
    67. CM 400122 0230 Captain Has Plan.mp3
    68. CM 400124 0231 Smoke Floating Over Nearby Ridge.mp3
    69. CM 400126 0232 Chuck Asks Mr Gillis For Dynamite.mp3
    70. CM 400129 0233 Dynamiting Trees.mp3
    71. CM 431217 Island Of Mystery.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 72 shows – 420 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 17 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. CM 400131 0234 Chuck Successfully Takes Off.mp3
    3. CM 400202 0235 After Good Nights Sleep Surprise!.mp3
    4. CM 400205 0236 On Their Way To See Chuck.mp3
    5. CM 400207 0237 Captain Patsy Discuss Chucks Disappearance.mp3
    6. CM 400209 0238 Chuck Last Seen With Mysterious Stranger.mp3
    7. CM 400212 239 What Did Chuck Do.mp3
    8. CM 400214 0240 Chuck Arrested By Government Man.mp3
    9. CM 400216 0241 Chuck Frank Land To Investigate Strange Plane.mp3
    10. CM 400219 0242 Plans To Search For Chuck.mp3
    11. CM 400221 0243 Imprisoned In Sharks Plane.mp3
    12. CM 400223 0244 Smugglers Shack.mp3
    13. CM 400226 0245 Captain Believes Noone Charge Chucks Plane.mp3
    14. CM 400228 0246 Chuck Learns Sharks Sinister Plan.mp3
    15. CM 400301 0247 Shark Sends Telegram To CM.mp3
    16. CM 400304 0248 Telegram.mp3
    17. CM 400306 0249 Chuck Talks To Shark Aboard Sharks Plane.mp3
    18. CM 400308 0250 Captain Demands To Hear Chucks Voice.mp3
    19. CM 400311 0251 Chuck Will Talk To CM Tonight.mp3
    20. CM 400313 0252 Shark Issues An Ultimatum.mp3
    21. CM 400315 0253 Shark Tells Fury His Plans.mp3
    22. CM 400318 0254 Shark Demands Answer Within 24 Hours.mp3
    23. CM 400318 Mysterious Voice ep30.mp3
    24. CM 400320 0255 Chuck Gets Disturbing News.mp3
    25. CM 400322 0256 Flying To Point Of Sharks First Broadcast.mp3
    26. CM 400325 0257 Chuck Transmits Secret Message.mp3
    27. CM 400327 0258 CM Finds Sharks Hideout.mp3
    28. CM 400930 001 Origin Mutual Broadcast.mp3
    29. CM 401001 0261 Shark Tries To Destroy Group.mp3
    30. CM 410609 0439 Secret Squadron Attacks Sharks Submarine.mp3
    31. CM 411024 0474 Chuck And Joyce Are Prisoners Of Tiger Tong.mp3
    32. CM 421008 0658 Assignment Under Sea.mp3
    33. CM 421124 0691 Fighting With Commandos.mp3
    34. CM 421230 0717 Destruction Of Nazi Submarine Base.mp3
    35. CM 430216 0751 Trapped By Nazis.mp3
    36. CM 430222 0755 Challenge Of Crossed Swords.mp3
    37. CM 430409 0789 Silver Dagger Strikes.mp3
    38. CM 430412 0790 Silver Dagger Strikes.mp3
    39. CM 430526 0822 Secret Squadron Strikes.mp3
    40. CM 431009 Philippines Fight On.mp3
    41. CM 431202 0893 Signal From Sky.mp3
    42. CM 431203 0894 Signal From Sky.mp3
    43. CM 431208 0897 East Of Formosa.mp3
    44. CM 440117 0925 Japanese Bombers Shot Down.mp3
    45. CM 440120 0928 Dive Bombers Fight.mp3
    46. CM 440121 0929 CM Shot Down.mp3
    47. CM 440124 0930 Prisoner Of Japs.mp3
    48. CM 440420 0993 Mountain Battle.mp3
    49. CM 441101 1067 Dangerous Flight.mp3
    50. CM 460814 1467 Double Cross.mp3
    51. CM 470312 1616 Slave Smugglers.mp3
    52. CM 470407 1634 Map Of Mystery.mp3
    53. CM 470421 1644 We Who Are About To Die.mp3
    54. CM 470514 1661 Stolen Star.mp3
    55. CM 480312 1808 Jewels O Queen Of Sheba Monday = Doublecross.mp3
    56. CM 480319 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    57. CM 480326 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    58. CM 480328 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    59. CM 480931 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba.mp3
    60. CM 481208 1931 Return Of Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue.mp3
    61. CM 490000 Phantom Rustler.mp3
    62. CM 490110 1954 Secret Submarine Base.mp3
    63. CM 490927 Flying Ruby.mp3
    64. CM Promo 01.mp3
    65. CM Promo 02.mp3
    66. CM Promo 03.mp3
    67. CM Promo 04.mp3
    68. CM Promo 05.mp3
    69. CM Promo 06.mp3
    70. CM Promo 07.mp3
    71. CM Promo 08.mp3
    72. CM Promo 09.mp3
    73. CM Promo 10.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    142 recordings on 33 Audio CDs. Total playtime 32 hours, 4 min
    142 recordings on 33 Audio CDs
    total playtime 32 hours, 4 min

    Captain Midnight Disc A001

    1. CM 480931 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba
    2. CM Promo 01
    3. CM Promo 02
    4. CM Promo 03
    5. CM Promo 04
    6. CM Promo 05
    7. CM Promo 06
    8. CM Promo 07
    9. CM Promo 08
    10. CM Promo 09
    11. CM Promo 10
    12. CM 390000 0024 Holdup To Get Reds Watch
    13. CM 390329 0123 Photographic Mission
    14. CM 390421 0140 Establishing Hidden Airfield

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    Captain Midnight Disc A002

    1. CM 390523 0063 Steve Has Crashed
    2. CM 391017 0167 Questions For Perada
    3. CM 391018 0168 Under Attack From One Of Sharks Planes
    4. CM 391019 0169 Patrick Pinky Search Grounds See Something

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    Captain Midnight Disc A003

    1. CM 391020 0170 Our Friends Rest
    2. CM 391023 0171 Shark And Fury Search Major Steeles Cabin
    3. CM 391024 0172 Perada Treasure
    4. CM 391025 0173 Chuck Responds To Signal

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    Captain Midnight Disc A004

    1. CM 391026 0174 Sharks Pilot Escapes
    2. CM 391027 0175 CM And Chuck Return To Juans Lodge
    3. CM 391030 0176 One Of Sharks Planes Razzes CM
    4. CM 391031 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep11

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    Captain Midnight Disc A005

    1. CM 391106 0181 Mexican Supper Is Interrupted
    2. CM 391107 0182 Shark Tries To Discover Location Of Treasure
    3. CM 391108 0183 Juan Gets Good News
    4. CM 391109 0184 Pablos Mexican Jumping Beans

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    Captain Midnight Disc A006

    1. CM 391110 0185 Delores Tries To Kill Ivan Shark
    2. CM 391113 0186 Patsy And Chuck Explore Cave
    3. CM 391114 0187 Shark Searches For Delores
    4. CM 391115 0188 Chuck Falls Into Underground River

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    Captain Midnight Disc A007

    1. CM 391116 0189 Plans To Rescue Delores
    2. CM 391117 0190 At Last Hacienda
    3. CM 391120 0191 Trying To Break Thru Cave In
    4. CM 391121 0192 An Unlikely Alibi

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    Captain Midnight Disc A008

    1. CM 391122 0193 Shark Prepares Deadly Trap
    2. CM 391123 0194 Captain And Chuck Avoid Trap And Death!
    3. CM 391124 0195 Escape But Now Under Fire
    4. CM 391127 0196 Chuck Delores Escape But Are Being Followed

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    Captain Midnight Disc A009

    1. CM 391128 0197 Forced To Make Sudden Landing
    2. CM 391129 0198 Perada Treasure
    3. CM 391130 0199 Shark Questions One Of His Pilots
    4. CM 391201 0200 Senor Lutro Informs Shark Of Change Of Plans

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    Captain Midnight Disc A010

    1. CM 391204 0201 Successful Takeoff!
    2. CM 391205 0202 Captain And Juan Take Off On Night Flight
    3. CM 391206 0203 Captain Juan Tangle With Sharks Chief Pilot
    4. CM 391207 0204 Pinky And Slim Are Missing

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    Captain Midnight Disc A011

    1. CM 391208 0205 Cattle Drive
    2. CM 391211 0206 Forced Landing In Path Of Cattle
    3. CM 391212 0207 Chuck And Patsy Escape
    4. CM 391213 0208 Sharks Sinister Plans

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    Captain Midnight Disc A012

    1. CM 391214 0209 Sharks Men Take Over Valley
    2. CM 391215 0210 Captain Explains His Signal To Patsy
    3. CM 391218 0211 After Parachuting Chuck Attacked By Guardo
    4. CM 391219 0212 Refuse In An Aztec Temple

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    Captain Midnight Disc A013

    1. CM 391220 0213 Footprints
    2. CM 391221 0214 Captain Meets Lutro And Von Grif
    3. CM 391222 0215 Lutro Von Grif Watch As Shark And Fury Plan
    4. CM 391225 0216 Falling Into Sharks Deadly Plan

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    Captain Midnight Disc A014

    1. CM 391226 0217 Plan To Thwart Plan
    2. CM 391227 0218 Juan Patsy Voice Concern Ovr Captain Chuck
    3. CM 391228 0219 Taken Prisoner By Lutro And Von Grif
    4. CM 391229 0220 CM Leads Attack Hacienda Last Weekdays Schdl

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    Captain Midnight Disc A015

    1. CM 400101 Adventure Of Perada Treasure ep55
    2. CM 400102 0221 Hacienda Is Ours
    3. CM 400103 0222 An Amazing Discovery
    4. CM 400105 0223 Treasure Has Disappeared
    5. CM 400108 0224 Sharks Secret Landing Field

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    Captain Midnight Disc A016

    1. CM 400110 0225 Early Morning Talk
    2. CM 400112 0226 Mysterious Cry For Help Mysterious Voice 1
    3. CM 400115 227 Wheres Voice Coming From
    4. CM 400117 0228 Patsy Spots Broken Airplane Wing

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    Captain Midnight Disc A017

    1. CM 400119 0229 Bud Must Go To Hospital Now!
    2. CM 400122 0230 Captain Has Plan
    3. CM 400124 0231 Smoke Floating Over Nearby Ridge
    4. CM 400126 0232 Chuck Asks Mr Gillis For Dynamite

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    Captain Midnight Disc A018

    1. CM 400129 0233 Dynamiting Trees
    2. CM 400131 0234 Chuck Successfully Takes Off
    3. CM 400202 0235 After Good Nights Sleep Surprise!
    4. CM 400205 0236 On Their Way To See Chuck

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    Captain Midnight Disc A019

    1. CM 400207 0237 Captain Patsy Discuss Chucks Disappearance
    2. CM 400209 0238 Chuck Last Seen With Mysterious Stranger
    3. CM 400212 239 What Did Chuck Do
    4. CM 400214 0240 Chuck Arrested By Government Man

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    Captain Midnight Disc A020

    1. CM 400216 0241 Chuck Frank Land To Investigate Strange Plane
    2. CM 400219 0242 Plans To Search For Chuck
    3. CM 400221 0243 Imprisoned In Sharks Plane
    4. CM 400223 0244 Smugglers Shack

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    Captain Midnight Disc A021

    1. CM 400226 0245 Captain Believes Noone Charge Chucks Plane
    2. CM 400228 0246 Chuck Learns Sharks Sinister Plan
    3. CM 400301 0247 Shark Sends Telegram To CM
    4. CM 400304 0248 Telegram

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    Captain Midnight Disc A022

    1. CM 400306 0249 Chuck Talks To Shark Aboard Sharks Plane
    2. CM 400308 0250 Captain Demands To Hear Chucks Voice
    3. CM 400311 0251 Chuck Will Talk To CM Tonight
    4. CM 400313 0252 Shark Issues An Ultimatum

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    Captain Midnight Disc A023

    1. CM 400315 0253 Shark Tells Fury His Plans
    2. CM 400318 0254 Shark Demands Answer Within 24 Hours
    3. CM 400318 Mysterious Voice ep30
    4. CM 400320 0255 Chuck Gets Disturbing News

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    Captain Midnight Disc A024

    1. CM 400322 0256 Flying To Point Of Sharks First Broadcast
    2. CM 400325 0257 Chuck Transmits Secret Message
    3. CM 400327 0258 CM Finds Sharks Hideout
    4. CM 400930 001 Origin Mutual Broadcast

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    Captain Midnight Disc A025

    1. CM 401001 0261 Shark Tries To Destroy Group
    2. CM 410609 0439 Secret Squadron Attacks Sharks Submarine
    3. CM 411024 0474 Chuck And Joyce Are Prisoners Of Tiger Tong
    4. CM 421008 0658 Assignment Under Sea

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    Captain Midnight Disc A026

    1. CM 421124 0691 Fighting With Commandos
    2. CM 421230 0717 Destruction Of Nazi Submarine Base
    3. CM 430216 0751 Trapped By Nazis
    4. CM 430222 0755 Challenge Of Crossed Swords

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    Captain Midnight Disc A027

    1. CM 430409 0789 Silver Dagger Strikes
    2. CM 430412 0790 Silver Dagger Strikes
    3. CM 430526 0822 Secret Squadron Strikes
    4. CM 431009 Philippines Fight On

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    Captain Midnight Disc A028

    1. CM 431202 0893 Signal From Sky
    2. CM 431203 0894 Signal From Sky
    3. CM 431208 0897 East Of Formosa
    4. CM 431217 Island Of Mystery

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    Captain Midnight Disc A029

    1. CM 440117 0925 Japanese Bombers Shot Down
    2. CM 440120 0928 Dive Bombers Fight
    3. CM 440121 0929 CM Shot Down
    4. CM 440124 0930 Prisoner Of Japs
    5. CM 440420 0993 Mountain Battle

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    Captain Midnight Disc A030

    1. CM 441101 1067 Dangerous Flight
    2. CM 460814 1467 Double Cross
    3. CM 470312 1616 Slave Smugglers
    4. CM 470407 1634 Map Of Mystery

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    Captain Midnight Disc A031

    1. CM 470421 1644 We Who Are About To Die
    2. CM 470514 1661 Stolen Star
    3. CM 480312 1808 Jewels O Queen Of Sheba Monday = Doublecross
    4. CM 480319 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba

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    Captain Midnight Disc A032

    1. CM 480326 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba
    2. CM 480328 0000 Jewels Of Queen Of Sheba
    3. CM 481208 1931 Return Of Ivan Shark Tomorrow Rescue
    4. CM 490000 Phantom Rustler
    5. CM 490110 1954 Secret Submarine Base

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    Captain Midnight Disc A033

    1. CM 490927 Flying Ruby

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