Brighter Day
This series is a long running post-war soap opera that had its beginnings in Joyce Jordan, MD.
13 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 3 hours, 434 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
4 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
Soap Opera (1948-1956)
The Brighter Day is a long running post-war soap opera that had its beginnings in Joyce Jordan, MD when Joyce welcomed Liz Dennis into her melodrama. Liz quickly became a dominant and popular character, overshadowing Joyce and leading to the discontinuation of Joyce's program. Liz (with her unending maternal instincts) and her sisters, Althea (selfish, lovely and dramatic, wants to be in the theater), Barbara (the teenager also known as "Babby), and Patsy, live in the home of Reverend Richard Dennis, who struggles to be both their mother and father. A true soapie, this program is brought to you by Dreft, America's favorite brand for dishes. This collection is also part of the Rare Soap Operas Collection .
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
These classic recordings are available in the following formats:
Instant Download MP3 CD Standard Audio CD Review
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MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.
13 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
total playtime 3 hours, 434 min
Filenames of old time radio shows which are dated as yy-mm-dd. For example:
This episode from the series "Fort Laramie" was broadcast on February 5, 1956 with the episode title "Squaw Man"
Brighter Day 481011 First Episode.mp3 Brighter Day 481101 Papa Dennis Leaves His Church.mp3 Brighter Day 481122 Jerry And Rose Discuss Their Situation.mp3 Brighter Day 481216 Papa Is Offered Church.mp3 Brighter Day 481220 Should Papa Accept Offer.mp3 Brighter Day 481224 Jerry Stops By On Christmas Eve.mp3 Brighter day 481228.mp3 Brighter Day 490510.mp3 Brighter Day 490512.mp3 Brighter Day 490621.mp3 Brighter Day 490708.mp3 Brighter Day 550725 Stolen Silver Clock.mp3 Brighter Day Papa wants live it three rivers.mp3
MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!
13 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
86 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 7 min
Filenames of old time radio shows which are dated as yy-mm-dd. For example:
This episode from the series "Fort Laramie" was broadcast on February 5, 1956 with the episode title "Squaw Man"
Brighter Day 481011 First Episode.mp3 Brighter Day 481101 Papa Dennis Leaves His Church.mp3 Brighter Day 481122 Jerry And Rose Discuss Their Situation.mp3 Brighter Day 481216 Papa Is Offered Church.mp3 Brighter Day 481220 Should Papa Accept Offer.mp3 Brighter Day 481224 Jerry Stops By On Christmas Eve.mp3 Brighter day 481228.mp3 Brighter Day 490510.mp3 Brighter Day 490512.mp3 Brighter Day 490621.mp3 Brighter Day 490708.mp3 Brighter Day 550725 Stolen Silver Clock.mp3 Brighter Day Papa wants live it three rivers.mp3
Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players
13 recordings on 4 Audio CDs
total playtime 3 hours, 7 min
Brighter Day Disc A001
Brighter Day Papa wants live it three rivers Brighter Day 481011 First Episode Brighter Day 481101 Papa Dennis Leaves His Church Brighter Day 481122 Jerry And Rose Discuss Their Situation
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Brighter Day Disc A002
Brighter Day 481216 Papa Is Offered Church Brighter Day 481220 Should Papa Accept Offer Brighter Day 481224 Jerry Stops By On Christmas Eve Brighter day 481228
Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
Brighter Day Disc A003
Brighter Day 490510 Brighter Day 490512 Brighter Day 490621 Brighter Day 490708
Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
Brighter Day Disc A004
Brighter Day 550725 Stolen Silver Clock
Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
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