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The ABC Breakfast Club with Don McNeil Also Known as The Don McNeil Show and later NBC Breakfast Club

Hosted by Don McNeill, the Breakfast Club was plugged as "a get-together time for all of us who smile before breakfast and then can't break the habit all day long – a place to come to when a feller needs a friend."

Breakfast Club (Don McNeil)

50 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 20 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
23 Audio CDs

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Don McNeil and Fran

Morning Variety Show (1933 - 68)

Breakfast ClubDon McNeal"He woos you wives while you're at work ..."

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The Breakfast Club helped to establish the morning show as a radio desirable. Until the popularity of The Breakfast Club, morning spots were ill-filled and not very profitable. Hosted by Don McNeill, the Breakfast Club was plugged as "a get-together time for all of us who smile before breakfast and then can't break the habit all day long – a place to come to when a feller needs a friend." The show began with corny jokes, no sponsor, and a host with a dream.

McNeill soon dropped the script and began doing the show by the seat of his pants, interviewing audience members and earned the The Breakfast Club its reputation as "radio's most unrehearsed show." Listeners started tuning in, Cream of Wheat put up a sponsorship, and guests got better. Among the Breakfast Club regulars lieJim and Marion Jordan (just before their fame as Fibber McGee and Molly), Marion Mann, Patsy Lee, Johnny Desmond, Alice Lon (famed later as the "Champagne Lady on Lawrence Welk) and Homer and Jethro.

See also: Chesterfield Supper Club and for more breakfast radio shows, see also:

Breakfast Club with Don McNeill, Evelyn Lynne, and Jack Baker

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    9     2


    I love being able to get so many "Breakfast Club" shows at such a reasonable price. I'm 76, and listened to it every day from age 6-8 in Chicago with my folks, at least my mother after Dad had gone to work at Swift, the sponsor. I do wish that the compilation somehow had the dates of the shows. (I realize that could be a lot of work.) One particular show would be important: Sept. 13, 1949. I'm assuming that was the date -- my late brother Jim's 5th birthday -- when Dad took Jim to a "Breakfast Show" broadcast. One feature at the time was the March Around the Breakfast Table, which got audience members up on their feet. We heard McNeil coax an uncooperative kid: "C'mon, the boy in the cowboy hat -- let's get up and march!" Jim was kind of a shy kid and was wearing his new cowboy hat when he left the house. I'm hoping to find that episode and confirm that I really heard it.

    Richard Verified Purchase

    I hope your brother Jim still had a good time marching around the table! I'm sorry to say I don't believe I have the 1949 recording you had in mind unfortunately. You can see the list of contents is listed down below on the log page of each series. The numbers on the episodes are the broadcast dates listed as YYMMDD (so for example a July 4, 1947 show would appear as '470704').


    It probably wasn't all that different from a lot of early television shows. The early Today Show, for example, where Dave Garroway sat at a desk with monitors behind him and a lot of clocks showing the time in various cities. Or "You Bet Your Life," which actually was a radio show shown on television, Groucho sitting at a high desk with a microphone in front of him and contestants standing at floor mics. Yet YBYL did well on television and Breakfast Club didn't.

    Joeph Verified Purchase

    It was on our radio, every morning, when I was a kid. "Once more around the breakfast table!"

    Vince Verified Purchase

    I Tell ANYONE who will listen how much & WHY I love OTR; but that of ALL the places that have OTR; OTRCat ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!


    My mother, Irene Verner sang as a regular on the show in the early days. Prior to that she and one sister, Ebba, and another lady sang as the Sophisticates. They even went to the same high school with the Andrews Sisters and competed with one another. I'm not sure she continued on the Breakfast club up until 1937, as that was when my older sister was born, but I sure would be delighted to find a few of the shows that she sang on. She and my Dad, Robert S. Gebhardt, Trombone, worked many of the big bands in the 30's and were all over the US. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Richard Hewitt

    Love the Breakfast Show! So glad that this collection exists. I real insight into the every day routine of my parents and grandparents generation. I got this as a birthday present for my father who will be 76 this September, and says that this show is one of the only one he remembers hearing, every day, without fail!

    Lauren Verified Purchase

    One of your long time OTRCAT customers and an avid radio listener since the early 1940’s. Thanks for making THE BREAKFAST RECORDINGS available to your customers during these unsettled days. From the time I was in the first grade in 1944, my four older siblings and myself listened to that entertaining show as we got dressed for school. We tuned in on our beloved ABC affiliate station, WGCM (WIRELESS GULF COAST MISSISSIPPI), the first radio station established to serve that area. Those call letters, including the FM affiliate still exist, and in fact are the flag station of the BILOXI SHUCKERS, the Double A Affiliate Of The Milwaukee Brewers. The owner of that station lived right down the street. We especially enjoyed the daily MARCH AOUND THE BREAKFAST TABLE segment of the show. Incredibly one of my First Grade classmates and her family were interviewed by Don McNeil on that show during a visit to their hometown of Chicago. That classmate became an instant celebrity when she returned to school. Thanks for making all of the variety of nostalgic radio shows of THE GOLDEN DAYS OF RADIO available for purchase on OTRCAT, including AFRS recordings. As a Retired Infantry Officer and 3-time Vietnam Veteran, these recordings are especially meaningful.

    Walter Verified Purchase

    "Once more around the breakfast table!"

    Vince Verified Purchase

    As a kid, I loved that show, which was on the kitchen radio, as I got ready for school.

    Vince Verified Purchase

    John Doolittle's book about this program, Don McNeill and His Breakfast Club (University of Notre Dame Press, 2001), was reviewed by Susan M. Colowick in Library Journal: Before Garrison was even a twinkle in Mr. Keillor's eye, Don McNeill launched a radio show with a unique mix of humor, music and audience participation. From 1933 to 1968, the Chicago-based Breakfast Club aired every weekday on the ABC radio network (originally NBC's Blue Network). Millions of Americans tuned in to hear songs, jokes, interviews, the "March Around the Breakfast Table," the "Moment of Silent Prayer" and other regular features. (Except for his strong support of public prayer, McNeill eschewed politics, though he did run for president in 1948 on the Laugh Party ticket.) In this thoroughly researched and highly readable account, Doolittle reminds us just how popular Breakfast Club really was, especially with homemakers of modest means but also with the likes of J. Edgar Hoover and Justice William O. Douglas. Many show business celebrities were guests on the show, including Jimmy Stewart, Lucille Ball and Jerry Lewis. The book is accompanied by a CD that features clips from actual shows. Don McNeill's Breakfast Club was a long-run morning variety show on NBC Blue Network/ABC radio (and briefly on television) originating in Chicago, Illinois. Hosted by Don McNeill, the radio program ran from June 23, 1933, through December 27, 1968. McNeil's 35½-year run as host remains the longest tenure for an emcee of a network entertainment program, surpassing Johnny Carson (29½ years) on The Tonight Show and Bob Barker (34⅔ years) on The Price Is Right, albeit split between radio and television, whereas the latter two were television only.

    Gary Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 20 hours, 58 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 20 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 58 minutes
    2. Breakfast Club 371206 Gold Mine in the Sky. mp3.mp3
    3. Breakfast Club 411208 Britain Declares War on Japan.mp3
    4. Breakfast Club 430000 Don's train arrives late.mp3
    5. Breakfast Club 430213 Chicago Navy Cadets.mp3
    6. Breakfast Club 450621 Guest singer Curley Bradley.mp3
    7. Breakfast Club 450622 Remote from Racine, Wisconsin.mp3
    8. Breakfast Club 450623 Remote from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.mp3
    9. Breakfast Club 470000 U.S. Savings Bond Show.mp3
    10. Breakfast Club 490117 Chats About Inauguration Partial.mp3
    11. Breakfast Club 530623 20th Anniversary Broadcast.mp3
    12. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 01.mp3
    13. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 02.mp3
    14. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 03.mp3
    15. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 04.mp3
    16. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 05.mp3
    17. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 06.mp3
    18. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 07.mp3
    19. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 08.mp3
    20. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 09.mp3
    21. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 10.mp3
    22. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 11.mp3
    23. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 12.mp3
    24. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 13.mp3
    25. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 14.mp3
    26. Breakfast Club 580200 Dick Noel has Strep Throat.mp3
    27. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Ann Leonardo.mp3
    28. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Gary Mann.mp3
    29. Breakfast Club 580228 Guest Bob Hope.mp3
    30. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Emmett Kelly.mp3
    31. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Host Ted Mack.mp3
    32. Breakfast Club 590400 Guest Singer Charlie Applewhite.mp3
    33. Breakfast Club 590400 National Secretaries Week.mp3
    34. Breakfast Club 590904 National Newspaper Carriers Day.mp3
    35. Breakfast Club 600600 Chicago International Trade Fair.mp3
    36. Breakfast Club 600600 Guest Host Warren Hull.mp3
    37. Breakfast Club 600700 Guest Miss New Zealand.mp3
    38. Breakfast Club 600700 Reporters in Town.mp3
    39. Breakfast Club 600800 The Nickelodeon Rag.mp3
    40. Breakfast Club 600800 Anita Kerr Singers.mp3
    41. Breakfast Club 600800 Guests from Hillsdale, Illinois.mp3
    42. Breakfast Club 600902 Christmas in September. mp3.mp3
    43. Breakfast Club 610300 Champion Babysitter.mp3
    44. Breakfast Club 610300 Guest Ilka Chase.mp3
    45. Breakfast Club 650617 Guest Don DeFore.mp3
    46. Breakfast Club 680917 Music to Watch Girls By.mp3
    47. Breakfast Club 680927 Pearly King and Queen of London.mp3
    48. Breakfast Club 681128 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    49. Breakfast Club 681129 Recalling 1953.mp3
    50. Breakfast Club 681227 Final Broadcast.mp3
    51. Breakfast Club590400 High School Senior Classes.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 20 hours, 58 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    576 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 58 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – 576 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 58 minutes
    2. Breakfast Club 371206 Gold Mine in the Sky. mp3.mp3
    3. Breakfast Club 411208 Britain Declares War on Japan.mp3
    4. Breakfast Club 430000 Don's train arrives late.mp3
    5. Breakfast Club 430213 Chicago Navy Cadets.mp3
    6. Breakfast Club 450621 Guest singer Curley Bradley.mp3
    7. Breakfast Club 450622 Remote from Racine, Wisconsin.mp3
    8. Breakfast Club 450623 Remote from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.mp3
    9. Breakfast Club 470000 U.S. Savings Bond Show.mp3
    10. Breakfast Club 490117 Chats About Inauguration Partial.mp3
    11. Breakfast Club 530623 20th Anniversary Broadcast.mp3
    12. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 01.mp3
    13. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 02.mp3
    14. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 03.mp3
    15. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 04.mp3
    16. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 05.mp3
    17. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 06.mp3
    18. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 07.mp3
    19. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 08.mp3
    20. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 09.mp3
    21. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 10.mp3
    22. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 11.mp3
    23. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 12.mp3
    24. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 13.mp3
    25. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 14.mp3
    26. Breakfast Club 580200 Dick Noel has Strep Throat.mp3
    27. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Ann Leonardo.mp3
    28. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Gary Mann.mp3
    29. Breakfast Club 580228 Guest Bob Hope.mp3
    30. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Emmett Kelly.mp3
    31. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Host Ted Mack.mp3
    32. Breakfast Club 590400 Guest Singer Charlie Applewhite.mp3
    33. Breakfast Club 590400 National Secretaries Week.mp3
    34. Breakfast Club 590904 National Newspaper Carriers Day.mp3
    35. Breakfast Club 600600 Chicago International Trade Fair.mp3
    36. Breakfast Club 600600 Guest Host Warren Hull.mp3
    37. Breakfast Club 600700 Guest Miss New Zealand.mp3
    38. Breakfast Club 600700 Reporters in Town.mp3
    39. Breakfast Club 600800 The Nickelodeon Rag.mp3
    40. Breakfast Club 600800 Anita Kerr Singers.mp3
    41. Breakfast Club 600800 Guests from Hillsdale, Illinois.mp3
    42. Breakfast Club 600902 Christmas in September. mp3.mp3
    43. Breakfast Club 610300 Champion Babysitter.mp3
    44. Breakfast Club 610300 Guest Ilka Chase.mp3
    45. Breakfast Club 650617 Guest Don DeFore.mp3
    46. Breakfast Club 680917 Music to Watch Girls By.mp3
    47. Breakfast Club 680927 Pearly King and Queen of London.mp3
    48. Breakfast Club 681128 Thanksgiving Show.mp3
    49. Breakfast Club 681129 Recalling 1953.mp3
    50. Breakfast Club 681227 Final Broadcast.mp3
    51. Breakfast Club590400 High School Senior Classes.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    50 recordings on 23 Audio CDs. Total playtime 20 hours, 58 min
    50 recordings on 23 Audio CDs
    total playtime 20 hours, 58 min

    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A001

    1. Breakfast Club 371206 Gold Mine in the Sky. mp3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A002

    1. Breakfast Club 411208 Britain Declares War on Japan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A003

    1. Breakfast Club 430000 Don's train arrives late
    2. Breakfast Club 430213 Chicago Navy Cadets
    3. Breakfast Club 450621 Guest singer Curley Bradley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A004

    1. Breakfast Club 450622 Remote from Racine, Wisconsin
    2. Breakfast Club 450623 Remote from Sheboygan, Wisconsin
    3. Breakfast Club 470000 U.S. Savings Bond Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A005

    1. Breakfast Club 490117 Chats About Inauguration Partial

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A006

    1. Breakfast Club 530623 20th Anniversary Broadcast
    2. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 01
    3. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 02
    4. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 03
    5. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 04
    6. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 05

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A007

    1. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 06
    2. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 07
    3. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 08
    4. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 09
    5. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 10
    6. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 11
    7. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 12
    8. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 13
    9. Breakfast Club 580000 Silver Jubilee 14
    10. Breakfast Club 580200 Dick Noel has Strep Throat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A008

    1. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Ann Leonardo
    2. Breakfast Club 580200 Guest Singer Gary Mann

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A009

    1. Breakfast Club 580228 Guest Bob Hope
    2. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Emmett Kelly

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A010

    1. Breakfast Club 580600 Guest Host Ted Mack
    2. Breakfast Club 590400 Guest Singer Charlie Applewhite

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A011

    1. Breakfast Club 590400 National Secretaries Week
    2. Breakfast Club590400 High School Senior Classes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A012

    1. Breakfast Club 590904 National Newspaper Carriers Day
    2. Breakfast Club 600600 Chicago International Trade Fair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A013

    1. Breakfast Club 600600 Guest Host Warren Hull
    2. Breakfast Club 600700 Guest Miss New Zealand

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A014

    1. Breakfast Club 600700 Reporters in Town
    2. Breakfast Club 600800 The Nickelodeon Rag

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A015

    1. Breakfast Club 600800 Anita Kerr Singers
    2. Breakfast Club 600800 Guests from Hillsdale, Illinois

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A016

    1. Breakfast Club 600902 Christmas in September. mp3
    2. Breakfast Club 610300 Champion Babysitter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A017

    1. Breakfast Club 610300 Guest Ilka Chase

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A018

    1. Breakfast Club 650617 Guest Don DeFore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A019

    1. Breakfast Club 680917 Music to Watch Girls By

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A020

    1. Breakfast Club 680927 Pearly King and Queen of London

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A021

    1. Breakfast Club 681128 Thanksgiving Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A022

    1. Breakfast Club 681129 Recalling 1953

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Breakfast Club (Don McNeil) Disc A023

    1. Breakfast Club 681227 Final Broadcast

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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