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Tales of the Brain in Old Time Radio

The human brain is one of the most marvelous objects in nature, and we are still learning its secrets. It is a case where fact can be as fascinating as fiction, and science fiction has always held the brain in special regard.


61 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 26 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
30 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

One of the most fascinating and complex creations in all of nature is the human brain. The most complex computers in Silicon Valley are mere shadows of the incredible sophistication of the brain. Physicians have realized for centuries that the conscious actions of the body, walking, talking, reaching out to touch a loved one's face, as well as the unconscious actions like digestion and respiration,  are controlled by the brain. The brain has the power to comprehend and even create beauty, and the ability to express it through art and language. The brain is where all our memories are stored, yet it has an almost limitless capacity to learn new things.


Medical science is constantly learning new things about the brain, but science also realizes that it has barely scratched the surface of all there is to know and learn about this marvelous organ. It is the capacity of our marvelous brains which has lifted mankind above the other animals which inhabit our world, and it is also what gives us the ability to appreciate the other creatures in the world. To be sure, our knowledge of the brain and how it works has grown exponentially over the past half-century or so, but in many ways, we are not much further along than we were during Radio's Golden Age.

  • Encore Theatre presents a retelling of "Dark Victory", the 1939 Bette Davis film about a society girl with a brain tumor and the brilliant doctor who tries to save her.
  • The miraculous but delicate science of brain surgery is the theme again in Exploring the Unknown's "Dark Curtain" featuring Veronica Lake descending into madness.
  • Exploring Tomorrow explores a fictional concept called "The Happiness Effect". Whenever a person's thoughts become too negative, their minds change everything to happy thoughts thanks to the efforts of 'brain writers'.
  • When the Communists take over Warsaw, a bookstore owner fears for the fate of his children who are being brainwashed at the mandatory youth meetings. The only answer seems to be an escape to freedom in Sweden in the presentation of "Two Tickets to Stockholm".
  • The eternal battle between brain and brawn is explored in "The Slide Rule Says Pass" when the beautiful calculus teacher uses her slide rule to determine what the other team is going to do on NBC's Grand Marquee.
  • The lesson of Heart Beat Theater is that brains aren't everything, you also need to listen to your heart as well in "The Awakening of Uncle Charlie".
  • Behind the creaking door of The Inner Sanctum, creepiness ensues when a retired artist sells his brain to an evil doctor. The deal falls through when the doctor is murdered and bodies in the University Medical Lab begin disappearing.
  • Orson WellesThe late Professor Marx's brain will be of incredible value to science, so he agreed to leave it to the medical department, but the body is held for ransom in "Stolen Brain" on Police Headquarters.
  • It takes a lot of brains to explore the galaxy, something Space Patrol knows only too well. Commander Corry faces an evil industrialist who intends on holding the brain of a dying scientist in suspended animation in "The Brain Bank".
  • One of the most fascinating tales in all of science fiction is "Donovan's Brain", the story of a physician who removes a millionaire's brain just before his body dies. He keeps the brain alive in a glass tank filled with an electrically charges highly oxygenated saline solution. In time, the brain begins to communicate with the physician to the point of imposing his will over the doctor's actions. Suspense was impressed enough with the story that it was presented on two occasions. The first was in 1944 featuring Orson Welles playing the protagonist in a rare two-part presentation. At the beginning of 1948, Suspense adopted a one-hour format, and the script was used again in February of that year.
  • Science fiction takes a back seat to science fact when Cavalcade of America tells the story of pioneering brain surgeon Harvey Cushing in "The Doctor with Hope in his Hands". 

See also: Amnesia and Memory Loss Collection and Computers and Electronic Brains in Old Time Radio.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    61 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 52 min
    61 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 26 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 31 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 2000 Plus 500621 Brooklyn Brain.mp3
    3. Adventures Of Superman 470327 Man Without Face Ep08of16.mp3
    4. Author Meets Critics 450228 Brainstorm.mp3
    5. Beauty Versus Brains 470902 Miss America Contestants.mp3
    6. Bergen Mccarthy 440326 321 W C Fields Jane Powell.mp3
    7. Bob And Ray 490816 X Bob And Ray Brain Surgery.mp3
    8. Broadway Is My Beat 510722 David Blaine Murder Case.mp3
    9. Cavalcade Of America 460311 Doctor With Hope In His Hands.mp3
    10. CBSRMT 760324 Brain Drain.mp3
    11. CBSRMT 760726 Brain Without Mercy.mp3
    12. CBSRMT 790221 Great Brain.mp3
    13. Counterspy 490915 Hot Car Killer.mp3
    14. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder.mp3
    15. Crime Does Not Pay 500403 26 Ingenious Woman.mp3
    16. Damon Runyon Theater 490102 Tobias Terrible.mp3
    17. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3
    18. Edgar Bergen And Charlie Mccarthy 471207 Roy Rogers.mp3
    19. Encore Theater 460730 09 Dark Victory.mp3
    20. Exploring Tomorrow 50002 Country Boy.mp3
    21. Exploring Unknown 470420 Dark Curtain With Veronica Lake.mp3
    22. Family Doctor 320000 11 Fatty Brain.mp3
    23. Ft 530225 307 Two Tickets For Stockholm.mp3
    24. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain.mp3
    25. Grand Marquee 461226 17 Slide Rule Says Pass.mp3
    26. Guiding Light Episode 0851.mp3
    27. Heartbeat Theater 581012 Awakening Of Uncle Charlie Skips.mp3
    28. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 520824 No Rest For Dead.mp3
    29. Iwcf 530812 69 Very Private Funeral.mp3
    30. Lone Ranger 450611 1933 Blessed Are Meek.mp3
    31. Lux Radio Theater 380404 170 Dark Victory.mp3
    32. Mysterious Traveler 440924 042 Death Laughs Last.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 30 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mysterious Traveler 470615 108 Death Is Judge.mp3
    3. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain.mp3
    4. Mystery Is My Hobby 400hudson Family Deaths.mp3
    5. Night Beat 520605 097 Marvelous Machine.mp3
    6. Night Surgeon Woman With Amnesia Sa.mp3
    7. Nightbeat 50.10.27 038 Doctors Daughter .mp3
    8. Perry Mason 540601 2797 Suzanne Calls Gus.mp3
    9. Planet Man 500000 Episode 75 Dantro And T21 Joined.mp3
    10. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain.mp3
    11. Sealed Book Beware Of Tomorrow.mp3
    12. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars.mp3
    13. Space Patrol 530530 Immortal Brain.mp3
    14. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice.mp3
    15. Suspense 440518 Donovans Brain Ep01of02.mp3
    16. Suspense 440525 Donovans Brain Ep02of02.mp3
    17. Suspense 450329 Taming Of Beast.mp3
    18. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain.mp3
    19. Suspense 620304 Doom Machine.mp3
    20. Taos 460418 1271 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 03.mp3
    21. Taos 460419 1272 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 04.mp3
    22. Taos 470603 1563 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 15.mp3
    23. Taos 470619 1575 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 27.mp3
    24. Taos 470625 1579 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 31.mp3
    25. Theater Five 641029 Nightmare.mp3
    26. Theater Guild On Air 470302 065 What Every Woman Knows.mp3
    27. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City.mp3
    28. Valiant Lady 411002 Joan And Tubby Quarrell.mp3
    29. Weird Circle 430905 House And Brain.mp3
    30. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind.mp3
    31. World Adventurers Club 320000 Land Of Doomed Souls.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    61 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 52 min
    61 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    713 MB – total playtime 26 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 31 shows – 391 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 53 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 2000 Plus 500621 Brooklyn Brain.mp3
    3. Adventures Of Superman 470327 Man Without Face Ep08of16.mp3
    4. Author Meets Critics 450228 Brainstorm.mp3
    5. Beauty Versus Brains 470902 Miss America Contestants.mp3
    6. Bergen Mccarthy 440326 321 W C Fields Jane Powell.mp3
    7. Bob And Ray 490816 X Bob And Ray Brain Surgery.mp3
    8. Broadway Is My Beat 510722 David Blaine Murder Case.mp3
    9. Cavalcade Of America 460311 Doctor With Hope In His Hands.mp3
    10. CBSRMT 760324 Brain Drain.mp3
    11. CBSRMT 760726 Brain Without Mercy.mp3
    12. CBSRMT 790221 Great Brain.mp3
    13. Counterspy 490915 Hot Car Killer.mp3
    14. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder.mp3
    15. Crime Does Not Pay 500403 26 Ingenious Woman.mp3
    16. Damon Runyon Theater 490102 Tobias Terrible.mp3
    17. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3
    18. Edgar Bergen And Charlie Mccarthy 471207 Roy Rogers.mp3
    19. Encore Theater 460730 09 Dark Victory.mp3
    20. Exploring Tomorrow 50002 Country Boy.mp3
    21. Exploring Unknown 470420 Dark Curtain With Veronica Lake.mp3
    22. Family Doctor 320000 11 Fatty Brain.mp3
    23. Ft 530225 307 Two Tickets For Stockholm.mp3
    24. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain.mp3
    25. Grand Marquee 461226 17 Slide Rule Says Pass.mp3
    26. Guiding Light Episode 0851.mp3
    27. Heartbeat Theater 581012 Awakening Of Uncle Charlie Skips.mp3
    28. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 520824 No Rest For Dead.mp3
    29. Iwcf 530812 69 Very Private Funeral.mp3
    30. Lone Ranger 450611 1933 Blessed Are Meek.mp3
    31. Lux Radio Theater 380404 170 Dark Victory.mp3
    32. Mysterious Traveler 440924 042 Death Laughs Last.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 30 shows – 322 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 59 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mysterious Traveler 470615 108 Death Is Judge.mp3
    3. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain.mp3
    4. Mystery Is My Hobby 400hudson Family Deaths.mp3
    5. Night Beat 520605 097 Marvelous Machine.mp3
    6. Night Surgeon Woman With Amnesia Sa.mp3
    7. Nightbeat 50.10.27 038 Doctors Daughter .mp3
    8. Perry Mason 540601 2797 Suzanne Calls Gus.mp3
    9. Planet Man 500000 Episode 75 Dantro And T21 Joined.mp3
    10. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain.mp3
    11. Sealed Book Beware Of Tomorrow.mp3
    12. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars.mp3
    13. Space Patrol 530530 Immortal Brain.mp3
    14. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice.mp3
    15. Suspense 440518 Donovans Brain Ep01of02.mp3
    16. Suspense 440525 Donovans Brain Ep02of02.mp3
    17. Suspense 450329 Taming Of Beast.mp3
    18. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain.mp3
    19. Suspense 620304 Doom Machine.mp3
    20. Taos 460418 1271 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 03.mp3
    21. Taos 460419 1272 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 04.mp3
    22. Taos 470603 1563 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 15.mp3
    23. Taos 470619 1575 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 27.mp3
    24. Taos 470625 1579 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 31.mp3
    25. Theater Five 641029 Nightmare.mp3
    26. Theater Guild On Air 470302 065 What Every Woman Knows.mp3
    27. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City.mp3
    28. Valiant Lady 411002 Joan And Tubby Quarrell.mp3
    29. Weird Circle 430905 House And Brain.mp3
    30. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind.mp3
    31. World Adventurers Club 320000 Land Of Doomed Souls.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    61 recordings on 30 Audio CDs. Total playtime 26 hours, 52 min
    61 recordings on 30 Audio CDs
    total playtime 26 hours, 52 min

    Brain Disc A001

    1. Exploring Tomorrow 50002 Country Boy
    2. Guiding Light Episode 0851
    3. Mystery Is My Hobby 400hudson Family Deaths

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A002

    1. Night Surgeon Woman With Amnesia Sa
    2. Nightbeat 50.10.27 038 Doctors Daughter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A003

    1. Sealed Book Beware Of Tomorrow
    2. Family Doctor 320000 11 Fatty Brain
    3. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A004

    1. World Adventurers Club 320000 Land Of Doomed Souls

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A005

    1. Lux Radio Theater 380404 170 Dark Victory

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A006

    1. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed
    2. Valiant Lady 411002 Joan And Tubby Quarrell
    3. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A007

    1. Weird Circle 430905 House And Brain
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 440326 321 W C Fields Jane Powell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A008

    1. Suspense 440518 Donovans Brain Ep01of02
    2. Suspense 440525 Donovans Brain Ep02of02

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A009

    1. Mysterious Traveler 440924 042 Death Laughs Last
    2. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice
    3. Author Meets Critics 450228 Brainstorm

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A010

    1. Suspense 450329 Taming Of Beast
    2. Lone Ranger 450611 1933 Blessed Are Meek

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A011

    1. Cavalcade Of America 460311 Doctor With Hope In His Hands
    2. Taos 460418 1271 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 03
    3. Taos 460419 1272 Hate Mongers Organization Pt 04

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A012

    1. Encore Theater 460730 09 Dark Victory
    2. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A013

    1. Grand Marquee 461226 17 Slide Rule Says Pass

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A014

    1. Theater Guild On Air 470302 065 What Every Woman Knows

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A015

    1. Adventures Of Superman 470327 Man Without Face Ep08of16
    2. Exploring Unknown 470420 Dark Curtain With Veronica Lake
    3. Taos 470603 1563 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 15

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A016

    1. Mysterious Traveler 470615 108 Death Is Judge
    2. Taos 470619 1575 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 27
    3. Taos 470625 1579 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 31

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A017

    1. Beauty Versus Brains 470902 Miss America Contestants
    2. Edgar Bergen And Charlie Mccarthy 471207 Roy Rogers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A018

    1. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A019

    1. Damon Runyon Theater 490102 Tobias Terrible
    2. Bob And Ray 490816 X Bob And Ray Brain Surgery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A020

    1. Counterspy 490915 Hot Car Killer
    2. Planet Man 500000 Episode 75 Dantro And T21 Joined

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A021

    1. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain
    2. Crime Does Not Pay 500403 26 Ingenious Woman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A022

    1. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder
    2. 2000 Plus 500621 Brooklyn Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A023

    1. Broadway Is My Beat 510722 David Blaine Murder Case
    2. Night Beat 520605 097 Marvelous Machine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A024

    1. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 520824 No Rest For Dead
    2. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A025

    1. Ft 530225 307 Two Tickets For Stockholm
    2. Space Patrol 530530 Immortal Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A026

    1. Iwcf 530812 69 Very Private Funeral
    2. Perry Mason 540601 2797 Suzanne Calls Gus
    3. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A027

    1. Heartbeat Theater 581012 Awakening Of Uncle Charlie Skips
    2. Suspense 620304 Doom Machine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A028

    1. Theater Five 641029 Nightmare
    2. CBSRMT 760324 Brain Drain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A029

    1. CBSRMT 760726 Brain Without Mercy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Brain Disc A030

    1. CBSRMT 790221 Great Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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