The Blue Beetle was an early comic book hero that tugged on the cape of Superman. Created by Charles Nicholas for the comic book Mystery Men, it first appeared in 1939.
24 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 10 hours, 10 min)
available in the following formats:
The Blue Beetle was another early comic book hero that tugged on the cape of Superman. Created by Charles Nicholas for the comic book Mystery Men, it first appearedin 1939. The Blue Beetle was moved with his popularity to newspaper syndication and then the old time radio show in 1940, in addition to continued comic book adventures. Actor Frank Lovejoy (middle) with the actress Joan Banks and their children. Frank Lovejoy appeared in several radio programmes, including Nightbeat
On radio, Blue Beetle's career was rather short-lived, but it was exciting while it lasted. Fine radio and motion picture actor Frank Lovejoy (often on Suspense, and star of Nightbeat) was the Blue Beetle for the first 13 episodes, while for the rest of the shows the actor was uncredited. The Blue Beetle was a young police officer who saw the need for extra-ordinary crime fighting. He took the task on himself by secretly donning a superhero costume to create fear in the criminals who were to learn to fear the Blue Beetle's wrath. The 13-minute segments were usually only 2 parts…so the stories were simple and obvious in comparison to the many-parted Superman radio show.The Blue Beetle the distinction of being one of the few golden age characters to survive into to present, but the character has been through many changes and revisions, and the original character is quite different from the one that comic book readers know today.
Well if you enjoy the whacky pre-code Fox Comics Blue Beetle you'll enjoy these shows. Captures golden-age superheroes better than Superman which wasn't easy. Put away your critical eye and seriousness and give a listen.
I enjoyed the programs and as such 1939 a little bit over the top but a piece of history the sound was not that great at times I missed some of the programs. Loved the mystery programs and crime Bulldog Drummond
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