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Blondie and Dagwood charmed the world as a typical married couple on the screen radio, and especially the funny-pages.


54 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 25 hours, 2 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
27 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from June 19, 1944:

"Dagwood Has A Dream"

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BlondieSituation Comedy based on the comic strip,
Blondie, by Chic Young (1939-44)

"Blooooonnnnnnnnnnnnndie! Dagwood Bumstead arrives home after a busy day at the Dithers Construction Company office, where Mr. Dithers threatened him with sharpening his pinkie in the pencil sharpener. But alas, our beloved architect is home eating a mile high sandwich and watching Daisy the dog chase her tail.

Blondie examining a black eye

George Burns and Gracie Allen began their act as a "Dumb Dora bit", but they did not invent the term. Dumb Dora, meaning a scatter-brained and foolish young woman, often a "flapper", entered the popular lexicon when cartoonist Chic Young created the Dumb Dora comic strip in 1924 (of course, Dora "wasn't as dumb as she looked"). 

After six years drawing the strip, newly married Young asked King Features for more money and ownership of the character. Still reeling from the recent Wall Street Crash, King turned him down. Young then created a new character (again, for King Features, but with a more specific contract) named Blondie Boopadoop, another flapper. Flapper culture arose as a product of the Jazz Age following the Great War. They were brash young women who enjoyed the freedom of Jazz, newly available automobiles, and ready access to bootleg liquor.

When she first appeared in 1930, Miss Boopadoop was even more scatterbrained than Dora had been, which may have helped her to attract several boyfriends. As popular as she was with the young men in her world, Blondie gave her heart to railroad heir Dagwood Bumstead. Dagwood's dad, J. Bolling Bumstead, refused to give his blessing to the match until the heart-struck youth went on a month and a half long hunger strike. The old man finally gave his blessing, but because he would marry "beneath his class", Dagwood was cut off from the Bumstead fortune. Dagwood and Blondie finally tied the knot on February 17, 1933.

When she wed, Blondie became a more no-nonsense housewife and the strip began to focus on Dagwood's misadventures. Although not as zany as the schemes of later Sitcom Dads, the Bumstead's were a highly identifiable couple dealing with a demanding boss, nosey neighbors, bills, and building the perfect sandwich. Hollywood noticed the strip's popularity and beginning with Blondie (1938, Columbia Pictures) a series of 28 low-budget films with Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake playing the couple.


After the first film came out, Singleton and Lake brought their roles to the December 20, 1939 episode of The Pepsodent Show Starring Bob Hope. The radio version of the characters was enough of a hit that they got their own show. Blondie first appeared on CBS Radio as a 1939 summer replacement for sponsored by Camel Cigarettes.

With the release of Beware of Blondie (1950, King Features), the 28th film in the series, everyone involved with the series seemed to agree that enough was enough. Penny Singleton had left the radio series in the spring of 1949, replaced by Ann Rutherford. The series ended in July 1950 after more than 400 episodes. Chic Young remained with the strip until his passing in 1973. Since then, the head writer of the strip has been Chic's son, Dean Young.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Blondie is based on Chic Young's popular comic strip. After becoming a successful movie, Blondie continued to be a hit in its old time radio show form. Arthur Lake, who was raised in a circus family, plays Dagwood Bumstead. His wife, Blondie, is played by Penny Singleton, Ann Rutherford, Alice White and Patricia Van Cleve. Leone Ledoux, professional infant imitator, plays Baby Dumpling and later Cookie. Crazy antics ensue as Dagwood and Blondie go bowling, change fowl diapers, and try to put too much mayonnaise on Dagwood's sandwich!

See also: Female Comedians of the Golden Age of Radio.  For other classic radio shows based of comics, see also


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    12     2


    Although some of the older recordings have a crackle, it is great that the shows can be preserved to enjoy many, many years later. Keep up the good work! I know a lot of these shows are not the best quality, but you certainly give it the old college try!

    Dave Verified Purchase

    My daughter is legally blind and tapes and then CDs provided her with entertainment and learning. They were invaluable in her growth and now she visits an assisted living facility two to three times a month and plays old radio shows on a tape player. Today she is an expert doing many things using an Echo, especially listening to books. Who da thought.

    George Verified Purchase

    I’ve been wondering if there are any records of troop response to AFRS programming. What prompted this was listening to an AFRS rebroadcast of an episode of Blondie, and the tag line was changed to “Don’t touch that dial, because there’s nothing else on!” I started wondering if there is any documentation along the lines of “Play less Blondie, play more of such and such different show”

    Tod Verified Purchase

    My impression is that AFRS shortwave stations did their best to mimic US radio station programming, offering a regular schedule throughout the day.

    Harry Verified Purchase

    Our USAF radar site in remote Alaska had its own AFRS AM radio station. It broadcast a regular schedule of programs from transcription discs.

    Lin Verified Purchase

    what's interesting is that this was a post-WW2 survey when there were mainly peacekeeping and rebuilding forces. my sense is that when WW2 was in process that Command Performance and some of the other AFRS-only shows would have gotten strong responses. After the war, and especially for families of those who may have been with service personnel, AFRS was their main English-speaking resource for all US media, with perhaps BBC shortwave as secondary for them. From my discussions with Thom Whetston who is expert at this stuff, even in the 1970s there were service personnel and families deployed in areas where there was no television service, so AFRTS broadcasts of OTR were very welcome to that audience.

    Joe Verified Purchase

    I guess in this particular case, I was envisioning a soldier in his barracks tuning in the shortwave, and how far fetched it seems to me for him to think “Oh boy! Blondie’s on!” Of course without AFRS, we wouldn’t have hardly any Blondie episodes at all, so I’m grateful for that.

    Rod Verified Purchase

    if that soldier had grown up listening to the show (it ran a long time), it might have been just the silly, warm taste of home he wanted. (Comic books were big in the military then, too.)

    Craig Verified Purchase

    I listened to 2 Blondie episodes from December 15,1948 and December 22, 1948. Both were entertaining. I'd say the 12/22 was a little funnier as Mr. Dithers gets his comeuppance from all concerned in a Christmasy sort of way.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I love the Blondie and Dagwood show. These are great recordings with commercials. I still read the Blondie and Dagwood comics, and I have all of their movies. I even have their TV show. This is a great addition to my collection. Great sounding mp3 recordings!

    Ron Verified Purchase

    I have been a otr fan since they came out..I listen often in daytime. .but .. go to sleep EVERY NIGHT.. with them on...I would like to have lived in those times..no matter how hard they were...

    Guy Verified Purchase

    My comment regards all of the OTR CDs. To comment on any one would be an injustice. It all started when I was visiting a bookstore (I don't remember what one it was) I passed by the audio tape section and saw the "Tarzan" album and the "Lone Ranger" album. I have always loved watching the Lone Ranger on TV. So that was the first album that I bought. From there I bought those tapes that I was familiar with. Because I was able to get some free tapes, I experimented by buying ones that I was not familiar with. It just grew from there. More westerns, mysteries, detective tapes/CDs became my interest. I listen to them in the car whenever and wherever I drive. I've so many that I haven't been able to listen to them all yet. I'm satisfied with them all. It's better entertainment than what is on TV now!

    Charles Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    54 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 2 min
    54 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 25 hours, 2 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 54 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 2 minutes
    2. Blondie 390807 006 Dagwood Hunter.mp3
    3. Blondie 391030 018 Fashion Show For Men.mp3
    4. Blondie 391106 019 Uncle Gideon And Aunt Bessie.mp3
    5. Blondie 391225 026 Scrooge.mp3
    6. Blondie 400401 040 April Fools Day.mp3
    7. Blondie 400415 042 Jack And Beanstalk.mp3
    8. Blondie 400422 043 Gypsy Queen.mp3
    9. Blondie 400513 046 Entertainment Committee.mp3
    10. Blondie 430412 185 Blondies Trouble Arrives C.o.d..mp3
    11. Blondie 431011 211 Blondie Buys A Lot.mp3
    12. Blondie 440302 Ac W Blondie Dagwood.mp3
    13. Blondie 440417 238 Blondie Redecorates Office.mp3
    14. Blondie 440619 247 Blondies Beautiful Dreamer.mp3
    15. Blondie 440626 B Snks Visitsalexander Bored With Life.mp3
    16. Blondie 440721 249 Blondie Calls Plumber-Prem New Network.mp3
    17. Blondie 440804 Lithuanian Car Dealership.mp3
    18. Blondie 440818 254 Cracks Alibi-Dagwood And Poker Game.mp3
    19. Blondie 440917 261 Dagwood Forgets Aka Dagwood Amnesia.mp3
    20. Blondie 441008 264 Baby Snooks Visits Bumsteads.mp3
    21. Blondie 441015 265 Blondie Feuds Woodley Photograp Prowler.mp3
    22. Blondie 450225 Poet.mp3
    23. Blondie 450311 Dagwood Wins A Diamond Ring.mp3
    24. Blondie 450527 Blondie And Society.mp3
    25. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation.mp3
    26. Blondie 480000 Circus Outing.mp3
    27. Blondie 481027 474 Blondie And Halloween Spirit.mp3
    28. Blondie 481103 Childrens Newspaper The Tattletale.mp3
    29. Blondie 481117 Swindles Shinanigans The New Car.mp3
    30. Blondie 481215 Christmas Show.mp3
    31. Blondie 481222 482 Blondie Helps With Christmas Party.mp3
    32. Blondie 490000 In Paris With Mr Mrs Dithers No Ending.mp3
    33. Blondie 490126 Uncle Kermits Inheritance.mp3
    34. Blondie 490209 Alexanders Valentines Day Dilemma.mp3
    35. Blondie 490629 Dagwood Goes Camping.mp3
    36. Blondie 491027 Alexander's Pig.mp3
    37. Blondie 491027 Alexanders Pig.mp3
    38. Blondie 491103 Stanley Livingston.mp3
    39. Blondie 491117 Antique Transit.mp3
    40. Blondie 491124 Alexander Is Done With Women.mp3
    41. Blondie 491201 French Perfume Factory Contract.mp3
    42. Blondie 491208 Holiday Spirits.mp3
    43. Blondie 491215 Making Up With Herb Woodley.mp3
    44. Blondie 491222 Fixing Toys for Christmas.mp3
    45. Blondie 500000 Missing Package.mp3
    46. Blondie 500106 Arab In Love With Blondie.mp3
    47. Blondie 500216 Alexander Actor.mp3
    48. Blondie Camping In Back Yard.mp3
    49. Blondie Contract Problems.mp3
    50. Blondie Dagwood Wins A Ring.mp3
    51. Blondie Fly Worth Two Thousand Dollars.mp3
    52. Blondie Photographing A Prowler.mp3
    53. Blondie Raises Chickens While Blondies Away.mp3
    54. Blondie Ride In Country.mp3
    55. Blondie Storm In A Teacup.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    54 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 2 min
    54 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    688 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 2 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 54 shows – 688 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 2 minutes
    2. Blondie 390807 006 Dagwood Hunter.mp3
    3. Blondie 391030 018 Fashion Show For Men.mp3
    4. Blondie 391106 019 Uncle Gideon And Aunt Bessie.mp3
    5. Blondie 391225 026 Scrooge.mp3
    6. Blondie 400401 040 April Fools Day.mp3
    7. Blondie 400415 042 Jack And Beanstalk.mp3
    8. Blondie 400422 043 Gypsy Queen.mp3
    9. Blondie 400513 046 Entertainment Committee.mp3
    10. Blondie 430412 185 Blondies Trouble Arrives C.o.d..mp3
    11. Blondie 431011 211 Blondie Buys A Lot.mp3
    12. Blondie 440302 Ac W Blondie Dagwood.mp3
    13. Blondie 440417 238 Blondie Redecorates Office.mp3
    14. Blondie 440619 247 Blondies Beautiful Dreamer.mp3
    15. Blondie 440626 B Snks Visitsalexander Bored With Life.mp3
    16. Blondie 440721 249 Blondie Calls Plumber-Prem New Network.mp3
    17. Blondie 440804 Lithuanian Car Dealership.mp3
    18. Blondie 440818 254 Cracks Alibi-Dagwood And Poker Game.mp3
    19. Blondie 440917 261 Dagwood Forgets Aka Dagwood Amnesia.mp3
    20. Blondie 441008 264 Baby Snooks Visits Bumsteads.mp3
    21. Blondie 441015 265 Blondie Feuds Woodley Photograp Prowler.mp3
    22. Blondie 450225 Poet.mp3
    23. Blondie 450311 Dagwood Wins A Diamond Ring.mp3
    24. Blondie 450527 Blondie And Society.mp3
    25. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation.mp3
    26. Blondie 480000 Circus Outing.mp3
    27. Blondie 481027 474 Blondie And Halloween Spirit.mp3
    28. Blondie 481103 Childrens Newspaper The Tattletale.mp3
    29. Blondie 481117 Swindles Shinanigans The New Car.mp3
    30. Blondie 481215 Christmas Show.mp3
    31. Blondie 481222 482 Blondie Helps With Christmas Party.mp3
    32. Blondie 490000 In Paris With Mr Mrs Dithers No Ending.mp3
    33. Blondie 490126 Uncle Kermits Inheritance.mp3
    34. Blondie 490209 Alexanders Valentines Day Dilemma.mp3
    35. Blondie 490629 Dagwood Goes Camping.mp3
    36. Blondie 491027 Alexander's Pig.mp3
    37. Blondie 491027 Alexanders Pig.mp3
    38. Blondie 491103 Stanley Livingston.mp3
    39. Blondie 491117 Antique Transit.mp3
    40. Blondie 491124 Alexander Is Done With Women.mp3
    41. Blondie 491201 French Perfume Factory Contract.mp3
    42. Blondie 491208 Holiday Spirits.mp3
    43. Blondie 491215 Making Up With Herb Woodley.mp3
    44. Blondie 491222 Fixing Toys for Christmas.mp3
    45. Blondie 500000 Missing Package.mp3
    46. Blondie 500106 Arab In Love With Blondie.mp3
    47. Blondie 500216 Alexander Actor.mp3
    48. Blondie Camping In Back Yard.mp3
    49. Blondie Contract Problems.mp3
    50. Blondie Dagwood Wins A Ring.mp3
    51. Blondie Fly Worth Two Thousand Dollars.mp3
    52. Blondie Photographing A Prowler.mp3
    53. Blondie Raises Chickens While Blondies Away.mp3
    54. Blondie Ride In Country.mp3
    55. Blondie Storm In A Teacup.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    54 recordings on 27 Audio CDs. Total playtime 25 hours, 2 min
    54 recordings on 27 Audio CDs
    total playtime 25 hours, 2 min

    Blondie Disc A001

    1. Blondie Camping In Back Yard
    2. Blondie Contract Problems

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A002

    1. Blondie Dagwood Wins A Ring
    2. Blondie Fly Worth Two Thousand Dollars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A003

    1. Blondie Photographing A Prowler
    2. Blondie Raises Chickens While Blondies Away

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A004

    1. Blondie Ride In Country
    2. Blondie Storm In A Teacup
    3. Blondie 390807 006 Dagwood Hunter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A005

    1. Blondie 391030 018 Fashion Show For Men
    2. Blondie 391106 019 Uncle Gideon And Aunt Bessie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A006

    1. Blondie 391225 026 Scrooge
    2. Blondie 400401 040 April Fools Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A007

    1. Blondie 400415 042 Jack And Beanstalk
    2. Blondie 400422 043 Gypsy Queen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A008

    1. Blondie 400513 046 Entertainment Committee
    2. Blondie 430412 185 Blondies Trouble Arrives C.o.d.

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A009

    1. Blondie 431011 211 Blondie Buys A Lot
    2. Blondie 440302 Ac W Blondie Dagwood

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A010

    1. Blondie 440417 238 Blondie Redecorates Office
    2. Blondie 440619 247 Blondies Beautiful Dreamer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A011

    1. Blondie 440626 B Snks Visitsalexander Bored With Life
    2. Blondie 440721 249 Blondie Calls Plumber-Prem New Network

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A012

    1. Blondie 440804 Lithuanian Car Dealership
    2. Blondie 440818 254 Cracks Alibi-Dagwood And Poker Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A013

    1. Blondie 440917 261 Dagwood Forgets Aka Dagwood Amnesia
    2. Blondie 441008 264 Baby Snooks Visits Bumsteads

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A014

    1. Blondie 441015 265 Blondie Feuds Woodley Photograp Prowler
    2. Blondie 450225 Poet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A015

    1. Blondie 450311 Dagwood Wins A Diamond Ring
    2. Blondie 450527 Blondie And Society

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A016

    1. Blondie 470727 Three Weeks Vacation
    2. Blondie 480000 Circus Outing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A017

    1. Blondie 481027 474 Blondie And Halloween Spirit
    2. Blondie 481103 Childrens Newspaper The Tattletale

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A018

    1. Blondie 481117 Swindles Shinanigans The New Car
    2. Blondie 481215 Christmas Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A019

    1. Blondie 481222 482 Blondie Helps With Christmas Party
    2. Blondie 490000 In Paris With Mr Mrs Dithers No Ending

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A020

    1. Blondie 490126 Uncle Kermits Inheritance
    2. Blondie 490209 Alexanders Valentines Day Dilemma

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A021

    1. Blondie 490629 Dagwood Goes Camping
    2. Blondie 491027 Alexander's Pig

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A022

    1. Blondie 491027 Alexanders Pig
    2. Blondie 491103 Stanley Livingston

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A023

    1. Blondie 491117 Antique Transit
    2. Blondie 491124 Alexander Is Done With Women

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A024

    1. Blondie 491201 French Perfume Factory Contract
    2. Blondie 491208 Holiday Spirits

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A025

    1. Blondie 491215 Making Up With Herb Woodley
    2. Blondie 491222 Fixing Toys for Christmas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A026

    1. Blondie 500000 Missing Package
    2. Blondie 500106 Arab In Love With Blondie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blondie Disc A027

    1. Blondie 500216 Alexander Actor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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