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Radio for the Birds!

Hear from our feathered friends about birds who tell us secrets, Birds which scare us, and birds that are good to eat!

Birds on the Radio

128 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 44 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
50 Audio CDs

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"Lux Radio: The Birds"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Bird on HeadThey are feathered, winged, warmblooded, egg-laying, vertebrate animals. There are more that 10,000 bird species in the world, but on radio we usually only find three basic types; birds that tell us secrets, birds that find a way to scare us, and birds that taste good!

The talking parrot is comic device that goes back to the earliest days of radio. Cecil and Sally was an early program broadcast from San Francisco in the late 1920s and early 30s. The program featured a pair of teenagers who faced the trials of growing up together. In the story arc featured in our Bird Collection, Sally is sure the neighbor lady, Mrs. Mason, has some secrets from her past and she is dying to know what they could be. Finally she hits upon the idea of interviewing Mrs. Mason's "Polly Parrot", because everyone knows that parrots talk. Cecil tries but can't talk her out of following through with her plan. Poll Parrot is the name of the the ship, its mascot, and the sponsoring shoe company in The Cruise of the Poll Parrot. In this wonderful children's serial, the parrot joins on a whaling voyage that has a pair of young stowaways, little Sue Grange and her young friend Johnny Robbins.

Jack Benny had a lot of fun with his parrot, Polly, who was preformed by Mel Blanc. In our collection Polly has been feeling melancholy for several days, so jack takes her to a psychiatrist, for birds! Not all the messages from birds come from parrots, of course. A golden pigeon guides Superman to save Jimmy Olsen in a nick of time.

Birds have a way of scaring us much more than there small size would seem. What could be more frightening than a combination of Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff in scenes from their movie The Raven. Birds rarely get the chance to be scarier than in the story The Birds by Daphne Du Maurier. The story would be adapted by Alfred Hitchcock into one of his most frightening films in 1963, but first the story was adapted for both Escape and Lux Radio Theater. Birds manage to give us the creeps on Escape on several other occasions, including the large gray parrot who figures so prominently in "How Love Came to Professor Guildea", and of course it is greed that drives the hunter in "The Bird of Paradise".

Bird lights a cigaretteThe Inner Sanctum finds a few birds inside the creaking door to help chill the blood, including "The Black Seagull" who seems to be the spirit of Peter Lorre's dead lover. "Birdsong For a Murderer" is presented twice in our collection, the second time featuring Boris Karloff, is the story of a homicidal maniac who is only calmed by the songs of his canaries. Suspense has its share of bird related shows as well, with "five Canaries in a Room", "Pigeon in a Cage", and "Raven Notice".

As beautiful as they are, and as wonderful as it is to hear them sing, some of our favorite birds are the ones that we can eat! Fibber McGee is quite an enthusiastic sportsman as it turns out, and very fond of duck hunting. But like Doc Gamble points out when it comes to McGee and ducks, if there is a shotgun involved, everyone around had better! More edible birds come into the McGee household when Doc Gamble receives a gift of some pheasants, and insists on cooking them "Indian style" by roasting them wrapped in clay- can Molly save the day?

Probably the most edible bird is the Thanksgiving Turkey. Sam Spade has an interesting adventure with a man named Thomas Turkey who is afraid he'll be murdered over Thanksgiving, and it is a very interesting tale that he dictates to his secretary. Jack Benny has a lot of experience with turkeys, including the one he cooks himself for his cast, and another time he dreams that he is a turkey! And of course there is the "free" turkey that falls into Kingfish's life on Amos 'n' Andy. Is it the answer to his prayers or will it drive him to a life of crime? Or is it an even bigger surprise for Kingfish?

There are many more birds in our collection, including contributions from Sherlock Holmes, Dragnet, My Favorite Husband, Henry Aldrich, and many others!

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    As a life long parakeet owner, this collection is both hilarious and dramatically wonderful. 5/5!

    Martha Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    128 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 44 min
    128 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 44 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 70 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 21 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Academy Aw Theater 460703 15 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    3. Adv In Research 623 Way Of An Eagle.mp3
    4. Aldrich Family 400220 Pigeon Coops.mp3
    5. Aldrich Family 400227 Henry Starts To Raise Carrier Pige.mp3
    6. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner.mp3
    7. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    8. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    9. Amos Andy 491120 220 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    10. Bergen Mccarthy 560527 Birds And Bees.mp3
    11. Blackstone 490306 23 Riddle Of Red Goose.mp3
    12. Blackstone 490703 40 Bird Of Doom.mp3
    13. Buster Brown Gang 480515 Pirates And Parrott.mp3
    14. Calv 400312 178 Raven Wins Texas.mp3
    15. Calv 420921 297 Eagle To Britain.mp3
    16. Can You Imagine That 16 Boy Battles Eagle.mp3
    17. Cecil Sally 0489 Sally Wants Answers Masons Parrot 1.mp3
    18. Cecil Sally 0492 Sally To Borrow Mrs Masons Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    19. Cecil Sally 0493 Interrogating Polly Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    20. Cecil Sally 0494 Mrs Mason Thinks Her Parrot Is Crazy Pt 1.mp3
    21. Cecil Sally 0496 Mrs Mason Accidentally Kills Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    22. Cisco Kid 530106 049 Pancho And Parrot.mp3
    23. Columbia Workshop 410223 067 Wings Of An Eagle.mp3
    24. Comic Weekly Man 520120 248 Bread Crumbs For Pigeons Hoppy.mp3
    25. Cruise Poll Parrot 370925 Episode 01.mp3
    26. Cruise Poll Parrot 371002 Episode 02.mp3
    27. Cruise Poll Parrot 371009 Episode 03.mp3
    28. Cruise Poll Parrot 371016 Episode 04.mp3
    29. Cruise Poll Parrot 371023 Episode 05.mp3
    30. Cruise Poll Parrot 371030 Episode 06.mp3
    31. Cruise Poll Parrot 371106 Episode 07.mp3
    32. Cruise Poll Parrot 371113 Episode 08.mp3
    33. Cruise Poll Parrot 371120 Episode 09.mp3
    34. Cruise Poll Parrot 371127 Episode 10.mp3
    35. Cruise Poll Parrot 371204 Episode 11.mp3
    36. Cruise Poll Parrot 371211 Episode 12.mp3
    37. Cruise Poll Parrot 371218 Episode 13.mp3
    38. Dangerously Yours 440917 12 Shadow Of Raven.mp3
    39. Dick Tracy 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl Stuck In Snow.mp3
    40. Down Our Way 05 Bens Talking Pigeon.mp3
    41. Dragnet 501116 E 075 Big Parrot.mp3
    42. Dragnet 511206 E 130 Big Canaries.mp3
    43. Dragnet 550201 E 285 Big Bird.mp3
    44. Eb Zeb 340410 E 409 Mr. Brown Has Parrott. Eb Writes T.mp3
    45. Escape 480222 036 Ec How Love Came To Professor Guildea.mp3
    46. Escape 540311 218 Bird Of Paradise.mp3
    47. Escape 540710 230 Birds.mp3
    48. Family Doctor 320000 08 race With Stork.mp3
    49. Fmm 390523 0206 Stork.mp3
    50. Fmm 440425 0401 Cannery Executive.mp3
    51. Fmm 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber.mp3
    52. Fmm 471202 0530 Duck Hunting.mp3
    53. Fmm 480427 0551 Passenger Pigeon.mp3
    54. Fmm 481123 0563 Docs Pheasants.mp3
    55. Fmm 491108 0598 Fix Coocoo Clock.mp3
    56. Fmm 510529 0663 Birds Nest In Mailbox.mp3
    57. Fmm 511113 0672 Duck Hunter Mcgee.mp3
    58. Fmm 531007 0743 Buying Parakeet.mp3
    59. Fmm 531008 0744 Teaching Parakeet To Talk.mp3
    60. Fmm 531106 0765 Parakeets Preference.mp3
    61. Fmm 531110 0767 Preparation For Duck Hunt.mp3
    62. Fmm 531111 0768 Finding Hunting License.mp3
    63. Fmm 531112 0769 Buying Groceries.mp3
    64. Fmm 531113 0770 To Lake Wapahokey.mp3
    65. Fmm 531116 0771 Its Raining.mp3
    66. Fmm 531117 0772 Duck Hunting With Success.mp3
    67. Fmm 531118 0773 Happy Hunter Returns.mp3
    68. Fmm 550331 1128 Wistful Vistas Snowy Owl.mp3
    69. Fred 400327 Who Killed Mack Borden.mp3
    70. Fred Allen 400320 Eagle Gets Loose In Studio.mp3
    71. Front Page Dramas 410124 Eaglette Returns.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 58 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Gasoline Alley 481210 22 0013 The Adventure Of The Bird Be.mp3
    3. Globe Theater 451009 Guilded Pheasant.mp3
    4. Hartz Radio Canaries 441203.mp3
    5. Haunting Hour 450331 02 Bird Of Death.mp3
    6. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Sea Gull.mp3
    7. Inner Sanctum 490214 Birdsong For A Murderer.mp3
    8. Inner Sanctum 510103 01 Death By A Fighting Bird.mp3
    9. Inner Sanctum 520622 Birdsong For A Murderer.mp3
    10. Jack Benny 371128 909 Jack Cooked Turkey.mp3
    11. Jack Benny 391119 1107 Jack Buys An.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 411123 1308 Thanksgiving.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 451014 1703 Gaslight.mp3
    15. Jack Benny 451014 556 Gaslight.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 451021 557 Jack Dreams Race Horse Tx Sandman.mp3
    17. Jack Benny 471130 1909 Turkey Dream.mp3
    18. Jack Benny 521130 Jack Buys A Turkey.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 530927 853 Polly Goes To Psychiatrist.mp3
    20. Jungle Jim 520119 E 847 Crippled Bird.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 500703 Scream Of Eagle.mp3
    22. Lets Pretend 460803 Goose Girl The.mp3
    23. Lets Pretend 470607 Six Swans.mp3
    24. Life Of Riley 441119 045 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    25. Lux 430208 382 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    26. Lux 530720 838 Birds.mp3
    27. Magic Island 1936 017 Homing Pigeon.mp3
    28. Magnificent Montague 510330 E 21 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    29. Msa Fun With Speech Old Grey Goose.mp3
    30. Mt 500403 Coyotes Of Sky 28.mp3
    31. Mt 511003 Snowy Owl Bounty.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    34. Railroad Hour 520303 179 White Eagle.mp3
    35. Rcp 490613 How Love Came To Prof Guildea.mp3
    36. Readerdigest 470821 76 Grandma And Seagull.mp3
    37. Ripley 343 White Pigeons.mp3
    38. Sam Spade 501124 C 002 Terrified Turkey Caper.mp3
    39. Screen Guild 430920 162 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    40. Sherlock Holmes 450423 173 Notorious Canary Trainer.mp3
    41. Sherlock Holmes 460121 202 Tell Tale Pigeon Feathers.mp3
    42. Sleepy Joe 06 Brer Rabbit S Goose.mp3
    43. Story Lady 210 the Owl Who Was Not Wise.mp3
    44. Strange Adventure 1945 [155] Bird Of Passage.mp3
    45. Strange Adventure 450000 E 230 Double Eagle.mp3
    46. Superman 440410 742 Golden Pigeon.mp3
    47. Suspense 430608 045 Five Canaries In Room.mp3
    48. Suspense 480110 279 Kandy Tooth Caper.mp3
    49. Suspense 530525 514 Pigeon In Cage.mp3
    50. Suspense 580601 753 Raven Notice.mp3
    51. The Lives Of Harry Lime 510817 03 Clay Pigeon.mp3
    52. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 1 Of 3.mp3
    53. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 2 Of 3.mp3
    54. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 3 Of 3.mp3
    55. Theatre Royal 540418 29 Snow Goose.mp3
    56. This Is Your Fbi 520905 388 Seagull Shakedown.mp3
    57. Whistler 480331 E 309 Bird Of Prey.mp3
    58. Whistler 490828 E 381 Eager Pigeon.mp3
    59. Whistler 491211 397 Swan Song.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    128 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 44 min
    128 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1311 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 44 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 70 shows – 669 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 21 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Academy Aw Theater 460703 15 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    3. Adv In Research 623 Way Of An Eagle.mp3
    4. Aldrich Family 400220 Pigeon Coops.mp3
    5. Aldrich Family 400227 Henry Starts To Raise Carrier Pige.mp3
    6. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner.mp3
    7. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    8. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    9. Amos Andy 491120 220 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    10. Bergen Mccarthy 560527 Birds And Bees.mp3
    11. Blackstone 490306 23 Riddle Of Red Goose.mp3
    12. Blackstone 490703 40 Bird Of Doom.mp3
    13. Buster Brown Gang 480515 Pirates And Parrott.mp3
    14. Calv 400312 178 Raven Wins Texas.mp3
    15. Calv 420921 297 Eagle To Britain.mp3
    16. Can You Imagine That 16 Boy Battles Eagle.mp3
    17. Cecil Sally 0489 Sally Wants Answers Masons Parrot 1.mp3
    18. Cecil Sally 0492 Sally To Borrow Mrs Masons Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    19. Cecil Sally 0493 Interrogating Polly Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    20. Cecil Sally 0494 Mrs Mason Thinks Her Parrot Is Crazy Pt 1.mp3
    21. Cecil Sally 0496 Mrs Mason Accidentally Kills Parrot Pt 1.mp3
    22. Cisco Kid 530106 049 Pancho And Parrot.mp3
    23. Columbia Workshop 410223 067 Wings Of An Eagle.mp3
    24. Comic Weekly Man 520120 248 Bread Crumbs For Pigeons Hoppy.mp3
    25. Cruise Poll Parrot 370925 Episode 01.mp3
    26. Cruise Poll Parrot 371002 Episode 02.mp3
    27. Cruise Poll Parrot 371009 Episode 03.mp3
    28. Cruise Poll Parrot 371016 Episode 04.mp3
    29. Cruise Poll Parrot 371023 Episode 05.mp3
    30. Cruise Poll Parrot 371030 Episode 06.mp3
    31. Cruise Poll Parrot 371106 Episode 07.mp3
    32. Cruise Poll Parrot 371113 Episode 08.mp3
    33. Cruise Poll Parrot 371120 Episode 09.mp3
    34. Cruise Poll Parrot 371127 Episode 10.mp3
    35. Cruise Poll Parrot 371204 Episode 11.mp3
    36. Cruise Poll Parrot 371211 Episode 12.mp3
    37. Cruise Poll Parrot 371218 Episode 13.mp3
    38. Dangerously Yours 440917 12 Shadow Of Raven.mp3
    39. Dick Tracy 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl Stuck In Snow.mp3
    40. Down Our Way 05 Bens Talking Pigeon.mp3
    41. Dragnet 501116 E 075 Big Parrot.mp3
    42. Dragnet 511206 E 130 Big Canaries.mp3
    43. Dragnet 550201 E 285 Big Bird.mp3
    44. Eb Zeb 340410 E 409 Mr. Brown Has Parrott. Eb Writes T.mp3
    45. Escape 480222 036 Ec How Love Came To Professor Guildea.mp3
    46. Escape 540311 218 Bird Of Paradise.mp3
    47. Escape 540710 230 Birds.mp3
    48. Family Doctor 320000 08 race With Stork.mp3
    49. Fmm 390523 0206 Stork.mp3
    50. Fmm 440425 0401 Cannery Executive.mp3
    51. Fmm 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber.mp3
    52. Fmm 471202 0530 Duck Hunting.mp3
    53. Fmm 480427 0551 Passenger Pigeon.mp3
    54. Fmm 481123 0563 Docs Pheasants.mp3
    55. Fmm 491108 0598 Fix Coocoo Clock.mp3
    56. Fmm 510529 0663 Birds Nest In Mailbox.mp3
    57. Fmm 511113 0672 Duck Hunter Mcgee.mp3
    58. Fmm 531007 0743 Buying Parakeet.mp3
    59. Fmm 531008 0744 Teaching Parakeet To Talk.mp3
    60. Fmm 531106 0765 Parakeets Preference.mp3
    61. Fmm 531110 0767 Preparation For Duck Hunt.mp3
    62. Fmm 531111 0768 Finding Hunting License.mp3
    63. Fmm 531112 0769 Buying Groceries.mp3
    64. Fmm 531113 0770 To Lake Wapahokey.mp3
    65. Fmm 531116 0771 Its Raining.mp3
    66. Fmm 531117 0772 Duck Hunting With Success.mp3
    67. Fmm 531118 0773 Happy Hunter Returns.mp3
    68. Fmm 550331 1128 Wistful Vistas Snowy Owl.mp3
    69. Fred 400327 Who Killed Mack Borden.mp3
    70. Fred Allen 400320 Eagle Gets Loose In Studio.mp3
    71. Front Page Dramas 410124 Eaglette Returns.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 58 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Gasoline Alley 481210 22 0013 The Adventure Of The Bird Be.mp3
    3. Globe Theater 451009 Guilded Pheasant.mp3
    4. Hartz Radio Canaries 441203.mp3
    5. Haunting Hour 450331 02 Bird Of Death.mp3
    6. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Sea Gull.mp3
    7. Inner Sanctum 490214 Birdsong For A Murderer.mp3
    8. Inner Sanctum 510103 01 Death By A Fighting Bird.mp3
    9. Inner Sanctum 520622 Birdsong For A Murderer.mp3
    10. Jack Benny 371128 909 Jack Cooked Turkey.mp3
    11. Jack Benny 391119 1107 Jack Buys An.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 411123 1308 Thanksgiving.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 451014 1703 Gaslight.mp3
    15. Jack Benny 451014 556 Gaslight.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 451021 557 Jack Dreams Race Horse Tx Sandman.mp3
    17. Jack Benny 471130 1909 Turkey Dream.mp3
    18. Jack Benny 521130 Jack Buys A Turkey.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 530927 853 Polly Goes To Psychiatrist.mp3
    20. Jungle Jim 520119 E 847 Crippled Bird.mp3
    21. Let George Do It 500703 Scream Of Eagle.mp3
    22. Lets Pretend 460803 Goose Girl The.mp3
    23. Lets Pretend 470607 Six Swans.mp3
    24. Life Of Riley 441119 045 Turkey Hunt.mp3
    25. Lux 430208 382 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    26. Lux 530720 838 Birds.mp3
    27. Magic Island 1936 017 Homing Pigeon.mp3
    28. Magnificent Montague 510330 E 21 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    29. Msa Fun With Speech Old Grey Goose.mp3
    30. Mt 500403 Coyotes Of Sky 28.mp3
    31. Mt 511003 Snowy Owl Bounty.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    34. Railroad Hour 520303 179 White Eagle.mp3
    35. Rcp 490613 How Love Came To Prof Guildea.mp3
    36. Readerdigest 470821 76 Grandma And Seagull.mp3
    37. Ripley 343 White Pigeons.mp3
    38. Sam Spade 501124 C 002 Terrified Turkey Caper.mp3
    39. Screen Guild 430920 162 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    40. Sherlock Holmes 450423 173 Notorious Canary Trainer.mp3
    41. Sherlock Holmes 460121 202 Tell Tale Pigeon Feathers.mp3
    42. Sleepy Joe 06 Brer Rabbit S Goose.mp3
    43. Story Lady 210 the Owl Who Was Not Wise.mp3
    44. Strange Adventure 1945 [155] Bird Of Passage.mp3
    45. Strange Adventure 450000 E 230 Double Eagle.mp3
    46. Superman 440410 742 Golden Pigeon.mp3
    47. Suspense 430608 045 Five Canaries In Room.mp3
    48. Suspense 480110 279 Kandy Tooth Caper.mp3
    49. Suspense 530525 514 Pigeon In Cage.mp3
    50. Suspense 580601 753 Raven Notice.mp3
    51. The Lives Of Harry Lime 510817 03 Clay Pigeon.mp3
    52. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 1 Of 3.mp3
    53. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 2 Of 3.mp3
    54. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 3 Of 3.mp3
    55. Theatre Royal 540418 29 Snow Goose.mp3
    56. This Is Your Fbi 520905 388 Seagull Shakedown.mp3
    57. Whistler 480331 E 309 Bird Of Prey.mp3
    58. Whistler 490828 E 381 Eager Pigeon.mp3
    59. Whistler 491211 397 Swan Song.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    128 recordings on 50 Audio CDs. Total playtime 47 hours, 44 min
    128 recordings on 50 Audio CDs
    total playtime 47 hours, 44 min

    Birds on the Radio Disc A001

    1. Adv In Research 623 Way Of An Eagle
    2. Can You Imagine That 16 Boy Battles Eagle
    3. Cecil Sally 0489 Sally Wants Answers Masons Parrot 1
    4. Cecil Sally 0492 Sally To Borrow Mrs Masons Parrot Pt 1
    5. Cecil Sally 0493 Interrogating Polly Parrot Pt 1
    6. Cecil Sally 0494 Mrs Mason Thinks Her Parrot Is Crazy Pt 1
    7. Cecil Sally 0496 Mrs Mason Accidentally Kills Parrot Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A002

    1. Down Our Way 05 Bens Talking Pigeon
    2. Magic Island 1936 017 Homing Pigeon
    3. Msa Fun With Speech Old Grey Goose
    4. Ripley 343 White Pigeons
    5. Sleepy Joe 06 Brer Rabbit S Goose
    6. Story Lady 210 the Owl Who Was Not Wise
    7. Strange Adventure 1945 [155] Bird Of Passage
    8. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 1 Of 3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A003

    1. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 2 Of 3
    2. The Raven Bela Lugosi Boris Karloff 1935 3 Of 3
    3. Family Doctor 320000 08 race With Stork
    4. Eb Zeb 340410 E 409 Mr. Brown Has Parrott. Eb Writes T
    5. Cruise Poll Parrot 370925 Episode 01
    6. Cruise Poll Parrot 371002 Episode 02
    7. Cruise Poll Parrot 371009 Episode 03

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A004

    1. Cruise Poll Parrot 371016 Episode 04
    2. Cruise Poll Parrot 371023 Episode 05
    3. Cruise Poll Parrot 371030 Episode 06
    4. Cruise Poll Parrot 371106 Episode 07
    5. Cruise Poll Parrot 371113 Episode 08
    6. Cruise Poll Parrot 371120 Episode 09

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A005

    1. Cruise Poll Parrot 371127 Episode 10
    2. Jack Benny 371128 909 Jack Cooked Turkey
    3. Cruise Poll Parrot 371204 Episode 11
    4. Cruise Poll Parrot 371211 Episode 12

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A006

    1. Cruise Poll Parrot 371218 Episode 13
    2. Fmm 390523 0206 Stork

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A007

    1. Jack Benny 391119 1107 Jack Buys An
    2. Aldrich Family 400220 Pigeon Coops

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A008

    1. Aldrich Family 400227 Henry Starts To Raise Carrier Pige
    2. Calv 400312 178 Raven Wins Texas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A009

    1. Fred Allen 400320 Eagle Gets Loose In Studio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A010

    1. Fred 400327 Who Killed Mack Borden

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A011

    1. Front Page Dramas 410124 Eaglette Returns
    2. Columbia Workshop 410223 067 Wings Of An Eagle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A012

    1. Jack Benny 411123 1308 Thanksgiving
    2. Calv 420921 297 Eagle To Britain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A013

    1. Lux 430208 382 Maltese Falcon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A014

    1. Inner Sanctum 430307 114 Black Sea Gull
    2. Suspense 430608 045 Five Canaries In Room

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A015

    1. Screen Guild 430920 162 Maltese Falcon
    2. Amos And Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A016

    1. Jack Benny 431121 Jack Dreams He Is A Turkey
    2. Dick Tracy 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl Stuck In Snow
    3. Superman 440410 742 Golden Pigeon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A017

    1. Fmm 440425 0401 Cannery Executive
    2. Dangerously Yours 440917 12 Shadow Of Raven

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A018

    1. Fmm 441031 0413 Duck Hunter Fibber
    2. Life Of Riley 441119 045 Turkey Hunt
    3. Hartz Radio Canaries 441203
    4. Strange Adventure 450000 E 230 Double Eagle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A019

    1. Haunting Hour 450331 02 Bird Of Death
    2. Sherlock Holmes 450423 173 Notorious Canary Trainer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A020

    1. Globe Theater 451009 Guilded Pheasant
    2. Jack Benny 451014 1703 Gaslight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A021

    1. Jack Benny 451014 556 Gaslight
    2. Jack Benny 451021 557 Jack Dreams Race Horse Tx Sandman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A022

    1. Sherlock Holmes 460121 202 Tell Tale Pigeon Feathers
    2. Academy Aw Theater 460703 15 Maltese Falcon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A023

    1. Lets Pretend 460803 Goose Girl The
    2. Lets Pretend 470607 Six Swans

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Birds on the Radio Disc A024

    1. Readerdigest 470821 76 Grandma And Seagull
    2. Jack Benny 471130 1909 Turkey Dream

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A025

    1. Fmm 471202 0530 Duck Hunting

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A026

    1. Suspense 480110 279 Kandy Tooth Caper

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A027

    1. Escape 480222 036 Ec How Love Came To Professor Guildea
    2. Whistler 480331 E 309 Bird Of Prey

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A028

    1. Fmm 480427 0551 Passenger Pigeon
    2. Buster Brown Gang 480515 Pirates And Parrott

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A029

    1. Fmm 481123 0563 Docs Pheasants
    2. Gasoline Alley 481210 22 0013 The Adventure Of The Bird Be
    3. Inner Sanctum 490214 Birdsong For A Murderer

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A030

    1. Blackstone 490306 23 Riddle Of Red Goose
    2. Philip Marlowe 490611 Pigeons Blood

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A031

    1. Rcp 490613 How Love Came To Prof Guildea
    2. Blackstone 490703 40 Bird Of Doom
    3. Whistler 490828 E 381 Eager Pigeon

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A032

    1. Fmm 491108 0598 Fix Coocoo Clock
    2. Amos Andy 491120 220 Turkey Falls Off Truck

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A033

    1. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner
    2. Whistler 491211 397 Swan Song

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A034

    1. Mt 500403 Coyotes Of Sky 28
    2. Let George Do It 500703 Scream Of Eagle

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A035

    1. Dragnet 501116 E 075 Big Parrot
    2. Sam Spade 501124 C 002 Terrified Turkey Caper

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A036

    1. Inner Sanctum 510103 01 Death By A Fighting Bird
    2. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A037

    1. Magnificent Montague 510330 E 21 Cuckoo Clock
    2. Fmm 510529 0663 Birds Nest In Mailbox

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A038

    1. The Lives Of Harry Lime 510817 03 Clay Pigeon
    2. Mt 511003 Snowy Owl Bounty

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A039

    1. Fmm 511113 0672 Duck Hunter Mcgee
    2. Dragnet 511206 E 130 Big Canaries

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A040

    1. Jungle Jim 520119 E 847 Crippled Bird
    2. Comic Weekly Man 520120 248 Bread Crumbs For Pigeons Hoppy
    3. Railroad Hour 520303 179 White Eagle

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A041

    1. Inner Sanctum 520622 Birdsong For A Murderer
    2. This Is Your Fbi 520905 388 Seagull Shakedown

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A042

    1. Aldrich Family 521123 Thanksgiving Turkey
    2. Jack Benny 521130 Jack Buys A Turkey

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A043

    1. Cisco Kid 530106 049 Pancho And Parrot
    2. Suspense 530525 514 Pigeon In Cage

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A044

    1. Lux 530720 838 Birds

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A045

    1. Jack Benny 530927 853 Polly Goes To Psychiatrist
    2. Fmm 531007 0743 Buying Parakeet
    3. Fmm 531008 0744 Teaching Parakeet To Talk

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A046

    1. Fmm 531106 0765 Parakeets Preference
    2. Fmm 531110 0767 Preparation For Duck Hunt
    3. Fmm 531111 0768 Finding Hunting License
    4. Fmm 531112 0769 Buying Groceries

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A047

    1. Fmm 531113 0770 To Lake Wapahokey
    2. Fmm 531116 0771 Its Raining
    3. Fmm 531117 0772 Duck Hunting With Success
    4. Fmm 531118 0773 Happy Hunter Returns

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A048

    1. Escape 540311 218 Bird Of Paradise
    2. Theatre Royal 540418 29 Snow Goose

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A049

    1. Escape 540710 230 Birds
    2. Dragnet 550201 E 285 Big Bird
    3. Fmm 550331 1128 Wistful Vistas Snowy Owl

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    Birds on the Radio Disc A050

    1. Bergen Mccarthy 560527 Birds And Bees
    2. Suspense 580601 753 Raven Notice

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