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Bernie Sanders Recordings

Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist who served as a US Senator from Vermont and ran for President in 2016 and 2020 on a progressive platform.

Bernie Sanders

586 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 258 hours, 43 min)
available in the following formats:

12 MP3 CDs
187 Audio CDs

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Agree with him or disagree with him; it is safe to say that Bernie Sanders is consistent in his beliefs as a Democratic Socialist.

Born on September 8, 1941, just three months before the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, Bernie Sanders was born in the Brooklyn borough of New York City to a working class Jewish family.  Because of his family background which consisted of many of his relatives having lived in German occupied Poland and being killed in the Holocaust in the 1940s, Sanders took an interest in politics at a very early age.  Growing up in Brooklyn the family never lacked for clothing and food but could not afford major purchases like curtains and rugs.  Simply put, they were just not affordable.

Bernie Sanders

While a student at James Madison High School, Sanders was the captain of the track team; even finishing third in the New York City One Mile Indoor Race.  Politically, he lost his first election coming in last to three other students.  Sanders' platform while running for student body President was aide to Korean War orphans.  But to not be discouraged by the loss of the election, Sanders got involved in school fundraising and organized a charity basketball game for the Korean War orphans.

Self proclaiming himself as a mediocre student in college; Sanders believed that the classroom was boring and irrelevant but that the community was more important to his education.  Never the less, he did graduate from the University of Chicago in 1964 with a degree in political science.

While at the University of Chicago Sanders would join the Young People's Socialist League which was the youth version of the Socialist Party of America.  Sanders called his time in Chicago, the major period of intellectual ferment in his life.  He would get involved in the Civil Rights Movement by joining as a student the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.  While a chairman at the University of Chicago Sanders managed to merge both CORE and SNCC.  He attended a rally in January 1962 at the University of Chicago to protest the University president's segregated campus housing policy.  At this rally, Sanders got up to speak stating, "We feel it is an intolerable situation when Negro and white students of the university cannot live together in university-owned apartments."  Along with 32 other students, Sanders entered the Administration Building and camped outside President George Wells Beadle's office.  By the summer of 1963, the University of Chicago revoked its policy on racial segregated housing on campus.

During the Vietnam War, Sanders became part of the Peace Movement having attended antiwar rallies.  He applied for conscientious objector status only to have his application turned down.  By this time however, he was too old to be drafted.  Even though he disagreed with the war, he never criticized those who were fighting the war.  He has always supported benefits for our veterans.

After graduating from college Sanders moved back to New York where he worked as a Head Start teacher, a psychiatric aide, and even a carpenter.  Because of his captivation with rural life, Sanders moved to Stanbard, Vermont in 1968.  Stannard is a small town in population and area in the rural Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.  At the time the residents totaled 88 inhabitants.  In addition to his being a carpenter he was also a filmmaker and writing having sold some radical film strips and other educational material to the schools.

By 1971, Sanders had registered as a member of the Liberty Union Party and was running for governor of Vermont the next year on that Party's ticket as well as in 1976.  Also in 1972, Sanders ran on the Party's ticket for a special election to the United States Senate.  He wold run for the Senate again in 1974.  In the 1974 campaign he would earn four percent of the vote losing to Patrick Leahy who earned forty-nine percent of the vote as well as Dick Mallary who earned forty-six percent of the vote.  After the 1976 election drained the Liberty Party's finances Sanders left the Party in 1977.  In 1980 he was one of three electors in the Presidential Election of 1980 Socialist Workers Party in Vermont.

Bernie Sanders 1980s

Four days after Ronald Reagan had defeated President Jimmy Carter in the Presidential Election of 1980, Sanders announced his candidacy for mayor of Burlington, Vermont and formally announce his candidacy on December 16, 1980 at a City Hall Press Conference.  Who and what convinced him to run for mayor was Richard Sugarman, an Orthodox Jewish of religious studies at the University of Vermont.  Sugarman had shown Sanders a ward by ward breakdown of the 1976 Vermont gubernatorial election showing that despite only receiving six percent of the overall vote in Vermont, Sanders had received 12 percent in the city of Burlington.  Sanders would go on to win the mayoral race, initially by 22 votes, but that would later be reduced to ten votes.  Sanders would serve eight years, or four terms as mayor and declined to run for a fifth term citing, "eight years is enough and I think it is time for new leadership, which does exist within the coalition, to come up."  Also, as he was running for his fourth term, close associates to the Mayor said that Sanders was tired of being mayor.  Instead of running for that fifth term, Sanders went on to lecture in political science at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and in 1991, at Hamilton College.

Describing himself as a Socialist during his tenure as mayor, Sanders had balanced Burlington's city budget.  He had attracted a Double A baseball team to the Cincinnati Reds; the Vermont Reds to the city.  In addition he had sued the local cable franchise resulting in winning reduced rates for consumers.  Burlington, under Sanders' leadership also became the first city in the United States to fund community trust housing.  Then there was his saving the Lake Champlain waterfront from developers.  By the time he left office in 1989 it was said of Bernie Sanders that he had changed the entire nature of politics in Burlington as well as in the entire state of Vermont.

Bernie Sanders 1991

By the time of the Presidential Election of 1988 was coming around, Jim Jeffords who was Vermont's at-large Congressman had decided to run for the US Senate.  Sanders ran in that election to replace Jeffords in the House of Representatives as an Independent and came in second place behind Republican Peter P. Smith.  But, with a Midterm during the George HW Bush administration coming up in 1990, Sanders was successful in defeating Smith in a rematch.  He would serve as Vermont's at-large Congressman for the next 16 years.  He was the first Socialist elected to the US House of Representatives since 1948.

As a member of the House, Sanders would criticize both Democrats and Republicans claiming that both political parties were working primarily on behalf of the wealthy.  In his first year he would co-found the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which he chaired for eight years.  Despite his refusal to join the Democratic Party or caucus with them the Progressive Caucus was mostly liberal Democrats.  He would support banking reforms, and cancer registries, while opposing the Brady Bill, the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, and our current (at the time) trade policies.

In 2005, Senator Jeffords, who had become an Independent early in George W. Bush's first term had decided to not seek re-election.  In a gutsy move, Senator Chuck Schumer, Chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee had endorsed Bernie Sanders to run for that seat.  In addition, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and the Democratic National Committee endorsed Sanders too.  That meant that the Democratic Party candidate would not be receiving financial backing.  Sanders would win the 2006 Midterm Election and win re-election again in 2012 when Barack Obama was re-elected president of the United States, and again in the 2018 Midterm of the Donald Trump administration.  He would and is still critical of the war in Iraq and tax policy.  He still advocates for veterans as well as common sense policies for gun control and policies that benefit the middle-class and the poor.

By the time of the start of the Presidential Election of 2016, President Obama could not run for a third term and because of the 2015 death of his son, Beau Biden, Vice President Joe Biden didn't have the heart to run in a national campaign.  That left Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the frontrunner for the Democratic Nomination for president.  Clinton, who had her share of baggage from Benghazi to missing e-mails; which Representative Kevin McCarthy admitted after the 11 hour House Benghazi Hearings they did that to hurt Secretary Clinton politically and the Republicans and Donald Trump ran with the missing e-mails issue to which in a Democratic Primary Debate Sanders declared, "No one cares about your damn e-mails."  Sanders had such a strong showing; Bernie Bros throughout the Democratic Primary Season and up to the Democratic National Convention that they felt the system was rigged against Sanders in favor of Clinton.  In that election, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, and many believe that was because many Sanders supporters stayed home on Election Day because the mainstream media had Clinton winning that election.

Bernie Sanders 2000s

By 2019, many Democrats felt that the country under Donald Trump's leadership was going in the wrong direction.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wasn't running to have a rematch with President Trump.  After Charrpollotsville in 2017, Former Vice President Joe Biden decided to come out of retirement and run for president; his third time since 1988.  California Senator Kamala Harris made a run but would drop out late in 2019, and Senator Sanders ran for a second time.  There were a slew of other candidates as well.  By March 2020, the Primary came down to Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.  Despite his slow start, Biden ended up securing enough delegates to win the Democratic Nomination and winning the 2020 Election against President Trump.  The difference in this Democratic Primary vs. the one in 2016 is that Bernie Sanders got out early and endorsed Biden to avoid the Party infighting of 2016 that delivered Donald Trump to the presidency.

The history of Bernie Sanders is still being written as he is still in the United States Senate, but this collection gives you a pretty good history of the man's career in politics and earning him a place in American history.

See also these members of the Senate:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    586 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $60.00. Total playtime 258 hours, 43 min
    586 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $60.00
    total playtime 258 hours, 43 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 133 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19810407 Phil Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19850325 Reagan Class War Cuts Burlington Housing Conf.mp3
    4. 19850520 Burlington Vt Town Hal.mp3
    5. 19850808 Interview About Nicaragua.mp3
    6. 19860419 National Rainbow Coalition Conference.mp3
    7. 19860710 Mayoral Address In Nicaragua.mp3
    8. 19880120 Iowa Caucuses.mp3
    9. 19880305 BS Show.mp3
    10. 19880330 Endorses Jesse Jackson For President.mp3
    11. 19880528 Marriage To Jane O’meara Driscoll.mp3
    12. 19880613 Soviet Union.mp3
    13. 19900606 American Democracy.mp3
    14. 19900615 Debates Gun Control.mp3
    15. 19901107 Post Election Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19901205 Cspan Interview.mp3
    17. 19910109 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    18. 19910111 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    19. 19910115 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    20. 19910117 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    21. 19910118 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    22. 19910206 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    23. 19910220 National Health Care System.mp3
    24. 19910221 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    25. 1991030 People Yes Imf No.mp3
    26. 19910312 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    27. 19910313 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    28. 19910320 National Health Care.mp3
    29. 19910321 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    30. 19910417 Literacy And Education.mp3
    31. 19910417 Three Proposals Are Unconscionable.mp3
    32. 19910424 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    33. 19910502 National Health Care.mp3
    34. 19910509 No To Nafta.mp3
    35. 19910520 Nafta And National Priorities.mp3
    36. 19910624 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    37. 19910717 Bush’s Rigged Economy.mp3
    38. 19910724 Inequality Is Approaching Great Depression.mp3
    39. 19910729 National Health Care.mp3
    40. 19910731 Gross Inequality.mp3
    41. 19910801 Health Care Is Right.mp3
    42. 19910802 Let’s Rebuild America.mp3
    43. 19911009 For Working People.mp3
    44. 19911022 Crime Punishment And Poverty.mp3
    45. 19911031 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    46. 19911113 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    47. 19911117 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    48. 19911118 Reinvest In America.mp3
    49. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P1.mp3
    50. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P2.mp3
    51. 19920219 Time To End Cold War Spending.mp3
    52. 19920311 Trading With Tyrants.mp3
    53. 19920331 Our Enemies Are Not Overseas.mp3
    54. 19920409 Rich Buying Our Democracy.mp3
    55. 19920409 System Is Owned By Big Money.mp3
    56. 19920430 Poverty Trap For Women.mp3
    57. 19920603 People Demand Serious Leadership.mp3
    58. 19920603 System Is In Contempt.mp3
    59. 19920604 No I Will Not Yield.mp3
    60. 19920611 Reagan Bush Fraudsters Are Back.mp3
    61. 19920616 Full Democratic Participation.mp3
    62. 19920624 More Money For Cancer Not Bombs.mp3
    63. 19920625 New International Realities.mp3
    64. 19920702 Us Is Number 1 In.mp3
    65. 19920723 Price Of Deregulation.mp3
    66. 19920729 Outrage Of Bank Bailouts.mp3
    67. 19920806 Small Step For 99 Percent.mp3
    68. 19920910 Reaganomics Disaster For People.mp3
    69. 19920917 Consumers Have Rights.mp3
    70. 19920924 Banks Lobby Against Consumer Protection.mp3
    71. 19921005 Bush’s Veto Agenda.mp3
    72. 19930204 Myth Of Voter Fraud.mp3
    73. 19930304 Health Care As Right For All.mp3
    74. 19930316 Wealth Distribution And Bailouts.mp3
    75. 19930317 Need For Humane Budget.mp3
    76. 19930318 We Have Not Seen Recovery.mp3
    77. 19930429 No To Starvation Wages.mp3
    78. 19930505 An Increase In Millionaires And Homelessness.mp3
    79. 19930505 Motor Voter Legislation.mp3
    80. 19930526 Fraud Of Deficit Hawks.mp3
    81. 19930615 Right To Strike.mp3
    82. 19930630 Millions Are Still Waiting.mp3
    83. 19930721 Americans Are Entitled To Education.mp3
    84. 19930727 Problem Of Poverty In America.mp3
    85. 19930730 Tax Breaks That Work.mp3
    86. 19930802 Progressive Caucus Press Conference.mp3
    87. 19930908 Opposition To Nafta.mp3
    88. 19930922 We Have Lot To Learn From Others.mp3
    89. 19930930 Nafta Not For American Worker.mp3
    90. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P1.mp3
    91. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P2.mp3
    92. 19931014 Issues Of Paramount Concern.mp3
    93. 19931020 Nafta Deal For Congress.mp3
    94. 19931028 Decentralizing Agriculture.mp3
    95. 19931103 Lincoln Douglas Style Debate On Health Care.mp3
    96. 19931116 Nafta And Corporate America.mp3
    97. 19931117 Nafta Corporate Race To Bottom.mp3
    98. 19931120 Job Creation.mp3
    99. 19931122 Congress Bought By Big Money.mp3
    100. 19940223 Hunger And Hatred.mp3
    101. 19940310 Class Warfare In Budget.mp3
    102. 19940324 Victory Against Monsanto.mp3
    103. 19940413 Incarcerating Country.mp3
    104. 19940414 Keep Public Option.mp3
    105. 19940525 Corporate Oligarchy.mp3
    106. 19940525 Wasting Government Money On Nixon.mp3
    107. 19940617 Monsanto And Fda.mp3
    108. 19940628 Media Monopolies.mp3
    109. 19940628 Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    110. 19940726 Whitewater.mp3
    111. 19940728 Whitewater.mp3
    112. 19940804 Trade And Imf.mp3
    113. 19940809 No To Chinese Trade.mp3
    114. 19940818 Congressional Pork Spending.mp3
    115. 19940821 Congress Pork Problem.mp3
    116. 19941123 Gatt And Nafta.mp3
    117. 19950103 House Progressive Caucus.mp3
    118. 19950111 Repeal Nafta.mp3
    119. 19950118 Contract With America.mp3
    120. 19950118 Prog Caucus Alternative To Contract With America.mp3
    121. 19950119 Failure Of Nafta.mp3
    122. 19950123 Increasing Minimum Wage.mp3
    123. 19950124 Not Another Bailout.mp3
    124. 19950125 Questions Ralph Nader On Nafta.mp3
    125. 19950125 Questions Robert Rubin On Nafta.mp3
    126. 19950126 Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    127. 19950131 Bailouts And Global Economy.mp3
    128. 19950301 When Do We Bail Out People.mp3
    129. 19950309 Millionaires Congress.mp3
    130. 19950322 Clinton’s Welfare Reform.mp3
    131. 19950323 Politics Of Welfare Reform.mp3
    132. 19950329 Inequality Campaign Finance Reform Term Limits.mp3
    133. 19950330 Corporate Welfare.mp3
    134. 19950405 Corporate Welfare As Class Warfare.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 81 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19950406 Reagan And Corporate Welfare.mp3
    3. 19950503 American Aristocracy.mp3
    4. 19950511 Defends Gay Soldiers.mp3
    5. 19950517 Balanced Budget Amendment Tax Cut Gimmick.mp3
    6. 19950517 How Many More Tax Breaks For 1 Percent.mp3
    7. 19950608 Incentivizing Offshoring.mp3
    8. 19950615 Nafta And Recovery.mp3
    9. 19950627 Outsourcing America.mp3
    10. 19950719 End Bailout Programs.mp3
    11. 19950808 Whitewater.mp3
    12. 19950927 Unions And Trickle Down Tax Breaks.mp3
    13. 19951012 We’re Becoming Corporatocracy.mp3
    14. 19951025 Corporate Welfare.mp3
    15. 19951026 Republican Medicare Fraud.mp3
    16. 19951113 Real Price With Contract With America.mp3
    17. 19951115 Politics Of Government Shutdown.mp3
    18. 19951207 Not On Back Of Poor.mp3
    19. 19951221 Real Cost Of Shutdown.mp3
    20. 19960313 Republican Revolution.mp3
    21. 19960424 Fees Are Too High.mp3
    22. 19960510 Right Of People.mp3
    23. 19960515 Hypocrisy Of Republican Congress.mp3
    24. 19960516 Reaganomics And Origin Of Deficits.mp3
    25. 19960723 Payoffs For Layoffs.mp3
    26. 19960802 Help For American Workers.mp3
    27. 19970513 Nike And Wage Suppression.mp3
    28. 19970514 Ptsd And Persian Gulf War.mp3
    29. 19970713 Outsider In House.mp3
    30. 19970730 This Bill Is Too Damn Long.mp3
    31. 19970917 Our Gulf War Vets Cannot Wait.mp3
    32. 19971031 Persian Gulf War Illness Investigation.mp3
    33. 19971113 Trickle Down Economics And Crony Capitalism.mp3
    34. 19980127 Real State Of Union.mp3
    35. 19980130 International Monetary Fund.mp3
    36. 19980211 Not One Penny To Imf.mp3
    37. 19980325 People And Federal Spending.mp3
    38. 19980330 We Must End Buying Of Elections.mp3
    39. 19980401 Creating Strong Credit Unions.mp3
    40. 19980423 Let Imf Fund Itself.mp3
    41. 19980429 Education Should Be Affordable For All.mp3
    42. 19980429 Social Security Scare Tactics.mp3
    43. 19980507 Emergence Of Two Americas.mp3
    44. 19980507 Intelligent Spending.mp3
    45. 19980520 Cry Freedom.mp3
    46. 19980522 Fight For Campaign Finance Reform.mp3
    47. 19980623 Monsanto And Family Farms.mp3
    48. 19980722 No Most Favored Nation Status For China.mp3
    49. 19980729 We Should Be Ashamed.mp3
    50. 19980916 Alice In Wonderland Perspective.mp3
    51. 19980925 Nafta And Fast Track Authority.mp3
    52. 19981001 Risky Wall Street Practices.mp3
    53. 19981014 We Need Open Debate.mp3
    54. 19981017 Vs Mark Candon Vt Atlarge Congressional Debate.mp3
    55. 19981217 No Justification For Another War In Iraq.mp3
    56. 19981218 Impeachment Of Bill Clinton.mp3
    57. 19990624 Health Care And Free Trade.mp3
    58. 19990630 Economy Health Care And Social Security.mp3
    59. 19990701 Big Banks And Repeal Of Glass Steagall.mp3
    60. 20000217 Predicts Too Big To Fail.mp3
    61. 20000613 Affordable Medicine For All.mp3
    62. 20000920 Health Care And Profits.mp3
    63. 20001011 Health Care And Price Gouging.mp3
    64. 20010131 Prescription Drug Program.mp3
    65. 20010207 Bush Tax Cuts.mp3
    66. 20010502 Pension Anxiety.mp3
    67. 20010626 Corporatized Health Care.mp3
    68. 20010921 National And Economic Security.mp3
    69. 20011023 Bioterrorism.mp3
    70. 20011128 Terrorism And Public Health.mp3
    71. 20011128 Terrorism And Tax Cuts.mp3
    72. 20011212 Enron Collapse.mp3
    73. 20020205 Raiding Social Security Lockbox.mp3
    74. 20020227 Monetary Policy.mp3
    75. 20020425 National Affordable Housing Fund.mp3
    76. 20020430 No To Export Import Bank.mp3
    77. 20020505 America Is Sick Of Corporate Greed.mp3
    78. 20020725 Elections And Corporate Accountability.mp3
    79. 20020726 Disaster Of Fast Track Authority.mp3
    80. 20020911 Remembering September 11 2001.mp3
    81. 20021009 Opposition To Iraq War.mp3
    82. 20021010 Why I Oppose Iraq War.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 75 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 20030515 Media Monopolies.mp3
    3. 20030522 Fraud Of Bush Tax Cuts.mp3
    4. 20030602 Health Care And Media.mp3
    5. 20030617 Ownership Society.mp3
    6. 20030709 Fair Credit Reporting Act.mp3
    7. 20030710 Rightwing Agenda.mp3
    8. 20030715 Questions Alan Greenspan On Economic Policies.mp3
    9. 20030722 Patriot Act P1.mp3
    10. 20030722 Patriot Act P2.mp3
    11. 20031021 Two Americas Under Bush.mp3
    12. 20031106 Free Trade Fiasco.mp3
    13. 20040211 Mr. Greenspan What Will You Do About This.mp3
    14. 20040318 More Bank Deregulatio.mp3
    15. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P1.mp3
    16. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P2.mp3
    17. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P3.mp3
    18. 20041117 Public Health And Vaccines.mp3
    19. 20050317 Steroids In Baseball.mp3
    20. 20050721 Outrage Of Patriot Act.mp3
    21. 20060301 American Port Authority.mp3
    22. 20060310 With Barack Obama Taking Back Our Country.mp3
    23. 20060406 Assault On Pensions.mp3
    24. 20060517 Historic Inequality In Us.mp3
    25. 20060720 Trading On American Dream.mp3
    26. 20061023 Vs Richard Tarrant Vt Us Senate Debate.mp3
    27. 20070116 Congressional Lobbying And Ethics.mp3
    28. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P1.mp3
    29. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P2.mp3
    30. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P1.mp3
    31. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P2.mp3
    32. 20070307 Questions Bill Gates On Estate Tax.mp3
    33. 20070308 Repeal Cuts.mp3
    34. 20070321 Questions Al Gore On Climate Change.mp3
    35. 20070502 Prescription Drug Reimportation.mp3
    36. 20070517 Community And Veterans Health.mp3
    37. 20070524 Immigration Reform And Labor Rights.mp3
    38. 20070606 Immigration Labor And Poverty.mp3
    39. 20070607 Sensible Immigration Reform.mp3
    40. 20070625 Labor Unions And American Middle Class.mp3
    41. 20070712 James Holsinger On Range Of Health Issues.mp3
    42. 20070717 Education And Opportunity.mp3
    43. 20070730 Us Health Care Is Disgrace.mp3
    44. 20070801 Is Cost Too High.mp3
    45. 20070906 We Must Do Our Best For Our Veterans.mp3
    46. 20070926 Isn’t It Ironic.mp3
    47. 20070928 Ptsd Va And Veterans Health.mp3
    48. 20071001 Veterans Health Concerns.mp3
    49. 20071023 Promoting Community Health.mp3
    50. 20071101 Civil Liberties Must Be Protected.mp3
    51. 20080129 President Is Out Of Touch.mp3
    52. 20080205 Welfare For Walmart.mp3
    53. 20080214 Poison Pill Politics.mp3
    54. 20080306 Changing Political Direction In Us.mp3
    55. 20080310 Teddy Roosevelt And Death Tax.mp3
    56. 20080311 George W. Bush’s Economic Failure.mp3
    57. 20080625 Terrorism And Constitutional Rights.mp3
    58. 20080730 Real Radical Agenda.mp3
    59. 20080916 Origins Of Wall Street Crisis.mp3
    60. 20080918 Crisis Neoliberalism Created.mp3
    61. 20080922 Financial Crisis Test Of Our Policies.mp3
    62. 20081001 Price Of Wall Street Bailouts.mp3
    63. 20091118 Public Option.mp3
    64. 20091208 Affordable Care Act.mp3
    65. 20091218 End Of Public Option.mp3
    66. 20110511 Vs Rand Paul Is Health Care Human Right.mp3
    67. 20110826 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    68. 20111123 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    69. 20111202 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    70. 20111209 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    71. 20111216 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    72. 20111222 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    73. 20111229 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    74. 20120126 We Have Duty To Protect Our Seniors.mp3
    75. 20120307 We Must Reclaim Our Democracy.mp3
    76. 20120416 Buffett Rule.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 60 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 20120418 Usps Is Vital To Our Nation.mp3
    3. 20120607 Too Big To Fail.mp3
    4. 20120717 Citizens United Disaster For Elections.mp3
    5. 20120724 Fighter For Social Security.mp3
    6. 20120726 Let’s Talk About Deficit.mp3
    7. 20120730 Vs. Jim Infofe Debate Climate Change.mp3
    8. 20120911 Let’s Remember Where National Debt Came From.mp3
    9. 20120921 Cutting Social Security Is Not Grand Bargain.mp3
    10. 20121115 Fiscal Cliff Is Hostage Taking.mp3
    11. 20121214 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    12. 20130321 Sanders Amend Social Security Disabled Veterans.mp3
    13. 20130424 Dark Suits.mp3
    14. 20130503 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    15. 20130508 Summit SS Medicare Medicaid Veteran Benefits.mp3
    16. 20130604 Immigration Reform.mp3
    17. 20130611 1984.mp3
    18. 20130613 Fighting For Workers.mp3
    19. 20130618 Youth Jobs.mp3
    20. 20130626 Don’t Double Student Loan Rates.mp3
    21. 20130701 Student Loan Rates Doubled.mp3
    22. 20130709 College Loans.mp3
    23. 20130723 Selling Out Our Future.mp3
    24. 20130930 Blackmail.mp3
    25. 20130930 Doomsday.mp3
    26. 20131002 Republicans Vs Republicans.mp3
    27. 20131003 Thank You.mp3
    28. 20131004 Shutdown Hits Federal Workers.mp3
    29. 20131004 Unemployment.mp3
    30. 20131007 Gop Shutdown.mp3
    31. 20131007 Koch Brothers.mp3
    32. 20131008 Enough Is Enough.mp3
    33. 20131008 How Shutdown Could End.mp3
    34. 20131008 Mccutcheon Vs Fec.mp3
    35. 20131009 Don’t Make Seniors And Veterans Pay.mp3
    36. 20131009 Hey Paul Ryan You Lost.mp3
    37. 20131009 Shutdown Hurts Veterans.mp3
    38. 20140306 Continues Fight For Veterans.mp3
    39. 20140312 With Richard Burr Health Care Us Vs Canada.mp3
    40. 20140410 What Happened To American Dream.mp3
    41. 20140603 Veterans Health Care.mp3
    42. 20140605 We Owe Our Veterans Very Best Health Care.mp3
    43. 20140710 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    44. 20140725 Larry King Interview.mp3
    45. 20140911 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    46. 20141121 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    47. 20141212 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    48. 20141219 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    49. 20141230 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    50. 20150109 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    51. 20150116 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    52. 20150123 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    53. 20150130 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    54. 20150206 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    55. 20150209 An Economic Agenda For America.mp3
    56. 20150212 Republicans Manufactured Social Security Crisis.mp3
    57. 20150213 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    58. 20150225 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    59. 20150226 Not Another Nafta.mp3
    60. 20150313 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    61. 20150318 Bankrupt Republican Vision.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 33 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20150320 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    3. 20150324 Economic Rights.mp3
    4. 20150325 Student Loan Debt.mp3
    5. 20150401 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    6. 20150410 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    7. 20150417 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    8. 20150423 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    9. 20150430 Officially Announces His Candidacy For President.mp3
    10. 20150501 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    11. 20150508 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    12. 20150515 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    13. 20150522 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    14. 20150526 Announces His Candidacy For President.mp3
    15. 20150530 Iowa City Ia Rally.mp3
    16. 20150531 Minneapolis Mn Rally.mp3
    17. 20150605 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    18. 20150618 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    19. 20150625 Tpp Raw Deal For America.mp3
    20. 20150626 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    21. 20150628 Durham Nh Rally.mp3
    22. 20150701 Madison Wi Rally.mp3
    23. 20150706 Portland Me Rally.mp3
    24. 20150708 Failures Of No Child Left Behind.mp3
    25. 20150709 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    26. 20150714 Iran Nuclear Agreement.mp3
    27. 20150717 Ia Democratic Party Hall Of Fame.mp3
    28. 20150718 Phoenix Az Rally.mp3
    29. 20150718 Presidential Town Hall Netroots Nation.mp3
    30. 20150719 Dallas Tx Rally.mp3
    31. 20150719 Houston Tx Rally.mp3
    32. 20150724 Town Hall Des Moines Ia.mp3
    33. 20150725 Southern Christian Leadership Conference.mp3
    34. 20150726 New Orleans La Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 32 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20150728 Vox Interview.mp3
    3. 20150730 Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce.mp3
    4. 20150731 National Urban League.mp3
    5. 20150803 Greek Debt Crisis.mp3
    6. 20150806 Sclc Voting Rights Conference.mp3
    7. 20150807 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    8. 20150808 Seattle Wa Rally.mp3
    9. 20150809 Portland Or Rally.mp3
    10. 20150810 Los Angeles Ca Rally.mp3
    11. 20150815 Boone County Ia Fair.mp3
    12. 20150815 Iowa State Fair Des Moines Register Soapbox.mp3
    13. 20150817 Chicago Il Rally.mp3
    14. 20150828 Dnc Summit Minneapolis Mn.mp3
    15. 20150912 Benedict College.mp3
    16. 20150912 Town Hall Florence Sc.mp3
    17. 20150912 Winthrop University.mp3
    18. 20150914 Liberty University.mp3
    19. 20150918 Town Hall New York Ny.mp3
    20. 20150919 Nh Democratic Party State Convention.mp3
    21. 20150925 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    22. 20150929 Rx Drug Price Gouging.mp3
    23. 20151011 Chuck Todd Interview.mp3
    24. 20151013 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 20151013 No Labels Conference.mp3
    26. 20151014 Los Angeles Ca Rally.mp3
    27. 20151024 Ia Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    28. 20151116 Cleveland Oh Rally.mp3
    29. 20151119 Democratic Socialism.mp3
    30. 20151123 Atlanta Ga Rally.mp3
    31. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P1.mp3
    32. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P2.mp3
    33. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P3.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 33 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P4.mp3
    3. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P5.mp3
    4. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P6.mp3
    5. 20151129 Nh Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    6. 20151201 Defends Planned Parenthood.mp3
    7. 20151201 Republicans Wasting Everyone’s Time.mp3
    8. 20151201 We Need Budget For Working People.mp3
    9. 20151205 Keene Nh Rally.mp3
    10. 20151208 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 20151210 Climate Change Is Fight For Our Future.mp3
    12. 20151216 Interfaith Roundtable.mp3
    13. 20151217 Cwa Endorsement.mp3
    14. 20151219 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    15. 20151219 Post Debate Rally Cornel West.mp3
    16. 20160105 Wall Street Reform And Financial Policy.mp3
    17. 20160117 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    18. 20160117 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    19. 20160125 Democratic Town Hall.mp3
    20. 20160126 Press Conference In Iowa.mp3
    21. 20160127 White House Press Conference.mp3
    22. 20160204 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 20160210 Nh Primary Victory Speech.mp3
    24. 20160211 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 20160301 Thank You Vermont.mp3
    26. 20160306 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20160324 Young Turks Interview.mp3
    28. 20160408 Seth Meyers Interview.mp3
    29. 20160414 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 20160607 Struggle Continues.mp3
    31. 20160725 Dnc Address.mp3
    32. 20160726 Moves To Nominate Clinton By Voice Vote.mp3
    33. 20161118 Our Revolution.mp3
    34. 20161129 Amy Goodman Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 33 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20161212 Town Hall Kenosha Wi.mp3
    3. 20170209 vs Ted Cruz, the Future of the ACA.mp3
    4. 20170331 Our Revolution.mp3
    5. 20170828 Riverside Church Nyc.mp3
    6. 20180130 Response To State Of Union.mp3
    7. 20180131 Judy Woodruff Interview.mp3
    8. 20190219 John Dickerson Interview.mp3
    9. 20190220 Young Turks Interview.mp3
    10. 20190302 Announcing His Candidacy For President.mp3
    11. 20190410 National Action Network.mp3
    12. 20190612 Democratic Socialism Only Way Defeat Oligarchy.mp3
    13. 20190623 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    14. 20190627 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    15. 20190716 Washington Post Interview.mp3
    16. 20190720 Aarp Des Moines Register Forum.mp3
    17. 20190726 Jimmy Kimmel Interview.mp3
    18. 20190811 Des Moines Register Political Soapbox.mp3
    19. 20190815 Talks With Cardi B.mp3
    20. 20190829 Talks With Killer Mike.mp3
    21. 20190912 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 20190922 Youth Voice Forum.mp3
    23. 20190927 Talks With Residente.mp3
    24. 20191102 Iowa Disability Forum.mp3
    25. 20191121 Talks With James Adomian.mp3
    26. 20191219 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20200124 2020 Exchange Forum.mp3
    28. 20200206 Declares Victory In Iowa Conference.mp3
    29. 20200207 Saint Anselm College Rally.mp3
    30. 20200209 Two Days To Go.mp3
    31. 20200211 Nh Primary Victory Speech.mp3
    32. 20200220 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    33. 20200306 Detroit Mi Rally.mp3
    34. 20200308 Chris Wallace Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 56 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20200315 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    3. 20200408 Suspends Campaign.mp3
    4. 20200412 Officially Endorses Joe Biden For President.mp3
    5. 20200817 Dnc Address.mp3
    6. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    7. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    8. 20200924 Trump’s Threat To Our Democracy.mp3
    9. 20201005 Ann Arbor Mi Rally.mp3
    10. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    11. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    12. 20220129 I Can Understand Republican.mp3
    13. 20220209 Enough Is Enough.mp3
    14. 20220210 Diplomacy In Ukraine.mp3
    15. 20220216 Times Have Never Been Better For Billionaires.mp3
    16. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    17. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    18. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    19. 20220322 It Is Time To Take On Corporate Greed.mp3
    20. 20220405 Budget Committee Hearing.mp3
    21. 20220609 Budget Committee Hearing Alex Lawson Testimony.mp3
    22. 20220713 Microchip Companies Dont Need Taxpayer Billions.mp3
    23. 20220715 Response To Rand Paul Budget Proposal.mp3
    24. 20220715 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    25. 20220719 I Am Not Lawyer But.mp3
    26. 20220725 I Oppose Chips Giveaway.mp3
    27. 20220727 If They Are Really Concerned.mp3
    28. 20220802 Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    29. 20220803 Good And Bad Of Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    30. 20220806 Giant Step Forward.mp3
    31. 20220908 Put Planet Over Fossil Fuel Profits.mp3
    32. 20220913 American People Are Sick And Tired.mp3
    33. 20220914 I Stand With Rail Workers.mp3
    34. 20220921 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil.mp3
    35. 20220928 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil.mp3
    36. 20221023 What We Can Learn From Finland.mp3
    37. 20221105 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    38. 20221109 2022 Midterm Elections.mp3
    39. 20221130 Paid Sick Days Now.mp3
    40. 20221204 What We Learned From Fight For Paid Sick Leave.mp3
    41. 20221213 Us Must End Involvement Is Saudi Led War.mp3
    42. 20221220 Thank You Sen. Leahy.mp3
    43. 20221221 It Is Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.mp3
    44. 20221222 Extraordinary Level Of Corporate Greed.mp3
    45. 20230101 What Is On My Mind For 2023.mp3
    46. 20230105 Happy New Year Vermont.mp3
    47. 20230111 Moderna Wants To Quadruple Vaccine Prices.mp3
    48. 20230116 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    49. 20230117 State Of Voting Class.mp3
    50. 20230209 Our Government Can Work For People.mp3
    51. 20230209 Paid Sick Days For Rail Workers.mp3
    52. 20230213 Raise Teacher Pay Now.mp3
    53. 20230215 End Pharma Greed.mp3
    54. 20230216 Health Care Workforce Crisis.mp3
    55. 20230219 It’s Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.mp3
    56. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    57. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 17 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    3. 20230302 Why Capitalism Is Failing Us.mp3
    4. 20230303 Expanding Community Health Centers.mp3
    5. 20230306 H.Schultz Agreed Testify Before Help Committee.mp3
    6. 20230308 Defend Right Of Workers To Organize.mp3
    7. 20230308 Senate Hearing On Union Busting.mp3
    8. 20230309 Norfolk Southern Senate Hearing.mp3
    9. 20230314 5 Yrs Ago I Led Effort Against Bank Deregulation.mp3
    10. 20230322 Pharma Greed.mp3
    11. 20230329 Need To End Union Busting At Starbucks.mp3
    12. 20230330 Brandon Johnson Rally.mp3
    13. 20230419 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    14. 20230420 HELP Committee Hearing on Julie Su.mp3
    15. 20230425 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    16. 20230505 Raise the Wage.mp3
    17. 20230826 the Agenda America Needs.mp3
    18. 20230914 Bipartisan Legislation in Primary Care.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 26 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20230510 the High Cost of Rx Drugs.mp3
    3. 20230512 Improving Health Workforce Diversity Shortages.mp3
    4. 20230512 Operation Mayday.mp3
    5. 20230514 Helen Gym for Mayor, Philadelphia, PA.mp3
    6. 20230517 Medicare Town Hall.mp3
    7. 20230517 Paid Sick Leave for All.mp3
    8. 20230518 No Default No Cuts.mp3
    9. 20230519 the 14th Amendment.mp3
    10. 20230525 What Family Values Means to Me.mp3
    11. 20230531 Cannot Vote for Bill That Hurts Working People.mp3
    12. 20230612 Youth Mental Health Crisis.mp3
    13. 20230620 HELP Will Mark Up Most Significant Labor Laws.mp3
    14. 20230712 Discussion on Climate Change.mp3
    15. 20230716 Climate Change Where Do We Go From Here.mp3
    16. 20230722 A Conversation with Fran Drescher.mp3
    17. 20230725 886 Billion Dollar Defense Budget.mp3
    18. 20230726 Why I Will Vote No on 86B Defense Bill.mp3
    19. 20231114 Fighting Corporate Greed.mp3
    20. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    21. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    22. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    23. 20240308 A Rapidly Aging Population.mp3
    24. 20240403 with Joe Biden, Lowering Health Care Costs.mp3
    25. 20240412 Oligarchy.mp3
    26. 20240419 Town Hall with Care Workers.mp3
    27. 20240423 It Is a Sad Day.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 7 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20240501 Student Protests.mp3
    3. 20240502 Shortage of Minority Health Care Providers.mp3
    4. 20240506 Announces His Run for the US Senate.mp3
    5. 20240508 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    6. 20240508 with Tim Scott, Anti Bigotry Floor Fight.mp3
    7. 20240508 Yes to Free Speech and Protest Under 1st Amendment.mp3
    8. 20240509 An Attack on Rafa.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    586 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00. Total playtime 258 hours, 43 min
    586 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00
    7106 MB – total playtime 258 hours, 43 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 133 shows – 628 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19810407 Phil Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19850325 Reagan Class War Cuts Burlington Housing Conf.mp3
    4. 19850520 Burlington Vt Town Hal.mp3
    5. 19850808 Interview About Nicaragua.mp3
    6. 19860419 National Rainbow Coalition Conference.mp3
    7. 19860710 Mayoral Address In Nicaragua.mp3
    8. 19880120 Iowa Caucuses.mp3
    9. 19880305 BS Show.mp3
    10. 19880330 Endorses Jesse Jackson For President.mp3
    11. 19880528 Marriage To Jane O’meara Driscoll.mp3
    12. 19880613 Soviet Union.mp3
    13. 19900606 American Democracy.mp3
    14. 19900615 Debates Gun Control.mp3
    15. 19901107 Post Election Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19901205 Cspan Interview.mp3
    17. 19910109 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    18. 19910111 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    19. 19910115 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    20. 19910117 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    21. 19910118 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    22. 19910206 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    23. 19910220 National Health Care System.mp3
    24. 19910221 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    25. 1991030 People Yes Imf No.mp3
    26. 19910312 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    27. 19910313 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    28. 19910320 National Health Care.mp3
    29. 19910321 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    30. 19910417 Literacy And Education.mp3
    31. 19910417 Three Proposals Are Unconscionable.mp3
    32. 19910424 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    33. 19910502 National Health Care.mp3
    34. 19910509 No To Nafta.mp3
    35. 19910520 Nafta And National Priorities.mp3
    36. 19910624 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    37. 19910717 Bush’s Rigged Economy.mp3
    38. 19910724 Inequality Is Approaching Great Depression.mp3
    39. 19910729 National Health Care.mp3
    40. 19910731 Gross Inequality.mp3
    41. 19910801 Health Care Is Right.mp3
    42. 19910802 Let’s Rebuild America.mp3
    43. 19911009 For Working People.mp3
    44. 19911022 Crime Punishment And Poverty.mp3
    45. 19911031 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    46. 19911113 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis.mp3
    47. 19911117 Persian Gulf War.mp3
    48. 19911118 Reinvest In America.mp3
    49. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P1.mp3
    50. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P2.mp3
    51. 19920219 Time To End Cold War Spending.mp3
    52. 19920311 Trading With Tyrants.mp3
    53. 19920331 Our Enemies Are Not Overseas.mp3
    54. 19920409 Rich Buying Our Democracy.mp3
    55. 19920409 System Is Owned By Big Money.mp3
    56. 19920430 Poverty Trap For Women.mp3
    57. 19920603 People Demand Serious Leadership.mp3
    58. 19920603 System Is In Contempt.mp3
    59. 19920604 No I Will Not Yield.mp3
    60. 19920611 Reagan Bush Fraudsters Are Back.mp3
    61. 19920616 Full Democratic Participation.mp3
    62. 19920624 More Money For Cancer Not Bombs.mp3
    63. 19920625 New International Realities.mp3
    64. 19920702 Us Is Number 1 In.mp3
    65. 19920723 Price Of Deregulation.mp3
    66. 19920729 Outrage Of Bank Bailouts.mp3
    67. 19920806 Small Step For 99 Percent.mp3
    68. 19920910 Reaganomics Disaster For People.mp3
    69. 19920917 Consumers Have Rights.mp3
    70. 19920924 Banks Lobby Against Consumer Protection.mp3
    71. 19921005 Bush’s Veto Agenda.mp3
    72. 19930204 Myth Of Voter Fraud.mp3
    73. 19930304 Health Care As Right For All.mp3
    74. 19930316 Wealth Distribution And Bailouts.mp3
    75. 19930317 Need For Humane Budget.mp3
    76. 19930318 We Have Not Seen Recovery.mp3
    77. 19930429 No To Starvation Wages.mp3
    78. 19930505 An Increase In Millionaires And Homelessness.mp3
    79. 19930505 Motor Voter Legislation.mp3
    80. 19930526 Fraud Of Deficit Hawks.mp3
    81. 19930615 Right To Strike.mp3
    82. 19930630 Millions Are Still Waiting.mp3
    83. 19930721 Americans Are Entitled To Education.mp3
    84. 19930727 Problem Of Poverty In America.mp3
    85. 19930730 Tax Breaks That Work.mp3
    86. 19930802 Progressive Caucus Press Conference.mp3
    87. 19930908 Opposition To Nafta.mp3
    88. 19930922 We Have Lot To Learn From Others.mp3
    89. 19930930 Nafta Not For American Worker.mp3
    90. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P1.mp3
    91. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P2.mp3
    92. 19931014 Issues Of Paramount Concern.mp3
    93. 19931020 Nafta Deal For Congress.mp3
    94. 19931028 Decentralizing Agriculture.mp3
    95. 19931103 Lincoln Douglas Style Debate On Health Care.mp3
    96. 19931116 Nafta And Corporate America.mp3
    97. 19931117 Nafta Corporate Race To Bottom.mp3
    98. 19931120 Job Creation.mp3
    99. 19931122 Congress Bought By Big Money.mp3
    100. 19940223 Hunger And Hatred.mp3
    101. 19940310 Class Warfare In Budget.mp3
    102. 19940324 Victory Against Monsanto.mp3
    103. 19940413 Incarcerating Country.mp3
    104. 19940414 Keep Public Option.mp3
    105. 19940525 Corporate Oligarchy.mp3
    106. 19940525 Wasting Government Money On Nixon.mp3
    107. 19940617 Monsanto And Fda.mp3
    108. 19940628 Media Monopolies.mp3
    109. 19940628 Violence Against Women Act.mp3
    110. 19940726 Whitewater.mp3
    111. 19940728 Whitewater.mp3
    112. 19940804 Trade And Imf.mp3
    113. 19940809 No To Chinese Trade.mp3
    114. 19940818 Congressional Pork Spending.mp3
    115. 19940821 Congress Pork Problem.mp3
    116. 19941123 Gatt And Nafta.mp3
    117. 19950103 House Progressive Caucus.mp3
    118. 19950111 Repeal Nafta.mp3
    119. 19950118 Contract With America.mp3
    120. 19950118 Prog Caucus Alternative To Contract With America.mp3
    121. 19950119 Failure Of Nafta.mp3
    122. 19950123 Increasing Minimum Wage.mp3
    123. 19950124 Not Another Bailout.mp3
    124. 19950125 Questions Ralph Nader On Nafta.mp3
    125. 19950125 Questions Robert Rubin On Nafta.mp3
    126. 19950126 Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    127. 19950131 Bailouts And Global Economy.mp3
    128. 19950301 When Do We Bail Out People.mp3
    129. 19950309 Millionaires Congress.mp3
    130. 19950322 Clinton’s Welfare Reform.mp3
    131. 19950323 Politics Of Welfare Reform.mp3
    132. 19950329 Inequality Campaign Finance Reform Term Limits.mp3
    133. 19950330 Corporate Welfare.mp3
    134. 19950405 Corporate Welfare As Class Warfare.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 81 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 35 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19950406 Reagan And Corporate Welfare.mp3
    3. 19950503 American Aristocracy.mp3
    4. 19950511 Defends Gay Soldiers.mp3
    5. 19950517 Balanced Budget Amendment Tax Cut Gimmick.mp3
    6. 19950517 How Many More Tax Breaks For 1 Percent.mp3
    7. 19950608 Incentivizing Offshoring.mp3
    8. 19950615 Nafta And Recovery.mp3
    9. 19950627 Outsourcing America.mp3
    10. 19950719 End Bailout Programs.mp3
    11. 19950808 Whitewater.mp3
    12. 19950927 Unions And Trickle Down Tax Breaks.mp3
    13. 19951012 We’re Becoming Corporatocracy.mp3
    14. 19951025 Corporate Welfare.mp3
    15. 19951026 Republican Medicare Fraud.mp3
    16. 19951113 Real Price With Contract With America.mp3
    17. 19951115 Politics Of Government Shutdown.mp3
    18. 19951207 Not On Back Of Poor.mp3
    19. 19951221 Real Cost Of Shutdown.mp3
    20. 19960313 Republican Revolution.mp3
    21. 19960424 Fees Are Too High.mp3
    22. 19960510 Right Of People.mp3
    23. 19960515 Hypocrisy Of Republican Congress.mp3
    24. 19960516 Reaganomics And Origin Of Deficits.mp3
    25. 19960723 Payoffs For Layoffs.mp3
    26. 19960802 Help For American Workers.mp3
    27. 19970513 Nike And Wage Suppression.mp3
    28. 19970514 Ptsd And Persian Gulf War.mp3
    29. 19970713 Outsider In House.mp3
    30. 19970730 This Bill Is Too Damn Long.mp3
    31. 19970917 Our Gulf War Vets Cannot Wait.mp3
    32. 19971031 Persian Gulf War Illness Investigation.mp3
    33. 19971113 Trickle Down Economics And Crony Capitalism.mp3
    34. 19980127 Real State Of Union.mp3
    35. 19980130 International Monetary Fund.mp3
    36. 19980211 Not One Penny To Imf.mp3
    37. 19980325 People And Federal Spending.mp3
    38. 19980330 We Must End Buying Of Elections.mp3
    39. 19980401 Creating Strong Credit Unions.mp3
    40. 19980423 Let Imf Fund Itself.mp3
    41. 19980429 Education Should Be Affordable For All.mp3
    42. 19980429 Social Security Scare Tactics.mp3
    43. 19980507 Emergence Of Two Americas.mp3
    44. 19980507 Intelligent Spending.mp3
    45. 19980520 Cry Freedom.mp3
    46. 19980522 Fight For Campaign Finance Reform.mp3
    47. 19980623 Monsanto And Family Farms.mp3
    48. 19980722 No Most Favored Nation Status For China.mp3
    49. 19980729 We Should Be Ashamed.mp3
    50. 19980916 Alice In Wonderland Perspective.mp3
    51. 19980925 Nafta And Fast Track Authority.mp3
    52. 19981001 Risky Wall Street Practices.mp3
    53. 19981014 We Need Open Debate.mp3
    54. 19981017 Vs Mark Candon Vt Atlarge Congressional Debate.mp3
    55. 19981217 No Justification For Another War In Iraq.mp3
    56. 19981218 Impeachment Of Bill Clinton.mp3
    57. 19990624 Health Care And Free Trade.mp3
    58. 19990630 Economy Health Care And Social Security.mp3
    59. 19990701 Big Banks And Repeal Of Glass Steagall.mp3
    60. 20000217 Predicts Too Big To Fail.mp3
    61. 20000613 Affordable Medicine For All.mp3
    62. 20000920 Health Care And Profits.mp3
    63. 20001011 Health Care And Price Gouging.mp3
    64. 20010131 Prescription Drug Program.mp3
    65. 20010207 Bush Tax Cuts.mp3
    66. 20010502 Pension Anxiety.mp3
    67. 20010626 Corporatized Health Care.mp3
    68. 20010921 National And Economic Security.mp3
    69. 20011023 Bioterrorism.mp3
    70. 20011128 Terrorism And Public Health.mp3
    71. 20011128 Terrorism And Tax Cuts.mp3
    72. 20011212 Enron Collapse.mp3
    73. 20020205 Raiding Social Security Lockbox.mp3
    74. 20020227 Monetary Policy.mp3
    75. 20020425 National Affordable Housing Fund.mp3
    76. 20020430 No To Export Import Bank.mp3
    77. 20020505 America Is Sick Of Corporate Greed.mp3
    78. 20020725 Elections And Corporate Accountability.mp3
    79. 20020726 Disaster Of Fast Track Authority.mp3
    80. 20020911 Remembering September 11 2001.mp3
    81. 20021009 Opposition To Iraq War.mp3
    82. 20021010 Why I Oppose Iraq War.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 75 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 20030515 Media Monopolies.mp3
    3. 20030522 Fraud Of Bush Tax Cuts.mp3
    4. 20030602 Health Care And Media.mp3
    5. 20030617 Ownership Society.mp3
    6. 20030709 Fair Credit Reporting Act.mp3
    7. 20030710 Rightwing Agenda.mp3
    8. 20030715 Questions Alan Greenspan On Economic Policies.mp3
    9. 20030722 Patriot Act P1.mp3
    10. 20030722 Patriot Act P2.mp3
    11. 20031021 Two Americas Under Bush.mp3
    12. 20031106 Free Trade Fiasco.mp3
    13. 20040211 Mr. Greenspan What Will You Do About This.mp3
    14. 20040318 More Bank Deregulatio.mp3
    15. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P1.mp3
    16. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P2.mp3
    17. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P3.mp3
    18. 20041117 Public Health And Vaccines.mp3
    19. 20050317 Steroids In Baseball.mp3
    20. 20050721 Outrage Of Patriot Act.mp3
    21. 20060301 American Port Authority.mp3
    22. 20060310 With Barack Obama Taking Back Our Country.mp3
    23. 20060406 Assault On Pensions.mp3
    24. 20060517 Historic Inequality In Us.mp3
    25. 20060720 Trading On American Dream.mp3
    26. 20061023 Vs Richard Tarrant Vt Us Senate Debate.mp3
    27. 20070116 Congressional Lobbying And Ethics.mp3
    28. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P1.mp3
    29. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P2.mp3
    30. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P1.mp3
    31. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P2.mp3
    32. 20070307 Questions Bill Gates On Estate Tax.mp3
    33. 20070308 Repeal Cuts.mp3
    34. 20070321 Questions Al Gore On Climate Change.mp3
    35. 20070502 Prescription Drug Reimportation.mp3
    36. 20070517 Community And Veterans Health.mp3
    37. 20070524 Immigration Reform And Labor Rights.mp3
    38. 20070606 Immigration Labor And Poverty.mp3
    39. 20070607 Sensible Immigration Reform.mp3
    40. 20070625 Labor Unions And American Middle Class.mp3
    41. 20070712 James Holsinger On Range Of Health Issues.mp3
    42. 20070717 Education And Opportunity.mp3
    43. 20070730 Us Health Care Is Disgrace.mp3
    44. 20070801 Is Cost Too High.mp3
    45. 20070906 We Must Do Our Best For Our Veterans.mp3
    46. 20070926 Isn’t It Ironic.mp3
    47. 20070928 Ptsd Va And Veterans Health.mp3
    48. 20071001 Veterans Health Concerns.mp3
    49. 20071023 Promoting Community Health.mp3
    50. 20071101 Civil Liberties Must Be Protected.mp3
    51. 20080129 President Is Out Of Touch.mp3
    52. 20080205 Welfare For Walmart.mp3
    53. 20080214 Poison Pill Politics.mp3
    54. 20080306 Changing Political Direction In Us.mp3
    55. 20080310 Teddy Roosevelt And Death Tax.mp3
    56. 20080311 George W. Bush’s Economic Failure.mp3
    57. 20080625 Terrorism And Constitutional Rights.mp3
    58. 20080730 Real Radical Agenda.mp3
    59. 20080916 Origins Of Wall Street Crisis.mp3
    60. 20080918 Crisis Neoliberalism Created.mp3
    61. 20080922 Financial Crisis Test Of Our Policies.mp3
    62. 20081001 Price Of Wall Street Bailouts.mp3
    63. 20091118 Public Option.mp3
    64. 20091208 Affordable Care Act.mp3
    65. 20091218 End Of Public Option.mp3
    66. 20110511 Vs Rand Paul Is Health Care Human Right.mp3
    67. 20110826 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    68. 20111123 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    69. 20111202 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    70. 20111209 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    71. 20111216 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    72. 20111222 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    73. 20111229 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    74. 20120126 We Have Duty To Protect Our Seniors.mp3
    75. 20120307 We Must Reclaim Our Democracy.mp3
    76. 20120416 Buffett Rule.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 60 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 20120418 Usps Is Vital To Our Nation.mp3
    3. 20120607 Too Big To Fail.mp3
    4. 20120717 Citizens United Disaster For Elections.mp3
    5. 20120724 Fighter For Social Security.mp3
    6. 20120726 Let’s Talk About Deficit.mp3
    7. 20120730 Vs. Jim Infofe Debate Climate Change.mp3
    8. 20120911 Let’s Remember Where National Debt Came From.mp3
    9. 20120921 Cutting Social Security Is Not Grand Bargain.mp3
    10. 20121115 Fiscal Cliff Is Hostage Taking.mp3
    11. 20121214 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    12. 20130321 Sanders Amend Social Security Disabled Veterans.mp3
    13. 20130424 Dark Suits.mp3
    14. 20130503 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    15. 20130508 Summit SS Medicare Medicaid Veteran Benefits.mp3
    16. 20130604 Immigration Reform.mp3
    17. 20130611 1984.mp3
    18. 20130613 Fighting For Workers.mp3
    19. 20130618 Youth Jobs.mp3
    20. 20130626 Don’t Double Student Loan Rates.mp3
    21. 20130701 Student Loan Rates Doubled.mp3
    22. 20130709 College Loans.mp3
    23. 20130723 Selling Out Our Future.mp3
    24. 20130930 Blackmail.mp3
    25. 20130930 Doomsday.mp3
    26. 20131002 Republicans Vs Republicans.mp3
    27. 20131003 Thank You.mp3
    28. 20131004 Shutdown Hits Federal Workers.mp3
    29. 20131004 Unemployment.mp3
    30. 20131007 Gop Shutdown.mp3
    31. 20131007 Koch Brothers.mp3
    32. 20131008 Enough Is Enough.mp3
    33. 20131008 How Shutdown Could End.mp3
    34. 20131008 Mccutcheon Vs Fec.mp3
    35. 20131009 Don’t Make Seniors And Veterans Pay.mp3
    36. 20131009 Hey Paul Ryan You Lost.mp3
    37. 20131009 Shutdown Hurts Veterans.mp3
    38. 20140306 Continues Fight For Veterans.mp3
    39. 20140312 With Richard Burr Health Care Us Vs Canada.mp3
    40. 20140410 What Happened To American Dream.mp3
    41. 20140603 Veterans Health Care.mp3
    42. 20140605 We Owe Our Veterans Very Best Health Care.mp3
    43. 20140710 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    44. 20140725 Larry King Interview.mp3
    45. 20140911 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    46. 20141121 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    47. 20141212 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    48. 20141219 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    49. 20141230 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    50. 20150109 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    51. 20150116 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    52. 20150123 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    53. 20150130 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    54. 20150206 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    55. 20150209 An Economic Agenda For America.mp3
    56. 20150212 Republicans Manufactured Social Security Crisis.mp3
    57. 20150213 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    58. 20150225 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    59. 20150226 Not Another Nafta.mp3
    60. 20150313 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    61. 20150318 Bankrupt Republican Vision.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 33 shows – 639 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 20150320 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    3. 20150324 Economic Rights.mp3
    4. 20150325 Student Loan Debt.mp3
    5. 20150401 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    6. 20150410 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    7. 20150417 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    8. 20150423 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    9. 20150430 Officially Announces His Candidacy For President.mp3
    10. 20150501 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    11. 20150508 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    12. 20150515 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    13. 20150522 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    14. 20150526 Announces His Candidacy For President.mp3
    15. 20150530 Iowa City Ia Rally.mp3
    16. 20150531 Minneapolis Mn Rally.mp3
    17. 20150605 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    18. 20150618 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    19. 20150625 Tpp Raw Deal For America.mp3
    20. 20150626 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    21. 20150628 Durham Nh Rally.mp3
    22. 20150701 Madison Wi Rally.mp3
    23. 20150706 Portland Me Rally.mp3
    24. 20150708 Failures Of No Child Left Behind.mp3
    25. 20150709 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    26. 20150714 Iran Nuclear Agreement.mp3
    27. 20150717 Ia Democratic Party Hall Of Fame.mp3
    28. 20150718 Phoenix Az Rally.mp3
    29. 20150718 Presidential Town Hall Netroots Nation.mp3
    30. 20150719 Dallas Tx Rally.mp3
    31. 20150719 Houston Tx Rally.mp3
    32. 20150724 Town Hall Des Moines Ia.mp3
    33. 20150725 Southern Christian Leadership Conference.mp3
    34. 20150726 New Orleans La Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 32 shows – 650 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 39 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 20150728 Vox Interview.mp3
    3. 20150730 Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce.mp3
    4. 20150731 National Urban League.mp3
    5. 20150803 Greek Debt Crisis.mp3
    6. 20150806 Sclc Voting Rights Conference.mp3
    7. 20150807 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    8. 20150808 Seattle Wa Rally.mp3
    9. 20150809 Portland Or Rally.mp3
    10. 20150810 Los Angeles Ca Rally.mp3
    11. 20150815 Boone County Ia Fair.mp3
    12. 20150815 Iowa State Fair Des Moines Register Soapbox.mp3
    13. 20150817 Chicago Il Rally.mp3
    14. 20150828 Dnc Summit Minneapolis Mn.mp3
    15. 20150912 Benedict College.mp3
    16. 20150912 Town Hall Florence Sc.mp3
    17. 20150912 Winthrop University.mp3
    18. 20150914 Liberty University.mp3
    19. 20150918 Town Hall New York Ny.mp3
    20. 20150919 Nh Democratic Party State Convention.mp3
    21. 20150925 Brunch With Bernie.mp3
    22. 20150929 Rx Drug Price Gouging.mp3
    23. 20151011 Chuck Todd Interview.mp3
    24. 20151013 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 20151013 No Labels Conference.mp3
    26. 20151014 Los Angeles Ca Rally.mp3
    27. 20151024 Ia Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    28. 20151116 Cleveland Oh Rally.mp3
    29. 20151119 Democratic Socialism.mp3
    30. 20151123 Atlanta Ga Rally.mp3
    31. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P1.mp3
    32. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P2.mp3
    33. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P3.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 33 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P4.mp3
    3. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P5.mp3
    4. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P6.mp3
    5. 20151129 Nh Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    6. 20151201 Defends Planned Parenthood.mp3
    7. 20151201 Republicans Wasting Everyone’s Time.mp3
    8. 20151201 We Need Budget For Working People.mp3
    9. 20151205 Keene Nh Rally.mp3
    10. 20151208 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 20151210 Climate Change Is Fight For Our Future.mp3
    12. 20151216 Interfaith Roundtable.mp3
    13. 20151217 Cwa Endorsement.mp3
    14. 20151219 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    15. 20151219 Post Debate Rally Cornel West.mp3
    16. 20160105 Wall Street Reform And Financial Policy.mp3
    17. 20160117 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    18. 20160117 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    19. 20160125 Democratic Town Hall.mp3
    20. 20160126 Press Conference In Iowa.mp3
    21. 20160127 White House Press Conference.mp3
    22. 20160204 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 20160210 Nh Primary Victory Speech.mp3
    24. 20160211 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 20160301 Thank You Vermont.mp3
    26. 20160306 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20160324 Young Turks Interview.mp3
    28. 20160408 Seth Meyers Interview.mp3
    29. 20160414 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 20160607 Struggle Continues.mp3
    31. 20160725 Dnc Address.mp3
    32. 20160726 Moves To Nominate Clinton By Voice Vote.mp3
    33. 20161118 Our Revolution.mp3
    34. 20161129 Amy Goodman Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 33 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 17 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 20161212 Town Hall Kenosha Wi.mp3
    3. 20170209 vs Ted Cruz, the Future of the ACA.mp3
    4. 20170331 Our Revolution.mp3
    5. 20170828 Riverside Church Nyc.mp3
    6. 20180130 Response To State Of Union.mp3
    7. 20180131 Judy Woodruff Interview.mp3
    8. 20190219 John Dickerson Interview.mp3
    9. 20190220 Young Turks Interview.mp3
    10. 20190302 Announcing His Candidacy For President.mp3
    11. 20190410 National Action Network.mp3
    12. 20190612 Democratic Socialism Only Way Defeat Oligarchy.mp3
    13. 20190623 Face Nation Interview.mp3
    14. 20190627 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    15. 20190716 Washington Post Interview.mp3
    16. 20190720 Aarp Des Moines Register Forum.mp3
    17. 20190726 Jimmy Kimmel Interview.mp3
    18. 20190811 Des Moines Register Political Soapbox.mp3
    19. 20190815 Talks With Cardi B.mp3
    20. 20190829 Talks With Killer Mike.mp3
    21. 20190912 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 20190922 Youth Voice Forum.mp3
    23. 20190927 Talks With Residente.mp3
    24. 20191102 Iowa Disability Forum.mp3
    25. 20191121 Talks With James Adomian.mp3
    26. 20191219 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20200124 2020 Exchange Forum.mp3
    28. 20200206 Declares Victory In Iowa Conference.mp3
    29. 20200207 Saint Anselm College Rally.mp3
    30. 20200209 Two Days To Go.mp3
    31. 20200211 Nh Primary Victory Speech.mp3
    32. 20200220 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    33. 20200306 Detroit Mi Rally.mp3
    34. 20200308 Chris Wallace Interview.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 56 shows – 669 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 20200315 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    3. 20200408 Suspends Campaign.mp3
    4. 20200412 Officially Endorses Joe Biden For President.mp3
    5. 20200817 Dnc Address.mp3
    6. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    7. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    8. 20200924 Trump’s Threat To Our Democracy.mp3
    9. 20201005 Ann Arbor Mi Rally.mp3
    10. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    11. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    12. 20220129 I Can Understand Republican.mp3
    13. 20220209 Enough Is Enough.mp3
    14. 20220210 Diplomacy In Ukraine.mp3
    15. 20220216 Times Have Never Been Better For Billionaires.mp3
    16. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    17. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    18. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    19. 20220322 It Is Time To Take On Corporate Greed.mp3
    20. 20220405 Budget Committee Hearing.mp3
    21. 20220609 Budget Committee Hearing Alex Lawson Testimony.mp3
    22. 20220713 Microchip Companies Dont Need Taxpayer Billions.mp3
    23. 20220715 Response To Rand Paul Budget Proposal.mp3
    24. 20220715 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    25. 20220719 I Am Not Lawyer But.mp3
    26. 20220725 I Oppose Chips Giveaway.mp3
    27. 20220727 If They Are Really Concerned.mp3
    28. 20220802 Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    29. 20220803 Good And Bad Of Inflation Reduction Act.mp3
    30. 20220806 Giant Step Forward.mp3
    31. 20220908 Put Planet Over Fossil Fuel Profits.mp3
    32. 20220913 American People Are Sick And Tired.mp3
    33. 20220914 I Stand With Rail Workers.mp3
    34. 20220921 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil.mp3
    35. 20220928 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil.mp3
    36. 20221023 What We Can Learn From Finland.mp3
    37. 20221105 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    38. 20221109 2022 Midterm Elections.mp3
    39. 20221130 Paid Sick Days Now.mp3
    40. 20221204 What We Learned From Fight For Paid Sick Leave.mp3
    41. 20221213 Us Must End Involvement Is Saudi Led War.mp3
    42. 20221220 Thank You Sen. Leahy.mp3
    43. 20221221 It Is Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.mp3
    44. 20221222 Extraordinary Level Of Corporate Greed.mp3
    45. 20230101 What Is On My Mind For 2023.mp3
    46. 20230105 Happy New Year Vermont.mp3
    47. 20230111 Moderna Wants To Quadruple Vaccine Prices.mp3
    48. 20230116 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    49. 20230117 State Of Voting Class.mp3
    50. 20230209 Our Government Can Work For People.mp3
    51. 20230209 Paid Sick Days For Rail Workers.mp3
    52. 20230213 Raise Teacher Pay Now.mp3
    53. 20230215 End Pharma Greed.mp3
    54. 20230216 Health Care Workforce Crisis.mp3
    55. 20230219 It’s Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism.mp3
    56. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    57. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 17 shows – 596 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 41 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    3. 20230302 Why Capitalism Is Failing Us.mp3
    4. 20230303 Expanding Community Health Centers.mp3
    5. 20230306 H.Schultz Agreed Testify Before Help Committee.mp3
    6. 20230308 Defend Right Of Workers To Organize.mp3
    7. 20230308 Senate Hearing On Union Busting.mp3
    8. 20230309 Norfolk Southern Senate Hearing.mp3
    9. 20230314 5 Yrs Ago I Led Effort Against Bank Deregulation.mp3
    10. 20230322 Pharma Greed.mp3
    11. 20230329 Need To End Union Busting At Starbucks.mp3
    12. 20230330 Brandon Johnson Rally.mp3
    13. 20230419 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    14. 20230420 HELP Committee Hearing on Julie Su.mp3
    15. 20230425 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview.mp3
    16. 20230505 Raise the Wage.mp3
    17. 20230826 the Agenda America Needs.mp3
    18. 20230914 Bipartisan Legislation in Primary Care.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 26 shows – 614 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 20230510 the High Cost of Rx Drugs.mp3
    3. 20230512 Improving Health Workforce Diversity Shortages.mp3
    4. 20230512 Operation Mayday.mp3
    5. 20230514 Helen Gym for Mayor, Philadelphia, PA.mp3
    6. 20230517 Medicare Town Hall.mp3
    7. 20230517 Paid Sick Leave for All.mp3
    8. 20230518 No Default No Cuts.mp3
    9. 20230519 the 14th Amendment.mp3
    10. 20230525 What Family Values Means to Me.mp3
    11. 20230531 Cannot Vote for Bill That Hurts Working People.mp3
    12. 20230612 Youth Mental Health Crisis.mp3
    13. 20230620 HELP Will Mark Up Most Significant Labor Laws.mp3
    14. 20230712 Discussion on Climate Change.mp3
    15. 20230716 Climate Change Where Do We Go From Here.mp3
    16. 20230722 A Conversation with Fran Drescher.mp3
    17. 20230725 886 Billion Dollar Defense Budget.mp3
    18. 20230726 Why I Will Vote No on 86B Defense Bill.mp3
    19. 20231114 Fighting Corporate Greed.mp3
    20. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P1.mp3
    21. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P2.mp3
    22. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P3.mp3
    23. 20240308 A Rapidly Aging Population.mp3
    24. 20240403 with Joe Biden, Lowering Health Care Costs.mp3
    25. 20240412 Oligarchy.mp3
    26. 20240419 Town Hall with Care Workers.mp3
    27. 20240423 It Is a Sad Day.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 7 shows – 98 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 34 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 20240501 Student Protests.mp3
    3. 20240502 Shortage of Minority Health Care Providers.mp3
    4. 20240506 Announces His Run for the US Senate.mp3
    5. 20240508 Thom Hartmann Interview.mp3
    6. 20240508 with Tim Scott, Anti Bigotry Floor Fight.mp3
    7. 20240508 Yes to Free Speech and Protest Under 1st Amendment.mp3
    8. 20240509 An Attack on Rafa.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    586 recordings on 187 Audio CDs. Total playtime 166 hours, 42 min
    586 recordings on 187 Audio CDs
    total playtime 166 hours, 42 min

    Bernie Sanders Disc A001

    1. 19810407 Phil Donahue Interview
    2. 19850325 Reagan Class War Cuts Burlington Housing Conf
    3. 19850808 Interview About Nicaragua
    4. 19860419 National Rainbow Coalition Conference
    5. 19860710 Mayoral Address In Nicaragua

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A002

    1. 19880120 Iowa Caucuses

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A003

    1. 19880305 BS Show
    2. 19880330 Endorses Jesse Jackson For President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A004

    1. 19880528 Marriage To Jane O’meara Driscoll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A005

    1. 19880613 Soviet Union

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A006

    1. 19900606 American Democracy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A007

    1. 19900615 Debates Gun Control

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A008

    1. 19901107 Post Election Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A009

    1. 19901205 Cspan Interview
    2. 19910109 Persian Gulf War
    3. 19910111 Persian Gulf War
    4. 19910115 Persian Gulf War
    5. 19910117 Persian Gulf War
    6. 19910118 Persian Gulf War
    7. 19910206 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    8. 19910220 National Health Care System
    9. 19910221 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    10. 1991030 People Yes Imf No

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A010

    1. 19910312 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    2. 19910313 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    3. 19910320 National Health Care
    4. 19910321 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    5. 19910417 Literacy And Education
    6. 19910417 Three Proposals Are Unconscionable
    7. 19910424 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    8. 19910502 National Health Care
    9. 19910509 No To Nafta
    10. 19910520 Nafta And National Priorities
    11. 19910624 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    12. 19910717 Bush’s Rigged Economy
    13. 19910724 Inequality Is Approaching Great Depression
    14. 19910729 National Health Care
    15. 19910731 Gross Inequality
    16. 19910801 Health Care Is Right
    17. 19910802 Let’s Rebuild America
    18. 19911009 For Working People
    19. 19911022 Crime Punishment And Poverty
    20. 19911031 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    21. 19911113 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis
    22. 19911117 Persian Gulf War
    23. 19911118 Reinvest In America
    24. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A011

    1. 19911121 Bank Bailout S And L Crisis P2
    2. 19920219 Time To End Cold War Spending
    3. 19920311 Trading With Tyrants
    4. 19920331 Our Enemies Are Not Overseas
    5. 19920409 Rich Buying Our Democracy
    6. 19920409 System Is Owned By Big Money
    7. 19920430 Poverty Trap For Women
    8. 19920603 People Demand Serious Leadership
    9. 19920603 System Is In Contempt
    10. 19920604 No I Will Not Yield
    11. 19920611 Reagan Bush Fraudsters Are Back
    12. 19920616 Full Democratic Participation
    13. 19920624 More Money For Cancer Not Bombs
    14. 19920625 New International Realities
    15. 19920702 Us Is Number 1 In
    16. 19920723 Price Of Deregulation
    17. 19920729 Outrage Of Bank Bailouts
    18. 19920806 Small Step For 99 Percent
    19. 19920910 Reaganomics Disaster For People
    20. 19920917 Consumers Have Rights
    21. 19920924 Banks Lobby Against Consumer Protection
    22. 19921005 Bush’s Veto Agenda
    23. 19930204 Myth Of Voter Fraud
    24. 19930304 Health Care As Right For All
    25. 19930316 Wealth Distribution And Bailouts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A012

    1. 19930317 Need For Humane Budget
    2. 19930318 We Have Not Seen Recovery
    3. 19930429 No To Starvation Wages
    4. 19930505 An Increase In Millionaires And Homelessness
    5. 19930505 Motor Voter Legislation
    6. 19930526 Fraud Of Deficit Hawks
    7. 19930615 Right To Strike
    8. 19930630 Millions Are Still Waiting
    9. 19930721 Americans Are Entitled To Education
    10. 19930727 Problem Of Poverty In America
    11. 19930730 Tax Breaks That Work
    12. 19930802 Progressive Caucus Press Conference
    13. 19930908 Opposition To Nafta
    14. 19930922 We Have Lot To Learn From Others
    15. 19930930 Nafta Not For American Worker
    16. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P1
    17. 19931013 Nafta Downsizing America P2

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A013

    1. 19931014 Issues Of Paramount Concern
    2. 19931020 Nafta Deal For Congress
    3. 19931028 Decentralizing Agriculture
    4. 19931103 Lincoln Douglas Style Debate On Health Care
    5. 19931116 Nafta And Corporate America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A014

    1. 19931117 Nafta Corporate Race To Bottom
    2. 19931120 Job Creation
    3. 19931122 Congress Bought By Big Money
    4. 19940223 Hunger And Hatred
    5. 19940310 Class Warfare In Budget
    6. 19940324 Victory Against Monsanto
    7. 19940413 Incarcerating Country
    8. 19940414 Keep Public Option

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A015

    1. 19940525 Corporate Oligarchy
    2. 19940525 Wasting Government Money On Nixon
    3. 19940617 Monsanto And Fda
    4. 19940628 Media Monopolies
    5. 19940628 Violence Against Women Act
    6. 19940726 Whitewater
    7. 19940728 Whitewater

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A016

    1. 19940804 Trade And Imf
    2. 19940809 No To Chinese Trade
    3. 19940818 Congressional Pork Spending
    4. 19940821 Congress Pork Problem
    5. 19941123 Gatt And Nafta
    6. 19950103 House Progressive Caucus

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A017

    1. 19950111 Repeal Nafta
    2. 19950118 Contract With America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A018

    1. 19950118 Prog Caucus Alternative To Contract With America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A019

    1. 19950119 Failure Of Nafta
    2. 19950123 Increasing Minimum Wage
    3. 19950124 Not Another Bailout
    4. 19950125 Questions Ralph Nader On Nafta
    5. 19950125 Questions Robert Rubin On Nafta

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A020

    1. 19950126 Balanced Budget Amendment

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A021

    1. 19950131 Bailouts And Global Economy
    2. 19950301 When Do We Bail Out People
    3. 19950309 Millionaires Congress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A022

    1. 19950322 Clinton’s Welfare Reform
    2. 19950323 Politics Of Welfare Reform

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A023

    1. 19950329 Inequality Campaign Finance Reform Term Limits
    2. 19950330 Corporate Welfare
    3. 19950405 Corporate Welfare As Class Warfare

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A024

    1. 19950406 Reagan And Corporate Welfare

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A025

    1. 19950503 American Aristocracy
    2. 19950511 Defends Gay Soldiers
    3. 19950517 Balanced Budget Amendment Tax Cut Gimmick
    4. 19950517 How Many More Tax Breaks For 1 Percent
    5. 19950608 Incentivizing Offshoring

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A026

    1. 19950615 Nafta And Recovery

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A027

    1. 19950627 Outsourcing America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A028

    1. 19950719 End Bailout Programs
    2. 19950808 Whitewater
    3. 19951012 We’re Becoming Corporatocracy
    4. 19951025 Corporate Welfare
    5. 19951026 Republican Medicare Fraud

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A029

    1. 19951113 Real Price With Contract With America
    2. 19951115 Politics Of Government Shutdown
    3. 19951207 Not On Back Of Poor

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A030

    1. 19951221 Real Cost Of Shutdown

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A031

    1. 19960313 Republican Revolution
    2. 19960424 Fees Are Too High
    3. 19960510 Right Of People

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A032

    1. 19960515 Hypocrisy Of Republican Congress
    2. 19960516 Reaganomics And Origin Of Deficits
    3. 19960723 Payoffs For Layoffs
    4. 19960802 Help For American Workers
    5. 19970513 Nike And Wage Suppression
    6. 19970514 Ptsd And Persian Gulf War
    7. 19970730 This Bill Is Too Damn Long
    8. 19970917 Our Gulf War Vets Cannot Wait

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A033

    1. 19971031 Persian Gulf War Illness Investigation
    2. 19971113 Trickle Down Economics And Crony Capitalism
    3. 19980130 International Monetary Fund
    4. 19980211 Not One Penny To Imf

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A034

    1. 19980325 People And Federal Spending
    2. 19980330 We Must End Buying Of Elections
    3. 19980401 Creating Strong Credit Unions
    4. 19980423 Let Imf Fund Itself
    5. 19980429 Education Should Be Affordable For All
    6. 19980429 Social Security Scare Tactics

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A035

    1. 19980507 Emergence Of Two Americas
    2. 19980507 Intelligent Spending
    3. 19980520 Cry Freedom
    4. 19980522 Fight For Campaign Finance Reform
    5. 19980722 No Most Favored Nation Status For China
    6. 19980729 We Should Be Ashamed
    7. 19980916 Alice In Wonderland Perspective
    8. 19980925 Nafta And Fast Track Authority
    9. 19981001 Risky Wall Street Practices
    10. 19981014 We Need Open Debate

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A036

    1. 19981017 Vs Mark Candon Vt Atlarge Congressional Debate
    2. 19981217 No Justification For Another War In Iraq
    3. 19981218 Impeachment Of Bill Clinton

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A037

    1. 19990624 Health Care And Free Trade

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A038

    1. 19990630 Economy Health Care And Social Security
    2. 19990701 Big Banks And Repeal Of Glass Steagall
    3. 20130321 Sanders Amend Social Security Disabled Veterans

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A039

    1. 20130424 Dark Suits
    2. 20130503 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A040

    1. 20130508 Summit SS Medicare Medicaid Veteran Benefits

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A041

    1. 20130604 Immigration Reform
    2. 20130611 1984
    3. 20130613 Fighting For Workers
    4. 20130618 Youth Jobs

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A042

    1. 20130626 Don’t Double Student Loan Rates
    2. 20130701 Student Loan Rates Doubled
    3. 20130709 College Loans
    4. 20130723 Selling Out Our Future
    5. 20130930 Blackmail
    6. 20130930 Doomsday

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A043

    1. 20131002 Republicans Vs Republicans
    2. 20131003 Thank You
    3. 20131004 Shutdown Hits Federal Workers
    4. 20131004 Unemployment
    5. 20131007 Gop Shutdown
    6. 20131007 Koch Brothers
    7. 20131008 Enough Is Enough
    8. 20131008 How Shutdown Could End
    9. 20131008 Mccutcheon Vs Fec
    10. 20131009 Don’t Make Seniors And Veterans Pay
    11. 20131009 Hey Paul Ryan You Lost

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A044

    1. 20131009 Shutdown Hurts Veterans
    2. 20140306 Continues Fight For Veterans
    3. 20140312 With Richard Burr Health Care Us Vs Canada
    4. 20140410 What Happened To American Dream
    5. 20140603 Veterans Health Care

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A045

    1. 20140605 We Owe Our Veterans Very Best Health Care
    2. 20140710 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A046

    1. 20140725 Larry King Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A047

    1. 20140911 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A048

    1. 20141121 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A049

    1. 20141212 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A050

    1. 20141219 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A051

    1. 20141230 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A052

    1. 20150109 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A053

    1. 20150116 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A054

    1. 20150123 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A055

    1. 20150130 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A056

    1. 20150206 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A057

    1. 20150209 An Economic Agenda For America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A058

    1. 20150212 Republicans Manufactured Social Security Crisis

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A059

    1. 20150213 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A060

    1. 20150225 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20150226 Not Another Nafta

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A061

    1. 20150313 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20150318 Bankrupt Republican Vision

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A062

    1. 20150320 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A063

    1. 20150324 Economic Rights
    2. 20150325 Student Loan Debt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A064

    1. 20150401 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A065

    1. 20150410 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A066

    1. 20150417 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A067

    1. 20150423 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20150430 Officially Announces His Candidacy For President

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A068

    1. 20150501 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A069

    1. 20150508 Brunch With Bernie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A070

    1. 20150515 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A071

    1. 20150522 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A072

    1. 20150526 Announces His Candidacy For President

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A073

    1. 20150531 Minneapolis Mn Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A074

    1. 20150605 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A075

    1. 20150618 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20150625 Tpp Raw Deal For America

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A076

    1. 20150626 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A077

    1. 20150628 Durham Nh Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A078

    1. 20150706 Portland Me Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A079

    1. 20150708 Failures Of No Child Left Behind
    2. 20150709 Brunch With Bernie
    3. 20150714 Iran Nuclear Agreement

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A080

    1. 20150717 Ia Democratic Party Hall Of Fame
    2. 20150718 Phoenix Az Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A081

    1. 20150718 Presidential Town Hall Netroots Nation

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A082

    1. 20150719 Dallas Tx Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A083

    1. 20150719 Houston Tx Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A084

    1. 20150725 Southern Christian Leadership Conference

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A085

    1. 20150726 New Orleans La Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A086

    1. 20150728 Vox Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A087

    1. 20150730 Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A088

    1. 20150731 National Urban League
    2. 20150803 Greek Debt Crisis
    3. 20150806 Sclc Voting Rights Conference
    4. 20150807 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A089

    1. 20150808 Seattle Wa Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A090

    1. 20150809 Portland Or Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A091

    1. 20150810 Los Angeles Ca Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A092

    1. 20150815 Iowa State Fair Des Moines Register Soapbox

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A093

    1. 20150817 Chicago Il Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A094

    1. 20150828 Dnc Summit Minneapolis Mn

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A095

    1. 20150912 Benedict College

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A096

    1. 20150914 Liberty University

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A097

    1. 20150918 Town Hall New York Ny

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A098

    1. 20150919 Nh Democratic Party State Convention
    2. 20150925 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A099

    1. 20150929 Rx Drug Price Gouging
    2. 20151011 Chuck Todd Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A100

    1. 20151013 No Labels Conference

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A101

    1. 20151014 Los Angeles Ca Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A102

    1. 20151024 Ia Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A103

    1. 20151119 Democratic Socialism

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A104

    1. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P1
    2. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P2
    3. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P3
    4. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P4
    5. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P5
    6. 20151123 Killer Mike Interview P6

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A105

    1. 20151129 Nh Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner
    2. 20151201 Defends Planned Parenthood
    3. 20151201 Republicans Wasting Everyone’s Time
    4. 20151201 We Need Budget For Working People

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A106

    1. 20151205 Keene Nh Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A107

    1. 20151208 Press Conference
    2. 20151210 Climate Change Is Fight For Our Future
    3. 20151216 Interfaith Roundtable

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A108

    1. 20151217 Cwa Endorsement
    2. 20151219 Post Debate Rally Cornel West

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A109

    1. 20160105 Wall Street Reform And Financial Policy

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A110

    1. 20160117 Face Nation Interview
    2. 20160126 Press Conference In Iowa
    3. 20160127 White House Press Conference

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A111

    1. 20160210 Nh Primary Victory Speech
    2. 20160301 Thank You Vermont

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A112

    1. 20160324 Young Turks Interview
    2. 20160408 Seth Meyers Interview
    3. 20160607 Struggle Continues

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A113

    1. 20160725 Dnc Address
    2. 20160726 Moves To Nominate Clinton By Voice Vote

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A114

    1. 20161118 Our Revolution

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A115

    1. 20161129 Amy Goodman Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A116

    1. 20161212 Town Hall Kenosha Wi

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A117

    1. 20170828 Riverside Church Nyc

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A118

    1. 20180130 Response To State Of Union
    2. 20180131 Judy Woodruff Interview
    3. 20190219 John Dickerson Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A119

    1. 20190220 Young Turks Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A120

    1. 20190302 Announcing His Candidacy For President
    2. 20190410 National Action Network

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A121

    1. 20190612 Democratic Socialism Only Way Defeat Oligarchy
    2. 20190623 Face Nation Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A122

    1. 20190716 Washington Post Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A123

    1. 20190720 Aarp Des Moines Register Forum
    2. 20190726 Jimmy Kimmel Interview
    3. 20190811 Des Moines Register Political Soapbox
    4. 20190815 Talks With Cardi B

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A124

    1. 20190829 Talks With Killer Mike
    2. 20190922 Youth Voice Forum
    3. 20190927 Talks With Residente

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A125

    1. 20191102 Iowa Disability Forum
    2. 20191121 Talks With James Adomian
    3. 20191219 Democratic Primary Debate

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A126

    1. 20200124 2020 Exchange Forum

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A127

    1. 20200206 Declares Victory In Iowa Conference
    2. 20200207 Saint Anselm College Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A128

    1. 20200209 Two Days To Go

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A129

    1. 20200211 Nh Primary Victory Speech
    2. 20200306 Detroit Mi Rally

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A130

    1. 20200308 Chris Wallace Interview
    2. 20200408 Suspends Campaign
    3. 20200412 Officially Endorses Joe Biden For President
    4. 20200817 Dnc Address

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A131

    1. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    2. 20200819 Stephen Colbert Interview P2
    3. 20200924 Trump’s Threat To Our Democracy

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A132

    1. 20201005 Ann Arbor Mi Rally
    2. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    3. 20210428 Stephen Colbert Interview P2
    4. 20220129 I Can Understand Republican

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A133

    1. 20220209 Enough Is Enough
    2. 20220210 Diplomacy In Ukraine
    3. 20220216 Times Have Never Been Better For Billionaires

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A134

    1. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    2. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P2
    3. 20220301 Stephen Colbert Interview P3
    4. 20220322 It Is Time To Take On Corporate Greed
    5. 20220713 Microchip Companies Dont Need Taxpayer Billions

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A135

    1. 20220715 Response To Rand Paul Budget Proposal
    2. 20220715 Thom Hartmann Interview
    3. 20220719 I Am Not Lawyer But
    4. 20220725 I Oppose Chips Giveaway

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A136

    1. 20220727 If They Are Really Concerned
    2. 20220802 Inflation Reduction Act

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A137

    1. 20220803 Good And Bad Of Inflation Reduction Act
    2. 20220806 Giant Step Forward

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A138

    1. 20220908 Put Planet Over Fossil Fuel Profits
    2. 20220913 American People Are Sick And Tired
    3. 20220914 I Stand With Rail Workers

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A139

    1. 20220921 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil
    2. 20220928 Free And Fair Elections In Brazil
    3. 20221023 What We Can Learn From Finland
    4. 20221105 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview
    5. 20221109 2022 Midterm Elections

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A140

    1. 20221130 Paid Sick Days Now
    2. 20221204 What We Learned From Fight For Paid Sick Leave
    3. 20221213 Us Must End Involvement Is Saudi Led War
    4. 20221220 Thank You Sen. Leahy
    5. 20221221 It Is Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A141

    1. 20221222 Extraordinary Level Of Corporate Greed
    2. 20230101 What Is On My Mind For 2023

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A142

    1. 20230105 Happy New Year Vermont
    2. 20230111 Moderna Wants To Quadruple Vaccine Prices
    3. 20230116 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A143

    1. 20230117 State Of Voting Class
    2. 20230209 Our Government Can Work For People

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A144

    1. 20230209 Paid Sick Days For Rail Workers
    2. 20230215 End Pharma Greed
    3. 20230219 It’s Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism
    4. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    5. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P2

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A145

    1. 20230220 Stephen Colbert Interview P3
    2. 20230302 Why Capitalism Is Failing Us
    3. 20230306 H.Schultz Agreed Testify Before Help Committee
    4. 20230314 5 Yrs Ago I Led Effort Against Bank Deregulation
    5. 20230419 Thom Hartmann Interview

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A146

    1. 20230425 Brian Tyler Cohen Interview
    2. 20230505 Raise the Wage
    3. 20230512 Operation Mayday

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A147

    1. 20230514 Helen Gym for Mayor, Philadelphia, PA

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A148

    1. 20230517 Paid Sick Leave for All
    2. 20230518 No Default No Cuts
    3. 20230519 the 14th Amendment
    4. 20230525 What Family Values Means to Me

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A149

    1. 20230531 Cannot Vote for Bill That Hurts Working People
    2. 20230620 HELP Will Mark Up Most Significant Labor Laws

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A150

    1. 20230722 A Conversation with Fran Drescher
    2. 20230725 886 Billion Dollar Defense Budget

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A151

    1. 20230726 Why I Will Vote No on 86B Defense Bill
    2. 20230826 the Agenda America Needs

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A152

    1. 20230914 Bipartisan Legislation in Primary Care
    2. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P1
    3. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P2
    4. 20240305 Stephen Colbert Interview P3

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A153

    1. 20240403 with Joe Biden, Lowering Health Care Costs

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A154

    1. 20240419 Town Hall with Care Workers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bernie Sanders Disc A155

    1. 20240423 It Is a Sad Day
    2. 20240501 Student Protests
    3. 20240506 Announces His Run for the US Senate

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A156

    1. 20240508 Thom Hartmann Interview
    2. 20240508 with Tim Scott, Anti Bigotry Floor Fight
    3. 20240508 Yes to Free Speech and Protest Under 1st Amendment

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A157

    1. 20240509 An Attack on Rafa
    2. 20000217 Predicts Too Big To Fail
    3. 20000613 Affordable Medicine For All
    4. 20000920 Health Care And Profits
    5. 20001011 Health Care And Price Gouging

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A158

    1. 20010131 Prescription Drug Program
    2. 20010207 Bush Tax Cuts

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A159

    1. 20010502 Pension Anxiety

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A160

    1. 20010626 Corporatized Health Care
    2. 20010921 National And Economic Security
    3. 20011023 Bioterrorism
    4. 20011128 Terrorism And Public Health
    5. 20011128 Terrorism And Tax Cuts
    6. 20011212 Enron Collapse
    7. 20020205 Raiding Social Security Lockbox
    8. 20020227 Monetary Policy

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A161

    1. 20020425 National Affordable Housing Fund
    2. 20020430 No To Export Import Bank
    3. 20020505 America Is Sick Of Corporate Greed
    4. 20020725 Elections And Corporate Accountability
    5. 20020726 Disaster Of Fast Track Authority
    6. 20020911 Remembering September 11 2001

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A162

    1. 20021009 Opposition To Iraq War
    2. 20021010 Why I Oppose Iraq War
    3. 20030515 Media Monopolies

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A163

    1. 20030522 Fraud Of Bush Tax Cuts
    2. 20030617 Ownership Society
    3. 20030709 Fair Credit Reporting Act
    4. 20030710 Rightwing Agenda
    5. 20030715 Questions Alan Greenspan On Economic Policies
    6. 20030722 Patriot Act P1
    7. 20030722 Patriot Act P2

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A164

    1. 20031021 Two Americas Under Bush

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A165

    1. 20031106 Free Trade Fiasco
    2. 20040211 Mr. Greenspan What Will You Do About This

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A166

    1. 20040318 More Bank Deregulatio
    2. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P1
    3. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P2
    4. 20040601 Vets And Gulf War Illness P3
    5. 20041117 Public Health And Vaccines
    6. 20050317 Steroids In Baseball
    7. 20050721 Outrage Of Patriot Act
    8. 20060301 American Port Authority

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A167

    1. 20060310 With Barack Obama Taking Back Our Country
    2. 20060406 Assault On Pensions

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A168

    1. 20060517 Historic Inequality In Us
    2. 20060720 Trading On American Dream
    3. 20061023 Vs Richard Tarrant Vt Us Senate Debate

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A169

    1. 20070116 Congressional Lobbying And Ethics
    2. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P1
    3. 20070118 Bernake Poverty Inequality Taxes Deficits P2
    4. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P1
    5. 20070208 Hank Paulson On Inequality Wealth And Taxes P2
    6. 20070307 Questions Bill Gates On Estate Tax

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A170

    1. 20070308 Repeal Cuts
    2. 20070321 Questions Al Gore On Climate Change
    3. 20070502 Prescription Drug Reimportation
    4. 20070517 Community And Veterans Health

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A171

    1. 20070524 Immigration Reform And Labor Rights
    2. 20070606 Immigration Labor And Poverty
    3. 20070607 Sensible Immigration Reform

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A172

    1. 20070625 Labor Unions And American Middle Class
    2. 20070712 James Holsinger On Range Of Health Issues
    3. 20070717 Education And Opportunity
    4. 20070730 Us Health Care Is Disgrace
    5. 20070801 Is Cost Too High
    6. 20070906 We Must Do Our Best For Our Veterans

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A173

    1. 20070926 Isn’t It Ironic
    2. 20070928 Ptsd Va And Veterans Health
    3. 20071001 Veterans Health Concerns
    4. 20071023 Promoting Community Health
    5. 20071101 Civil Liberties Must Be Protected
    6. 20080129 President Is Out Of Touch
    7. 20080205 Welfare For Walmart

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A174

    1. 20080214 Poison Pill Politics
    2. 20080306 Changing Political Direction In Us
    3. 20080310 Teddy Roosevelt And Death Tax

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A175

    1. 20080311 George W. Bush’s Economic Failure
    2. 20080625 Terrorism And Constitutional Rights
    3. 20080730 Real Radical Agenda

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A176

    1. 20080916 Origins Of Wall Street Crisis
    2. 20080918 Crisis Neoliberalism Created

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A177

    1. 20080922 Financial Crisis Test Of Our Policies
    2. 20081001 Price Of Wall Street Bailouts
    3. 20091118 Public Option

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A178

    1. 20091208 Affordable Care Act
    2. 20091218 End Of Public Option
    3. 20110511 Vs Rand Paul Is Health Care Human Right

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A179

    1. 20110826 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A180

    1. 20111123 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20111202 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A181

    1. 20111209 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A182

    1. 20111216 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A183

    1. 20111222 Brunch With Bernie

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A184

    1. 20111229 Brunch With Bernie
    2. 20120126 We Have Duty To Protect Our Seniors
    3. 20120307 We Must Reclaim Our Democracy
    4. 20120416 Buffett Rule

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A185

    1. 20120418 Usps Is Vital To Our Nation
    2. 20120607 Too Big To Fail
    3. 20120717 Citizens United Disaster For Elections
    4. 20120724 Fighter For Social Security
    5. 20120726 Let’s Talk About Deficit

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A186

    1. 20120911 Let’s Remember Where National Debt Came From
    2. 20120921 Cutting Social Security Is Not Grand Bargain
    3. 20121115 Fiscal Cliff Is Hostage Taking

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    Bernie Sanders Disc A187

    1. 20121214 Brunch With Bernie

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