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Basil Rathbone Collection

Basil Rathbone was a British actor known for playing Sherlock Holmes in 1930s-1940s films. He appeared in over 70 films and had a successful stage career.

Basil Rathbone

153 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 65 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
70 Audio CDs

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Basil Rathbone
(1892 – 1967)

RathboneOne of the best and most versatile actors in Hollywood's Golden Age, swashbuckling Basil Rathbone became forever associated with Sherlock Holmes after playing the detective in more than a dozen films and for seven years on the Radio.

Just how harmful to a Hollywood career could typecasting really be? It usually came down to the individual actor, the type he was cast in, and the ambitions he held for his career. For a supporting character actor, developing into a type means steady work, so long as the type is essential to the stories moviemakers want to tell. For a seriously trained and ambitious leading man, being typecast means that casting directors and producers may have a hard time seeing you in a part outside of type.

To Basil Rathbone's credit, he seemed to take his typecasting as the world's most famous detective with a sense of humor. As well he should, Sherlock Holmes is one of the greatest characters in literature, and Rathbone himself had an appreciation, "... of his mastery in all things, both material and mystical…he was a sort of god in his own way, seated on some Anglo-Saxon Olympus of his own design and making! Yes, there was no question about it, Holmes had given me an acute inferiority complex!" Indeed, many of the most memorable Holmesian icons, the Inverness cape, the deerstalker cap, and the calabash pipe, came from Rathbone's portrayal rather than Arthur Conan Doyle's writing.

Rathbone played Holmes in sixteen films, each co-starring Nigel Bruce as his companion Dr. Watson. When producer Gene Markey pitched the treatment for The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) to Daryl Zanuck, he was asked who he wanted to play Holmes. Markey exclaimed that Rathbone was the obvious choice, but it may not have seemed so obvious to others at that point.

RathboneBorn Philip St. John Basil Rathbone in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1892, his father was a mining engineer from Liverpool. After an incident known as the Jameson Raid (which would lead to the Second Boer War), Basil's father was accused of being a British spy, and the family was forced to flee to England. Basil excelled at sports while attending the Repton School, especially fencing. He also got his first taste of acting while a student and wanted to make the theater a career. This notion horrified his father who made his son promise to give a conventional job a chance for one year after graduating in 1910. Dutifully, he gained a position with the Liverpool and Globe Insurance Companies, but almost exactly a year later he convinced his cousin, Sir Frank Benson, director of the Stratford-on-Avon Shakespearean Festival, to hire him. Benson's condition was that his cousin would go through a regular acting apprenticeship, and Basil began performing supporting roles in Benson's Number 2 company, but by 1913 he was performing juvenile leads with the Number 1 company.

When the Great War broke out, Basil was called up for service with the London Scottish Regiment in 1915 (Claude Rains, Herbert Marshall, and Ronald Colman all served in the Regiment) as a private. Upon completing his training, he applied for a commission and was sent to Officer Candidate School. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant with the Liverpool Scottish, Second Battalion, which the War Office held in England for several months. 


In February of that year, he contracted the measles and after a week in a military hospital was sent home to recover. His younger brother, John, who had been appointed a Captain with the Dorset Regiment, had been shot through the chest during the Battle of the Somme and was also at home recovering. On May 23, 1917, 2nd Lt Basil Rathbone joined his unit in the trenches of France. Brother John was not well enough to rejoin his unit until 1918, but when he did the Dorset's were happily stationed near the Liverpool regiment, allowing the brothers a reunion. The happiness was short-lived, however, as Capt. John Rathbone was killed in action on June 4, 1918. As Patrols Officer, Basil was tasked with approaching the German lines under the cover of night to gather intelligence. Perhaps grieving the loss of his brother, he convinced his superiors to allow a daytime patrol camouflaged as trees. The valuable intelligence (and prisoners) he brought back were enough that he was awarded the Military Cross for Bravery.

Rathbone resumed his acting career at Stratford-on-Avon but struggled financially. In 1923, he appeared in New York in The Swan and became a star on Broadway. He also met and fell in love with scriptwriter Ouida Bergère, whom he would marry in 1927. Ouida began serving as Basil's business manager, and in 1930 they settled (with their seven dogs) in Hollywood. Rathbone played Philo Vance in The Bishop Murder Case (1930) and went on to make a name for himself in period pictures and swashbucklers, usually as a suave villain. These films include David Copperfield (1935), Anna Karenina (1935), The Last Days of Pompeii (1935), The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938), and his best-known swashbuckler, The Adventures of Robin Hood (1939). Despite being one of the best swordsmen in Hollywood, he only won two swordfights on screen, against John Barrymore in Romeo and Juliet (1936) and Eugene Pallette in The Mark of Zorro (1940).

When England declared War on Nazi Germany in 1939, Rathbone quickly volunteered to serve his country, but the War Office declared that at 47 he was too old. Instead, he headed the Los Angeles chapter of British War Relief and the War Chest Executive Committee. The 1939 release of The Hound of the Baskervilles was so well received that the studio immediately called for a sequel and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was released before the end of the year. After completing the second film, Rathbone and Bruce agreed to appear on the Blue Network's The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The series moved to Mutual in 1943 under the sponsorship of Petri Wines, but Rathbone would leave in 1946, trying to distance himself from the role.

RathWith no film or radio obligations, Rathbone wanted to return to stage work and he and Ouida moved to New York. His association with the Holmes films did hamper his casting, but he eventually appeared in Obsession (1946, 31 performances), The Heiress (1947, 410 performances), and Julius Caesar (1950, 31 performances). He decided to capitalize on his Sherlock Holmes fame and worked with Ouida on a script for a stage version. Nigel Bruce declined to participate because of health issues and passed away while the show was in rehearsal. It opened at the New Century Theatre over Halloween 1953 but depressed over the loss of his friend Nigel Bruce, Rathbone allowed it to close after just three performances.

By the 1960s, Rathbone was probably ready to enter a dignified retirement, but Ouida's extravagant tastes (the Rathbone's had a reputation for staging elaborate parties) kept him working. He made 10 films in that decade, most of questionable quality, and appeared in a number of dignified TV anthology dramas. Basil Rathbone died suddenly after suffering a heart attack in his New York apartment on July 21, 1967. He was 75. Three Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame honor Basil Rathbone, one at 6569 Hollywood Blvd for Motion Pictures, a Star for Television at 6809 Hollywood Blvd, and for contributions to Radio at 6312 Hollywood Blvd.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    Radio and film followers of Basil Rathbone are familiar and his identification with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's cererbal detective Sherlock Holmes. Aided by his reliable sidekick, Dr. Watson, played by Nigel Bruce, there was no crime too difficult for the pair. What is not well-know, however, is that sleuthing the streets of London and more exotic locations, revealed only one aspect in the life of Rathbone. A successful athlete, a decorated war hero in both the Second Boer War and World War I, a Shakespearean actor, Basil Rathbone shared his many diverse talents with audiences for decades. Among the 152 recordings in the collection, OTRCAT has assembled performances that include poetry, children's stories, comedy, the study of words, sporting events, works on classical litereature, and drama. The collection is a brilliant showcase that captures the dramatic artistry of Rathbone. Listeners will enjoy these alternative performances by the actor who came to be identified as the detective marked by eccentric habits, the Turkish pipe, and deerstalker cap! Wonderful collection. Al Scopino

    Dr. A. J. (Al) Scopino, Jr.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    153 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 65 hours, 39 min
    153 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 65 hours, 39 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 5 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. A Christmas Carol 390000 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    3. Anthology 541107 35 Caedmon Story.mp3
    4. Anthology 550102 43 Anthology 1954.mp3
    5. Anthology 550123 46 Thomas Hornsby Ferrell.mp3
    6. Basil Rathbone 40s Peter And Wolf Radio Presentation.mp3
    7. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Melba Toast.mp3
    8. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Saxophone.mp3
    9. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Stoic.mp3
    10. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Tangerine.mp3
    11. Basil Rathbone Word Detective To Get Ones Goat.mp3
    12. Bergen Mccarthy 440130 313 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    13. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs.mp3
    14. Bob Hope 410128 W Basil Rathbone.mp3
    15. Cass Daley Show 1950 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    16. Cavalcade Of America 420413 Continental Uniform.mp3
    17. Cavalcade Of America 430927 Hated Hero Of 1776.mp3
    18. Cavalcade Of America 470127 Chance For Jimmy.mp3
    19. Cavalcade Of America 480105 Justice And Lady.mp3
    20. Cavalcade Of America 480322 President And Doctor.mp3
    21. Cavalcade Of America 480628 Common Glory.mp3
    22. Cavalcade Of America 500523 Portrait Of An Author.mp3
    23. Cavalcade Of America 500829 John Yankee.mp3
    24. Cavalcade Of America 510529 Torchbearer.mp3
    25. Cavalcade Of America 510904 Towards New World.mp3
    26. Chase And Sanborn Hour 440130 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    27. Chesterfield Supper Club 490623 0000 Laurabelle Lee.mp3
    28. Chesterfield Supper Club 490630 0000 Swonderful.mp3
    29. Columbia Masterworks 450812 Sinbad Sailor Basil Rathbone.mp3
    30. CP 450301 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone.mp3
    31. Flair 610000 607.mp3
    32. Fred Allen 460411 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    33. Fred Allen 480411 144 One Long Pan Skit.mp3
    34. Fred Allen 490424 185 Mad Doctor Of Downing Street.mp3
    35. G I Journal 164 Basil Rathbonehelen Forrestjack.mp3
    36. Great Scenes From Great Plays 481015 04 Barretts Wimpole St.mp3
    37. Guest Star 470724 0018 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    38. Gunsmoke 571117 Queue.mp3
    39. Henry Morgan 480205 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    40. Information Please 380927 020 Basil Rathbone Sigmund Spaeth.mp3
    41. Jack Benny Program 411102 419 Halloween Celebration.mp3
    42. Jack Benny Program 440409 511 Repairing Jacks Sidewalk.mp3
    43. Lux Radio Theater 370222 121 Captain Blood.mp3
    44. Lux Radio Theater 380110 158 Enter Madame.mp3
    45. Lux Radio Theater 380606 179 Dolls House.mp3
    46. Lux Radio Theater 381031 191 That Certain Woman.mp3
    47. Lux Radio Theater 401104 280 Wuthering Heights Repeat.mp3
    48. Lux Radio Theater 430913 405 Phantom Of Opera.mp3
    49. Mail Call 023 Afrs 430223 Kyser Rathbone Obrien Slapsie.mp3
    50. Mgm Theater Of Air 500127 16 Riptide.mp3
    51. On Way To Yorktown 380222 Special.mp3
    52. Readers Digest 470109 45 Dr. Donald {basil Rathbone} Wbbm.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 58 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 24 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Rudy Vallee 460418 076 [drene] Love Is Sweeping Co.mp3
    3. Rudy Vallee 460425 077 [drene] So Green. Sued Over A.mp3
    4. Screen Guild 390122 Can We Forget.mp3
    5. Screen Guild 391217 035 Smilin Through.mp3
    6. Screen Guild 411026 088 Goodbye Mister Chips.mp3
    7. Screen Guild 430104 125 Suspicion.mp3
    8. Screen Guild 430809 156 Spitfire.mp3
    9. Screen Guild 440327 189 Jack Not Going Appear.mp3
    10. Screen Guild 440821 208 Ghost Goes West.mp3
    11. SH 400129 The Second Stain.mp3
    12. SH 400212 The Golden Pince-nez.mp3
    13. SH 400226 The Reigate Squires.mp3
    14. SH 400325 The Retired Colourman.mp3
    15. SH 401006 The Copper Beeches.mp3
    16. SH 401222 The Boscombe Valley Mystery.mp3
    17. SH 410209 The Hound of the Baskervilles part5.mp3
    18. SH 410309 Shoscombe Old Place.mp3
    19. SH 411109 The Stockbroker's Clerk.mp3
    20. SH 411207 Mystery Of Mrs. Warrens Key.mp3
    21. SH 430507 The Copper Beeches.mp3
    22. SH 430702 The Priory School.mp3
    23. SH 430723 The Greek Interpreter.mp3
    24. SH 430730 Murder In The Waxworks.mp3
    25. SH 430806 Missing Leonardo Da Vinci.mp3
    26. SH 430820 Missing Dancer.mp3
    27. SH 430827 The Cardboard Box.mp3
    28. SH 440515 The Missing Bloodstains.mp3
    29. SH 440522 The Superfluous Pearl.mp3
    30. SH 450326 Book Of Tobit.mp3
    31. SH 450402 Amateur Mendicant Society.mp3
    32. SH 450409 Viennese Stranger.mp3
    33. SH 450423 Notorious Canary Trainer.mp3
    34. SH 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist.mp3
    35. SH 450507 Purloined Ruby.mp3
    36. SH 450514 In Flanders Field.mp3
    37. SH 450517 The Speckled Band.mp3
    38. SH 450521 Paradol Chamber.mp3
    39. SH 450903 Limping Ghost.mp3
    40. SH 450910 Colonel Warburtons Madness.mp3
    41. SH 450917 Case Of The Out Of Date Murder.mp3
    42. SH 450924 Eyes Of Mr. Leyton.mp3
    43. SH 451001 The Problem of Thor Bridge.mp3
    44. SH 451008 Mystery Of The Vanishing Elephant.mp3
    45. SH 451015 Manor House Case.mp3
    46. SH 451022 Great Gandolfo.mp3
    47. SH 451029 Murder In The Moonlight.mp3
    48. SH 451105 Gunpowder Plot.mp3
    49. SH 451112 The Speckled Band.mp3
    50. SH 451119 Case Of The Double Zero.mp3
    51. SH 451126 Case Of The Accidental Murderess.mp3
    52. SH 451203 Murder In The Casbah.mp3
    53. SH 451210 A Scandal in Bohemia.mp3
    54. SH 451217 Second Generation.mp3
    55. SH 451224 Night Before Christmas.mp3
    56. SH 451231 Strange Case Of The Iron Box.mp3
    57. SH 460107 Strange Case Of The Murderer In Wax.mp3
    58. SH 460114 Murder Beyond The Mountains.mp3
    59. SH 460121 Telltale Pigeon Feathers.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 44 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. SH 460128 Strange Case Of The Demon Barber.mp3
    3. SH 460204 Indescretion Of Mr. Edwards.mp3
    4. SH 460211 Guiless Gypsy.mp3
    5. SH 460218 Campberwell Poisoners.mp3
    6. SH 460225 Terrifying Cats.mp3
    7. SH 460304 Submarine Caves.mp3
    8. SH 460311 The Living Doll.mp3
    9. SH 460318 The Blarney Stone.mp3
    10. SH 460325 Girl With The Gazelle.mp3
    11. SH 460401 April Fools Day Adventure.mp3
    12. SH 460408 The Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    13. SH 460415 Mystery Of The Headless Monk.mp3
    14. SH 460422 Tinkerville Club Scandal.mp3
    15. SH 460429 Waltz Of Death.mp3
    16. SH 460506 The Man with the Twisted Lip.mp3
    17. SH 460513 The Uneasy Chair.mp3
    18. SH 460520 Haunting Of Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    19. SH 460527 Singular Affair Of The Baconian Cipher.mp3
    20. Sinbad 48 Lp Basil Rathbone.mp3
    21. Skippy Hollywood Theater 490218 Man From Jamestown.mp3
    22. Stories Of Sherlock Holmes Sa X Final Problem The.mp3
    23. Tales Of Fatima 490521 20 Much Expected Murder.mp3
    24. Tales Of Fatima 490528 21 Time To Kill.mp3
    25. Theater Guild On Air 470119 059 Dolls House.mp3
    26. Theater Guild On Air 521116 127 All About Eve.mp3
    27. Three Hundred Party 460427.mp3
    28. Three Of Kind 440413 Opening Program.mp3
    29. Tony Awards 480328 Antoinette Perry Awards.mp3
    30. Warner Brothers Academy Theater 380508 Certain Woman Pt1.mp3
    31. Word Detective Basil Rathbone Tangerine.mp3
    32. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 052 Maverick.mp3
    33. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 055 Jack O Lantern.mp3
    34. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 076 Nicotine.mp3
    35. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 077 Mentor.mp3
    36. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 078 Chinamans Chance.mp3
    37. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 079 Nambypamby.mp3
    38. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 080 Nemesis.mp3
    39. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Melba Toast.mp3
    40. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Saxophone.mp3
    41. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Stoic.mp3
    42. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Tangerine.mp3
    43. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone To Get Ones Goat.mp3
    44. Wwm 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147.mp3
    45. Wwm 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    153 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 65 hours, 39 min
    153 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1800 MB – total playtime 65 hours, 39 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – 662 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 5 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. A Christmas Carol 390000 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    3. Anthology 541107 35 Caedmon Story.mp3
    4. Anthology 550102 43 Anthology 1954.mp3
    5. Anthology 550123 46 Thomas Hornsby Ferrell.mp3
    6. Basil Rathbone 40s Peter And Wolf Radio Presentation.mp3
    7. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Melba Toast.mp3
    8. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Saxophone.mp3
    9. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Stoic.mp3
    10. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Tangerine.mp3
    11. Basil Rathbone Word Detective To Get Ones Goat.mp3
    12. Bergen Mccarthy 440130 313 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    13. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs.mp3
    14. Bob Hope 410128 W Basil Rathbone.mp3
    15. Cass Daley Show 1950 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    16. Cavalcade Of America 420413 Continental Uniform.mp3
    17. Cavalcade Of America 430927 Hated Hero Of 1776.mp3
    18. Cavalcade Of America 470127 Chance For Jimmy.mp3
    19. Cavalcade Of America 480105 Justice And Lady.mp3
    20. Cavalcade Of America 480322 President And Doctor.mp3
    21. Cavalcade Of America 480628 Common Glory.mp3
    22. Cavalcade Of America 500523 Portrait Of An Author.mp3
    23. Cavalcade Of America 500829 John Yankee.mp3
    24. Cavalcade Of America 510529 Torchbearer.mp3
    25. Cavalcade Of America 510904 Towards New World.mp3
    26. Chase And Sanborn Hour 440130 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    27. Chesterfield Supper Club 490623 0000 Laurabelle Lee.mp3
    28. Chesterfield Supper Club 490630 0000 Swonderful.mp3
    29. Columbia Masterworks 450812 Sinbad Sailor Basil Rathbone.mp3
    30. CP 450301 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone.mp3
    31. Flair 610000 607.mp3
    32. Fred Allen 460411 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    33. Fred Allen 480411 144 One Long Pan Skit.mp3
    34. Fred Allen 490424 185 Mad Doctor Of Downing Street.mp3
    35. G I Journal 164 Basil Rathbonehelen Forrestjack.mp3
    36. Great Scenes From Great Plays 481015 04 Barretts Wimpole St.mp3
    37. Guest Star 470724 0018 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    38. Gunsmoke 571117 Queue.mp3
    39. Henry Morgan 480205 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    40. Information Please 380927 020 Basil Rathbone Sigmund Spaeth.mp3
    41. Jack Benny Program 411102 419 Halloween Celebration.mp3
    42. Jack Benny Program 440409 511 Repairing Jacks Sidewalk.mp3
    43. Lux Radio Theater 370222 121 Captain Blood.mp3
    44. Lux Radio Theater 380110 158 Enter Madame.mp3
    45. Lux Radio Theater 380606 179 Dolls House.mp3
    46. Lux Radio Theater 381031 191 That Certain Woman.mp3
    47. Lux Radio Theater 401104 280 Wuthering Heights Repeat.mp3
    48. Lux Radio Theater 430913 405 Phantom Of Opera.mp3
    49. Mail Call 023 Afrs 430223 Kyser Rathbone Obrien Slapsie.mp3
    50. Mgm Theater Of Air 500127 16 Riptide.mp3
    51. On Way To Yorktown 380222 Special.mp3
    52. Readers Digest 470109 45 Dr. Donald {basil Rathbone} Wbbm.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 58 shows – 667 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 24 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Rudy Vallee 460418 076 [drene] Love Is Sweeping Co.mp3
    3. Rudy Vallee 460425 077 [drene] So Green. Sued Over A.mp3
    4. Screen Guild 390122 Can We Forget.mp3
    5. Screen Guild 391217 035 Smilin Through.mp3
    6. Screen Guild 411026 088 Goodbye Mister Chips.mp3
    7. Screen Guild 430104 125 Suspicion.mp3
    8. Screen Guild 430809 156 Spitfire.mp3
    9. Screen Guild 440327 189 Jack Not Going Appear.mp3
    10. Screen Guild 440821 208 Ghost Goes West.mp3
    11. SH 400129 The Second Stain.mp3
    12. SH 400212 The Golden Pince-nez.mp3
    13. SH 400226 The Reigate Squires.mp3
    14. SH 400325 The Retired Colourman.mp3
    15. SH 401006 The Copper Beeches.mp3
    16. SH 401222 The Boscombe Valley Mystery.mp3
    17. SH 410209 The Hound of the Baskervilles part5.mp3
    18. SH 410309 Shoscombe Old Place.mp3
    19. SH 411109 The Stockbroker's Clerk.mp3
    20. SH 411207 Mystery Of Mrs. Warrens Key.mp3
    21. SH 430507 The Copper Beeches.mp3
    22. SH 430702 The Priory School.mp3
    23. SH 430723 The Greek Interpreter.mp3
    24. SH 430730 Murder In The Waxworks.mp3
    25. SH 430806 Missing Leonardo Da Vinci.mp3
    26. SH 430820 Missing Dancer.mp3
    27. SH 430827 The Cardboard Box.mp3
    28. SH 440515 The Missing Bloodstains.mp3
    29. SH 440522 The Superfluous Pearl.mp3
    30. SH 450326 Book Of Tobit.mp3
    31. SH 450402 Amateur Mendicant Society.mp3
    32. SH 450409 Viennese Stranger.mp3
    33. SH 450423 Notorious Canary Trainer.mp3
    34. SH 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist.mp3
    35. SH 450507 Purloined Ruby.mp3
    36. SH 450514 In Flanders Field.mp3
    37. SH 450517 The Speckled Band.mp3
    38. SH 450521 Paradol Chamber.mp3
    39. SH 450903 Limping Ghost.mp3
    40. SH 450910 Colonel Warburtons Madness.mp3
    41. SH 450917 Case Of The Out Of Date Murder.mp3
    42. SH 450924 Eyes Of Mr. Leyton.mp3
    43. SH 451001 The Problem of Thor Bridge.mp3
    44. SH 451008 Mystery Of The Vanishing Elephant.mp3
    45. SH 451015 Manor House Case.mp3
    46. SH 451022 Great Gandolfo.mp3
    47. SH 451029 Murder In The Moonlight.mp3
    48. SH 451105 Gunpowder Plot.mp3
    49. SH 451112 The Speckled Band.mp3
    50. SH 451119 Case Of The Double Zero.mp3
    51. SH 451126 Case Of The Accidental Murderess.mp3
    52. SH 451203 Murder In The Casbah.mp3
    53. SH 451210 A Scandal in Bohemia.mp3
    54. SH 451217 Second Generation.mp3
    55. SH 451224 Night Before Christmas.mp3
    56. SH 451231 Strange Case Of The Iron Box.mp3
    57. SH 460107 Strange Case Of The Murderer In Wax.mp3
    58. SH 460114 Murder Beyond The Mountains.mp3
    59. SH 460121 Telltale Pigeon Feathers.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 44 shows – 471 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 9 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. SH 460128 Strange Case Of The Demon Barber.mp3
    3. SH 460204 Indescretion Of Mr. Edwards.mp3
    4. SH 460211 Guiless Gypsy.mp3
    5. SH 460218 Campberwell Poisoners.mp3
    6. SH 460225 Terrifying Cats.mp3
    7. SH 460304 Submarine Caves.mp3
    8. SH 460311 The Living Doll.mp3
    9. SH 460318 The Blarney Stone.mp3
    10. SH 460325 Girl With The Gazelle.mp3
    11. SH 460401 April Fools Day Adventure.mp3
    12. SH 460408 The Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    13. SH 460415 Mystery Of The Headless Monk.mp3
    14. SH 460422 Tinkerville Club Scandal.mp3
    15. SH 460429 Waltz Of Death.mp3
    16. SH 460506 The Man with the Twisted Lip.mp3
    17. SH 460513 The Uneasy Chair.mp3
    18. SH 460520 Haunting Of Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    19. SH 460527 Singular Affair Of The Baconian Cipher.mp3
    20. Sinbad 48 Lp Basil Rathbone.mp3
    21. Skippy Hollywood Theater 490218 Man From Jamestown.mp3
    22. Stories Of Sherlock Holmes Sa X Final Problem The.mp3
    23. Tales Of Fatima 490521 20 Much Expected Murder.mp3
    24. Tales Of Fatima 490528 21 Time To Kill.mp3
    25. Theater Guild On Air 470119 059 Dolls House.mp3
    26. Theater Guild On Air 521116 127 All About Eve.mp3
    27. Three Hundred Party 460427.mp3
    28. Three Of Kind 440413 Opening Program.mp3
    29. Tony Awards 480328 Antoinette Perry Awards.mp3
    30. Warner Brothers Academy Theater 380508 Certain Woman Pt1.mp3
    31. Word Detective Basil Rathbone Tangerine.mp3
    32. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 052 Maverick.mp3
    33. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 055 Jack O Lantern.mp3
    34. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 076 Nicotine.mp3
    35. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 077 Mentor.mp3
    36. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 078 Chinamans Chance.mp3
    37. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 079 Nambypamby.mp3
    38. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 080 Nemesis.mp3
    39. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Melba Toast.mp3
    40. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Saxophone.mp3
    41. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Stoic.mp3
    42. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Tangerine.mp3
    43. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone To Get Ones Goat.mp3
    44. Wwm 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147.mp3
    45. Wwm 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    153 recordings on 70 Audio CDs. Total playtime 63 hours, 38 min
    153 recordings on 70 Audio CDs
    total playtime 63 hours, 38 min

    Basil Rathbone Disc A001

    1. Basil Rathbone 40s Peter And Wolf Radio Presentation
    2. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Melba Toast
    3. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Saxophone
    4. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Stoic
    5. Basil Rathbone Word Detective Tangerine
    6. Basil Rathbone Word Detective To Get Ones Goat
    7. Cass Daley Show 1950 Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A002

    1. G I Journal 164 Basil Rathbonehelen Forrestjack
    2. Sinbad 48 Lp Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A003

    1. Stories Of Sherlock Holmes Sa X Final Problem The
    2. Word Detective Basil Rathbone Tangerine
    3. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Melba Toast
    4. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Saxophone
    5. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Stoic
    6. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone Tangerine
    7. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone To Get Ones Goat
    8. Wwm 0147 Basil Rathbone Shakespeares 116th Sonnet Afrs 147

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A004

    1. Wwm 0148 Basil Rathbone Reads Self Reliance Afrs 148

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A005

    1. Lux Radio Theater 370222 121 Captain Blood

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A006

    1. Lux Radio Theater 380110 158 Enter Madame

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A007

    1. On Way To Yorktown 380222 Special
    2. Warner Brothers Academy Theater 380508 Certain Woman Pt1

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A008

    1. Lux Radio Theater 380606 179 Dolls House

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A009

    1. Information Please 380927 020 Basil Rathbone Sigmund Spaeth

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A010

    1. Lux Radio Theater 381031 191 That Certain Woman

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A011

    1. A Christmas Carol 390000 Basil Rathbone
    2. Screen Guild 390122 Can We Forget

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A012

    1. Screen Guild 391217 035 Smilin Through
    2. SH 400129 The Second Stain
    3. SH 400212 The Golden Pince-nez

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A013

    1. SH 400226 The Reigate Squires
    2. SH 400325 The Retired Colourman

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A014

    1. SH 401006 The Copper Beeches

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A015

    1. Lux Radio Theater 401104 280 Wuthering Heights Repeat

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A016

    1. SH 401222 The Boscombe Valley Mystery
    2. Bob Hope 410128 W Basil Rathbone
    3. SH 410209 The Hound of the Baskervilles part5

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A017

    1. SH 410309 Shoscombe Old Place
    2. Screen Guild 411026 088 Goodbye Mister Chips

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A018

    1. Jack Benny Program 411102 419 Halloween Celebration
    2. SH 411109 The Stockbroker's Clerk

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A019

    1. SH 411207 Mystery Of Mrs. Warrens Key
    2. Cavalcade Of America 420413 Continental Uniform

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A020

    1. Screen Guild 430104 125 Suspicion
    2. Mail Call 023 Afrs 430223 Kyser Rathbone Obrien Slapsie

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A021

    1. SH 430507 The Copper Beeches
    2. SH 430702 The Priory School
    3. SH 430723 The Greek Interpreter

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A022

    1. SH 430730 Murder In The Waxworks
    2. SH 430806 Missing Leonardo Da Vinci
    3. Screen Guild 430809 156 Spitfire

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A023

    1. SH 430820 Missing Dancer
    2. SH 430827 The Cardboard Box

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A024

    1. Lux Radio Theater 430913 405 Phantom Of Opera

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A025

    1. Cavalcade Of America 430927 Hated Hero Of 1776
    2. Bergen Mccarthy 440130 313 Basil Rathbone
    3. Chase And Sanborn Hour 440130 Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A026

    1. Screen Guild 440327 189 Jack Not Going Appear
    2. Jack Benny Program 440409 511 Repairing Jacks Sidewalk

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A027

    1. Three Of Kind 440413 Opening Program
    2. SH 440515 The Missing Bloodstains

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A028

    1. SH 440522 The Superfluous Pearl
    2. Screen Guild 440821 208 Ghost Goes West

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A029

    1. CP 450301 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone
    2. SH 450326 Book Of Tobit

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A030

    1. SH 450402 Amateur Mendicant Society
    2. SH 450409 Viennese Stranger

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A031

    1. SH 450423 Notorious Canary Trainer
    2. SH 450430 Unfortunate Tobacconist

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A032

    1. SH 450507 Purloined Ruby
    2. SH 450514 In Flanders Field

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A033

    1. SH 450517 The Speckled Band
    2. SH 450521 Paradol Chamber

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A034

    1. Columbia Masterworks 450812 Sinbad Sailor Basil Rathbone
    2. SH 450903 Limping Ghost

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A035

    1. SH 450910 Colonel Warburtons Madness
    2. SH 450917 Case Of The Out Of Date Murder

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A036

    1. SH 450924 Eyes Of Mr. Leyton
    2. SH 451001 The Problem of Thor Bridge

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A037

    1. SH 451008 Mystery Of The Vanishing Elephant
    2. SH 451015 Manor House Case

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A038

    1. SH 451022 Great Gandolfo
    2. SH 451029 Murder In The Moonlight

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A039

    1. SH 451105 Gunpowder Plot
    2. SH 451112 The Speckled Band

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A040

    1. SH 451119 Case Of The Double Zero
    2. SH 451126 Case Of The Accidental Murderess

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A041

    1. SH 451203 Murder In The Casbah
    2. SH 451210 A Scandal in Bohemia

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A042

    1. SH 451217 Second Generation
    2. SH 451224 Night Before Christmas

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A043

    1. SH 451231 Strange Case Of The Iron Box
    2. SH 460107 Strange Case Of The Murderer In Wax

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A044

    1. SH 460114 Murder Beyond The Mountains
    2. SH 460121 Telltale Pigeon Feathers

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A045

    1. SH 460128 Strange Case Of The Demon Barber
    2. SH 460204 Indescretion Of Mr. Edwards

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A046

    1. SH 460211 Guiless Gypsy
    2. SH 460218 Campberwell Poisoners

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A047

    1. SH 460225 Terrifying Cats
    2. SH 460304 Submarine Caves

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A048

    1. SH 460311 The Living Doll
    2. SH 460318 The Blarney Stone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A049

    1. SH 460325 Girl With The Gazelle
    2. SH 460401 April Fools Day Adventure

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A050

    1. SH 460408 The Disappearing Scientists
    2. Fred Allen 460411 Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A051

    1. SH 460415 Mystery Of The Headless Monk
    2. Rudy Vallee 460418 076 [drene] Love Is Sweeping Co

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A052

    1. SH 460422 Tinkerville Club Scandal
    2. Rudy Vallee 460425 077 [drene] So Green. Sued Over A

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A053

    1. SH 460429 Waltz Of Death
    2. SH 460506 The Man with the Twisted Lip

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A054

    1. SH 460513 The Uneasy Chair
    2. SH 460520 Haunting Of Sherlock Holmes

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A055

    1. SH 460527 Singular Affair Of The Baconian Cipher
    2. Readers Digest 470109 45 Dr. Donald {basil Rathbone} Wbbm

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A056

    1. Theater Guild On Air 470119 059 Dolls House

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A057

    1. Cavalcade Of America 470127 Chance For Jimmy
    2. Guest Star 470724 0018 Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A058

    1. Cavalcade Of America 480105 Justice And Lady
    2. Henry Morgan 480205 Basil Rathbone

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A059

    1. Cavalcade Of America 480322 President And Doctor
    2. Tony Awards 480328 Antoinette Perry Awards

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A060

    1. Fred Allen 480411 144 One Long Pan Skit
    2. Cavalcade Of America 480628 Common Glory

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A061

    1. Great Scenes From Great Plays 481015 04 Barretts Wimpole St
    2. Skippy Hollywood Theater 490218 Man From Jamestown

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A062

    1. Fred Allen 490424 185 Mad Doctor Of Downing Street
    2. Tales Of Fatima 490521 20 Much Expected Murder

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A063

    1. Tales Of Fatima 490528 21 Time To Kill
    2. Chesterfield Supper Club 490623 0000 Laurabelle Lee
    3. Chesterfield Supper Club 490630 0000 Swonderful

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A064

    1. Mgm Theater Of Air 500127 16 Riptide

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A065

    1. Cavalcade Of America 500523 Portrait Of An Author
    2. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs
    3. Cavalcade Of America 500829 John Yankee

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A066

    1. Cavalcade Of America 510529 Torchbearer
    2. Cavalcade Of America 510904 Towards New World

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A067

    1. Theater Guild On Air 521116 127 All About Eve

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A068

    1. Anthology 541107 35 Caedmon Story
    2. Anthology 550102 43 Anthology 1954

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A069

    1. Anthology 550123 46 Thomas Hornsby Ferrell
    2. Gunsmoke 571117 Queue
    3. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 052 Maverick
    4. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591026 055 Jack O Lantern
    5. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 076 Nicotine
    6. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 077 Mentor
    7. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 078 Chinamans Chance

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    Basil Rathbone Disc A070

    1. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 079 Nambypamby
    2. Word Detectivebasil Rathbone 591130 080 Nemesis
    3. Flair 610000 607

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