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Happy Birthday, Barbara Jean Wong! Today would be Barbara Jean Wong's 101st Birthday. Today only: her collections is on sale at 20% off.

Barbara Jean Wong Collection

Barbara Jean Wong was a fourth generation Chinese-American who began her performance career at the age of five and was soon dubbed the Chinese-American Shirley Temple.

Barbara Jean Wong

56 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 29 hours, 43 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
33 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 17, 1950:

"Halls of Ivy: The Chinese Student"

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Barbara Jean Wong
(1924 – 1999)

Barbara Jean Wong with cast of Amos and Andy Barbara Jean Wong with I Love a Mystery Cast Young Barbara Jean Wong: Chinese Shirley Temple at Microphone
Cast of I Love a Mystery

OTRCAT is interested in complying collections of lesser known radio actors who none the less deserve a place of tribute in the history of Old Time Radio.

Barbara Jean Wong, the Chinese American Shirley Temple
Barbara Jean Wong was a fourth generation Chinese-American born to produce market owners Thomas and Maye Wong on March 3, 1924. She began her performance career at the age of five and was soon dubbed the Chinese-American Shirley Temple due to her long black hair curled into ringlets and her charming persona. Barbara Jean Wong in 1954It was recently discovered that she was one of the twins in the children's Christmas old time radio show Cinnamon Bear. She attended the Mar-Ken School of Professional Children in Hollywood and Mickey Rooney was a classmate.

Her biggest radio role was on the comedy show Amos and Andy where she played Amos' daughter Arbadella. Radio audiences are often surprised to learn that the African-American Arbadella was performed by a Chinese American young woman. She also performed on Lux Radio Theater, Cavalcade of America, Hallmark Playhouse, I Love a Mystery (although her appearances are uncredited), Romance, and many other series. She also starred as the spunky daughter on the rare audition recording, Smiths of San Fernando, which is included in this collection.

She attended the University of Southern California (USC) and Columbia University to earn degrees in drama and English. After college, she branched into films and worked in 20 films including "The Good Earth", "The Man from Button Willow", "Love is a Many Splendored Thing", and many Charlie Chan films.

When Barbara Jean was married, she retired from acting and earned her teaching credential from Cal State Los Angeles to begin serving her community as a teacher. She was very active in civic organizations throughout her life and died of respiratory illness on November 13, 1999.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I am a 15+ year customer; originally from the US. Your website is now excellent. Much better than before. Your description of each of your disk collections is also much improved and very informative. You are the Best for someone who grew up in Los Angeles listening to these shows late at night under my blankets in bed.

    Marshall Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $4.00. Total playtime 29 hours, 43 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $4.00
    total playtime 29 hours, 43 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – total playtime 29 hours, 43 minutes
    2. Cavalcade Of America 431101 355 Burma Surgeon.mp3
    3. Cavalcade Of America 440327 376 So Sorry, No Mercy.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 440403 377 Ambulance Driver.mp3
    5. Cavalcade Of America 440925 402 Lifetide.mp3
    6. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon.mp3
    7. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie.mp3
    8. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon.mp3
    9. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos.mp3
    10. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale.mp3
    11. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal.mp3
    12. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician.mp3
    13. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates.mp3
    14. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman.mp3
    15. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz.mp3
    16. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant.mp3
    17. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit.mp3
    18. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch.mp3
    19. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile.mp3
    21. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich.mp3
    22. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers.mp3
    23. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys.mp3
    24. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian.mp3
    25. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat.mp3
    26. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman.mp3
    27. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus.mp3
    28. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls.mp3
    29. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade.mp3
    30. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop.mp3
    31. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole.mp3
    32. Hallmark Playhouse 520508 177 Whistler's Mother.mp3
    33. HallsIvy 500217 The Chinese Student.mp3
    34. lux391225 243 Pinocchio.mp3
    35. lux400212 Sidewalks of London.mp3
    36. lux400506 262 Our Town.mp3
    37. lux400624 Show Boat.mp3
    38. lux401014 The Littlest Rebel.mp3
    39. lux401104 280 Wuthering Heights.mp3
    40. lux410303 My Bill.mp3
    41. lux410407 Stand-In.mp3
    42. lux410616 312 The Lady From Cheyenne.mp3
    43. lux410922 Lydia.mp3
    44. lux411110 325 Hold Back the Dawn.mp3
    45. lux411201 A Man's Castle.mp3
    46. lux411222 Remember the Night.mp3
    47. lux420706 359 Love Affair.mp3
    48. lux420921 363 How Green Was My Valley.mp3
    49. lux421221 376 The Pied Piper.mp3
    50. lux430412 392 Once upon a Honeymoon.mp3
    51. lux431122 416 China.mp3
    52. lux431227 421 Kathleen.mp3
    53. lux440306 The Letter.mp3
    54. lux450305 474-Disputed Passage.mp3
    55. Nightbeat 500417 Tong War.mp3
    56. Romance 540605 03 Lost Horizon.mp3
    57. Smiths of San Frenando 460920 Audition.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $4.00. Total playtime 29 hours, 43 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $4.00
    653 MB – total playtime 29 hours, 43 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – 653 MB – total playtime 29 hours, 43 minutes
    2. Cavalcade Of America 431101 355 Burma Surgeon.mp3
    3. Cavalcade Of America 440327 376 So Sorry, No Mercy.mp3
    4. Cavalcade Of America 440403 377 Ambulance Driver.mp3
    5. Cavalcade Of America 440925 402 Lifetide.mp3
    6. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon.mp3
    7. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie.mp3
    8. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon.mp3
    9. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos.mp3
    10. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale.mp3
    11. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal.mp3
    12. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician.mp3
    13. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates.mp3
    14. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman.mp3
    15. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz.mp3
    16. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant.mp3
    17. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit.mp3
    18. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch.mp3
    19. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa.mp3
    20. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile.mp3
    21. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich.mp3
    22. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers.mp3
    23. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys.mp3
    24. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian.mp3
    25. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat.mp3
    26. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman.mp3
    27. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus.mp3
    28. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls.mp3
    29. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade.mp3
    30. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop.mp3
    31. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole.mp3
    32. Hallmark Playhouse 520508 177 Whistler's Mother.mp3
    33. HallsIvy 500217 The Chinese Student.mp3
    34. lux391225 243 Pinocchio.mp3
    35. lux400212 Sidewalks of London.mp3
    36. lux400506 262 Our Town.mp3
    37. lux400624 Show Boat.mp3
    38. lux401014 The Littlest Rebel.mp3
    39. lux401104 280 Wuthering Heights.mp3
    40. lux410303 My Bill.mp3
    41. lux410407 Stand-In.mp3
    42. lux410616 312 The Lady From Cheyenne.mp3
    43. lux410922 Lydia.mp3
    44. lux411110 325 Hold Back the Dawn.mp3
    45. lux411201 A Man's Castle.mp3
    46. lux411222 Remember the Night.mp3
    47. lux420706 359 Love Affair.mp3
    48. lux420921 363 How Green Was My Valley.mp3
    49. lux421221 376 The Pied Piper.mp3
    50. lux430412 392 Once upon a Honeymoon.mp3
    51. lux431122 416 China.mp3
    52. lux431227 421 Kathleen.mp3
    53. lux440306 The Letter.mp3
    54. lux450305 474-Disputed Passage.mp3
    55. Nightbeat 500417 Tong War.mp3
    56. Romance 540605 03 Lost Horizon.mp3
    57. Smiths of San Frenando 460920 Audition.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    56 recordings on 33 Audio CDs. Total playtime 29 hours, 43 min
    56 recordings on 33 Audio CDs
    total playtime 29 hours, 43 min

    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A001

    1. Cinnamon Bear 001 Paddy O Cinnamon
    2. Cinnamon Bear 002 Weary Willie
    3. Cinnamon Bear 003 Crazy Quilt Dragon
    4. Cinnamon Bear 004 The Inkaboos
    5. Cinnamon Bear 005 Weasley The Wailing Whale

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A002

    1. Cinnamon Bear 006 Samuel Seal
    2. Cinnamon Bear 007 Presto The Magician
    3. Cinnamon Bear 008 Candy Pirates
    4. Cinnamon Bear 009 Rolypoly Policeman
    5. Cinnamon Bear 010 Professor Whiz

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A003

    1. Cinnamon Bear 011 Fee Foo The Gentle Giant
    2. Cinnamon Bear 012 Rhyming Rabbit
    3. Cinnamon Bear 013 The Wintergreen Witch
    4. Cinnamon Bear 014 Queen Melissa
    5. Cinnamon Bear 015 Snaper Stick The Crocodile

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A004

    1. Cinnamon Bear 016 Oliver Ostrich
    2. Cinnamon Bear 017 Muddlers
    3. Cinnamon Bear 018 Cocklebur Cowboys
    4. Cinnamon Bear 019 Wooden Indian
    5. Cinnamon Bear 020 Flying Hat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A005

    1. Cinnamon Bear 021 Snowman
    2. Cinnamon Bear 022 Santa Claus
    3. Cinnamon Bear 023 The Bad Dolls
    4. Cinnamon Bear 024 The Parade
    5. Cinnamon Bear 025 Captain Tintop

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A006

    1. Cinnamon Bear 026 North Pole

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A007

    1. lux391225 243 Pinocchio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A008

    1. lux400212 Sidewalks of London

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A009

    1. lux400506 262 Our Town

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A010

    1. lux400624 Show Boat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A011

    1. lux401014 The Littlest Rebel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A012

    1. lux401104 280 Wuthering Heights

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A013

    1. lux410303 My Bill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A014

    1. lux410407 Stand-In

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A015

    1. lux410616 312 The Lady From Cheyenne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A016

    1. lux410922 Lydia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A017

    1. lux411110 325 Hold Back the Dawn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A018

    1. lux411201 A Man's Castle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A019

    1. lux411222 Remember the Night

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A020

    1. lux420706 359 Love Affair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A021

    1. lux420921 363 How Green Was My Valley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A022

    1. lux421221 376 The Pied Piper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A023

    1. lux430412 392 Once upon a Honeymoon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A024

    1. Cavalcade Of America 431101 355 Burma Surgeon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A025

    1. lux431122 416 China

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A026

    1. lux431227 421 Kathleen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A027

    1. lux440306 The Letter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A028

    1. Cavalcade Of America 440327 376 So Sorry, No Mercy
    2. Cavalcade Of America 440403 377 Ambulance Driver

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A029

    1. Cavalcade Of America 440925 402 Lifetide

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A030

    1. lux450305 474-Disputed Passage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A031

    1. Smiths of San Frenando 460920 Audition
    2. HallsIvy 500217 The Chinese Student

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A032

    1. Nightbeat 500417 Tong War
    2. Hallmark Playhouse 520508 177 Whistler's Mother

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Barbara Jean Wong Disc A033

    1. Romance 540605 03 Lost Horizon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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