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Arch Oboler Plays

Enjoy some of the best works of author Arch Oboler dramatic plays starring Joan Crawford and more.

Arch Oboler Plays

60 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 25 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
28 Audio CDs

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"Miss American"


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Arch Oboler

Time magazine wrote that Arch Oboler was a "30-year-old horn-rimmed half-pint scrivener." An "eccentric Hitler-hating truth-stretching flashy-writer, Oboler wrote and directed in dirty dungarees, no socks, thong sandals, and a hat with a grease-stained band" (according to Ronald Colman's daughter). Arch Oboler

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Arch Oboler was born in 1909 and sold his first script about a amourous dinosaur while he was still in high school. He was expelled from the University of Chicago due to his explosive personality, but once out of school he dedicated himself to writing full time.

Arch Oboler was interested in radio immediately and wrote a script called Futuristics in 1933 which was bought by NBC. Rudy Vallee used a portion of one of Arch Oboler's works called "Rich Kid" and made Oboler a household name.

In 1936, Arch Oboler was hired to replace Wyllis Cooper on Lights Out and lead the series in a decidedly dramatic turn. Arch Oboler experimented with the boundaries of storytelling and sound effects at his midnight timeslot. His first episode of Lights Out was Burial Services where the show ends with a woman buried alive never to escape. Letters flooded the radio broadcast network office from outrages listeners protesting the show.

Chicken Heart was another memorable Lights Out episode where a chicken heart is kept alive in a petri dish eventually starts growing and takes over the whole world. This episode influenced Stephen King and Bill Cosby described listening to this particular episode during one of his stand up comedy routines.

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Arch Oboler used a wet rubber glove to make the sound of people's bodies turning inside out due to a mysterious and deadly fog in the Light's Out / Drop Dead recording of "The Dark."

Arch ObolerArch Oboler got into trouble again when he wrote the infamous Mae West and Don Ameche Adam and Eve sketch on The Chase and Sanborn Hour. On that episode, Mae West made sexual innuendos about meeting the dummy Charlie McCarthy in her room and "had the splinters to prove it!" This episode angered decency groups and listeners so much that Mae West was banned from the radio network for 15 years. However, Arch Oboler did not receive a broadcast ban even though he wrote the script.

In 1939, Arch Oboler used his own money to create an audition episode of his own making which later became Arch Oboler's Plays. Proctor and Gamble later sponsored the show, but Arch Oboler disliked having commercials during the middle of the show and the squabble ended the very popular Arch Oboler's Plays series.

Long before the beginning of WWII, Arch Oboler was a staunch anti-Nazi and even included covert anti-Fascist themes in his work. Once WWII began, Arch Oboler's anti-Fascist plays were in vogue. He believed that war propaganda should instill hatred of the enemy rather than just rallying the troops and some argued that he went too far characterizing Germans as villainous, blood-thirsty, thick-accented antagonists.

In his personal life, Arch Oboler married Eleanor Heldfand and had four boys. Commissioning Frank Lloyd Wright to build his house near Malibu, CA, Oboler had a brook in his living room and a pet toad in his pocket that "eventually died from eating too many worms."

The OTRCAT.com Arch Oboler's extensive collection includes episodes from:

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These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    When I buy it's with a purpose. I love me some OTR and I'm getting to know many "new" shows. This invariably turns into purchases for trips when my lady and I hit the open road. You're the go-to source for all things OTR. Thanks for keeping real radio alive and well. Stay safe, and thanks again for what I consider to be a VITAL service (especially in this nutty day and age). Returning to a simpler and less fraught time has seldom been more important than right now. OTR is a gateway to a family-friendly land of adventure, excitement, intrigue, laughter, and suspense like no other.

    Andy Verified Purchase

    I have really enjoyed this collection. It is an interesting glimpse into the talent and times of Arch Oboler. This collection gives a look into the national and international current events going on at the time. I highly recommend.

    Phillip Verified Purchase

    Marvelous. I wanted a collection for a long time and this collection does not disappoint.

    Howard Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    60 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 52 min
    60 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 25 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 31 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 6 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390415 04 Ways Of Men Past Present Future.mp3
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 390429 06 Cliff.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 390506 07 Engulfed Cathedral.mp3
    5. Arch Obolers Plays 390513 08 Baby1.mp3
    6. Arch Obolers Plays 390520 09 Crazy Town.mp3
    7. Arch Obolers Plays 390603 11 Steelworker1.mp3
    8. Arch Obolers Plays 390610 12 Neros Wife.mp3
    9. Arch Obolers Plays 390617 13 Immortal Gentleman.mp3
    10. Arch Obolers Plays 390708 16 Ivory Tower.mp3
    11. Arch Obolers Plays 390729 19 Another World.mp3
    12. Arch Obolers Plays 390916 26 Suffer Little Children Finale1.mp3
    13. Arch Obolers Plays 391118 35 Bathysphere.mp3
    14. Arch Obolers Plays 391216 39 Nobody Died.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 391230 41 This Precious Freedom.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 400113 43 Truth.mp3
    17. Arch Obolers Plays 400127 45 3 Stories Tongueincheek.mp3
    18. Arch Obolers Plays 400224 49 Women Stayed At Home.mp3
    19. Arch Obolers Plays 400309 51 Johnny Got His Gun.mp3
    20. Arch Obolers Plays 420621 00 Adolph And Mrs. Runyon.mp3
    21. Arch Obolers Plays 430413 Big Ben.mp3
    22. Arch Obolers Plays 440617 00 Four For Fifth Surrender.mp3
    23. Arch Obolers Plays 450405 01 Strange Morning.mp3
    24. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In.mp3
    25. Arch Obolers Plays 450503 04 Love, Love, Love.mp3
    26. Arch Obolers Plays 450510 05 Holiday 194x.mp3
    27. Arch Obolers Plays 450517 06 Mr Ten Percent.mp3
    28. Arch Obolers Plays 450524 07 Exercise Horror Peculiar Comedy.mp3
    29. Arch Obolers Plays 450531 08 Double Feature.mp3
    30. Arch Obolers Plays 450607 09 Night.mp3
    31. Arch Obolers Plays 450614 10 Mr Pyle.mp3
    32. Arch Obolers Plays 450621 11 Naked Mountain.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 45 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth.mp3
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 450705 13 Dr Bluff.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 450712 14 Gallery Of Big Shots Feminine.mp3
    5. Arch Obolers Plays 450719 15 Special To Hollywood.mp3
    6. Arch Obolers Plays 450726 16 My Chicago.mp3
    7. Arch Obolers Plays 450802 17 Parade.mp3
    8. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug.mp3
    9. Arch Obolers Plays 450816 19 Lust For Life.mp3
    10. Arch Obolers Plays 450906 21 Mirage.mp3
    11. Arch Obolers Plays 450913 22 Gallery Of Big Shots Masculine.mp3
    12. Arch Obolers Plays 450920 23 Rocket From Manhattan.mp3
    13. Arch Obolers Plays 450927 24 Family Nagachi.mp3
    14. Arch Obolers Plays 451004 25 Mr Miller.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 451011 26 This Living Book I Declare War.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 480309 51 Johnny Got His Gun1.mp3
    17. Arch Obolers Plays 641003 Word.mp3
    18. Arch Obolers Plays 641010 Visitor From Hades.mp3
    19. Arch Obolers Plays 641017 03 Special To Hollywood.mp3
    20. Arch Obolers Plays 641024 04 Day Sinatra Got Fat.mp3
    21. Arch Obolers Plays 641031 05 Come To Bank.mp3
    22. Arch Obolers Plays 641107 13 Immortal Gentleman.mp3
    23. Arch Obolers Plays 641114 07 Big Ben.mp3
    24. Arch Obolers Plays 641121 08 Rocket From Manhattan.mp3
    25. Arch Obolers Plays 641128 09 African Story.mp3
    26. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 10 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    27. Arch Obolers Plays 641212 11 Bathysphere.mp3
    28. Arch Obolers Plays 641219 12 Mirage.mp3
    29. Arch Obolers Plays 641226 13 Him Or Me.mp3
    30. Arch Obolers Plays Dark.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    60 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 25 hours, 52 min
    60 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    711 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 31 shows – 388 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 6 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390415 04 Ways Of Men Past Present Future.mp3
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 390429 06 Cliff.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 390506 07 Engulfed Cathedral.mp3
    5. Arch Obolers Plays 390513 08 Baby1.mp3
    6. Arch Obolers Plays 390520 09 Crazy Town.mp3
    7. Arch Obolers Plays 390603 11 Steelworker1.mp3
    8. Arch Obolers Plays 390610 12 Neros Wife.mp3
    9. Arch Obolers Plays 390617 13 Immortal Gentleman.mp3
    10. Arch Obolers Plays 390708 16 Ivory Tower.mp3
    11. Arch Obolers Plays 390729 19 Another World.mp3
    12. Arch Obolers Plays 390916 26 Suffer Little Children Finale1.mp3
    13. Arch Obolers Plays 391118 35 Bathysphere.mp3
    14. Arch Obolers Plays 391216 39 Nobody Died.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 391230 41 This Precious Freedom.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 400113 43 Truth.mp3
    17. Arch Obolers Plays 400127 45 3 Stories Tongueincheek.mp3
    18. Arch Obolers Plays 400224 49 Women Stayed At Home.mp3
    19. Arch Obolers Plays 400309 51 Johnny Got His Gun.mp3
    20. Arch Obolers Plays 420621 00 Adolph And Mrs. Runyon.mp3
    21. Arch Obolers Plays 430413 Big Ben.mp3
    22. Arch Obolers Plays 440617 00 Four For Fifth Surrender.mp3
    23. Arch Obolers Plays 450405 01 Strange Morning.mp3
    24. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In.mp3
    25. Arch Obolers Plays 450503 04 Love, Love, Love.mp3
    26. Arch Obolers Plays 450510 05 Holiday 194x.mp3
    27. Arch Obolers Plays 450517 06 Mr Ten Percent.mp3
    28. Arch Obolers Plays 450524 07 Exercise Horror Peculiar Comedy.mp3
    29. Arch Obolers Plays 450531 08 Double Feature.mp3
    30. Arch Obolers Plays 450607 09 Night.mp3
    31. Arch Obolers Plays 450614 10 Mr Pyle.mp3
    32. Arch Obolers Plays 450621 11 Naked Mountain.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – 323 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 45 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth.mp3
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 450705 13 Dr Bluff.mp3
    4. Arch Obolers Plays 450712 14 Gallery Of Big Shots Feminine.mp3
    5. Arch Obolers Plays 450719 15 Special To Hollywood.mp3
    6. Arch Obolers Plays 450726 16 My Chicago.mp3
    7. Arch Obolers Plays 450802 17 Parade.mp3
    8. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug.mp3
    9. Arch Obolers Plays 450816 19 Lust For Life.mp3
    10. Arch Obolers Plays 450906 21 Mirage.mp3
    11. Arch Obolers Plays 450913 22 Gallery Of Big Shots Masculine.mp3
    12. Arch Obolers Plays 450920 23 Rocket From Manhattan.mp3
    13. Arch Obolers Plays 450927 24 Family Nagachi.mp3
    14. Arch Obolers Plays 451004 25 Mr Miller.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 451011 26 This Living Book I Declare War.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 480309 51 Johnny Got His Gun1.mp3
    17. Arch Obolers Plays 641003 Word.mp3
    18. Arch Obolers Plays 641010 Visitor From Hades.mp3
    19. Arch Obolers Plays 641017 03 Special To Hollywood.mp3
    20. Arch Obolers Plays 641024 04 Day Sinatra Got Fat.mp3
    21. Arch Obolers Plays 641031 05 Come To Bank.mp3
    22. Arch Obolers Plays 641107 13 Immortal Gentleman.mp3
    23. Arch Obolers Plays 641114 07 Big Ben.mp3
    24. Arch Obolers Plays 641121 08 Rocket From Manhattan.mp3
    25. Arch Obolers Plays 641128 09 African Story.mp3
    26. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 10 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    27. Arch Obolers Plays 641212 11 Bathysphere.mp3
    28. Arch Obolers Plays 641219 12 Mirage.mp3
    29. Arch Obolers Plays 641226 13 Him Or Me.mp3
    30. Arch Obolers Plays Dark.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    60 recordings on 28 Audio CDs. Total playtime 25 hours, 52 min
    60 recordings on 28 Audio CDs
    total playtime 25 hours, 52 min

    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A001

    1. Arch Obolers Plays Dark
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390415 04 Ways Of Men Past Present Future
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 390429 06 Cliff

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A002

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 390506 07 Engulfed Cathedral
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390513 08 Baby1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A003

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 390520 09 Crazy Town
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390603 11 Steelworker1
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 390610 12 Neros Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A004

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 390617 13 Immortal Gentleman
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390708 16 Ivory Tower

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A005

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 390729 19 Another World
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 390916 26 Suffer Little Children Finale1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A006

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 391118 35 Bathysphere
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 391216 39 Nobody Died

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A007

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 391230 41 This Precious Freedom
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 400113 43 Truth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A008

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 400127 45 3 Stories Tongueincheek
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 400224 49 Women Stayed At Home

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A009

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 400309 51 Johnny Got His Gun
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 420621 00 Adolph And Mrs. Runyon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A010

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 430413 Big Ben
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 440617 00 Four For Fifth Surrender

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A011

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450405 01 Strange Morning
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450426 03 House I Live In

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A012

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450503 04 Love, Love, Love
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450510 05 Holiday 194x

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A013

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450517 06 Mr Ten Percent
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450524 07 Exercise Horror Peculiar Comedy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A014

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450531 08 Double Feature
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450607 09 Night

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A015

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450614 10 Mr Pyle
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450621 11 Naked Mountain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A016

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450705 13 Dr Bluff

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A017

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450712 14 Gallery Of Big Shots Feminine
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450719 15 Special To Hollywood
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 450726 16 My Chicago

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A018

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450802 17 Parade
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450809 18 History Of Mug

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A019

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450816 19 Lust For Life
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450906 21 Mirage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A020

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450913 22 Gallery Of Big Shots Masculine
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 450920 23 Rocket From Manhattan
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 450927 24 Family Nagachi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A021

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 451004 25 Mr Miller
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 451011 26 This Living Book I Declare War

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A022

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 480309 51 Johnny Got His Gun1
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641003 Word

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A023

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641010 Visitor From Hades
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641017 03 Special To Hollywood

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A024

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641024 04 Day Sinatra Got Fat
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641031 05 Come To Bank

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A025

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641107 13 Immortal Gentleman
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641114 07 Big Ben

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A026

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641121 08 Rocket From Manhattan
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641128 09 African Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A027

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 10 Revolt Of Worms
    2. Arch Obolers Plays 641212 11 Bathysphere
    3. Arch Obolers Plays 641219 12 Mirage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Arch Oboler Plays Disc A028

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641226 13 Him Or Me

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00