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Old Time Radio Anniversaries

Anniversaries, milestones, and more in this one-of-a-kind, genre-wide collection of Anniversaries in Old Time Radio.

Anniversaries in Old Time Radio

184 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 96 hours, 42 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
104 Audio CDs

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"Day Off for Peavey 30th Anniversary"

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Burns And Allen Flower

It would be easy to say that Anniversaries happen every year, but there are so many important things happening to so many people that very day seems to be the anniversary of something. The importance of an anniversary depends on who is celebrating it, why, and how many anniversaries there have been. One anniversary which everyone has is a birthday, but after you enjoy a respectable number of these anniversaries, the birthdays of the loved ones around you become more important than your own.

Another commonly celebrated anniversary is the wedding anniversary, and woe to the husband who makes the mistake of forgetting to make a fuss on this special day, let alone forgetting it altogether. Men who work and go out to face the world have an annoying habit of forgetting important dates of all sorts, but remembering wedding anniversaries seems to be especially slippery. Many of the most popular programs from the Golden Age of Radio revolved around family and marriages, so naturally, wedding anniversaries were bound to crop up. Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone would celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary on CBS in January 1947 his 34th year of wedded bliss in 1948. Fibber McGee and Molly starred an actual married couple, but they celebrated their anniversary in September, March, and May of various years, depending on the whim of their writers.

Forgotten wedding anniversaries may not be as common as situation comedies would have us believe, but the topic is broad enough to be its own collection. In fact, Chester Riley on The Life of Riley seems to have forgotten his anniversary to Peg more times than he remembered it. Clifford Fadiman could rely on a laugh if he asked the panel of Information Please for their wives' birthday and wedding anniversary. The anniversary of niece Marjorie and Bronco got to be a big deal during the later seasons of The Great Gildersleeve, and even though the Great One was a bachelor throughout the series, he was not above celebrating milestones in his relationships with his various lady friends.

Although weddings are one of the most celebrated anniversaries on the air, just keeping a program on the air for another air was always worth mentioning if not making a big on-air celebration. Variety show pioneer Rudy Vallee celebrated the ninth anniversary of The Rudy Vallee Hour in 1938. Quiz Kids' eighth year was in 1948. One Man's Family turned fifteen in 1944, Meet the Press celebrated its sixteenth year in 1960, The National Barn Dance's twentieth year was also 1944, and The Grand Ol' Opry broadcast a twenty-fifth-anniversary program in 1950 while Amos 'n' Andy turned twenty-five in 1954. The Armed Forces Radio Service would celebrate its fourth and fifth anniversaries on Command Performance in 1946 and 1947.

Jack Benny and WifeAfter birthdays and wedding anniversaries, one of the most important dates in a person's life is when they begin a new job, especially for a job that lasts a good long while. Jack Benny first came on the radio as a guest of Ed Sullivan's in 1932 and got his own show for the first time in May of that year. Although Jack's character insisted that his personal calendar would stop at 39 years, each spring the writers would celebrate his broadcasting anniversary, including his nineteenth anniversary on the April 15, 1951, episode of The Lucky Strike Program. Fred Allen's fourth year on the radio came in October 1936 on Town Hall Tonight.

Almost as important as your job is the company which is writing your paychecks. Remembering the anniversary of the company's founding is a good idea, especially when that company is sponsoring the radio program which is feeding your family. Fibber McGee and Molly with Harlow Wilcox celebrated the programs fifteenth year with Johnson Wax in September 1949 but had made an even bigger deal earlier in November of 1946, which was the Wax Company's 60th year in business. The Sears Roebuck Company celebrated 50 years in business on Then and Now on October 1, 1936, while the Walgreen's Drug Store Chain sponsored an annual variety gala for their anniversary which featured Bob Hope, "Rochester", Dennis Day, and the Andrews Sisters for their 45th anniversary in the summer of 1946.

The Radio Corporation of America's sixteenth anniversary was commemorated on The Magic Key in October 1935, and since RCA was one of the parent companies of the National Broadcasting Company the program celebrated the networks tenth year thirteen months later. Biographies in Sound celebrated the network's anniversary in May 1956 with "Recollections at Thirty". The program also took a look at important historic anniversaries, including the tenth anniversary of atomic energy in 1955 with "The Atom: Menace and Promise", while Adventures in Research looked at 50 years of gasoline powered automobiles in 1946. Other important historical anniversaries include Hop Harrigan recognizing 40 years of the Army Air Forces on August 1, 1947, "Fifty Years of Movies" on Lux Radio Theatre in September 1951, the city of Los Angeles turning 168 years-old in September 1949 on Fibber McGee and Molly commemorating 179 years of the Post Office in 1954, and several others.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    Happy Anniversary OTRCAT and here's to many more. May all those wonderful old time radio shows live forever. And thanks to you -- they will! Keep up the good work. Love your website.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    184 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 96 hours, 42 min
    184 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 96 hours, 42 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Adventures In Research 460813 186 Golden Jubilee.mp3
    3. Amos Andy Music Hall 590823 X 30th Anniversary Exerpts.mp3
    4. Amos Andy Show 540110 Gold Bracelet 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    5. Amos Andy Show 540214 25th Anniversary Program.mp3
    6. Anthology 550227 50 By Heart From Bbc.mp3
    7. Anthology 550403 55 Abraham And Isaac.mp3
    8. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30th Anniversary.mp3
    9. Behind Mike 410323 27 Lee Deforrest Story.mp3
    10. Behind Mike 410504 33 Enoch Lights Disappearance Airways.mp3
    11. Best Of All 541206 17 40th Anniversary Salute To Ascap.mp3
    12. Big Show 510211 Groucho Marx Judy Garland.mp3
    13. Big Show 520309 Guests Richard Eatham And Joe Frisco.mp3
    14. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 461018 363 Roddy Mcdowell.mp3
    15. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 471010 419 Gene Autry .mp3
    16. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490225 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    17. Billion Dollar Show 520828 Memories Of Radio Favorites.mp3
    18. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom Menace And Promise.mp3
    19. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30.mp3
    20. Burns And Allen 430119 16 Making George Jealous.mp3
    21. Call For Music 480525 X Steppin Out With My Baby.mp3
    22. Calling All Cars 361119 Corpse In Red Necktie.mp3
    23. Candid Microphone 480701 53 First Anniversary Show Afrs.mp3
    24. Casey Crime Photographer 470807 Bright New Star.mp3
    25. Cavalcade Of America 411215 Great Man Votes.mp3
    26. Cavalcade Of America 430412 Lengthening Shadow.mp3
    27. Cavalcade Of America 450205 Road To Berlin.mp3
    28. Cavalcade Of America 460225 Star In West.mp3
    29. Cavalcade Of America 470210 Voice Of Wizard.mp3
    30. Cavalcade Of America 480712 Break News.mp3
    31. Cavalcade Of America 490404 Citizen Mama.mp3
    32. Cavalcade Of America 501010 Emma.mp3
    33. Cavalcade Of America 510109 Spindletop.mp3
    34. Cavalcade Of America 520506 An American From France.mp3
    35. Cbs World News Today 421206 X Year Ago Today.mp3
    36. Chase And Sanborn 641115 100th Anniversary Program.mp3
    37. Chase And Sanborn 651114 101st Anniversary Program.mp3
    38. Chesterfield Show4952 501227 048 Shore Armstrong Teagarden.mp3
    39. Chicago Theatre Of Air 500429 336 Bittersweet.mp3
    40. Churchill 420510 P M For 2 Years.mp3
    41. Claudia 471201 046 Were Just Looking.mp3
    42. Claudia 480915 253 Nortons First Anniversary.mp3
    43. Claudia 490308 377 Claudia Buys Cow.mp3
    44. Columbia Workshop 371209 Marconi Man And His Wireless.mp3
    45. Columbia Workshop 380212 077 Be Prepared.mp3
    46. Columbia Workshop 460209 002 Anniversary.mp3
    47. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin.mp3
    48. Cp 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show.mp3
    49. Cp 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Cp 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters.mp3
    3. Cp 460529 Fourth Anniversary Special.mp3
    4. Cp 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1.mp3
    5. Cp 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special.mp3
    6. Cp 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1.mp3
    7. Down Our Way 000000 Ep 22 Prowler Troubles.mp3
    8. Dr Christian 390411 051 Doctor Doctor! Come Quick.mp3
    9. Dr Christian 421111 207 Fields Of Corn.mp3
    10. Dragnet 500615 Big Press.mp3
    11. Duffys Tavern 450316 163 Pat Obrien.mp3
    12. Easy Aces 207 Jane Tricks Neff Into Believing Her Story.mp3
    13. Enchanted Hour 491016 00 Chopins Nocturne In C Minor.mp3
    14. Eternal Light 460120 0064 My Cousin Avigdor.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 631208 0966 Two Ounces Of Lead.mp3
    16. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 460528 0481 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    17. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 490913 Fifteenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    18. Fleischmanns Yeast Hour 331026 Green Pastures Faye Gershwin.mp3
    19. Fmm 390912 0213 15th Anniversary Elopement.mp3
    20. Fmm 400416 0244 5th Anniversary Show For Johnsons Wax.mp3
    21. Fmm 410415 0283 Fibber Needs Glasses 6th Ann Show.mp3
    22. Fmm 450306 0430 Early Golden Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    23. Fmm 461105 0489 60th Anniversary Of Johnsons Wax.mp3
    24. Fmm 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game.mp3
    25. Fmm 540726 0950 179th Anniversary Of Us Post Office.mp3
    26. Fort Laramie 560916 Payroll.mp3
    27. Fred Allen 361021 095 Murder At Cupcake County.mp3
    28. Fred Allen Show 400424 030 Caught His Wife Kissing Stranger.mp3
    29. Fred Allen Show 451104 044 Lost Memory.mp3
    30. Fred Allen Show 460623 076 50th Anniv Telephone Company.mp3
    31. Ft 480205 052 God And Red Scooter.mp3
    32. Ft 480916 084 Day To Remember.mp3
    33. Ft 490216 105 God And Red Scooter.mp3
    34. Ft 490921 136 Queen Of Angels.mp3
    35. Ft 510214 207 Treasury Of Holmes.mp3
    36. Ft 530218 306 Heritage Of Home.mp3
    37. Ft 540217 358 Different Drummer.mp3
    38. Ft 550209 407 Sangamo Sage.mp3
    39. Ft 570213 508 Treasury Of Holmes.mp3
    40. Gang Busters 490108 0562 Case Of Surprised Safecrackers.mp3
    41. Gang Busters 500107 0614 Case Of Golden Touch.mp3
    42. Gildersleeve 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Hercules Kitchenware.mp3
    43. Gildersleeve 510207 391 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary.mp3
    44. Gildersleeve 510509 404 Marjorie Broncos First Anniversary.mp3
    45. Gildersleeve 530506 495 Anniversary Present.mp3
    46. Grand Ole Opry 501125 153 25th Anniversary Show.mp3
    47. Gunsmoke 570428 Medicine Man.mp3
    48. Pabst 480608 077 Al Jolson.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 42 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Hear It Now 510112 05 Retreat In Korea.mp3
    3. Hedda Hopper Show 501210 X Howard Duff.mp3
    4. Hop Harrigan 470801 1260 Riddle Of Ghostly Avengers 2.mp3
    5. Information Please 391114 080 James Farley.mp3
    6. Information Please 391121 081 Moe Berg Jp Macelvoy.mp3
    7. Information Please 410523 159 Third Anniversary Show.mp3
    8. Information Please 430517 262 Boris Karloff Jan Struther.mp3
    9. Information Please 431115 280 Gregory Ratoff.mp3
    10. Its Time To Smile 410604 036 Eddies Life Story.mp3
    11. Its Time To Smile 430609 118 George Burns.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 360503 218 Code Of Hills.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 361115 232 Buck Benny Rides Again One.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 370502 256 Buck Benny Party.mp3
    15. Jack Benny 380220 285 Submarine D1 Part One.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 380306 287 Don Wilsons 15th Anniversary In Radio.mp3
    17. Jack Benny 390312 327 Carmichael Is Sick.mp3
    18. Jack Benny 390430 334 Jacks 7th Anniversary On Radio.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 400310 365 Mr Benny Goes To Washington.mp3
    20. Jack Benny 400500 373 Clown Hall Tonight West Coast 400505.mp3
    21. Jack Benny 400505 373 Clown Hall Tonight East Coast.mp3
    22. Jack Benny 410323 404 Tobacco Road.mp3
    23. Jack Benny 410504 410 Jacks Tenth Anniversary On Radio.mp3
    24. Jack Benny 510415 766 Irs Visits Jack Spent $17.mp3
    25. Jack Benny 540110 868 Don Wilson Story.mp3
    26. Jubilee 431102 049 Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong.mp3
    27. Kraft Family Reunion 780212 Kraft Family Reunion 1978.mp3
    28. Life Of Riley 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    29. Life Of Riley 470412 Marriage Doubts.mp3
    30. Life Of Riley 471108 174 Junior Babs Anniversary Party.mp3
    31. Life Of Riley 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder.mp3
    32. Life Of Riley 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary.mp3
    33. Life Of Riley 501006 287 Surprise Party Show.mp3
    34. Lights Out 380323 Dream.mp3
    35. Little Things In Life 750815 010 Invited For Swim Nude.mp3
    36. Lux Radio Theater 371011 145 Stella Dallas.mp3
    37. Lux Radio Theater 391002 231 You Cant Take It With You.mp3
    38. Lux Radio Theater 420202 337 Skylark.mp3
    39. Lux Radio Theater 420316 343 Manpower.mp3
    40. Lux Radio Theater 441016 453 Seventh Heaven Repeat.mp3
    41. Lux Radio Theater 510924 757 Movietime Usa.mp3
    42. Magic Key 351013 002 Sixteenth Anniversary Of Rca.mp3
    43. Magic Key 361115 058 Rembrandt.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Magic Key 361220 063 Robert Benchley Bill Robinson.mp3
    3. Magic Key 390129 172 Salute To Victor Herbert.mp3
    4. Magnificent Montague 510209 14 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    5. Meet Meeks 480731 47 Pearl Necklace.mp3
    6. Meet Meeks 481204 65 Hope Chest For Peggy.mp3
    7. Meet Press 601127 Frank Pace Vc Commission National Goals.mp3
    8. Meet Press 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    9. Mr And Mrs Blandings 510513 Blandings Tenth Anniversary.mp3
    10. Mr And Mrs North 531229 Witness.mp3
    11. Mr President 480704 054 Andrew Jackson.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 500416 84 Anniversary Rewrite Coopers.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs.mp3
    14. Nate Gross Show 460512 Nate Gross With Phil Harris.mp3
    15. National Barn Dance 431002 X Tenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    16. National Barn Dance 440415 X Dig Dig Dig.mp3
    17. On Stage 530430 17 Happy Anniversary Album.mp3
    18. One Mans Family 470427 B062c05 Celebrates Its 15th Anniv.mp3
    19. One Mans Family 500726 B076c13 Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    20. One Mans Family 520427 20th Anniversary Special.mp3
    21. Our Miss Brooks 490821 055 Weekend At Crystal Lake.mp3
    22. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 461006 Know Your Face By Heart.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500411 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    24. Quiz Kids 480627 419 Eighth Anniversary Show.mp3
    25. Radio Hall Of Fame 441210 054 First Anniversary Show.mp3
    26. Radio Hall Of Fame 451230 109 Sophie Tucker.mp3
    27. Radios Biggest Show 460618 Celebrating 45th Anniv Walgreens.mp3
    28. Red Ryder 440204 Birthday Broadcastspoof.mp3
    29. Rgt 550301 Those Golden Years.mp3
    30. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 381027 Walter Huston.mp3
    31. Smiths Of Hollywood 470228 12th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    32. Stop Or Go 441126 Joe E Brown.mp3
    33. Suspense 461205 House In Cypress Canyon.mp3
    34. Suspense 480923 Celebration.mp3
    35. Taos 420309 0325 Mystery For Superman Pt 05.mp3
    36. Tex And Jinx 471104 Tex Mccrary And Jinx Falkenberg.mp3
    37. Texaco Town 370718 44 Bribing Judge.mp3
    38. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business.mp3
    39. Then And Now 360917 Thomas Edison.mp3
    40. Then And Now 361119 10 Sears 1st 50 Years.mp3
    41. This Is My Best 451204 49 Happily Ever After.mp3
    42. This Is Your Fbi 451207 036 Pearl Harbor.mp3
    43. This Is Your Fbi 460726 069 Sinister Witness.mp3
    44. Vox Pop 421109 New River North Carolina U S M C.mp3
    45. We People 470126 Time Magazines Woman Of Year.mp3
    46. Your Aaf 451108 32 Farewell Broadcast.mp3
    47. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 590405 Frisco Fire Matter.mp3
    48. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600925 Five Down Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    184 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 96 hours, 42 min
    184 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2611 MB – total playtime 96 hours, 42 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 48 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 47 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Adventures In Research 460813 186 Golden Jubilee.mp3
    3. Amos Andy Music Hall 590823 X 30th Anniversary Exerpts.mp3
    4. Amos Andy Show 540110 Gold Bracelet 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    5. Amos Andy Show 540214 25th Anniversary Program.mp3
    6. Anthology 550227 50 By Heart From Bbc.mp3
    7. Anthology 550403 55 Abraham And Isaac.mp3
    8. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30th Anniversary.mp3
    9. Behind Mike 410323 27 Lee Deforrest Story.mp3
    10. Behind Mike 410504 33 Enoch Lights Disappearance Airways.mp3
    11. Best Of All 541206 17 40th Anniversary Salute To Ascap.mp3
    12. Big Show 510211 Groucho Marx Judy Garland.mp3
    13. Big Show 520309 Guests Richard Eatham And Joe Frisco.mp3
    14. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 461018 363 Roddy Mcdowell.mp3
    15. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 471010 419 Gene Autry .mp3
    16. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490225 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    17. Billion Dollar Show 520828 Memories Of Radio Favorites.mp3
    18. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom Menace And Promise.mp3
    19. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30.mp3
    20. Burns And Allen 430119 16 Making George Jealous.mp3
    21. Call For Music 480525 X Steppin Out With My Baby.mp3
    22. Calling All Cars 361119 Corpse In Red Necktie.mp3
    23. Candid Microphone 480701 53 First Anniversary Show Afrs.mp3
    24. Casey Crime Photographer 470807 Bright New Star.mp3
    25. Cavalcade Of America 411215 Great Man Votes.mp3
    26. Cavalcade Of America 430412 Lengthening Shadow.mp3
    27. Cavalcade Of America 450205 Road To Berlin.mp3
    28. Cavalcade Of America 460225 Star In West.mp3
    29. Cavalcade Of America 470210 Voice Of Wizard.mp3
    30. Cavalcade Of America 480712 Break News.mp3
    31. Cavalcade Of America 490404 Citizen Mama.mp3
    32. Cavalcade Of America 501010 Emma.mp3
    33. Cavalcade Of America 510109 Spindletop.mp3
    34. Cavalcade Of America 520506 An American From France.mp3
    35. Cbs World News Today 421206 X Year Ago Today.mp3
    36. Chase And Sanborn 641115 100th Anniversary Program.mp3
    37. Chase And Sanborn 651114 101st Anniversary Program.mp3
    38. Chesterfield Show4952 501227 048 Shore Armstrong Teagarden.mp3
    39. Chicago Theatre Of Air 500429 336 Bittersweet.mp3
    40. Churchill 420510 P M For 2 Years.mp3
    41. Claudia 471201 046 Were Just Looking.mp3
    42. Claudia 480915 253 Nortons First Anniversary.mp3
    43. Claudia 490308 377 Claudia Buys Cow.mp3
    44. Columbia Workshop 371209 Marconi Man And His Wireless.mp3
    45. Columbia Workshop 380212 077 Be Prepared.mp3
    46. Columbia Workshop 460209 002 Anniversary.mp3
    47. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin.mp3
    48. Cp 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show.mp3
    49. Cp 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – 651 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 9 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Cp 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters.mp3
    3. Cp 460529 Fourth Anniversary Special.mp3
    4. Cp 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1.mp3
    5. Cp 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special.mp3
    6. Cp 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1.mp3
    7. Down Our Way 000000 Ep 22 Prowler Troubles.mp3
    8. Dr Christian 390411 051 Doctor Doctor! Come Quick.mp3
    9. Dr Christian 421111 207 Fields Of Corn.mp3
    10. Dragnet 500615 Big Press.mp3
    11. Duffys Tavern 450316 163 Pat Obrien.mp3
    12. Easy Aces 207 Jane Tricks Neff Into Believing Her Story.mp3
    13. Enchanted Hour 491016 00 Chopins Nocturne In C Minor.mp3
    14. Eternal Light 460120 0064 My Cousin Avigdor.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 631208 0966 Two Ounces Of Lead.mp3
    16. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 460528 0481 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    17. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 490913 Fifteenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    18. Fleischmanns Yeast Hour 331026 Green Pastures Faye Gershwin.mp3
    19. Fmm 390912 0213 15th Anniversary Elopement.mp3
    20. Fmm 400416 0244 5th Anniversary Show For Johnsons Wax.mp3
    21. Fmm 410415 0283 Fibber Needs Glasses 6th Ann Show.mp3
    22. Fmm 450306 0430 Early Golden Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    23. Fmm 461105 0489 60th Anniversary Of Johnsons Wax.mp3
    24. Fmm 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game.mp3
    25. Fmm 540726 0950 179th Anniversary Of Us Post Office.mp3
    26. Fort Laramie 560916 Payroll.mp3
    27. Fred Allen 361021 095 Murder At Cupcake County.mp3
    28. Fred Allen Show 400424 030 Caught His Wife Kissing Stranger.mp3
    29. Fred Allen Show 451104 044 Lost Memory.mp3
    30. Fred Allen Show 460623 076 50th Anniv Telephone Company.mp3
    31. Ft 480205 052 God And Red Scooter.mp3
    32. Ft 480916 084 Day To Remember.mp3
    33. Ft 490216 105 God And Red Scooter.mp3
    34. Ft 490921 136 Queen Of Angels.mp3
    35. Ft 510214 207 Treasury Of Holmes.mp3
    36. Ft 530218 306 Heritage Of Home.mp3
    37. Ft 540217 358 Different Drummer.mp3
    38. Ft 550209 407 Sangamo Sage.mp3
    39. Ft 570213 508 Treasury Of Holmes.mp3
    40. Gang Busters 490108 0562 Case Of Surprised Safecrackers.mp3
    41. Gang Busters 500107 0614 Case Of Golden Touch.mp3
    42. Gildersleeve 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Hercules Kitchenware.mp3
    43. Gildersleeve 510207 391 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary.mp3
    44. Gildersleeve 510509 404 Marjorie Broncos First Anniversary.mp3
    45. Gildersleeve 530506 495 Anniversary Present.mp3
    46. Grand Ole Opry 501125 153 25th Anniversary Show.mp3
    47. Gunsmoke 570428 Medicine Man.mp3
    48. Pabst 480608 077 Al Jolson.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 42 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 50 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Hear It Now 510112 05 Retreat In Korea.mp3
    3. Hedda Hopper Show 501210 X Howard Duff.mp3
    4. Hop Harrigan 470801 1260 Riddle Of Ghostly Avengers 2.mp3
    5. Information Please 391114 080 James Farley.mp3
    6. Information Please 391121 081 Moe Berg Jp Macelvoy.mp3
    7. Information Please 410523 159 Third Anniversary Show.mp3
    8. Information Please 430517 262 Boris Karloff Jan Struther.mp3
    9. Information Please 431115 280 Gregory Ratoff.mp3
    10. Its Time To Smile 410604 036 Eddies Life Story.mp3
    11. Its Time To Smile 430609 118 George Burns.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 360503 218 Code Of Hills.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 361115 232 Buck Benny Rides Again One.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 370502 256 Buck Benny Party.mp3
    15. Jack Benny 380220 285 Submarine D1 Part One.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 380306 287 Don Wilsons 15th Anniversary In Radio.mp3
    17. Jack Benny 390312 327 Carmichael Is Sick.mp3
    18. Jack Benny 390430 334 Jacks 7th Anniversary On Radio.mp3
    19. Jack Benny 400310 365 Mr Benny Goes To Washington.mp3
    20. Jack Benny 400500 373 Clown Hall Tonight West Coast 400505.mp3
    21. Jack Benny 400505 373 Clown Hall Tonight East Coast.mp3
    22. Jack Benny 410323 404 Tobacco Road.mp3
    23. Jack Benny 410504 410 Jacks Tenth Anniversary On Radio.mp3
    24. Jack Benny 510415 766 Irs Visits Jack Spent $17.mp3
    25. Jack Benny 540110 868 Don Wilson Story.mp3
    26. Jubilee 431102 049 Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong.mp3
    27. Kraft Family Reunion 780212 Kraft Family Reunion 1978.mp3
    28. Life Of Riley 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    29. Life Of Riley 470412 Marriage Doubts.mp3
    30. Life Of Riley 471108 174 Junior Babs Anniversary Party.mp3
    31. Life Of Riley 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder.mp3
    32. Life Of Riley 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary.mp3
    33. Life Of Riley 501006 287 Surprise Party Show.mp3
    34. Lights Out 380323 Dream.mp3
    35. Little Things In Life 750815 010 Invited For Swim Nude.mp3
    36. Lux Radio Theater 371011 145 Stella Dallas.mp3
    37. Lux Radio Theater 391002 231 You Cant Take It With You.mp3
    38. Lux Radio Theater 420202 337 Skylark.mp3
    39. Lux Radio Theater 420316 343 Manpower.mp3
    40. Lux Radio Theater 441016 453 Seventh Heaven Repeat.mp3
    41. Lux Radio Theater 510924 757 Movietime Usa.mp3
    42. Magic Key 351013 002 Sixteenth Anniversary Of Rca.mp3
    43. Magic Key 361115 058 Rembrandt.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 47 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Magic Key 361220 063 Robert Benchley Bill Robinson.mp3
    3. Magic Key 390129 172 Salute To Victor Herbert.mp3
    4. Magnificent Montague 510209 14 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    5. Meet Meeks 480731 47 Pearl Necklace.mp3
    6. Meet Meeks 481204 65 Hope Chest For Peggy.mp3
    7. Meet Press 601127 Frank Pace Vc Commission National Goals.mp3
    8. Meet Press 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury.mp3
    9. Mr And Mrs Blandings 510513 Blandings Tenth Anniversary.mp3
    10. Mr And Mrs North 531229 Witness.mp3
    11. Mr President 480704 054 Andrew Jackson.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 500416 84 Anniversary Rewrite Coopers.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs.mp3
    14. Nate Gross Show 460512 Nate Gross With Phil Harris.mp3
    15. National Barn Dance 431002 X Tenth Anniversary Show.mp3
    16. National Barn Dance 440415 X Dig Dig Dig.mp3
    17. On Stage 530430 17 Happy Anniversary Album.mp3
    18. One Mans Family 470427 B062c05 Celebrates Its 15th Anniv.mp3
    19. One Mans Family 500726 B076c13 Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    20. One Mans Family 520427 20th Anniversary Special.mp3
    21. Our Miss Brooks 490821 055 Weekend At Crystal Lake.mp3
    22. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 461006 Know Your Face By Heart.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500411 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    24. Quiz Kids 480627 419 Eighth Anniversary Show.mp3
    25. Radio Hall Of Fame 441210 054 First Anniversary Show.mp3
    26. Radio Hall Of Fame 451230 109 Sophie Tucker.mp3
    27. Radios Biggest Show 460618 Celebrating 45th Anniv Walgreens.mp3
    28. Red Ryder 440204 Birthday Broadcastspoof.mp3
    29. Rgt 550301 Those Golden Years.mp3
    30. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 381027 Walter Huston.mp3
    31. Smiths Of Hollywood 470228 12th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    32. Stop Or Go 441126 Joe E Brown.mp3
    33. Suspense 461205 House In Cypress Canyon.mp3
    34. Suspense 480923 Celebration.mp3
    35. Taos 420309 0325 Mystery For Superman Pt 05.mp3
    36. Tex And Jinx 471104 Tex Mccrary And Jinx Falkenberg.mp3
    37. Texaco Town 370718 44 Bribing Judge.mp3
    38. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business.mp3
    39. Then And Now 360917 Thomas Edison.mp3
    40. Then And Now 361119 10 Sears 1st 50 Years.mp3
    41. This Is My Best 451204 49 Happily Ever After.mp3
    42. This Is Your Fbi 451207 036 Pearl Harbor.mp3
    43. This Is Your Fbi 460726 069 Sinister Witness.mp3
    44. Vox Pop 421109 New River North Carolina U S M C.mp3
    45. We People 470126 Time Magazines Woman Of Year.mp3
    46. Your Aaf 451108 32 Farewell Broadcast.mp3
    47. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 590405 Frisco Fire Matter.mp3
    48. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600925 Five Down Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    184 recordings on 104 Audio CDs. Total playtime 93 hours, 45 min
    184 recordings on 104 Audio CDs
    total playtime 93 hours, 45 min

    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A001

    1. Easy Aces 207 Jane Tricks Neff Into Believing Her Story
    2. Down Our Way 000000 Ep 22 Prowler Troubles

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A002

    1. Fleischmanns Yeast Hour 331026 Green Pastures Faye Gershwin

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A003

    1. Magic Key 351013 002 Sixteenth Anniversary Of Rca

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A004

    1. Jack Benny 360503 218 Code Of Hills
    2. Then And Now 360917 Thomas Edison

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A005

    1. Fred Allen 361021 095 Murder At Cupcake County

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A006

    1. Jack Benny 361115 232 Buck Benny Rides Again One

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A007

    1. Magic Key 361115 058 Rembrandt

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A008

    1. Calling All Cars 361119 Corpse In Red Necktie
    2. Then And Now 361119 10 Sears 1st 50 Years

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A009

    1. Magic Key 361220 063 Robert Benchley Bill Robinson

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A010

    1. Jack Benny 370502 256 Buck Benny Party
    2. Texaco Town 370718 44 Bribing Judge

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A011

    1. Lux Radio Theater 371011 145 Stella Dallas

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A012

    1. Texaco Town 371027 57 25 Years In Show Business
    2. Columbia Workshop 371209 Marconi Man And His Wireless

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A013

    1. Columbia Workshop 380212 077 Be Prepared
    2. Jack Benny 380220 285 Submarine D1 Part One

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A014

    1. Jack Benny 380306 287 Don Wilsons 15th Anniversary In Radio
    2. Lights Out 380323 Dream

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A015

    1. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 381027 Walter Huston

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A016

    1. Magic Key 390129 172 Salute To Victor Herbert

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A017

    1. Jack Benny 390312 327 Carmichael Is Sick
    2. Dr Christian 390411 051 Doctor Doctor! Come Quick

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A018

    1. Jack Benny 390430 334 Jacks 7th Anniversary On Radio
    2. Fmm 390912 0213 15th Anniversary Elopement

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A019

    1. Lux Radio Theater 391002 231 You Cant Take It With You

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A020

    1. Information Please 391114 080 James Farley
    2. Information Please 391121 081 Moe Berg Jp Macelvoy

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A021

    1. Jack Benny 400310 365 Mr Benny Goes To Washington
    2. Fmm 400416 0244 5th Anniversary Show For Johnsons Wax

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A022

    1. Fred Allen Show 400424 030 Caught His Wife Kissing Stranger
    2. Jack Benny 400500 373 Clown Hall Tonight West Coast 400505

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A023

    1. Jack Benny 400505 373 Clown Hall Tonight East Coast
    2. Behind Mike 410323 27 Lee Deforrest Story

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A024

    1. Jack Benny 410323 404 Tobacco Road
    2. Fmm 410415 0283 Fibber Needs Glasses 6th Ann Show

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A025

    1. Behind Mike 410504 33 Enoch Lights Disappearance Airways
    2. Jack Benny 410504 410 Jacks Tenth Anniversary On Radio

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A026

    1. Information Please 410523 159 Third Anniversary Show
    2. Its Time To Smile 410604 036 Eddies Life Story

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A027

    1. Cavalcade Of America 411215 Great Man Votes

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A028

    1. Lux Radio Theater 420202 337 Skylark

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A029

    1. Taos 420309 0325 Mystery For Superman Pt 05

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A030

    1. Lux Radio Theater 420316 343 Manpower

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A031

    1. Churchill 420510 P M For 2 Years
    2. Vox Pop 421109 New River North Carolina U S M C
    3. Dr Christian 421111 207 Fields Of Corn

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A032

    1. Cbs World News Today 421206 X Year Ago Today
    2. Burns And Allen 430119 16 Making George Jealous

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A033

    1. Cavalcade Of America 430412 Lengthening Shadow
    2. Information Please 430517 262 Boris Karloff Jan Struther

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A034

    1. Its Time To Smile 430609 118 George Burns
    2. National Barn Dance 431002 X Tenth Anniversary Show

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A035

    1. Jubilee 431102 049 Duke Ellington Louis Armstrong
    2. Information Please 431115 280 Gregory Ratoff

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A036

    1. Cp 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show
    2. Red Ryder 440204 Birthday Broadcastspoof

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A037

    1. National Barn Dance 440415 X Dig Dig Dig
    2. Cp 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A038

    1. Lux Radio Theater 441016 453 Seventh Heaven Repeat

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A039

    1. Stop Or Go 441126 Joe E Brown

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A040

    1. Radio Hall Of Fame 441210 054 First Anniversary Show

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A041

    1. Life Of Riley 450114 053 Wedding Anniversary
    2. Cavalcade Of America 450205 Road To Berlin

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A042

    1. Fmm 450306 0430 Early Golden Wedding Anniversary
    2. Duffys Tavern 450316 163 Pat Obrien

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A043

    1. Fred Allen Show 451104 044 Lost Memory
    2. Your Aaf 451108 32 Farewell Broadcast

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A044

    1. This Is My Best 451204 49 Happily Ever After
    2. This Is Your Fbi 451207 036 Pearl Harbor

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A045

    1. Radio Hall Of Fame 451230 109 Sophie Tucker
    2. Eternal Light 460120 0064 My Cousin Avigdor

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A046

    1. Columbia Workshop 460209 002 Anniversary
    2. Cavalcade Of America 460225 Star In West

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A047

    1. Cp 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters
    2. Nate Gross Show 460512 Nate Gross With Phil Harris

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A048

    1. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 460528 0481 Wedding Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A049

    1. Radios Biggest Show 460618 Celebrating 45th Anniv Walgreens

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A050

    1. Fred Allen Show 460623 076 50th Anniv Telephone Company
    2. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A051

    1. This Is Your Fbi 460726 069 Sinister Witness
    2. Adventures In Research 460813 186 Golden Jubilee

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A052

    1. Paul Whiteman Forever Tops 461006 Know Your Face By Heart

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A053

    1. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 461018 363 Roddy Mcdowell
    2. Fmm 461105 0489 60th Anniversary Of Johnsons Wax
    3. Suspense 461205 House In Cypress Canyon

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A054

    1. We People 470126 Time Magazines Woman Of Year
    2. Cavalcade Of America 470210 Voice Of Wizard

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A055

    1. Smiths Of Hollywood 470228 12th Wedding Anniversary
    2. Life Of Riley 470412 Marriage Doubts

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A056

    1. One Mans Family 470427 B062c05 Celebrates Its 15th Anniv
    2. Cp 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A057

    1. Hop Harrigan 470801 1260 Riddle Of Ghostly Avengers 2
    2. Casey Crime Photographer 470807 Bright New Star

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A058

    1. Fmm 471007 0522 Anniversary Of Their First Football Game
    2. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 471010 419 Gene Autry

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A059

    1. Tex And Jinx 471104 Tex Mccrary And Jinx Falkenberg
    2. Life Of Riley 471108 174 Junior Babs Anniversary Party

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A060

    1. Claudia 471201 046 Were Just Looking
    2. Ft 480205 052 God And Red Scooter

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A061

    1. Gildersleeve 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Hercules Kitchenware
    2. Call For Music 480525 X Steppin Out With My Baby

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A062

    1. Cp 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A063

    1. Pabst 480608 077 Al Jolson
    2. Quiz Kids 480627 419 Eighth Anniversary Show

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A064

    1. Candid Microphone 480701 53 First Anniversary Show Afrs
    2. Mr President 480704 054 Andrew Jackson

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A065

    1. Cavalcade Of America 480712 Break News
    2. Meet Meeks 480731 47 Pearl Necklace
    3. Claudia 480915 253 Nortons First Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A066

    1. Ft 480916 084 Day To Remember
    2. Suspense 480923 Celebration

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A067

    1. Meet Meeks 481204 65 Hope Chest For Peggy
    2. Gang Busters 490108 0562 Case Of Surprised Safecrackers

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A068

    1. Ft 490216 105 God And Red Scooter
    2. Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 490225 Rudy Vallee
    3. Claudia 490308 377 Claudia Buys Cow

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A069

    1. Life Of Riley 490311 236 Wedding Photograph Wire Recorder
    2. Cavalcade Of America 490404 Citizen Mama

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A070

    1. Our Miss Brooks 490821 055 Weekend At Crystal Lake

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A071

    1. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 490913 Fifteenth Anniversary Show

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A072

    1. Ft 490921 136 Queen Of Angels
    2. Enchanted Hour 491016 00 Chopins Nocturne In C Minor

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A073

    1. Gang Busters 500107 0614 Case Of Golden Touch
    2. Philip Marlowe 500411 Anniversary Gift

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A074

    1. Life Of Riley 500414 275 Rileys Anniversary
    2. My Favorite Husband 500416 84 Anniversary Rewrite Coopers

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A075

    1. Chicago Theatre Of Air 500429 336 Bittersweet

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A076

    1. Dragnet 500615 Big Press
    2. One Mans Family 500726 B076c13 Book Of Rexford Frome

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A077

    1. Life Of Riley 501006 287 Surprise Party Show
    2. Cavalcade Of America 501010 Emma

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A078

    1. Grand Ole Opry 501125 153 25th Anniversary Show
    2. Hedda Hopper Show 501210 X Howard Duff

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A079

    1. Chesterfield Show4952 501227 048 Shore Armstrong Teagarden
    2. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A080

    1. Cavalcade Of America 510109 Spindletop

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A081

    1. Hear It Now 510112 05 Retreat In Korea

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A082

    1. Gildersleeve 510207 391 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary
    2. Magnificent Montague 510209 14 25th Wedding Anniversary
    3. Big Show 510211 Groucho Marx Judy Garland

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A083

    1. Ft 510214 207 Treasury Of Holmes
    2. Jack Benny 510415 766 Irs Visits Jack Spent $17
    3. Gildersleeve 510509 404 Marjorie Broncos First Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A084

    1. Mr And Mrs Blandings 510513 Blandings Tenth Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A085

    1. Lux Radio Theater 510924 757 Movietime Usa

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A086

    1. One Mans Family 520427 20th Anniversary Special
    2. Cavalcade Of America 520506 An American From France

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A087

    1. Billion Dollar Show 520828 Memories Of Radio Favorites
    2. Ft 530218 306 Heritage Of Home

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A088

    1. On Stage 530430 17 Happy Anniversary Album
    2. Gildersleeve 530506 495 Anniversary Present

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A089

    1. Mr And Mrs North 531229 Witness
    2. Amos Andy Show 540110 Gold Bracelet 25th Wedding Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A090

    1. Jack Benny 540110 868 Don Wilson Story
    2. Amos Andy Show 540214 25th Anniversary Program

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A091

    1. Ft 540217 358 Different Drummer
    2. Fmm 540726 0950 179th Anniversary Of Us Post Office

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A092

    1. Best Of All 541206 17 40th Anniversary Salute To Ascap

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A093

    1. Ft 550209 407 Sangamo Sage
    2. Anthology 550227 50 By Heart From Bbc

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A094

    1. Rgt 550301 Those Golden Years
    2. Anthology 550403 55 Abraham And Isaac

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A095

    1. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom Menace And Promise

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A096

    1. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A097

    1. Fort Laramie 560916 Payroll
    2. Ft 570213 508 Treasury Of Holmes

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A098

    1. Gunsmoke 570428 Medicine Man
    2. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 590405 Frisco Fire Matter
    3. Amos Andy Music Hall 590823 X 30th Anniversary Exerpts

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A099

    1. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600925 Five Down Matter
    2. Meet Press 601127 Frank Pace Vc Commission National Goals

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A100

    1. Meet Press 601204 Robert Anderson Secretary Of Treasury
    2. Eternal Light 631208 0966 Two Ounces Of Lead

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A101

    1. Arthur Godfrey 640121 30th Anniversary

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A102

    1. Chase And Sanborn 641115 100th Anniversary Program

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A103

    1. Chase And Sanborn 651114 101st Anniversary Program
    2. Little Things In Life 750815 010 Invited For Swim Nude
    3. Cp 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1

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    Anniversaries in Old Time Radio Disc A104

    1. Kraft Family Reunion 780212 Kraft Family Reunion 1978

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