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Al Jolson Collection

Al Jolson was a master entertainer and his performing career spanned 50 years. Jolson made a break in his career by deciding one evening to perform in "black face" at a San Francisco club; this soon became his trademark in show business. A staunch Civil Rights activist, he later helped open opportunities for African-Americans on Broadway.

Al Jolson

116 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 63 hours, 2 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
67 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from November 30, 1949:

"Chesterfield Show"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Al Jolson
(1886 – 1950)

Al Jolson

Al Jolson AdAl Jolson (1886-1950)

Al Jolson was a master entertainer and his performing career spanned 50 years. Jolson made a break in his career by deciding one evening to perform in "black face" at a San Francisco club; this soon became his trademark in show business.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

He performed for US soldiers during four separate wars: The Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. He was the first person to speak in a feature film "The Jazz Singer" based on his life. His first words were the famous lines "You ain' t heard nothing yet."This is a collection of Al Jolson guest appearances and his starring role on the Kraft Music Hall radio program.

Al Jolson was a staunch Civil Rights activist and helped open opportunities for African-Americans on Broadway. For more interesting reading, see also: article on the history of Minstrel Shows and Old Time Radio.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    10     0


    Al Jolson gives 100% in each programme.

    John Verified Purchase

    I was surprised at how funny Mr Jolson was. It was not the mere "slapstick" type humor I was expecting. His exchanges with his guests indicated a caring, self-effacing person. For me, very enjoyable

    Jimmie Verified Purchase

    Great just like all your radio shows I never got to hear the Kraft music halls so its a real treat for me

    Donblakeinsantafe@Gmail.Com Verified Purchase


    Thomas Verified Purchase

    I really enjoy All of your programs I expect to order a lot more

    Donald Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    116 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 63 hours, 2 min
    116 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 63 hours, 2 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 65 shows – total playtime 30 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 370103 Al Jolson Deanna Durbin.mp3
    3. 410604 Al Jolson, Dinah Shore.mp3
    4. 470306 Ho Al Jolson Got Started.mp3
    5. 480108 ep16 Al Jolson.mp3
    6. 490107 Al Jolson.mp3
    7. 560000 Benny, Durante, Jolson, Garland.mp3
    8. Al Jolson 380308 Andy Devine.mp3
    9. Al Jolson 381115 Vera Zorina Merry Macs.mp3
    10. Al Jolson 381122 Mischa Auer.mp3
    11. Al Jolson 381206 Jackie Cooper.mp3
    12. Al Jolson 390103 Mary Boland.mp3
    13. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 1 Displacement.mp3
    14. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 2 One Year Later.mp3
    15. Al Jolson Show 430105 Monty Woolley.mp3
    16. Al Jolson Show 430330.mp3
    17. Al Jolson Show 490421 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    18. Amos Andy Al Jolson The Cigar Stand.mp3
    19. Bing Crosby 470402 Philco Radio Time w Al Jolson and.mp3
    20. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491103.mp3
    21. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491130.mp3
    22. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491222 Al Jolson.mp3
    23. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491228.mp3
    24. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500104.mp3
    25. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500215.mp3
    26. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500503.mp3
    27. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510104.mp3
    28. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510215.mp3
    29. Bob Hope Show 470408.mp3
    30. BurnsAllen 470220 15YearsOnRadioAlJolson.mp3
    31. Chicago Land Music Fest Jolson Laurence Melchior 49-badsnd.mp3
    32. Groucho Marx A Baseball Team for Jolson.mp3
    33. Guest Star Theater Al Jolson.mp3
    34. Here's To Veterans 1446.mp3
    35. Here's To Veterans 490100 0133 Jolson.mp3
    36. Jimmy Durante 480121.mp3
    37. Kate Smith 391229 Al Jolson.mp3
    38. KMH 471002 Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy.mp3
    39. KMH 471016 Bing Crosby.mp3
    40. KMH 471023 Groucho Marx.mp3
    41. KMH 471106 Humphrey Bogart.mp3
    42. KMH 471127 Dorothy Lamour.mp3
    43. KMH 471204 Red Skelton.mp3
    44. KMH 471218 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    45. KMH 471225 Boris Karloff.mp3
    46. KMH 480101 Madeline Carroll.mp3
    47. KMH 480115 Bing Crosby.mp3
    48. KMH 480212 Charles Laughton.mp3
    49. KMH 480304 Cary Grant.mp3
    50. KMH 480325 Clifton Webb.mp3
    51. KMH 480415 Charles Boyer.mp3
    52. KMH 480506 Groucho Marx.mp3
    53. KMH 480520 Henry Morgan.mp3
    54. KMH 481021 No Guest.mp3
    55. KMH 481104 Burns And Allen.mp3
    56. KMH 481118 Groucho Marx.mp3
    57. KMH 481202 Peggy Lee.mp3
    58. KMH 481209 Dennis Day.mp3
    59. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson 1947.mp3
    60. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson.mp3
    61. Philco 470115 Al Jolson.mp3
    62. Philco 470305 Al Jolson.mp3
    63. Philco 471203 Al Jolson.mp3
    64. Philco Al Jolson Irving Berlin.mp3
    65. Philco xxxxxx Al Jolson.mp3
    66. Steve Allen Show 491026 Al Jolson.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – total playtime 32 hours, 7 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. KMH 481216 Dinah Shore.mp3
    3. KMH 481223 Kraft Choral Club.mp3
    4. KMH 481230 Doris Day.mp3
    5. KMH 490000 William Bendix.mp3
    6. KMH 490106 Larry Parks.mp3
    7. KMH 490113 Groucho Marx.mp3
    8. KMH 490120 Victor Moore.mp3
    9. KMH 490127 Arthur Treacher.mp3
    10. KMH 490203 Dennis Day.mp3
    11. KMH 490210 Peggy Lee.mp3
    12. KMH 490217 Joan Davis.mp3
    13. KMH 490224 The Andrews Sisters.mp3
    14. KMH 490303 Dorothy Kirsten.mp3
    15. KMH 490310 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    16. KMH 490317 Roy Rogers Dale Evans.mp3
    17. KMH 490324 George Jessel.mp3
    18. KMH 490407 Groucho Marx.mp3
    19. KMH 490414 Margaret Whiting.mp3
    20. KMH 490428 Doris Day.mp3
    21. KMH 490505 Dennis Day.mp3
    22. KMH 490512 Victor Moore.mp3
    23. KMH 490519 Dorothy Kirsten.mp3
    24. KMH 490526 Groucho Marx.mp3
    25. KMH 491021 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    26. Leave It To Joan 500120 Al Jolson.mp3
    27. Let Yourself Go 450606 Berle Hosts w Al Jolson.mp3
    28. Lux 360615 Burlesque.mp3
    29. Lux 450402 Swannee River.mp3
    30. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer.mp3
    31. Lux 480216 Jolson's Story.mp3
    32. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again.mp3
    33. Marx Bros A Mink For Jolson.mp3
    34. Marx Bros A Quiz For Jolson.mp3
    35. Operation Dawn 490522 Al Jolson Agnes Moorehead.mp3
    36. Promo Al Jolson For Irving Berlins This Is Army.mp3
    37. Shell Chateau 350624.mp3
    38. Shell Chateau 350706.mp3
    39. Shell Chateau 350713.mp3
    40. Shell Chateau 350720.mp3
    41. Shell Chateau 350727.mp3
    42. Shell Chateau 350803.mp3
    43. Shell Chateau 350810.mp3
    44. Shell Chateau 350817.mp3
    45. Shell Chateau 350824.mp3
    46. Shell Chateau 350831.mp3
    47. Shell Chateau 350907.mp3
    48. Shell Chateau 350921.mp3
    49. Shell Chateau 350928.mp3
    50. Texico Town Follies w Cantor Jolson.mp3
    51. Tribute hosted by Walter Winchell.mp3
    52. Your All Time Hit Parade 440723 Al Jolson.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    116 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 63 hours, 2 min
    116 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    954 MB – total playtime 63 hours, 2 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 65 shows – 510 MB – total playtime 30 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 370103 Al Jolson Deanna Durbin.mp3
    3. 410604 Al Jolson, Dinah Shore.mp3
    4. 470306 Ho Al Jolson Got Started.mp3
    5. 480108 ep16 Al Jolson.mp3
    6. 490107 Al Jolson.mp3
    7. 560000 Benny, Durante, Jolson, Garland.mp3
    8. Al Jolson 380308 Andy Devine.mp3
    9. Al Jolson 381115 Vera Zorina Merry Macs.mp3
    10. Al Jolson 381122 Mischa Auer.mp3
    11. Al Jolson 381206 Jackie Cooper.mp3
    12. Al Jolson 390103 Mary Boland.mp3
    13. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 1 Displacement.mp3
    14. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 2 One Year Later.mp3
    15. Al Jolson Show 430105 Monty Woolley.mp3
    16. Al Jolson Show 430330.mp3
    17. Al Jolson Show 490421 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    18. Amos Andy Al Jolson The Cigar Stand.mp3
    19. Bing Crosby 470402 Philco Radio Time w Al Jolson and.mp3
    20. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491103.mp3
    21. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491130.mp3
    22. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491222 Al Jolson.mp3
    23. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491228.mp3
    24. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500104.mp3
    25. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500215.mp3
    26. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500503.mp3
    27. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510104.mp3
    28. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510215.mp3
    29. Bob Hope Show 470408.mp3
    30. BurnsAllen 470220 15YearsOnRadioAlJolson.mp3
    31. Chicago Land Music Fest Jolson Laurence Melchior 49-badsnd.mp3
    32. Groucho Marx A Baseball Team for Jolson.mp3
    33. Guest Star Theater Al Jolson.mp3
    34. Here's To Veterans 1446.mp3
    35. Here's To Veterans 490100 0133 Jolson.mp3
    36. Jimmy Durante 480121.mp3
    37. Kate Smith 391229 Al Jolson.mp3
    38. KMH 471002 Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy.mp3
    39. KMH 471016 Bing Crosby.mp3
    40. KMH 471023 Groucho Marx.mp3
    41. KMH 471106 Humphrey Bogart.mp3
    42. KMH 471127 Dorothy Lamour.mp3
    43. KMH 471204 Red Skelton.mp3
    44. KMH 471218 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    45. KMH 471225 Boris Karloff.mp3
    46. KMH 480101 Madeline Carroll.mp3
    47. KMH 480115 Bing Crosby.mp3
    48. KMH 480212 Charles Laughton.mp3
    49. KMH 480304 Cary Grant.mp3
    50. KMH 480325 Clifton Webb.mp3
    51. KMH 480415 Charles Boyer.mp3
    52. KMH 480506 Groucho Marx.mp3
    53. KMH 480520 Henry Morgan.mp3
    54. KMH 481021 No Guest.mp3
    55. KMH 481104 Burns And Allen.mp3
    56. KMH 481118 Groucho Marx.mp3
    57. KMH 481202 Peggy Lee.mp3
    58. KMH 481209 Dennis Day.mp3
    59. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson 1947.mp3
    60. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson.mp3
    61. Philco 470115 Al Jolson.mp3
    62. Philco 470305 Al Jolson.mp3
    63. Philco 471203 Al Jolson.mp3
    64. Philco Al Jolson Irving Berlin.mp3
    65. Philco xxxxxx Al Jolson.mp3
    66. Steve Allen Show 491026 Al Jolson.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – 445 MB – total playtime 32 hours, 7 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. KMH 481216 Dinah Shore.mp3
    3. KMH 481223 Kraft Choral Club.mp3
    4. KMH 481230 Doris Day.mp3
    5. KMH 490000 William Bendix.mp3
    6. KMH 490106 Larry Parks.mp3
    7. KMH 490113 Groucho Marx.mp3
    8. KMH 490120 Victor Moore.mp3
    9. KMH 490127 Arthur Treacher.mp3
    10. KMH 490203 Dennis Day.mp3
    11. KMH 490210 Peggy Lee.mp3
    12. KMH 490217 Joan Davis.mp3
    13. KMH 490224 The Andrews Sisters.mp3
    14. KMH 490303 Dorothy Kirsten.mp3
    15. KMH 490310 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    16. KMH 490317 Roy Rogers Dale Evans.mp3
    17. KMH 490324 George Jessel.mp3
    18. KMH 490407 Groucho Marx.mp3
    19. KMH 490414 Margaret Whiting.mp3
    20. KMH 490428 Doris Day.mp3
    21. KMH 490505 Dennis Day.mp3
    22. KMH 490512 Victor Moore.mp3
    23. KMH 490519 Dorothy Kirsten.mp3
    24. KMH 490526 Groucho Marx.mp3
    25. KMH 491021 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    26. Leave It To Joan 500120 Al Jolson.mp3
    27. Let Yourself Go 450606 Berle Hosts w Al Jolson.mp3
    28. Lux 360615 Burlesque.mp3
    29. Lux 450402 Swannee River.mp3
    30. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer.mp3
    31. Lux 480216 Jolson's Story.mp3
    32. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again.mp3
    33. Marx Bros A Mink For Jolson.mp3
    34. Marx Bros A Quiz For Jolson.mp3
    35. Operation Dawn 490522 Al Jolson Agnes Moorehead.mp3
    36. Promo Al Jolson For Irving Berlins This Is Army.mp3
    37. Shell Chateau 350624.mp3
    38. Shell Chateau 350706.mp3
    39. Shell Chateau 350713.mp3
    40. Shell Chateau 350720.mp3
    41. Shell Chateau 350727.mp3
    42. Shell Chateau 350803.mp3
    43. Shell Chateau 350810.mp3
    44. Shell Chateau 350817.mp3
    45. Shell Chateau 350824.mp3
    46. Shell Chateau 350831.mp3
    47. Shell Chateau 350907.mp3
    48. Shell Chateau 350921.mp3
    49. Shell Chateau 350928.mp3
    50. Texico Town Follies w Cantor Jolson.mp3
    51. Tribute hosted by Walter Winchell.mp3
    52. Your All Time Hit Parade 440723 Al Jolson.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    116 recordings on 67 Audio CDs. Total playtime 63 hours, 2 min
    116 recordings on 67 Audio CDs
    total playtime 63 hours, 2 min

    Al Jolson Disc A001

    1. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 1 Displacement
    2. Al Jolson Radio Operation Nightmare 2 One Year Later

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A002

    1. Amos Andy Al Jolson The Cigar Stand
    2. Chicago Land Music Fest Jolson Laurence Melchior 49-badsnd
    3. Groucho Marx A Baseball Team for Jolson
    4. Guest Star Theater Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A003

    1. Here's To Veterans 1446
    2. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson 1947

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A004

    1. Luckystrike Program Jack Benny Al Jolson
    2. Marx Bros A Mink For Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A005

    1. Marx Bros A Quiz For Jolson
    2. Philco Al Jolson Irving Berlin
    3. Philco xxxxxx Al Jolson
    4. Promo Al Jolson For Irving Berlins This Is Army

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A006

    1. Texico Town Follies w Cantor Jolson
    2. Tribute hosted by Walter Winchell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A007

    1. Shell Chateau 350624

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A008

    1. Shell Chateau 350706

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A009

    1. Shell Chateau 350713

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A010

    1. Shell Chateau 350720

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A011

    1. Shell Chateau 350727

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A012

    1. Shell Chateau 350803

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A013

    1. Shell Chateau 350810

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A014

    1. Shell Chateau 350817

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A015

    1. Shell Chateau 350824

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A016

    1. Shell Chateau 350831

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A017

    1. Shell Chateau 350907

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A018

    1. Shell Chateau 350921

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A019

    1. Shell Chateau 350928

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A020

    1. Lux 360615 Burlesque

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A021

    1. 370103 Al Jolson Deanna Durbin
    2. Al Jolson 380308 Andy Devine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A022

    1. Al Jolson 381115 Vera Zorina Merry Macs
    2. Al Jolson 381122 Mischa Auer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A023

    1. Al Jolson 381206 Jackie Cooper
    2. Al Jolson 390103 Mary Boland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A024

    1. Kate Smith 391229 Al Jolson
    2. 410604 Al Jolson, Dinah Shore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A025

    1. Al Jolson Show 430105 Monty Woolley
    2. Al Jolson Show 430330

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A026

    1. Your All Time Hit Parade 440723 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A027

    1. Lux 450402 Swannee River

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A028

    1. Let Yourself Go 450606 Berle Hosts w Al Jolson
    2. Philco 470115 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A029

    1. BurnsAllen 470220 15YearsOnRadioAlJolson
    2. Philco 470305 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A030

    1. 470306 Ho Al Jolson Got Started
    2. Bing Crosby 470402 Philco Radio Time w Al Jolson and

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A031

    1. Bob Hope Show 470408

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A032

    1. Lux 470602 Jazz Singer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A033

    1. KMH 471002 Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthy
    2. KMH 471016 Bing Crosby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A034

    1. KMH 471023 Groucho Marx
    2. KMH 471106 Humphrey Bogart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A035

    1. KMH 471127 Dorothy Lamour
    2. Philco 471203 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A036

    1. KMH 471204 Red Skelton
    2. KMH 471218 Jimmy Durante

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A037

    1. KMH 471225 Boris Karloff
    2. KMH 480101 Madeline Carroll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A038

    1. 480108 ep16 Al Jolson
    2. KMH 480115 Bing Crosby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A039

    1. Jimmy Durante 480121
    2. KMH 480212 Charles Laughton

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A040

    1. Lux 480216 Jolson's Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A041

    1. KMH 480304 Cary Grant
    2. KMH 480325 Clifton Webb

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A042

    1. KMH 480415 Charles Boyer
    2. KMH 480506 Groucho Marx

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A043

    1. KMH 480520 Henry Morgan
    2. KMH 481021 No Guest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A044

    1. KMH 481104 Burns And Allen
    2. KMH 481118 Groucho Marx

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A045

    1. KMH 481202 Peggy Lee
    2. KMH 481209 Dennis Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A046

    1. KMH 481216 Dinah Shore
    2. KMH 481223 Kraft Choral Club

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A047

    1. KMH 481230 Doris Day
    2. KMH 490000 William Bendix

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A048

    1. Here's To Veterans 490100 0133 Jolson
    2. KMH 490106 Larry Parks

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A049

    1. 490107 Al Jolson
    2. KMH 490113 Groucho Marx

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A050

    1. KMH 490120 Victor Moore
    2. KMH 490127 Arthur Treacher

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A051

    1. KMH 490203 Dennis Day
    2. KMH 490210 Peggy Lee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A052

    1. KMH 490217 Joan Davis
    2. KMH 490224 The Andrews Sisters

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A053

    1. KMH 490303 Dorothy Kirsten
    2. KMH 490310 Jimmy Durante

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A054

    1. KMH 490317 Roy Rogers Dale Evans
    2. KMH 490324 George Jessel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A055

    1. KMH 490407 Groucho Marx
    2. KMH 490414 Margaret Whiting

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A056

    1. Al Jolson Show 490421 Jimmy Durante
    2. KMH 490428 Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A057

    1. KMH 490505 Dennis Day
    2. KMH 490512 Victor Moore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A058

    1. KMH 490519 Dorothy Kirsten
    2. Operation Dawn 490522 Al Jolson Agnes Moorehead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A059

    1. KMH 490526 Groucho Marx
    2. KMH 491021 Jimmy Durante

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A060

    1. Steve Allen Show 491026 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A061

    1. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491103
    2. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491130

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A062

    1. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491222 Al Jolson
    2. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 491228

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A063

    1. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500104
    2. Leave It To Joan 500120 Al Jolson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A064

    1. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500215
    2. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 500503

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A065

    1. Lux 500522 Jolson Sings Again

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A066

    1. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510104
    2. Bing Crosby Chesterfield Show 510215

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Al Jolson Disc A067

    1. 560000 Benny, Durante, Jolson, Garland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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