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Agatha Christie Collection

Enjoy these "whodunits" from the famous detective novelist: These exciting old time radio tales from various series have plot twists perfect for "radio's outstanding theater of thrills".

Agatha Christie

18 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 8 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
9 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from November 12, 1939:

"Murder of Roger Ackroyd"

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Agatha Christie
(1890 – 1976)

Agatha Christie
The most widely read published books are the writings of William Shakespeare and the Bible. Following a close third is the works of Agatha Christie. The Guinness Book of World Record's recognize her as the best selling novelist of all time, with roughly 4 billion copies sold.

Orson WellesSome will dismiss Christie's work as simply "whodunits", but her stories are filled with such varied characters and situations that they deserve serious consideration. Christie's whodunits tend to focus on British upper and middle classes, which adds to their appeal. The detective stumbles upon the murder, or is called upon by someone involved. The detective will then investigate the crime scene and interrogate each potential suspect, so that the reader or audience gets to see each clue along with the detective. More often than not, one of the primary suspects will be killed half way through the story, which throws everyone off track. Christie claimed that she didn't always know who the murderer was until she was writing the last chapter, and then she would choose the most unlikely seeming suspect, and then rewrite earlier clues to make it fit. The high point of the stories is the reveal, when the sleuth puts together all of the clues and the audience gets to find out if they have figured out the mystery.

Christie wrote plays for radio as well as her novels and short stories. Her play, The Mousetrap, which holds the record for longest initial run (the play has been in continuous production at London's Ambassador Theater since 1952) was adapted from a radio play, Three Blind Mice. Several of her stories were adapted for radio, as well as movies and TV.

"The Witness For The Prosecution", adapted for Radio City Playhouse and Mystery Playhouse, was a unique story because the "sleuth" is a lawyer who is fooled into believing his client's innocence.

Christie's plot twists are a natural for "Radio's outstanding theater of thrills". Some of the Suspense adaptations include "The ABC Murders", the story of Alexander Bonaparte Custis and a maniacal serial killer; Orson Welles appears in "Philomel Cottage", the mystery here isn't just the identity of the murderer, but the victim as well; and in "Where There's A Will" James Mason's diabolical plan doesn't turn out the way he plans.

Agatha ChristieInspector Hercule Poirot, Christie's iconic Belgian detective was a radio favorite. He appears on Orson Welles' Campbell's Playhouse in "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd". The Inspector was also featured in his own series on Mutual, although the stories were original and not from the Christie canon. Ms. Christie apparently gave her blessing to the project, and introduced the first episode via shortwave transmission from London.

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These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    26     14


    Wonderful. These shows are so enjoyable to listen to.

    Cheryl Verified Purchase

    I enjoy reading Agatha Christie stories and this disc of Radio Programs is a continuation of that. The ABC Murders that starred Charles Laughton on Suspense was especially good.

    Sara Verified Purchase

    Bought this series several years ago. I still pull it out to listen to a couple times a year. Never grows old!

    Brian Verified Purchase

    Love Agatha Christie mysteries so the radio shows are great and makes the brain visualize what is occurring

    Cynthia Verified Purchase

    What’s not love about old time detectives on old time radio? Great stuff!

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Great offerings in this collection! Christie’s body of work is timeless. Detective fans and others alike will enjoy the entire collection!

    Aldorigo Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    18 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 8 hours, 30 min
    18 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 8 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 18 shows – total playtime 8 hours, 30 minutes
    2. Campbell Playhouse 391112 The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd.mp3
    3. Hercule Poirot 450112 00 Case Of Roving Corpse.mp3
    4. Hercule Poirot 450114 00 Case Of Roving Corpse.mp3
    5. Hercule Poirot 450222 01 Case Of Careless Victim.mp3
    6. Hercule Poirot 450503 11 Murder Wears A Mask.mp3
    7. Hercule Poirot 450517 13 Death In Golden Gate.mp3
    8. Hercule Poirot 450712 21 Rendezvous With Death.mp3
    9. Hercule Poirot 450719 22 Deadest Man In World.mp3
    10. Hercule Poirot 450913 30 Adventure Of Money Mad Ghoul.mp3
    11. Hercule Poirot 451116 39 Trail Led To Death.mp3
    12. Hercule Poirot 451123 40 Murder Is A Private Affair.mp3
    13. Hercule Poirot 451130 41 Bride Wore Fright.mp3
    14. MMT 460531 2034 Witness For Prosecution.mp3
    15. Murder Clinic 421006 Tragedy Of Marsdon Manor.mp3
    16. Radio City Playhs 490425 Witness for the Prosecution.mp3
    17. Suspense 430518 042 Abc Murders.mp3
    18. Suspense 431007 Philomel Cottage Orson Welles.mp3
    19. Suspense 490224 329 Where There's a Will.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    18 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 8 hours, 30 min
    18 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    234 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 18 shows – 234 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 30 minutes
    2. Campbell Playhouse 391112 The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd.mp3
    3. Hercule Poirot 450112 00 Case Of Roving Corpse.mp3
    4. Hercule Poirot 450114 00 Case Of Roving Corpse.mp3
    5. Hercule Poirot 450222 01 Case Of Careless Victim.mp3
    6. Hercule Poirot 450503 11 Murder Wears A Mask.mp3
    7. Hercule Poirot 450517 13 Death In Golden Gate.mp3
    8. Hercule Poirot 450712 21 Rendezvous With Death.mp3
    9. Hercule Poirot 450719 22 Deadest Man In World.mp3
    10. Hercule Poirot 450913 30 Adventure Of Money Mad Ghoul.mp3
    11. Hercule Poirot 451116 39 Trail Led To Death.mp3
    12. Hercule Poirot 451123 40 Murder Is A Private Affair.mp3
    13. Hercule Poirot 451130 41 Bride Wore Fright.mp3
    14. MMT 460531 2034 Witness For Prosecution.mp3
    15. Murder Clinic 421006 Tragedy Of Marsdon Manor.mp3
    16. Radio City Playhs 490425 Witness for the Prosecution.mp3
    17. Suspense 430518 042 Abc Murders.mp3
    18. Suspense 431007 Philomel Cottage Orson Welles.mp3
    19. Suspense 490224 329 Where There's a Will.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    18 recordings on 9 Audio CDs. Total playtime 8 hours, 30 min
    18 recordings on 9 Audio CDs
    total playtime 8 hours, 30 min

    Agatha Christie Disc A001

    1. Campbell Playhouse 391112 The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A002

    1. Murder Clinic 421006 Tragedy Of Marsdon Manor
    2. Suspense 430518 042 Abc Murders

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A003

    1. Suspense 431007 Philomel Cottage Orson Welles
    2. Hercule Poirot 450112 00 Case Of Roving Corpse
    3. Hercule Poirot 450114 00 Case Of Roving Corpse

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A004

    1. Hercule Poirot 450222 01 Case Of Careless Victim
    2. Hercule Poirot 450503 11 Murder Wears A Mask

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A005

    1. Hercule Poirot 450517 13 Death In Golden Gate
    2. Hercule Poirot 450712 21 Rendezvous With Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A006

    1. Hercule Poirot 450719 22 Deadest Man In World
    2. Hercule Poirot 450913 30 Adventure Of Money Mad Ghoul

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A007

    1. Hercule Poirot 451116 39 Trail Led To Death
    2. Hercule Poirot 451123 40 Murder Is A Private Affair

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A008

    1. Hercule Poirot 451130 41 Bride Wore Fright
    2. MMT 460531 2034 Witness For Prosecution

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Agatha Christie Disc A009

    1. Suspense 490224 329 Where There's a Will
    2. Radio City Playhs 490425 Witness for the Prosecution

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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