"Learn! Investigate! Instruct!" written by physicist, Dr. Phillips Thomas, this historically accurate series includes recordings about the invention of the typewriter, automobile, penicillin, machine gun, skyscraper, and more!
196 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:
"Learn! Investigate! Instruct! Urging new generations to carry forward the work of progress for humanity... listen to the voice of science!"
The Adventures of Research collection is a great and highly informative old time radio Series. These are the tales of the dramatic and entertaining accounts in the scientific research history. Written by Westinghouse physicist Dr. Phillips Thomas, to encourage a civic an interest in science.
Originally Adventures of Research was a Question and Answer session between Dr. Phillips Thomas and Paul Shannon, but to make the show more exciting, the Westinghouse physicist wrote dramatized versions of important discoveries.
Adventures of Research features dramatized versions of scientific discoveries such as the invention of the typewriter, the automobile, penicillin, machine gun, skyscraper, and many more.
Sponsored by Westinghouse, Adventures of Research was heard from 1946 into the 1950s. Historically accurate, these fifteen-minute shows are very entertaining; Adventures in Research is a great way to learn about great scientific discoveries throughout history.
I am a retired Ph.D. chemist who occasionally provides an "Enrichment" lecture or two to high school classes. Physical/Theoretical Chemistry is a tough sell to the current generation of high school students - too much math, eyes glaze over, etc.
BUT if one can tell THE STORY behind the science, then the students are MUCH more interested! [Ex: "As a Professor at Stuttgart, (Assistant) Professor Schrodinger developed the Schrodinger Equation while residing in a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients. The Schrodinger Equation is the basis for Quantum Mechanics, and provides the principles for virtually every electronic device that you have ever known..."] Okay, this script is probably not in this collection, but it provides teachers in many fields with some ideas about how to incorporate THE STORY with the technical data by using this collection.
This was wonderful. I listened to both this and THAT WAS THE YEAR on a recent work trip - spent an awfully long time in the car and this was the perfect accompaniment.
When I was 3 years old and didn’t fall asleep when my parents put me to bed my dad, how would repair and buy old radios gave me a radio and would turn it on when he put me to bed. I would listen two it until my parents came to be and shut it off. OTR cat lets me relive those days and more. I now have over 8 thousand shows and I listen to them on my ipod, IPad and in the car. So much fun, pleasure and memories for such a low price. Thank you OTRCAT!
I must say that when I found this sight 20? years ago, what a blessing. I prefer movies in my mind over all other types. During these years I have collected about 250 gigs of Old Time Radio. I have made memory sticks which I play in my truck where ever I go. What a pleasure to listen while I drive or work.
My passion started when was very young 3 or 4. When I was about 40 I found an MPR station our of University of Florida which played Sunday night.8-10. they lasted about 10 years. Then I found Sirurs radio and some CD's with programs. With your service I have a great entertainment system.
Thank You
Les Bott
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