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December 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads


54 Episodes
1 Volume

From formal garden parties to bbq's to WWII Victory Gardens, Gardens in Old Time Radio is sure to delight!

54 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Walk Softly Peter Troy

Walk Softly Peter Troy

50 Episodes
1 Volume

Meet London's hard-boiled, fast, lady-killer detective Peter Troy. Update: sound improvements

50 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Boo Broadcasts (Ghost Stories)

Boo Broadcasts (Ghost Stories)

119 Episodes
2 Volume

Ghost Stories are some of the best fun in OTR, but not all the stories are for the faint-hearted. Let's get spOoooOoooooky with old time radio shows featuring Ghosts! Update: 15 additional recordings

119 2
Add To Cart: $10.00


24 Episodes
1 Volume

Relive the nostalgia of parades yesteryear - both real and fictional. These are great celebrations!

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Christmas with Duffy

Christmas with Duffy

6 Episodes
1 Volume

Radio's favorite lug, Archie leads the Christmas fun Duffy's Tavern with an annual holiday party.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

November 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Cavalcade of America Christmas

Cavalcade of America Christmas

9 Episodes
1 Volume

Produced by DuPont to improve its public image, Cavalcade of America Christmas features drama shows.

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
ABC News (Orson Welles Commentary)

ABC News (Orson Welles Commentary)

8 Episodes
1 Volume

This program was initially sponsored by Lear Radio Laboratories. Commentaries reached a high-water mark on July 28 when Welles reads and comments on an affidavit in the case of Isaac Woodard.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Human Adventure

Human Adventure

12 Episodes
1 Volume

An education radio program that was a collaboration between the Columbia Broadcasting System and the University of Chicago. Update: 1 additional recording

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Guess Who

Guess Who

20 Episodes
1 Volume

A fun and entertaining quiz show, when the contestants answer questions correctly, host Happy Feldman drops a Sheffied Dairy "silver coins" in empty milk bottles - clank! When the guests get the answer wrong, Happy sounds the cow bell. Update: 1 additional recording

20 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

21 Episodes
1 Volume

Audiences have always loved learning the little known facts about famous people they think they know. Behind The Scenes explores the lives of famous personalities and adds a few facts that never made it into the history books. Update: 1 additional recording

21 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


56 Episodes
1 Volume

Nuremberg Trials signaled the end of the Nazi regime, Operation Diana signaled the beginning of the space race, and the Baby Boom signaled a new generation of history makers.

56 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
First 50 Years of Radio

First 50 Years of Radio

12 Episodes
1 Volume

Produced for Westinghouse by KDKA on the station's 50th anniversary.

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

October 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads


56 Episodes
1 Volume

With the country on the cusp of the post-War economic boom, many elements of the past came to an end in 1947 while the future was bearing down like the beginning of the Cold War, partitioning of India and Pakistan, the development of the transistor at Bell Laboratories, breaking the sound barrier, and inventions like the Polaroid Land Camera.

56 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

8 Episodes
1 Volume

Based on the HG Wells story about Martians invading Earth, War of the Worlds 1938 is one of the most infamous broadcasts in media history.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


10 Episodes
1 Volume

Polio became one of the most worrisome of childhood diseases in the early 20th century until research by Jonas Salk resulted in a practical and effective polio vaccine.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Cavemen and Dinosaurs

Cavemen and Dinosaurs

17 Episodes
1 Volume

A fun prehistoric collection from a wide variety of radio shows. An OTRCAT.com original collection.

17 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Mad Scientists

Mad Scientists

44 Episodes
1 Volume

A common trope for a villain, the fear of mad scientists tends to come from the fear and distrust of scientific discovery.

44 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Taxidermy and Morgues

Taxidermy and Morgues

50 Episodes
1 Volume

Whether hero or villain, victor or victim, butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, everyone dies. An OTRCAT.com original compilation.

50 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


21 Episodes
1 Volume

No individual until the rise of Adolph Hitler had as much impact on the political landscape of Europe than Napoleon Bonaparte.

21 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


65 Episodes
1 Volume

1948 Olympics were austere, Gandhi was shot and killed, Czechoslovakia communist coup, and Israel was declared as an independent state.

65 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Double Crossed

Double Crossed

13 Episodes
1 Volume

Crooks are crooked, and they do crooked things. It is part of their job descriptions, just like cheaters cheat.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Best of Horror and Mystery Bundle Pack

Best of Horror and Mystery Bundle Pack

359 Episodes
9 Volume

We've handpicked the best of shows in some of the most popular horror and mystery series. Make a pot of Lipton Tea, we've got two new surprises for you. Update: added Best of CBSRMT

359 9
Add To Cart: $45.00
Best of CBSRMT

Best of CBSRMT

50 Episodes
2 Volume

There were 1,399 original episodes of CBSRMT recorded, and this collection is of fifty of the very best.

50 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Columbus Day

Columbus Day

15 Episodes
1 Volume

This horizon-busting collection contains great shows about when Columbus sailed the ocean blue with old time radios shows from genres such as comedy, historical, and suspense. Update: additional recordings

15 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


29 Episodes
1 Volume

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus was written in response to a challenge laid down at a party and was later adopted by many radio renditions. Update: additional recordings

29 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


58 Episodes
1 Volume

B-50 Superfortress bomber became the first aircraft to fly around the globe non-stop, NATO Alliance established, Chinese Civil War continues, Soviet Union test detonated an atomic bomb, and CBS Talent Raids steal The Jack Benny Program.

58 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

September 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Forward March

Forward March

18 Episodes
1 Volume

A popular music recruiting program for the Army,Forward March enjoyed the service of draftee PFC Eddie Fisher.

18 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Nukes and Commies Bundle

Nukes and Commies Bundle

1343 Episodes
31 Volume

Thirty-one Great Old Time Radio volumes from the Cold War and Atomic era! Don't duck and cover, order this compilation today! Update: additional recordings

1343 31
Add To Cart: $155.00
Red Scare in Old Time Radio

Red Scare in Old Time Radio

302 Episodes
7 Volume

After the Second World War, American culture was shaped and driven largely by fears of Communist infiltration corrupting American institutions and values.

302 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Communists and Cold War

Communists and Cold War

155 Episodes
4 Volume

This extensive collection includes radio shows, news broadcasts, psa's, and debates about The Red Scare, McCarthyism, and The Cold War which pervaded politics, cultures, life and more in second half the the 20th Century. Update: 30+ additional recordings

155 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Enola Gay Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

Enola Gay Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

6 Episodes
1 Volume

This collection includes news stories and radio shows The US Air Force Bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Maria Montez

Maria Montez

3 Episodes
1 Volume

As a girl growing up in the Dominican Republic, Maria was obsessed with the movies and becoming a star.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
George Washington

George Washington

34 Episodes
1 Volume

The first president of the United States and one of our country's founding fathers, George Washington was a popular character in radio.

34 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Margaret OBrien

Margaret OBrien

35 Episodes
1 Volume

The daughter of a circus performer and a flamenco dancer, Margaret O'Brien got into the movies at age three and was known as the "best crier" in the lot!

35 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

August 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads


49 Episodes
1 Volume

The year 1950 was filled with boundless optimism as America came out of WWII as an economic and military powerhouse.

49 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Our Cats

Our Cats

22 Episodes
1 Volume

Cats are very close companions to humanity, but are they truly domesticated? According to the "Our Cats" program, being allowed to love them is enough.

22 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


50 Episodes
1 Volume

The Post-War economic boom booms to a high point in 1951.

50 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
KKK in Old Time Radio

KKK in Old Time Radio

22 Episodes
1 Volume

The KKK is a terrorist organization which began by resisting the Republican-driven Reformation after the Civil War.

22 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Superman Fights the KKK

Superman Fights the KKK

63 Episodes
1 Volume

"The Man of Steel" was more than a guy in a cape, Superman became a symbol of the fight for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. After the WWII and the defeat of the Axis Powers, Superman ran out of bad guys and look to fight bad guys on the home front like the KKK. Update: 1 additional recording

63 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Airmail Mystery

Airmail Mystery

11 Episodes
1 Volume

Stories of mystery and drama surrounding the Airmail of Great Britain's Royal Mail Service.

11 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Dance Time USA

Dance Time USA

18 Episodes
1 Volume

The program featured some of the biggest acts in hot and sweet Jazz dance music broadcast into Germany and other territories during WWII.

18 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


38 Episodes
1 Volume

From comedies to dramas, these big rig stories on the road feature truck drivers of all types.

38 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Harpo Marx

Harpo Marx

19 Episodes
1 Volume

Honk, honk, old time radio shows starring the silent member of the Marx Brother Troupe who had a bicycle horn, wore a red wig and prop filled trench coat. Update: 1 additional recording

19 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


76 Episodes
2 Volume

Spring is a time of hopefulness and renewal, fresh breezes and new gardens.

76 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Hartz Canaries

Hartz Canaries

4 Episodes
1 Volume

Features future 60 Minutes alumnus Mike Wallace as an announcer who used music to teach radio listener's canary how to sing.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Janis Paige

Janis Paige

2 Episodes
1 Volume

Although she was set up as a rival to Doris Day, Janis Paige has enjoyed a long and successful Hollywood career.

2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


56 Episodes
1 Volume

The TV revolution gains strength in 1952, but the major advances are in International Relations.

56 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Back To School

Back To School

17 Episodes
1 Volume

The beginning of the school year is an excited time for the characters in old time radio comedies and dramas.

17 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Candid Microphone

Candid Microphone

14 Episodes
1 Volume

Who knows what people will say in this hilarious hidden microphone show! Update: 7 additional recordings

14 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Rhonda Fleming

Rhonda Fleming

7 Episodes
1 Volume

A Hollywood talent scout saw Rhonda walking on the street gave her a seven year contract without a screen test. She was once known as "the Queen of Technicolor."

7 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

July 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads


56 Episodes
1 Volume

The Space Age is still a few years from beginning, but in many very real ways, the future begins in 1953.

56 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Dean Stockwell

Dean Stockwell

7 Episodes
1 Volume

His showbiz career lasted 70 years; Dean Stockwell started his film career as a young boy.

7 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


81 Episodes
2 Volume

Although divorce was rare during the golden age of radio, the topic still lends itself to juicy drama.

81 2
Add To Cart: $10.00


60 Episodes
1 Volume

Americans in 1954 are beginning to turn away from the bluster and cruelty of McCarthyism and embracing Rock and Roll music.

60 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Angela Lansbury

Angela Lansbury

8 Episodes
1 Volume

Angela Lansbury has been working in show business for seven decades

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

13 Episodes
1 Volume

Born in 1910, Mother Teresa was recognized as a national hero in India for her work with the poorest of the poor.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


51 Episodes
1 Volume

The year Disneyland opens, the FDA approved the Polio Vaccine, The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, entered the seas, and many old time radio shows left the airwaves including The Jack Benny Program.

51 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Raleigh Kool Program (Jack Pearl Show)

Raleigh Kool Program (Jack Pearl Show)

29 Episodes
1 Volume

Revival of the old Jack Pearl Show, with Tommy Dorsey, and featured vocalists Jack Leonard and Edythe Wright, and the hilarious "Baron Munchhausen skit" by Jack Pearl and Cliff Hall. Update: 9 additional recordings

29 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Heartbeat of Broadway

Heartbeat of Broadway

4 Episodes
1 Volume

The program nearly captures the excitement and anticipation of an opening night along with a Heart Fund appeal pitch.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


46 Episodes
1 Volume

By the mid-1950s the standard of living was increasing and rock n roll grew in popularity, UnAmerican Activities Committee searched the entertainment industry for Communist Sympathizers.

46 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

June 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads


36 Episodes
1 Volume

The "Baby Boom" reached his highest point, the Soviets launch Sputnik 1, and the "Little Rock Nine" fought against segregation.

36 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Club 930

Club 930

4 Episodes
1 Volume

The show featured music from Vaughn Monroe, Dinah Shore, The Andrews Sisters, Frank Duvall, Benny Strong, and others.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Coke Club

Coke Club

8 Episodes
1 Volume

The quarter-hour syndicated daily program was a "transcribed get together which has been arranged for us by your friendly neighbors who bottle Coca-Cola".

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Random Rarities 24

Random Rarities 24

38 Episodes
1 Volume

Variety of rare radio shows from a random genre collections from weird to wonderful from informative to intriguing.

38 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Wife Wanted

Wife Wanted

20 Episodes
1 Volume

The show uses recurring characters to present an ongoing expose' of the Lonely Heart's industry.

20 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Doctor Paul

Doctor Paul

39 Episodes
1 Volume

Join Dr. Paul, a small town doctor, as he treats the residents and gets caught up in the schemes and secret loves that swirl around him. Update: 12 additional recordings

39 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Medical Milestones

Medical Milestones

10 Episodes
1 Volume

The American Medical Association, along with local medical societies, presented a series of short syndicated broadcasts in 1961 titled Medical Milestones which described many of those advances.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Listeners Playhouse

Listeners Playhouse

6 Episodes
1 Volume

The "playhouse format" was one which NBC was very familiar, having used it for several different dramatic presentations, including their successful NBC University and Great Plays series.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Heroes of Civilization

Heroes of Civilization

24 Episodes
1 Volume

This collection of biographical sketches of pioneers in the medical field was produced syndication in 1936.

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


29 Episodes
1 Volume

The year of the first American Satellite Explorer 1 launched, the Hula Hoop craze, the army inducts Elvis, 14 year old Bobby Fischer won the United States Chess Championship, and 1958 also saw the debut of Have Gun Will Travel.

29 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Dick and Jeanie

Dick and Jeanie

24 Episodes
1 Volume

Produced with just a boy, a girl, an organist and starring "canteen girl" Phyllis Creore as Jeannie was a small town girl who came to the big city to be a singer.

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Random Rarities 23

Random Rarities 23

73 Episodes
1 Volume

Out of the vaults of old time radio comes a cacophony of fun from every genre of the airwaves.

73 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Prudential Family Hour

Prudential Family Hour

3 Episodes
1 Volume

Hosted by Frank Gallop, the show featured Al Goodman and His Orchestra whose sound was decidedly more symphonic than most big-band outfits on the radio.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Your Saturday Date with the Duke

Your Saturday Date with the Duke

35 Episodes
2 Volume

American composer, pianist, and bandleader of a jazz orchestra for 50 years sponsored by the Treasury Department.

35 2
Add To Cart: $10.00

May 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Edmond OBrien

Edmond OBrien

105 Episodes
3 Volume

Orson Welles helped Edmund O'Brien get his start in show business. In no time, he became one of the screen's most popular heavies. From 1950 to 1952, he played the title role on Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar.

105 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Bea Benaderet

Bea Benaderet

474 Episodes
11 Volume

As a young woman, Bea Benaderet joined the company of Orson Welles Campbell Theatre and later had many roles in radio and television.

474 11
Add To Cart: $55.00
Symphonies of the World

Symphonies of the World

8 Episodes
1 Volume

A collection of concerts by the CBS, NBC, and ABC network orchestras provided to AFRS.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


16 Episodes
1 Volume

Celebrate moving from the world of school into the world of work is a big step with old time radio and historical recordings.

16 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Billy Wilder

Billy Wilder

13 Episodes
1 Volume

One of Hollywood's most award winning Directors and Writers, Billy Wilder took up the director's chair to protect his scripts from changes by incompetent directors.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Best of Lux Radio

Best of Lux Radio

25 Episodes
1 Volume

Over the years, there were 900+ episodes of Lux Radio Theatre and we've handpicked the best for this original collection!

25 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


19 Episodes
1 Volume

John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the earth, the world on the brink of a nuclear war with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and CBS broadcast the final episodes of Suspense and Yours Truly Johnny Dollar on September 30.

19 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
That Other Generation

That Other Generation

10 Episodes
1 Volume

Using interviews and archival recordings, the program explored various elements of the Forties, such as the efforts to put the Great Depression behind, the great housing shortage, Movies and Hollywood, Music of the Big Band era, and other topics.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


23 Episodes
1 Volume

John F Kennedy's inauguration in January brought in the year 1961, the Berlin Wall was built, the Bay of Pigs was an international disaster, America officially enters the Vietnam War, and Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.

23 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Faces of Love

Faces of Love

8 Episodes
1 Volume

Soap Opera about The story of Kate Wakefield, venturing into today's world of confusing freedoms.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Tottering Van Teeters

Tottering Van Teeters

26 Episodes
1 Volume

A tongue-in-cheek rare 1930's serial about Willoughby Shelly Van Teeter and his sister Pamela who are the heirs to a corset and bustle factory during the Great Depression.

26 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Random Rarities 22

Random Rarities 22

57 Episodes
1 Volume

We just love finding these rare radio shows, some with only one known remaining episode.

57 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

April 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Meditation in OTR

Meditation in OTR

5 Episodes
1 Volume

Meditation and contemplation in old time radio shows and news stories.

5 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Guilty Party

Guilty Party

12 Episodes
1 Volume

This series was a rather successful attempt to combine mysteries and quiz shows.

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


138 Episodes
3 Volume

Romance, mystery, and comedians find plenty to poke fun at in the land of sunshine and tequila.

138 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Tex and Jinx Show

Tex and Jinx Show

5 Episodes
1 Volume

The Tex and Jinx Show is a husband and wife morning program which includes interviews with famous people. Starring Jinx Falkenburg (raised in Brazil and was a top model in America) and John Reagan "Tex" McCrary. Update: additional recording of New York Closeup

5 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Final Episodes of OTR

Final Episodes of OTR

54 Episodes
2 Volume

Even the best OTR programs eventually came to an end, learn how it happened in our Last Episode Collection.

54 2
Add To Cart: $10.00


31 Episodes
1 Volume

In the year 1960, it felt as though the future was about to begin as a new President would be elected, but it was also a year with many changes in Radio.

31 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Camping and Cabins

Camping and Cabins

98 Episodes
2 Volume

Escape the pressures of everyday life into the woods with this multi genre collection featuring camping.

98 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Lud Gluskin and His Orchestra

Lud Gluskin and His Orchestra

7 Episodes
1 Volume

Lud Gluskin got his start in show business as a teen music group with his childhood pal, Jimmy Durante.

7 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Pat Novak for Hire

Pat Novak for Hire

25 Episodes
1 Volume

One of Jack Webb's earliest successful attempts at crime drama with enough hard-boiled metaphors to sink a ship! Update: 1 additional recording

25 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Depressed and Moping

Depressed and Moping

13 Episodes
1 Volume

The blues hits your favorite stars who turn to their friends and family to help.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Live at Town Hall Party

Live at Town Hall Party

9 Episodes
1 Volume

The Live Town Hall Party featured a different kind of country music than a barn dance, it was the music of the Honky Tonk.

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00


109 Episodes
2 Volume

The program had everything it needed to become a classic, thought-provoking and well written scripts, the directing talents of William Spier, and a wealth of Hollywood's "Radio Row" talent. Update: 56 additional recordings

109 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
World Tomorrow

World Tomorrow

91 Episodes
2 Volume

The Biblical scholarship which is the basis of The World Tomorrow broadcasts is second to none.

91 2
Add To Cart: $10.00


44 Episodes
1 Volume

From the Red Scare to the Space Race, Alaska and Hawaii entered the Union and music died when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died in a fatal airplane crash.

44 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Frank Muir Goes Into

Frank Muir Goes Into

16 Episodes
1 Volume

One of the most successful radio wordsmiths was Frank Muir.

16 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Jack The Ripper

Jack The Ripper

8 Episodes
1 Volume

Old time radio takes on one of the most famous crimes in history the case of Jack the Ripper.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Henry Rowland

Henry Rowland

3 Episodes
1 Volume

One of the most ironic Hollywood beneficiaries of the War was B-list actor Henry Rowland.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

March 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Greatest Story Ever Told

Greatest Story Ever Told

98 Episodes
2 Volume

Just like the 1965 movie with the same name, The Greatest Story Ever Told featured events from the life of Jesus Christ as told in the Gospels. Update: 50 �additional recordings

98 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Lawrence Welk

Lawrence Welk

23 Episodes
1 Volume

Accordion player extraordinaire and bandleader who specialized in the Sweet Jazz music which was better to dance to when you were trying to hold your best girl a little closer.

23 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash

6 Episodes
1 Volume

Johnny Cash had several hits with Sun Records, including "Folsom Prison Blues" and "I Walk the Line" (his first Number 1 hit) when the Army Recruiting service approached him to appear on Country Style USA.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Mad and Insane in OTR

Mad and Insane in OTR

346 Episodes
7 Volume

Mad scientists, crazed killers, nutty old codgers, and more insanity in this new OTRCAT compilation.

346 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Harry Richman

Harry Richman

14 Episodes
1 Volume

Best known for introducing Irving Berlin's hit "Puttin' On the Ritz" in the 1931 movie of the same title, Harry Richman was a musician that lived life to it's fullest. Update: 4 additional recordings

14 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Edgar A Guest

Edgar A Guest

26 Episodes
1 Volume

The only person to hold the title of Poet Laureate of Michigan, Eddie Guest was well known as the People's Poet.

26 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Poetry in Old Time Radio

Poetry in Old Time Radio

616 Episodes
17 Volume

A collection of Poetry radio programs that bring culture, thoughtfulness, and spoken word to your radio. Update: additional volume of Edgar Guest recordings

616 17
Add To Cart: $80.00
Mind Readers

Mind Readers

8 Episodes
1 Volume

The first thing to remember is that there is no such thing as telepathy, but that does not stop Mind Readers from giving thrilling shows on Old Time Radio.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Civil Rights Racism Discrimination and Prejudice in Old Time Radio

Civil Rights Racism Discrimination and Prejudice in Old Time Radio

19 Episodes
1 Volume

Radio not only recorded the progress of equality as it was happening, but it was a tool for bringing progress about.

19 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Erich von Stroheim

Erich von Stroheim

3 Episodes
1 Volume

He began his career as a silent-era film star and later became an auteur director and author.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Ruth Roman

Ruth Roman

6 Episodes
1 Volume

Although the most of the films she made are not remembered as classics, she easily made the transition to TV character actress through the later years.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Anniversaries in Old Time Radio

Anniversaries in Old Time Radio

184 Episodes
4 Volume

Anniversaries, milestones, and more in this one-of-a-kind, genre-wide collection of Anniversaries in Old Time Radio.

184 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Winter Chills Horror Mystery and Intrigue

Winter Chills Horror Mystery and Intrigue

37 Episodes
1 Volume

When the winds of winter howl, just being outside can be enough to kill you, and that helps make winter the creepiest time of the year.

37 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows

Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows

40 Episodes
1 Volume

Rare, hard to find aviation themed old time radio shows including Sky Blazer, Smilin Jack, Howie Wing, Flying Hutchinsons, and many more. Update: additional recordings

40 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Lupe Velez

Lupe Velez

3 Episodes
1 Volume

Born in Mexico, Lupe Vélez began performing in Mexican revues in the early 1920s.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Random Rarities 20

Random Rarities 20

12 Episodes
1 Volume

More random collections from deep in the vaults of old time radio with mysteries, game shows, comedies and more rare gems.

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

February 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
DW Griffith

DW Griffith

4 Episodes
1 Volume

Best known for his groundbreaking but controversial film, Birth of a Nation (1915).

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Random Rarities 21

Random Rarities 21

67 Episodes
1 Volume

Random and rare old time radio collection from from the great, dusty vaults of radio shows.

67 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Hollywood Star Time

Hollywood Star Time

49 Episodes
1 Volume

Herbert Marshall hosts and Alfred Newman is the conductor. The musical reigns; Hollywood Star Time is worth listening to for the score alone. The show had a big budget, great musical score, and great stars. Hollywood Star Time started out as an extended ad for RKO pictures, broadcasting from the studio lunch room, later it aired movie adaptations with the stars reprising their roles on the radio. Update: additional recordings

49 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Ernie Kovacs

Ernie Kovacs

19 Episodes
1 Volume

Comedian and avid cigar smoker, Ernie Kovacs ad-libbed and uninhibited style changed the face of comedy. Update: 3 additional recordings

19 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Lone Ranger and The Legion of the Black Arrow

Lone Ranger and The Legion of the Black Arrow

61 Episodes
2 Volume

the President personally asked the Lone Ranger to help defeat a crime syndicate in the wild west.

61 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Lina Romay

Lina Romay

42 Episodes
1 Volume

Daughter of a Mexican diplomat, Lina Romay got her start in show business with Latin music pioneer Xavier Cugat who offered her a job as one of his "beautiful ladies who could sing."

42 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Math in OTR

Math in OTR

19 Episodes
1 Volume

Math is the universal language, but it will never be able to express the wide range of emotion and fun we find in Old Time Radio.

19 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Ray Bolger

Ray Bolger

9 Episodes
1 Volume

The Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, Ray Bolger was a man with a wit sharp enough for adults and a soft side for children. Update: additional recordings

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock

29 Episodes
1 Volume

Includes radio adaptations on Hitchcock's most memorable films, including Spellbound, The Birds, Rebecca, Sorry Wrong Number, and Shadow of a Doubt. Update: 6 additional recordings

29 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Introductions and Theme Music

Introductions and Theme Music

1104 Episodes
1 Volume

This collection includes theme music and announcer voice-overs from more than a thousand Old Time Radio programs.

1104 1
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Depression Era Recordings

Depression Era Recordings

37 Episodes
1 Volume

Old Time Radio Looks at the Great Depression, the economic crisis which began with the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and how it affected Americans everywhere.

37 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Stewart Granger

Stewart Granger

2 Episodes
1 Volume

A ruggedly handsome British import, Stewart Granger suffered from the stigma of his wife, Jean Simmons, having a more successful Hollywood career than he did.

2 1
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Chase and Sanborn Hour 1937-1939

Chase and Sanborn Hour 1937-1939

24 Episodes
1 Volume

Chase and Sanborn tried an opera format for a while when ventriloquist named Edgar Bergen and his dummy Charlie McCarthy took over the show. Update: additional recordings and sound improvements

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

January 2017

Title Popularity Ep. Downloads
Music for Moderns

Music for Moderns

13 Episodes
1 Volume

Featuring Chicago Jazz which was generally more sophisticated than New Orleans and the Dixieland sound but placed a stronger emphasis on individual improvisation.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Simone Simon

Simone Simon

3 Episodes
1 Volume

the beautiful French film star debuted in Hollywood films as well as radio.

3 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers

Psychics Mentalists and Fortune Tellers

54 Episodes
1 Volume

The ancient art of astrology is an example of sign reading, as are palmistry, tea leaf reading, tarot cards, and numerology. We predict you will enjoy these radio shows.

54 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Television and TV

Television and TV

90 Episodes
2 Volume

Radio and television coexisted as TV sets entered American homes.

90 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Alaska Old Time Radio

Alaska Old Time Radio

42 Episodes
1 Volume

The Forty-ninth State is "the Last Frontier" and is legendary for its wealth, ruggedness, extreme weather, and most of all for its vastness.

42 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
People Take the Lead

People Take the Lead

4 Episodes
1 Volume

Working with the American Jewish Committee, this series moves to fight for Civil Rights and overcome misguided attitudes and beliefs in regular folks.

4 1
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Eddie Anderson

Eddie Anderson

564 Episodes
12 Volume

Best known for his role as Rochester van Jones whose shenanigans as Jack Benny's valet made him a household name.

564 12
Add To Cart: $60.00
Scams Conmen Cheats and Bunco Artists

Scams Conmen Cheats and Bunco Artists

49 Episodes
1 Volume

Cheaters and Swindlers in this collection of crime radio shows are true artists and con men of the highest caliber, but they all get caught in the end.

49 1
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George Sanders

George Sanders

9 Episodes
1 Volume

With his haughty upper-class British accent, sleek and suave mannerisms, and somehow superior and threatening presence, he was in constant demand for supporting roles in A-pictures.

9 1
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Catholic Hour

Catholic Hour

51 Episodes
1 Volume

Featured different guest speakers on different topics. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (best known as the host of televisions' "Life Is Worth Living" in the 1950s) often hosted the program and proclaimed: "We are at the end of a non-religious era." Update: additional recordings

51 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Meet The Menjous

Meet The Menjous

20 Episodes
1 Volume

This delightful married couple discusses everything from the proper way to throw a party to stories of luck. Update: additional recordings

20 1
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Marie Windsor

Marie Windsor

8 Episodes
1 Volume

Before she was the bad-girl "queen of the B's", Marie Windsor appeared in radio dramas to attention of an MGM scout who gave her a contract and moved her back to Hollywood.

8 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Abroad with the Lockharts

Abroad with the Lockharts

9 Episodes
1 Volume

This 1930s vacation travel serial takes listeners on a journey to the old world. Update: sound quality improvements

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Practical Jokers

Practical Jokers

33 Episodes
1 Volume

Everyone loves a practical joke...unless you are the victim. Practical jokes abound in all genres of radio history from comedy to mystery to variety to western.

33 1
Add To Cart: $5.00

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