Turn out our lights we did, and listened to the Hermit's yarns by the pale glow of a radio dial. Even his story titles promised delicious thrills: The House on Lost Lands Bluff. Mystery of the Strange Thing. and The Crimson Hand. Who could resist?
As adults it may not be possible to fully regain that state of innocence that once held us mesmerized in the dark. Even so, the Hermit's introductions hold up well and his yarns are still delicious fun. On a personal note I must confess that what made his show a must for me was the old boy's time slot. At 10 p.m. on a Sunday evening the Hermit's tall tales formed the weekend's last entertaining bulwark against the menace of the oncoming school day. For that I shall always remain grateful.
-Don Hutchison, born April 21, 1931
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