Happy Fourth of July from OTRCAT.com!
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Independence Day is a United States federal holiday celebrating the Declaration of Independence which was adopted on July 4th, 1776. The Declaration of Independence officially declared Independence from Great Britain and that terrible tax on tea.
"July 4th Trip to Eagle Springs" from July 3, 1949
Things get complicated as Miss Brooks tries to get away for the 4th of July holiday. It all started when Miss Brooks breaks Principal Conklin's eyeglasses…with a hammer.
"July 4th, 1776 Philadelphia" from March 21, 1948
You are there for the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. The heat is unbearable and even worse is the horseflies. The Founding Fathers are interviewed as well as some of the dissenters who are against Independence—who will win?
"July Fourth in a Radio Car" from July 4, 1934
Calling all Cars features true stories from the squad car on 4th of July. The most interesting of which involves parents listening in on police radio hear about a child hit by a car…on their street…is it their child?
"Planning a Company Picnic " from July 3, 1948
Peggy wants to invite her new boy friend, Harold Harbinger, to the company Fourth of July picnic. One catch, Mortimer's boss hates everyone with the last name Harbinger as his family's business is the chief rival of Mortimer's company, Barker and Company. Meet the Meeks is sponsored by Allsweet Margarine the margarine with the natural delicate flavor, mmm…good
We hope you enjoy these recordings from the
Fourth of July Collection
See also: Presidential Fourth of July Recordings.
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