Here is how I feel about the legacy left by Cathy Lewis for all old time radio collectors:
The recording begins with Cathy and Elliott sitting by the fireside on their 8th anniversary and remembering the highlights of each anniversary.
In her own brief life -- 50 years -- she observed her own 8th anniversary in 1951. That was the year in which she appeared on, among others:
Let's not forget that even before she married fellow actor Elliott Lewis, Cathy had made a number of appearances on Suspense.
You will want to listen to the beautiful things she did with her voice and the many great performances on radio's yesteryear. Jon, maitre d' at, is compiling a collection containing fine examples of her extensive radio broadcasts: the mark of a trouper. She passed away in 1968, but we can bring back the memory of her work by listening to the efforts that she created.
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