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Presidential Sports

Presidential Sports

137 Episodes
27 Volume
Sports can make a politician feel human and have a personal connection with the voters.
137 27
Add To Cart: $135.00
Presidential Party Nominating Conventions

Presidential Party Nominating Conventions

365 Episodes
99 Volume
The Nominating Conventions are an important part of the path to the White House and are a vibrant example of Representative Democracy in action.
365 99
Add To Cart: $495.00
Presidential Labor Day

Presidential Labor Day

969 Episodes
404 Volume
It is to the American laborer and the retirees from labor that this collection has been created.
969 404
Add To Cart: $2,020.00
Presidential Hanukkah

Presidential Hanukkah

24 Episodes
5 Volume
The basis for the eight day celebration of Hanukkah states that the Temple only had enough oil to keep one of its most ritual objects; the menorah lit for one day. However, the flame stayed alight for eight days until a new supply of oil could be found.
24 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Presidential Fourth of July

Presidential Fourth of July

50 Episodes
18 Volume
Marked with summer tradition, many celebrate July 4th with fireworks, but politicians use the holiday to address the the public.
50 18
Add To Cart: $90.00
Presidential Farewells and Library

Presidential Farewells and Library

31 Episodes
12 Volume
All Presidential Administrations come to an end, that is the nature of American Democracy, this collection includes their goodbye speeches.
31 12
Add To Cart: $60.00
Presidential Election 2020

Presidential Election 2020

635 Episodes
195 Volume
Joe Biden (D) won against incumbent Donald Trump (R) in a highly polarized contest, with a focus on COVID-19, racial justice, and economic recovery.
635 195
Add To Cart: $975.00
Presidential Election 2016

Presidential Election 2016

267 Episodes
129 Volume
Like 2000, the 2016 Presidential Election will be studied by contemporaries and historians alike.
267 129
Add To Cart: $645.00
Presidential Election 2012

Presidential Election 2012

0 Episodes
1 Volume
Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term winning 332 Electoral Votes to Mitt Romney's 206 Electoral Votes.  This was at current the last national election where a woman was not running on the two major party tickets as President or Vice President.
0 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Presidential Election 2008

Presidential Election 2008

0 Episodes
1 Volume
The 2008 Election saw an orphan briefly run, a woman [Hillary] ran for president and VP, a POW [McCain] was able to run, and an African-American [Obama] was ultimately elected president.
0 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Presidential Election 2004

Presidential Election 2004

0 Episodes
1 Volume
The first time since 1988 that the GOP candidate won both popular and electoral majority, George W Bush was reelecting to the Presidency.
0 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Presidential Election 2000

Presidential Election 2000

0 Episodes
1 Volume
Perhaps one of the most historic and nail biting Elections in our history was not one from the 19th Century or the 20th Century. The most nail biting Election had to be that of the first Election of the 21st Century in 2000.
0 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Presidential Election 1996

Presidential Election 1996

219 Episodes
112 Volume
President Clinton won a decisive victory over Bob Dole, becoming the first Democrat to win two consecutive presidential elections since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
219 112
Add To Cart: $560.00
Presidential Election 1992

Presidential Election 1992

154 Episodes
63 Volume
Running against George HW Bush and political outsider, Ross Perot, Bill Clinton and Al Gore won the 1992 Presidential Election carrying 32 states plus Washington, DC.
154 63
Add To Cart: $315.00
Presidential Election 1988

Presidential Election 1988

121 Episodes
50 Volume
George Bush and Dan Quayle would beat Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen with 426 Electoral Votes to 111 Electoral Votes.
121 50
Add To Cart: $250.00
Presidential Election 1984

Presidential Election 1984

113 Episodes
56 Volume
President Ronald Reagan defeated Walter Mondale in a landslide winning over 58% of the popular vote.
113 56
Add To Cart: $280.00
Presidential Election 1980

Presidential Election 1980

62 Episodes
32 Volume
The election of Ronald Reagan would usher in a new conservative movement that has gone on for the better part of 40 years.
62 32
Add To Cart: $160.00
Presidential Election 1976

Presidential Election 1976

112 Episodes
48 Volume
This collection takes you back to that time before big money really got into our politics, when the people and not big business controlled the direction of the country.
112 48
Add To Cart: $240.00
Presidential Election 1972

Presidential Election 1972

121 Episodes
37 Volume
Students of the Presidential Election of 1972 think about how Richard Nixon won 49 out of 50 states to George McGovern. This election brought about some serious change in regards to the Vietnam War and young people's actual voting participation.
121 37
Add To Cart: $185.00
Presidential Election 1968

Presidential Election 1968

167 Episodes
53 Volume
In the last five and a half decades there was one Presidential Election that saw more change than any other and that was the Presidential Election of 1968.
167 53
Add To Cart: $265.00
Presidential Election 1964

Presidential Election 1964

256 Episodes
51 Volume
Starting out with the promise of a second Kennedy term only to be cut down in Dallas.  Follow President Johnson's style of governing and how he uses the telephone to enact the Civil Rights Act and find the three missing civil rights workers. 
256 51
Add To Cart: $255.00
Presidential Election 1960

Presidential Election 1960

80 Episodes
29 Volume
John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon by one tenth of one percent with 49.7 percent of the popular vote to Nixon's 49.6 percent.  Ironically, by the time of his death in 1963, more than fifty percent of the American voters said that they had voted for him.
80 29
Add To Cart: $145.00
Presidential Election 1956

Presidential Election 1956

26 Episodes
5 Volume
Incumbent President Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) defeated Adlai Stevenson (D) in a rematch, largely due to a strong economy and Cold War leadership.
26 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Presidential Election 1952

Presidential Election 1952

291 Episodes
56 Volume
Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) won a landslide victory, promising to end the Korean War. Adlai Stevenson (D) couldn't overcome public discontent.
291 56
Add To Cart: $280.00
Presidential Election 1948

Presidential Election 1948

190 Episodes
38 Volume
Truman (D) defied expectations with a come-from-behind victory, overcoming splits in his party. Dewey (R) was the favorite.
190 38
Add To Cart: $190.00
Presidential Election 1944

Presidential Election 1944

26 Episodes
9 Volume
In 1944 in the middle of WWII, the US had an election for President, and FDR, after three terms as president decided to run for an unprecedented fourth term after it was believed that after his 1940 win he would retire in 1945.
26 9
Add To Cart: $45.00
Presidential Election 1940

Presidential Election 1940

20 Episodes
9 Volume
Incumbent Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican businessman Wendell Willkie to be reelected for an unprecedented third term in office.
20 9
Add To Cart: $45.00
Presidential Eavesdropping

Presidential Eavesdropping

405 Episodes
48 Volume
Listen in on conversations either in the office or on the phone of three presidents in a most defining decade and a half in recent history.
405 48
Add To Cart: $240.00
Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

118 Episodes
37 Volume
Although not mandated by the Constitution and a "tradition" which only goes back to 1960, Americans have come to expect a broadcast debate between their Presidential Nominees as a part of the Election Process.
118 37
Add To Cart: $185.00
Presidential Christmas Addresses

Presidential Christmas Addresses

161 Episodes
30 Volume
The President of the United States traditionally sends greetings to the People at Christmas time.
161 30
Add To Cart: $150.00
Presidential Candidate Announcements

Presidential Candidate Announcements

183 Episodes
91 Volume
While only 44 men have served as President and 48 men have served as Vice President, so many Americans have stepped up to answer the call to run for these two top spots. Listen as we hear from some of these Americans as they make their plans known, give their victory, and even their concession.
183 91
Add To Cart: $455.00
Presidential Campaigns 1892-1974

Presidential Campaigns 1892-1974

155 Episodes
16 Volume
Includes historic and entertaining campaign speeches from Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon.
155 16
Add To Cart: $80.00
Presidential Before They Were Nominees

Presidential Before They Were Nominees

303 Episodes
91 Volume
Every four years, the United States holds a Presidential Election to elect a President and a Vice President to lead the nation.  For the most part, Americans like to elect leaders with a proven record for which they can run on.
303 91
Add To Cart: $455.00
Presidential and Political Funerals

Presidential and Political Funerals

61 Episodes
17 Volume
How we send our leaders and public figures into the afterlife says as much about society as it does about the deceased.
61 17
Add To Cart: $85.00
President Inaugural Addresses

President Inaugural Addresses

36 Episodes
11 Volume
This collection includes every Presidential Inaugural Speech since Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 4, 1933 through 2021.
36 11
Add To Cart: $55.00
Presidency Foreign Policy Post Cold War

Presidency Foreign Policy Post Cold War

798 Episodes
311 Volume
Follow the presidential foreign policy from 1989-2023 with recordings spanning George HW Bush through Joe Biden administrations.
798 311
Add To Cart: $1,555.00
Presidency and Military

Presidency and Military

346 Episodes
119 Volume
This collection celebrates, for better or for worst the relationship between the presidency and the military.
346 119
Add To Cart: $595.00
Presidency and Midterms

Presidency and Midterms

628 Episodes
246 Volume
Historically and in precedented times, the political party in the White Hose usually does horrible bad in gaining seats. Through audio, this collection explores midterm elections since 1962.
628 246
Add To Cart: $1,230.00
Presidency and Cold War

Presidency and Cold War

676 Episodes
301 Volume
Look back at the Cold War and nine presidents who led us through this time. Hear speeches, press conferences, and during the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
676 301
Add To Cart: $1,505.00
Presenting Charles Boyer

Presenting Charles Boyer

11 Episodes
6 Volume
Michel is The Man with Many Identities and electrifying Stories
11 6
Add To Cart: $30.00
Practical Jokers

Practical Jokers

33 Episodes
15 Volume
Everyone loves a practical joke...unless you are the victim. Practical jokes abound in all genres of radio history from comedy to mystery to variety to western.
33 15
Add To Cart: $75.00
Post Office

Post Office

70 Episodes
31 Volume
Although letter writing is giving way to email, the USPS was once one of the largest business concerns in the world.
70 31
Add To Cart: $155.00
Portia Faces Life

Portia Faces Life

2 Episodes
1 Volume
This old time radio soap opera follows Portia Blake, a widowed attorney raising her ten year old son while fighting crime and corruption.
2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Popular Vocalists of Radio

Popular Vocalists of Radio

25 Episodes
9 Volume
The brightest female vocalists like Rosemary Clooney, Dinah Shore, Martha Tilton, and many more from radio's golden age.
25 9
Add To Cart: $45.00


5 Episodes
2 Volume
5 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Polka Shows Collection

Polka Shows Collection

51 Episodes
21 Volume
Dancing a polka with your best girl is a celebration of life and living. Everyone can use more OmmPahPah in their life!
51 21
Add To Cart: $105.00
Politicians Corrupt Dirty and Otherwise

Politicians Corrupt Dirty and Otherwise

73 Episodes
37 Volume
This collection includes historical and news broadcasts as well as fictional accounts of corrupt politicians on The Green Hornet, The Halls of Ivy, The Lone Ranger, and more.
73 37
Add To Cart: $185.00


10 Episodes
5 Volume
Polio became one of the most worrisome of childhood diseases in the early 20th century until research by Jonas Salk resulted in a practical and effective polio vaccine.
10 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Police Reporter

Police Reporter

26 Episodes
7 Volume
early true crime drama from 1932-33, these old time radio shows are true stories of actual murders dramatically retold.
26 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Police Headquarter

Police Headquarter

39 Episodes
8 Volume
Twists and turns in plot are as many as fast as possible in these 15-minute series about Police HQ.
39 8
Add To Cart: $40.00
Poker and Gambling

Poker and Gambling

34 Episodes
15 Volume
We bet an arm and a leg you will enjoy this jackpot of gambling and poker themed old time radio shows.
34 15
Add To Cart: $75.00


224 Episodes
97 Volume
This collection includes poison in a variety of episodes in mystery and police dramas.
224 97
Add To Cart: $485.00
Point Sublime

Point Sublime

12 Episodes
6 Volume
A soap opera for the whole family, Point Sublime is set on the rugged California coast along historic US Route 1, the Pacific Coast Highway.
12 6
Add To Cart: $30.00
Poetry in Old Time Radio

Poetry in Old Time Radio

616 Episodes
259 Volume
A collection of Poetry radio programs that bring culture, thoughtfulness, and spoken word to your radio.
616 259
Add To Cart: $1,295.00
Plays for Americans

Plays for Americans

6 Episodes
3 Volume
During WWII, Arch Oboler dedicated his talents to the war effort. He produced this series--drawing in many big-name stars for the cause.
6 3
Add To Cart: $15.00


16 Episodes
4 Volume
Featuring "the One Man Theater" - voice actor extraordinaire, Paul Frees.
16 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Plantation House Party

Plantation House Party

2 Episodes
1 Volume
With down home "corn pone" humor and Whitey Ford, The Duke of Paducah, hosting, enjoy the music and comedy of the Plantation Party.
2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Planet Man

Planet Man

78 Episodes
13 Volume
This kiddie Science Fiction serial Planet Man teaches us you can't go into outer space without a strong sense of right and wrong and your trusty ray gun!
78 13
Add To Cart: $65.00
Plan for Survival from Civil Defense

Plan for Survival from Civil Defense

20 Episodes
5 Volume
Atomic Attacks and Major Pandemics do not seem related, but the response to the threat from government and citizens is surprisingly similar.
20 5
Add To Cart: $25.00


60 Episodes
28 Volume
Includes pirate theme shows from a variety of old time radio shows, it's a listener's treasure chest of "arrghs", "aye, mateys" "ahoys" and wild pirate-themed adventure, detective shows, drama, and comedy.
60 28
Add To Cart: $140.00
Pipes of Scotland

Pipes of Scotland

4 Episodes
1 Volume
Elements which make the music of the bagpipes unique include the drones; pipes which are not fingered but whose reeds are tuned to harmonize with the melody pipe or chanter.
4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Pinto Pete in Arizona

Pinto Pete in Arizona

78 Episodes
20 Volume
a spin off cowboy story and song show from the popular old time radio show Pinto Pete and the Ranch Boys.
78 20
Add To Cart: $100.00
Pinto Pete and his Ranch Hands

Pinto Pete and his Ranch Hands

104 Episodes
26 Volume
This series is meant for listening to while roaming on the prairie or kicking back. The music is intermixed with Cowboy philosophy and soft thoughts from Pinto Pete including a message about faith in God and yourself.
104 26
Add To Cart: $130.00
Pickens Sisters

Pickens Sisters

5 Episodes
5 Volume
Just three little girls, Helen, Jane, and Patti from Macon, Georgia, who grew up singing together and they became the toast of Manhattan.
5 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Pick and Pat

Pick and Pat

15 Episodes
4 Volume
A buddy comedy minstrel-type radio program in the vein of Amos n' Andy and Two Black Crows.
15 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Phyl Coe Mysteries

Phyl Coe Mysteries

12 Episodes
3 Volume
Pretty but fictional Phyl Coe solved mysteries while pitching Philco Radio Tubes for her sponsor on The Phyl Coe Mysteries.
12 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Phonograph Album

Phonograph Album

30 Episodes
8 Volume
The Armed Forces Radio Service realized that the troops in the field would not be able to carry their album collection into the field, so they came up with the Phonograph Album program.
30 8
Add To Cart: $40.00
Philo Vance

Philo Vance

103 Episodes
51 Volume
Follow the intelligent and extremely courteous gumshoe, Philo Vance. The radio series pays homage to the original detective novels of Van Dine first published in the mid 1920's.
103 51
Add To Cart: $255.00
Phillips Lord

Phillips Lord

169 Episodes
83 Volume
Phillips H. Lord got his start in radio by berating the station manager. He created the first independent radio producer with the creation of the character and show Seth Parker and later the FBI-approved show G-men retooled as the hit show Gangbusters.
169 83
Add To Cart: $415.00
Philip Morris Playhouse

Philip Morris Playhouse

6 Episodes
3 Volume
The world's largest tobacco company presents The Philip Morris Playhouse with a delightful selection of dramas and fine music.
6 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Philip Marlowe

Philip Marlowe

106 Episodes
53 Volume
Raymond Chandler's action-packed hard boiled detective drama starring Vah Heflin and Gerald Mohr!
106 53
Add To Cart: $265.00
Philip K Dick

Philip K Dick

4 Episodes
2 Volume
One of the most creative minds in Science Fiction Writing, Philip K. Dick had his works adapted to radio.
4 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Philco Summer Hour

Philco Summer Hour

22 Episodes
22 Volume
Beat the heat and stay inside with your ear glued to the radio and a lemonade in your palm. "The Philco Corporation invites you to relax and listen to a full hour of sparkling entertainment."
22 22
Add To Cart: $110.00
Philco Radio Time with Bing Crosby

Philco Radio Time with Bing Crosby

108 Episodes
54 Volume
After 10 years on Kraft Music Hall, Bing Crosby developed his own pet project using the newest recording advances of the day.
108 54
Add To Cart: $270.00
Phil Rizzuto Sports Caravan

Phil Rizzuto Sports Caravan

2 Episodes
1 Volume
Nicknamed "The Scooter", Phil Rizzuto was one of the most colorful Yankees of all time and enjoyed a long broadcasting career in his post scooting days.
2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Phil Harris and Alice Faye

Phil Harris and Alice Faye

280 Episodes
144 Volume
Laughs abound in this old time radio variety show feature jive-talking hipster bandleader, Phil Harris, and his glamorous and talented movie star wife, Alice Faye.
280 144
Add To Cart: $720.00
Phil Harris

Phil Harris

684 Episodes
345 Volume
A big band leader, he got a truly life-changing break when Jack Benny was looking for a new music director for The Jello Program in 1936. Later, he was best known for The Phil Harris/Alice Faye Show.
684 345
Add To Cart: $1,725.00
Phil Baker

Phil Baker

30 Episodes
12 Volume
His earliest stage successes were in Boston area amateur shows, but he is best known on radio for hosting Take It Or Leave It, which eventually became The $64 Question. Guest Appearances by the Zany Baker and his Feisty Heckler!
30 12
Add To Cart: $60.00
PG Wodehouse

PG Wodehouse

7 Episodes
5 Volume
Best known to millions as P.G. Wodehouse, Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse is considered one of the all time great English humorists. His body of work spans more than seventy years and includes novels, short stories, plays and radio features.
7 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Peter Lorre

Peter Lorre

60 Episodes
27 Volume
This extensive collection follows the lisping Hungarian's guest appearances on comedy, horror and variety shows.
60 27
Add To Cart: $135.00
Peter Lawford

Peter Lawford

13 Episodes
8 Volume
Peter Lawford was an aristocratic playboy and member of the "Rat Pack." Peter Lawford was a high-demand leading actor during WWII.
13 8
Add To Cart: $40.00
Pete Kellys Blues

Pete Kellys Blues

7 Episodes
4 Volume
Pete Kelly (Jack Webb) fronts the house band, the Big Seven, at a speakeasy in the roaring '20s is a world of jazz, gangsters, gun molls, g-men, bad booze and desperate people trying to save their skins.
7 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
PET Milk Show

PET Milk Show

3 Episodes
2 Volume
Hosted by Vic Damone's hero, Frank Sinatra, said that Vic had “the best pipes in the business” promoting evaporated milk “tin cows” of the Helvetia and Pet Milk Company.
3 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Personalities in Print

Personalities in Print

5 Episodes
1 Volume
A master of Wordplay, Willard Espy interviewed prominent figures on Personalities in Print.
5 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Personal Album

Personal Album

36 Episodes
9 Volume
Some of the most popular actors and singers of the era appeared on AFRS free of charge and in some cases the only ones who would get to hear the AFRS shows were the troops because the recordings were not available to the general public.
36 9
Add To Cart: $45.00
Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality)

Perry Mason (Poor Sound Quality)

265 Episodes
45 Volume
There was a lot more to Radio's Perry Mason than the thoughtful and proper courtroom genius Raymond Burr portrayed on TV. The radio Mason was as likely to answer a slight with gunshots as an "objection, your Honor."
265 45
Add To Cart: $225.00
Perry Como

Perry Como

28 Episodes
11 Volume
Long Awaited collection Featuring the Delightful Musical and Comedy Star in Guest Performances!
28 11
Add To Cart: $55.00


31 Episodes
16 Volume
original stories of suspense with complex characters and twists and turns in the death-defying plots.
31 16
Add To Cart: $80.00
Pepper Youngs Family

Pepper Youngs Family

93 Episodes
18 Volume
Pepper Young's Family was one of the longest running radio serials of all time sponsored by Beech-Nut Gum.
93 18
Add To Cart: $90.00
People Youd Like To Know

People Youd Like To Know

5 Episodes
1 Volume
Find out more about the person behind the Hollywood star when journalist, Dorothy Kilgallen, tells you more about People You'd Like to Know.
5 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
People Take the Lead

People Take the Lead

4 Episodes
2 Volume
Working with the American Jewish Committee, this series moves to fight for Civil Rights and overcome misguided attitudes and beliefs in regular folks.
4 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
People Are Funny

People Are Funny

34 Episodes
17 Volume
Hosted by Art Linkletter, stunts on this old time radio program continued to get more and more outrageous (and funny) as the show continued its 18 year run.
34 17
Add To Cart: $85.00
People Act

People Act

11 Episodes
6 Volume
Spotlights democracy at work in America and how government program like Civilian Conservation Corps and school funding helped individuals and communities alike.
11 6
Add To Cart: $30.00
Penny Singleton Show

Penny Singleton Show

8 Episodes
4 Volume
A sitcom about a pretty single mother living in a small town who has lost her husband to the War and has two suitors wooing for her hand.
8 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Pennsylvania Keystone of Democracy

Pennsylvania Keystone of Democracy

24 Episodes
6 Volume
The Pennsylvania Historical Commission, with the cooperation of the State Council of Defense, began broadcasting a series of dramatizations of important events from Pennsylvania history in the 1940s.
24 6
Add To Cart: $30.00
Peggy Lee

Peggy Lee

36 Episodes
18 Volume
Peggy Lee was a musical innovator whose beautiful voice crossed into Swing, blues, Jazz, Latin and rock styles.
36 18
Add To Cart: $90.00
Pearl Harbor News

Pearl Harbor News

27 Episodes
7 Volume
News of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 was spread around the globe due to the miracle of radio.
27 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Peabody Winners

Peabody Winners

17 Episodes
11 Volume
Distinguished and meritorious service in radio and television similar to the Pulitzer's prize journalistic excellence.
17 11
Add To Cart: $55.00
Paula Winslowe

Paula Winslowe

353 Episodes
201 Volume
After making the leap from silent films to speaking films, Paula Winslowe debuted on radio on Dec. 30, 1936.
353 201
Add To Cart: $1,005.00
Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney Show

Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney Show

5 Episodes
2 Volume
Hear the other dummy on the radio in this terrific Ventriloquist series.
5 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
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