A Pre-War anti-Nazi propaganda program, You Can’t Do Business With Hitler was based on the true-life experience of a former employee of the US Embassy in Berlin.
12 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 2 hours, 57 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
3 Audio CDs
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The control over the importation of American goods into Germany began as early as 1934. In Miller's opinion, Hitler had his eyes on the exportable commodities of the new world including Latin America, which would have squeezed out American exports into European and Asian market. For example, American lard exporters found a difficult market in Nazi Germany for American goods.
Directed by Frank Telford and written by Elwood Hoffman the radio show outlined examples of Nazi's dishonest trade deals, such as not paying for products like wool from South Africa coffee from Brazil, and currants from Greece then reselling them. You Can't Do Business With Hitler featured offenses by the Nazis including mass murder, repression of religion, suppression of education, and much more.
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You Cant Do Business with Hitler Disc A001
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You Cant Do Business with Hitler Disc A002
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You Cant Do Business with Hitler Disc A003
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